It doesn’t matter if it explodes or not, as soon as "The Wind Blows Half Summer" goes LIVE, Zhao Liying can transform successfully

Directed by Fu Dongyu and Mao, who have won the first prize of the Flying Sky Award twice, written by Zhang Ting and Fu Dongyu, and starring Zhao Liying, Ou Hao and Li Guangjie, the group portrait drama "The Wind Blows in Half Summer" has been broadcast on Zhejiang Satellite TV and Jiangsu Satellite TV since November 27.

Adapted from Anai’s novel "Unable to Die", the drama tells the story of the self-made Xu Banxia in the 1990s, who, with his unique vision and daring personality, overcame obstacles with his brothers Xiaocai and Chen Cosmos, and broke through the world in the steel industry where the strong gathered.

Anai is now a familiar IP adaptor to ordinary audiences, and his works such as "Great Rivers" have already gained a good reputation.

In the cast, the drama features powerful actors such as Liu Wei, Ke Lan, Feng Jiayi, Wang Jinsong, and Li Guangjie. The plot focuses on the grand background of the 1990s and depicts the fetters between the changes of the times and the fate of the characters. After the reform and opening up of New China, the changing situation of the steel industry revolves around the transformation of the steel industry, which involves the connection, bankruptcy, reorganization, and rise of state-owned enterprises and private enterprises.

Looking at it this way, with the post-1985 super-first-line flower Zhao Liying in charge, supplemented by a group of old drama bones, and a good IP theme, it is pointing to the rush of the explosive drama. In addition, the entire content of the story is all focused on a woman, Xu Banxia, who is the character played by Zhao Liying, so this is an inspirational drama without suspense.

Then, according to its configuration, if this movie exploded, Zhao Liying, as the heroine, would be able to successfully advance to Tsing Yi. But in fact, whether Zhao Liying can advance or not has little to do with the final effect of this show, because Zhao Liying can already say goodbye to Xiaohua’s identity.

Why is it so certain that as long as this drama is broadcast, it means that Zhao Liying can shed the label of Xiaohua?

The first and most crucial point was Zhao Liying’s attitude.

Judging from the publicity in the early stage of the show’s trailer and the feeling of the first day of broadcasting, Zhao Liying played a completely non-Xiaohua female character. From the initial trailer, it can be seen that this character is somewhat similar to the happiness in "Happiness to Wanjia", with a unique toughness, never admitting defeat, saying yes to the truth, swinging her arms and hitting her face, and hitting garbage men, which is very cool for female audiences.

Even if everyone still felt that Zhao Liying’s acting skills were not good enough, the characters she chose had a big breakthrough. The little Huadan characters she played before were often superficial and did not require too many facial changes and inner struggles, but the role of Tsing Yi meant more challenges, more diverse emotions, and more complex encounters.

Zhao Liying said that she wanted to make a transformation, so she had been firmly following this path. She had tried both realistic themes and suspense dramas. She had been criticized by everyone for her weak speaking skills since she started acting, and she could also see her continuous progress in new dramas again and again.

In addition, Zhao Liying’s attitude has to be compared horizontally with several of his competitors. Yang Mi, who has been compared with Zhao Liying for a long time, has successively fallen into two setbacks: "Thank You Doctor" and "The Eighth Law of Love". My sister instantly became an aunt, and the most common problems that netizens complained about were greasy and exhaustion. To put it bluntly, her acting skills did not improve and she did not grasp the role well.

There is also Liu Yifei, who has always disdained to compare with Ba Wuhua, but now she has also entered the circle of TV dramas, but when she was playing "Dream Hualu", she kept making small moves, as if she was shopping in a vegetable market, and she couldn’t even do basic short sentences. The remaining few people are basically unable to compare with Zhao Liying.

In addition, a key point that inadvertently helped Zhao Liying play the auxiliary route was the long tail effect of "Do you know if you should be green, fat, red and thin".

When "Do You Know" first met the audience, everyone laughed at it as Waterloo at noon. Regardless of the whole plot, when you click on the first episode, there are a few lines that have made basic grammatical mistakes in primary school Chinese. It makes everyone feel that it is not enough to be so lax to become a good drama.

Looking back, Zhao Liying was ridiculed by everyone in this drama as the acting basin in the whole drama, and she didn’t catch the emotions that many old actors threw at her. To be honest, Zhao Liying is indeed not the most outstanding in this drama, but she is the only heroine in this drama, so the long tail effect created by this drama must be counted on Zhao Liying’s head.

After nearly 1,500 days of broadcasting, the average broadcast volume still exceeded 2kw, ranking ninth in the comprehensive list of the year. An old drama that has been broadcast for many years is quite conspicuous among the new dramas. Everyone jokingly described this drama as Zhao Liying’s pension drama.

Therefore, for the broadcast effect of the new drama "Wind Blows Half Summer", if it can explode, it will naturally be even more powerful. If it cannot explode, everyone will not discount the definition that Zhao Liying can almost transform successfully at present.