The audience at Zhengzhou Station of the film "Hot Search" roadshow sent Xin Yukun Altman model.

1905 movie network news The film directed by, starring, and starring is being shown. The film was released for two days, with a cumulative box office of 21.99 million. The reality of the network is shocking, the public opinion is reversed, and the audience calls out "I am addicted to it." On December 1st, the national roadshow of "Hot Search" and "Sound All the Way" came to Zhengzhou. Director Xin Yukun and actors came to the roadshow to communicate with the audience after the show.

Actor Zhong Chenyao

In addition to being moved by the realistic theme and passionate mood of the film, some viewers said that they "saw the plight of women and the sense of strength of women in the film" and praised that "the director presented the female perspective particularly well". The director admits that the film has the nature of mass communication, and as a filmmaker, he will also shoulder a sense of social responsibility, saying that "the plight of women presented in the film should be paid attention to and seen", and the female characters of different ages and attributes in the film "can bring more comprehensive female group images to everyone".

Relieve the gas and enjoy it! "Cool and moved, watch and cry three times."

The audience sent the director Altman model to praise "have the courage to dare to shoot"

In the movie, power tries its best to cover up the truth, and the weak have nowhere to speak, so they can only tell each other their lives. The bloody reality makes the audience say that they are "angry and worried", "they will tremble when they are angry to the extreme", and they can’t breathe when they see the weak being oppressed. At the end, when the Justice League went through all the difficulties and finally succeeded in making a sound, the audience "finally gave a bad breath" and gained the power of moving and blood. They lamented that the film made them "cry three times" and said that "in the face of the truth, they should be as brave as Chen Miao and Xiao Sui, and it is inevitable that the night will be slightly cold, and there will be dawn before moving forward".

Director Xin Yukun.

Xin Yukun rooted in reality and gained insight into human nature, and portrayed a real illustration of contemporary public opinion field with a sharp perspective. At the scene, an audience presented the Altman model to Director Xin Yukun, saying that the director "dared to shoot and expose the ugliness of the world in his own way". The director said frankly, "I hope that through this film, the social network environment will change a little." Zhong Chenyao also said, "I hope the film can really affect some people and let everyone speak more rationally."

The mother-daughter audience supported the film "Seeing the Power of Women"

Touched and resonated! The audience shared their "wonderful life"

At the scene of the road show, a journalist took his mother to watch the movie, saying that he saw the power of "girls help girls" and the power of his mother in the film. Mom also said that after watching the movie, she was deeply touched. "I can understand the helplessness of Xiaomou’s mother and see the suffering of ordinary people in the movie." The director admits that "I don’t want to label the weak because everyone has their own difficulties behind them", saying that "this is a film about online public opinion, and it is also a film that can show the strength of women."

performerwang xiaotian

Chen Miao, who bravely resisted power in the film, also resonated with the audience, saying that "I was particularly moved by Chen Miao’s pursuit of truth and her courage to speak out for women." Some viewers shared that they had encountered similar difficulties in high school. Fortunately, there was unconditional support from friends at that time, saying that "I am very grateful to my friends for being Chen Miao in my life". The director explained that the role of Chen Miao "presents the unique side of women at present", pursues career and empathizes with the weak. "There are many female figures in life who are pushing things to change. I hope everyone can see what they have done and convey this power.".

The film "Hot Search" is showing.

Getting closer! Xiaomi Auto WeChat official account has been launched.

On October 9th, Xiaomi Auto WeChat WeChat official account was officially launched. It is understood that "Xiaomi Automobile" WeChat official account was migrated from "Xiaomi Racing" WeChat official account, and the certification subject was Xiaomi Automobile Technology Co., Ltd., and the certification was completed on September 21st.

It is understood that "Xiaomi Racing" is a racing racing game launched before Xiaomi’s mutual entertainment. Its owner is Beijing Kawara Tsutomu Network Technology Co., Ltd., a mobile internet enterprise invested by Lei Jun.. Xiaomi Racing started the public beta in 2019, and in October 2020, Xiaomi Racing released a notice of suspension, which indicated that it officially stopped operating because the agreement with the game developer was about to expire.

In fact, news about the progress of Xiaomi Automobile has been coming out in recent days. At the beginning of October, Xiaomi Automobile posted the recruitment of related automobile R&D positions on the Internet, including the positions of extended-range system design and development engineer, fuel system engineer and exhaust system engineer. In addition to personnel recruitment, many netizens released test photos of Xiaomi Automobile in Turpan, Xinjiang in August. At the same time, some people familiar with the matter revealed that the first-class and second-class battery suppliers of Xiaomi Automobile have finalized Zhongchuang Singapore Airlines and Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited as the battery suppliers at this stage. In addition, it was reported earlier that Xiaomi Company has been approved by relevant departments in China to start producing electric vehicles, and various signs may also mean that Xiaomi Automobile is coming soon.

As we all know, since Xiaomi Automobile announced the construction of cars, the production qualification of cars has always been a difficult problem that Xiaomi Automobile needs to face. Last year, there was news in the market that the brand of Xiaomi car was not approved, and it was included in the concept of disorderly expansion of capital. It may not be called Xiaomi car in the future, but it can only be OEM for others. At that time, in response to this news, Wang Hua, general manager of Xiaomi Public Relations Department, responded: The news was untrue. In addition, it was reported earlier that Xiaomi Automobile obtained the production qualification from Beijing Baowo, but with the cancellation of the production qualification of Beijing Baowo, this way was basically blocked. At present, it is still unknown how Xiaomi Automobile will obtain production qualification. However, Xiaomi Auto completed the domain name filing of "" website on August 2nd this year, and the website is likely to be followed by Xiaomi Auto official website website.

It has been two and a half years since Xiaomi Automobile announced the construction of a car in March 2021. During this period, in order to build a car across the border, Xiaomi has invested a lot of money in building a car. Relevant data show that in the second quarter of 2023, the innovative business expenses of Xiaomi smart electric vehicle were 1.4 billion yuan. Lu Weibing, president of Xiaomi Group, later said that the actual investment of Xiaomi Automobile is even greater. Xiaomi is making the long-term layout of the automobile with the goal of entering the top five in the world in the future, doing full-stack self-research, and also building its own automobile factory, so the investment in cash flow is even higher than the disclosed figures.

It is worth noting that from the financial report released by Xiaomi in the second quarter of 2023, Xiaomi’s income in the second quarter is not ideal. Relevant data show that the total revenue of Xiaomi in the second quarter of 2023 was 67.35 billion yuan, which was higher than the market expectation of 65.13 billion yuan, but it was 4% lower than that of 70.17 billion yuan in the same period last year. Xiaomi’s smartphone revenue was 36.6 billion yuan, down 13.4% year-on-year. The official said that the decrease was due to the decrease in smartphone shipments, which was partially offset by the increase in the average selling price of smartphones. In the case of declining smartphone revenue, Xiaomi was also exposed this year that the number of employees in Indian companies has dropped from the highest of 1,500 to around 1,000, and more people will be laid off in the coming months. In response to the layoffs of Xiaomi India, the official response indicated that the decision of personnel adjustment was made according to market conditions and business forecasts.

At present, Xiaomi is still in the preparatory stage, and it needs to continue to invest a lot of money in building cars. Although Lei Jun, the founder of Xiaomi, once said: "Xiaomi is different from the previous entrepreneurship in the mobile phone industry. Xiaomi now has money and we can afford it." However, with the extension of the timeline, I am afraid that no amount of money can stand the toss. At present, we can only speed up the launch of Xiaomi Automobile, so that Xiaomi Automobile can usher in significant progress.

The computer background is suddenly changed, and you may be "blackmailed". Experts will help you!

  CCTV News:Recently, there have been many cases of computer ransomware in China, especially in medical, educational and financial industries. Many individual users’ data files cannot be opened after being encrypted by ransomware.

  According to the intercepted ransomware samples, the virus mainly spreads through mobile storage devices and malware installation packages. After the user activates or opens the Trojan horse program containing ransomware, all files in the computer will be encrypted, and the user is required to pay the ransom within a limited time.

  Wang Liang, a network security expert, said that after being infected with this ransomware, the first feeling of users was that their desktop background was suddenly changed. For example, their Word document photos could not be opened and the file extension was modified. Generally speaking, its blackmail amount is between 350 and 500 dollars.

  In addition to infecting the software in the computer, this ransomware also targeted intelligent hardware including routers and smart cameras. According to the newly released Network Security Analysis Report of Typical Intelligent Hardware Devices, routers have become the most vulnerable intelligent hardware products to virus attacks, and privacy leakage, payment security and virus attacks have become the three major issues that users are most concerned about.

  Chai Kunzhe, an expert in intelligent hardware, said that if a hacker hacked into your router, it would be equivalent to entering the virtual door of the network in your whole home. It can be associated with your equipment, all your smart devices and all your network devices, and it can also produce attacks.

  According to the characteristics of this ransomware, experts suggest that computer users must get into the habit of backing up important data and files, at the same time, they should raise their awareness of daily operation and maintenance safety and do a good job in data security prevention.

  Wang Liang, a network security expert, said, don’t use weak password, that is, for example, don’t make your login password too simple, and then you should put security patches on your computer and update the software in time. Don’t add trust or release files blocked by security software, but download and install the software through formal channels.

5800 must buy! ? Is tablet computer a must-have for "e-teaching"?

CCTV News:Recently, Mr. Wang from Bengbu reported through the "internet plus Supervision" platform in the State Council that Yuying Middle School in Wuhe County asked each student to spend 5,800 yuan to buy a tablet computer, saying that it was necessary for homework and study.

At present, the local government has responded that Yuying Middle School has been ordered to immediately stop the illegal charging of students’ tablet fees, clear all the fees already charged, and dismiss the principal within a time limit.

On the social platform, the issue of "Bengbu No.1 Middle School requires students to spend 5,800 yuan to buy tablets" has caused many netizens to discuss. In addition to questioning the compulsory fees charged by the schools involved in the news, many netizens also expressed their concerns about the current e-teaching.

Student Homework: From "Handmade Age" to "Electronic Age"

"Now the ipad has become a must for primary school students’ homework, and it has to be used for homework and daily punching." Ms. Liu’s daughter is a third-grade primary school student. In order to facilitate timely communication with teachers, Ms. Liu has added four or five WeChat groups and nail groups. Last year, during the online class of the epidemic children at home, she had to "shuttle" her homework on WeChat group, nail group, APPlet and mobile app every day.

"When we were young, when we went to school, the teacher wrote the homework on the blackboard, and then we copied it into the notebook. Now the teacher sends the homework to the WeChat group, and we will tell the children what to do when they get home." Ms. Liu lamented that today’s primary school students’ homework has entered the "electronic age" from the "manual age".

As a head teacher of a primary school in Henan, Xiao Yangang heard many parents’ "complaints" in his first year of employment. "Many parents used their mobile phones to chat on WeChat and watch the news before, and some of them never used nails, let alone small programs." Xiao Yan introduced that, generally speaking, English and Mathematics will be arranged with online exercises after class.

(Parents of students in Xiaoyan’s class are punching in the circle of friends)

In fact, not only primary school students, but also more and more parents of preschool children have joined the "online education" army. Ms. Xiao, 56, spends her daily life attending classes with her granddaughter on the ipad. She laments that she has to learn to "punch in" when she is retired. In order to make her granddaughter "not lose at the starting line", Ms. Xiao’s daughter reported Dashan English and Little Spark Thinking AI classes to her granddaughter. Because she was worried that her children’s eyesight would be affected at a young age, Ms. Xiao would control her granddaughter’s "study time" within 20-30 minutes every day.

Does electronic teaching increase the burden? Parents and teachers disagree.

With the advent of the era of electronic teaching, social software such as WeChat, QQ, and various apps have become more and more frequent in primary and secondary education and teaching, and to some extent, they have even become inseparable ways and assistants for teachers.

In November last year, the news that a Jiangsu student’s parents sent a video angrily attacking the teacher for correcting their children’s homework and quitting the parent group quickly fermented on the Internet, causing public concern and discussion. Subsequently, the news that "children learn three courses and I am drawn into eight parent groups" appeared on the news pages of major media, and netizens expressed their feelings that "it only takes one parent group to crush adults".

In January 2021, the Ministry of Education issued the Notice on Strengthening the Management of Mobile Phones for Primary and Secondary School Students, requiring primary and secondary school teachers not to use mobile phones to assign homework or require students to use mobile phones to complete homework. Earlier, the Ministry of Education also issued a document clarifying that teachers should not hand over the task of correcting homework to parents.

In the eyes of parents who support the ban on electronic homework, the appearance of "electronic homework" has changed the boundary between teachers and parents about educational responsibilities and obligations, such as correcting homework that should have been done by teachers and manual homework that should have been done by students, and now all of them are passed on to parents.

Ms. Liu feels that compared with when her eldest daughter was in primary school more than ten years ago, the pressure of tutoring her younger daughter is obviously greater now. On the one hand, electronic products such as tablet computers have become the "standard" of primary school students, which has increased the financial burden of parents; On the other hand, parents also have to undertake more educational tasks. "Assigning homework through WeChat or App, in fact, the task is transferred to parents. Some of them have to correct homework for their children after a day’s work, which is really tiring." Like most parents, Ms. Liu is also worried that her children lack self-control and will be addicted to electronic products in the future.

However, according to Xiao Wu, a primary school English teacher in Hangzhou, in today’s mobile Internet era, it is impossible and unnecessary for education and teaching to exclude technology. She thinks whether to arrange "electronic homework" depends on the characteristics of the subject and the type of homework. "It is definitely more convenient to read and recite English and Chinese, especially oral English homework online."

Xiao Wu introduced that in her school, some physical education class’s training is also punched in through the APP. "Children write their own exercise content like a circle of friends, and then attach videos or pictures." Xiao Wu said that at present, parents are more supportive of this online and offline teaching mode. She believes that the Ministry of Education should take into account the characteristics of different subjects while introducing relevant bans and prevent "one size fits all" implementation methods.

Nine chapters have come out. Do you know what a quantum computer is?

  On December 4th, Science magazine announced that the "Nine Chapters" of the quantum computer built by China’s research team has achieved a fast solution to the Bose sampling problem, and its calculation speed is faster than the fastest supercomputer at present.One hundred trillion times!

Quantum computer screens the whole network

Netizens are proud and happy about it.

But as soon as I opened the article,

Most friends can only leave a question mark after reading it:

"I know every word, but … …”

"Why is quantum computer so fast?"

Don’t worry!

Here is a "Little White" friendly explanation book.

Let’s put it in layman’s terms.

(This article does not involve any theoretical formula or academic discussion … …

Because Xiaobian is not professional! )

Is quantum computer a computer?

  First of all, what is a quantum computer in one sentence:

  Quantum computer is a kind ofA computer using quantum mechanicsIt can perform some specific calculations more efficiently than ordinary computers.

  So, quantum computer is a kind of computer, but it is not simple."Advanced Edition" computer.And what we now understand as "computer"There is a big difference— — The calculation forms of the two are different.

  For example:

  If the classic computer iscandle, quantum computer islight bulb / third wheelBoth of them are for lighting, but the lighting methods are different and the lighting range is also different. Even if you keep improving candles, you can’t make a light bulb.

  At present, quantum computers use physical systems such as atoms, ions and photons.Different types of quantum computers use different particles.This time, the "Nine Chapters" use photons.

  200 seconds is just a short moment, and 600 million years has already passed.

  How did the "Nine Chapters" quantum computer achieve the "ultra-fast" computing speed through quantum computing?

How does a quantum computer calculate "ultrafast"?

  quantum computer"huge storage capacity"

  First of all, let’s take a look at the storage mode of classical computers and quantum computers ↓

Classic computer

  With a series of0 and 1To store information. Each unit in the series of 0 and 1 is called a bit, and one bit can be set as0 or 1.

quantum computer

  For quantum computersQuantum bitTo store information. Each qubit can not only be set to1 or 0, and can also be set to.1 and 0.

  It can be simply understood that quantum computers store more information per unit.

  What exactly does this mean?

  For example:

  Please think of a number between 1 and 10 and express it with one hand. One hand at a time.Only one number can be expressed.

  This is the fundamental law of storing data in classical computers. It’s just that the computer is faster than our fingers, but one bit of it can only store one binary number.

  However, if you switch to a quantum computer, the way to express numbers will be immediatelyBe subverted.

  For another example, one hand can express 10 numbers. But before the hand reaches out, which number will it represent,Is uncertain.

  This is the storage unit of quantum computer — —Quantum bits,The storage mode of. It stores not specific data, but all possible data.Probability of occurrence.

  Hands are uncertain until they reach out. But qubits take all the numbers that can be expressed with this hand, all of themoverlayTogether. You only use one hand to store 10 different numbers, and the probability of each number appearing is 10%.

  The number that one hand can express is very limited, and it is not a magical thing to store 10 numbers at the same time. But it keeps expanding, and 10 hands and 100 hands can all be used.Superimposed storageIn qubits, this is the power of qubits.

  Quantum computers can therefore carry more content at the same time. Ordinary computer units can only process one bit at a time; Quantum computers can process one "qubit" at a time, thus greatly improving the processing speed.

  The quantum world is essentially parallel.

  Quantum computer not only has powerful storage capacity, but also has powerful parallel computing capacity. Just like turning on a light in a room, light can pass through all the cracks in the wall in an instant. It is this principle that quantum computers can perform high-speed parallel quantum calculations.

  For example:

  Suppose there is a black box with 1000 wire ends sticking out on the left and 1000 wire ends sticking out on the right, but in fact,Only one wire is connected.Dear, excuse me, how do you find this connected wire?

  The answer needs to be tried 1000×1000 times, that is, to1 million timesTo find the answer.

  But it’s much easier to solve this problem with a quantum computer.

The actual operation process of quantum computer

  As we said just now, the storage of qubits is the superposition of all possible numbers. Then from 1 to 1000, it is actually just a group of qubits. In other words, with only one calculation, the quantum computer takes all the possibilities into account at the same time. It can find the connected wire once. Through parallel computing, the efficiency is improved by 1 million times.

  How to calculate this quantum computer, do you see (mei) understand (kan) (dong)?

Why are the "Nine Chapters" so important?

  The appearance of "Nine Chapters" is another leap in the field of quantum science and technology in China, and its significance is multifaceted.

  The first is in the fields of computer, IT and mathematics.If "the superiority of quantum computing" is realized, the computing power on a specific problem far exceeds that of the most powerful traditional computer. In addition, it can also establish quantum communication networks and quantum internet through quantum computers.

  Secondly, in terms of practicality.Quantum computers have a broad space and scope, such as password decoding, big data optimization, material design, etc., which can all be supported by quantum computers, thus solving major national economy and people’s livelihood issues and generating great economic value.As predicted by some scientists, quantum computers will be widely used, and even everyone can use them.

  At the same time, the development of quantum computers,Will bless artificial intelligenceThereby reducing the mistakes in AI application and creating an intelligent system that allows early diagnosis of problems.

  It is worth mentioning that it alsoClosely related to drug research and development.. If quantum computer is used, as long as its calculation speed is 100~1000 times faster than that of classical computer, it is possible to improve the efficiency of screening prodrug molecules to more than 90% and reduce the cost. However, whether the truly effective drug molecules can be obtained depends on the later biological experiments.

  In addition, the fast operation of quantum computers also includesOrdinary but widely used. For example, how to choose the most efficient route for delivery trucks can rely on the help of quantum computers. This is by no means "overqualified".

How far is quantum computing from practicality?

  For the research of quantum computer, international peers in this field have recognized that there are three stages of development:

  The first stage,For some high-complexity specific problems that supercomputers can’t solve, efficient solutions are realized, and in computational science."that superiority of quantum compute"A milestone.

  The second stage,Development of coherent manipulation of hundreds of qubitsQuantum simulatorIt is used to solve some problems with great practical value that supercomputers can’t do (such as quantum chemistry, new material design, optimization algorithm, etc.).

  The third stage,Develop a programmable universalQuantum computing prototype.

  Classical computers have developed from special-purpose computers to general-purpose computers for decades, and now quantum computers are still in the earliest era of special-purpose computers. Even the fastest "Nine Chapters" only crossed the first stage. However, it is undeniable that the appearance of "Nine Chapters" is a great encouragement, and the future can be expected.

World refitted car industry grand meeting: Counting ten cool car models of North American refitted car show.


    [Content at a glance]At this modified auto show, Volvo exhibited two high-performance modified Volvo S80 and C30, operated by Heico Sportiv, a famous German modified car manufacturer.
Heico’s modified C30 uses an upgraded T5 turbocharged engine.

    The 2007 North American Modified Auto Show (SEMA) was held in Las Vegas, USA from October 30th to November 2nd. After 31 years’ development, this annual modified auto show has become a grand event of the world’s modified car industry, attracting most of the world’s automobile manufacturers and hundreds of thousands of car enthusiasts to gather in Las Vegas every November.

    So far, there are no manufacturers in China, but with the growth and prosperity of China’s automobile aftermarket, the world’s largest modified auto show is gradually entering the field of vision of China players. It doesn’t matter if you can’t come to the scene in person. Now, follow our reporter and take a look at the world’s most advanced automobile modification technology and products.

    Chevrolet Cobalt SS

    The 2008 Cobalt SS is equipped with the same 2.0-liter Opel and Ecotec 260hp turbine engines as Chevrolet HHR SS, Opel Astra OPC and Pontiac Solstice. The output power is 55 horsepower higher than that of the previous super-powered Cobalt SS, and the acceleration process from 0 to 100 km/h takes only 5.7 seconds.

    Volvo S80 and C30

    At this modified auto show, Volvo exhibited two high-performance modified Volvo S80 and C30, operated by Heico Sportiv, a famous German modified car manufacturer.

    The modified S80 high-performance concept car adopts T6 turbocharged bioethanol engine, which outputs 350 horsepower at 5500 rpm, with the maximum torque of 550Nm/1500~4000rpm and the acceleration time of 0~100 km/h of about 5.8 seconds.

    It is equipped with Volvo electric control all-wheel drive system with instant traction function, and also adopts specially developed sports suspension.

    Heico’s modified C30 uses an upgraded T5 turbocharged engine. The maximum output power is 300 HP at 5500 rpm, and the maximum output torque is 420 Nm at 3500 rpm. The acceleration time from 0 to 100 km/h is only 5.4 seconds, and the maximum speed reaches 250 km/h (speed limit). The car also uses a specially developed sports suspension.

    Hyundai Elantra "Beach Cruiser" Concept Car

    The hatchback Elantra will be launched in 2008. At this SEMA Auto Show, it made its debut as the concept car of Elantra Touring "Beach Cruiser". This beach cruiser was modified by K-Daddyz Kustomz.

    The car body is painted in two colors, beautiful grape purple and tango orange, with beautiful patterns. The concept car is equipped with a huge panoramic skylight on the roof, and the interior is also made of two-tone high-grade leather. A specially installed 8-channel stereo is installed in the trunk, and high-end speaker components are hidden under the floor of plexiglass. There is no special investment in performance modification, except for the cold air intake system, balance bar and beautiful hood, as well as some small accessories.

    Suzuki SXForce concept car

    This is a brand-new concept car based on the SX4 sports car in 2008.

    Compared with the prototype, SXForce adopts a 5-speed manual transmission, a 2.0 turbocharged engine, the power is increased to 255 horsepower, and an adjustable NASCAR-style tail is added at the tail.

    You can even find a built-in data statistics system, which can help you analyze and download all the information of the engine in real time, and make you feel like you are in the competition.

    Cadillac CTS sports concept car

    At this auto show, Cadillac gave this CTS sports car a brand-new appearance through a series of modifications, including: adopting brand-new front and rear bumpers, improved hood, rear tail and 20-inch rims.

    Carbon fiber parts used in many parts of the car body, redesigned headlights, high-performance brakes with yellow calipers, LED brake lights and exhaust system were replaced with Corsa cat-back exhaust system with 3.5-inch exhaust pipe.

    Ford Roush P-51A mustang

    This car is equipped with Roush Stage3 suspension, powered by an improved ROUSH 4.6L V8 engine, with a maximum power of at least 510hp and a maximum torque of at least 691Nm, so the P-51A should be very competitive. Of course, the full set of Roush aerodynamic kit, upgraded wheels and tires, and upgraded braking system are all included in this upgrade package.

    Hummer H2 Safari

    This is a strong Hummer and a super convertible. The car has no back seat, and the purpose of modification is to use it for competition.

    This Hummer off-road concept car is equipped with a 6.2L V8 engine with 393 horsepower. In addition, the designer has improved the shape of the car, including customized air induction system, customized double exhaust pipe system, wheel flash, protective steel, high-performance brake pads and 20-inch wheels.

    Jeep brings two concept cars.

    At this year’s SEMA Auto Show, Jeep exhibited two Jeep concept cars: Jeep Wrangler Ultimate and Jeep Wrangler JT.

    Wrangler Ultimate is based on Wrangler’s four-door non-limited edition model, equipped with 3-inch body lifting kit and 35-inch BF Goodrich mud tires, 18-inch aluminum alloy wheels, as well as a series of appearance upgrade kits, adding new entertainment systems. The engine adopts a powerful 392 Hemi engine.

    Jeep, on the other hand, is a JT made by removing the rear seat and installing a 5-foot-long cargo box on the basis of the four-door Wrangler non-limited edition. It is equipped with front and rear bumpers and spare tire placement equipment from Mopar, Warn 9500ti winch. (Zhou Weili)

Editor: Tian Shijia

Wrong person? US President Biden and his wife mistakenly held hands with the female governor when they watched the auto show, and their wives were left aside.

Xinmin Evening News Sea Guest News, hand in hand, walking together, laughing sweetly. At the Detroit Auto Show on September 21st, local time, US President Biden and Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer were just like this in front of the camera.

Of course, a sweet smile-just Biden.

Whitmer is a face of embarrassment. Plus Mrs. Biden, Jill is on the side. Does this embarrassment have to be multiplied by ten?

Biden made another mistake. But compared with his predecessor Trump, or South Korean President Yin Xiyue, who just met him at the United Nations General Assembly, Biden’s mistake seems to be excusable for an ordinary old man alone. However, he is really not a simple ordinary old man.

1、Whitmer wore a purple dress and a black dress, and Jill wore a red dress. Can this be mistaken?

Haisir consulted a color-blind expert, but replied that if he was red-blind or achromatopsia, he might really be confused about purple.

Biden held hands with Whitmer, and Whitmer and Mrs. Biden, who was wearing a mask, were extremely embarrassed.

In this way, Biden may be color blind.

Judging from the scene, Mrs. Biden’s Jill may be ready-I don’t care whether you are color blind or not, and I care whether Biden, an old man, declares that the epidemic has ended. Anyway, as a housewife, Jill wears a mask and hangs a big tag to see if you recognize me!

Biden is really not only "color-blind", but also "face-blind" in front of people, holding Whitmer’s hand by himself. His familiar gesture is like holding his right hand with his left hand, and there is nothing unnatural.

To Whitmer a face of embarrassment. Where’s Jill, the wife of Biden?

Embarrassed, angry, and dull, anyway, there are a little expressions.

Observation: Biden holds hands with Governor Whitmer, causing confusion of Detroit Auto Show issues on social media. Photo: Screenshot of Washington Observer report.

Jill, who is a family with Biden, is so worried that at Biden’s age, she really doesn’t need to go back to the White House to kneel and rub the washboard.

What Biden should guard against is the attack of the other political camp. After all, he and Whitmer are both Democrats. No, Tudor Dixon, the Republican candidate for governor of Michigan, fired-

"Holding hands, they pushed our country into a cliff."

Tudor Dixon social media screenshot

Richard Gorenel, a former American ambassador to Germany and a Republican who was appointed by Trump as the Acting Director of National Intelligence, repeatedly ridiculed Biden’s behavior. "Whitmer wants Biden to dump the current Vice President Harris," he said. I still hope that they are talking about the problem that Michigan students’ reading and math scores have plummeted. "

According to Richard Gorenel, Whitmer’s "rival in love" seems to be Harris instead of Jill.

Harris (left) and Whitmer (right) are helping Biden’s campaign map: information.

Biden is old, can he still eat? This issue has actually been seen in Biden’s 2020 US election against Trump.

For example, in December 2019, during an election campaign, when he saw his wife Jill reaching out to him after the speech, he suddenly opened his mouth and bit it. It feels like a baby sucking milk. What kind of cognitive impairment is this? It’s really confusing.

Biden, what are you doing? Screenshot of "Voice of Independent Women" social media in December 2019

As for Biden’s sudden forgetting of words and saying the wrong thing when he made a speech, such small mistakes are even more numerous.

Haisir believes that it is human nature for an old man who was nearly eighty years old in 2019 and is now almost eighty years old to make some mistakes such as color blindness, cognitive impairment and forgetting words.

But who is Biden?

At that time, he was a presidential candidate of the United States. Anyway, American voters elected this old man.

Now he is the president of the United States. Anyway, it’s hard for him to do such a hard job at his age: he just went to London to attend the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II, and then went to the United Nations in new york for a meeting, during which he had to take time to attend the Detroit Auto Show, and rushed to announce the end of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States regardless of the epidemic situation. It seems reluctant to let him not admit his wife under such circumstances?

2、There are more than one American president who is not holding his wife’s hand in public, but holding other women. Biden’s predecessor, Donald Trump, did the same thing more than once when he was in office.

In 2017, Mei visited the United States and held hands with Trump at the White House.

Trump’s main hand-holding partner was then British Prime Minister Theresa May.

In 2017, Mei visited the United States. Trump met her at the White House. Mei, dressed in a red dress and a black belt, and Trump, in a red tie and black suit, marched side by side in the corridor of the White House, holding hands like that, which really felt a little bit like it.

In 2018, Trump visited the UK. May met the Prime Minister at his country house. This time, she wore a long red dress-her hairstyle did not change, but she still had short hair and milk ash.

In 2018, during Trump’s visit to Britain, he held Mei’s hand.

When climbing the steps, Trump took May’s hand quite naturally. When Mei’s little gesture was hooked, Trump, who usually used brute force to shake hands with people, suddenly became gentle.

When Norma Percy’s documentary "Trump: One-on-One World" was filmed, Fiona Hill, then director of the British Prime Minister’s Office, broke the news that when the US President and the British Prime Minister held hands like this, everyone present, including Mei herself, was shocked.

However, Haisir felt that Mei was holding hands with Trump for the second time in public. Whether she was really shocked by the "rabbit bump" in her chest, or just like the circumstances, Fiona Hill was not in charge, so it was not clear.

Trump held hands with Melania and was rejected

Compared with Biden’s misunderstanding, Trump’s hand in hand seems to be deliberate. And he also held hands with his wife, Melania, during his visit, but he didn’t expect to be rejected. Of course, Melania’s actions are not necessarily a direct response to Trump’s holding hands with Mei, but more likely to be due to other reasons. But Trump’s unwillingness to apologize is also well known.

3. I wonder if Biden will apologize for taking the wrong hand? Anyway, in the past two days, another thing related to him, the victim of the mistake was prevaricating and unwilling to apologize, that is, South Korean President Yin Xiyue.

During her participation in the UN General Assembly, Yin Xiyue finally got an opportunity to meet Biden, so she talked about it-with translators, the leaders of South Korea and the United States held a total of 48 seconds of formal talks.

Yin Xiyue visited the United States and met with Biden for 48 seconds.

In the meantime, Yin Xiyue not only reached the goal of shaking hands with Biden, but also had the opportunity to grasp the shoulder of the President of the United States to show affection.

Only after that, when Yin Xiyue talked with people, she said, "These kids", which was heard and captured by the media. As a result, domestic analysis in South Korea said that Yin Xiyue blamed some members of the US Congress for failing to meet Biden for a longer time. Blame them for not being a big help after the Korean side cleared it. Korean media called it "swearing diplomacy".

But Yin Xiyue’s office responded on the evening of September 22: Yin Xiyue’s remarks were not directed at the US Congress, but at the South Korean Congress.

Based on this, the South Korean President does not need to apologize.

Can it be said that American lawmakers are "kids" and they have to apologize, while South Korean lawmakers are really "kids"?

Looking at Yin Xiyue’s unwillingness to apologize, Biden will not care about anything-apology, which is boring.

Biden holds hands with Macron: Information

Hold hands and apologize? Biden and French President Macron even held hands. Is this an apology? Since I don’t have to, well, Biden is very busy and has a lot of things to do. Otherwise, let’s talk about Russia and Ukraine. Putin is going to do a big job. Biden’s head is big, and he can’t manage the small things of holding hands.

Original title: Biden holds her hand in front of his wife, this this this …

What are the Japanese animation design schools?

In recent years, more and more China students choose to study abroad. Which Japanese animation design schools are there? This article aims at this problem, sorting out the information for everyone, and then let’s learn about it together.

What are the Japanese animation design schools?

Recommended by Japan Animation Design School

1. Kyoto elite university

Kyoto Seika University (English: Kyoto Seika University) is a Japanese private university located in Kyoto Prefecture, which was founded in 1968. Kyoto Essence University takes respecting personality and treating every student seriously as its educational foundation, and through imparting and researching knowledge and art, it enables students to form self-reliant personality that serves human society wholeheartedly. The purpose of the school is to cultivate self-reliant talents who are responsible for the society, so it has always maintained the perspective of paying attention to the real society and implemented activities that contribute to the society. In Kyoto elite university, an organic society is formed with the support of teachers and students, and education is implemented on the basis of interpersonal communication in this university society.

Referred to as essence or essence. Essence University is the first university in Japan to establish a cartoon major. It is a very representative university in the field of cartoon major. It has an excellent lineup of professors and even attracts much attention in the world. In 2010, the first manga research department in Japan was established for the purpose of studying manga and developing manga business. In Japan, the Department of Cartoon Studies at Kyoto Seibu University is the cradle for training cartoonists and cartoonists. There, students can learn how to make cartoons of so-called cartoonists, and also study many theories of cartoons in depth.

2. Tokyo University of the Arts

Tokyo University of the Arts (Japanese Hiragana: とぅきょぅげぃじゅつだぃがく) is referred to as ". Its predecessor was the Tokyo Fine Arts School and the Tokyo Music School, which were founded in 1887 respectively. In 1949, the two schools merged to form the new Tokyo University of the Arts. The main purpose of Tokyo University of the Arts is to train artists in the fields of fine arts and music. Among them, the Music Department has trained many famous composers, performers and conductors, and the Fine Arts Department has also produced many famous painters, artists and architects.

The educational purpose of this school is: to cultivate artists with the highest level of art education in the world, artists with artistic professionals, and educators/researchers in the art field; Promote the inheritance of traditional culture and create new artistic expressions, and at the same time communicate with Japanese and overseas art and education research institutions and other fields; Recognizing the importance of heart activity and promoting the formation of a rich and dynamic society in this field, citizens are committed to creating opportunities to be familiar with art and make contributions to society with art.

The school consists of 2 departments and 14 disciplines, including the Fine Arts Department (painting department, sculpture department, craft department, design department, architecture department, art performance department and art discipline) and the Music Department (composition department, conductor department, vocal music department, instrumental music department, bang music department, music science department and music environment creation department).

3. Musashino University of Fine Arts

Musashino University of Fine Arts (Japanese pseudonym: むさしのびじゅつだぃがく, English name: Musashino Art University, MAU) is located in Ogawa, Xiaoping City, Tokyo. Founded in 1962, it was formerly the Imperial School of Fine Arts, which began in 1929.

In the 24th year of Heisei (2012), Musashino University of Fine Arts was successfully included in Japan’s global talent cultivation promotion plan. The program is jointly implemented by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan and the Japan Association for the Promotion of Academic Affairs, and is a financial support program aimed at cooperating with universities to promote international education and enhance the international competitiveness of a new generation of young Japanese talents.

Musashino University of Fine Arts is a comprehensive university of fine arts modeling education. The fine arts discipline has four majors: Japanese painting, oil painting, printmaking and sculpture. The design discipline includes six majors: visual communication, craft industry, space performance, basic design, architecture and image. In order to explore new fields, the school has also set up two new majors, namely, art culture and information design, with a total of 12 majors. Musashino University of Fine Arts is an art specialized institution of higher learning with the largest classification of disciplines and the largest education scale in Japan.

4. Tama University of Fine Arts

Tama University of Fine Arts, established in 1935, was a Japanese private university with university education in 1953. It’s called "Domomey" for short. The main campuses of the university are located in Hachiko and Ueno Mao, and it is now the largest fine arts university in Japan. It is also one of the five largest universities in Tokyo. Together with Tokyo University of Arts and Musashino University of Fine Arts, it is the top fine arts university in Japan.

5. Baozang University

Baozuka University is a private university established in 1987, referred to as Baozuka University. Formerly known as Baozhong University of Plastic Arts, it is operated by Kansai Women’s College, a school legal person. It consists of three major disciplines, namely plastic arts, media content design and nursing. Compared with the majors of design and animation, Baodong University has set up related courses in plastic arts and media content design. However, there are still some differences in emphasis. For example, in the cartoon course of plastic arts design, computer design and abstract design will be more emphasized, and the direction of employment is animation design in film and television and stage. In the subject of media content design, the cartoon course focuses on the basic skills of independent work design and hand-drawing, and trains talents with cartoonists and full-time authors as the goals.

The above is the introduction of Japanese animation design school, I hope it will help you.

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2024 new york Auto Show: A new generation of Nissan Jinke officially unveiled.


  At the 2024 new york Auto Show, a new generation of Nissan Powerman was officially unveiled, and the new car was completely redesigned, and the increased body size and new four-wheel drive system changed a lot. It is reported that the new car will be listed overseas first in the summer of 2024.


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Actor wuyue: I’d rather live in a work than live in a hot search.

In the face of He Yun, a "cloudy character" in "Sweeping the Black Storm", wuyue said: "If you don’t dig out snacks, dig up some liver, you can’t do it."

Source: Wen Wei Po (abridged original)

Before "Sweeping the Black Storm", many people called actress wuyue "Lingling", which is the role she created in "My First Half". Wuyue was scolded by some viewers for shutting down Weibo’s comments because of her portrayal of this annoying role.

After Sweeping the Black Storm, many people began to call wuyue "He Ju" or "He Yun". This time, she didn’t play a positive role, but the public praised her rich performance.

The audience’s "no distinction between people and drama" has caused trouble to the actors, but from the perspective of performance, it is also an acting medal awarded to the actors.

She prefers to "live in a work" rather than "live in a hot search". In addition to participating in the voice charm competition variety "Coming to the Scene", she focused on acting: from the TV series "My First Half Life", "Elite Lawyer", "last romance" and "Sweeping the Black Storm" to the movie Better Days, and then to the drama "Dream Like a Dream" … Every role she played broke through the limitation of typology as much as possible.

Better Days

Ling Ling in My First Half Life is an anti-type and anti-routine role. Chen Nian’s mother in Better Days is also a three-dimensional image, and it is difficult to simply define it with the label of "good mother" or "bad mother"; Gu Xianglan in Dream as a Dream is a dusty woman. ……

When filming "Sweeping the Black Storm", wuyue has been immersed in the emotion of "He Yun". In the face of this "role with more cloudy days inside", wuyue bluntly said: "If you don’t dig snacks, dig some liver, you can’t make it."

As an actor, wuyue has proper limit.

At that time, he was admitted to Shanghai Theatre Academy with the first grade in professional courses, and he also won various awards after his debut. However, she admits that she has never really been confident in acting, and she can’t get rid of the sense of panic of newcomers.

Wuyue said frankly that she had been anxious and confused, and even felt that she was "very, very failed, and her life was very gloomy". What helped her in the end was learning and listening.

Once, at work, she took on an overloaded drama contract for fear of "losing". She played five or six plays in continuous shooting with high intensity in one year, which caused her body to "collapse" at the age of 35-thyroid inflammation and had to be nursed back to health.

She stopped filming for a year to recuperate her life. This year’s "stop" also made her discover that it was not so terrible to have no filming and no income for a year.

It is probably because of this experience that she realized: "You should have the ability to recognize something or a situation, which may be an ugly gift from life."

She said: "The profession of an actor is a profession of dealing with the heart. When your heart is out of order, you can see it in your eyes." Wuyue’s determination made her keep her original heart as an actress.

For an actor, most of the time, taking the road that few people walk and looks the most stupid and clumsy is the most competitive, longest and most stable road.

Editor | Sui Fangfang Rao Wenyuan