Football today: Eindhoven VS Ajax Juventus VS Naples

Eindhoven has shown a strong sprint ability recently, and currently ranks third in the league with a record of 19 wins, 5 draws and 5 losses. Although the team is still behind Ajax, in fact, Eindhoven’s league points are the same as Ajax’s. This game is very crucial for both sides, because there are only the last five rounds in the Dutch League, and there is an eight-point difference between the two teams in Feyenoord, the top of the league. It can be said that no matter which side loses, it will withdraw from the competition for the league title in advance.

In the last five games, Eindhoven has won four games and drawn one, with a remarkable record. In the last game, the team beat Frandan 3-2 away and won four consecutive victories.Judging from the course of the game, the home game of Frendam also caused Eindhoven a lot of trouble. Although the overall strength of Eindhoven was far stronger than that of Frendam, and the team had already achieved a two-goal lead in the first half, it was only that the players of Eindhoven were obviously not focused in the second half, and Frendam made two quick attacks in a row, which easily penetrated Eindhoven’s defense and pulled back two goals. Fortunately, the midfielder Thiel helped Eindhoven with a header.

Ajax’s recent state is also good, with 18 wins, 8 draws and 3 losses. With the advantage of goal difference, Ajax beat Eindhoven to the second place in the league. Ajax’s competitive ability has been greatly affected by the sale of several main players in the winter break, but after all, the team still has many excellent young players. Thanks to the rapid growth of young players, the team still has a certain ability to compete for the championship.

It is worth mentioning that Ajax gets more signing funds by training young players, and fans and friends should have heard about it long ago. Although the team has sold many young players this season, the front, middle and back three lines need to be replenished with fresh blood as soon as possible, Ajax Club will not stop selling players after the end of the season. The outstanding striker Brian and Bellwin will probably transfer and leave after the end of the season, and several main midfielders have also received quotations from other teams. It is conceivable.

For the first time this season, Eindhoven beat Ajax 2-1 away. In the last ten meetings, Eindhoven won four, drew two and lost four, which was even with Ajax. After this six-point war, these two teams will hold a championship dialogue in the Dutch Cup final immediately. Two consecutive hard battles are a big test for both players and head coaches. Since ancient times, the strong dialogue has been about players’ improvisation and psychological quality. Although Eindhoven defeated Ajax for the first time, Ajax has always occupied the initiative in the game. Considering that the recent state of the two teams is quite good, Moreover, there are not too many problems exposed at both ends of the attack and defense. Eindhoven, who has home court advantage, should be the one with the upper hand. As long as the team can maintain a stable defensive state and consume the physical strength of the main players of the other side first, Ajax does not have many bench players to replace. I believe that Eindhoven still has a good chance to complete the season double play for Ajax.

Juventus’ recent state has declined, with a record of 18 wins, 5 draws and 7 losses, ranking third in the league. Because the team’s appeal application was passed, the fifteen points that had been fined before were returned to Juventus. This result also led to AC Milan, which was originally ranked fourth in the league, being directly squeezed out of the top four. It can be said that the suspense of Serie A for four has entered a white-hot stage.

In the last match, Juventus held a 1-1 draw with Sporting Lisbon in the second leg of the Europa League quarter-final.As Juventus beat their opponents 1-0 at home in the first leg, the team finally advanced to the semi-final of the Europa League with a total score of 2-1 in two rounds. Because Manchester United, the original favorite to win the championship, was unexpectedly eliminated, Juventus replaced Manchester United as the favorite team to win the championship after promotion. However, this Europa League was regarded as the favorite team to win the championship, but it seems that luck has always been bad. Manchester United had a good promotion prospect, and as a result, several main defenders were injured, and they directly lost the promotion places that they were about to get. The thickness of Juventus’ lineup is also not too thick. If the main force is damaged because of multi-line operations, the team is likely to lose more than the gain.

Napoli has just been eliminated from the Champions League, and the players who have been eliminated this time are bound to suffer a serious morale blow. However, Napoli still has a lot of points advantage at the league level. At least there is still a 14-point difference between the team and Lazio, the second place. As long as it can keep from falling into a losing streak, it should be a cinch to win the Serie A championship.

It is worth mentioning that the Napoli striker Osman has returned from injury, and Osman also had a good performance in the last game. If other teammates were not in a low state, Naples would not have been eliminated by AC Milan. Osman is the most crucial point in Naples. Although Quevara Tzko has also contributed a lot of goals to the team this season, Quevara Tzko can’t be compared with Osman in terms of personal ability and tactical role, as long as the follow-up eight.

For the first time this season, Juventus suffered a bitter defeat 1-5 away from home. In the last ten encounters, Juventus won four games, drew two games and lost four games, and there was no advantage at all. Although Juventus also needs points, compared with single-line Napoli, Juventus is already at a disadvantage in terms of schedule, and Naples is a team with sufficient impact. This defense line of Juventus is difficult to stop the opponent’s continuous offensive. In addition, several front-line players of Juventus are in a very general state recently. I believe that Naples is likely to be the main player in this campaign and finish the season double play for Juventus.

Jeff hurt Sun Minghui on purpose? The injury occurred, and Jeff’s expression was understandable. Zhao Rui’s evaluation was correct

On April 23rd, the highly anticipated playoff battle between Guangdong Men’s Basketball Team and Zhejiang Guangsha kicked off. Since the two sides had already drawn 1-1, the two teams could not retreat in this game. The winning team and Liaoning Men’s Basketball Team joined forces, and the loser could only accept the fate of the end of the season.

Perhaps because of this, after the start of the game, the two sides also pointed the needle at Maimang. Du Runwang from Guangdong men’s basketball team stepped forward first, and his accurate three-pointers helped Guangdong men’s basketball team to take the lead. Then Zhu Junlong from Guangsha, Zhejiang province stepped forward, blocked Ma Shang and Zhang Hao, and hit two three-pointers. Zhu Junlong’s appearance directly changed the situation on the field. Zhejiang Guangsha not only overtook the score, but also took the lead.

The staggered scores also caused a controversial scene on the field. When Guangdong foreign aid Hamilton passed the ball back to Jeff, Sun Minghui made a steal, and the basketball was destroyed by Sun Minghui and left Jeff’s control. In the confrontation, Jeff got the ball, and then Sun Minghui fell to the ground in pain for a long time and failed to get up. Even after the Guangdong men’s basketball team attack ended, Sun Minghui still didn’t get up, and then the referee stopped the game.

Through slow motion, Jeff pushed Sun Minghui away again when he confronted Sun Minghui, and Jeff’s push also made Sun Minghui fall to the ground, and his right elbow severely hit the floor, which is why Sun Minghui failed to get up for a long time. After the slow motion, many fans also angrily criticized Jeff’s little moves, and even some fans questioned Jeff’s intentional injury to Sun Minghui.

Did Jeff really hurt Sun Minghui? First of all, from the slow motion, Jeff only had a physical confrontation with Sun Minghui, and Sun Minghui’s elbow landing after falling was unpredictable, so it was impossible for Jeff to intentionally hurt Sun Minghui.

Secondly, when Sun Minghui fell to the ground, when Du Feng instructed the emergency players to come and explain the tactics, Jeff was still very worried about Sun Minghui’s direction. If Jeff was intentional, Jeff would never have such an expression.

Finally, it is also the evaluation of Zhao Rui. Zhao Rui once said that Jeff is a very calm and clean player. Jeff’s past history also proves that he is not a dirty player, so it is even more impossible for Jeff to intentionally hurt his teammates in the national team. Sun Minghui’s injuries are more accidents, that’s all.

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0 tolerance! Guangdong players were criticized, and Du Feng showed his attitude.

0 tolerance! Guangdong players were criticized, and Du Feng showed his attitude.

In the Chinese Basketball Association Professional League (CBA), Guangdong team lost to Guangsha team. Losing was not terrible in itself, but the performance of the team made Guangdong head coach Du Feng very dissatisfied and criticized the players. He pointed out that the players lacked fighting spirit and didn’t try their best in the game, which led to the result of defeat. As the leader of the team, Du Feng has high requirements for the team’s performance, so he made it clear that he will take severe measures to evaluate and correct the players’ performance and will never tolerate such performance.

As a professional basketball player, everyone has the responsibility and obligation to fight for the team. Especially in difficult times, we should keep fighting spirit and fighting spirit. Du Feng believes that players should go all out in the game, not only for their own honor, but also for the team and fans. Therefore, he will not tolerate the players’ lack of fighting spirit and fighting spirit. Du Feng said that this is the philosophy and culture that the Guangdong team adheres to, and only in this way can it bring victory and honor.

Regarding the future of Guangdong team, Du Feng expressed his confidence in the team. He believes that the players can show better strength and mental outlook in the next game and win. Du Feng’s attitude and performance have been supported and recognized by the fans. His remarks show his concern and management ability for the team, and more importantly, he shows the quality of a good leader. Du Feng not only performed well on the field, but also had very high requirements and abilities in managing the team.

Du Feng’s performance also reminded other CBA teams and players. He told them that only by keeping fighting spirit and fighting spirit in the competition can they win. Not only the players, but also the coaches and management need to be strict in managing the team to ensure that the team can win and honor. This attitude and performance is a good example for the basketball circle in China and the whole sports circle in China.

In short, Du Feng expressed strict requirements for the performance of Guangdong team, and said that he would never tolerate players’ lack of fighting spirit and fighting spirit. His attitude and performance have been supported and recognized by the fans. This kind of attitude and performance is the quality that a good leader should have, not only to perform well on the field, but also to have very high requirements and abilities in managing the team. Du Feng’s criticism shows his concern and management ability for the team, and he firmly believes that only through fighting spirit and fighting spirit can we win. This attitude and performance is a good example for the basketball circle in China and the whole sports circle in China.

Guangdong team is one of the most successful teams in CBA history. They have won many championships and awards. However, the victory is not achieved overnight, and the players need to go all out in every game. Du Feng’s criticism reminds the players that they must keep fighting spirit and fighting spirit, which is the philosophy and culture that Guangdong team adheres to, and only in this way can they bring victory and honor. Du Feng’s attitude and performance will also inspire the players to work harder in future competitions and strive for more victories and honors for the team.

Aunt Guangdong plays mahjong ten times and nine times to win! Won more than 70 thousand in six months. How did she do it?

Recently, a woman in Guangdong was playing.mahjongI won nine out of ten and won more than 70,000 yuan in six months. This news has aroused the attention and discussion of many people, and everyone is concerned about this kind of "mahjongHow did "Talent" do it is full of curiosity and speculation. In fact, I want to be inmahjongWinning is not just about luck andnatural endowmentsInstead, it is necessary to accumulate and improve the comprehensive quality in many aspects.

First of all, if you want to be inmahjongTo win, one must have certain technical ability.

He needs to have a certainmahjongBasic knowledge, such as card type, rules, licensing principles, and the practical application of different ways of playing, needs in-depth study, such as understanding skills such as drifting and breaking.

Not only that,mahjongYou need to rely on your insight, analysis, memory and calm response ability in tense moments, which are all necessary.

Secondly, a person also needs iron willpower and patience. He must be able to keep a clear head at any time and give full play to his best level. Can’t be influenced by others, becausemahjongThe turning point of every card, even every time you play a card, will affect 3.gameThe trend.

Keep calm and learn to understand and control.gameCommunication, especially in the face of a pit that cannot be resolved in a short time.

Some successful experiences mainly focus on how to deal with the accumulated cards and the cards you get, and how to make good decisions by using your own experience and knowledge. If there is no good judgment and decision-making, inmahjongOften fail in haste.

Third, the quality of the winner also includes the ability of communication and coordination.mahjongNeed to communicate and cooperate closely with other players, team spirit wins.keyOne.

Some more advanced skills also require teamwork, such as associative memory and truth (a strategy to increase speculation).

participate inmahjongIt is necessary to have good interaction and response, and to be good at dealing with communication and exchanges with people, not the epitome of going it alone.

Even inmahjongDuring the rest period, we should also maintain a high reputation and the way of getting along with the team, especially the winner is not arrogant, and his words and deeds consciously safeguard his own virtue and value system.

Finally, it is the mentality of winning. A glance shows that a positive mentality is to win.mahjongWinning the gamekey.

Winning or losing is a matter for military strategists. The so-called Chuangguan Avenue must face the strange spicy taste and rhythm, not try to keep calm and calm.

After experiencing victory and failure, we should not only see the victory side, but also regard failure as an integral part of success, and sum up experiences and lessons from it, so as to keep unchanged and cope with all changes.

People are not immortals. It is a natural phenomenon to lose and win, so don’t take the outcome too seriously. If you win, you will be happy. If you lose, you will have some self-esteem for temporary failure.

Based on the above contents, we can draw the conclusion thatmahjongWinning requires the improvement and tempering of comprehensive quality, not only the mastery of technical ability, but also the ability of communication and coordination, patience, willpower, emotional restraint and so on.

"Guangdong a woman to play.mahjongAlthough the news "Ten Beats and Nine Wins" has attracted a lot of attention, I believe that the efforts and efforts behind it have not been accumulated in the past few months.

Behind the glamorous appearance of any successful person, there is pay, tears and sweat. We don’t know whether this woman will continue to win next, but the saying that’ the winner is king’ can be described asmahjongIt has been fully interpreted in.

After seeing these cards, are you ready to move? But watching others play cards and playing cards by yourself are definitely two completely different things. If you want to get started as soon as possible, I recommend a mahjong textbook "Illustrated Mahjong+Super Memory" for you.

This book is divided into two volumes. The first volume, Illustrated Mahjong, mainly explains in detail the design rules of mahjong tiles and several common ways of playing them. After you get to know them from the shallow to the deep, I will teach you some common routines of playing cards and some tips of card line analysis.

If you want to master a skill, then it is essential to have a theoretical foundation. Why do some people play mahjong all their lives, or are they said to play cards at random? It is because in the early theoretical study, I didn’t lay the foundation, set up the correct thinking of playing cards, and didn’t have a correct understanding of mahjong tiles.

If you want to play mahjong well, instead of simply joining in the fun, then I strongly recommend this book, which not only explains how to play mahjong for you. At the same time, it also straightened out your thinking of playing cards in the future, that is, helped you lay a solid foundation in the early stage.

Compared with many online gossips, this book is more authoritative, systematic and comprehensive. And summed up the playing methods of most kinds of mahjong cards in China, whether you want to learn southern mahjong or northern mahjong? The tutorials in it are all available.

WL picture shows mahjong winning skills, super mnemonics, practical practical skills guide for playing mahjong.

Beijing bid for the 2027 World Championships in Athletics.

Beijing, April 23 (Reporter Wang Jinwen) On April 22, the official website of China Athletics Association released the "Publicity of China Athletics Association on the Bidding Results of the 2027 World Athletics Championships". The publicity shows that the Chinese Athletics Association has completed the collection of bidding cities for the 2027 World Athletics Championships. After research, only Beijing has applied and met the collection conditions.

In August 2015, Beijing successfully hosted the 15th World Athletics Championships at the National Stadium. At present, Beijing is going all out to bid for the 2027 World Championships in Athletics.

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Oladipo fell down again because of injury. What is the geometry of the wound on the former "Panther"?

Today, the Heat beat the Bucks again, and the total score of the series was 2-1. It was originally a great happy event, but it was not so happy to put it on the Heat’s head. The reason is that Oladipo was injured again, and the injury worried them. A simple layup in the fourth quarter, but Oladipo sat on the floor and couldn’t move. When he was carried off the field by his teammates, the Heat bowed their heads and prayed for him. The injury has knocked Oladipo down, and he is no longer brave.

Oladipo slipped during the layup and hurt his left knee. It’s really a bad year for the Heat. After two victories, two generals were injured, and the G1 victory was directly reimbursed by Hiro due to injury season. There is also no letter brother in the other team for two consecutive games, but he can still come back. After the injury, Oladipo retained his last stubbornness. He waved the stretcher away and limped off the field with the help of his teammates.

Heat coach Spoelstra said after the game: "We still don’t know his specific situation. We will have a specific examination tomorrow. I feel the same with everyone. This is a great victory, especially when you see a player fall like this, especially a player who has experienced a lot like Oladipo. I don’t know the specific situation now. " Adebayor released a piece of good news: "We haven’t got the latest information about Oladipo, but I think he will be fine because he can still walk."

Oladipo once brought beautiful enjoyment to the fans. In his early years in Magic and Thunder, his performance was very good. In the second season, he had already secured his starting position, but people were waiting for his carp yue longmen’s jump. Joining the Pacers in the 2017-18 season, he finally ushered in a leap season, averaging 23.1 points, 5.2 rebounds, 4.3 assists and 2.4 steals in the league. He was selected as the All-Star, the best team and the best defensive team for the first time and was elected as the player with the fastest progress.

In the 2018-19 season, he almost copied everything from last season, except for injuries. He has rested for 11 games at the beginning of the season, but the watershed of his career still appeared on January 24 at home against the Raptors. In this game, he accidentally tore the tendon of his right knee during a defense. The team doctor immediately covered his knee with a towel, and the Pacers later announced that Oladipo would be reimbursed for the injury season.

A rising star of the League in Ran Ran has been interacting with his sickbed all the year round. After a long period of recovery, Oladipo spent the second half of the season, the playoffs, the offseason and the initial stage of the new season, and only announced his comeback at the end of January 2020, and soon participated in the playoffs with the team.

Over time, Oladipo became interested in the South Coast Heat, which was reflected in the playoffs of the previous season. He will talk to Butler, Adebayor and others in the game. So, the Pacers took part in the Harden trade and sent Oladipo to the Rockets. The Rockets didn’t force anyone to stay, and sent Oladipo, who played for the team for 20 games, to the Heat.

But the fresh energy of coming to the Heat hasn’t passed yet, and Oladipo has to give in to injuries. The day before, he was injured in the game against the Lakers. The next day, the bad news came. Oladipo underwent quadriceps tendon repair surgery and was reimbursed for the season. This is the second season reimbursement of Oladipo’s career.

This time, Oladipo took a longer rest, and it didn’t arrive until March of the following year. Oladipo, who played eight games without stopping in the regular season, became a new force on the bench after the playoffs. After three games at the beginning of the playoffs, Oladipo didn’t fall down from the first round G4, and he met the Celtics all the way to Dongjue healthily, which is rare for him to linger on his deathbed all the year round.

In the 24 games before this season, Oladipo took a leave of absence, and it was not until December 2022 that he went into battle again. I didn’t expect to be hit by an injury today. Since the 2018-19 season, Oladipo’s attendance rate is only 35.3%, which is relatively low.

Low attendance sometimes makes players have a wrong self-perception. Oladipo’s current contract is 8.75 million yuan, and 9.45 million yuan in the last year needs him to implement the player option to get it. So far, he has no reason not to fulfill it. In his early years, when his four-year contract of $84 million expired, the Pacers offered him four years of 80 million and four years of 130 million, both of which were rejected by him. Later, the Rockets also offered him a two-year contract extension of $45 million, which of course was rejected by him. Today, I wonder if he will regret signing a basic salary with the Heat for one year.

In the NBA, there are many stars who linger on the sickbed prematurely because of injuries and have lost their prestige in the past. Oladipo will not be the last one. In his early years, he fell at the peak of his career, which was linked with endless rehabilitation, slowly melting away the last glimmer of glory and the last trace of disobedience. Unfortunately, Oladipo’s peak years had already ended in a hurry, leaving a lonely figure for later generations to comment on.

After 12 years, it is expected that Beijing will bid for the 2027 World Championships in Track and Field again.

On April 22nd, China Athletics Association published the Announcement of China Athletics Association on the Bidding Results of 2027 World Athletics Championships on its official website. The announcement showed that according to the relevant requirements of the Notice of China Athletics Association on the Public Bidding of 2027 World Athletics Championships, China Athletics Association had completed the bidding work of bidding cities for 2027 World Athletics Championships. After research, only Beijing applied and met the solicitation conditions.

IAAF World Championships in Athletics, the top international track and field event hosted by international association of athletics federations, was founded in 1983, initially every four years, and changed to every two years in 1991. Beijing successfully hosted the 15th World Athletics Championships in the National Stadium (Bird’s Nest) from August 22 to 30, 2015. More than 2,000 athletes from more than 200 countries and regions competed fiercely in 47 events, showing the world a wonderful track and field event. At present, Beijing is going all out to bid for the World Championships in Track and Field, expecting to return to Beijing after 12 years, so that the eyes of the whole world will once again focus on the "Double Olympic City".