Experts, media, and netizens have something to say when the new rules for online car rental are introduced.

  News background:

  On the afternoon of July 28th, the State Council issued the Guiding Opinions on Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of Taxi Industry. The "Guidance Opinion" divides taxis into two categories: cruise taxis and reserved taxis. It is the first time that Internet cars are included in the management of reserved taxis, which clarifies the positioning of the taxi industry; At the same time, clarify the legal status of the network car, and support the continuous innovation and standardized development of the network car platform company; Encourage the transformation of traditional taxi companies to provide online car service.

  【Experts talk]

  Zhu Xi: "Network car" is the first in the world in China.

  "The promulgation of the Interim Measures has made China the first country in the world to officially recognize the legalization of Internet private cars." Zhu Wei, deputy director of Communication Law Research Center of China University of Political Science and Law and expert member of internet society of china Sharing Economic Work Committee, said: Great progress has been made.

  Zhu Wei said: "On a global scale, this is the first ‘ Internet plus & rsquo; It is a good law with epoch-making significance to share economic legislation and laws and regulations to correct the name. " He also specifically mentioned that the New Deal has brought "internet plus Travel" back to the market-oriented mode, such as the market-adjusted price of the network car fare; "Market reward and promotion" is a normal market behavior. Except for being bound by competition law and advertising law, there is no additional requirement, but it cannot disrupt the normal market order by operating at a price below cost. For another example, hitchhiking is a magic weapon to solve urban congestion and reduce the number of vehicles on the road in cities, and there are many mature cases in judicial practice at home and abroad. "The ride is essentially different from the commercial profit of the online car, so it is correct for the New Deal to exclude it." He said.

  Su Kui: The new rules of online car-sharing are a consensus reached in difficult trade-offs and games.

  How to balance the development of network car and fair competition is the most difficult part of the new regulations. How to standardize and not restrict the development of network car? How to develop online car rental and ensure a level playing field for online car rental and taxis.

  For example, 8-year scrapping is to consider that it is unfair to use the network car with less intensity if it is scrapped according to the rental operation for 8 years. It may also push a large number of online car drivers out of the platform.

  Another example is to define the nature of the platform as a transportation service, not an information matchmaker. This is the same as the taxi at a starting line, and the passengers feel the same. In case of safety problems, the platform, as a transportation service provider, needs to bear the responsibility.

  Whether it is the draft for comments issued last year or the new regulations that are finally difficult to introduce, the game and trade-off have always been the most difficult things. "The good news is that we have basically reached a relatively rational consensus." Su Kui said.  

  【Media discussion]

  Taxi and online car will be in their proper places.

  The Guiding Opinions made it clear that the original taxis and online car-rides will achieve "dislocation development" and give full play to their advantages, not only "sitting up" but also "sitting up", so that different travel needs of people at different levels can be met.

  It can be expected that with the implementation and effectiveness of the new policy of online car-sharing, the online car-sharing market will usher in another round of adjustment, the number of online car-sharing and employees will change, the market positioning of online car-sharing will be further revised, and the platform’s management of online car-sharing will also be strengthened. At the same time, bringing online car rental into the taxi industry, setting necessary thresholds, supporting reasonable tax and fee policies, and maintaining market fairness will also effectively promote the balanced development of different levels of taxi services and achieve a win-win situation among online car rental, platforms and consumers. 

  From "incompatible" to "in their proper place", online car-hailing and taxis contain the spirit of reform and innovation, which is representative and typical in the era of "internet plus". Broadly speaking, when we enter the Internet age, the new forms and new formats will pose "conflicts and threats" to traditional related industries, which itself contains the opportunities and challenges of "internet plus". Accelerating the pace of reform and innovation, advancing laws and regulations with the times, and advancing the rule of law in an all-round way are the key to solving problems, and are also the reliable guarantee and core driving force to better adapt to the Internet era.

  The New Deal of Online Car Rental is an example of dealing with the relationship between the market and the government.

  How to define and manage the network car has been tangled in China for several years, which vividly presents the landscape of the deep-water period of reform. In the meantime, the strategy of treating private cars as black cars in local actual management and the tight management signals revealed by relevant central ministries and commissions once made the development of this new format of online car-sharing pessimistic. Now, the promulgation of Guiding Opinions on Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of Taxi Industry and Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Service clearly gives the online car a legal status, makes it clear that private cars can engage in online car operation, and requires reducing the taxi "money", which highlights the victory of the market, reaffirms the reform logic of "letting the market play a decisive role in resource allocation" and expresses the value direction of decentralization and sharing the economy.

  The new policy of network car is a model of opening the door legislation

  The formulation process of the new policy of network car is also a model of opening the door legislation. From the beginning of 2014, the online car platform launched a large-scale subsidy, and by 2015, the online car was promoted and operated nationwide, and then by the beginning of 2016, the multi-party game network car new deal. The introduction of a new policy will inevitably involve the interests of many parties. How to balance reform, stability and development has become a subject that policy makers must weigh. In the process of the introduction of the new policy of network car, not only the relevant ministries and commissions have repeatedly investigated, but also Shanghai, Yiwu and other places have actively explored, and various provinces and cities have fully discussed, and the network car platform and taxi companies have their own opinions. The final New Deal has basically become the greatest common denominator of the interests of all parties.

  The network car is just a representative of many new things, but the experience of network car governance has a wide range of demonstration significance. It is not advisable to build a car behind closed doors, and legislation should open the door. Regulators need more keen observation, more extensive research and more calm thinking, and emerging enterprises need more full expression, more careful development and more rational self-discipline. The practice of online car-sharing proves that the government and the market can realize clear boundaries and benign interaction, and both existing and emerging formats can also coordinate development and healthy metabolism.

  Legalization of the network car, good governance needs more good deeds.

  The formulation of documents is only the first step, and the next step is to do a good job in the industry and territorial rules and implement the reform. One of the highlights of this reform is that it is not necessary to "measure the whole country with one ruler". Metropolis has the practice of metropolis, and small counties have small counties. According to the principle of territorial management, all localities are given full autonomy. If the design reform needs the overall epistemological wisdom, then the implementation of the reform needs to reconcile Ding Ding’s methodological art.. The process of document formulation has been discussed by more than 10 departments and more than 100 meetings, taking into account the interests of all parties to the maximum extent. In implementing the reform, all parties should also be carefully deployed and coordinated. It is necessary to have a sense of urgency to get rid of indulging, boldly promote management innovation, and also to have a step-by-step methodology to firmly guard the bottom line of safety and stability. Reform depends not only on the original intention, but also on the effect test.

  【Netizen said]

  @ 軉枹: I haven’t taken a taxi for a long time. I use the internet to get a car. This is the result of market competition. I believe many people are like me. Everything must conform to the laws of the market.

  @ Li Ermao 46054: Making the best use of everything and people’s talents is a necessary condition for social development.

  @ 京京京京: Breaking the monopoly of taxi management and reasonable competition will definitely benefit the people.

  @ Xuanzi 23386: The purpose of the new regulations is to standardize the network car, ensure the rights and interests of passengers and the safety of riding, and also effectively guarantee the quality of service.

The game "rental number" bypasses the real-name authentication. There are still loopholes in the anti-addiction system for minors.

  The summer vacation is coming to an end, and the children on holiday are grasping to enjoy the relaxed and rare extracurricular time. However, children who are addicted to mobile games are staring at the electronic screen and have the idea of "bypassing" the game anti-addiction system by renting an account.

  The reporter’s investigation found that there are a large number of game account rental platforms active on the Internet. The reporter personally found that although some platforms have set up a "real name authentication" link to prohibit minors from placing orders, most platforms can still easily rent accounts in the form of "over-the-counter transactions" and make the "anti-addiction system" of game manufacturers useless.

  Children rent a game account to bypass "anti-addiction"

  "Obviously, this game has long restrictions on minors. Why can children still play with their mobile phones for an afternoon?" Recently, Mr. Hu, a citizen, found that his son, who was in the fourth grade of primary school, always stayed at home to play the glory of the king when his parents were away. What surprised Mr. Hu even more was that his son’s game account actually reached the level of "34 stars of the strongest king" and also had many expensive game skins.

  "This is outrageous!" Mr. Hu, who is engaged in the IT industry, is very confused, but his son tells the truth: under the introduction of his classmates, he found a game rental platform to rent a game account. "In addition to the glory of the king, you can also rent accounts of popular games such as Voyager Hot Blood Route, Call of Duty and Naruto."

  Mr. Hu told reporters that, taking the "Rent X Cool" game rental platform as an example, different the glory of the king accounts have different rental prices according to the number of heroes, the number of skins and the number of segments. "Cheap bronze trumpet 7 cents an hour, high-end king account in 5 yuan to 15 yuan. It costs more than ten yuan to play in one afternoon. Parents think that children are the cost of ordinary snacks, which is difficult to detect. "

  The reporter noted that on August 4, Tencent updated the health system rules in order to further strengthen the protection of minors. Among them, underage users of the glory of the king are forbidden to play from 22: 00 to 8: 00 the next day, and are limited to 2 hours a day on national legal holidays, and 1 hour a day at other times.

  However, the practice of renting the game number directly makes the manufacturer’s game anti-addiction system a decoration.

  The unlicensed reporter’s rental number is still "green light all the way"

  In the investigation, the reporter found that the mainstream game rental platforms on the market are mainly divided into two categories: one is operated by an enterprise, and the platform has a complete APP end and a webpage end, and users can place orders directly on the platform. Take the "Rent X Play" game rental platform as an example. The platform claims that it has more than 50 million registered users and has a high-end game account worth more than 5 billion. The other is operated by small and medium-sized studios and individuals, mainly relying on e-commerce platforms to engage in transactions. In addition, some merchants use keys and other forms to bypass the platform and "pay in one hand and deliver in one hand" with users.

  On August 26th, the reporter went to the "Rent X Play" game rental platform. After entering from the webpage, the reporter saw that a large number of popular mobile game accounts such as the glory of the king, Peace Elite and QQ Speeder were being rented. Take the glory of the king as an example. The hourly rental price of a V9 account in QQ Apple Zone is 5.5 yuan, the daily rental price is 71 yuan, and the night package price from 10 pm to 7 am the next day is 25.6 yuan. However, when the reporter placed an order, the website popped up a "real name authentication" page, asking the reporter to enter his name and ID number, and said that minors were not allowed to place an order.

  To bypass this certification, you only need to go to Taobao to find a merchant to rent one. Under the guidance of a minor, the reporter successfully contacted a seller. The seller said that the game account can be rented at least 2 hours, and players can trade directly in the form of red envelopes without taking any goods.

  After selecting the corresponding game account and paying the red envelope, the reporter successfully obtained the login key of a registrar APP, and successfully logged into the glory of the king with someone else’s account.

  Game "Rent Number" Exposes Real Name Regulatory Vulnerability

  In recent years, China has continuously increased the regulatory measures to prevent minors from indulging in games. On October 25, 2019, the State Press and Publication Administration issued the Notice on Preventing Minors from Indulging in Online Games, which put forward clear requirements for implementing the real-name system for accounts, strictly controlling the time and duration of minors’ games, and the content of paid services for minors. On June 1, the newly revised Law on the Protection of Minors, which was officially implemented, clearly stated that online service providers such as online games should set up corresponding functions such as time management, authority management and consumption management for minors to use their services.

  Game makers have also technically strengthened anti-addiction measures for minors. On July 5th, Tencent Health System officially launched the "Zero Cruise" function on the basis of "no play, no charge and no curfew" for minors whose real names have been registered, which is mainly used for face screening for accounts whose night games have exceeded a certain period of time and whose real names are adults. Netease also upgraded the anti-addiction measures for minors this summer, combined with big data and artificial intelligence to identify minors’ fraudulent use of adult accounts, and intervened in advance for minors who were irrational in consumption.

  However, the large-scale adult game account rental industry chain makes the minor game "anti-addiction" ineffective. A person in the game industry told reporters that identity recognition is the key to the implementation of the game anti-addiction system. This means that once a minor enters the game by renting an adult’s real-name authenticated game account, it will be difficult for the anti-addiction system to comprehensively supervise it. "Even if someone’s face is screened, it is still a leak."

  As for the behavior of renting game numbers, the reporter noticed that many game companies such as Tencent, Ali, Netease and sogou all emphasized in the User Agreement of their games that it is forbidden to sell, rent, transfer or share game accounts with others without the permission of the company. Tencent also recently sued more than a dozen third-party game trading platforms, such as Taobao Mobile Games, DD373 and 5173, and demanded to stop trading. For all relevant departments, in order to prevent minors from indulging in online games, it is also necessary to fill in obvious regulatory loopholes such as "rental number" and increase penalties for illegal network operators to form a deterrent effect. (Reporter Yuan Lu)

Set out and take the high-speed train to enjoy the flowers in the spring and the Qingming Festival.

red peach blossoms and green willows—beautiful spring scene

sunlit and enchanting scene of spring

On such a day,

Bring your good mood.

Take the high-speed train and set out to enjoy the flowers in the spring.

Xiaobian has done a good job for you.


Thousands of peaks are stacked, and azaleas are like the sea.

Flowering: March to May

Coordinates: Liuyang, Hunan, Nanning, Guangxi

Hu’ nan Liuyang

Dawei Mountain National Forest Park is located in the northeast of Liuyang City, Hunan Province, 148 kilometers away from Changsha. Mid-April to mid-May is the best viewing season for rhododendrons in Dawei Mountain, with 10,000 mu of alpine rhododendrons at an altitude of 1,607.9 meters competing to bloom.

Standing on the top of the mountain and looking around, the azaleas all over the mountains are quietly surrounded by green hills, which is very spectacular. A beautiful picture of "thousands of peaks are stacked, azaleas are like the sea, and the mountains are full of exotic fragrance".



From Guangzhou, you can take the high-speed train to Changsha and then transfer to the bus to Liuyang. At present, there are many choices of high-speed trains, the fastest is 2 hours and 17 minutes.

Guangxi Nanning

Daming Mountain is 76 kilometers away from Nanning, with an average elevation of 1,200 meters. The main peak, Longtou Mountain, is 1,760 meters above sea level, making it the first peak in central and southern Guangxi. Rhododendron is one of the four famous flowers in Daming Mountain. Every flowering period, it will turn into a sea of flowers.

There are more than 30 species of wild rhododendron in Daming Mountain, among which the color-changing rhododendron is the most peculiar, and its color can change with the change of climate and light, from pink to white.



Guangzhou South Railway Station has EMU trains to Nanning and Nanning East Railway Station respectively, with the fastest journey of 2 hours and 47 minutes. The fastest journey from Changsha South Station to Nanning East Station is 5 hours and 4 minutes.

rape flower

Yellow calyx and green leaves are thick, and thousands of villages are pressing new oil.

Flowering: March to April

Coordinates: Yichun and Wuyuan, Jiangxi

Jiangxi Yichun

Mingyue Mountain is located in the southwest of Yichun City, Jiangxi Province, only 15 kilometers away from the central city, with a total area of 389.6 square kilometers. Shebu Village and Changkeng Village in Mingyue Mountain Tourist Resort have their own characteristics, which are great punching points for rape flowers.

The flowering period of rape flowers is generally from March to April, and the rape field in Changkeng Village covers an area of 200 mu. When rape blossoms are in full bloom, the sea of rape blossoms swaying with the wind in the field, and the breeze blows, turning up layers of golden waves and adding infinite poetic meaning.



There are many high-speed trains from Guangzhou to Yichun, and the fastest journey is 3 hours and 11 minutes. It takes only 40 minutes for the high-speed train to depart from Changsha.

Jiangxi Wuyuan

Jiangxi is a big province for planting rape. The rape flower in Wuyuan, Jiangxi Province, first became famous in the 10,000-acre terraced flower sea in Qiling and Jiangling. Qiling is known as "one of the four major flower seas in China" and the most visually impactful flower viewing place in East China. Entering Wuyuan, every village is a scene.

Wuyuan rape blossoms usually bloom from March to April every year, and sometimes the time is half a month in different years.



There is a direct high-speed train from Guangzhou South Railway Station to Wuyuan, which takes 6 hours and 22 minutes. Starting from Guangzhou, you can also choose to transfer to high-speed trains in Shangrao, Wuhan and Nanchang. The fastest journey is 6 hours and 15 minutes. The fastest time from Changsha to Wuyuan high-speed railway is 3 hours and 31 minutes.

Late cherry blossom

Pink clouds are better than brocade, and falling English is like velvet.

Flowering: March to April

Coordinates: Pingba, Guizhou, Wuhan, Hubei and Wuxi, Jiangsu.

Guizhou pingba

Pingba 10,000 mu cherry blossom garden is the largest cherry blossom base in China, with more than 700,000 cherry blossoms.

Surrounded by mountains and rivers, clusters of cherry blossoms on the peninsula are beautiful from a distance.

Cherry blossoms in the cherry blossom garden are mainly early cherry blossoms and late cherry blossoms. Early cherry blossoms account for the majority, which are pink and white. They bloom in early March every year and last until the end of the month.

In the evening of mid-March, cherry blossoms began to bloom most beautifully in their lives, pink and delicate. The flowering period is expected to be from early March to early April.



From Guangzhou South Railway Station to Pingba, you need to change at Guiyang North Railway Station, and the fastest journey is 6 hours and 56 minutes. Changsha South Railway Station departs directly to Pingba South, with the fastest time of 3 hours and 39 minutes.

Hubei Wuhan

Wuhan East Lake Moshan Cherry Blossom Garden is located at the southern foot of East Lake Moshan Scenic Area, a national 5A scenic spot near East Lake Meiyuan. It covers an area of 260 mu and has 10,000 cherry trees.

The Cherry Blossom Festival is held in late March every year. Due to the urban heat island effect, the cherry blossoms in East Lake generally bloom for a few days later. The flowering period is generally from mid-March to early April, from early cherry blossoms to late cherry blossoms, and the flowering period adds up to more than 20 days.



There are a variety of high-speed trains from Guangzhou to Wuhan, with the fastest time of 3 hours and 38 minutes. It takes only 1 hour and 17 minutes from Changsha to Wuhan at the earliest.

Jiangsu Wuxi

Yuantouzhu is known as "the first scenic spot in Taihu Lake and the cherry blossom viewing resort in China". As one of the "three major cherry blossom viewing resorts in the world", there are more than 30,000 cherry trees with 100 varieties in the cherry blossom valley in Yuantouzhu.

During the Cherry Blossom Festival, the cherry blossoms are like clouds, full of trees, and the spring breeze blows and the cherry blossoms fly, which is beautiful.

Early cherry blossoms in Yuantouzhu usually bloom from mid-March to early April, mostly single or semi-double. The late cherry blossom period lasts for 7 to 10 days. Due to the warming speed, there is an interval of 5 to 12 days between morning and evening flowering, during which some hybrid cherry blossoms are in bloom.



Starting from Guangzhou, you can take the high-speed train and transfer in Shanghai, Nanjing, Hefei and Hangzhou. The fastest journey takes 8 hours and 7 minutes. It takes 6 hours and 10 minutes to leave Changsha for the high-speed train.

Tread in spring.

Let’s go

Produced by China Railway Guangzhou Bureau Group Co., Ltd. Rong Media Center

Planning and writing: Hu Qi Zhao Yue

Photo: Zhou Wen, Li Yong, Zn, Yang Anyong.

Original title: "Depart, take the high-speed train to enjoy the flowers in the spring."

Read the original text

Do aquatic dinosaurs exist or not?

  The prehistoric creatures

  Intern reporter Dai Xiaopei

  In the evolutionary history of dinosaurs, one of the biggest mysteries is: Are there aquatic dinosaurs? Although we know that ichthyosaurs, plesiosaurs and canglong all live in water, according to their position on the evolutionary tree, they are not strictly dinosaurs, but only close relatives of dinosaurs. So why are aquatic dinosaurs so rare?

  Spinosaurus is an atypical aquatic dinosaur?

  In fact, among the dinosaur fossils found, there are not dinosaurs that did not live in water at all.

  In 1912, people discovered a kind of theropod dinosaur in Egypt — — Fossils of Spinosaurus, which lived in the Cretaceous period from about 110 million to 93.5 million years ago.

  According to the early data released by scientists, Spinosaurus was 12.6 to 18 meters long and weighed 7 to 20.9 tons. In recent years, more complete specimens support early research, and scientists found that Spinosaurus could grow to a length of 15 to 15.6 meters. However, the latest data estimate that its weight is 6.4 tons to 7.2 tons. Unlike most dinosaurs, Spinosaurus had some unique spines on its back, forming a sail-like structure. According to public information, the spines on the back of Spinosaurus were at least 1.65 meters long. The spine of Spinosaurus is an extension of its vertebrae, which researchers believe can help Spinosaurus regulate its body temperature or show its unique charm.

  "After comparing Spinosaurus with crocodiles, people think that Spinosaurus may be aquatic." Xu Xing, a paleontologist at the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology of China Academy of Sciences, told the Science and Technology Daily reporter that according to the skull shape of Spinosaurus, it was found that the skull of Spinosaurus was long and narrow, similar to that of modern crocodiles. Specifically, the mouth is slender, and the direction and size of teeth help it catch fish and fix its prey in the mouth.

  In addition, by analyzing the fossils of individual Spinosaurus, some scientists found that there were fish scale residues in the stomach contents of Spinosaurus. "This shows that Spinosaurus ate creatures in the water, and it can be speculated that Spinosaurus may live on the shore or in the water." Xu Xing said that another evidence that Spinosaurus lived in water is that studies have found that the isotopic composition of Spinosaurus bones is close to that of aquatic animals.

  However, Xu Xing stressed that there is no very conclusive evidence that Spinosaurus must have lived in water. "Because Spinosaurus didn’t have a fin-like structure like aquatic animals such as sea lions or seals. This shows that Spinosaurus cannot live completely in water and is not a typical aquatic animal. " He said that according to the existing findings, it is not easy to judge whether Spinosaurus lived in the water or on the shore for a long time.

  "According to the teeth and skull of Spinosaurus, people think that Spinosaurus mainly lived by eating fish, but Spinosaurus is just a kind of dinosaur with a special feeding habit, and generally speaking, Spinosaurus just goes into the water to prey and then returns to land life. Therefore, we cannot put forward ‘ Aquatic dinosaur ’ The concept. " Xing Lida, an associate professor at China Geo University, said.

  Dinosaurs were aquatic animals?

  Some scientists believe that dinosaurs were originally aquatic animals. This statement stems from a puzzle: how did the slender legs of dinosaurs support its huge body? Brian Ford, a cell biologist at Cambridge University in England, tried to explain that dinosaurs mainly lived in water and supported their bodies by buoyancy. He said that dinosaurs swam in the lake most of the time, and their tails provided assistance, and their footprints were printed into the mud.

  According to Ford, it can explain why archaeologists often dig dinosaur footprints, but there are few traces of dinosaur tails. Compared with modern large animals such as elephants and rhinoceroses, dinosaurs had small legs but fat tails.

  "It makes sense to think that dinosaurs lived in water." Ford said, "dinosaurs used water to support their weight, float their tails, regulate their body temperature and get food."

  However, Paul Barrett, a paleontologist at the Natural History Museum in London, believes that this statement makes no sense. He said that with the help of the principle of load-bearing structural engineering, researchers have proved that the strength of dinosaur leg muscles is enough to support its body to walk easily on land. Moreover, dinosaurs had difficulty breathing and walked slowly in the water. "They may live near water, and sometimes they go into the water to cool off, but I don’t accept the theory that they live in water." Paul said.

  In 2007, scientists found traces of dinosaurs’ claws at the bottom of the water in the Carmelos basin in northeastern Spain, which became conclusive evidence that "dinosaurs could swim". In 2011, Chinese and American paleontologists found a group of strange footprints with only toe marks and no heels in Chicheng County, Hebei Province. Experts believe that this is the hard evidence of dinosaurs playing in the water — — Tracers leave scratches on the bottom of the lake after entering the water. As the depth of the lake increases, their feet can touch less and less water bottom, and their footprints gradually weaken, and their three toes can not be completely preserved.

  Completely aquatic dinosaurs don’t exist?

  Although there is evidence that some dinosaurs lived in water, Xing Lida still opposed the concept of "aquatic dinosaurs". “‘ Aquatic dinosaur ’ It is only a hypothesis put forward in recent years, but it is extremely easy to include Syngnathus, Canglong, plesiosaur, etc., confusing concepts. "

  Xu Xing also told reporters: "According to the existing research, there are no pure water dinosaurs. Let’s just say that there is some evidence that dinosaurs lived in water for some time. The limbs of plesiosaurs, ichthyosaurs or sea lions and seals will undergo height changes to adapt to life completely in water, but there is no evidence that such dinosaurs exist at present. "

  Strictly speaking, no real aquatic dinosaurs have been found. Xu Xing believes that there are two possibilities. First, dinosaurs did not give priority to occupy the water niche in the era when they lived. At that time, the water environment might be occupied by crocodiles and other aquatic animals. Second, there may be aquatic dinosaurs, but they have not become mainstream species, and the fossils of such dinosaurs have not been preserved or discovered.

  "In recent years, with the deepening of field trips, people have discovered more and more strange dinosaurs. The current fossil record has not fully revealed the diversity of dinosaurs. " Xu Xing said that the original fossil record is deficient, some deficiencies may be remedied, and some deficiencies may exist forever.

  What’s the point of studying dinosaurs and even arguing about whether dinosaurs were aquatic or terrestrial?

  "First of all, it can prove some evolutionary phenomena. Species are always changing, such as from big to small, from land to air. Scientists hope to reveal the law of change. " Xu Xing said that the current ecosystem is called the world of birds and flowers, characterized by beautiful birds and flowering plants, and this ecosystem evolved from the Mesozoic ecosystem dominated by dinosaurs. We need a lot of data and fossil records to reveal this evolution process.

  At the same time, scientists should also reveal which factors affect the evolution of life, such as genes or environment. "It is also important for human beings to understand their own lives to understand the laws of the evolution of all things." Xu Xing said.

  Related links

  This dinosaur can also swim and hunt in the water.

  At the end of 2017, research teams from Italy and other countries discovered a new dinosaur fossil in the late Cretaceous strata of Mongolia, which was roughly waterfowl-like. This new dinosaur species was named Eichzka, commonly known as "duck dinosaur". "Duck Dinosaur" has a long and curved neck, and its forelimbs are fin-shaped. It can walk on land like a duck and swim with its forelimbs. They also have many tiny teeth suitable for eating fish. Another feature of "Duck Dinosaur" is that its beak and upper jaw have many small holes, which were once filled with nerve endings. This kind of mouth has a similar structure to the beaks of some waterfowl. This shows that "duck dinosaurs" may have preyed in the water or at the bottom of rivers and lakes.

The 3 rd line battle field shines! The throne of football in China will give way! Wuhan soil cannon rises!

China football has been looking for new players to provoke the offensive banner, and now we have one person, who is Wei Shihao, the local cannon of Wuhan Sanzhen Team, the defending champion of Chinese Super League. This season, Wuhan Sanzhen team experienced serious difficulties. The investors of the team suddenly withdrew their funds, and the team became an empty shell team before the AFC Champions League started. The rise of Wei Shihao propped up the team and made it get good results. Since Lei Wu played in the Super League, his goals have been among the best.

But in the sixth season, Wu Lei won the top scorer in the Super League with 27 goals, but lost the opportunity to compete in Europe. In the end, he chose to return to China, but his competitive state declined. No matter in the club or the national team, he no longer had the feeling of being unique. Now, the national football team needs a new person to carry the banner of attack, and this person is Wei Shihao.

Wei Shihao’s performance in Wuhan Sanzhen Team is remarkable, and his rise made the team maintain its fighting capacity after experiencing serious difficulties. In the 29th round of the Super League, Wuhan Sanzhen team played against Shenzhen team at home. Wei Shihao’s form is obviously good. He created many opportunities for the team. Although the team was exhausted, he still played well.

Wei Shihao’s strength cannot be ignored. He entered the national team in 2015 and became the youngest scorer in the Asian Cup. His performance has also been recognized by the head coach of the national team and has been selected for the national team many times. In the national football team’s away game against South Korea in January this year, Wei Shihao scored a goal to help the national football team draw with South Korea, showing his own strength. The rise of Wei Shihao also attracted the attention of fans, and his performance made people look forward to the future of China football.

Although he is still young, he has shown his strength and potential. China football needs such young players with strength and potential to achieve better results in the future. Generally speaking, Wei Shihao is a new star in China football, and his performance has attracted the attention of fans and the media. Although he still needs to constantly hone himself in actual combat, his strength and potential have made people look forward to his future. Can he become the next Lei Wu of China football?

This is an interesting question, which deserves our expectation and discussion. Wei Shihao, he is the player that the Chinese Super League or China football needs at present. Whether in the national team, AFC Champions League or Super League, he can carry the team’s banner, score key goals and win for the team. His strong performance also makes people have to look forward to his future.

In a recent game, Wei Shihao scored a goal at the end of the game, helping the three towns of Wuhan beat Shenzhen 1-0. This ball is also considered as the winner of the game. And he also scored a goal in the last AFC Champions League, which helped the team win the first victory in AFC Champions League history. His goal also helped the national team to see hope when the national team was once in a desperate situation against Uzbekistan.

It can be said that Wei Shihao has an excellent performance in the third-line arena and has become the backbone of the team. Wei Shihao’s strength and performance also make people have to compare him with Lei Wu. It can be said that Wei Shihao has already taken over the banner of Lei Wu. His strength is comparable to that of Wu Lei, and his performance is not lost to Lei Wu. China football in the future needs such players, such backbone and such leaders.

Of course, Wei Shihao’s strong performance is also inseparable from his efforts and dedication. In his training, he always takes every detail seriously and devotes himself to it. His efforts and dedication have also enabled him to play more confidently and excellently in the competition. Generally speaking, Wei Shihao has become the focus of domestic fans.

His strength and performance make people full of expectations, expecting him to carry the banner of China football in the future and make greater contributions to the development of China football.

"Double Olympic City" played sound of spring.

  The early spring of the Year of the Tiger is destined to become a shining coordinate in the long river of history.

  Winter Olympics, Spring Festival and beginning of spring miraculously coincide. In the season of reunification and renewal of everything, visitors from all directions gathered in Beijing to write a colorful stroke in the history of the Olympic Games.

  On the evening of the 20th, at the closing ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics, people folded their willows and sent their feelings to say goodbye. The story of snowflake continues, warming the world and illuminating the future.

  △ On the evening of 20th, the closing ceremony of the 24th Winter Olympic Games in Beijing was held at the National Stadium.

  During the Winter Olympics, the world paid attention to China, and China lived up to the world. The "Olympic Cup" awarded by IOC President Bach to all the people of China is the best witness.

  This is an ice and snow agreement to share Olympic glory and dreams. Athletes from all over the world gathered under the five-ring flag, working hard and courageously striving for the first place, with opponents on the field and friends off the field, vividly interpreting "Faster, higher and stronger — — More United "Olympic spirit. In his speech at the closing ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics, IOC President Bach said: "This is a truly unparalleled Winter Olympics, and we welcome China to become a country of ice and snow sports."

  This is an open stage to inspire the national spirit and show the elegance of a big country. As the first "Double Olympic City", Beijing has contributed a "simple, safe and wonderful" Winter Olympics to the world as promised. Standing at the historical intersection of "two hundred years", the Winter Olympics dream stirred up the Chinese dream, and the people of China embarked on a new journey to realize the great rejuvenation of the nation with the image of enthusiasm, sunshine, openness and self-confidence.

  This is a global gathering of civilizations and forge ahead in unity. Regardless of each other and respect each other, athletes compete in the same field, break through themselves, support each other and encourage each other in shaking hands and hugs, and climb the peak together. People have realized more deeply that the world belongs to one family, and human destiny is shared. Only by "being together" can there be a "future".

  "When the world was frozen by the COVID-19 epidemic, the Beijing Winter Olympics, like spring, arrived as scheduled." A foreign media wrote this. Sound of spring conveyed by this ice and snow festival will surely become a strong voice in the journey of human development and progress.


















  冰天雪地里的财富不止于此。几年来,从冰雪运动、冰雪旅游到冰雪装备、冰雪产业投融资,中国的冰雪经济全方位发展,初步形成了比较完善的产业体系。相关报告显示, 2020-2021雪季,全国冰雪旅游人数达到2.3亿人次,冰雪旅游收入3900亿元。








  On the evening of February 4th, the opening ceremony of the 24th Winter Olympic Games was held in Beijing National Stadium.

  As the first international large-scale event hosted by China after it announced the goal of "peak carbon dioxide emissions" and "carbon neutrality", the Beijing Winter Olympics has put the concept of "green" into the whole process of preparation and hosting. From the energy, venues, transportation and many other details, the Beijing Winter Olympics is undoubtedly the "greenest" Olympics.

  For the first time in history, all venues in the Winter Olympics have achieved 100% "green electricity" supply; Four venues, such as National Speed Skating Gymnasium and Capital Gymnasium, adopt carbon dioxide transcritical direct cooling ice-making system, which can improve energy efficiency by 30%-40% and recover all residual heat. Adopting the world’s most advanced efficient water-saving equipment and intelligent snow-making system has not affected the water safety and ecological environment in the competition area; Large-scale application of hydrogen fuel bus; The comprehensive application of biodegradable tableware in Winter Olympic venues & HELIP; … According to authoritative estimates, the carbon dioxide emission reduction of Beijing Winter Olympics is close to 1 million tons.

  China has demonstrated its determination to reduce carbon emissions to the world with actions, which is of exemplary significance for promoting global sustainable development. Some analysts pointed out that China took the opportunity of hosting the Winter Olympics to explore a new integrated path of large-scale transmission, grid connection and consumption of new energy, which is conducive to promoting the development of new energy industrialization and accumulating valuable experience for China and even the global energy low-carbon transformation.

  △ In the Capital Gymnasium, carbon dioxide rapid "ice-making" technology creates "the fastest ice surface" to help athletes play their best competitive level.




  Some analysts pointed out that Shougang ski jumping platform is not only an important legacy left by the Winter Olympics, but also a model for the Olympic Movement to promote urban development and reuse the world’s industrial heritage. It can be predicted that the "China Experience" used by venues after the Beijing Winter Olympics will also become a common wealth of the world when the venues and facilities that embody the concept of green and simplicity continue to glow.

  △ During the Beijing Winter Olympics, under the blue sky and white clouds, athletes are participating in the competition.

  "People don’t live up to the castle peak, and the castle peak will live up to people." The hosting of the Beijing Winter Olympics has greatly promoted the pace of environmental governance and ecological improvement in China, and enabled China people to enjoy a cleaner and more beautiful ecological environment.

  In 2021, the average annual concentration of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in Beijing was 33 micrograms per cubic meter, and the air quality reached the standard for the first time. The maximum storage capacity of Miyun Reservoir is 3.579 billion cubic meters, a record high. The forest coverage rate reached 44.6%… … The sky is bluer and the water is clearer. The Associated Press reported that during the Winter Olympics, the air in Beijing was fresh and the visibility was enough for athletes to see the mountains around the city clearly. Li Xifan, chairman of the Organizing Committee for the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea, and member of the Beijing Winter Olympics Coordination Committee, believes that the Beijing Winter Olympics has set a new benchmark for the "green Olympics".




  In a robot restaurant in the main media center of Beijing Winter Olympics, the robot master is busy cooking dishes, and the food delivery robot delivers dishes to the guests along the track. Looking at the plate "falling from the sky", many foreign journalists lamented that it was like being in a science fiction movie. Not only that, the epidemic prevention robots, unmanned retail and digital RMB payment in Beijing Dongao Village have also attracted praise. International Olympic Committee President Bach believes that the Beijing Winter Olympics "accelerated the digital transformation of the Olympic Games". According to the Nihon Keizai Shimbun, digital technology has played its magic role in the Beijing Winter Olympics, and China is moving towards becoming a "manufacturing power".

  Innovation leads development, and technology empowers sports. The Beijing Winter Olympics has demonstrated the strength of scientific and technological innovation to the world and the charm of "innovating China". The article entitled "Beijing Hi-tech Olympics" on Spanish World Order website points out that China has grown into the headquarters of some world-leading technology companies. China’s science and technology industry will bring great changes to the world.

  "Simple, safe and wonderful" is China’s promise to the world.

  "(The closed loop of Beijing Winter Olympics) is one of the safest places in the whole planet, and all of us live very safely and comfortably in the closed loop." The affirmation of President Bach of the International Olympic Committee fully shows that China has fulfilled its commitment to the world.

  Safety is the premise of a wonderful event. In order to ensure the epidemic prevention of the Beijing Winter Olympics, China has made precise and meticulous efforts. The public areas such as "bubble" closed-loop system, the launch of Winter Olympics APP and the lobby of Winter Olympics Village are all equipped with the health and environment monitoring and improvement regulation system & HELIP; … Strict epidemic prevention measures make Dong ‘ao Village safe.

  According to statistics, the positive rate of nucleic acid detection in the closed loop of Beijing Winter Olympics is only 0.01%, and the epidemic prevention measures and results have won wide praise from the international community. Australian athlete Brett Cox said, "‘ Bubble ’ The quarantine area is our safe harbor. " Barbara Gartner, a medical expert of the German Olympic Committee, pointed out that the closed loop of the Beijing Winter Olympics is safer than anywhere else in the world. Alan Blunck, an American freestyle skier in the U-pool, said at the press conference that he had seen all kinds of irresponsible reports about the Beijing Winter Olympics in the United States. "Those are all false. Actually, everything is amazing. Everyone, from the staff to the nucleic acid detector, to the accommodation conditions, this is the high-level Winter Olympics we have participated in. "

  The safe hosting of the Beijing Winter Olympics witnessed the epidemic prevention concept and effectiveness of the China government, which always put human life and health first, and also contributed wisdom and strength to the international community to overcome the epidemic. As Bach commented, "As long as everyone abides by the spirit of unity and makes contributions, even in the COVID-19 epidemic, a great event can be held." "The Beijing Winter Olympics will definitely leave a lot of Olympic legacy."









  This grand event has attracted the attention of the whole world. According to the news released by the International Olympic Committee and the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee, the Beijing Winter Olympics is by far the most watched Winter Olympics. The social media account of the International Olympic Committee was viewed by 2.7 billion people during the Beijing Winter Olympics.

  As the right-holding broadcaster of the Beijing Winter Olympics, China Central Radio and Television General Station has set a record for its coverage. The total time spent by China audience watching the Beijing Winter Olympics on TV is more than 10% higher than the sum of the viewing of the two Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang in 2018 and Sochi in 2014.

  As of February 17th, the cross-media coverage of the Beijing Winter Olympics on the main platform reached 48.474 billion times. This means that three days before the closing of the Beijing Winter Olympics, the related communication of the reception desk has exceeded the total cross-media reach of the Tokyo Olympic Games of 47.905 billion times. This was evaluated as "unprecedented scale and success" by IOC President Bach.

  In the United States, more than 100 million spectators watched the Beijing Winter Olympics. The Washington Post said that the Beijing Winter Olympics may become one of the most watched video programs in American history. The audience rating of Beijing Winter Olympics has not only doubled in some winter Olympics powers in Europe and America, but also attracted the attention of countries that do not have the advantages of winter events. For example, about 40% of the population in Australia watched the Beijing Winter Olympics.

  Against the background of COVID-19 epidemic, the ratings blowout of Beijing Winter Olympics shows that the passion, joy and friendship brought by ice and snow sports are shared by people all over the world, and the unity, cooperation and hope highlighted by Beijing Winter Olympics inject confidence and strength into all countries in the world. As the Argentine Ambassador to China Niu Wangdao said, China’s efforts are of great significance to promoting the Olympic spirit.

  △ After the game, China’s Ahner paid tribute to German veteran Pacey Stein, and Pacey Stein smiled and encouraged Ahner.

  This is a gathering to promote dialogue, eliminate differences and enhance friendship. Volunteers welcomed visitors from all directions with warm words, sincere smiles and open attitudes. The short film "Warm Snowflakes" at the closing ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics pays tribute to more than 19,000 volunteers and more than 200,000 city volunteers. Tessa Maud, an American snowboarder, lamented in the released video that the enthusiasm of volunteers moved her to tears and she missed it before she left.

  Pieces of "small snowflakes" with the names of participating countries and regions danced in the air and gathered into "big snowflakes" under the five rings; Countless red ribbons flew from all directions, decorating the snowflake torch platform into a huge red Chinese knot — — These cultural symbols at the opening and closing ceremonies of the Beijing Winter Olympics convey the concept of "One World, One World" and will become people’s common good memory and forward force.







  执笔丨王姗姗 盛玉红 任杰 王觉眠 刘冬 赵全敏 梁馨文

  视觉丨江雨航 刘欣颜

They use software to "bayonet" the hardware.

  CCTV News:In 2015, the Saudi army equipped with a variety of advanced weapons did not take any advantage in the battle with the Yemeni anti-government organization Houthi. This proves once again that man is the main factor that determines the outcome of the war. No matter how advanced the weapon is, if it is not manipulated by well-trained soldiers, it is just a pile of scrap metal.

  At the beginning of equipment upgrading, a battalion of the Air Force Ground Command in the Central Theater built a combat class with highly educated talents such as masters and doctors as the main body. In the past ten years, the number of personnel has changed, but the idea of building classes to educate people, learn and study war has not changed; The opponent is changing, but the determination to dare to fight and win remains unchanged; The goal is changing, but the glorious tradition of Excellence remains unchanged. They give full play to their advantages of solid theoretical foundation, excellent professional level and innovative thinking, calculate "tactics" with "arithmetic", turn "education" into "combat power" and bayonet "hardware" with "software".

  Research and discussion on equipment technical problems in highly educated combat classes

  Since the establishment of the combat class, three doctors and seven masters have been sweating here, and four to five master doctors have been in office for a long time. The beating and tempering of many major tasks and the gradual emergence of the talent gathering effect have made this combat class famous from the beginning to the present, and its combat effectiveness is among the best.

  When I first landed on the battlefield, I set a record, and the bayonet test was sharp.

  In April, the Hexi Corridor is still chilly in spring, and the snow can be seen on the Qilian Mountain not far away. At that time, the regiment was carrying out the first live-fire shooting mission since the dress change. It’s only a year before they pick it up.

  After receiving the target-shooting task at the beginning of the year, the war service class began to study the subject of live-fire target-shooting, analyzed and studied the targets of different target aircraft, accurately calculated the radar target-finding ability and shooting disposal interval, and formulated the corresponding search and discovery methods and weapon parameter adjustment.

  Equipment failure is inevitable. Although there are experts in charge of accompanying security, they secretly made up their minds: they must resolutely complete this task independently, solve any problems by themselves when they find them, and never form a dependence mentality, because experts can’t help you all your life! They took advantage of this rare opportunity to analyze and study the fault phenomenon, overcome the difficulties of inexperience, and independently troubleshoot four cases.

  Looking back on the pick-up, several young people who had just graduated for a few years got together and, with the unique momentum of young people, tried to understand it thoroughly. Foreign experts will come up with their own notebooks every time they encounter problems, and they can always find the problem by flipping through them casually. They followed the foreign experts to sort out their notes, and found many things that were not in the textbooks and the tips for equipment support, which are still useful today. They have also become the "seed power" of equipment learning, and have successively trained 9 cadre technicians, 17 non-commissioned officers and 26 trumpeters. Several non-commissioned officers and technicians have the ability to inspect before the war.

  On the day of live-fire shooting, the wind was blowing and the sky was high and the clouds were light. A few people are gearing up for a big fight.

  Who thought that the first troops who appeared on the stage missed, and the pressure on He Feng, as the main technician, suddenly increased. It is my first time to participate in live-fire shooting, and suddenly I have to shoulder the heavy responsibility of the first hit of the troops, which is no small challenge for any intercepted officer.

  There are less than 30 minutes to live ammunition. He Feng conducted the last pre-war weapon parameter inspection. He found that a certain parameter had a certain drift relative to the simulated resistance. Although small, it caught the attention of He Feng, and his intuition told him that it was likely to affect the final grade. After a short thought, he decisively asked for adjustment, but the drone was about to take off. He Feng said: "This parameter must be adjusted, otherwise my heart is not practical. If something goes wrong, I am the first responsible person!" The leader agreed to his plan. After rapid adjustment, He Feng calmly responded, found the target, intercepted and tracked it, and hit it in one go, and created a record of extreme low-bound shooting of this type of weapon.

  Intercepted officer He Feng adjusts equipment technical parameters.

  System confrontation is fatal, and you can practice the knife method of killing the enemy and fighting.

  The "Red Sword" exercise is the first time that the regiment has been dragged to perform its task since it was newly installed. In the face of brand-new exercise rules, every officer and soldier has no bottom in his heart. How to deal with aviation low-altitude penetration? How to fight against anti-radiation missiles? How to quickly maneuver to preserve effective strength? These knowledge points, which are common in books, are now piled up and waiting for this fledgling army to answer them one by one. At this time, He Feng had left the team to go to school. At that time, Zhang Shaoping and Jing Xiaolong, the platoon leaders, had just graduated from master’s degree, which was the time when the war service class was green and yellow. Before the mission, Jing Xiaolong and others spent a year developing the "three-in-one" simulation training program software. Through the four-step training method of "theory-simulation-simulation-installation", officers and men can quickly strengthen the theoretical foundation, improve the operation and maintenance level and greatly improve the training efficiency within the limited equipment use time, and won the second prize of the Air Force simulation training software system.

  Jing Xiaolong, software developer of three-in-one simulation training program

  On the first exercise day, the opponent came to a duel. The autumn is crisp and the breeze is slow, and the air on the radar display screen is as calm as usual during training. Suddenly, a "civil aviation flight" changed its course instantly after approaching the "important place" and launched a missile to attack the ground. "No, we were cheated by the enemy disguised as civil aviation!" It turned out that the opponent deliberately flew silently along the civil aviation route, "incarnating" the civil aviation passenger plane, and unexpectedly, the magic soldier descended from heaven. The first battle gave them a blow: they have entered the battlefield, and a cloud may be the enemy!

  They found that the core purpose of enemy plane penetration is to interfere with our radar, shorten the detection distance, make it impossible to track or even find the target stably, and then use anti-radiation missiles to attack the ground. Therefore, we must be familiar with the use conditions of enemy anti-radiation missiles and master the safe distance of our resistance in order to kill them effectively. In the intense task, Zhang Shaoping worked overtime to research and develop a software that can be used to quickly calculate the farthest fighting distance, and finally successfully "shot down" several anti-radiation missiles. The regiment created two records, the largest number and the largest proportion of ground air defense soldiers shooting down enemy planes. The battalion successfully fought against the directed group twice and was included in the classic case library. After watching the battle video, the head of the director department repeatedly boasted: "Your operation is flowing smoothly and seamlessly, and it is a force that can fight!"

  Important drills make new contributions, and the knives are as fast as new.

  The battalion conducted intensive training in fighting spirit in the equipment position.

  Last year’s important drill task was the biggest challenge faced by the war service class since its establishment, and it was also the task that He Feng felt the greatest pressure. "The requirements for intercepting officers are too harsh. Without the experience of performing such tasks, I have no bottom in my heart. " He Feng has butterflies in his stomach.

  Compared with other units, the position deployment of this battalion has a great disadvantage. Moreover, it is also found that the relative delay of indicating the target by the superior is the largest, which leads to the compression of the time to find the tracking target. In the case that external conditions cannot be changed, we can only pick the time from ourselves, and an action and a password must be completed in the shortest time.

  After several times of follow-up, it is found that although the target trajectory is frequent and flexible, it is still regular. After precise calculation and simulation, they selected two countermeasures, but the requirements for the fighters, especially He Feng, are very high, and the fighters may be fleeting.

  He Feng can’t help but recall the situation when he first participated in live ammunition shooting seven years ago. Time flies, and he once again faces the opportunity to make history. Facing the expectations of his comrades-in-arms, He Feng helped his glasses and said categorically, "I have no problem choosing the second plan!"

  In order to provide a basis for optimizing the shooting process in the next step, Liu Xiaopeng used the image simulation processing software to draw the target trajectory in each time node for research and analysis. Flying after flying again and again, self-jamming training again and again is to intercept the target quickly, accurately and in time, and introduce grid theory to capture the target.

  Long-term interception training left thick cocoons and incurable tenosynovitis on He Feng’s fingers and wrists. During the mission, I trained for more than 8 hours a day on average, dropped more than 30 bottles of eye drops and deepened my myopia by more than 100 degrees. But in the end, with the moment when the missile blossomed in the air, it all disappeared. "It’s not worth it, it’s worth it, and I feel it’s worth it if I don’t live up to the trust of my comrades!"

  Editor’s note: As the core position, the combat squad plays a vital role in the task. "As long as they are there, the opponent is probably ‘ Cool ’ Yes. " Li Jiaheng, a member of the new combat class, told the author. As the youngest in the war service class, Li Jiaheng’s student days were full of flowers and applause: he published six papers in the core journals of military science, won two awards above the Air Force level, and won the third prize in the national postgraduate mathematical modeling competition once. After reporting for duty, Li Jiaheng said with emotion: "The masters are all masters and doctors, or their own majors ‘ Daniel ’ I am not highly educated, but I must study hard to keep up with their footsteps. " Less than 100 days after entering the camp, Li Jiaheng continuously intercepted four batches of targets for 35 seconds and successfully advanced to the passing standard. "Master" He Feng said with relief: "It seems that it was arranged for him ‘ Devil’s Package ’ No indigestion. "

  Developing the "three-in-one" simulation training platform software, Jing Xiaolong, an antenna cabin technician, simply learned all the majors of the whole regiment; When making the software of safe distance resistance, Zhang Shaoping, then platoon leader, asked the aviation for the performance parameters of several active aircraft and air-to-ground missiles. Drawing a simulated trajectory map, the launch officer Liu Xiaopeng almost asked his comrades-in-arms in colleges and research institutes … … It is the tireless pursuit of the war service class to give full play to their own specialties, tap the maximum operational effectiveness of weapons and equipment, and turn knowledge into real combat effectiveness.

  Author: Liu Lei

  Photographer: Liu Chuan Li Weimin

"Five in One" in Sichuan Medical Reform attracts attention to five major issues to help you understand.

  CCTV News:Sichuan’s medical reform combined with the characteristics of the province is worth learning and popularizing. Among them, the new "five-in-one" centralized procurement mechanism for medical equipment is the most concerned. What are the highlights? Five major issues will help you understand. 

  First, what is the "five in one"?

  "Five-in-one" refers to the scope of Sichuan province’s supervision over the procurement of medical equipment in public hospitals. In the past, it was mainly concentrated in the field of drugs and high-value consumables. Now, a new five-in-one centralized procurement mechanism for drugs, medical consumables, medical equipment, diagnostic reagents and second-class vaccines has been formed.


  2. What are the classified procurement methods of drugs?

  Sichuan province is the first province in China to introduce the implementation plan of centralized drug procurement in public hospitals in strict accordance with national requirements. According to the five procurement methods stipulated by the state, a new round of centralized drug procurement was completed at the end of 2016. At the same time, combined with the actual situation, Sichuan Province has actively innovated and introduced other humanized management measures for limited online procurement, which has been well received by medical institutions and pharmaceutical companies.


  3. What measures are taken to ensure the fair sunshine of "five in one" procurement?

  For all parties, this is probably the core issue, and creating a fair environment is also the proper meaning of centralized procurement of medical equipment. Many tasks involved in Sichuan’s "five in one" centralized procurement are conducive to maintaining fairness and justice:

  First, improve the management mechanism of evaluation experts. Sichuan has completed the establishment of a centralized drug procurement expert database, covering medicine, pharmacy, pharmacoeconomics and other aspects, with more than 5,000 people. Experts are randomly selected, and the selected experts are used in key procurement links to undertake consultation and evaluation.

  Second, the qualification for purchasing high-value consumables has a low threshold. Compliance products can be sold online in Sichuan. The pricing of products is humanized, with the national provincial minimum purchase price as the reference price, which is not dynamically adjusted regularly. The concept of weighted average purchase price is introduced, which is automatically calculated by the system at the end of each month. Strengthening price supervision is also a guarantee for stable market prices and is conducive to the operation and production of enterprises.

  Third, improve the supervision mechanism of medical institutions. Centralized procurement is not a simple material procurement, but also has the policy function of standardizing hospital logistics management and preventing corruption. Researcher Fu Hongpeng said that the formation of the five-in-one pattern has tightened the entrance of medical materials in medical institutions in an all-round way, from quantitative change to qualitative change, making centralized procurement truly an important means of supervision of medical institutions. In practice, the drug mining institutions in Sichuan province have moved forward the supervision barrier, engaged in post-supervision, and changed to early warning and correction before and during the event.

  The specific performance is to monitor the purchasing data. For abnormal data, the medical institution will send a "Notice of Abnormal Purchasing Price Risk" every month, and the medical institution will make corresponding rectification feedback. It is also manifested in the irregular selection of medical institutions for supervision and so on.

  Fourth, establish a medical equipment procurement information filing system, standardize the procurement behavior of medical institutions, and reduce the occurrence of commercial bribery. All medical and health institutions will upload the procurement results to the provincial drug mining platform according to regulations, and build a sunny and transparent trading market.

  Fifth, the dynamic management of bad records in enterprises. To manage the bad records of medical equipment production and management enterprises. Du Bo, inspector of the Sichuan Provincial Health and Family Planning Commission, said that it is very serious to include bad records. If there are violations of laws and regulations such as unqualified quality, non-performance, inadequate distribution and non-performance after winning the bid, they should be included in bad records and publicized to the public. In accordance with the relevant regulations, the violations will be classified and dealt with, and the online qualifications will be cancelled and the bad records of enterprises will be given. For example, illegal pharmaceutical companies may be dealt with to stop selling or cancel the qualification of winning the bid. If a medical institution violates the management regulations, we will conduct an interview warning, and at the most severe time, we will ask the local authorities to investigate and deal with it through the discipline inspection system. Since 2016, a total of 63 pharmaceutical machinery enterprises have been listed in the general bad record, and 255 illegal products have been disqualified and publicized on the platform.

  Sixth, improve the complaint handling mechanism. Enterprises and all walks of life can lodge complaints if they find or think that there is injustice in any link, and formulate corresponding implementation rules to standardize the handling process.

  4. What about substandard drugs?

  Du Bo, inspector of the Sichuan Provincial Health and Family Planning Commission, introduced at the media communication meeting that Sichuan is a populous province, and there are many kinds of diseases, even many rare diseases. The use of drugs may be very special, so it does not mean that drugs that have not won the bid are useless. Drugs that have not won the bid can still be purchased in limited quantities here.

  Zou Jia, the Pharmaceutical Administration Department of Sichuan Provincial Health and Family Planning Commission, said that there is a standard for limited control, such as tertiary hospitals cannot exceed 10%, secondary hospitals cannot exceed 5%, and township hospitals cannot exceed 3%. The quantity is controlled to ensure that the winning products occupy most of the market, and a small number of markets give products that fail to bid, giving enterprises full market survival rights.

  V. How effective is the work?

  According to Du Bo, inspector of the Sichuan Provincial Health and Family Planning Commission, in 2006, the limited-price procurement of drugs was started, in 2014, the online procurement of high-value medical consumables was carried out, in 2015, medical devices were included in the provincial drug collection platform for record procurement, and in 2016, the second kind of vaccines and in vitro diagnostic reagents were included in centralized procurement. For more than 10 years, the comprehensive supervision of medical institutions’ "medicine" behavior has been basically realized, and breakthroughs have been made in the following two aspects.

  First, the purchase price has been significantly reduced. According to statistics, after this round of drug bidding, the price of drugs under the same generic name decreased by an average of 42% compared with the online price 10 years ago, the varieties with the largest decline reached 94%, and the number of drugs with a decline of more than 50% accounted for 27% of the total online drugs. The sunshine procurement of high-value medical consumables has been implemented for three years, with an average annual decline of 7.35% and an average annual savings of 320 million yuan, which has played a positive role in alleviating the high cost of medical treatment and saving medical insurance funds.

  Second, supervision is more timely and effective. The monitoring port of medical institutions’ "medicine" behavior has been constantly moving forward, which has changed from the original post supervision to timely warning and timely correction before and during the event, realizing real-time supervision of the whole process of medical institutions’ medical equipment procurement and use. Since last year, the provincial platform has issued 1391 early warning letters on abnormal prices of high-value consumables to 405 medical institutions, effectively controlling the occurrence of irregular procurement behaviors.

  At present, the "five in one" medical equipment procurement in Sichuan Province has achieved initial results, but there is still a certain gap with people’s expectations. There is a long way to go. Only by continuing to push forward the medical reform series can patients, hospitals and doctors benefit and the reform win the hearts of the people. (Text/Yang Jing)

The beautiful scenery of Lingao comes to Gaoganhai Park to experience the fun of catching the sea.

Original title: Lingao beautiful scenery comes to Gaoganhai Park to experience the fun of catching the sea.

New Hainan Client, Nanhai Net February 3 news (Reporter Lin Wenquan) Every weekend, many foreign tourists, residents of Lingao County and local residents of Dongying Town will go to Lingao Slow City Ecological Catch the Sea Park in Futixi Village, Dongying Town, Lingao County to catch the sea and play. At present, Ganhai Park has an average daily passenger flow of 2,000 to 3,000 passengers during weekends and holidays, making it a good place for public recreation.

Lingao beautiful coastline. Photo courtesy of Lin Gaorong Media

Lingao Slow City Ecological Catch the Sea Park. Reporter Lin Wenquan photo

Lingao Mancheng Ecological Catch-the-Sea Park, located in Futixi Village, has a large coastline shoal, which is 2000 meters from the shore to the sea and forms a natural catch-the-sea area at low tide. Before it was developed into a catch-up park, it was a famous catch-up place nearby; Nowadays, it has become a park to catch the sea, and the rise of seaside homestays has attracted many tourists to come for leisure and entertainment.

Nearby villagers are catching the sea in Lingao Slow City Ecological Catch the Sea Park. Photo courtesy of Lin Gaorong Media

The seaside next to Lingao Slow City Ecological Catch the Sea Park. Reporter Lin Wenquan photo

At present, Lingao Slow City Ecological Catch-the-Sea Park takes the cultural experience of catch-the-sea as its theme, and has developed products such as catch-the-sea shellfish-picking beach experience, outdoor sports, special meals for fishing and farming, coastal homestay experience, courtyard barbecue, etc., so as to create the original cultural experience of catch-the-sea in coastal fishing villages, which is an ideal place for leisure, parent-child research and self-driving experience.

Tourists are catching the sea in Lingao Slow City Ecological Catch the Sea Park. Reporter Lin Wenquan photo

At the same time, Lingao Slow City Ecological Ganhai Park is close to Hainan Island Tourism Highway (Lingao Section), and the smooth road has become a good helper for Ganhai Park to "suck powder". Mr. Fu, who came from Haikou by car, said that there are not only beautiful seaside scenery, but also complete supporting facilities such as seaside homestays and restaurants. "My family and I plan to stay here for two days and experience the fun of catching the sea in depth."

Come to high-quality food, watch beautiful scenery and watch wonderful games! From February 18th to 20th, the 2024 Hainan (Lingao) Trade Union Elite Volleyball Tournament will be held in Binjiang Park, Lingao County.

"Chinese Dream, Labor Beauty" —— Poster of "Witt Cup" 2024 Hainan (Lingao) Trade Union Elite Volleyball Competition. (Lin Wenquan)

Notice on strengthening the management of fireworks and firecrackers during the Spring Festival in 2024

According to the "Regulations on the Safety Management of Fireworks and Firecrackers in the State Council" and "Regulations on the Safety Management of Fireworks and Firecrackers in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region" and other laws and regulations, the relevant matters on strengthening the management of fireworks and firecrackers during the Spring Festival of 2024 in Yanchi County are hereby notified as follows:

First, the discharge time is limited

1, Lunar New Year’s Eve to the first day of the first month of the whole day, the second day of the first month to the eighth day of the first month, the fifteenth day of the first month from 7: 00 a.m. to 24: 00 p.m., under the condition of ensuring safety, fireworks can be set off in an orderly manner, and it is forbidden to set off at other times. Without the approval of the public security organs, no unit or individual may hold fireworks parties or other large-scale fireworks display activities.

2. Fireworks and firecrackers are prohibited during the period of heavy pollution weather response.

Second, no discharge areas and places

1, the county west to Wuyuan Road, east to Yanchuan Avenue, north to Minzu Street, south to all urban planning areas within Ningcui Street;

2. Stations of state party and government organs and offices of enterprises and institutions;

3. Within 500m of the industrial park’s county town concentration area, Gaoshawo concentration area, Baota Park, dangerous goods parking lot, dangerous chemicals production and storage enterprises, hazardous waste production and business units and other places;

4, forest, grassland and Habahu National Nature Reserve and other key fire areas;

5, railway stations, bus stations and other transportation hubs and highway and railway line safety protection zones;

6, shopping malls, bazaars, park squares, public cultural facilities, religious activities and other indoor and outdoor crowded places and logistics parks, professional markets and the surrounding;

7, medical institutions, nursing homes, welfare homes, schools, kindergartens and other public places and nearby areas;

8, cultural relics protection units, museums, libraries, archives, theaters and other public cultural places;

9, oil depots (areas), gas stations, liquefied gas supply stations (points), gas (oil) pipelines, power transmission (transformer) and overhead power, communication lines and other facilities safety protection zones;

10, buses, trucks and other means of transportation and motor vehicle (underground) parking lot, electric vehicle charging station, bicycle shed and nearby areas;

11, production and storage of inflammable and explosive goods factories, warehouses and timber storage places and nearby areas;

12, rural areas, greenhouses, grain stacks, firewood stacks, biogas digesters and other flammable and explosive points near the area;

13. Indoor and public corridors, corridors, roofs, balconies and windows of houses and residential buildings;

14. Other places where fireworks and firecrackers are prohibited.

Third, the types of prohibition and restriction

1. It is strictly forbidden to set off the "Kongming Lantern" at all times in the whole region;

2, it is strictly prohibited to set off the "gatling" fireworks without a fixed trajectory and other dangerous fireworks products.

Four, discharge safety regulations

Residents should purchase fireworks and firecrackers through formal and legal channels, consciously abide by the regulations on discharge management, stay away from areas where discharge is prohibited, choose safe and open places, discharge fireworks correctly and safely in strict accordance with the instructions, and take the initiative to deal with fireworks debris and garbage. Do not project or throw lit fireworks and firecrackers at pedestrians, vehicles, buildings, structures, water wells and inspection wells; Don’t aim and point at articles that are easy to cause combustion and explosion; Shall not interfere with the safe passage of pedestrians and vehicles and affect traffic order; Other discharge methods that endanger public safety and personal and property safety shall not be adopted. Minors must be accompanied by guardians when setting off fireworks and firecrackers.

Fireworks and firecrackers are sold at designated locations. Sales units and temporary sales outlets engaged in the retail of fireworks and firecrackers shall obtain sales licenses according to law, and it is strictly forbidden to sell professional discharge products to retail outlets and individuals of fireworks and firecrackers. Illegal production, operation, transportation, storage, discharge of fireworks and firecrackers, unauthorized forwarding and promotion of illegal fireworks and firecrackers and other illegal acts shall be punished according to relevant laws and regulations, and criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law if the case constitutes a crime.

All departments and towns (streets), village (neighborhood) committees, owners’ committees and property management enterprises should do a good job in the management of fireworks and firecrackers in their own industries and regions, publicize, educate and guide residents and villagers to change their customs, set off fireworks and firecrackers in accordance with the law, civilization and safety, and spend a happy, safe and peaceful Spring Festival together.

Supervision report and emergency telephone number:

Emergency management: 0953-6019544

Ecological environment: 0953-6011777

Urban law enforcement: 0953-6014117

Transportation: 0953-6012559

Market supervision: 12315

Fire rescue: 119

Public security organs: 110

Yanchi county people’s government

January 30, 2024

Reprinted: Impression Yanchi

Ping’ an Yanchi

Wechat ID:ycga_0953

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