Keyboard Man, Thick Eyebrows, Renew the Contract with Top Salary in Advance: Guarantee Health and Win a Championship.

Keyboard Man, Thick Eyebrows, Renew the Contract with Top Salary in Advance: Guarantee Health and Win a Championship.

Thick eyebrows and the Lakers signed a three-year, $186 million contract with an early maximum salary. The contract between thick eyebrows and the Lakers will last until 2028, with a total value of more than $270 million. The annual salary of-62 million dollars in the renewal contract also set a record in NBA history.

·Better not get hurt lol

Better not get hurt again, haha

·Big money! DPOY next year!

Make a lot of money! Take DPOY next year!


He deserves it.

·LeBron and AD after AD signs extension

Zhan Mei after the renewal of thick eyebrows

·Damn, lakers really paying him all that money just to miss 65% of their games…

Damn it, the Lakers really spent so much money to sign him, and as a result, he missed 65% of the game …

·Holy hell – we seeing him for 82 games next season?

Oh, my God! Can we see him play 82 games next season?

·these injury jokes need to stop fr

These jokes about injuries really need to stop.

·Lakers must have new doctors to keep him fit? ? ? ?

The Lakers must find a new doctor to ensure his health.

·Future GOAT

Future GOAT

·Top 3 player in the playoffs

The top 3 players in the playoffs

·Great player when healthy. He’s just misses too many games. I think this is an overpay. He doesn’t play enough games a season to warrant that kind of money. He’s an Injury prone player.

When he is healthy, he is an excellent player. But he missed too many games. I think this is an exorbitant contract. His number of appearances per season is not enough to support such a salary. He is an easily injured player.

·I am curious to know why AD gets so much shit for missing games when in the last 4 seasons, he’s played 62 more games than KD and only 32 games less than Embid. Yet no one mentions how often those guys are out due to injuries.

I’m curious why AD has been criticized for his absence. In the past four seasons, he played 62 games more than KD and only 32 games less than Embiid. However, no one mentioned that those players were absent from the game because of injury.

·He’s still easily a top 10 player when he’s healthy. Straight dominates on both sides of the ball.

When he is in good health, he is still easily in the top ten players in the league. He can directly dominate the game at both ends of the offense and defense.

·Anthony Davis is a Top ___ player in the NBA, when healthy

When he is healthy, where is Anthony Davis in the league?

·Anthony Davis’ top performance this past season…

Anthony Davis’ best performance last season …

·that’s unbelievable money for a dude with crazy injury history

That is an incredible salary for a player with a history of frequent injuries.

·What does this mean for lebrons legacy ,? ?

What does this mean for LeBron’s honor?

·Wish all the health in the world for AD! Hope he plays 230+ games during this stretch!

I hope AD can stay healthy! I hope he can play more than 230 games during this time!

·I don’t know if Davis deserves this much money

We better win a ring this season

I’m not sure whether thick eyebrows are worth so much money.

I hope we can win a championship this season.

·Yessir, DPOY season

Okay, DPOY season

·Anthony Davis right now

Anthony Davis now

I hope thick eyebrows stay healthy, get a big contract and play well on the court!

American men’s basketball training exposure: brunson 3+1 Hamm hugged Reeves Edwards and scored 16 three-pointers.

On August 4th, Beijing time, the American men’s basketball team officially opened the training camp in Las Vegas. The American team and the reserve team played a five-to-five match. brunson scored crazy 3+1, and Reeves assisted Xiaoqiao to hit a three-pointer. Lakers coach Ham came to the scene to watch the game and hugged Reeves. During the training, Edwards scored 16 three-pointers in a row. After the training, the American men’s basketball team will play five warm-up matches, with Slovenia and Greece among them.

The US men’s basketball team officially started a five-day training session, and some pictures of the match between the US team and the reserve team were exposed. During the game, bridges, the two cores of the Nets, threw back a jumper and Johnson dunked with one hand; Potis protected the rebound and scored a second attack. brunson scored an unreasonable 3+1 against the defense from the outside, and then Reeves and Potis quickly pulled him up.

Ingram showed an emergency stop, Reeves faked to fly to Ingram and assisted bridges to hit a three-pointer. Kessler countered and chopped. After the training, Cole organized everyone to high-five and shout the slogan of refueling.

In the shooting training session, Timberwolves champion Edwards felt hot on the outside, hitting 16 bottom angle three points in a row; Edwards gave up the No.1 jersey this summer, and he will wear the No.5 jersey in the new season. Li Kaier gave up No.5 and changed to No.1; However, during the US team, Edwards wore size 10, and size 5 was bridges’s.

Lakers coach Hamm came to the American men’s basketball training site, sat on the sidelines and hugged Reeves deeply. It is worth mentioning that Reeves has shaved off his beard and turned into a 25-year-old.

Previously, Reeves appeared in the national team with a beard shape and showed his No.15 jersey. Such a shape was hotly debated, and some fans ridiculed Reeves for being 10 years old in an instant.

After the training, the American men’s basketball team will play five warm-up matches-the warm-up match against Puerto Rico on August 8, and then the American men’s basketball team will go to Malaga, Spain. During this period, the American team will play two warm-up matches, against Slovenia led by Dancsics on August 12 and against Spain on August 13. Then, they will travel to Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, for a week-long training, and play against Greece on August 18th and Germany on August 20th.

Legend of James: The Lakers retired their jerseys and won another championship to become the first person in history.

In an exclusive interview with the media a few days ago, Lakers owner Jenny Bass said that after James was elected to the Hall of Fame in the future, the Lakers will retire the jersey number of this home star. If this comes true, James will become the second star in history to be retired by three teams. But is James’ achievements in the Lakers worthy of such glory?

From the honor point of view, James is undoubtedly the first person in the NBA today. He won four championships for three teams in his career, which also indicates that he may retire his jersey number in the Cavaliers, Heat and Lakers in the future.

As far as historical achievements are concerned, winning the first championship in team history for his hometown team is enough to make his jersey hang high at the Cavaliers’ home; As for the number of championships, two consecutive championships in Nantan also gave him enough confidence. However, in the Lakers, he has only led the team to the top once at present. This record seems to be not enough to make James’ No.23 tied with the other 13 Lakers retired numbers, which seems unconvincing to many Lakers fans.

There are three main arguments against the Lakers retiring James number: first, his time in Los Angeles is not long enough; Secondly, there are not enough times to win the championship; Finally, his representation in the Lakers is not obvious enough.

This seems to make sense for the argument that time is not long enough. After all, he has only played five seasons in the Lakers, which is short compared with his 11 seasons in the Cavaliers. Even though he only stayed in the Heat for four seasons and left, James often missed the game due to injury during the Lakers. So far, he only played 278 regular-season games, 16 fewer than in the Heat, and 43 playoff games were less than half of that in the Heat.

However, Chamberlain, the only legendary center who was retired by three teams in history, only played for five seasons in the Lakers, and that was the last five seasons of his career, but Chamberlain’s No.13 was still retired by the Lakers. In the future, if James retires after playing the 2024-25 season according to the option of the current contract, then he will play for the Lakers for seven seasons, which is not short compared with Chamberlain.

As for the argument that there are not enough championships, it seems hard to refute. After all, James has only won the championship once in the bubble park in 2020. In addition to winning fewer times, the gold content of this champion has also been questioned because of the different epidemic situation and competition system. Compared with the five championships brought back by Lakers stars such as Kobe Bryant, Magic Johnson and Abdul-Jabbar, James’ current contribution is indeed far from perfect. However, the aforementioned Chamberlain also won only one championship for the Lakers. According to Chamberlain’s standards, James’ jersey number retired for a certain reason.

Finally, when it comes to James’ lack of representativeness of the Lakers, this is not good enough for him. James, who was born in Akron, has pure chivalry, and the golden age of his career was in the Heat. This made his image in the No.6 jersey deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. In contrast, the connection between James and the Lakers is not close enough.

James didn’t wear other numbers in the Lakers, and he still chose to use the numbers 23 and 6 alternately. He didn’t create a brand-new image in the new team through different numbers. In addition, the Cavaliers and the Heat are too impressed with him, which makes the colors of James and the Lakers not bright enough and not representative enough.

Under such circumstances, if James wants to deepen his connection with the Lakers in the rest of his career and shut up those who question his incompetence, he needs to bring back at least one more championship for Los Angeles.

If he gets more than two championship rings, James can not only surpass Chamberlain in the Lakers, but also surpass the famous Jerry West. Although Jerry West only won the championship once, he played for the Lakers all his life, during which he led the team for the championship nine times, but he could not reach the top because he was blocked by the historical wall of Celtic legendary center Bill Russell. . The relationship between James and the Lakers is really not deep enough. If you want to increase your mark in Los Angeles, winning one more championship will definitely help.

In the past, there were stars who were almost retired by three different teams. For example, the Lakers and the Heat announced the retirement of O ‘Neal one after another, but he has not yet been recognized by the magic of his debut home team. James was able to book this historic achievement in advance. If the Lakers can retire the two numbers that James used in the Lakers in one fell swoop like Kobe, it may also set an unprecedented record, that is, a player has four numbers retired by the team.

To be the first person in this history, James needs at least another crown for the Lakers. In this way, when his jersey is retired at home, it will be more recognized and accepted by the Lakers fans.

Li Zhanglin left the team and joined the Fujian men’s basketball team. Come on, Snake, the future can be expected.

# Headline Creation Challenge #The official of Shanxi Guotou Professional Basketball Club recently announced through official channels that Li Zhanglin will leave the team and join Fujian Xunxing Men’s Basketball Team. This news was confirmed after friendly negotiation between the club and Fujian Xunxing Basketball Club and full communication with the players themselves. Li Zhanglin is the player selected by Shanxi team in the third place in the first round of CBA draft in 2021, and his departure will have a certain impact on Shanxi team.

Born in 1997, Li Zhanglin is 2.03 meters tall and is a power forward. As the scoring champion of CUBA history, he was selected for the Olympic men’s basketball team in 2019. Li Zhanglin’s flexible pace and accurate mid-range shooting left a deep impression on Shanxi fans. In the past two seasons, he represented Shanxi men’s basketball team in CBA league.

Looking back on Li Zhanglin’s performance in Shanxi team, he played 9.9 minutes per game in 2021-2022, getting 3.3 points and 1.8 rebounds. It is particularly worth mentioning that his three-point shooting percentage is as high as 42.9%. However, in the following season, due to injuries and other factors, Li Zhanglin only played two games.

For Li Zhanglin’s departure from the team, the Shanxi team thanked him for his contribution to the team in the past two years, and sincerely wished him to continue his hard work in the new environment and all the best in the future. Previous reports revealed that Li Zhanglin signed a 1+1 contract with Fujian team. This means that he will play for Fujian men’s basketball team for at least two seasons.

Li Zhanglin’s departure is undoubtedly a major personnel adjustment for the Shanxi team. As a first-round draft player, he showed great potential on the court. However, his performance has been limited by injuries and other factors. Leaving Shanxi team and joining Fujian men’s basketball team is a new beginning for Li Zhanglin, who has the opportunity to show his strength and potential in the new environment.

Fujian Xunxing men’s basketball team has been a strong team in CBA league in the past few seasons. Joining Fujian Men’s Basketball Team is a good opportunity for Li Zhanglin. He can train and compete with other excellent players to improve his technical level. At the same time, Fujian men’s basketball team will also benefit from his joining, and his personal ability and experience will have a positive impact on the development of the team.

Stop pretending! The latest decision of Jorjevich showdown, China men’s basketball final ranked the strongest team.

In a warm-up match that ended early this morning, China beat the Cape Verdean men’s basketball team by 20 points, which was the biggest victory of the China men’s basketball team since it went to Europe for training, and it was also the first winning streak. In the previous three games, China lost to Croatian and Slovenian teams in two consecutive games. In the last two games, China won against the relatively weak African Egyptian team and Cape Verde men’s basketball team. With these two victories, we can see the progress of China team, especially in defense, the improvement of outside shooting percentage, the overall fluency and the speed of ball delivery.

However, considering that the overall strength of the two African teams is indeed weak, both the Egyptian and Cape Verde men’s basketball teams are ranked in the top 50 in the world. Although these African black players have very strong physical talents, the overall tactical accomplishment and basketball skills are really far behind those of the European strong teams we have encountered before. Therefore, many fans are optimistic about the victory of these two games, but there are still some concerns. Is it because the opponent is too weak that we are doing so well? Now the best touchstone is coming. After China’s game ended this morning, the host Italian men’s basketball team beat the Turkish team and reached the final. China and Turkey Italy will compete for the championship.

The Italian team is definitely a world-class team. It is the players in the 16-person World Cup list announced by the Italian team that came to participate in this four-nation tournament. They have already announced the big list early, so this Italian team is the top team they want to play in the World Cup. At present, Italy is a very strong team in Europe and even the whole world. At present, they rank tenth in the world. Although they are not the favourites to win the World Cup, they are definitely a super-strong team. At the same time, Italian basketball also has a very glorious history. They are the team that stood on the podium in the history of European championships, that is, they won the top three most times, and they were able to reach the top three in the European championships for a total of 10 times. Everyone is very clear about the confrontation intensity of European basketball. They have all reached the finals and won the runner-up in the Olympic Games. The World Championships have also scored in the semi-finals, so they are better than China in terms of past brilliant achievements and current strength.

Although this team has many big-name players who play in the NBA, most of them play in the top leagues in Europe, but the overall quality is by no means much worse than these teams with big-name NBA players. In the European qualifiers in February this year, they beat the world’s top teams at home, and Spain, which has the strength to win the championship, after saying so much, everyone can be very clear about the strength of Italy.

In addition to testing our own strength in this game, the China Men’s Basketball Team has also confirmed a message that everyone is very concerned about, that is, Li Kaier, who didn’t play today, will definitely play in the game tomorrow morning, which has also been confirmed. The video information of an interview with Li Kaier by a reporter in front has now been exposed. Li Kaier himself replied that he will play in this game, and it is highly probable that he will start playing. The China men’s basketball team will also use the strongest lineup to face this strong team in Europe.

This is definitely a real game. If the China team can play a wonderful performance in this game, or even win the opponent, we have reason to expect the performance of the China men’s basketball team, especially the China men’s basketball team with Li Kaier in the World Cup. This all-main Italian team is stronger than Serbia, which lacks four main players. Therefore, China’s game this evening will be of great significance.

Finally! Qiao Shuai revealed that Li Kaier’s first show time was officially released.

On August 5th, Beijing time, after the men’s basketball team in China finished the Cape Verde match, they entered the final of the Trentino Cup, and the opponents were the winners of Italy and Turkey. With reference to the strong comprehensive strength of the two teams, they must be very valuable warm-up opponents for the men’s basketball team in China.

Not long ago, the reporter in front of the sports world "Jiang Cheng Gui Zhou" broke the news. He learned from an interview with Jorjevich that in 23 hours, Li Kaier will make his debut in the final of the Trentino Cup.

Cape Verde, the first opponent of the Trentino Cup, may be Qiao Shuai. For various reasons, let Li Kaier observe the tactics of the men’s basketball team and the requirements of the competition field as much as possible, so as to better integrate into the China men’s basketball team. Compared with the other two teams, the strength of the opponents is indeed different. Zhang Zhenlin, Cui Yongxi, Zhu Junlong and others are enough to meet the needs of strikers, so Li Kaier has the possibility of winning opponents even if he doesn’t play.

However, after entering the finals, these two teams are well-known in Europe. According to the lineup configuration of this set of men’s basketball teams, they are actually completely at a disadvantage. After China’s men’s basketball team joined Li Kai, it may be difficult to reach a competitive state, but what kind of height and combat effectiveness can be achieved is believed to be the focus of attention of countless fans. After all, as an active NBA striker, Li Kaier must be a leading domestic striker in all aspects.

Like some key ball handling, or the time when someone needs to score, Li Kaier needs to play the role of a core player and lead the prospect of China men’s basketball team through personal ability, while qi zhou, Zhang Zhenlin, Cui Yongxi and others are all excellent local players to some extent. Can Li Kaier reach a more competitive state after joining?

With Li Kaier’s entry into the men’s basketball 12-man list, Qiao Shuai’s complete lineup for preparing for the men’s basketball World Cup has been officially released. The main force of the back line is Zhao Jiwei, Zhao Rui, striker Zhou Peng, Zhang Zhenlin, Cui Yongxi, Li Kaier, inside Wang Zhelin, qi zhou and Hu Jinqiu. Players in other positions will see who has more characteristics and play in a more consistent way with the core players of the men’s basketball team, otherwise they may miss the opportunity to enter the men’s basketball 12-man list.

Make way for Chen Guohao! Guangdong’s new ace officially left the team and traded Du Runwang’s "1 for 2" for Beijing Control?

This season’s CBA league is still in the off-season, and the Guangdong men’s basketball team has been trying to supplement its lineup since its unexpected exit last season. However, after having an affair with Shen Zijie, Hu Jinqiu, Tao Hanlin, qi zhou and even Zhang Zhenlin, the main players in CBA, the Guangdong team still got nothing. Recently, the news that the Guangdong team wants to trade for Chen Guohao has also begun to lose popularity. Because the asking price of the Beijing control team for Chen Guohao is too high, it seems that it is impossible for the Guangdong team to send out the existing main players such as black and white and Du Runwang. Fortunately, Chen Guohao’s value has declined after the men’s basketball game of the Universiade. Now is the best time for Guangdong team to restart the transaction with Beijing Control Team again.

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For Guangdong team, the only player who can give up the main level of China men’s basketball team may be Du Runwang. It depends on whether the Beijing control team can come up with the corresponding chips, because it is obviously not equivalent for Chen Guohao to change one person. Recently, although Chen Guohao scored good data in the men’s basketball competition of the Universiade, the continuous defeat of China team also made the strength of Chen Guohao, Zou Yang, Wang Lanying, Zhang Ning, Wiliam and others questioned. If the Guangdong team has to trade with players at the national team level, then only Du Runwang can achieve a win-win situation. Because the lineups of Zou Yuchen, Changdong Yu, Sun Tonglin, Wang Shaojie and others in Beijing Control Team are crowded, the team lacks players who can open up space. Du Runwang was the best striker in the league for three-pointers last season, and he was also the player who could make up for the disadvantage of Beijing Control Team to the greatest extent.

According to the fans, Zeng Maozhou, the new defender of Guangdong team, may have left Hongyuan. This news further strengthens the possibility that Guangdong team may exchange Du Runwang for Chen Guohao, because Guangdong team may also get a new potential defender Liao Sanning in the transaction. For an insider like Chen Guohao, it is almost impossible to change Du Runwang. However, Chen Guohao has always been Guangdong’s favorite inside reinforcement candidate. In the University Games, Chen Guohao’s performance is not bad, but compared with the players from traditional youth training in CBA league, their talent is still poor. At this time, if the Beijing control team and the potential defender Liao Sanning are added, the Guangdong team is likely to consider trading Du Runwang to the Beijing control team.



9 am! The reason for the suspension of qi zhou’s transfer was announced, Yao Ming straightened his attitude, and sui ran’s abacus failed

Qi zhou’s transfer was stopped, and the real reason was revealed. chinese basketball association’s attitude was correct, and sui ran’s lion opened his mouth, and the abacus failed. Qi zhou, the core player of our men’s basketball team, has been hit by a wall in his personal transfer in the near future. The real reason is revealed. It can be said that this time with the release of the overall situation, it also proves that chinese basketball association has made a clear attitude, which has also made the whole incident in qi zhou clear. At the same time, sui ran’s wishful thinking has been completely frustrated. If qi zhou does not make any compromises and concessions in the future, it may be very difficult.

First of all, we all know that after the men’s basketball team in qi zhou and Xinjiang broke up, he didn’t play in CBA for several seasons, but at present, qi zhou didn’t play in Australia, so his future is still uncertain in the new season. chinese basketball association is also trying to promote qi zhou to have a ball to play, so in this offseason, the whole Basketball Association has also communicated with Xinjiang team many times, and the Basketball Association also hopes to solve qi zhou’s problem. However, after each team offered an olive branch to qi zhou, the two sides did not finalize the final personnel, nor did they finalize the relevant signings when each team was able to negotiate with the Xinjiang team.

Therefore, in the near future, we have also seen that the transfer situation of qi zhou is not very optimistic. Moreover, the two teams that want to sign for qi zhou are both CBA giants. For example, the Shanghai Men’s Basketball Team is indeed very experienced, and Beijing Shougang is also an old-fashioned powerhouse. It can be said that they are all very interested in qi zhou, and they also hope to implement real actors to make the team take a step forward in the new season. Why has the transfer of qi zhou been delayed? Is there any other reason for this?

In fact, the recent news from the relevant media has revealed the real answer to everyone, and also let us see the transfer of qi zhou. Perhaps the reason is not the Xinjiang Men’s Basketball Team or the signing of his club, but the economic, team and company level of sui ran and qi zhou. This time, we saw that the details about the Shanghai men’s basketball team’s previous signing of qi zhou were also exposed. The Shanghai men’s basketball team was asked by the Xinjiang team to send Yuan Tangwen to replace qi zhou, and at the same time, it was able to pay the Xinjiang team a transfer fee of 35 million yuan. Such a situation could have been formed. After all, the Shanghai men’s basketball team belongs to the salary team of the giants.

The biggest reason is that after the Shanghai Men’s Basketball Team paid the Xinjiang team 35 million yuan, it also paid qi zhou 35 million yuan. Such a situation runs counter to the relevant regulations of the Basketball Association, so the overall situation was not recognized by the Basketball Association and did not take shape. Since then, Beijing Shougang has also encountered the same problem in signing qi zhou. If Beijing Shougang wants to sign qi zhou, I have to pay qi zhou 40 million yuan for such a fee, so the overall situation is still not recognized by the Basketball Association, and it is finally ruined. After such a situation is exposed, it actually proves that qi zhou’s transfer problem does not lie in the Xinjiang Men’s Basketball Team, nor does it lie in signing his team.

It lies in an economic team like qi zhou himself and sui ran. It can be said that there are indeed some big openings in sui ran’s economic team. Under the circumstances that the overall salary of CBA has dropped and the Basketball Association has made clear provisions, sui ran also made such a request, which is indeed unreasonable, which has become a real reason for qi zhou’s continuous transfer. If CBA can’t become the foothold of qi zhou this season, whether he can keep his personal good condition in the future and whether he can land in CBA again is really a big question. In this case, there is really no winner, and it is also an outcome that everyone doesn’t want to see for China men’s basketball fans. Therefore, we also hope that under this circumstance, the sui ran team can better consider qi zhou’s future and let qi zhou return to the competition stage as soon as possible, so that the fans can see his performance.

One person, one city! Brother Alphabet is guaranteed again. Brother Alphabet won’t leave. He may die a stag.

In 23 playoff games, averaging 0.6 points and 0.6 rebounds, our hero Sa Narcisse-Adetokunbo has signed another contract with Bucks a few days ago, which is a fully guaranteed contract with a basic salary of one year, which means that Brother Alphabet is about to start his fifth season in NBA career.

As the second round show in 14 years, Brother Letter didn’t land in the NBA until 19 years, and it was the Bucks team where his brother was located that brought him to the highest stage of basketball. Since then, Brother Letter has never been separated from Brother Letter. So far in his career, Brother Alphabet has only played 8.4 minutes per game in the regular season, almost all of which is garbage time, before going up to play. Looking at the playoffs, it averaged 3 minutes in 23 games. There is no doubt that it has made no contribution to the Bucks’ championship journey, at least on the court.

It’s no wonder that the letter brother likes to mention the nickname of the related family, and the former Buck reporter GeryWoelfel.

China Men’s Basketball World Cup has three joys, Li Kaier applauds and cheers, and Qiao Shuai vows to avenge 2019.

China Men’s Basketball World Cup three-time winner Li Kaier applauded, and Qiao Shuai will help Yao Ming to avenge 2019. Before the official start of the World Cup in China, at two o’clock in the morning, our domestic fans gained three victories about the China men’s basketball team. It can be said that this time, with the arrival of the good news of the overall men’s basketball team, everyone has higher expectations and more hopes for this World Cup, and we also believe that Djordevich will be able to help the China men’s basketball team and help Yao Ming to complete the reversal in this year’s World Cup and avenge 2019.

First of all, as we all know, China Men’s Basketball Team has been doing related training and warm-up abroad recently. The team’s high-quality preparation is also to play the best performance in this year’s World Cup, because on August 22nd this year, the China men’s basketball team will step on the stage of the World Cup, and this time the men’s basketball team is also shouldering a great mission. Combined with the poor performance of the China men’s basketball team in the 2019 World Cup, this World Cup men’s basketball team has also brought a high degree of concern. Can Yao Ming bring the China men’s basketball team back to a correct position within such a period when he was the president of the Basketball Association?

Therefore, it is urgent for the Basketball Association and the China Men’s Basketball Team to give an answer as soon as possible. Just at two o’clock in the morning today, we saw that the China men’s basketball team also received the surprise news of the World Cup. Many fans also saw that at present, the China men’s basketball team is playing an event related to the Trotino Cup in Italy. This time, the men’s basketball competition was also the first victory. When facing the Cape Verde men’s basketball team in the early morning, the China men’s basketball team finally defeated the Cape Verde men’s basketball team by 20 points and won the first victory of this competition.

Such a news is really inspiring. Maybe many fans didn’t know about China’s opponent Cape Verde Men’s Basketball Team before the game. This team sounds unknown, but it is also a top team in Africa in this World Cup. They are also African champion teams, and the center of the team is also the center of the Champions League, so this proves that the overall strength of Cape Verde Men’s Basketball Team is also relatively online, and we can see that their finishing ability is also relatively strong, but the China Men’s Basketball Team really played a more eye-catching and powerful role in this game, with 20 points of blood abuse.

It can be said that through this game, the China men’s basketball team has also gained three great news. First, we saw that the overall tactical ability of the China men’s basketball team has made a qualitative leap. In this game, the China men’s basketball team is no longer holding the ball for four people to wait and see, but there are more vacancies on the field, and players can play more tactical systems on the field and end the whole attack through more fluent transmission of the ball. In addition, on the defensive end, the overall rotation of the China men’s basketball team is also more orderly. With the improvement of the ability of Zhang Zhenlin and Cui Yongxi, the China men’s basketball team can change the defense indefinitely. Therefore, in this game, the men’s basketball team has gained a good embodiment in tactics first.

Secondly, the China men’s basketball team also let us see the personal growth of many players, and the players’ state is very good, such as Fang Shuo, Zhao Jiwei and qi zhou, who all played a very eye-catching role in this game. And Cui Yongxi is a blockbuster, and the game on the court fully reflects his offensive talent and strength, so this game also shows us the determination of China men’s basketball players to show their self-ability in the game. And finally, after this game, our China men’s basketball team gained a lot of self-confidence through the game, because we saw that the men’s basketball team said that the training was intensive, but it didn’t kill the stronger opponents through such a big victory in the training warm-up match, but in this Italian league, we saw that the China men’s basketball team played such an imposing manner, which also made the players full of more expectations for this World Cup.

At the same time, when we can see the performance of the China men’s basketball team, although our naturalized player Li Kaier did not appear in this game, he kept applauding his teammates off the court. I believe that seeing the growth of the men’s basketball team, Li Kaier can also lead the team with confidence and better integrate into the team system. As for Jorjevich, we China men’s basketball team can complete this warm-up before the World Cup, which also makes Jorjevich have a greater grasp of this World Cup to avenge 2019. We also congratulate Yao Ming and look forward to Qiao Shuai, which will bring more surprises.