Meitu Yifu debuted at the AMWC World Beauty and Anti-Aging Conference, helping beauty brands tap into the 100 billion anti-aging market

On October 20th, the AMWC World Beauty and Anti-Aging Conference was held at Chengdu Tianfu International Conference Center. At this conference, more than 200 well-known brands and enterprises gathered to showcase their advanced products and technologies in an all-round way. At the same time, more than 180 domestic and foreign authoritative experts and scholars were invited to share the latest progress in anti-aging medicine, dermatology, etc., and jointly discuss cutting-edge technologies and latest research results in the field of beauty and anti-aging.

AMWC World Beauty and Anti-Aging Conference was held at Chengdu Tianfu International Conference Center

Meitu’s scientific skin test brand Meitu Yifu brought the latest research results in the field of anti-aging to booth D14 of Tianfu International Conference Center, attracting many experts, scholars and customers to stop and experience Meitu Yifu’s AI skin test products.

AMWC World Beauty and Anti-Aging Conference Meitu Skin Booth

AMWC World Beauty and Anti-Aging Conference Meitu Skin Booth

In the past two years, Meitu Yifu has been deeply involved in the field of skin anti-aging and has achieved a series of results.

In 2021, Meitu Yifu pioneered the "aging degree" detection standard, followed the interpretation of professional physicians and research scholars, revolutionized image detection methods and intelligent labeling technology, launched 3D indicators for detecting skin aging, and pioneered detection methods in dimensions such as apple muscle, eye bags, horns, cheeks, and mandibular margin to more scientifically and accurately measure the degree of skin aging.

In 2022, Meitu Yifu participated in the official formulation of China’s first skin aging evaluation standard "Human Skin Aging Evaluation Standard". In the same year, Meitu Yifu also jointly published two major scientific research results related to [Genetic Mechanism of Nasolabial Grooves and Its Influencing Factors] and [Quantitative Analysis of Facial Aging Based on Deep Learning] with a team of scientists, and were selected for publication by the International Society for Dermatology Research (SID) and the International Society for Skin Biophysics and Imaging (ISBS) respectively.

In August this year, Meitu Yishu’s Joint Laboratory for Skin Testing and Digital Standards, together with a team of scientists, discovered the "inflection point" of aging in different age groups, which was released at the International Society of Dermatology Research Congress (ISID) in 2023, which attracted widespread attention in the industry. The study, with more than 430,000 participants, is the most extensive study of its kind to date. It uses the panoramic AI skin measurement system Meitu Yishu to identify key inflection points in the development and severity of wrinkles, marking an important step forward in using AI to understand skin aging.

These research results of Meitu Yishu have been applied to Meitu Yishu AI skin test instrument products, and have formed three AI skin test systems: panoramic AI skin test, image skin test, and contact skin test, which can provide a full range of scenarios for skin care brands and beauty salons. Product Research & Development, offline and online marketing skin test solutions.

Meitu Yifu

As the global population continues to age, "healthy aging" is becoming a huge consumer market. According to iiMedia Consulting’s "2022-2023 Global and China Anti-aging Industry Development and Consumer Demand Research Report", the global anti-aging market has grown from $139.50 billion in 2015 to $216 billion in 2021. Forbes data believes that China’s anti-aging market has 100 billion development space in the future.

It is the huge market potential that has attracted major beauty brands to constantly seek effective anti-wrinkle products to meet this demand. How to better participate in the competition in this track and guide consumer anti-aging skin care more scientifically has become the focus of industry discussion. It is based on this that Meitu Yishu, which aims to "scientifically measure skin", has attracted many brands to cooperate with it.

In practical applications, Meitu Yishu can gain a deeper understanding of the mechanism and characteristics of skin aging by linking the quantification of skin problems, skin care, and Product Research & Development, thus providing a more scientific basis for future skin care Product Research & Development to meet the needs of consumers of different ages for facial anti-aging and achieve better skin care results.

In the face of market demand, Meitu Yifu is also developing a new application of AI skin testing in the field of anti-aging, that is, generating skin conditions of different ages through AIGC (Generative Artificial Intelligence), thus extending to the judgment of skin aging trends of individual users. This application will help users target anti-aging.

In addition, Meitu Yishu can also be applied to the marketing of beauty brands to help customers detect their skin conditions in any scenario. Beauty brands can continuously track customers’ skin health online, which can not only improve the brand’s service quality and customer retention, but also customize more effective skin care programs with sufficient skin data to improve transaction conversion rates.

Meitu Yifu debuts at’s "Breakthrough Innovation, Join Hands for Win-Win" 2023 Partner Conference

On the same day, Meitu Yifu, as an Apple industry solution partner, jointly participated in the "Breakthrough Innovation, Join Hands for Win" 2023 Partner Conference held by Retail 3C Digital Enterprise and Business Procurement Business Department on October 20, to interpret the strategic direction of enterprise business development, share government and enterprise, e-commerce procurement trends and 3C digital intelligent commercial supply chain development planning, and work together to create a win-win situation!

It is reported that as of now, Meitu Yifu has landed in more than 3,600 offline stores around the world, and has reached strategic cooperation with more than 140 well-known brands such as Dior, Shiseido, and Fan Wenhua.

Source: The Internet

Like a dream! Luoyang Baiyun Mountain starry sky is beautiful, the Milky Way spans the sky

Like a dream! Luoyang Baiyun Mountain starry sky is beautiful, the Milky Way spans the sky

The beautiful starry sky of Luoyang Baiyun Mountain, the Milky Way spans the sky, like a falling dream. Photo by Cui Shengjie

  People’s Daily Online, Zhengzhou, September 12 (Hou Linlin) In the early autumn night of Baiyun Mountain in Luoyang, the sky is full of stars, like a falling dream. At present, the local area has entered the best viewing time of the Milky Way. From 8:00 pm to 2:00 am, photography enthusiasts recorded the process of the Milky Way rising and falling through time-lapse photography, which is bright and dreamy. According to reports, Baiyun Mountain is located in the hinterland of Funiu Mountain, with little light pollution, making it an ideal location for shooting the Milky Way in Henan Province.

Like a dream! Luoyang Baiyun Mountain starry sky is beautiful, the Milky Way spans the sky

Luoyang Baiyun Mountain starry sky. Photo by Xu Heyuan

Like a dream! Luoyang Baiyun Mountain starry sky is beautiful, the Milky Way spans the sky

The beautiful starry sky of Luoyang Baiyun Mountain, the Milky Way spans the sky, like a falling dream. Photo by Cui Shengjie

Like a dream! Luoyang Baiyun Mountain starry sky is beautiful, the Milky Way spans the sky

Luoyang Baiyun Mountain is full of stars. Photo by Huang Ming

Like a dream! Luoyang Baiyun Mountain starry sky is beautiful, the Milky Way spans the sky

Luoyang Baiyun Mountain starry sky. Photo by Xu Heyuan

Like a dream! Luoyang Baiyun Mountain starry sky is beautiful, the Milky Way spans the sky

Luoyang Baiyun Mountain is full of stars. Photo by Huang Ming

Jackie Chan VS Wu Jing, the most noteworthy kung fu movie in "Spirit of Dragon Horse"!

1905 movie network feature A movie starring and starring in a special role, focusing on a generation of Dragon and Tiger martial artists. Since the release of the first batch of materials, the popularity has continued to rise, making it the most noteworthy kung fu movie in 2023. The kung fu superstar has come out again, and the sincerity of his debut for 60 years remains the same. Is the new team and new theme still a familiar taste?

"It’s time to start work. I was on crutches at that time, so I’ll go right away, close it here, close it there, nine stitches!"

"When I first saw the trailer, I didn’t feel like it was a Jackie Chan movie," said Ye Hang, an associate professor at the Beijing Film Academy and a veteran kung fu film enthusiast and researcher. "In the past, the trailer of Jackie Chan movies could not wait to cut all the essence of the action scenes, because this is the biggest selling point, but this time it is just a conversation between Jackie Chan and,. If you look closely, you will find that there is still a familiar taste of Jackie Chan in it."

Comedy effect

In the trailer, you can still see the shadow of the past kung fu comedies. At first, Jackie Chan sat upright, as if he was interviewing his prospective son-in-law.

"Why are you so nervous?"

"Not nervous."

But as soon as his daughter came in, all of a sudden, Jackie Chan became very nervous, restrained, and even a little cowardly, which is a common technique in comic effect.

Fight effect

With a comic effect, it is natural to have kung fu martial arts. In the film, Jackie Chan asks Guo Qilin’s character if he can fight and if he can protect his daughter.

In Jackie Chan’s early kung fu comedies, the purpose of his action scenes was to punish evil and promote good, but in this line in "Dragon Horse Spirit", he has changed, and the purpose is to protect his family. In that sense, it is still a Jackie Chan movie, but there are indeed many differences.

"The Spirit of Dragon Horse" is a work on the 60th anniversary of Jackie Chan’s debut. From the time Mr. Chan first appeared in a movie at the age of 8 to the age of 24, he started the era of kung fu comedy. Now he returns to the public eye with "The Spirit of Dragon Horse", playing the father of a "daughter slave". Jackie Chan has been active for 60 years on the big screen, sometimes laughing and sometimes desperately. This is a very difficult thing, and he has been able to stand for so many years. It is not by one trick that he eats the sky, but by advancing with the times and making positive changes.

When Jackie Chan was filming in 2004, he had already begun to try to change, not to play the hero who could never be beaten to death, but to play the ordinary person with blood, flesh and tears, and even kneel in some films. From the previous "fist" to the current "emotion", Jackie Chan has increasingly tried to play the father in the past decade, and the Jackie Chan-style father image is often very Chinese, with traditional Chinese virtues, external rigidity and internal softness, and special attention to rules.

Ye Hang put forward his own speculation about "Dragon Horse Spirit" based on the analysis: "Maybe the relationship between father and daughter will take the characteristics of’outer battle and inner love ‘, because there are many differences in thinking logic and way of doing things between the two generations. For example, in the choice of a mate, Jackie Chan’s father shows a kind of distrust, but the daughter likes it and even takes the initiative; for example, Jackie Chan’s character is in the business of dragon and tiger martial arts, and it is completely possible that the daughter, as a young man, does not agree or understand it. No matter how many conflicts there are outside the film, in the end, it will still fall to this point where the father and daughter are deeply in love, to form an emotional sublimation."

Last year, there was a documentary called, interviewed,, and other big names, which attracted widespread attention. The spirit of the Dragon Tiger martial artist is the spirit of striving for perfection and the ultimate, which is in the same vein as the spirit under the Lion Rock in Hong Kong society as a whole. In the 1980s in Hong Kong, the director made a film with many plots and details to show how difficult it is to be a Dragon Tiger martial artist. Jackie Chan is the most typical life-fighting action star. In it, he leaps deep from the bell tower; in the series, he hangs an umbrella on the roof of a Hong Kong bus. His film history can even be called a person’s injury history.

Wu Jing’s willingness to appear in "Dragon Horse Spirit" is based on his admiration for Jackie Chan’s eldest brother, which well reflects the cross-generational inheritance, and on the other hand, because they have the same growth experience as Dragon Tiger Martial Artists. The spirit of Dragon Tiger Martial Artists has a certain time distance from now. How to re-inspire vitality in the new era depends on whether the film creators can combine this spirit with the current story, plot and characters.

In addition to "Ryoma Spirit", other kung fu movie stars are also in full swing to shoot their own works, such as self-directed and self-starred, and have also released the first trailer, which is expected to be released next year.

"Everyone thinks that Wang Baoqiang rarely comes out this year. In fact, I have been doing this for six years."

Looking at it as a whole, the 2023 kung fu films have new characteristics and new atmosphere that are different from 2022. There are more innovations in the choice of themes and the integration of genres. For example, "In the Octagonal Cage" combines kung fu action elements with sports sports themes. Action movies, as a type of hard bridge and hard horse, also need creators to pay attention to plays. The selling point of martial arts as a genre itself is very important, but literary opera cannot be ignored either. It needs to be able to tell a good Chinese story through the film to make this film more contemporary. The current action genre films are constantly developing, and I believe that the majority of audiences are also looking forward to more innovations and breakthroughs in Chinese kung fu movies.

Intelligent anthropomorphic driving, Avita 11 shows extraordinary intelligent driving pleasure

On November 14th, Avita Technology joined hands with strategic partner Huawei to jointly create Avita’s "Smart Driving Experience Day", which became one of the largest and richest high-level smart driving activities in the industry this year. Through this event, Avita 11 for the first time demonstrated the strength of ceiling-level hardcore products such as high-speed NCA smart driving navigation assistance, urban ICA smart cruise assistance, and APA smart parking assistance.

Tan Benhong, Chairperson and CEO of Avita Technology. Photo courtesy of Avita Technology, published by
Tan Benhong, Chairperson and CEO of Avita Technology. Photo courtesy of Avita Technology, published by

Tan Benhong, chairperson and CEO of Avita Technology, said, How to make intelligent driving meet user requests? Based on the understanding of users, Avita and Huawei have worked together to develop products from the product definition stage, and both parties have invested the leading resources in their respective fields to the greatest extent to achieve 1 + 1 > 2. We firmly believe that whether it is appearance, comprehensive performance, or intelligent driving ability, Avita 11 is the top of the industry’s first echelon.

Wang Jun, chief operating officer of Huawei Smart Car Solutions BU and president of Intelligent Driving Solutions Product Line. Photo courtesy of Avita Technology, published by
Wang Jun, chief operating officer of Huawei Smart Car Solutions BU and president of Intelligent Driving Solutions Product Line. Photo courtesy of Avita Technology, published by

As one of the first lock single owners, Wang Jun, chief operating officer of Huawei Smart Car Solutions BU and president of Intelligent Driving Solutions Product Line, said on the spot, I often drive Avita 11, high-speed, urban, and parking continuous experience, and various scene processing is very smooth. Huawei and Avita have deeply cooperated to deeply integrate mechanical systems such as steering and braking with intelligent driving assistance systems to achieve the best experience. The intelligent driving that Avita 11 is about to deliver is the highest level we can do now. Of course, next year will be better, because this system will continue to evolve. The more you drive, the more you understand, and the smarter you drive.

Personalized driving makes high-speed travel more comfortable

The 360-degree full coverage fusion perception ability brought by the AVATRUST super-sensing system and the efficient computing power and anthropomorphic algorithm brought by the AVATRUTH supercomputing system make the AVATRANS intelligent navigation system of Avita 11 fully display its "intelligent" strength in an open road environment.

Avita 11 high-speed NCA intelligent navigation assistance. Photo provided by Avita Technology, published by
Avita 11 high-speed NCA intelligent navigation assistance. Photo provided by Avita Technology, published by

The activation of the high-speed NCA intelligent navigation assistance is very convenient. When the conditions are met, you can enter the smart driving state by flipping the hold block twice in a row. At present, the high-speed NCA intelligent driving navigation assistance has covered more than 200,000 kilometers of expressways and urban expressways in China. On the premise of ensuring driving safety, Avita 11 with a global vision can actively choose a lane with higher traffic efficiency. Near the ramp, you can also change to the exit lane in advance according to the road condition information ahead and the intelligent prediction of traffic flow, to avoid the embarrassment of "missing the exit and driving the wrong way" in unfamiliar environments.

Avita 11. Photo provided by Avita Technology, issued by Hualong Network
Avita 11. Photo provided by Avita Technology, issued by Hualong Network

Jacking or being jammed is a high-frequency scene in daily driving. With the help of full fusion perception ability, Avita 11 can accurately judge the jamming intention of his car, and with the anthropomorphic jamming game ability, he can independently choose to speed up or slow down to give way. When the speed of the forward vehicle is too slow, Avita 11 can quickly complete the acceleration lane change; when encountering the rear car during the autonomous lane change process, Avita 11 can also quickly turn off the lights and slow down to stop the lane change, and continue to perform the lane change after the rear vehicle passes, thus bringing a more peaceful and calm smart driving experience.

In the process of traffic congestion following and ramp inbound and outbound, Avita 11 can monitor and predict the behavior of surrounding vehicles in real time, and combine deep learning algorithms to execute the best interaction strategy to make the vehicle have efficient traffic capacity. At the same time, when passing some large curvature ramp, Avita 11 can also smoothly complete the entry and exit, and the steering wheel turns silky, without frequent back and forth corrections. It is worth mentioning that every active deceleration of Avita 11 is smooth enough to maintain a smooth and comfortable sense of stability, providing passengers with a smooth and smooth ride experience like a courtesy car.

"Eye View Six Roads" Super perception, safer urban complex road conditions

Entering urban roads, the complexity of road conditions has skyrocketed, and accidents, construction and other working conditions have occurred frequently, which is the most test of a car’s intelligent driving strength. Avita 11 is equipped with urban ICA intelligent cruise assistance, and has the ability to perceive and respond to crises that are "invisible to the human eye and unknown to the human mind". It can easily resolve various hidden dangers such as accidents, water horses, construction pile and barrel guidance lines, and provide users with safety protection.

Avita 11. Photo provided by Avita Technology, issued by Hualong Network
Avita 11. Photo provided by Avita Technology, issued by Hualong Network

The accident rollover vehicle located at the entrance of the tunnel often causes temporary visual impairment due to the contrast between light and dark, and the intelligent driver is also unable to identify due to the "special shape", which brings safety hazards. The super full fusion perception ability of Avita 11 not only is not affected by light conditions and bad weather, but also can identify the special-shaped vehicle in advance, issue a timely warning, and take very linear braking measures, which not only prevents accidents but also ensures the comfort of the ride.

Avita 11 can easily identify the piles and buckets used to guide lane line changes. Photo courtesy of Avita Technology, published by
Avita 11 can easily identify the piles and buckets used to guide lane line changes. Photo courtesy of Avita Technology, published by

When passing through the construction section, Avita 11 in the open state of the smart driver can easily identify the pile bucket used to guide the lane line change, anticipate the speed reduction in advance and automatically turn on the lights to change lanes. In the scenario of water horses encroaching on the lane, the system will evaluate the traffic capacity of the lane, and after confirming that the lane still has the capacity of the vehicle, it will slightly slow down and bypass the water horse to improve the continuity and safety of intelligent driving.

Overcome "intractable diseases" and park with more peace of mind

Compared with the traditional "blind man touching the elephant" solution, the fully integrated sensory parking solution adopted by Avita 11 breaks the isolation between the driving and parking systems, and applies the sensing capabilities of the AVATRUST super-sensing system and the powerful computing power of the AVATRUTH supercomputer system to the parking scene. Therefore, the APA intelligent parking assistance on Avita 11 can identify all the parking spaces seen by the human eye in all directions, completely solving the pain points of "not parking, not being placed correctly, taking a long time, and being easy to scratch", bringing users a more reassuring and pleasant intelligent parking experience.

Avita 11 Intelligent Parking Assist. Photo provided by Avita Technology, issued by Hualong Network
 Avita 11 Intelligent Parking Assist. Photo provided by Avita Technology, issued by Hualong Network

Traveling between alleys or alleys, you often encounter tricky "severed road" reverse inclined train positions. Faced with this intimidating scene for novice drivers, Avita 11 can use its powerful 360-degree perception ability to find the rear space by itself, and use its powerful computing power and cloud-empowered path planning experience to autonomously reconstruct the scene, plan the route, and make a U-turn, so as to complete the warehousing action in reverse at the back of the car.

Avita 11 ramp parking. Photo provided by Avita Technology, issued by Hualong Network
Avita 11 ramp parking. Photo provided by Avita Technology, issued by Hualong Network

As one of the common parking scenarios, ramp parking poses a high test for the accuracy of vehicle longitudinal and lateral control. For this scenario, Avita 11 can carefully adjust the steering, power and braking based on human factors engineering theory to compensate for the impact of slope, and precisely control the position and route of the vehicle. Parking is smooth and silky throughout, just like flat ground performance.

Parking process may encounter pedestrians, non-motor vehicles from the rear of the car suddenly across the situation, in this regard, Avita 11 can rely on 34 intelligent driving sensors empowered by long-range perception and target trajectory prediction ability based on AI enhanced learning, accurate tracking of dynamic targets, anticipate target movement, timely stop action, to be moved to a safe distance after the target to automatically resume the parking process, to achieve real one-click peace of mind into the position.

Emotional smart cabin space, smart cars are more comfortable

At the event site, Avita 11 further demonstrated the unique charm of the emotional intelligent cockpit developed based on HarmonyOS. The floating central control screen interface adopts the HarmonyOS car-machine interaction design language, allowing the services and information used in the car to achieve zero-level interaction "visible on the first screen"; the screen edge swipe can be easily retracted, and the two-finger swipe can easily rotate the window position and other operations are consistent with the mobile phone, which greatly reduces the user’s learning cost.

Avita 11 emotional intelligence cockpit. Photo provided by Avita Technology, sent by Hualong Network

Thanks to the colorful Huawei app store, Avita 11 can be adapted to Autonavi Map, Himalayas, NetEase Cloud Music, Kugou Music, Migu Music, Bilibili, Sohu Video, Youku Video, WeSing, WPS and other head APPs, bringing users a colorful car experience with the often new cockpit ecology. Avita 11 is also intimately equipped with a 10.25-inch high definition full LCD screen for the co-pilot, which is based on the organic linkage of one-core multi-screen capability and cockpit smart interconnection screen to bring users a multi-person shared intelligent entertainment driving experience.

Avita 11 emotional intelligence cockpit. Photo provided by Avita Technology, sent by Hualong Network

Based on HarmonyOS voice capabilities, Avita 11 has created a full-interface voice control system that can be seen and spoken. At the interface of car control, music video, navigation and other three-party applications, users can directly speak text according to the interface information without manual clicking. The intelligent voice assistant can support 4-partition sound source positioning, continuous instructions, fuzzy semantic instructions, custom Keyword Spotting and other functions, making "Xiaota" more intelligent and loving for users.

In addition, Avita 11 is intimately equipped with six smart scenario modes, one-click linkage of ambient lights, music, fragrance, HALO screen and other hardware, and interacts with a real and interesting scene-based interface to bring a full range of intelligent atmosphere experience. Take the unique pet mode as an example. After turning on this function, the car machine can turn on the air conditioner and adjust it to a suitable temperature. At the same time, the car machine screen will enter the care reminder state to avoid misunderstandings by passers-by outside the car. And if the user accidentally leaves the pet in the car when getting off the car, Avita 11’s departure cockpit perception function can send a reminder to the user in time through the APP, giving the "shit shoveling officer" peace of mind and protecting the safety of small lives.

Car review

As the first model fully equipped with HI (Huawei Inside) Huawei’s full-stack smart car solution, Avita 11 demonstrates the results of complementary advantages and deep binding between Avita and Huawei in multiple fields, allowing intelligence to truly realize the value of providing users with a safe and comfortable driving experience. In the future, Avita Technology will continue to be committed to exploring future-oriented humanized travel technology to create a better emotional intelligent travel experience for users.

Huawei P7 is a hot seller, and Gentleman Rulan is well received


How to turn on the Xiaomi air conditioner to save the most power

Xiaomi air conditioner is a relatively power-saving product, but if used improperly, it will still cause energy waste. Here are three tips to help you turn on the most power-saving mode:

1. Avoid frequent switching: Even if you are leaving the room, it is not recommended to turn off the air conditioner. Because frequent switching will increase power consumption, especially when starting. In addition, after pressing the "shutdown" button of the remote control, there is no real power outage, so unplug to completely stop power consumption.

2. Dehumidify first and then cool: When using the air conditioner in humid and hot weather, you should first use the dehumidification mode for pretreatment, and then switch to the cooling mode after the room is relatively dry. This can not only improve comfort but also save energy.

3. Choose the right model carefully: It is very important to choose the right air conditioner model according to the size of the room. Too large or too small can easily lead to waste and poor effect. In addition, the temperature setting at about 26 ° C to 27 ° C in summer can achieve the optimal effect.

Overall, in our daily lives, we need to pay attention to the scientific use of household equipment and take energy-saving measures as much as possible to protect the environment, reduce waste, and reduce costs.

Hengda responded to the rumors of Hengchi Automobile being acquired: it is actively introducing strategic investors, and there is no merger and acquisition

  According to the coupon news agency, there is news today that Hengda Automobile may be acquired by another automobile, and the lead party may be the local government. In response, Liu Yongzhuo, president of Hengchi Automobile, said that the company has been actively introducing strategic investors. So far, both local governments and a number of powerful enterprises have expressed investment intentions in Hengchi Automobile, and there is no merger and acquisition. At the same time, Liu Yongzhuo said that the shutdown of the Tianjin factory is a rumor. At present, the production of the Tianjin factory is normal, and the mass production of Hengchi 5 is being advanced in an orderly manner. Our more than 1,800 employees are working hard on the front line of the Tianjin factory to ensure mass production in September and delivery in October.

  Previously reported

  Hengda Automobile may be acquired? Informed sources say the parties are still deadlocked

  According to the Securities Times, a few days ago, there were media reports that Hengda Automobile may be acquired by another car company. According to people familiar with the matter, the lead party may be the local government, and the parties are still deadlocked. In addition, the person familiar with the matter also revealed that last week, the purchase of Hengda financial management, real estate and Hengchi suppliers entered the general assembly workshop of Hengchi Tianjin factory to protect their rights, resulting in production shutdowns. In addition, due to insufficient stocking, the Tianjin factory will also be shut down on August 18. As of press time, Hengda has not responded.

  Hua’an Fund cuts the valuation of China Evergrande and Evergrande properties to HK $0.01

  Hua’an Fund announced on August 17 that in order to objectively reflect the fair value of the fund, Hua’an Fund adjusted the valuation of suspended stocks in accordance with the relevant regulations of the China Securities Supervision Commission. Since August 15, Hua’an Fund has valued Shimao Group, Sunac China, China Evergrande and Evergrande Properties held by its "Hua’an CES Hong Kong Stock Connect ETF" at HK $1.33/share, HK $1.37/share, HK $0.01/share and HK $0.01/share respectively. Before the suspension, the share prices of Shimao Group, Sunac China, China Evergrande and Evergrande Properties were HK $4.42/share, HK $4.58/share, HK $1.65/share and HK $2.3/share respectively. Compared with the share price before the suspension, the valuation of Huaan Fund has been reduced by 69.9%, 70.09%, 99.39% and 99.57% respectively.

  Hengda Automobile may be acquired? It is rumored that the Tianjin factory produces only 200 vehicles in half a year, and Hengchi 5 is produced here. The mass production plan has been delayed many times

  A few days ago, there are media reports that Hengda Automobile may be acquired by another car company. People familiar with the matter said that the lead party may be the local government, and the parties are still deadlocked.

  According to reports, only Hengda’s Tianjin factory has production qualifications, and only about 200 of the Hengchi 5 are being produced in the past six months. "Now all the suppliers are unwilling to cooperate with Hengda. Now Hengda talks to anyone and pays the full amount first."

  In addition, the person familiar with the matter also revealed that last week, personnel related to the purchase of Hengda Wealth Management, real estate and Hengchi suppliers entered the final assembly workshop of Hengchi Tianjin factory to protect their rights, resulting in production shutdowns. In addition, due to insufficient stocking materials, the Tianjin factory will also be shut down on August 18.

  In this regard, as of press time, Evergrande has not yet responded.

  It is understood that due to the group’s funding problems and Hengda’s continued losses, Evergrande announced in August last year that it was "in contact with several potential independent third-party investors to discuss the sale of some of the company’s assets", including Hengda Automobile. But the discussion did not yield substantive results. Then in October last year, Hengda shouted the slogan: After three months of hard work, the first car of Tianjin factory Hengchi rolled off the assembly line.

  On January 12 this year, Hengda official announced that the first car of Hengchi 5 officially rolled off the assembly line, and said that it was 12 days earlier than the original schedule.

  It can be seen that Evergrande Group has high hopes for Hengchi 5. In July, Evergrande Group held an internal meeting, asking Evergrande to increase the promotion of new energy vehicles and encourage employees to actively participate in sales. At the same time, for Evergrande properties that deal closely with first-line owners, Evergrande Group also hopes to strengthen internal communication and coordination to further contribute to the promotion of automobile sales.

  On July 6, Hengda Automobile announced that its Hengchi 5 was officially on pre-sale. On July 20, Hengchi Automobile held the first "720 Hengchi Festival" and announced the pre-sale of Hengchi 5: As of 19:00 on the same day, the pre-sale order of Hengchi 5 was 37296. Hengchi 5 is finally on pre-sale! Priced at 179,000 yuan, refundable within 15 days after pickup, claiming to be "the best pure electric SUV in 300,000"

  On August 6, Chi Auto’s official WeChat account released a tweet entitled "Dealers are super empowered, Hengchi marketing has entered the’fast lane ‘", announcing that the first batch of 30 authorized agent stores in 19 cities will open one after another from August 6. Yuantong, Litai, Jianguo, Sanhuan, Huasheng and other leading dealer groups have joined, and sales channels have begun to settle in Beijing, Foshan, Chengdu, Wuhan and other places.

  But in terms of mass production of new cars, the production plan of Hengchi 5 has been delayed many times. In May this year, Hengchi Automobile said that due to the impact of the epidemic, the original production time of Hengchi 5 was adjusted from June 22 to September 20. After the pre-sale finally started, Hengchi Automobile announced that it would start delivery in October.

  However, in August, Hengchi Automobile made another bad news. On August 2, Hengchi Automobile’s affiliated company Hengda New Energy Vehicle Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd. added information on the person to be executed, and the execution target was about 9.26 million yuan. At present, the total amount of the company’s execution has exceeded 100 million yuan.

  For the first blockbuster production car, Hengchi Automobile also announced that it had cancelled the listing conference of Hengchi 5 and listed it in a "low-key" manner. The final listing price of the new car continued the previously announced pre-sale price, that is, 179,000 yuan.

  How is the market reacting to Hengchi 5?

  It is understood that August 1st is Hengchi customer small (1000 yuan) to large (10000 yuan) opening time, the first 10,000 booking customers can enjoy the car within 15 days after the car refund, deposit 10,000 yuan to 20,000 yuan and a series of discounts.

  Previously, the Securities Times e company reporter real exploration of Guangzhou Hengchi store, sales staff said that the company has not notified the 10,000 places have been booked, so the booking can also enjoy discounts. For more content, please see "real exploration of Guangzhou Hengchi experience center, the first 10,000 the big quota to grab it?"

  Hengchi 5 officially started pre-sale on the evening of July 6, priced at 179,000 yuan. On July 20, the official data released showed that the number of pre-sale orders exceeded 37,000. If the number of orders transferred to Dading is less than 10,000 units, it means that some customers in the early stage may still be hesitating or have been lost.

  "On the day of the pre-sale, more than 10,000 suppliers came to buy cars, and Evergrande’s sales staff also accounted for part of the order," a person close to Evergrande told Securities Times.e. However, employees in the store said that the company did not issue a mandate to force car purchases, and there will be some discounts for internal purchases, "but not much."

Galaxy E8, starting from E! Private tasting session – Haikou Station ended perfectly

On December 17th, the private tasting event of Geely Galaxy E8 China’s new generation pure electric flagship was grandly held at the Luneng Hilton Hotel in Haikou. Many industry celebrities and car owners and friends came to the scene. The Galaxy E8 takes the "China’s new generation of pure electric flagship" as the benchmark and is committed to bringing consumers a new experience that exceeds expectations. At the private tasting session at Haikou Station, media teachers and car owners and friends experienced the five flagship strengths of Geely Galaxy E8 firsthand through static tasting and dynamic test drives. This private tasting session not only allowed the participants to have a deep understanding of the characteristics and advantages of Geely Galaxy E8, but also injected new vitality and confidence into the development of Chinese auto brands.

This Geely Galaxy E8 private tasting session has prepared a rich brand experience activity for the guests. The owners can also drive their own cars into the track during the static tasting of the Galaxy E8, experience the fun of track racing in racing games, and feel the infinite passion of adrenaline soaring when galloping on the track. There are also fun DIY handicraft activities, which are enjoyable for adults and children.

New E-generation flagship design: Chinese charm, a global model

The appearance of Geely Galaxy E8 adopts the new design language of "ripple aesthetics". "Ripple", as Geely’s unique brand super sign, is inspired by West Lake. In the new era of smart electric, the front face of Geely Galaxy E8 is integrated with modern technological elements, inheriting and evolving the "back" shaped ripple front face of Geely fuel vehicle era, adding elements such as sound, light, electricity, people, cars, nets, etc., to design the "ripple of light" in the new era, and the lights are sparkling like ripples in West Lake. The design of the eaves tiger vision headlight group, the rising sun tail light, and the moisturizing jade streamer body surface integrates culture, technology and experience, allowing Geely Galaxy E8 to achieve a perfect balance of ergonomics and design aesthetics, setting a new benchmark for Chinese automobile brand design.

New E generation smart cockpit: Galaxy panoramic smart cockpit

For the first time, Geely Galaxy E8 shows a more immersive "Galaxy Panorama Smart Cockpit". The car is equipped with a 45-inch 8K unbounded smart screen, and based on this, it creates a new layout of the cockpit large screen, creating a new generation of people-view-car unbounded fusion space, and refreshing the new standard of pure electric flagship smart cockpit. Empowered by the "Galaxy Super Brain" composed of "three brains", Geely Galaxy E8 brings a new experience of intelligent travel. Among them, the "Cloud Brain" Geely Star Smart Computing Center monitors 7 × 24 hours a day; the "Car Brain" Qualcomm Snapdragon 8295 chip, which increases the computing power by 8 times compared with the 8155 chip; the "Mobile Brain" Flyme Link handcar interconnection, achieving seamless ecological flow.

New E-generation flagship architecture: SEA global intelligent pure electric architecture

The chassis of Geely Galaxy E8 is based on Geely’s SEA global intelligent pure electric architecture. The SEA architecture builds a three-dimensional layout of hardware layer, system layer and ecological layer, and has the largest bandwidth in the world. The hardware layer of the SEA architecture is globally compatible, and can realize the combination of different batteries, motors, electronic control and thermal management systems to meet different performance, battery life, cost and other requirements. The system layer global evolution of the SEA architecture can realize the global upgrade from hardware to software, including intelligent driving, intelligent cockpit, intelligent safety, intelligent energy and other systems, providing a higher level of intelligence. The global cooperation in the ecosystem layer of the SEA architecture can achieve interconnection with various partners, including cloud, mobile phones, drones, smart homes, etc., to create a richer smart travel ecosystem.

New E-generation flagship driving control: 3.49s to break the hundred, 82km/h elk level

The Geely Galaxy E8 uses a new generation of 800V flash charging technology, which can achieve a 5-minute charging battery life of 180km, and the maximum charging power is 360kw, which is more than 2 times higher than the competition. At the same time, it also adopts a high-performance SiC electric drive, electric door heel, retractable and retractable freely, power is on call, two-drive motor power reaches 500kW, peak torque reaches 1000N · m, 100 kilometers acceleration only takes 3.49 seconds, and the top speed can reach 250km/h, and the power performance is comparable to supercars. It is also equipped with OurHours four-wheel drive system, which can automatically adjust the torque distribution of the front and rear axles according to road conditions and driving mode to achieve the best driving control balance.

As the first pure electric sedan based on the SEA architecture, and the first intelligent pure electric flagship sedan of Geely Galaxy series, the E8 will unlock the new imagination of intelligent pure electric for users as the "Electric Era · China Flagship" and bring new experiences to global users. (Hainan Heli Store, Zhang Song, Hainan Jiutian Store, Jiang Zhongkun)

Go LIVE exploded! Zhou Xingchi’s new drama is coming, 1 hour of playback breaks millions, but word-of-mouth is polarized! 220,000 episode has been filed, this industry is going to take off?

Every time edited, Duan Lian    

On June 2, Zhou Xingchi’s first short drama was officially launched. Under the blessing of Xingye’s aura,The first episode of "Golden Pig and Jade Leaf" broke through one million views in one hour, definitely considered "top class".

But at the same time, after the first episode, the reputation of the show was polarized. Some critics thought that "the texture of the movie is full of sarcasm," but many people thought that "it is not funny and has nothing to do with Stephen Chow."

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Stephen Chow skits go LIVE

word of mouth polarization

The 24-episode first season of Golden Pig Jade Leaf, each about five minutes long, is set against the backdrop of online fraud and tells the story of intern lawyer Ye Xiaolai teaming up with live streaming host Zhu Hao to uncover the truth about the "romance scam" fraud, save her sister Ye Xiaohui and find her own career path.Stephen Chow served as the producer of the play, guiding the creation of characters, plot setting, and post-editing

"Golden Pig and Jade Leaf" invited many comedians such as Tudou, Jiang Shimeng, Pai Xiaoxuan, Zhang Baiqiao, Xu Zhisheng to join. The play also uses a senior cinematography art team to shoot horizontally.Strive to bring a cinematic quality comedy skit

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As the first road-themed boutique skit,"Golden Pig Jade Leaf" integrates comedy elements such as Northeast dialect and talk show, and is a creative innovation of comedy skitsThis drama is dense in jokes and meets the audience’s demand for fast-paced watching dramas on the mobile end

According to the official drama calendar, "Golden Pig and Jade Leaf" will officially end on June 21, with a total of 12 episodes

At the end of January this year,Douyin announces an exclusive boutique micro-drama collaboration with Stephen ChowThe two sides will jointly develop and operate a boutique theater IP "9527 Theater". "Golden Pig Jade Leaf" is the first work of "9527 Theater". The theater is jointly developed and operated by Douyin and Zhou Xingchi, based on the official Douyin account of Zhou Xingchi’s director’s works "9527 Theater", and directly faces user content creation.

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Image source: Visual China

Zhou Xingchi said at the time: "Short drama is a rapidly developing field of technological innovation and media innovation in recent years. This time we cooperate with Douyin Short Drama Theatre, hoping to bring more joy to the audience. I am looking forward to this new attempt, and everyone will join us." Douyin said that Douyin will continue to promote the exploration of high-quality micro-short dramas, and one of its important paths is to create benchmark works. This time, in cooperation with director Zhou Xingchi, we hope to explore the innovative creation of multi-theme content with the new genre and new grammar of micro-short dramas.

However, after the show went live, its reputation was polarized. Some netizens said that Xu Zhisheng’s acting skills were good, and 5 minutes per episode was not enough to watch; others said that it was not attractive enough, unlike Zhou Xingchi’s filming.

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1tRsGJ6Jk2ibtiaOyiaUwlzv95kTqaHv5CIFvNicV4ICLHnud1NhLKCRYzH5O2z8IFzic1OYNSnx3y3kiaMXG2HAAlaw png

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220,000 approved

The skit market could break 100 billion in three years

On June 1, the new regulations on the management of micro-dramas came into effect, and unreviewed and filed micro-dramas were not allowed to be disseminated online.

According to the China Network Audiovisual Program Service Association, on June 1, the new regulations on the management of micro-short dramas came into effect. The new regulations require the implementation of industry supervision responsibilities, territorial management responsibilities, and platform main responsibilities, and the implementation of "classification and layered review" of micro-short dramas."Key micro-short dramas" with a total investment of 1 million yuan and above shall be uniformly filed and publicized by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television; "ordinary micro-short dramas" with a total investment of 300,000 yuan (inclusive) – 1 million yuan and not recommended by the provincial radio, film and television departments shall conduct planning, filing and review and complete film review; "other micro-short dramas" with a total investment of less than 300,000 yuan and not recommended by the broadcast or drainage and push network audio-visual platforms shall perform the duties of content management and be responsible for content review and copyright approvalIn addition, the new regulations also emphasize that unreviewed and filed micro-dramas cannot be broadcast online

According to Red Star News, the reporter found in the online audio-visual program filing system inquiry that as of 24:00 on June 1, there have been 3309 about 227,000 episodes of micro-dramas in the system to complete the filing and obtain the online filing number. On June 2, the topic of 220,000 episodes of short dramas being approved rushed to Baidu’s hot search first.

Most of the above mini-dramas obtained the record number issued by the audio-visual platform, which is the category of "other micro-dramas" with an investment of less than 300,000 yuan. After conducting high-frequency word cloud analysis of the titles of 3,309 mini-dramas, it was found that,189 titles use "CEO", 109 titles use "Madam", 81 titles use "Sweet Wife", and 80 titles use "Divorce"The person in charge of the Network Department of a provincial radio, film and television bureau said that according to the new regulations, the micro-skits that have passed the record and obtained the online qualification should be marked with the program record number at the beginning

The relevant practitioners and experts and scholars in the micro-drama industry have expressed that the new regulations on the management of micro-dramas have established a clear mechanism and standards, which can not only improve the efficiency and effectiveness of administrative management, but also ensure the quality of content production at the source, avoid the spread of vulgar and harmful content, and greatly promote the micro-drama industry to move towards high quality.

It is reported that short dramas refer to episodes broadcast on online platforms, with a broadcast time of generally less than 10 minutes and a plot advancement. Due to the compact content of short dramas, they can complete the portrayal of characters and the description of clues in a relatively short time, and they also have the reversal of episodes, which meets the current fragmented entertainment needs of users. Users can watch an episode of short dramas in a short time to form a complete viewing experience.

China’s online mini-drama market will show a hot trend in 2023, with explosive growth in short dramas of various genres. iiMedia Consulting pointed out that in 2022, micro-short dramas will rise and quickly enter the public eye. In less than three years,Its market size has approached the annual box office of Chinese films in 2023 (54.915 billion yuan), showing amazing development potentialAccording to iiMedia Research,In 2023, the size of China’s online micro-drama market is 37.39 billion yuan, an increase of 267.65% year-on-year, and the market size is expected to reach 100.68 billion yuan in 2027

Haitong International pointed out that according to the scale of the number of short video users in the country, assuming the penetration rate, payment rate and single ARPU level of short drama users, and assuming that other income such as advertising accounts for 20% of the overall market size of short dramas,Forecast 2024 short drama market size of about 49.60 billion yuan

edit|Duan Lian Yi Qijiang, Gaiyuanyuan

Proofreading |Wang Yuelong

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Daily economic news comprehensive from Red Star News, brokerage China, Blue Whale Finance, public information, etc

Expert advice on "difficult to implement" the new car-hailing policy: Stimulate market vitality

  The rapid changes brought by the new economy to society and the adjustment of the interest pattern are fully reflected in the field of online car-hailing. On the one hand, the platformization and networking characteristics of the new economy expand the scope and depth of contradictions. On the other hand, the new policy of online car-hailing involves a wide range, and the game of interests increases the difficulty of implementing the new policy.

  "Economic Information Daily" reporter learned that the "Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Business Services" has been implemented for more than half a year, and many local governments have not yet issued detailed implementation rules. Some cities that have issued detailed rules but have higher thresholds face "difficulties in landing".

  Many industry insiders and experts suggest that we should be fully aware of the role of the sharing economy represented by online car-hailing in promoting social employment and transforming social management models. It is recommended to use the "subtraction" of power in exchange for the "multiplication" of market vitality.

  The new policy of online car-hailing in some cities is "difficult to implement"

  The reporter learned that as of April 24, 2017, 85 cities had issued detailed rules for the implementation of online car-hailing, 115 cities had completed the consultation, and more than 100 cities had not yet completed the consultation.

  In some areas where new policies have been introduced, the implementation of policies still faces a game situation. The reporter learned that the main focus of the game between policy requirements and platform interests is twofold: first, whether to implement household registration, vehicle, wheelbase and other requirements; second, what degree of access to the operation data of the supervision platform needs to be reached and what content is included.

  In practice, some cities took into account the capacity of the local taxi market and the strategic needs of urban development, and imposed more restrictions on drivers’ household registration, vehicle price and wheelbase. Some platforms have calculated that the implementation of the new policy in cities with higher thresholds will reduce their online car-hailing capacity by more than 90%, which is a heavy blow to the platform.

  At the same time, the platform-based characteristics of online car-hailing break the tradition of "the company is local" in the past. If the online car-hailing platform does not set up a local subsidiary, the local management department may not find a communication partner during supervision, which exacerbates the difficulty of solving the problem.

  On the other hand, the new economy represented by online ride-hailing platforms quickly grabbed market share with the help of subsidies and financing, but this fast pace has had a great impact on the balance of the traditional taxi industry in a short period of time. At the same time, in some higher threshold areas, it has also caused a large "crowding out effect" for online ride-hailing drivers. These factors have led to constant friction between cruise car drivers and online ride-hailing drivers in some places.

  According to Didi Chuxing statistics, as of February 2017, the total number of registered drivers on the Didi platform reached more than 17.50 million. Active drivers on the Didi platform 2 million, with a per capita daily income of more than 160 yuan, and the total number of taxi drivers in various cities across the country has reached 2 million. At the same time, there are thousands of software and algorithm engineers behind Didi.

  All parties have mixed reactions to the new policy of online car-hailing

  The reporter learned that the implementation of the new policy varies widely across the country, and the views of all parties on the online car-hailing industry have also fluctuated.

  Some local new policies have passed the implementation deadline, but non-compliant online car-hailing is still in operation. Cruise car drivers do not know whether to stay in their jobs, and online car-hailing drivers do not know whether to change careers.

  According to statistics from the Beijing Municipal Transportation Commission, after the emergence of online car-hailing, the income of cruise car drivers fell from about 6,500 yuan in 2013 to about 4,500 yuan in the first half of 2016. From 2014 to 2016, the driver team lost nearly 10,000 people. However, taxi operations have recently improved.

  A Didi executive who did not want to be named said that after the introduction of the new policy, Didi’s online car-hailing business also experienced a sharp decline, and drivers were losing a lot.

  According to reports, before the Spring Festival in 2017, the average daily number of taxi calls by passengers in some big cities increased sharply from more than 300,000 to 900,000, and the response rate of taxis on the Didi platform was only 40%. In addition, after the new policy was gradually implemented, the transportation capacity of Didi Kuaidi special car decreased, and the response rate dropped from 90% in October 2016 to about 50% in March 2017, which greatly reduced the travel experience of passengers.

  Capital markets have also begun to hesitate, "unsure" of the market prospects of online car-hailing platforms. Due to the impact of the new policy on the market, the market valuation of many online car-hailing platform companies has declined, which has also affected the layout of enterprises at home and abroad. Some industry insiders said that the enthusiasm of domestic venture capital capital for the sharing economy such as online car-hailing has subsided.

  The implementation of the New Deal is difficult to reflect management anxiety

  The Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Booking Taxi Business Services have been in place for more than half a year, but the implementation details in many places have not yet been issued.

  The demand for online car-hailing varies from place to place. Some places believe that cities should give priority to the development of public transportation, and online car-hailing is only a supplement and should be more "high-end" than cruise taxis. Therefore, higher thresholds are set for online car-hailing models, prices, displacements, and wheelbases. There are also some places that want online car-hailing to take into account both high, medium and low-end needs. For example, Haikou has abolished the displacement limit of online car-hailing, while Lijiang and Hanzhong have chosen to connect cruise taxis to online car-hailing platforms as a whole.

  Shouqi car-hailing CEO Wei Dong said that road traffic congestion in first-tier cities in our country is serious, and it is reasonable for local management departments to choose to raise the threshold for online car-hailing, while the taxi market in second- and third-tier cities is not saturated, and the online car-hailing policy can be relaxed a little.

  As for whether the number of taxis should be controlled. A grassroots cadre said that the Ministry of Construction issued the "Urban Road Traffic Planning and Design Specifications" in 1995, which stipulated that the number of taxis in large cities should be 20 per 10,000 people and 15 in small and medium-sized cities. This became the standard for calculating and controlling the number of taxis in most cities.

  However, there are also opinions that this standard has not changed for many years, and that online car-hailing is not the main cause of road traffic congestion, so quantitative control should be liberalized in a timely manner. The "Analysis Report on Beijing Road Traffic Operation Based on Didi Big Data" released by Professor Yan Xuedong’s research group at Beijing Jiaotong University in October 2016 believes that online car-hailing uses economic laws as a lever to adjust the supply and demand of the traffic market, and uses information symmetry as the core to match the supply and demand, which helps to reduce the rate of empty vehicles.

  In many places, the development of online car-hailing has led to a shrinkage in the price of taxi licenses, and some taxi drivers and license-speculating intermediaries have been seriously damaged. For example, some urban taxi licenses have increased from 200,000 yuan in the past to 800,000 yuan, due to online car-hailing competition and reduced to 400,000 yuan.

  Some industry insiders say that the formulation of the local version of the new car-hailing policy faces multiple interests. Before the reform of the taxi industry, drivers had lifetime licenses, which made them lack the incentive to improve their services. If the depreciation of the license is used to redeem and other means to accelerate the withdrawal of local taxi companies, these companies may find it difficult to accept.

  The law enforcement of online car-hailing has also caused administrative reconsideration in various places. An executive of a car rental company in Nanjing said that private cars in Nanjing were converted to operating vehicles. When they were connected to the platform, the passenger management office of the traffic bureau allowed them, but the vehicle management office of the public security bureau failed the annual inspection. Many private cars have been difficult to access the online car-hailing platform.

  An official from the Kunshan Municipal Transportation Bureau said that some platforms have openly resisted the law, not only encouraging vehicles punished in Kunshan to file for administrative reconsideration, but also reimbursing fines. Some local transportation management departments have frequently received administrative reconsideration for online car-hailing, and they are basically unable to do other things.

  Xu Kangming, a taxi reform expert, believes that after the release of the local new policy, measures should be taken to allow illegal people and vehicles to withdraw, otherwise it will destroy the fair market environment. On the one hand, cruise taxi companies cannot expand their scale, and on the other hand, law-abiding online car-hailing companies will pay a high price.

  Safeguarding the "source of vitality" of the sharing economy

  Some experts interviewed believe that they should be fully aware of the role of the sharing economy represented by ride-hailing in promoting social employment and transforming social management models, and suggest "subtraction" of power in exchange for "multiplication" of market vitality.

  In-depth research on ride-hailing companies and conduct scientific assessments. The sharing economy represented by ride-hailing poses new challenges to the urban traffic management model. Behind the transformation of the momentum of the old and new economies is the differentiation of the beneficiary groups of the old and new economies. Industry insiders believe that the beneficiary groups of the old economy are more concentrated and highly organized, but the beneficiary groups of the new economy are more extensive and the voice is more scattered. Therefore, in policy formulation, the affordability of the beneficiary groups of the old economy should be considered, as well as the breadth of the beneficiary groups of the new economy.

  The rise of platform economies such as Didi, Alibaba, and Tencent is supported by strong capital, which has also benefited many people. And the credit economy, platformization, and big data management may give birth to new technologies such as smart transportation, driverless driving, and vehicle to everything. These are the trends of future economic and social development. They are also an important support for the government to build new management functions. It should be treated with a more open mind.

  A Didi executive said that although the "zombie cars" of Didi’s platform are not easy to manage, it said that the surplus capacity of social vehicles can be fully released when the urban capacity is tight. Cheng Wei, founder and CEO of Didi Chuxing, said that if China is to achieve the corner overtaking the western industrial powers, it is a big opportunity to transform the traditional industrial industry with the Internet thinking.

  On the one hand, formulate a relatively scientific withdrawal and compensation mechanism to reduce the anxiety of social group transformation. During the transition period of the New Deal, many full-time online car-hailing drivers may lose their jobs. It is recommended to carry out relevant policy explanation and guidance work to attract them to work part-time on platforms such as car rental companies.

  On the other hand, science foresees the challenges that taxi part-time may bring. The sharing economy model may lead to a wider range of part-time jobs for drivers, which will increase the difficulty of management and may also impact the average income level of the taxi industry. Car rental companies can be encouraged to increase their own vehicles to cope with the ebb and flow of Internet supply, and the average income of the taxi industry can be monitored and evaluated to guide the development of the industry scientifically.