Counterattack! "Me and My Hometown" is the first at the box office, and the main creative roadshow is much happier

1905 movie network news The national comedy has been officially released on the National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival. The cumulative box office for 4 days of the public screening exceeded 1.10 billion, and the attendance rate, average number of people per game, single-day box office and film placement all ranked first! The film is full of laughter and touching with tears, and has been praised by the audience. The audience rating of the cat’s eye and the double ticketing platform is as high as 9.3! On October 4th, the national roadshow of the film was joyous. Li Chen, the creator of the "Last Lesson" unit, came to Shanghai. Deng Chao, Yu Baimei, Wang Ziwen and Miao Fu, the creator of the "Road Home" unit, appeared in Xiamen to share behind-the-scenes stories with the audience and exchange viewing feelings.

Movie "me and my hometown" by the director Ning Hao, Xu Zheng, Chen Sicheng, Yan Fei & Peng Damo, Deng Chao & Yu Baimei respectively directed five stories, Zhang Yimou as the director system, Ning Hao as the director, the national hit!


The cumulative box office and single-day box office rank first

Popularity and word-of-mouth go hand in hand to raise the climax of movie viewing

As of the early morning of October 5th, the cumulative box office of the movie "My Hometown and Me" has broken through 1.10 billion, and the single-day box office 260 million on October 4th, with attendance, average attendance, single-day box office and film arrangement ranking first! At the same time, the film’s reputation continues to ferment, with both comedy joy and heart-piercing warmth. The hometown story has laughter and tears. You have me on and off the screen. The movie "My Hometown and Me" was rated by netizens as the most suitable National Day movie to watch with the whole family! The movie Cat’s Eye and Taotao Ticket Double Ticket Platform audience rating is as high as 9.3, and the popularity and word-of-mouth have made great progress all the way, leading the National Day file in an all-round way!

The movie "Me and My Hometown" is a must-see national comedy for the 2020 National Day. It was created by nine directors and nearly 100 actors to form a Chinese comedy dream team. Users commented that "I laughed 168 times throughout the movie viewing" and "laughed and cried". This warm comedy feast is the first choice to accompany the audience to enjoy the fun of watching the movie and celebrate the National Day holiday!


Shanghai roadshow 9-year-old audience choked up and shared to impress Li Chen

Deng Chao’s dialect was affirmed, and Wang Ziwen exposed the lipstick color number in the film

On October 4, the national roadshow of the movie "My Hometown and I" went to Shanghai and Xiamen to gather with more audiences in theaters. Li Chen, the creator of the "Last Lesson" unit, came to Shanghai to share the behind-the-scenes stories of the film shooting with the audience. Some viewers said that "every story is deeply touched. The actors are so good at acting that they are very tearful. Whether it is a moment of fear or a moment of laughter, it is very real. After watching it, I feel so lucky to see this movie." Li Chen also shared the feelings of participating in the movie with everyone. "It is an honor to be able to participate in this movie. This year’s National Day is very special. Everyone celebrates the Spring Festival. I feel very good to be able to have a movie released at this time. I also pay tribute to the medical workers!" There was also a 9-year-old girl who was deeply moved by the plot of Teacher Fan taking paint in the rain in the movie. She shared her viewing experience emotionally and couldn’t help but choke up tears, "Although I haven’t experienced that much, I’m really touched!" The children’s sincere speech deeply touched the audience. Li Chen said to the children, "We filmmakers must make more good movies for you to see!"

Deng Chao, Yu Baimei, Wang Ziwen, and Miao Fu, the creators of the "Road Back Home" unit, came to Xiamen to interact with the audience. Deng Chao shared the secret of learning dialects. "Dialects can represent the character of a local person. You must not only learn the language, but also learn the strength, bluntness and enthusiasm of northern Shaanxi." Deng Chao’s speech was affirmed by the girl from Shaanxi on the scene. "I can see that Brother Chao is working hard to learn, and you can pass the test! No problem! Very good!" A viewer who returned to his hometown on National Day said he was very moved after watching the movie. "A person who is wandering outside often thinks of his parents, grandparents, and the changes in his hometown are in his eyes. I am very moved to witness that his hometown is getting better and better." The lead actor Wang Ziwen also shared the behind-the-scenes story of the shooting. High heels were once caught in the desert, and the lipstick color number in the film was made public for the first time to satisfy the audience’s curiosity. Director Yu Baimei smiled and said, "I have made up lessons for straight men." The scene sounded one after another of laughter! The movie "My Hometown and I" is being screened nationwide, and I am proud of my hometown. It is the common feeling of the audience after watching the movie. Take the whole family to see my hometown and walk into the theater to enjoy the laughter and touch brought by the story of my hometown!