Notice on strengthening the management of fireworks and firecrackers during the Spring Festival in 2024

According to the "Regulations on the Safety Management of Fireworks and Firecrackers in the State Council" and "Regulations on the Safety Management of Fireworks and Firecrackers in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region" and other laws and regulations, the relevant matters on strengthening the management of fireworks and firecrackers during the Spring Festival of 2024 in Yanchi County are hereby notified as follows:

First, the discharge time is limited

1, Lunar New Year’s Eve to the first day of the first month of the whole day, the second day of the first month to the eighth day of the first month, the fifteenth day of the first month from 7: 00 a.m. to 24: 00 p.m., under the condition of ensuring safety, fireworks can be set off in an orderly manner, and it is forbidden to set off at other times. Without the approval of the public security organs, no unit or individual may hold fireworks parties or other large-scale fireworks display activities.

2. Fireworks and firecrackers are prohibited during the period of heavy pollution weather response.

Second, no discharge areas and places

1, the county west to Wuyuan Road, east to Yanchuan Avenue, north to Minzu Street, south to all urban planning areas within Ningcui Street;

2. Stations of state party and government organs and offices of enterprises and institutions;

3. Within 500m of the industrial park’s county town concentration area, Gaoshawo concentration area, Baota Park, dangerous goods parking lot, dangerous chemicals production and storage enterprises, hazardous waste production and business units and other places;

4, forest, grassland and Habahu National Nature Reserve and other key fire areas;

5, railway stations, bus stations and other transportation hubs and highway and railway line safety protection zones;

6, shopping malls, bazaars, park squares, public cultural facilities, religious activities and other indoor and outdoor crowded places and logistics parks, professional markets and the surrounding;

7, medical institutions, nursing homes, welfare homes, schools, kindergartens and other public places and nearby areas;

8, cultural relics protection units, museums, libraries, archives, theaters and other public cultural places;

9, oil depots (areas), gas stations, liquefied gas supply stations (points), gas (oil) pipelines, power transmission (transformer) and overhead power, communication lines and other facilities safety protection zones;

10, buses, trucks and other means of transportation and motor vehicle (underground) parking lot, electric vehicle charging station, bicycle shed and nearby areas;

11, production and storage of inflammable and explosive goods factories, warehouses and timber storage places and nearby areas;

12, rural areas, greenhouses, grain stacks, firewood stacks, biogas digesters and other flammable and explosive points near the area;

13. Indoor and public corridors, corridors, roofs, balconies and windows of houses and residential buildings;

14. Other places where fireworks and firecrackers are prohibited.

Third, the types of prohibition and restriction

1. It is strictly forbidden to set off the "Kongming Lantern" at all times in the whole region;

2, it is strictly prohibited to set off the "gatling" fireworks without a fixed trajectory and other dangerous fireworks products.

Four, discharge safety regulations

Residents should purchase fireworks and firecrackers through formal and legal channels, consciously abide by the regulations on discharge management, stay away from areas where discharge is prohibited, choose safe and open places, discharge fireworks correctly and safely in strict accordance with the instructions, and take the initiative to deal with fireworks debris and garbage. Do not project or throw lit fireworks and firecrackers at pedestrians, vehicles, buildings, structures, water wells and inspection wells; Don’t aim and point at articles that are easy to cause combustion and explosion; Shall not interfere with the safe passage of pedestrians and vehicles and affect traffic order; Other discharge methods that endanger public safety and personal and property safety shall not be adopted. Minors must be accompanied by guardians when setting off fireworks and firecrackers.

Fireworks and firecrackers are sold at designated locations. Sales units and temporary sales outlets engaged in the retail of fireworks and firecrackers shall obtain sales licenses according to law, and it is strictly forbidden to sell professional discharge products to retail outlets and individuals of fireworks and firecrackers. Illegal production, operation, transportation, storage, discharge of fireworks and firecrackers, unauthorized forwarding and promotion of illegal fireworks and firecrackers and other illegal acts shall be punished according to relevant laws and regulations, and criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law if the case constitutes a crime.

All departments and towns (streets), village (neighborhood) committees, owners’ committees and property management enterprises should do a good job in the management of fireworks and firecrackers in their own industries and regions, publicize, educate and guide residents and villagers to change their customs, set off fireworks and firecrackers in accordance with the law, civilization and safety, and spend a happy, safe and peaceful Spring Festival together.

Supervision report and emergency telephone number:

Emergency management: 0953-6019544

Ecological environment: 0953-6011777

Urban law enforcement: 0953-6014117

Transportation: 0953-6012559

Market supervision: 12315

Fire rescue: 119

Public security organs: 110

Yanchi county people’s government

January 30, 2024

Reprinted: Impression Yanchi

Ping’ an Yanchi

Wechat ID:ycga_0953

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Notice on strengthening the management of fireworks and firecrackers during the Spring Festival of 2024 Ping ‘an Yanchi Touch to read the original text.

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Original title: Notice on Strengthening the Management of Fireworks and Firecrackers during the Spring Festival of 2024

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Visiting Chengzi High-speed Railway Construction Site on New Year’s Eve: 25 worksites don’t stop working, and more than 1,300 people stick to the front line | Going to the grassroots in the New Year

Cover journalist Cao Fei’s photo report

On January 31, New Year’s Eve, when most people stayed at home to celebrate the New Year, a group of people had to stay in other places and stick to the construction line for the convenient travel of the public.

On the morning of the same day, the reporter walked into the construction site of China Railway 19th Bureau Chengzi High-speed Railway Bid 7 to record their persistence stories. If we expand our vision to the whole line of high-speed rail, during the Spring Festival holiday, 25 work sites will not stop, and more than 1,300 people will fight in the front line, sprinting to achieve the goal of opening to traffic in 2023.

Do not stop work during the Spring Festival.

Starting from Chengdu, driving southbound for more than 40 kilometers, you will come to the multi-line bridge of Chengdu-Chengdu high-speed rail Tianfu Station. At 10 o’clock in the morning, more than 50 workers from the 19 th Bureau of China Railway are carrying out bridge support and preloading construction on site.

Tianfu station multi-line bridge construction site

Tianfu station multi-line bridge is a control project built from high-speed railway, with a total length of 566.7 meters and a multi-line continuous steel structure. Standing on the bridge, the reporter saw this scene: the bridge deck gradually widened from narrow to wide, reaching 12 meters at the widest point, and the total area of the bridge top exceeded 35,000 square meters, which made it the largest among similar high-speed rail bridges under construction in China; There are 185 caps and 237 piers under the bridge, which are arranged in turn, forming a tall "arch" between them, which looks spectacular.

Tianfu station multi-line bridge construction site

"The construction of this bridge was nearly a year late, and the construction was difficult. The construction period was very stressful and there was no way to stop work during the Spring Festival." Zhang Zongwei, commander of Chengziyi Railway Command of Chenglan Railway Company, said. Bridge construction includes many processes, such as supporting, preloading, binding steel bars, concreting, tensioning, etc. Each process is interlocking, and any stop will affect the overall construction period.

Longquanshan Tunnel Construction Site

Leaving the multi-line bridge at Tianfu Station, about one kilometer eastward, it is the entrance of Longquanshan Tunnel. The construction here is even more intense: the knocking of binding steel bars, the humming of rock drills and the squeaking of welding current … played the engineering symphony on the last day of the Year of the Ox.

Longquanshan Tunnel Construction Site

"The entrance of the tunnel is the accumulation body of Chengdu Plain in front of Longquan Mountain Range. The geology is very soft and the surrounding rock is broken. The problem of deformation was encountered during the construction of the underground tunnel." Zhang Zongwei said that the project department temporarily adjusted the up-and-down heading method to the double-side heading method, which effectively controlled the deformation problem, and the monthly digging ruler was increased from several meters to about 15 meters.

It is reported that the No.19 Bureau of China Railway will not stop working during the Spring Festival. Among them, the two bridges are expected to be completed in May, and the Longquanshan Tunnel will strive to be completed in August.

Persistence is also warm.

Near 12 noon, the morning construction was finished, and the workers returned to the project department, waiting for them with a hot jiaozi and a sumptuous reunion dinner.

The employees’ families package jiaozi in the project department.

The 19th Bureau of China Railway started from the Third Project Department of the High-speed Railway Command, and more than 20 employees’ families wrapped up jiaozi in the yard, which brought the atmosphere of the New Year to a climax. There are two kinds of dumpling stuffing-leek eggs and celery pork, which are the flavors from my hometown.

Reunion dinner in the project department

"During the Spring Festival this year, there were more than 500 people staying at the construction site in Bid 7, including more than 100 project managers, most of whom came from Inner Mongolia, Jilin and Liaoning." Wang Jianwei, commander of Chengdu-Zicheng High-speed Railway Command of the 19th Bureau of China Railway, said that in order to ensure that everyone can spend the New Year in a foreign land and invest in construction, the project department encourages employees to take their families to Chengdu to spend the New Year on the construction site.

Reunion dinner in the project department

"My wife and son also came this year." Wang Jianwei’s hometown is in jiaohe city, Jilin Province. He has been working for 36 years, and spent more than 20 years on the construction site. In 2022, it was his seventh consecutive year in other places.

The employees’ families package jiaozi in the project department.

"I must still be homesick." He said. In order to let everyone feel the taste of hometown in a foreign land, the chef has made great efforts in the reunion dinner, including frozen skin, pig’s trotters in sauce, stewed elbows … and jiaozi, who was personally wrapped by his family. Material subsidy+spiritual comfort, so that everyone can feel the warmth of home on the construction site.

Reunion dinner in the project department

Such a picture is being staged across the high-speed rail. Zhang Zongwei introduced that Chengzi high-speed railway is expected to open to traffic in 2023, and has now entered the construction sprint stage. During this Spring Festival holiday, 25 work sites across the line did not stop working, and more than 1,300 people stuck to the construction line.

(Some pictures in this article are provided by Chenglan Railway Company.)

Shuhe Technology promotes the transformation of talent structure and is committed to building a highland where financial talents gather.

Looking back on 2023, it was a year when the old concept of "financial technology" gained new vitality. On the technical side, a new generation of artificial intelligence technology represented by the big model is accelerating the change of the financial industry, and the big model of the financial industry has become a wave of attention on the tide of the big model. At the same time, on the application side, digital intelligence has become an important trend in the development of the financial industry, financial service experience and service efficiency have been reshaped, and many scenarios such as customer acquisition, marketing and risk control have been transformed. As one of the "pioneers" in the financial technology industry, Shuhe Technology has transformed itself into a powerful digital service capability in inclusive finance, solving the pain points of credit and dredging capillaries.
With the deepening of financial digital transformation, the strategic position of financial technology is rising. Talent is the first core element of financial development, and in the process of high-quality development, it is inseparable from the "engine role" of financial talents. In the future, the financial industry will continue to pay attention to the compound talents of financial technology and the state of "thirst for talents", and it will become the general trend to seize the highland of talents. At present, among the nearly 1,000 employees of Shuhe Technology, 60% are engaged in technical and other related work. Among them, campus recruitment is the backbone of digital talent reserve. In 2022, the number of digital talents recruited by schools doubled compared with last year. The proportion of talents in 211 and 985 colleges increased by 14% year-on-year. In addition, Shuhe Technology followed the company’s business strategy and promoted the transformation of talent structure. In 2022, its risk personnel increased by 13.6%, strategy personnel increased by 9.9, and technical personnel increased by 5.8%.
Under the wave of digitalization, how to realize the digital transformation of the financial industry, represented by financial technology enterprises, is the focus of the industry. As an industry closely integrated with digital technology, how should financial technology enterprises seize this new opportunity and meet new challenges? The digital capability of Shuhe Technology has obtained a number of national authoritative certifications, including Zhuoxin Big Data Certification, VERC Certification for Security and Privacy, and Grade III Certification from the Ministry of Public Security. In the inspection of the National Computer Virus Emergency Response Center, it passed all the steps of applying for authentication, preparing materials, submitting materials, and testing by testing institutions at one time, and obtained three-level authentication in the two tests of APP privacy and security.
Looking forward to the future, the road is broad. With the blessing of digital transformation and digital technology ecological partners, the financial industry is linking the key nodes of everyone’s life with intelligent and warm financial services, thus serving the real economy and the public’s better life. In the next step, Shuhe Technology will always adhere to innovation as the guide and talents as the core, and strive to build digital financial talents and industrial highlands and contribute more to the development of the financial industry.

How is the first New Year’s Day in New China celebrated?

The Origin of New Year’s Day in New China
September 27, 1949
Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference
The first plenary session
Decided to adopt the universal method of AD chronology.
That is what we call the solar calendar.
In order to distinguish between the lunar calendar and the solar calendar.
Considering also that
"beginning of spring" in the 24 solar terms of the lunar calendar
Just before and after the Lunar New Year
January 1st of the lunar calendar.
Renamed "Spring Festival"
January 1st in the solar calendar.
Set as the beginning of the new year "New Year’s Day"
December 23, 1949
National festivals and anniversaries
The holiday measures stipulate the release.
New Year’s Day, one day off.
from this time on
New Year’s Day is listed as a statutory holiday.
Become a national holiday.
Celebrate with joy.
To celebrate the founding of New China
The first new year’s day
Liberated cities, villages and schools
Institutions, organizations and people from all walks of life
By holding parties and giving speeches
A theatrical performance, movie, exhibition, etc.
Colorful celebrations
Welcome the new year.
On the morning of New Year’s Day in 1950.
People turn on the radio.
I heard march of the volunteers.
Just three months after birth
People’s Republic of China (PRC)
Ushered in the first new year.
For the 541 million people of China,
This new year
It is really "removing the old and replacing the new"
This day
More than 50,000 people from all walks of life in the capital.
Attended the New Year’s Gala
Students and workers in the capital
Gather together on the skating rink in Beihai Park.
Performing all kinds of wonderful programs
On the morning of New Year’s Day in 1950.
Yangzhou avenue
People’s Pictorial, which was printed the night before.
Circulate among the masses.
Right in the middle of the pictorial
It is a picture of Yangzhou people celebrating the New Year.
Paintings of street parades
Walking in the team in the picture
Holding high the national flag and the portrait of Chairman Mao.
Follow closely behind
A team beating gongs and drums
And the Dragon Dance Team and Waist Drum Team.
The whole picture is bright in color
Take Yangzhou soldiers and civilians to the streets
Celebrating the first new year after liberation
Be lively and vivid
There are couplets on both sides of the picture.
It says"Wan Li Jiangshan Qing liberation.
People all over the country are jubilant. "
Below the screen is
"Celebrate the whole world.
Everyone laughs.
Celebrate the first New Year in New China. "
Military and civilian fish and water, support the army in the New Year.
The people ushered in a new life.
Thank you, of course
The China People’s Liberation Army, which is brave and good at fighting.
This day
The whole country has launched
Various activities of supporting the army.
From the masses to the troops
Pay New Year greetings to the officers and men.
Condolences to the wounded and the families of martyrs.
The students also carefully produced
New year card sent it to the People’s Liberation Army at the front.
Each district in Beijing was held separately.
Comfort the mass meeting of military families
Party and government organs, schools and factories
And mass organizations
Rehearsed a literary program.
Pay New Year greetings to the officers and men in the army.
Condolences to the wounded and the families of martyrs.
Beijing citizens also wrote a song "A Tribute from the Labor Army".
In poetic language
Expressed the people’s state of mind:
"the people’s liberation army.
Hear the encouraging songs everywhere.
You Shi NV Hu Jiang greeted you.
A few warm times
Rain washes smoke and dust thousands of miles away.
Night Yan Diao Dou Zhongtian Yue
My hero serves the people.
What is the feeling?
Old shame, snow from the beginning
Reactionaries, from now on.
See gan Kun rectify
gold goblet remaining intact―unimpaired territorial integrity
Independent flag floating democratic country
Free flowers send heroic blood
Celebrating peace at the beginning of the year.
Zhanjing Que "
Double happiness, literary and artistic gifts
in Shanghai
Students from all schools held cultural celebrations.
Shanghai Theatre Academy and Fudan Art Troupe
Since New Year’s Day
Tour schools in the city.
How steel was tempered
And the March of Democratic Youth.
Shanghai Gold, Empress, Dahua, Paris, International
Eight cinemas, including Yong ‘an, Jincheng and Jindu.
And eight major cities in China.
At the same time, the documentary film "The Birth of a New China" was presented.
The content of the film includes
Meetings of the People’s Political Consultative Conference
Chairman Mao’s speech, delegates’ speeches
And the pomp of founding ceremony.
Embark on the "road" of revival
New Year’s Day, 1950
There is another great event.
Beijing-Han Railway and Guangdong-Han Railway
super band
from then on
China is from Manchuria in the north.
To Guangzhou in the south
Can be reached directly by railway traffic.
Northeast China, North China, East China, Central South China and Northwest China
Railway lines in these areas
Also connected as one.
Beijing-Han Railway and Guangdong-Han Railway
To strengthen the exchange of materials between North and South
And political, military
And cultural undertakings.
Overcome the country’s post-war difficulties
Promote economic recovery and construction.
Are of great significance.
These two railways
For the brand-new China.
Bring revival and hope.

In People’s Republic of China (PRC).
The first new year after its establishment.
People’s Central Government
Minister of Interior Xie Juezai
In his New Year’s message, he wrote:
"The people of the whole country rejoiced.
Celebrate this new year.
Because it brings infinite light and hope. "
In 2022
We are entrusted with the hope of our ancestors.
Welcome the sunrise and move on.
Running on the road of chasing light!
Compilation of Yuan Xi
Proofreading Wei Kairui
Proofreading Sun Xiaoqian
On-duty Editorial Board Member Zhang Yu
Light up "watching" and have a happy New Year’s Day in 2022!


    The five years since the Seventh Congress of Literary and Art Circles have been five years in which the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles has focused on the center, served the overall situation, United the broad masses of literary and art workers, kept pace with the times, pioneered and innovated, and vigorously prospered and developed socialist literature and art.

    Over the past five years, the CPC Central Committee has attached great importance to cultural construction and literary and artistic work and made a series of important instructions and strategic arrangements. All these have greatly educated and inspired the vast number of literary and art workers and cadres of the Federation of Literary and Art Circles, firmly and consciously kept in line with the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Hu Jintao as the general secretary, adhered to the direction of literature and art serving the people and socialism, and the policy of letting a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend, emancipated their minds, kept pace with the times, cheered up their spirits, worked in unity, actively participated in fiery social practice, and were close to reality, life and the masses. In the past five years, the literary and art front has been prosperous in creation, active in criticism, growing in ranks and talented people, with colorful gardens of literature and art, rapid development of literary productivity, expansion of cultural market and cultural industry, and brilliant achievements in literature, drama, film, television, music, dance, art, folk art, photography, calligraphy and acrobatics.

    Send joy to the grassroots

    Since the Seventh Literary Congress, the members of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and various organizations have insisted on facing the grassroots, serving the society and returning to the people as the focus of their work, and actively organized the vast number of writers and artists to go deep into the grassroots to collect ideas and carry out public welfare literary and artistic activities, which were warmly welcomed by the people and fully affirmed by the central leadership.

    Since 2003-2005, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles has continuously organized artists to go to various parts of the motherland to collect folk songs, create works, exhibit and give condolence performances. These activities provide opportunities for artists to be close to reality, life and the masses, create conditions, enrich artists’ life accumulation and stimulate their creative enthusiasm.

    During the New Year’s Day and the Spring Festival in 2006, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and various literary and art associations organized more than 700 literary and art workers to hold the activity of "Sending Joy to the Grassroots" with the aim of "flowers to the fertile soil and art to the people", which directly benefited about 1 million grassroots people.

    Since the Spring Festival in 2003, the Spring Festival Gala of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles has become a popular holiday cultural brand in China, while the Weekend Crosstalk Club and the Hundred Flowers Theater in the National Palace, which aims at high-quality and low-priced cultural performances, have shifted their focus, popularized art, served the masses and promoted the construction of harmonious culture.

    Serving the overall situation around the center

    Since the Seventh Congress of Literary and Art Circles, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles has given full play to its own advantages and carried out a series of major theme literary and artistic activities around major festivals and revolutionary anniversaries, and achieved good results.

    In 2002, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles initiated and organized a series of activities such as art festivals, variety shows and exhibitions, which created a good atmosphere for welcoming and celebrating the 16th National Congress. In 2003, in order to solemnly commemorate the 60th anniversary of Comrade Mao Zedong’s Speech at the Yan ‘an Forum on Literature and Art, a commemorative forum was held in Yang Jialing, Yan ‘an, and literary and art workers were organized to go deep into factories, villages, troops and schools to give condolence performances, which further improved their consciousness of adhering to the "two for one" orientation and the "letting a hundred flowers blossom" policy under the new situation, and enhanced their sense of responsibility and mission in adhering to the direction of advanced socialist culture. In 2004, by holding activities such as "Hello Xiaoping", literary and art workers expressed their admiration and nostalgia for this great man of the century. This year, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles also organized or cooperated with other units to host a series of activities to commemorate the 55th anniversary of the founding of People’s Republic of China (PRC). In 2005, the activities of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles around the 60th anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War eulogized the heroism of the Chinese nation, carried forward the national spirit, and had a strong response in the whole society.

    In 2004, a series of activities were held, which expressed the admiration and nostalgia of literary and art workers for Comrade Deng Xiaoping.

    In 2006, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles seized the favorable opportunities of the 85th anniversary of the founding of the Party of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Long March of the Chinese Workers and Peasants Red Army, and carefully organized a series of activities such as art photography and calligraphy exhibitions, large-scale cultural evenings, youth Peking Opera and folk song elite concerts, which effectively cooperated with the overall arrangements of the central authorities and had a great impact. The Chinese Quyi Association, the Dramatists Association, the Photographers Association and the Calligraphers Association held a condolence performance of "Laughter on the Long March, a Journey to the Revolutionary Holy Land", a plum blossom award art troupe’s charity performance in the old district, a photo creation focusing on the Long March Road, and a national calligraphy exhibition to commemorate the 85th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC), all of which had their own characteristics and achieved remarkable results.

    Adhere to orientation and promote creation.

    There are 12 permanent national literary and art awards jointly sponsored by the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and various literary and art associations. In 2005, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and various literary and art associations resolutely implemented the "Administrative Measures for National Literary and Art Press and Publication Awards" and carried out a series of rectification, striving to better play the correct guiding role of awards. In the past five years, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles has made great efforts to strengthen the work of literary and art theory criticism in view of the relatively weak situation. The academic discussion activities have been deepened and the team of theoretical criticism has gradually grown. Up to now, five national literary criticism awards have been held, and nearly 400 excellent literary theory review articles have been published, which has a great social impact. Focusing on the role of literature and art in building a harmonious society, two contemporary literature and art forums with the themes of "literature and art and a harmonious society" and "what kind of literature and art do we need in this era" have been widely concerned by academic circles. In view of the vulgar, vulgar and kitsch tendencies of some works, as well as the bad creative tendencies of some film and television dramas that violate the historical materialism, a symposium of experts and scholars on the adaptation of "red classics" and the opposition to "three vulgarities" was held to carry out healthy literary criticism. The awards and discussion activities of these theoretical reviews pay attention to the close combination with the reality of literary and artistic creation, adhere to the correct orientation, enhance the sense of social responsibility and mission of literary and artistic critics, create conditions for promoting the development of theoretical reviews, and provide support for creating a good environment for literary and artistic appreciation and criticism.

    Chongde Shangyi Construction Team

    The China Federation of Literary and Art Circles will award and commend the activities of young and middle-aged literary and art workers all over the country and the activities of learning from Chang Xiangyu and Cong Fei. It will be closely integrated with the "three learning and education" and the socialist concept of honor and disgrace propaganda activities carried out by the literary and art circles, actively guide literary and art workers to consciously study and practice Theory of Three Represents, adhere to Marxist historical materialism and literary and art views, and abide by professional spirit and professional ethics, which has played a promoting role in promoting healthy trends and advocating the spirit of "morality and art" in the literary and art circles. Over the past five years, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and various writers and artists’ associations have conscientiously implemented the Party’s line, principles and policies, adopted various forms and measures, created a good atmosphere of respecting morality and art in the literary and art circles, and strived to cultivate and bring up a literary team with "both morality and art".

    In 2004, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles held an activity in the national literary and art circles to select and commend young and middle-aged literary and art workers. On July 19th of the same year, on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the founding of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the first national commendation meeting for young and middle-aged literary and art workers was held in the Great Hall of the People, and a proposal was issued to the national literary and art circles to "carry forward the spirit of" both morality and art and strive to be literary and art workers ".

    In March 2006, after Comrade Hu Jintao delivered an important speech on the socialist concept of honor and disgrace, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles held a forum in time, and a group of well-known artists issued the "Initiative on Establishing the Socialist Concept of Honor and Disgrace in the Literary and Art Circles" to the national literary and art circles. The China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and members of various organizations have also deepened the activities of studying and practicing the socialist concept of honor and disgrace through initiatives, lectures, training, exhibitions and performances.

  Expand communication and enhance friendship.

    Strengthening the exchange of folk culture with foreign countries has always been one of the important functions of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles. Over the past five years, under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and Theory of Three Represents, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and various writers and artists’ associations have actively "please come in and go out", carried out various cultural exchange activities with foreign countries, publicized China’s excellent culture and art, enhanced the friendship and understanding between Chinese and foreign writers and artists, and achieved remarkable results.

    In October 2001 and October 2004, the 5th and 6th China International Folk Art Festival was successfully held.

    In October 2001 and October 2004, the 5th and 6th China International Folk Art Festival were successfully held, which achieved satisfactory results in terms of specifications and level, scale and influence. "China Art Week" is a large-scale foreign cultural activity organized by China Federation of Literary and Art Circles abroad, which has established the brand of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles for foreign exchange and vigorously promoted the excellent traditional culture of China. In July 2006, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles sent an artist delegation to hold a "Happy Tonight" performance at the Palais des Nations in Geneva. The performance received rave reviews.

    The two Beijing International Fine Arts Biennale held in 2003 and 2005 were praised by public opinion at home and abroad. In September, 2005, at the 16th International Fine Arts Congress held in China, Liu Dawei, Party Secretary and Executive Vice President of China Artists Association, was successfully elected as the president of the new International Plastic Artists Association.

    Strengthening cultural exchanges with Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan is an important task of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles. Over the past five years, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and various literary and art associations have conscientiously implemented the central government’s general policy on Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and actively carried out a series of cultural exchange activities with Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. These activities have made positive contributions to strengthening the communication between the three sides of the Taiwan Straits, enhancing the Chinese cultural identity of compatriots in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and promoting the peaceful reunification of the motherland.

    Innovative ways to perform functions

    In 2004, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles held the first national commendation meeting for young and middle-aged literary and art workers in the Great Hall of the People, and issued a proposal to the national literary and art circles to "carry forward the spirit of" both morality and art "and strive to be literary and art workers".

    The times are progressing and the society is developing. Facing the new situation and new tasks, the work of the Federation of Literary and Art Circles is constantly deepening reform and pioneering and innovating. Over the past five years, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the local Federation of Literary and Art Circles have closely focused on the historical tasks of the Party in the new century and new stage, constantly enhanced their awareness of reform, innovation and development, and explored and practiced in a wider range and at a deeper level, thus making new achievements, creating new experiences and adding new vitality to the development of the Federation of Literary and Art Circles.

    Caring and respecting the older generation of artists and promoting and cultivating the younger generation of artists are important means for the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles to do a good job of "liaison, coordination and service". In the past five years, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles has successively held commemorative activities for artists and cultural celebrities of the older generation, such as Mei Lanfang, Zhou Xinfang, Jiang Zhaohe, Ou Yangyuqian, Zhao Dan, Xu Beihong, Shu Tong, Jiao Juyin, Cai Chusheng, Tian Han, Feng Xuefeng, Shakov, Luo Yusheng, Cheng Yanqiu, He Luting and Zhong Jingwen, published the Sunset Library and biographical series of the older generation of artists, and organized and implemented the sunset glow of Chinese Peking Opera. The implementation of these activities has further strengthened the close relationship between the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and artists, and highlighted the role of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles as a bridge between the party and the government.

Editor: He Wei

All-round, wide-ranging and multi-level! A new chapter on international exchange and cooperation in Lanzhou University of Information Technology

In order to vigorously promote the opening up of education and expand the training of international talents, Huang Wei, the president of the school, and his party recently went to Belarus, an important country along the "the belt and road initiative", and paid in-depth visits to Belarus State Technical University, Belarus State Polytechnic University, Belarus State Normal University, Belarus State Economic University, Belarus Trade Union United International University and China Eastern European Cultural and Educational Exchange Center, and conducted comprehensive and pragmatic discussions and exchanges on the cooperation between the two sides in the fields of higher education and scientific research, and achieved fruitful results.

Belarus State University of Technology and Belarus State University of Technology plan to cooperate with Lanzhou Institute of Information Technology in "3+2+1" undergraduate and postgraduate training, joint undergraduate and postgraduate training, teacher training and enterprise practice, summer (winter) camp and language training around their advantageous engineering majors.

Belarus State Normal University has a high level of attainments in the fields of pedagogy and psychology. It has established a number of special research centers, such as the Center for Modern Educational Methods of Preschool Education, the Center for Psychological Support, and the Center for Special Education. It has also established an information discipline and robotics center with normal characteristics. The two sides have made in-depth communication and reached cooperation intentions focusing on teacher training and professional master’s degree promotion.

The Belarusian State University of Economics and the Belarusian Trade Union United International University have held in-depth discussions with Lanzhou Institute of Information Technology on the vision of cultivating "Economics+Law/Linguistics/Sociology/Psychology" compound talents and interdisciplinary students that meet the needs of society. The two sides plan to focus on e-commerce and logistics management, digital economics, marketing, economic law and other advantageous majors to carry out "2+2" joint training, and conduct in-depth communication on teachers’ further training, undergraduate upgrading and short-term exchanges and visits between schools.

Colleges and universities in Belarus highly recognize Lanzhou Institute of Information Technology and world-renowned enterprises such as Huawei and 360 Group for deepening the integration of production and education, as well as the professional characteristics of "information+engineering" and "digital+business", indicating that their majors are highly compatible and have a natural cooperation foundation for jointly cultivating international talents.

Huang Wei signed a cooperation agreement with the president of Belarus State University of Technology.

The delegation visited Belarus State Normal University

The delegation visited Belarus State University of Economics.

The delegation visited Belarus Union International University (Photo courtesy of the school, issued by Yangguang. com)

At the same time, the school has reached a long-term cooperation agreement with China Eastern European Cultural and Educational Exchange Center. The two sides held talks on the "undergraduate and postgraduate" direct projects in Belarusian universities, and actively supported Lanzhou Institute of Information and Technology to continuously improve the level of international exchanges and cooperation in terms of hiring high-level foreign academicians, jointly holding international higher education exhibitions, and setting up elite classes for studying abroad.

During the visit, the school delegation held a discussion with graduates of Lanzhou Institute of Information Technology who studied in Belarus. During the discussion, Huang Wei and his party expressed cordial concern for the graduates studying abroad, and got a detailed understanding of their study and life, encouraging students to make use of the platform provided by the school to study hard and actively apply their knowledge to the construction of "the belt and road initiative". Zhu Zongyue, a 23rd graduate majoring in financial management, said happily, "I am very happy to meet the teachers of my alma mater in a foreign country thousands of miles away. The familiar faces make me feel very cordial, and I am very grateful for the study abroad channel provided by the school, which has enriched my knowledge and experience. I will cherish this platform and study hard the knowledge and skills of this major, so that I can become an excellent economic talent and contribute to the construction of the motherland in the future."

Group photo of the delegation with the school graduates (Photo courtesy of the school, posted by Yangguang. com)

International exchange and cooperation is an important way to cultivate high-quality talents and plays a vital role in promoting talent cultivation. Lanzhou University of Information and Technology actively promotes international exchange and cooperation projects, strengthens discipline construction, introduces and integrates international resources in many ways, and builds a broader platform for students to improve their academic qualifications, broadens the channels for students to realize their postgraduate dreams, and enables more students to "get a good job and get a good job", so that they can achieve career achievements and happiness in life on a broader platform in the future.

"Those who are willing to work together are not far from mountains and seas." Huang Wei said that standing at a new starting point, Lanzhou Institute of Information Technology will promote pragmatic cooperation with Belarusian universities in an all-round, wide-ranging and multi-level manner. The school will take international education as the link, innovate the training path of college students with international vision in the new era, carry out extensive and in-depth exchanges and cooperation with Belarusian universities, make full use of the important strategic platform of "the belt and road initiative" university alliance, and make new and greater contributions to the construction of educational and cultural exchanges between China and Belarus.

(Note: This article belongs to the education industry information published by Yangguang. com. The content of this article does not represent the views of this website, and it is for reference only. )

Unforgettable Yunnan, 5 days and 4 nights treasure-like travel strategy to share with you.

Unforgettable Yunnan, 5 days and 4 nights treasure-like travel strategy to share with you.

Day 1: Arriving in Kunming

Our journey begins in Kunming, a city known as "Spring City" with a pleasant climate and rich natural landscape. After we arrived in Kunming, we had a short rest and went to Dianchi Lake to enjoy the lakes and mountains. In the evening, we tasted authentic Yunnan cuisine and felt the unique flavor of Yunnan. Please consult Xiaoqin at 18687981908.

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The second day: exploring Dali

The next day, we took the high-speed train to Dali. Dali, located on the shore of Erhai Lake, is a romantic city. We visited the ancient city of Dali and enjoyed the Bai folk houses and beautiful street scenes. In the afternoon, we went to the Three Pagodas of Chongsheng Temple and felt the charm of the Millennium Temple. In the evening, we drank in the bar street beside Erhai Lake and enjoyed the nightlife in Dali.

Day 3: Old Town of Lijiang and Yulong Snow Mountain

On the third day, we went to Old Town of Lijiang. Known as "Venice of the East", this ancient city is a place full of historical charm. We strolled on the stone streets of the ancient city and felt the charm of Naxi culture. In the afternoon, we went to Yulong Snow Mountain and took a cableway to enjoy the spectacular scenery of the snow mountain. In the evening, we watched a wonderful bonfire performance in Old Town of Lijiang and felt a strong national atmosphere.

Day 4: Shangri-La and Tiger Leaping Gorge

On the fourth day, we went to Shangri-La. This is a mysterious place, known as "fairyland on earth". We visited Pudacuo National Park and enjoyed the beautiful scenery of virgin forests and lakes. In the afternoon, we went to Tiger Leaping Gorge and felt the grandeur of Jinsha River Grand Canyon. In the evening, we relaxed in Shangri-La hotel and prepared for the next day’s return trip.

Day 5: Return to Kunming and leave Yunnan.

On the last day, we returned to Kunming, ending this unforgettable trip to Yunnan. At Kunming airport, we reluctantly bid farewell to this beautiful land. This trip to Yunnan has given us precious memories and wonderful experiences, and we will cherish the memories of this trip forever.

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The above is the travel guide for our five-day and four-night trip to Yunnan. I hope this strategy can help you plan your own travel route and itinerary. The significance of traveling is to broaden your horizons, increase your knowledge, relax and enjoy a good time. I hope you can fully experience and feel the culture, customs and lifestyle of each city during your trip. Please consult Xiaoqin at 18687981908.

China football goes out again.

Hello, I’m Lu Snake, and today I’m going to talk about football in China!

Speaking of China football, the most important thing recently is that the Football Association has a new head-Song Kai. As a football fan in China, I think this is at least a positive signal, because it shows that the football community in China is trying to improve its own problems and promote the development of football in some way.

Historically, the development of football in China has been plagued by various problems, including mismanagement and corruption. Therefore, changing the president of the Football Association can bring new ideas and directions for the development of football, help solve these problems and promote the healthy development of football in China.

After the new president takes office, he may take a series of measures to improve the football situation in China, including strengthening management, promoting professional development, strengthening the construction of youth training system and improving the quality of coaches and players. From the recent developments of the new head of the Football Association, we can also get a glimpse of it. Then, next, I will sort out the recent events that seem to me to be more important.

  1. Debut: "Take youth training as a top priority"

On November 22nd, the second leg of the U15 final in China Youth Championship was held in Weifang, Shandong Province. Football Association President Song Kai, Vice President Xu Jiren and Secretary-General Yuan Yongqing appeared together.

The newest Football Association’s leadership team, which made its first collective appearance, chose youth football matches, fully expressing its attention to youth football. In the words of Song Kai, "China Football Association should take youth training as a top priority." How can we improve the quality of youth training? Song Kai mentioned, first of all, "let the best coaches do youth training", "I have been doing the three big balls in Liaoning for a long time, so I can do some guidance from the policy and system, such as improving the treatment of echelon coaches. In the process of children’s growth, a more competitive competition system is established. "

  1. Meeting with AFC President, breaking ice in football foreign affairs.

Song Kai, President of China Football Association, who just arrived in Doha, Qatar, met with Salman, President of AFC, who was also attending the 2022 AFC Awards Ceremony. This is the first time that Song Kai has face-to-face communication with the president of the Asian Football Association as the president of the China Football Association, and it also marks the beginning of the new China Football Association to break the ice for football foreign affairs and take an important first step.

It is understood that during the meeting, Salman reiterated to Song Kai that the AFC will continue to cooperate with the China Football Association to support them in revitalizing football in China.

Subsequently, in its important position in official website, the AFC focused on the meeting between Song Kai and Salman with the title "AFC President praises the football development in China". The AFC quoted Salman as saying: "The AFC will unswervingly strive to make football the number one sport in the Asian continent. I believe that China Football Association can help China football to a higher level under the leadership of President Song Kai. We will also work together for this. " Salman also said: "What is exciting is that we see the determination of the new leadership of China Football Association to develop football and promote the progress of football in China. Football still has great development potential in China. "

  1. Study and open the foreign aid policy of the Super League to increase the appreciation of the league.

After Song Kai took office, in view of the situation of the Super League, he said that he would strive to create a professional league that people are satisfied with, and study the foreign aid policy of opening the league against the AFC. At present, the foreign aid policy of the Super League is 654, and his new policy is expected to be "51", that is, five non-nationals and one Asian foreign aid can play at the same time. The implementation of this policy will increase the internationalization and fierce competition of the league, attract more excellent players to China, improve the competitiveness of the league, and at the same time, improve the enjoyment and entertainment, so that fans can enjoy more exciting games.

Finally, I hope the new president can take effective measures to promote the healthy development of football in China, so that we fans can pay more attention to the future of football in China with pride.

If you have any expectations for China football or what do you think of the new head of the Football Association, you are also welcome to leave a message in the comment area for discussion.

The specific meaning of the culture of "Oriental Sinology Originality"

The word "culture" is familiar to everyone, and everyone likes to label something as "culture", ranging from classical culture, modern culture, western culture and Asian culture to chopsticks culture, toilet culture and costume culture in daily life. So what is "culture"?

According to the search results displayed by Baidu Encyclopedia, the meaning of "culture" can be explained from at least three levels. First, from the perspective of western philosophy, culture is the expression of philosophical thoughts. Second, from the perspective of China’s philosophy, "Wen" and "Hua" first appeared together in the Book of Changes, Ben Gua and Bi Zhuan-"Rigid and flexible, astronomical; Civilization stops, so does humanity. It’s about astronomy to observe the changes of time, and it’s about humanities to turn into the world. " In this sentence, there is a clear distinction between "astronomy" and "humanism", in which "astronomy" refers to nature, while "humanism" refers to the spirit related to human life. In China’s traditional discourse system, the meaning of "culture" is mostly derived from it.

Third, on the level of social anthropology, culture in a broad sense is the sum of material wealth and spiritual wealth created by human beings in the process of social and historical practice; The narrow sense of culture is the explanation put forward by British culturist Taylor in his book Primitive Culture, that is, culture is a complex whole including knowledge, belief, art, morality, law, customs and the abilities and habits acquired by anyone as a member of society.

However, on the whole, I personally think that "culture" is a comprehensive summary of all beings with beautiful characteristics. Because judging from the emergence of "culture" and its relationship with human social life, the greatest influence of "culture" on people lies in letting people know beauty, know beauty and inherit beauty. Throughout ancient and modern China and foreign countries, the existence that can be called "culture" can basically give people beautiful impressions or feelings, such as poetry culture, from which readers can feel the beauty of language and rhythm, while clothing culture can make people feel the beauty of design and human body. At the same time, "beauty" is actually the dominant factor in the integration, guidance, order maintenance and inheritance of "culture". In addition, in a narrow sense, "culture" ultimately leads to "beauty of human nature". Why do we often refer to a person as a "literate person" instead of others? In essence, it is because this person gives others the impression that they understand beauty, kindness and elegance. We often say that we should inherit the traditional culture of China, but what we inherit is the beauty of China tradition. Where is the beauty? Beauty lies in the life of mutual respect, love for life and free choice among people.

Author: Shi Ying

Awesome! Domestic products beauty cosmetics new strength

The rise of the national tide has brought fire to many domestic beauty brands, which are not only easy to use and cost-effective, but also novel and unique in product design. Cross-border cooperation with museums, cutting-edge artists and even China Aerospace has conveyed different oriental aesthetics and become a fashion leader in the wave of "the light of domestic products"! Let’s have a plate of these unique Chinese beauty products!

The packaging design of Tangduo is really a must, and this limited series has a super high value! In cooperation with Sunjiayi, a new generation of artist, inspired by diary, we launched beauty products such as eye shadow tray and lipstick pen.


The illustration on the package comes from the "JUDYGIRLS" that Sun Jiayi had in mind. They have varied personalities and styles, and have various hobbies and lifestyles.


The color matching of the three eye shadow trays is very practical. One tray contains matte, pearlescent and glitter. Eye shadow powder is delicate and easy to smudge, and it is mainly in low saturation colors, so it is not easy to get dirty on the face, and novices can easily control it.


Lipstick pen contains two textures of matte, soft fog and moist water, which strongly pushes 02# peach-stained sweet tea. It is a peach pink with high brightness, showing white color and improving color, which is super suitable for summer. And the price is also conscience, beautiful girls can boldly try the water.

Polaiya is also an old-fashioned domestic product, and the newly launched ruby essence and double anti-essence in the past two years have a good reputation. Recently, they also jointly signed with China Aerospace to launch "Double Anti-Essence China Aerospace Collection" and "Feather Sun Protection China Aerospace Custom-made".


The essence of the joint-name double-resistance should be strongly Amway for everyone, which is too beautiful! Transparent acrylic is designed into the outline of rocket shape, which is very scientific and technological.

The essence is also very easy to use, the texture is light and moist, and the skin feels great. Adding astaxanthin and other antioxidant components, it has antioxidant and anti-sugar effects, and can improve skin color in many dimensions. After use, the skin will become more elastic, tender and delicate.

Feather sunscreen is also worth trying, the texture is moist and clear, the film forming speed is fast, and the upper face is not greasy or heavy. It also contains many powerful ingredients, including super antioxidant ingredients "Pycnogenol" and "Pycnogenol"astaxanthin",while preventing ultraviolet rays, it can also strongly protect the skin from blue light damage. There are also pure nicotinamide and soothing ingredients to help repel melanin and soothe skin.


The new embossed lipstick of A Dream of Red Mansions from Nature Hall is really beautiful! The three lipsticks reproduce three scenes: reading the West Chamber together, seeing Baodai first, and the three wonders of the topic. The carving on the paste is very fine, and it is definitely a masterpiece of heavy industry. I can’t bear to use it when I get it!


Lipstick is rich in texture, smooth and easy to apply, and will not dry out. Three customized lipsticks, all in red, are very suitable for Asian skin color, showing white temperament and not stepping on thunder when you close your eyes.

The newly released Red-crowned Crane Plate of Perfect Diary highlights the color of Ruihe, showing the beauty of China and appealing to the public to protect endangered wild animals. It must be praised manually.
This eye shadow tray is also inspired by the red-crowned crane and its habitat. It belongs to a low-saturation and practical pink-brown system. With baking powder texture and two-color mosaic mixed powder, it can create a variety of makeup effects.

With the rise of the national tide, Dunhuang has also become the "online celebrity". Among many joint products, several kazilan are the most out of the circle. The rich Dunhuang elements collide with modern tidal makeup, and the strength is displayed with color tension to interpret the new fashion of Dunhuang makeup.
Pushing the Linglu embossed high-gloss powder plate strongly, the carving is beautiful and the value is super high. High-CD is soft and glutinous mashed potatoes, with fine pearlescent particles, no pores and no wrinkles, and a natural makeup feeling.

Inspired by Guangxu’s wedding picture, this series adopts red and gold color scheme, which combines Chinese aesthetics with modern beauty, showing the gorgeous artistic conception with oriental characteristics.


I have to say that this series came out in the third season, which is really the peak of refreshing the face value, especially this pearlescent phoenix feather powder cake. The exquisite printing is hard to use, and one plate is multi-purpose. The bottom can be used as a matte powder cake, and the pearlescent decorative layer can be used as a highlight.
Domestic beauty cosmetics with profound aesthetic connotation have become the focus of world attention by virtue of their strength. They are worth it!
Image source: brand official