"Dragon Horse Spirit" exposes clips, Jackie Chan’s Guangzhou roadshow scene "remembers bitterness"

1905 movie network news The movie starring the screenwriter, director,,, and lead is being released, and the film’s box office has exceeded 33 million yuan. Some audiences said bluntly, "Jackie Chan, the most different in the past 60 years, has earned enough tears."

The film recently released a "reluctant to part" feature clip. In the clip, Lao Luo had to part with his beloved horse, Chi Rabbit, because of various obstacles. The picture of "one person and one horse" hugging and saying goodbye was heart-wrenching, and Jackie Chan’s tearful words "You must not forget me" were also particularly poignant.

The movie "Dragon Horse Spirit" revolves around the story of "one person, one horse". Jackie Chan plays the down-and-out Dragon Tiger martial artist Lao Luo, who braves the set with his beloved horse, Red Rabbit, laughing and crying along the way. As Jackie Chan’s most special partner, Red Rabbit not only has absolute action strength, but also has countless fans with its clever and cute personality. In addition, Red Rabbit’s emotional expression also caused the audience to cry, "I didn’t expect that I would cry because of a horse."

In the film, Lao Luo’s "rescue" at the birth of Red Rabbit, to the care and careful cultivation of Red Rabbit from childhood to adulthood, let the audience see the family bond between "one person and one horse" to protect each other. And Lao Luo’s hard work to protect Red Rabbit, and the bridge where he had to say goodbye to Red Rabbit in the end, made the audience cry. Some viewers said, "Every interaction between Lao Luo and Red Rabbit is so touching. Who can hold back crying when they see Red Rabbit chasing the car? Remember to bring more tissues."

In addition, the film’s creator, director Yang Zi, actor Jackie Chan, Liu Haocun, also appeared at the Guangzhou roadshow recently and had a post-screening exchange with the audience. Many Hong Kong film fans came to the scene that day, and they all expressed that they were moved by the part of the movie that paid tribute to Jackie Chan’s classic movie. "I was moved by the spirit of the dragon and tiger martial artist. I was really moved by the previous beat-the-scene. I like Hong Kong action movies very much, so I am very grateful to you for passing on this spirit." Director Yang Zi also shared his feelings with everyone. "I am very nervous and excited to finally be able to bring this film to everyone. If everyone likes this movie, all the hard work will be worth it."

The release day coincided with Jackie Chan’s birthday. Not only did iron fans organize fans all over the world to record "True Hero" and give it to him, but also the audience specially customized a huge cake with a dragon pattern, and there were also students who sent 1,000 blessings. The enthusiastic blessings from the audience made Jackie Chan very moved. "Today is the most happy birthday I have ever heard".

Surprisingly, the brothers of the Chengjia class "ambushed" in the audience that day, giving the eldest brother a happy "surprise". Yuan Biao, a junior brother who was also a member of Qixiaofu, sincerely thanked the senior brother on the spot, so that the eldest brother could not help but "remember the hardships" and shared with everyone the days when everyone suffered together when they debuted.

Jackie Chan entered the industry at the age of 8 and has starred in hundreds of works so far. He is a well-known national idol. At the roadshow, many audience members came to watch with their parents. One audience member said excitedly, "My father likes Jackie Chan very much. Influenced by my father, I grew up watching Jackie Chan movies since I was a child." Brother Jackie Chan warmly concluded that "when I was a child, my father took you to watch plays, and now you take your father to watch plays."

In addition to this, there are also fans who came with their mother to the cinema with tears. "My mother and I have watched your movies for two generations of youth, and I can vividly remember your past movie scenes when watching movies. You are already 69 years old and still insist on making movies, which makes me feel very admired."

Being able to win the love of so many fans is inseparable from Jackie Chan’s brave "jumping down" on the set again and again. The lines in the movie "It’s easy to jump down, but difficult to walk down" have pierced the hearts of many fans.

At the scene, the eldest brother also shared his understanding of this line. "I used to feel that I could do it, but one day I wanted to do it and suddenly found that I couldn’t, and at that moment I suddenly felt that I was old. At the same time as accepting this fact, I thought I would change everyone’s opinion of me. So I started filming, a person who is greedy for life and fear of death, to an old master, and now an old dragon and tiger martial artist, I have been changing. So I am very happy to be able to film this drama and show it to everyone with my performances and actions."

On that day, many brothers in the family class secretly came to the roadshow to create a birthday surprise for the eldest brother, and also sent a pennant "Big Brother Forever", saying that "only if there is a big brother can we become a family class". When the eldest brother saw the brothers, he couldn’t hide his joy and introduced his brothers to the audience one by one, and the atmosphere was very warm.

Yuan Biao, who debuted at Qixiaofu together with his eldest brother, sincerely thanked his eldest brother, "I was brought to debut by my senior brother, and later he became a martial arts instructor. I said I will fight hard with you, he said yes, I will follow him, without me as the boss, you will not know me."

Seeing the brothers who shared weal and woe, the eldest brother couldn’t help but "reminisce", "Yuan Biao and I hit the railing on the second floor and fell down. There were no protection measures, all of them were real glass. No one cared about us, only he helped me up, and after taking a shower at night, my body was full of pain, and the glass was forked in." Many Hong Kong film fans expressed "heartache".

In addition to the friends who came to the scene, there were also many friends who could not attend who sent birthday wishes in the form of a video. The eldest brother was moved and said, "I am really happy, and I am surprised every time. I often wonder how I can let so many people pay for me. Thank you for supporting me for so many years."

Revisiting Red Star: Watch "Break the Cocoon and Become a Butterfly" Unleash the Rise of Xingtai Manufacturing

The newly launched Red Star Automobile new energy city logistics vehicle. Photo by Su Linhao

Recently, the production workshop of Hebei Red Star Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. was a busy scene: the robotic arm flew up and down, the AGV trolley shuttled back and forth, the data on the screen jumped, and the technical workers were busy working… A brand new energy city logistics vehicle drove out of the production line in an orderly manner.

Back in time, back in the 20th century, Red Star Motor carried the pride of the people of Xingtai: China’s first station wagon was produced here; the country’s first highly automated automobile production line was established; in 1976, it was honored as "Oriental Beauty" at the Paris Auto Expo; it was awarded honorary titles such as "Top 500 Domestic Enterprises" and "Top Ten Stars in Hebei". However, due to various factors, Red Star Motor once fell into silence.

In recent years, in order to realize the dream of revitalizing the automobile industry, the whole city has overcome various difficulties, seized the opportunities of the times, and promoted Red Star Automobile to regain its new life. Not long ago, Red Star Automobile’s first batch of new energy urban logistics vehicles BOX1 was mass-produced and delivered to customers. With the completion of the four major workshop technical transformation projects, Red Star has fully entered the state of automated production in the new era, becoming an important engine to promote the transformation and upgrading of Xingtai’s automobile industry.

■ Products have gone global and won the reputation of "Oriental Beauty"

"Red Star cars have been continuously driven from Xingtai to the national market, and have also become designated vehicles for state organs." Recalling the glory of the 1970s and 1980s, Zhang Hongge, the former chief engineer of Red Star Automobile, is still excited.

As one of the earliest state-owned automobile manufacturers after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, Red Star Automobile was established in Beijing in 1960 and moved to Xingtai in 1970. The year of the relocation, the new factory began construction and was completed and put into operation, producing the first Red Star brand 620 station wagon.

Liu Minghai, chairperson of Red Star Automobile, introduced that at that time, Red Star Automobile also encountered some difficult technical problems. While studying relevant literature and analyzing advanced automobile samples at home and abroad, the staff proposed plans and conducted tests to overcome one difficulty after another.

Soon, Red Star Motor was favored by the market with its excellent products and quality, and the HX6400 station wagon became a leading product in the domestic industry. With its special chassis design, Red Star Motor was very popular in the market, and the "Red Star Technology" was promoted all over the country.

The appearance of Red Star Automobile has brought unprecedented pride to the people of Xingtai. Red Star Automobile became the designated car of the original CCTV "China Quality Miles" program team. During the national border visit, it drove 50,000 kilometers continuously without any failure, and won the China Consumers Association "Consumers Trust Domestic Car Gold Award"; represented China in the Paris Automobile Expo, and was praised as "Oriental Beauty" by the world’s auto authorities. The product has also been foreign aid to Tanzania, Zambia and other 23 countries.

■ All the way ups and downs, persevering to usher in new opportunities

Entering the late 1990s, Red Star Motor encountered development difficulties in the face of changes in the global automotive manufacturing landscape and other factors.

It has four complete manufacturing processes of stamping, welding, painting and final assembly, and has the qualification of "dual production" of fuel vehicles and new energy electric vehicles. How can Red Star Automobile be reborn and regain its former glory? Xingtai people have poured a lot of effort into this.

"We have been confused and confused, but our determination to save Red Star Automobile and expand and strengthen the new energy automobile industry has never wavered; we have been anxious and tired, but our belief in reviving the’two steam and one drag ‘and rejuvenating the’car dream’ of Xingtai people has never changed." Wang Yinming, secretary of the Xindu District Party Committee, said that in the face of the dual pressure of ensuring qualification and development, when the epidemic was serious last year, the district party committee and district government research team drove north to Changchun to seek cooperation and went south to Ningbo to negotiate docking.

With the strong leadership of the municipal party committee and municipal government and the efforts of cadres at all levels, Red Star Automobile has ushered in new hope: in April this year, Know New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. deepened cooperation with Xindu District, fully launched the research and development and production of Red Star new energy vehicles, and worked together to create a new variety of new energy urban logistics vehicles.

With a goal, there is a direction to work towards. Produce a prototype car, get an announcement, focus on technical improvement, and fast mass production… More than 200 days and nights, more than 1,000 staff, turned Red Star Automobile from an old factory with a strong historical imprint into a vibrant new enterprise.

In May this year, Red Star Automobile launched a technical transformation upgrade, which integrated domestic advanced automobile production equipment and stable and reliable manufacturing processes, realized digital control and management, and greatly improved the production accuracy and production efficiency of vehicle manufacturing. Red Star Automobile’s automation process level has reached the industry’s leading level.

Subsequently, Red Star Motors’ HX5030X pure electric van transporter and HX1030 pure electric truck chassis were approved by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology for the production of road motor vehicle products, meeting the conditions for mass marketing.

Competing for a new energy track to rejuvenate the dream of Xingtai people

The return of "Red Star" is no longer what it used to be.

On December 9th, the Xingtai New Energy Logistics Vehicle Industry Development Conference was held at the Red Star Automobile Factory. At the meeting, the first domestic all-positive R & D and design new energy urban logistics vehicle BOX1 developed by Red Star Automobile was rolled off the production line and delivered to customers on site, marking the full resumption of production of the "two cars and one drag" that carried the dream of Xingtai people to revive the automobile industry, and opened a new chapter in our city to build a new energy city and reshape a strong manufacturing city.

"This car is bold and avant-garde, with a Cyber Mecha style design, high shape recognition, and both quality and cost. It has the advantage of’Dora Run ‘and is specially developed for the urban logistics and transportation industry." Liu Minghai said that it is expected to achieve an annual output of 30,000 vehicles next year, with an output value of more than 3 billion yuan.

At present, Red Star Automobile is upgrading its automobile production, R & D and manufacturing bases, and is committed to building a full ecological chain of the new energy vehicle industry. The company has clarified the development strategy of domestic new energy logistics vehicle operation and international vehicle sales "flying on both wings", and plans to quickly open up the international market through export distribution.

The "Red Star" brand effect continues to be released, and Xingtai’s automobile industry has accelerated its recovery. At present, our city has formed a multi-point linkage characteristic automobile industry cluster, with the coordinated development of vehicles and parts, the near-ground supporting capacity has been significantly enhanced, and the agglomeration effect has gradually emerged.

"In accordance with the plan of the Seventh Plenary Session of the Tenth Municipal Party Committee, we will continue to do a good job of extending the chain and strengthening the chain, continue to promote the expansion and upgrading of the new energy automobile industry, accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system, and be the vanguard, leader and leader in reshaping Xingtai’s manufacturing industry." Wang Yinming said.

Xingtai Daily reporter Ji Mingquan, correspondent Tan Xue Zhang Xin

Is it really inappropriate for subject three to appear in many rehearsals for the Spring Festival Evening?

  Recently, "Rehearsal of the Spring Festival Evening in Many Places is subject 3" has triggered a heated discussion among netizens. Netizens who disagree believe that there is nothing wrong with the subject three dance itself, but it is a street dance after all, and it is difficult to be elegant in the Spring Festival Evening. There are also some netizens who think that the Spring Festival Evening is a stage that appeals to both refined and popular tastes. As long as it can bring joy to everyone, it will not be on the table.

Is it really inappropriate for subject three to appear in many rehearsals for the Spring Festival Evening?

  "Subject III" can be called the hottest dance of the year in 2023. With its unique repetitive movements and magical music, it became popular in the Haidilao incident, which caused a discussion on the artistic value and connotation of "vulgar" culture. "Vulgar" culture spreads quickly and widely on the Internet, and has won the love of many people. Although it is not necessarily vulgar, it is mostly instant sensory stimulation and lacks spiritual connotation, which also causes many people’s disgust.

  In fact, "elegance" and "vulgarity" are not absolute opposites. Recently, some netizens have discovered the elegant "opening way" of "subject three". For example, some time ago, the Royal Russian Ballet performed "Swan Lake" and danced "subject three", which caused the audience to cheer and applaud. In the 2023 World Sports Dance Competition, world champion Christina and several dancers showed the national standard version of "Subject III", which made many netizens feel a sense of national pride.

  Thus, "elegance" and "vulgarity" can complement each other and even transform each other under certain conditions. Jin Yong’s martial arts novels were evaluated as "street literature that is difficult to be elegant" before the 1990s, but in 2004, they appeared in the catalogue of the fourth volume of the (compulsory) Chinese reading book for senior high schools of People’s Education Publishing House. From being difficult to be elegant to entering high school textbooks, from "poisonous weeds" to literary classics, it reflects the development and changes of people’s cognition, and it also makes people think deeply: Who is in charge of elegance and vulgarity?

  Some experts and scholars once regarded Jin Yong’s martial arts novels as "street literature". Are their evaluation criteria fair? Nowadays, some netizens put "Subject 3" at the bottom of the contempt chain of cultural performances. When it appears in the form of stage programs in many places for Spring Festival Evening rehearsals, is it really indecent? The answer may be no. Especially for the emerging performance form of "Subject III", blindly belittling can not promote the prosperity of cultural industry. On the contrary, if we treat it with a more open and inclusive attitude, we may find the perspective and inspiration of artistic innovation through the appearance of "the dispute between elegance and vulgarity".

Is it really inappropriate for subject three to appear in many rehearsals for the Spring Festival Evening?

  Source: Green Hornet

  Subject three appeared in many rehearsals for the Spring Festival Evening, which may not be indecent. Literary and art workers should put aside the prejudice of "elegance" and "vulgarity", be open and inclusive, and get rid of the rubbish and save the cyanine, so as to create vivid literary and artistic works and be more widely welcomed by the people.

  Author: Yang Runcong

  Source: China Youth Daily client

[Editor in charge:


2024 Xuanyuan Award Announces First Vacancy of Annual Automobile Award

  On December 16th, 2024, the 11th China Automobile Industry Annual Contribution Award — — Xuanyuan Award Ceremony was held in China Chegu International Sports and Cultural Exchange Center in Wuhan Economic and Technological Development Zone.

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  Xuanyuan Award was jointly sponsored by auto business review and Austrian EFS in 2013, adhering to the "three independences" award criteria, which are independent of business, power and relationship. Experts from all over the world selected China’s automobile of the year, looking for the contribution samples of China’s automobile industry, thus pushing the new automobile forward.

  75 models were declared. After the initial evaluation, 40 finalists gathered in Wuhan Intelligent Networked Vehicle Test Site. After four rigorous tests and tests of static and dynamic, cockpit ecology and intelligent interaction, intelligent driving experience and scene experience, a total of 25 models entered the final evaluation.

  On December 15th, members of the jury of Xuanyuan Award made a final evaluation on 25 models, and the whole selection process was very heated.

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  Dr. Jia Ke, director of Xuanyuan Award Executive Committee, editor-in-chief of auto business review and director of Xuanyuan School, said: "The judges can abstain from voting against all the winning models. As long as one judge votes against it, we will continue to discuss it until we come up with a list that everyone agrees on. Our review process is also a discussion process. In this discussion process, our understanding of the industry can be further deepened. "

  In the end, the winners of the 2024 Xuanyuan Award were grandly released.

  TOP10 models of Xuanyuan Award Year: Ideal L7, Weilai ES6, Jetway Traveler, Tucki G6, MG Cyberster, Warrior 917, Lectra 08 EM-P, Deep Blue S7i, Lantu Zhuiguang PHEV, SAIC-GM-Wuling Bingo; Xuanyuan Award Special Award: Excellent Iteration Award — — New Lantu Dreamer, Brand Promotion Award — — Nezha S, Rookie Award — — Extreme Leap 01, Scene Innovation Award — — Polar fox car koala; Nominated models of Xuanyuan Award for the year: Zhiji LS7, Gaohe HiPhi Y, Extreme Krypton X, GAC Chuanqi New Energy E9, Weipai Gaoshan DHT-PHEV, Haobo GT, Haval Raptors, SAIC-GM-Wuling Baojun Yunyun, Geely Yinhe L7, Wenjie New M7 and Feifan F7.

  Unexpectedly, the 2024 Xuanyuan Award for Automobile of the Year was vacant. This is the first time that the annual award has been vacant since the Xuanyuan Award was awarded in 11 years. Why did this happen? The answer will be revealed later.

  This year’s Xuanyuan Award ceremony added a new link, which is to share the highlights and trends of Xuanyuan Award products found in the annual evaluation with the industry.

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  Professor Ma Jun, the judge of Xuanyuan Prize, School of Automobile and School of Design and Creativity of Tongji University, shared the "Development Trend of Intelligent Cockpit and New Method of Product Development". He believes that next year, the big model will be a battleground for military strategists, and car companies must do it. Focusing on the evaluation of user experience, human-computer interaction risk and security of large models, they are building an evaluation system for large models.

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  Ni Kai, the judge of Xuanyuan Award, founder and CEO of Heduo Technology, published the Xuanyuan Award Intelligent Driving Test Report. This intelligent driving evaluation is divided into four categories: basic driving, advanced driving, basic parking and advanced parking. In terms of driving, the scores of new power brands, independent new brands and traditional independent brands are equal; In terms of parking, the new power brands and independent new brands have not shown their advantages. On the contrary, many traditional independent brands have achieved good results.

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  Zhang Xiaoliang, the judge of Xuanyuan Award, founder and CEO of SoCar product strategy consulting, brought the trend sharing of Xuanyuan Award annual evaluation scene experience. He said, "From this year’s review, we have seen many things that we have never seen before. These things mean that we are making a new round of innovation in another direction. Whether these innovations must be logical or not will certainly stand the long-term test of the market. This will take some time to sort out and may bring more input to our core scenes and killer scenes in the next stage. "

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  Du Fang, the representative of Xuanyuan Award test partner and director of Botai products, shared the Xuanyuan Award annual test of intelligent cockpit. This year’s overall trend is to face a more hard-core, more delicate and more interconnected scene experience, with enhanced scene capabilities and more technological and intelligent blessings. She also made some predictions about the future trend: the application of large-scale models in the automotive field will become a new trend next year, whether the multi-modal cockpit natural interaction will surpass the mobile phone-like interaction and become a better way of interaction, and the global integration of cockpit, intelligent driving and vehicle capabilities will bring great challenges.

  In 2024, the list of intelligent driving in the 11th Xuanyuan Awards was released simultaneously. At the same time, excellent cases of intelligent driving, intelligent cockpit and scene experience were also revealed.

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  There is also a very interesting link at the scene. According to the design characteristics of the TOP10 model of the 2024 Xuanyuan Award, EFS AI expert Minh Cao used AIGC to generate a set of concept car design drawings. In this regard, Wang Xuanzheng, a judge of the Xuanyuan Prize and a professor at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, asked: "If all our designs are exactly the same as expected, what is the role of users in the whole system? Where should our emotions and personalities be placed? "

  Finally, he commented: "AI today, no matter what, we always firmly believe that it is a tool, not a complete solution. Of course, behind deciding whether it is a tool or a plan, it must be our interesting thoughts and souls. "

  The only annual vehicle vacancy in the history of Xuanyuan Award was the unanimous decision of the Xuanyuan Award Executive Committee and the members of the jury.

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  Truls Thorstensen, chairman of the Xuanyuan Prize jury and president and CEO of Austrian EFS arc advisory group, said: "If we put these models tested this year in previous years, each model has the ability to win the final prize."

  But at the same time, he pointed out: this year’s automobile products have a homogenization trend; Compared with last year’s products, this year’s automobile products are not so daring to try new things; Compared with previous years, we haven’t seen some excellent product performance this year.

  Vacancy does not mean the retrogression of products and automobile industry, but it is gestating more energy, more potential innovations and better products in the future.

  On the basis of not having the 11th Xuanyuan Award model of the year, we put forward the "Xuanyuan Ten Questions":

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  Jia Ke said that the "Ten Questions of Xuanyuan" has put forward a big "question mark" for China automobile industry, which is a question mark at the peak.

  "On the new track of new energy intelligent networked cars, we are the vanguard in the world. In a sense, we still pursued Tesla, followed the opportunity very closely, and made many innovations in application. Today, many of our cars have far exceeded the previous standards. We climbed from the bottom of the mountain to the mountainside. Can we climb the peak again? We may need to answer ‘ Xuanyuan Ten Questions ’ . This is also an inspiration left to us by the car vacancy in the 11th Xuanyuan Award. "

  In essence, the "Xuanyuan Ten Questions" is exactly what China automobile industry needs to think calmly in the fierce competition and high involution.

  This year is the 11th Xuanyuan Award and the beginning of a new decade. Jia Ke said: "I hope that in the new decade, the Xuanyuan Award will accompany China’s automobile industry not only to change lanes and overtake, but also to better promote the development of the world’s automobile industry on the new car track."

  The new decade of Xuanyuan Award also needs the continued support of partners.

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  Xuanyuan Award has been attached to Wuhan Economic Development Zone for three years, which also witnessed the extraordinary development of Wuhan Economic Development Zone for three years. In his speech, Liu Maohua, member of the Working Committee of Wuhan Economic Development Zone and deputy director of the Management Committee, sincerely invited entrepreneurs to build a new highland of the automobile industry with Chegu of China. "We will provide the best policy, the best service and the best environment to support enterprises to grow and develop in Chegu, China, and create brilliance together."

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  Xuanyuan Award and Daan Center have been cooperating since 2015. The location of this Xuanyuan Award evaluation activity is the intelligent networked automobile test plant of Daan Center, which provides a solid foundation for the evaluation of Xuanyuan Award. Wang Jin, general manager of Daan Center, said in his speech: "Daan and Xuanyuan Prize have witnessed the decade of intelligent development of new energy in China, and hope to jointly open a new decade of intelligent networking to the third space."

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  Xuanyuan Award has an independent observer, which is a unique feature that distinguishes Xuanyuan Award from other awards. Since the sixth Xuanyuan Award, Xuanyuan Award has introduced an independent observer mechanism to further increase the transparency of the selection and ensure the fairness and justice of the award. At the awarding ceremony, Li Jingwen, the manager of Ernst & Young Huaming Certified Public Accountants (special general partnership), read the notarized words and opened the password box for storing the award list on the spot. (Source: China Automobile Industry Annual Contribution Award — — Xuanyuan Award)

  The following is the list of winners of the 11th Xuanyuan Award in 2024:

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  Nominated model of the year

  Zhiji LS7

  Reason for winning: With elegant interior and exterior design and the perceived quality of luxury materials, a high-end new energy SUV with interior and exterior features has been built.

  Gaohe HiPhi Y

  Reason for winning the prize: It not only integrates the excellent genes of family products, but also shows good maneuverability, so that the brand provides consumers with a unique product experience in the new price range.

  Extreme krypton x

  Reason for winning: Following the brand’s car-making quality and driving pleasure, and creating a boutique small SUV with exquisite interior space.

  Guangzhou Automobile Chuanqi New Energy E9

  Reasons for winning the prize: It not only realized the overall transformation of corporate brand to new energy, but also promoted the development of PHEV technology in MPV market with independent innovation technology.

  Weipai Gaoshan DHT-PHEV

  Reason for winning: With its original flat floor design, it provides consumers with a high-end new energy MPV with comfortable driving and large space experience.

  Haobo GT

  Award-winning reason: It provides a cool and fun electric car for young elite consumers with the shape of a sports car with scissors doors.

  Haval Raptors

  Award-winning reason: In view of the strong demand change of market consumers for personalized products, a "square shell" light off-road product was built with solid technology.

  SAIC-GM-Wuling Baojun Yunduo

  Reasons for winning the prize: unique shape, emphasizing space and comfort, and achieving high-level intelligent driving assistance within 150,000 yuan.

  Geely Yinhe L7

  Reason for winning the prize: As a work of Geely’s transformation into a new energy source, it not only has distinctive family product characteristics, but also has a high price-performance ratio.

  Wen Jie Xin M7

  Reason for winning the prize: deeply binding Huawei’s ability and reputation, it has achieved a substantial increase in sales in the market through the annual change.

  Feifan F7

  Reason for winning the prize: It provides exquisite value choices for consumers in terms of design, quality, control and comfort.

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  Second, the special prize

  Excellent iteration award — — Xinlantu dreamer

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  Reason for winning: This year’s product insists on continuous improvement in terms of chassis adjustment, interior perceived quality, and cockpit experience, which not only greatly improves the product experience compared with the previous year’s model, but also makes people feel refreshed, and drives the brand sales to rise with new product strength.

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  Brand promotion award — — Nezha s

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  Reasons for winning the prize: The product concept of equal rights in science and technology not only provides a value choice for more young people to realize their dream of sports cars, but also successfully helps the brand to break the inherent cognition of consumers and create a brand-new corporate brand image with brand-new products.

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  Rookie Award — — Jiyue 01

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  Reason for winning: This brand-new brand-new product shows its edge in the aspects of intelligent cockpit, intelligent driving and dynamic performance. At the same time, it still has more room for expansion and imagination in the Internet ecology and future product form, which deserves more expectations.

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  Scene Innovation Award — — Jihu automobile koala

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  Reasons for winning the prize: I really practiced the concept of defining a car in a scene, thought deeply in many sub-scenes such as maternal and child, parent-child and female, and carefully explored the user experience and functional demands, which provided a good reference sample for the diversification and customization of the market.

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  Third, the Top10 model

  Ideality L7

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  Award-winning reason: deeply inherited the characteristics of brand family products and the concept of user scenario definition, successfully met the needs of brand-new markets and brand-new consumers with unique product development concepts, and achieved market sales success.

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  Weilai ES6

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  Reasons for winning the prize: the technology is solid, restrained and convergent, but it continues to improve and improve rhythmically. In the fierce market competition, it always maintains its own brand style, luxurious style and accurate crowd positioning, showing the uniqueness of products and brands.

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  Jietu traveler

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  Reason for winning: As an attempt to break into a new category, the brand not only has a high degree of product definition and design completion, but also creates a unique experience for light off-road, travel+and other sub-scenes, such as supporting external expansion of hardware and in-vehicle health inspection.

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  Tucki G6

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  Reason for winning the prize: Taking intelligent driving as the core breakthrough point, on the basis of ensuring the user experience and perceived value, the successful subtraction provided consumers and the market with a smart new energy vehicle with better quality-price ratio, and achieved good market sales.

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  MG Cyberster

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  Reason for winning the prize: This product pays tribute to the classics, and in the new era of intelligent, electric and new energy, it faces the domestic and international markets with its unique product definition, product design and atmosphere creation, showing the confidence and ability of China car enterprises to build a good sports car.

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  Warrior 917

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  Reasons for winning the prize: The combination of off-road, intelligence, new energy, customized modification and other elements has redefined the new luxury off-road category and new species, and demonstrated solid technical strength and product performance in two different scenes of daily driving and hard-core off-road.

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  Lingke 08 EM-P

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  Reason for winning the prize: Based on the original product style, the brand-new power form and original vehicle-machine interconnection ecology not only realized the brand’s transformation to the era of intelligent new energy, but also won the recognition of consumers with excellent product experience.

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  Deep blue S7i

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  Award-winning reason: With youthful interior and exterior styling design, good perceived quality, human-computer interaction and the third space design of the new power of building cars on a par, a high-end new energy vehicle with high price-performance ratio has been created again.

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  Lan tu Zhu guang PHEV

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  Reasons for winning the prize: positioning the executive car in the new energy era, and fully meeting the needs of market segments and unique scene definitions with good design, perceived quality of materials, space and ride comfort, and making positive attempts in the field of independent new energy executive cars.

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  SAIC-GM-Wuling Binguo

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  Reason for winning the prize: With a very cost-effective price and good product modeling and perceived quality of interior and exterior decoration, it not only provides consumers with a fashionable and convenient electric scooter, but also promotes the brand image of enterprises in the small electric vehicle market segment.

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The most unforgettable SUV in 2021, such as Lanyue/Xingyue L (I)

  [car home Information] Today is destined to be an extraordinary day for everyone, because we have ushered in the new year of the Year of the Tiger. Here, we will pay tribute to you first! In 2021, it was also an extraordinary year for China brands, because in this year, China brands continued to rise and became a hot topic. At the same time, in the field of new energy, China brands also occupied new heights, including plug-in hybrid fields. Today, let’s review the China brand SUV models that went on the market in 2021, and see which new car was most impressed by the editors of car home Car News Channel.

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Qin Chao’s most unforgettable China brand SUV: Geely Xingyue L.

Reason: A typical representative of China’s brand upward.

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2021 2.0TD DCT EVO two-wheel drive flagship model

  In 2021, Lectra and Krypton were very high-profile. When it comes to Lectra 05+, Lectra 03+Cyan customized version, ZEEKR 001, perhaps the listing of each model will make you vivid and excited. Of course, our big brother Geely has also taken an upward step, and launched a higher-end compact SUV model (|). Just look at the price and you will know how high-end this SUV is, 137,200-185,200 yuan. Few China brand SUVs dare to touch the price range, and even FAW Toyota Corolla Sharp Release, GAC Toyota Fenglanda, and Toyota’s compact SUV have all dropped to this price range.

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2021 2.0TD DCT EVO two-wheel drive flagship model

  Dare to price like this, naturally it has its own unique place, so let’s talk about its advantages compared with ordinary compact SUV. First of all, Xingyue L comes from CMA architecture, which is a modular architecture led by Volvo and jointly developed by Geely and Volvo. Many models of Volvo XC40 and Lectra come from this architecture. The Drive-E series 2.0T engine carried by the Star Yue L was once equipped on Volvo and Lectra. The high-power version has a maximum power of 175kW and a peak torque of 350Nm. Even if it is carried on the Star Yue L weighing nearly 1.8 tons, it can achieve an acceleration of 7.7 seconds from 0-100 km/h. When competitors at the same level are still hovering at the 10-second mark, the power performance of the Star Yue L can be said to be more than enough.

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2022 1.5T Raytheon Hi·X Hybrid Super Express

  In view of the fuel consumption problem that everyone is concerned about, if you are concerned, you can also choose the hybrid version of Xingyue L Raytheon Hi·X, with a pre-sale price of 173,700 yuan. This is a hybrid model that is rare in China brand SUVs, and it does not need to be plugged in. The comprehensive fuel consumption is only 4.3L/100km, and the acceleration of 0-100km/h can also achieve 7.9 seconds.

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2021 2.0TD high-power automatic four-wheel drive flagship model

  Of course, the texture of driving is also improved. Xingyue L does not tend to make an SUV product that sits like a boat. On the contrary, it has a sense of "German taste". When driving at low and medium speeds, the suspension and chassis will not completely filter out these vibrations, but will moderately restore them to the users who feel it. At the same time, this texture is by no means at the expense of comfort.

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2021 2.0TD DCT EVO two-wheel drive flagship model

  What impressed me deeply was the appearance and interior of Xingyue L, perhaps influenced by the simple design concepts of Volvo, Lectra and Krypton. Geely’s design seems to be more natural and harmonious than in the past, and there are no more complicated and cumbersome designs, so it gives people a very comfortable and exquisite feeling. Of course, some elements that consumers in China are keen on will not be lost here, such as chrome-plated decoration that can set off the atmospheric elements, car lamp design that reflects the sense of class, and gorgeous interior materials. The interior has a large number of leather packages, and the color matching is also extremely bold.

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2021 2.0TD DCT EVO two-wheel drive flagship model

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2021 2.0TD DCT EVO two-wheel drive flagship model

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2021 2.0TD DCT EVO two-wheel drive flagship model

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2021 2.0TD DCT EVO two-wheel drive flagship model

  We also noticed that the entire center console in the car was occupied by the screen, and Geely never lost in keeping up with the trend of the times. And you will find that the interface design of these three screens is also very interesting, more like experiencing a tablet computer, and the operation is simple and smooth. Of course, for many fuel vehicles, the third screen is still new, and no more functions have been developed, which may make us look forward to the future.

Geely Automobile Xingyue L 2021 2.0TD DCT EVO two-wheel drive flagship model

  As for the space, this has always been the strength of China brand SUV, so I don’t need to say much here, because every compact SUV of China brand will not let people down.

  So, after reading the above, do you think the Star Yue L has so many advantages compared with the ordinary China brand compact SUV? Is its price expensive or not? Is it beyond the premium of Geely brand? Maybe we can find the answer by looking at the sales of new cars. In December, 2021, the sales volume of Xingyue L was 12,035 units, ranking 29th in the SUV sales list of that month, and the sales performance was moderate. However, it was quite good among SUVs of the same price of China brand. If I told you that the sales volume of Tank 300 was the same, maybe you should have some ideas.

The most unforgettable SUV in Zhang Xuelian: Changan CS75 PLUS
Reason: It became an explosion when it went public, and once drove Haval H6 off the altar.

Changan Automobile Changan CS75 PLUS 2022 2.0T Autopilot Model

  Looking around, it is not difficult to find that youthfulness, sportiness and intelligence have already become the vane of China automobile market. For example, the SUV whose design is more and more popular with young people, and the LCD instrument/central control panel that is never too big. At the same time, we can see that the rapidly rising China brands can always cater to such brands quickly, so the master can become the best in the same level.

  Chang ‘an CS75 PLUS, which impressed me deeply, is a good example. This car was officially launched at the Chengdu Auto Show in September 2019, and a new model was launched in August 2021. A total of five models are available, and the price range is 117,900-154,900 yuan. Changan CS75 PLUS gained a high degree of attention at the beginning of its listing, and stood out in the following months, explaining what "listing means explosion".

Home of the car

  In 2021, Changan CS75 PLUS continued to be steady and steady, with a cumulative annual sales volume of 274,800 vehicles and an average monthly sales volume of about 22,900 vehicles, ranking only below Haval H6. It is worth mentioning that in February 2021, CS75 PLUS drove Haval H6 off the altar with 32,365 vehicles.

Changan Automobile Changan CS75 PLUS 2022 2.0T Autopilot Model

Changan Automobile Changan CS75 PLUS 2022 2.0T Autopilot Model

Changan Automobile Changan CS75 PLUS 2022 2.0T Autopilot Model

  My colleague Mr. Ma once said, "If you want to catch the hearts of consumers, you must first catch their eyes." CS75 PLUS naturally uses a brand-new design, giving this car a sharp appearance style and saying goodbye to the past CS75 completely. It is worth mentioning that the previous sales data show that the sales volume of Changan CS75 PLUS sports version is much higher than that of the regular version. After all, who hasn’t a restless heart yet?

Changan Automobile Changan CS75 PLUS 2022 2.0T Autopilot Model

  Although some manufacturers strive to be "bigger than bigger" in terms of the size of the central control screen, the disadvantages of this appeal are also revealed: a strong sense of violation. However, Changan CS75 PLUS obviously didn’t follow blindly. Its integrated large screen integrates full LCD instrument and central control display screen, which greatly enhances the sense of science and technology, and the right size also makes it not inferior in the same class, and does not fall into the conventional pattern. Interior is, after all, a place with more contact with consumers, so it is more valued by users than appearance.

Changan Automobile Changan CS75 PLUS 2022 2.0T Autopilot Model

  In the power part, it can be seen that the blue whale family model equipped with the blue whale engine has become a strong driving force for the continuous growth of Changan Automobile sales. At present, the Blue Whale family has made great strides in the SUV and car market, and the CS75 PLUS with this powertrain can naturally stand upright.

  In any case, Changan CS75 PLUS is the only SUV that can compete with the Haval H6 family. Our data show that space, appearance, fuel consumption, cost performance, power and comfort are the places where CS75 PLUS satisfies consumers, and these evaluations happen to be the priority factors for users in the price range of 100,000-150,000 yuan, which is also the main reason why CS75 PLUS can have a place in the SUV market. It must be said that Changan CS75 PLUS is a product that conforms to the trend of the times.

Changan Automobile Changan CS75 PLUS 2022 Second Generation 2.0T Automatic Flagship Type

  In 2022, Changan CS75 PLUS, which was redesigned in the medium term, will also meet with you, and this car will be launched in February. At that time, we will wait and see whether the CS75 PLUS with all-round upgrade in appearance and configuration can completely drag Haval H6 off the altar.

Gengyuan’s most unforgettable SUV: the new generation Chuanqi GS8
Reason: the rising China brand design and China Power.

Guangzhou Automobile Passenger Car Chuanqi GS8 2022 Twin Engine Series 2.0TM Two-wheel Drive Premium Edition (seven seats)

  There is no denying that we are in an era of looking at faces. Whether it is people or products, the first impression left by looks is still very important. I still remember the deep impression left by the first generation Chuanqi GS8 at the 2016 Beijing Auto Show. The absolutely original design, China brand, medium-sized SUV and seven-seat layout were very risky in the market five years ago, but Chuanqi decided to break through the ceiling of China brand in SUV, MPV and car market through three products.

Guangzhou Automobile Passenger Car Chuanqi GS8 2022 Pilot Series 2.0TGDI Two-wheel Drive Premium Edition (six seats)

  Today, five years later, when we see a new generation of Chuanqi GS8, we will think that without the layout of the first generation of models, it may be difficult to see a product of the same type again in today’s 7-seat medium-sized SUV market. If the design has laid the market foundation for the first generation Chuanqi GS8, then the second generation Chuanqi GS8 will continue to expand this advantage.

Guangzhou Automobile Passenger Car Chuanqi GS8 2022 Pilot Series 2.0TGDI Four-wheel Drive Luxury Zhilian Edition (seven seats)

  The Chuanqi design team, headed by Zhang Fan, vice president of Guangzhou Automobile Research Institute, has made great efforts in the design idea of the new generation Chuanqi GS8. First, it has retained the basic atmospheric modeling of the first generation Chuanqi GS8, and at the same time, it has applied the more popular straight line design. In terms of details, it has made more exquisite characterization and functional improvement for the headlight group and the taillight group, and a more exquisite medium-sized SUV has appeared in front of us.

Guangzhou Automobile Passenger Car Chuanqi GS8 2022 Pilot Series 2.0TGDI Four-wheel Drive Luxury Zhilian Edition (seven seats)

  Whether it is the "Spreading Wings" of the pilot series or the "Long Lin Wings" of the double-engine series, two different grille shapes are worthy of everyone passing by to turn their eyes, just like the ritual feeling at that moment when the "Eye of Conquest" is lit, giving people a visual feeling of not being angry and arrogant.

Guangzhou Automobile Passenger Car Chuanqi GS8 2022 Pilot Series 2.0TGDI Four-wheel Drive Luxury Zhilian Edition (seven seats)

  Of course, it is absolutely unqualified if we just stop the Chinese people instead of paying the bill. Compared with the blue ocean market five years ago, there are too many models and products concentrated in this market segment, including China brands and overseas brands. This is by no means a market where a hundred flowers blossom. It is obvious that users only favor products with more hard power in the win-win competition.

Guangzhou Automobile Passenger Car Chuanqi GS8 2022 Pilot Series 2.0TGDI Four-wheel Drive Luxury Zhilian Edition (seven seats)

Guangzhou Automobile Passenger Car Chuanqi GS8 2022 Pilot Series 2.0TGDI Four-wheel Drive Luxury Zhilian Edition (seven seats)

Guangzhou Automobile Passenger Car Chuanqi GS8 2022 Pilot Series 2.0TGDI Four-wheel Drive Luxury Zhilian Edition (seven seats)

  You want to say that space performance is hard-core strength? Yes, but not all of them. No matter how big the space is, it can’t satisfy the appetite of consumers in China. We have seen 7 medium-sized or large-sized SUVs. Even those users who just need seven seats and space turn around and choose a more suitable MPV. The upgrade and change of powertrain is the real strength aspect of the new generation Chuanqi GS8.

Guangzhou Automobile Passenger Car Chuanqi GS8 2022 Pilot Series 2.0TGDI Four-wheel Drive Luxury Zhilian Edition (seven seats)

Guangzhou Automobile Passenger Car Chuanqi GS8 2022 Twin Engine Series 2.0TM Two-wheel Drive Premium Edition (six seats)

  Whether it’s 2.0TGDI Julang Power or THS hybrid system cooperated with Toyota, China brand has undoubtedly given a new answer to the powertrain. Especially the hybrid powertrain, which has been attracted by Japanese brands for many years for China consumers, finally has more choices.

  It has been said that when China brand can upgrade a product vertically, then China car companies will have enough self-confidence. Nowadays, we have seen more and more China brand models welcoming the second or even third generation products. The brand confidence has been greatly improved compared with before, but at this time, we should have strong brand strength to support this signboard.

Do we need so many live broadcasts of football matches?

Indeed, it is really convenient for modern people to watch the game nowadays. Even more and more people watch the live broadcast of the game in a year, which adds up to less than watching short videos or scoring GIFs. Then the question is, do we still need so many live football matches?

How many people will watch so many games? I think most people just watch their home team’s games, or those particularly important games. There are too many things in life that are more important than football! When talking about this issue, a British fan said so.

Besides, as a China fan, how much time do you spend watching live games every week? What’s your opinion about the overload of live broadcast of the game? Please tell us together in the comments!

Author | Adam Hurrey and Amitai Winehouse, ECO kryptonite

Edit | Gao Xiaochen

Source | Sports Industry Ecosphere (the original text was published in The Athletic, and it was partially deleted and adjusted due to the need of editing and expression)

The text is 4295 words in total | Estimated reading time is 11 minutes.

Not long ago, the Premier League officially announced:Before all the British fans can return to the stadium to watch the game(as early as May 17th), all events will continue to be broadcast live online in the UK.

This rule may not feel anything to overseas fans. But for British fans, it is a big event that can change their lives. After all, they haven’t watched the football match on TV on Saturday afternoon for decades.

This is due to a long-standing magical rule in Britain-3PM Blackout, which was negotiated and passed by the FA and the league.From 2: 45 pm to 5: 15 pm on Saturday, it is forbidden to broadcast any football match on TV.

The origin of 3pm blackout can be traced back to Bob Lord, Chairman of Burnley Club in 1964.(Bob Lord)A broadcast ban at Tevermore Stadium.In the view of Chairman Bao, the live TV broadcast is harmful to the club besides lowering the attendance rate of the stadium.

△ Center is Bob Lord, then chairman of Burnley Club.

Despite a lot of controversy, President Bao succeeded in persuading more and more clubs to accept it with his golden tongue.Television broadcast of demon theory.After unanimous negotiation, 3pm blackoutKick-off at three o’clock on Saturday afternoon is a tradition in English football.Not only has it become the rules of English clubs, but it has even been incorporated into the British broadcasting law, which makes it a criminal offence to broadcast football matches on TV on any Saturday afternoon in Britain.

However, due to the impact of the epidemic, all the games had to be broadcast online, and the question of whether the broadcast ban should be completely abolished was once again put on the focus of public discussion. But for British fans, although there are more games broadcast, the troubles of happiness have also come:With limited energy, so many games are broadcast live, it seems that I really can’t watch it!

How many people will watch so many games? I think most people just watch their home team’s games, or those particularly important games. There are too many things in life that are more important than football!

When talking about this issue, a British fan said so. His views also represent the voices of many fans.

In this regard, two columnists of The Athletic discussed through a podcast: Do we still need so many live football matches?

Too much broadcast of the game has made people tired of watching the game.

The host of Adam Hurrey The Athletic podcast, Football Cliches.

It has been a whole year since the special situation of being forced to have an empty match due to the epidemic, and the discussion on whether 3pm blackout should be cancelled has been going on for a long time. Therefore, it seems a natural thing to broadcast all the games in the current situation.

However, with the resumption of broadcasting, we gradually found that in the face of so many football matches, watching the ball every day is no longer a pleasure, and it has even become a psychological burden. 

As early as before the epidemic isolation intensified the daily competition in domestic broadcast of football matches, the broadcast of three matches on Super Sunday in Premier League was already a marathon experience for football fans: from pre-match comments to players’ warm-up, from goal playback to VAR slow-motion analysis, from betting recommendation to various advertisements ….. The broadcast of several consecutive football matches in one day is quite challenging for fans to watch and broadcast.

Whether the game involves their favorite team or their annoying team, or involves two teams that they don’t care about. 

△ A busy Premier League weekend screenshot from Tencent Sports APP

A Premier League fan in the UK, watching the game every Saturday, is probably like this:

The first game, kick-off at 12: 30 noon British time:

Ok, at noon, the game will start. Today’s noon match is a match in leicester city (generally speaking, leicester city or Southampton kick off earlier, as evidenced by the data). You will notice the long shadows in the stadium, which is definitely the last light environment that people want to face when watching the match or even playing football games.

In the end, leicester city won 2-0, but the attention of this game was completely covered up by the VAR controversy.

The second game, EnglishKick-off at 3: 00 pm national time:

All right! You’ve watched a game and got into shape. Although the commentators are still discussing the question of whether Team X is excellent or Team Y is rubbish (the conclusion is usually: emmm…… … I think both teams are similar).

The confrontation between the two sides in this game is Crystal Palace vs West Brom, which makes you immediately start to wonder if you should do something else while watching the ball. But you can’t go out when you think about the epidemic; I also think that due to the broadcasting law, there is no advertisement in the live broadcast of the game at 3 pm on Saturday ….. Well, let’s watch another game.

Unfortunately, Wilfrid Zaha, the thigh of Crystal Palace, was injured, and there was one less attraction in the game … It is said that the commentary of this game is famous, but the fans never seem to care about this.

Game 3, kick-off at 5: 30 pm UK time:

Well, it’s prime time for the broadcast, and the strong teams are going to play again. It may be a game in which Manchester City beat a team 4-0, or it may be a showdown between Arsenal and Newcastle. Under the full light of the stadium, the shiny stadium is quite attractive. In addition, there is nothing to watch on TV at this time, which may be the perfect time to sit on the sofa and watch the football match.

At the moment, Jamie Carragher (a former Liverpool player and now a famous football commentator) slides his hand on the screen, showing you all the details of the game you should know, which is great. In the end, it was an excellent game to watch, but it doesn’t seem to be time to put an end to today’s full football marathon … 

Game 4, kick-off at 8: 00 pm UK time:

COVID-19 epidemic, the end of the world, all these things on TV. To tell the truth, Premier League football really doesn’t need to broadcast four whole games a day, especially after 7: 30 pm. Now, you have watched three football matches, and your mind is obviously not on TV. On the sofa, you have already started to brush your mobile phone and saw more than a dozen popular short videos about the coach’s rage or the commentator’s passion for wheat. Although these videos have been forwarded by you, you will forget all about the video content in a short time.

This is often the daily life of a Premier League fan watching the game on weekends.

If the football match is broadcast all day, will I watch it? Yes, obviously, I will, but this is probably just my consciousness as a practitioner, but other fans may not appreciate the broadcast of so many games.

△ Newcastle striker Callum Wilson celebrates the goal

Image: Newcastle United/Newcastle United via Getty Images

Indeed, as long as fans can’t watch the game offline, the Premier League has the responsibility to keep football in the spotlight through more broadcasts.However, don’t underestimate how tired fans will feel in such a marathon. Just for the sake of our poor and tired brains, I hope that the competitors and broadcasters will not regard the countermeasures in this special period as future decisions. 

The broadcast of the game is overloaded? I don’t think so at all!

Amitai Winehouse News Editor

It’s 11 o’clock on Saturday morning. You slept in, got up, had dinner, drank coffee and went out for a walk. Maybe you had a lesson with fitness coach Joe Wicks in front of the TV. So what’s next? I can’t eat any more food, and Zoom’s online test hasn’t started yet. For you, this day seems far away. 

However, you remember, there is a football match today! You looked at the live app on your mobile phone. At 12: 30, leicester city played against Liverpool; At 3: 00 pm, Crystal Palace played against Burnley; At 5: 30 pm, Manchester City played against Tottenham; At 8: 00 pm, Wolves play Chelsea!

As a fan, the distant Saturday was finally saved!

In this difficult period, there are not many interesting things happening. But we can watch all the matches in the Premier League. After watching the matches, you still have many things to do: chatting with friends on social software, playing Fan Texi in the Premier League, and brushing short sports videos … Is there anything more interesting for sports fans?

It can be said that playing football in the open field is meaningless, but online broadcasting can give the game real meaning.Indeed, not many people feel that it is necessary to watch a Southampton-Brighton game with dignity, but it is important that more games are broadcast, so that those Southampton fans and Brighton fans who want to watch this game have a proper way to watch this game.

The competition should belong to the public, not just the hundreds of people who are now allowed to enter the stadium.

In fact, the existence of streaming media just proves why the view that all sports events should not be broadcast is flawed. In any case, I am firmly opposed to the ban on Saturday afternoon games.There are always people who argue that this measure can protect the attendance rate of low-level leagues, but as early as 2018, EFL(English Football League)It has been announced that all Saturday 3: 00 pm games will be broadcast on its cooperative streaming media platform iFollow, and many international regions have also allowed to broadcast the games at this time. 

△ Amazon Prime’s Premier League live broadcast room 

Image: Adam Davy/pool/AFP via Getty Images

What’s more, for fans who want to watch the game offline, it doesn’t matter whether the game is broadcast or not. But if you don’t want to go to the scene, you can certainly find a way to watch the game at home.

In other words, even if the game is not broadcast on the mainstream platforms with copyright such as Sky Sports, BT Sport, Amazon Prime and BBC One, people will find various ways to watch the game, which is not a problem for modern fans at all.Besides, the football club has fallen into financial difficulties, and we can at least make the broadcasting company happy for a while, so that the team’s copyright income can be guaranteed, and the more the better.

So to be honest, although there may be a problem of watching the game on TV, football is now facing a critical moment, so please forget the idea that any match should not be broadcast on TV. Please broadcast all the football matches for us, without stopping for a moment … The broadcast of the games that helped you through the boring time during the epidemic is also an important part of your life.

The above is the discussion between two British sports experts. So, as a China fan, how much time do you spend watching the game broadcast every week? What do you think of the view that the broadcast of the game is overloaded? Please tell us together in the comments!

(End of full text)

Original link: https://the athletic. com/2394322/2021/02/17/Premier-League-Matches-Stay-on-UK-TV-Lockdown-Fans-Bring-It-on-Boring/? source=user_shared_article



Xiaomi Auto released this month? New progress in leaks.

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2024 new york Auto Show: A new generation of Nissan Jinke officially unveiled.


  At the 2024 new york Auto Show, a new generation of Nissan Powerman was officially unveiled, and the new car was completely redesigned, and the increased body size and new four-wheel drive system changed a lot. It is reported that the new car will be listed overseas first in the summer of 2024.


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Experts, media, and netizens have something to say when the new rules for online car rental are introduced.

  News background:

  On the afternoon of July 28th, the State Council issued the Guiding Opinions on Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of Taxi Industry. The "Guidance Opinion" divides taxis into two categories: cruise taxis and reserved taxis. It is the first time that Internet cars are included in the management of reserved taxis, which clarifies the positioning of the taxi industry; At the same time, clarify the legal status of the network car, and support the continuous innovation and standardized development of the network car platform company; Encourage the transformation of traditional taxi companies to provide online car service.

  【Experts talk]

  Zhu Xi: "Network car" is the first in the world in China.

  "The promulgation of the Interim Measures has made China the first country in the world to officially recognize the legalization of Internet private cars." Zhu Wei, deputy director of Communication Law Research Center of China University of Political Science and Law and expert member of internet society of china Sharing Economic Work Committee, said: Great progress has been made.

  Zhu Wei said: "On a global scale, this is the first ‘ Internet plus & rsquo; It is a good law with epoch-making significance to share economic legislation and laws and regulations to correct the name. " He also specifically mentioned that the New Deal has brought "internet plus Travel" back to the market-oriented mode, such as the market-adjusted price of the network car fare; "Market reward and promotion" is a normal market behavior. Except for being bound by competition law and advertising law, there is no additional requirement, but it cannot disrupt the normal market order by operating at a price below cost. For another example, hitchhiking is a magic weapon to solve urban congestion and reduce the number of vehicles on the road in cities, and there are many mature cases in judicial practice at home and abroad. "The ride is essentially different from the commercial profit of the online car, so it is correct for the New Deal to exclude it." He said.

  Su Kui: The new rules of online car-sharing are a consensus reached in difficult trade-offs and games.

  How to balance the development of network car and fair competition is the most difficult part of the new regulations. How to standardize and not restrict the development of network car? How to develop online car rental and ensure a level playing field for online car rental and taxis.

  For example, 8-year scrapping is to consider that it is unfair to use the network car with less intensity if it is scrapped according to the rental operation for 8 years. It may also push a large number of online car drivers out of the platform.

  Another example is to define the nature of the platform as a transportation service, not an information matchmaker. This is the same as the taxi at a starting line, and the passengers feel the same. In case of safety problems, the platform, as a transportation service provider, needs to bear the responsibility.

  Whether it is the draft for comments issued last year or the new regulations that are finally difficult to introduce, the game and trade-off have always been the most difficult things. "The good news is that we have basically reached a relatively rational consensus." Su Kui said.  

  【Media discussion]

  Taxi and online car will be in their proper places.

  The Guiding Opinions made it clear that the original taxis and online car-rides will achieve "dislocation development" and give full play to their advantages, not only "sitting up" but also "sitting up", so that different travel needs of people at different levels can be met.

  It can be expected that with the implementation and effectiveness of the new policy of online car-sharing, the online car-sharing market will usher in another round of adjustment, the number of online car-sharing and employees will change, the market positioning of online car-sharing will be further revised, and the platform’s management of online car-sharing will also be strengthened. At the same time, bringing online car rental into the taxi industry, setting necessary thresholds, supporting reasonable tax and fee policies, and maintaining market fairness will also effectively promote the balanced development of different levels of taxi services and achieve a win-win situation among online car rental, platforms and consumers. 

  From "incompatible" to "in their proper place", online car-hailing and taxis contain the spirit of reform and innovation, which is representative and typical in the era of "internet plus". Broadly speaking, when we enter the Internet age, the new forms and new formats will pose "conflicts and threats" to traditional related industries, which itself contains the opportunities and challenges of "internet plus". Accelerating the pace of reform and innovation, advancing laws and regulations with the times, and advancing the rule of law in an all-round way are the key to solving problems, and are also the reliable guarantee and core driving force to better adapt to the Internet era.

  The New Deal of Online Car Rental is an example of dealing with the relationship between the market and the government.

  How to define and manage the network car has been tangled in China for several years, which vividly presents the landscape of the deep-water period of reform. In the meantime, the strategy of treating private cars as black cars in local actual management and the tight management signals revealed by relevant central ministries and commissions once made the development of this new format of online car-sharing pessimistic. Now, the promulgation of Guiding Opinions on Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of Taxi Industry and Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Service clearly gives the online car a legal status, makes it clear that private cars can engage in online car operation, and requires reducing the taxi "money", which highlights the victory of the market, reaffirms the reform logic of "letting the market play a decisive role in resource allocation" and expresses the value direction of decentralization and sharing the economy.

  The new policy of network car is a model of opening the door legislation

  The formulation process of the new policy of network car is also a model of opening the door legislation. From the beginning of 2014, the online car platform launched a large-scale subsidy, and by 2015, the online car was promoted and operated nationwide, and then by the beginning of 2016, the multi-party game network car new deal. The introduction of a new policy will inevitably involve the interests of many parties. How to balance reform, stability and development has become a subject that policy makers must weigh. In the process of the introduction of the new policy of network car, not only the relevant ministries and commissions have repeatedly investigated, but also Shanghai, Yiwu and other places have actively explored, and various provinces and cities have fully discussed, and the network car platform and taxi companies have their own opinions. The final New Deal has basically become the greatest common denominator of the interests of all parties.

  The network car is just a representative of many new things, but the experience of network car governance has a wide range of demonstration significance. It is not advisable to build a car behind closed doors, and legislation should open the door. Regulators need more keen observation, more extensive research and more calm thinking, and emerging enterprises need more full expression, more careful development and more rational self-discipline. The practice of online car-sharing proves that the government and the market can realize clear boundaries and benign interaction, and both existing and emerging formats can also coordinate development and healthy metabolism.

  Legalization of the network car, good governance needs more good deeds.

  The formulation of documents is only the first step, and the next step is to do a good job in the industry and territorial rules and implement the reform. One of the highlights of this reform is that it is not necessary to "measure the whole country with one ruler". Metropolis has the practice of metropolis, and small counties have small counties. According to the principle of territorial management, all localities are given full autonomy. If the design reform needs the overall epistemological wisdom, then the implementation of the reform needs to reconcile Ding Ding’s methodological art.. The process of document formulation has been discussed by more than 10 departments and more than 100 meetings, taking into account the interests of all parties to the maximum extent. In implementing the reform, all parties should also be carefully deployed and coordinated. It is necessary to have a sense of urgency to get rid of indulging, boldly promote management innovation, and also to have a step-by-step methodology to firmly guard the bottom line of safety and stability. Reform depends not only on the original intention, but also on the effect test.

  【Netizen said]

  @ 軉枹: I haven’t taken a taxi for a long time. I use the internet to get a car. This is the result of market competition. I believe many people are like me. Everything must conform to the laws of the market.

  @ Li Ermao 46054: Making the best use of everything and people’s talents is a necessary condition for social development.

  @ 京京京京: Breaking the monopoly of taxi management and reasonable competition will definitely benefit the people.

  @ Xuanzi 23386: The purpose of the new regulations is to standardize the network car, ensure the rights and interests of passengers and the safety of riding, and also effectively guarantee the quality of service.

The game "rental number" bypasses the real-name authentication. There are still loopholes in the anti-addiction system for minors.

  The summer vacation is coming to an end, and the children on holiday are grasping to enjoy the relaxed and rare extracurricular time. However, children who are addicted to mobile games are staring at the electronic screen and have the idea of "bypassing" the game anti-addiction system by renting an account.

  The reporter’s investigation found that there are a large number of game account rental platforms active on the Internet. The reporter personally found that although some platforms have set up a "real name authentication" link to prohibit minors from placing orders, most platforms can still easily rent accounts in the form of "over-the-counter transactions" and make the "anti-addiction system" of game manufacturers useless.

  Children rent a game account to bypass "anti-addiction"

  "Obviously, this game has long restrictions on minors. Why can children still play with their mobile phones for an afternoon?" Recently, Mr. Hu, a citizen, found that his son, who was in the fourth grade of primary school, always stayed at home to play the glory of the king when his parents were away. What surprised Mr. Hu even more was that his son’s game account actually reached the level of "34 stars of the strongest king" and also had many expensive game skins.

  "This is outrageous!" Mr. Hu, who is engaged in the IT industry, is very confused, but his son tells the truth: under the introduction of his classmates, he found a game rental platform to rent a game account. "In addition to the glory of the king, you can also rent accounts of popular games such as Voyager Hot Blood Route, Call of Duty and Naruto."

  Mr. Hu told reporters that, taking the "Rent X Cool" game rental platform as an example, different the glory of the king accounts have different rental prices according to the number of heroes, the number of skins and the number of segments. "Cheap bronze trumpet 7 cents an hour, high-end king account in 5 yuan to 15 yuan. It costs more than ten yuan to play in one afternoon. Parents think that children are the cost of ordinary snacks, which is difficult to detect. "

  The reporter noted that on August 4, Tencent updated the health system rules in order to further strengthen the protection of minors. Among them, underage users of the glory of the king are forbidden to play from 22: 00 to 8: 00 the next day, and are limited to 2 hours a day on national legal holidays, and 1 hour a day at other times.

  However, the practice of renting the game number directly makes the manufacturer’s game anti-addiction system a decoration.

  The unlicensed reporter’s rental number is still "green light all the way"

  In the investigation, the reporter found that the mainstream game rental platforms on the market are mainly divided into two categories: one is operated by an enterprise, and the platform has a complete APP end and a webpage end, and users can place orders directly on the platform. Take the "Rent X Play" game rental platform as an example. The platform claims that it has more than 50 million registered users and has a high-end game account worth more than 5 billion. The other is operated by small and medium-sized studios and individuals, mainly relying on e-commerce platforms to engage in transactions. In addition, some merchants use keys and other forms to bypass the platform and "pay in one hand and deliver in one hand" with users.

  On August 26th, the reporter went to the "Rent X Play" game rental platform. After entering from the webpage, the reporter saw that a large number of popular mobile game accounts such as the glory of the king, Peace Elite and QQ Speeder were being rented. Take the glory of the king as an example. The hourly rental price of a V9 account in QQ Apple Zone is 5.5 yuan, the daily rental price is 71 yuan, and the night package price from 10 pm to 7 am the next day is 25.6 yuan. However, when the reporter placed an order, the website popped up a "real name authentication" page, asking the reporter to enter his name and ID number, and said that minors were not allowed to place an order.

  To bypass this certification, you only need to go to Taobao to find a merchant to rent one. Under the guidance of a minor, the reporter successfully contacted a seller. The seller said that the game account can be rented at least 2 hours, and players can trade directly in the form of red envelopes without taking any goods.

  After selecting the corresponding game account and paying the red envelope, the reporter successfully obtained the login key of a registrar APP, and successfully logged into the glory of the king with someone else’s account.

  Game "Rent Number" Exposes Real Name Regulatory Vulnerability

  In recent years, China has continuously increased the regulatory measures to prevent minors from indulging in games. On October 25, 2019, the State Press and Publication Administration issued the Notice on Preventing Minors from Indulging in Online Games, which put forward clear requirements for implementing the real-name system for accounts, strictly controlling the time and duration of minors’ games, and the content of paid services for minors. On June 1, the newly revised Law on the Protection of Minors, which was officially implemented, clearly stated that online service providers such as online games should set up corresponding functions such as time management, authority management and consumption management for minors to use their services.

  Game makers have also technically strengthened anti-addiction measures for minors. On July 5th, Tencent Health System officially launched the "Zero Cruise" function on the basis of "no play, no charge and no curfew" for minors whose real names have been registered, which is mainly used for face screening for accounts whose night games have exceeded a certain period of time and whose real names are adults. Netease also upgraded the anti-addiction measures for minors this summer, combined with big data and artificial intelligence to identify minors’ fraudulent use of adult accounts, and intervened in advance for minors who were irrational in consumption.

  However, the large-scale adult game account rental industry chain makes the minor game "anti-addiction" ineffective. A person in the game industry told reporters that identity recognition is the key to the implementation of the game anti-addiction system. This means that once a minor enters the game by renting an adult’s real-name authenticated game account, it will be difficult for the anti-addiction system to comprehensively supervise it. "Even if someone’s face is screened, it is still a leak."

  As for the behavior of renting game numbers, the reporter noticed that many game companies such as Tencent, Ali, Netease and sogou all emphasized in the User Agreement of their games that it is forbidden to sell, rent, transfer or share game accounts with others without the permission of the company. Tencent also recently sued more than a dozen third-party game trading platforms, such as Taobao Mobile Games, DD373 and 5173, and demanded to stop trading. For all relevant departments, in order to prevent minors from indulging in online games, it is also necessary to fill in obvious regulatory loopholes such as "rental number" and increase penalties for illegal network operators to form a deterrent effect. (Reporter Yuan Lu)