"Dragon Horse Spirit" exposes clips, Jackie Chan’s Guangzhou roadshow scene "remembers bitterness"

1905 movie network news The movie starring the screenwriter, director,,, and lead is being released, and the film’s box office has exceeded 33 million yuan. Some audiences said bluntly, "Jackie Chan, the most different in the past 60 years, has earned enough tears."

The film recently released a "reluctant to part" feature clip. In the clip, Lao Luo had to part with his beloved horse, Chi Rabbit, because of various obstacles. The picture of "one person and one horse" hugging and saying goodbye was heart-wrenching, and Jackie Chan’s tearful words "You must not forget me" were also particularly poignant.

The movie "Dragon Horse Spirit" revolves around the story of "one person, one horse". Jackie Chan plays the down-and-out Dragon Tiger martial artist Lao Luo, who braves the set with his beloved horse, Red Rabbit, laughing and crying along the way. As Jackie Chan’s most special partner, Red Rabbit not only has absolute action strength, but also has countless fans with its clever and cute personality. In addition, Red Rabbit’s emotional expression also caused the audience to cry, "I didn’t expect that I would cry because of a horse."

In the film, Lao Luo’s "rescue" at the birth of Red Rabbit, to the care and careful cultivation of Red Rabbit from childhood to adulthood, let the audience see the family bond between "one person and one horse" to protect each other. And Lao Luo’s hard work to protect Red Rabbit, and the bridge where he had to say goodbye to Red Rabbit in the end, made the audience cry. Some viewers said, "Every interaction between Lao Luo and Red Rabbit is so touching. Who can hold back crying when they see Red Rabbit chasing the car? Remember to bring more tissues."

In addition, the film’s creator, director Yang Zi, actor Jackie Chan, Liu Haocun, also appeared at the Guangzhou roadshow recently and had a post-screening exchange with the audience. Many Hong Kong film fans came to the scene that day, and they all expressed that they were moved by the part of the movie that paid tribute to Jackie Chan’s classic movie. "I was moved by the spirit of the dragon and tiger martial artist. I was really moved by the previous beat-the-scene. I like Hong Kong action movies very much, so I am very grateful to you for passing on this spirit." Director Yang Zi also shared his feelings with everyone. "I am very nervous and excited to finally be able to bring this film to everyone. If everyone likes this movie, all the hard work will be worth it."

The release day coincided with Jackie Chan’s birthday. Not only did iron fans organize fans all over the world to record "True Hero" and give it to him, but also the audience specially customized a huge cake with a dragon pattern, and there were also students who sent 1,000 blessings. The enthusiastic blessings from the audience made Jackie Chan very moved. "Today is the most happy birthday I have ever heard".

Surprisingly, the brothers of the Chengjia class "ambushed" in the audience that day, giving the eldest brother a happy "surprise". Yuan Biao, a junior brother who was also a member of Qixiaofu, sincerely thanked the senior brother on the spot, so that the eldest brother could not help but "remember the hardships" and shared with everyone the days when everyone suffered together when they debuted.

Jackie Chan entered the industry at the age of 8 and has starred in hundreds of works so far. He is a well-known national idol. At the roadshow, many audience members came to watch with their parents. One audience member said excitedly, "My father likes Jackie Chan very much. Influenced by my father, I grew up watching Jackie Chan movies since I was a child." Brother Jackie Chan warmly concluded that "when I was a child, my father took you to watch plays, and now you take your father to watch plays."

In addition to this, there are also fans who came with their mother to the cinema with tears. "My mother and I have watched your movies for two generations of youth, and I can vividly remember your past movie scenes when watching movies. You are already 69 years old and still insist on making movies, which makes me feel very admired."

Being able to win the love of so many fans is inseparable from Jackie Chan’s brave "jumping down" on the set again and again. The lines in the movie "It’s easy to jump down, but difficult to walk down" have pierced the hearts of many fans.

At the scene, the eldest brother also shared his understanding of this line. "I used to feel that I could do it, but one day I wanted to do it and suddenly found that I couldn’t, and at that moment I suddenly felt that I was old. At the same time as accepting this fact, I thought I would change everyone’s opinion of me. So I started filming, a person who is greedy for life and fear of death, to an old master, and now an old dragon and tiger martial artist, I have been changing. So I am very happy to be able to film this drama and show it to everyone with my performances and actions."

On that day, many brothers in the family class secretly came to the roadshow to create a birthday surprise for the eldest brother, and also sent a pennant "Big Brother Forever", saying that "only if there is a big brother can we become a family class". When the eldest brother saw the brothers, he couldn’t hide his joy and introduced his brothers to the audience one by one, and the atmosphere was very warm.

Yuan Biao, who debuted at Qixiaofu together with his eldest brother, sincerely thanked his eldest brother, "I was brought to debut by my senior brother, and later he became a martial arts instructor. I said I will fight hard with you, he said yes, I will follow him, without me as the boss, you will not know me."

Seeing the brothers who shared weal and woe, the eldest brother couldn’t help but "reminisce", "Yuan Biao and I hit the railing on the second floor and fell down. There were no protection measures, all of them were real glass. No one cared about us, only he helped me up, and after taking a shower at night, my body was full of pain, and the glass was forked in." Many Hong Kong film fans expressed "heartache".

In addition to the friends who came to the scene, there were also many friends who could not attend who sent birthday wishes in the form of a video. The eldest brother was moved and said, "I am really happy, and I am surprised every time. I often wonder how I can let so many people pay for me. Thank you for supporting me for so many years."

Revisiting Red Star: Watch "Break the Cocoon and Become a Butterfly" Unleash the Rise of Xingtai Manufacturing

The newly launched Red Star Automobile new energy city logistics vehicle. Photo by Su Linhao

Recently, the production workshop of Hebei Red Star Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. was a busy scene: the robotic arm flew up and down, the AGV trolley shuttled back and forth, the data on the screen jumped, and the technical workers were busy working… A brand new energy city logistics vehicle drove out of the production line in an orderly manner.

Back in time, back in the 20th century, Red Star Motor carried the pride of the people of Xingtai: China’s first station wagon was produced here; the country’s first highly automated automobile production line was established; in 1976, it was honored as "Oriental Beauty" at the Paris Auto Expo; it was awarded honorary titles such as "Top 500 Domestic Enterprises" and "Top Ten Stars in Hebei". However, due to various factors, Red Star Motor once fell into silence.

In recent years, in order to realize the dream of revitalizing the automobile industry, the whole city has overcome various difficulties, seized the opportunities of the times, and promoted Red Star Automobile to regain its new life. Not long ago, Red Star Automobile’s first batch of new energy urban logistics vehicles BOX1 was mass-produced and delivered to customers. With the completion of the four major workshop technical transformation projects, Red Star has fully entered the state of automated production in the new era, becoming an important engine to promote the transformation and upgrading of Xingtai’s automobile industry.

■ Products have gone global and won the reputation of "Oriental Beauty"

"Red Star cars have been continuously driven from Xingtai to the national market, and have also become designated vehicles for state organs." Recalling the glory of the 1970s and 1980s, Zhang Hongge, the former chief engineer of Red Star Automobile, is still excited.

As one of the earliest state-owned automobile manufacturers after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, Red Star Automobile was established in Beijing in 1960 and moved to Xingtai in 1970. The year of the relocation, the new factory began construction and was completed and put into operation, producing the first Red Star brand 620 station wagon.

Liu Minghai, chairperson of Red Star Automobile, introduced that at that time, Red Star Automobile also encountered some difficult technical problems. While studying relevant literature and analyzing advanced automobile samples at home and abroad, the staff proposed plans and conducted tests to overcome one difficulty after another.

Soon, Red Star Motor was favored by the market with its excellent products and quality, and the HX6400 station wagon became a leading product in the domestic industry. With its special chassis design, Red Star Motor was very popular in the market, and the "Red Star Technology" was promoted all over the country.

The appearance of Red Star Automobile has brought unprecedented pride to the people of Xingtai. Red Star Automobile became the designated car of the original CCTV "China Quality Miles" program team. During the national border visit, it drove 50,000 kilometers continuously without any failure, and won the China Consumers Association "Consumers Trust Domestic Car Gold Award"; represented China in the Paris Automobile Expo, and was praised as "Oriental Beauty" by the world’s auto authorities. The product has also been foreign aid to Tanzania, Zambia and other 23 countries.

■ All the way ups and downs, persevering to usher in new opportunities

Entering the late 1990s, Red Star Motor encountered development difficulties in the face of changes in the global automotive manufacturing landscape and other factors.

It has four complete manufacturing processes of stamping, welding, painting and final assembly, and has the qualification of "dual production" of fuel vehicles and new energy electric vehicles. How can Red Star Automobile be reborn and regain its former glory? Xingtai people have poured a lot of effort into this.

"We have been confused and confused, but our determination to save Red Star Automobile and expand and strengthen the new energy automobile industry has never wavered; we have been anxious and tired, but our belief in reviving the’two steam and one drag ‘and rejuvenating the’car dream’ of Xingtai people has never changed." Wang Yinming, secretary of the Xindu District Party Committee, said that in the face of the dual pressure of ensuring qualification and development, when the epidemic was serious last year, the district party committee and district government research team drove north to Changchun to seek cooperation and went south to Ningbo to negotiate docking.

With the strong leadership of the municipal party committee and municipal government and the efforts of cadres at all levels, Red Star Automobile has ushered in new hope: in April this year, Know New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. deepened cooperation with Xindu District, fully launched the research and development and production of Red Star new energy vehicles, and worked together to create a new variety of new energy urban logistics vehicles.

With a goal, there is a direction to work towards. Produce a prototype car, get an announcement, focus on technical improvement, and fast mass production… More than 200 days and nights, more than 1,000 staff, turned Red Star Automobile from an old factory with a strong historical imprint into a vibrant new enterprise.

In May this year, Red Star Automobile launched a technical transformation upgrade, which integrated domestic advanced automobile production equipment and stable and reliable manufacturing processes, realized digital control and management, and greatly improved the production accuracy and production efficiency of vehicle manufacturing. Red Star Automobile’s automation process level has reached the industry’s leading level.

Subsequently, Red Star Motors’ HX5030X pure electric van transporter and HX1030 pure electric truck chassis were approved by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology for the production of road motor vehicle products, meeting the conditions for mass marketing.

Competing for a new energy track to rejuvenate the dream of Xingtai people

The return of "Red Star" is no longer what it used to be.

On December 9th, the Xingtai New Energy Logistics Vehicle Industry Development Conference was held at the Red Star Automobile Factory. At the meeting, the first domestic all-positive R & D and design new energy urban logistics vehicle BOX1 developed by Red Star Automobile was rolled off the production line and delivered to customers on site, marking the full resumption of production of the "two cars and one drag" that carried the dream of Xingtai people to revive the automobile industry, and opened a new chapter in our city to build a new energy city and reshape a strong manufacturing city.

"This car is bold and avant-garde, with a Cyber Mecha style design, high shape recognition, and both quality and cost. It has the advantage of’Dora Run ‘and is specially developed for the urban logistics and transportation industry." Liu Minghai said that it is expected to achieve an annual output of 30,000 vehicles next year, with an output value of more than 3 billion yuan.

At present, Red Star Automobile is upgrading its automobile production, R & D and manufacturing bases, and is committed to building a full ecological chain of the new energy vehicle industry. The company has clarified the development strategy of domestic new energy logistics vehicle operation and international vehicle sales "flying on both wings", and plans to quickly open up the international market through export distribution.

The "Red Star" brand effect continues to be released, and Xingtai’s automobile industry has accelerated its recovery. At present, our city has formed a multi-point linkage characteristic automobile industry cluster, with the coordinated development of vehicles and parts, the near-ground supporting capacity has been significantly enhanced, and the agglomeration effect has gradually emerged.

"In accordance with the plan of the Seventh Plenary Session of the Tenth Municipal Party Committee, we will continue to do a good job of extending the chain and strengthening the chain, continue to promote the expansion and upgrading of the new energy automobile industry, accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system, and be the vanguard, leader and leader in reshaping Xingtai’s manufacturing industry." Wang Yinming said.

Xingtai Daily reporter Ji Mingquan, correspondent Tan Xue Zhang Xin

The Ministry of Transport promotes major online ride-hailing and freight platform companies to reduce excessive commissions

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, April 17 (Reporter Ye Haoming) The reporter learned from the Ministry of Transport on the 17th that in order to ensure the reasonable labor compensation level of employees in the new mode of transportation, the main online car-hailing and freight platform companies will be promoted to reduce the platform’s excessive percentage or membership fee cap, and publicly released to the public.

  The Ministry of Transport recently issued the "2023 Work Plan to Promote the Reduction of Excessive Carry-out by New Business Type Platform Enterprises in Transportation". According to the plan, for online ride-hailing platform companies, the city transportation authorities organize the deployment and implementation of online ride-hailing platform companies operating services locally; urge all online ride-hailing platform companies operating services locally to communicate and negotiate with employee representatives, industry associations, etc., to ensure the reasonable level of labor compensation for employees; Take the initiative to announce to the public the work arrangement to reduce the upper limit of the enterprise’s excessive take-out ratio. Provincial transportation authorities conduct research and supervision on the implementation of online ride-hailing platform companies operating services in their provinces. The Ministry of Transport guides provincial and urban transportation authorities to urge major online car-hailing platform companies to clarify work arrangements, time nodes and responsible persons; continuously track and grasp the progress of various goals and tasks and existing problems, and regularly dispatch various online car-hailing platform companies; organize an evaluation and summary of the implementation of the work, and publicize and promote the typical experience and practices of various localities and enterprises to reduce the proportion of excessive commissions and protect the rights and interests of employees in new forms of transportation. All major online car-hailing platform companies will basically complete the work of reducing the upper limit of the proportion of excessive commissions by the end of May.

  For freight platform companies, the plan points out that the relevant provincial transportation authorities organize freight platform legal person companies registered in the province to communicate and negotiate with truck drivers, industry associations, etc., to reduce the excessive proportion or membership fee cap, and ensure the reasonable income of truck drivers; Take the initiative to announce to the public the company’s commitment to reduce the excessive proportion or membership fee cap. Provincial transportation authorities conduct research and supervision on the implementation of freight platform companies operating services in their provinces. The Ministry of Transport guides relevant local transportation authorities to urge major freight platform companies to formulate implementation plans, clarify work arrangements, time nodes and responsible persons; continuously track and grasp the progress of various goals and tasks and existing problems, and regularly dispatch freight platform companies; organize the implementation of the work to evaluate and summarize, publicize and promote the typical experience practices of various localities and enterprises to reduce excessive commissions and protect the rights and interests of truck drivers. All freight platform companies will summarize the work experience and results of protecting the rights and interests of truck drivers before the end of October.

"Instant Electronic Music" Zhang Yixing asked Feng Timo, and Shang Wenjie’s first gift was impeccable

"Instant Electronic Music"

This Saturday at 8 pm, produced by Tencent Video, Penguin Film and Television and Canxing Productions jointly created China’s first electronic music producer competition show "Instant Electronic Music" will broadcast the second episode. After the first episode of the program aired, topics such as "antifungal agent in the world" and "essential for staying up late to do homework" gradually heated up the public’s enthusiasm for electronic music. In this program, Feng Timo, who has been controversial after the program was exposed, was actually asked by Zhang Yixing at the scene? Not strong enough, "acting like a spoiled child" to get together, and the electronic music girl wearing "laser leather pants" gave Zhang Yixing a headache on the spot! Big Zhang Wei invited the producer to "reverse election" one after another, and the collision between the manager and the producer continued to escalate! More "breakout" highlights are about to be staged in the program.

Frequently encountered group Zhang Yixing fell into "choice difficulties", and Feng Timo’s ethereal interpretation of "Empty City" was questioned

Although Zhang Yixing has become more mature and stable in the music field in recent years with his own continuous efforts, it is obvious that after the professional and shocking surprise appearance of the electronic music producer in the first episode, in the second "Breakout Battle", his choice is increasingly difficult to "give up". In this episode, Zhang Yixing, who frequently encounters the producer combination, focuses on the recommendation standard of "1 + 1 means more possibilities", and therefore falls into "choice difficulties". In the show, Zhang Yixing "encountered" the "girls power" combination wearing leather pants, which made him in a dilemma between "coquetry" and "strength". What happened at the scene?

In addition, another gunpowder-smelling "collision" was Feng Timo, who has caused heated discussions among netizens before. With her sweet and lovely singing style, she is familiar to the public, and her previous music works have also achieved good results on major platforms. Recently, Feng Timo has begun to experiment with electronic music style, and the song "Glass Sugar" once made netizens take a different look at her transformation. However, on the stage of this program, Feng Timo sang "Empty City" ethereal on the spot, but it aroused doubts from many producers present, and they even "forcibly deducted the question". Zhang Yixing, who is not vague about the music, is even more "confused" Feng Timo, and gave a "just passable" evaluation. How will Feng Timo, who is controversial on and off the screen, resolve the embarrassment? All doubts will be solved this Saturday.

"Instant Electronic Music"

Da Zhangwei rarely invites producers to "reverse election", and the follow-up competition system of the show continues to be exposed

After the first episode of Shang Wenjie met Dani’s invitation to cooperate, Da Zhang Wei also directly threw out an "olive branch" in this episode, inviting several producers one after another to "counter-select" himself in the subsequent program. The operation of the two managers also made the follow-up competition system gradually clear. From "selected" to "selected", the roles of the manager and the producer "God’s perspective" were exchanged, and the follow-up points were looking forward to.

At the scene, what kind of performance made Da Zhang Wei couldn’t help but admire: "Truly moving music that can make people forget the’principle ‘" and praise the other party as "Tao Yuanming of the electronic sound"? What kind of wonderful, let him say bluntly, "I didn’t have much expectations, but after watching the performance, it was really a surprise"? The increasingly compact "breakout battle" continued to inspire the enthusiasm of the host. The concept of "feat" that the program has been promoting has gradually emerged through actual presentation, and more unexpected highlights are being staged!

Strict Shang Wenjie’s first gift is "impeccable", hard core "spice combination" electronic sound "soft landing"

In the second episode, the 18-year-old "Salt and Pepper Pineapple" played Launchpad with the light show. Many people were so cool by the young boy, but the host, Shang Wenjie, was completely unmoved.

However, when the "spice combination" that "shook" the stage came on stage, the hard-core European and American voices collided with Fan Xiaoxuan’s sweet and lazy "Your Sweet", and the "soft landing" and powerful performance instantly ignited the quiet and less talkative host Shang Wenjie, who couldn’t help but say "I like it very much, I like it very much"! Shang Wenjie, who has a unique understanding of music, encountered "musical confidant", and she was not hesitant to praise the atmosphere of the show, which made her give a "impeccable" high praise for the first time… The second episode of the show was full of surprises!

Electronic music is a kind of music that allows people to let go of all rules and troubles and immerse themselves in it. The second episode of the program "Ready for Broadcasting" was faced with multi-directional questions. How did Feng Timo respond. Da Zhang Wei invited "counter-selection" one after another on the spot. What kind of performance made him frequently burst "golden sentences"? What kind of wonderful performance made Shang Wenjie, who is strict about music, comment "impeccable"? The enthusiasm of the host and producer for electronic music continues to "heat up", and more exciting, so stay tuned for this Saturday night at 8 o’clock Tencent video "Instant Electronic Music"!