Fashion activity picture: White deer shows her figure, Karen Mok is in a general state, and what is NiNi wearing?

Write at the beginning

Fashion week has long passed, and many netizens are still immersed in the famous scenes of various stars. I have to say that I really haven’t seen enough.

This time, a luxury brand held a dinner party, and another group of young flowers and niche students came to the platform.

For a while, fans "requested to play", and it seems that there are still quite a few overturned cars.

As usual, let’s take a look at the current state of traffic niche-


I haven’t seen Song Weilong for a long time.

In this activity, he chose a black shirt, black straight pants and white shoes, which was very simple and youthful.

As a 24-year-old student who is praised by netizens as one of the "Yan Ba" in internal entertainment, I can see that my brother seems to play games a lot.

Even the foundation can’t cover the thick dark circles, but I can’t see the tenderness at all with a little lipstick. I don’t know that I thought I was in my 30 s.

Take the vicissitudes of life route at an early age, where is the road after that?

Zhou Yiran, who is one year younger than Song Weilong, is actually not much better.

Are the resources too good in the past two years? I am too busy filming to take a rest. Why does my brother look a little empty?

The shape is full of sunshine and youth, but Zhou Yiran himself has been pulling a face at the camera, and I don’t know what is going on.

Dahua (Henry Lau) is in a good state.

After all, I am 34 years old, and I have obviously made strict control over my facial state and figure.

It’s just that the shape is really unsightly, and the Korean characteristics are too bright.

The big oil head looks like it hasn’t been washed for days, its lips are bloodless, and its chest muscles are slightly greasy. The stylist has to take the blame this time.

With such a contrast, the female stars as a whole are much better.

Tian Xiwei’s style has a strange feeling that I can’t say. Maybe we don’t understand fashion.

This green "hurdle vest" with glitter, pleated straight jeans, and red pointed high heels that can’t show your feet, what route are you taking?

However, Tian Xiwei’s facial state is a must.

The makeup is relatively light, and the simple bangs and black are long and straight, still lively and aura.

From the lens of passers-by, we can see that Tian Xiwei has really lost a lot of weight, and her arms are like thin rods.

Moreover, there is usually no female star shelf, and she will keep shaking her legs when facing the camera and sticking out her tongue. No wonder she can get such fans’ love.


Wang Churan is really a big beauty with a thick face.

This time, she found another way, and chose a "double-door" oversized suit jacket with a white low-cut suspender and shorts underneath. The simple atmosphere suits her very well.

It’s just that the lighting at the scene is so lame.

Although the on-site media gave her a face light, she still couldn’t hold the atmosphere of the scene. When it came to the camera, Wang Churan was particularly old.

The decree lines are clearly visible, and the dark circles are looming. Sure enough, we should pay attention to maintenance.

However, people’s clothes are online, and they are also natural and graceful in the face of the camera, and the sense of relaxation kills the audience.

Twenty pairs of Vicky Chen are here.

Sure enough, the young state is still good.

Although wearing a patterned reflective black "big plastic bag", the whole person is full of youthful breath, and he is in a good mood as long as he looks at it.

However, from the state of Wen Qi, we can also see that there are many volumes of female stars.

It is said that "thinness is the beauty" nowadays, mainly because people are only 20 years old and have already lost their ribs. It is good to be young, and it is strange that a slightly older female star has no sense of crisis.

On the other hand, Vicky Chen is in a good state, but this collocation is a bit too "village".

Such a graceful figure, if you cut a hole in a piece of plastic cloth and cover it all, can you throw this ugly shoe away?

It’s really not good to increase the overall height. I’m embarrassed to wear these shoes even when I’m shopping.

Of course, Vicky Chen is not the only one who wears these ugly shoes.

That’s right, white deer.

Other people’s flowers, as long as there is a fashion event, it must be full of boasting.

When I arrived at Bailu, the soil was out of the circle again.

Sometimes you really can’t blame netizens.

A sexy dress should match the princess’s haircut, and the platform shoes on her feet are like walking on stilts.

You wouldn’t choose this collocation even if you were shopping, would you?

It is precisely this way of dressing that makes netizens "gang up and attack". After all, clothes have already constituted everyone’s first impression.

However, it should be said that the white deer is still in good shape.

Thin, but fleshy, and the plump and round career line is unobstructed. It’s the first time that I found this elder sister so informative.

Moreover, when the white deer loved the princess and said goodbye to it, the sense of high class came up at once.

Maybe you can’t choose clothes and shoes, but earrings, including hairstyles and accessories, are also very important.

White deer’s facial features are actually very three-dimensional, and its figure is so predictable. I hope the team can have a long snack.

Karen Mok is here.

This elder sister’s long legs are still eye-catching and dressed in a low-key manner, but the makeup of this activity is really scary.

The eyes are blue (black), the dark circles and bags under the eyes are all displayed, and the skin condition is not very good.

Makeup artist, what’s wrong?

To say the MVP, it must be NiNi.

Who can believe that this elder sister is 35 years old when she sees a picture of her face?

The extremely smooth face is broad, although some dark circles can be seen, but it does not affect the sense of advanced facial features at all. The simple and clean makeup makes her more recognizable.

However, NiNi’s dress at this event is really confusing.

It’s too long and yellow-green coat that doesn’t fit at all, but only a pair of high heels can be seen.

Coupled with the lazy hairstyle, the whole person looks listless.

Let’s say that in the drawing style of the studio, this coat looks good when it is opened, and the retro atmosphere instantly bursts.

Write it at the end

In fact, from the above pictures of these stars, we can also see that there are some problems with the brand lighting.

But at the same time, it also proves that the lighting of the usual red carpet activities is too hard. As soon as the media filters are put on, everyone’s skin is unusually white.

Moreover, the state of male stars is generally a bit vicissitudes, but at an early age, they all feel preoccupied, and they don’t know whether they are used to being cool or really tired.

And female stars, everyone wants to show their best in front of the camera, but the more fashionable activities, the more they can reflect the importance of clothing.

If you really can’t choose clothes, can hairstyles and accessories do the role of modification? After all, not everyone has overturned.

I wonder who impressed you more?