Guo Fucheng’s "City Alert" does not require a stand-in, and the desperate stills are exposed for the first time

Guo Fucheng fought hand-to-hand with mutants

Driving through fast-moving traffic

Throw darts

        Chen Musheng’s new film, which will be released nationwide on August 6, gathers Guo Fucheng, Shu Qi, Zou Zhaolong, Wu Jing, Zhang Jingchu, Yuan Hua and other idol stars. For the first time, it is based on biochemical Chinese mutants, and the action special effects are super powerful. Especially the star Guo Fucheng, who does not need a double throughout the process, is a real Chinese real kung fu. This Asian dance king is "risking his life to mutate" for "The Whole City Alert" this time.

        Guo Fucheng plays a mutant hero in the film, who has super powers and fights life and death with the villain mutants, especially with Zou Zhaolong, a big devil, who fights hand-to-hand with flying cars and strikes acupoints with flying knives, and is omnipotent and omnipotent. It definitely has the style of Hollywood movie-style personal heroism of little people. Guo Fucheng has definitely performed in real-life performances, such as weiya, car crashes, and hundreds of explosive scenes. Although he was injured in the lottery, Guo Tianwang really went out of his way for the role. It is no wonder that director Chen Musheng also praised him: "He (Guo Fucheng) really worked hard and decided to fight by himself, because he is the king of dance, so we are not worried about his sense of movement and rhythm. The effect is better than ours. Such a person will definitely succeed!"

Next page More wonderful pictures

Chen He’s ex-wife responded to the divorce: He is my relative, don’t attack him

Old photos of Chen He and his wife’s love

The divorce statement issued by Chen He

Xu Jing sent Weibo to speak for Chen He

    1905 movie network news On the evening of January 22, Chen Hefa admitted that he had been divorced from his ex-wife for half a year, claiming in Weibo that "I was wrong", and denied the rumors of his affair, saying that the divorce was because the distance between the two parties was getting farther and farther, which immediately caused an uproar. At 0:20 am on the 23rd, Chen He’s ex-wife Xu Jingfa spoke for Chen He on Weibo, hoping that netizens would not attack Chen He and call him his own family. Weibo original: "Fourteen years can make you know more about a person? Understand that you have to persevere when you are wronged, understand that you have to let go when you endure heartache, and understand that you still can’t see him helpless when you are separated. He is just a fragile child, but he is my relative. Please don’t attack him."

    It is reported that Chen He knew Xu Jing when he was in junior high school, and they officially married in January 2013 after 13 years of long-distance love. Last year, Chen He and Xu Jing also joined the "Love on the Road" husband and wife reality show with a high profile. In the show, the two were very affectionate and were called "a true model couple" by the circle. Since Chen He participated in the recording of the show, his popularity has risen again, and his career love has been so smooth that netizens have praised him as a "winner in life". But recently, there have been rumors of divorce between the two, and even news that Chen He cheated. After three days of fermentation, Chen He finally issued a statement late at night, publicly admitting that he had divorced his wife Xu Jing half a year ago. In the statement, Mr. Chen acknowledged that he had withheld the news of the divorce, but that the two had broken up peacefully, "without anything else."

    After Chen He publicly admitted his divorce, it caused a shock again, and even paralyzed Weibo for a time. In just 20 minutes, Chen He’s divorce statement received 300,000 likes from netizens. Friends in "Love Apartment" also stood up for "Zeng Xiaoxian" Chen He, Sun Yizhou said "he was wrong, please let it go", Li Jinming: "Dear everyone, please give him more tolerance and understanding. Also give him the right to deal with his private life. It was the first time I heard Chen He’s choking voice on the phone. As a friend, I am also very heartbroken. At a critical moment, I asked everyone to extend their hands to pull him instead of pushing him. Thank you, thank you very much!" Deng Jiajia retweeted Chen He’s Weibo and commented: "The best is like water, and the virtuous are loaded. Please compare your hearts to your hearts." The comment has received more than 15,000 likes.


    Oolong is that a Weibo user named "Chen He" was mistaken for Chen He himself because his avatar was exactly the same as Chen He’s own Weibo. The user also left a message under Xu Jing’s Weibo: "Since you love, why separate!", which made many netizens mistakenly believe that Chen He was saving his ex-wife. At present, the reply has received more than 2,000 likes.

Nongfu Spring is a little hanging? It was reported that deforestation in the national park to extract water, and the official notice came

  CCTV News:Recently, a video claiming that Nongfu Spring was building water in Wuyishan National Park without approval and destroying vegetation circulated on the Internet. In response, the Wuyishan National Park Administration organized an investigation team from the National Park Law Enforcement Detachment, the Forest Public Security Bureau, the Ministry of Ecology and other departments to go to the scene to verify the situation. And issued a notice on the evening of January 12.  

  Whistleblower:Now large machinery is under construction in Wuyishan National Park, the large equipment of Nongfu Spring. Said that they did not pass through Wuyishan National Park, they have been saying this, and they have been saying this to everyone. Said that they did not deforestation in the national park. Now what? It is 19:28 on January 11, 2020, and they have been working here, and they are still working here at night. I feel it is my duty as a citizen to report such a situation.

  It was only after the fact that it was allocated to the park, and the deforestation situation has been investigated

  The construction site in the video is the water intake point of Nongfu Spring, but it is not within the scope of Wuyi Mountain National Park and is more than 50 meters away from the park boundary.

  The construction party built a construction access road of about 150 meters near the water intake point. The construction time was October 2019. At that time, the area where the access road is located was not included in the national park. It was not until December 25, 2019 that the "Wuyishan National Park Master Plan" approved by the Fujian Provincial People’s Government transferred the area of this access road to the national park. Other original roads have not been widened, refurbished or damaged along the way.

  Regarding the destruction of forest trees during the construction of the access road and whether it has been approved, the Wuyishan Forest Public Security Department has filed an investigation on November 18, 2019. It is still under investigation.

"Dragon Horse Spirit" exposes clips, Jackie Chan’s Guangzhou roadshow scene "remembers bitterness"

1905 movie network news The movie starring the screenwriter, director,,, and lead is being released, and the film’s box office has exceeded 33 million yuan. Some audiences said bluntly, "Jackie Chan, the most different in the past 60 years, has earned enough tears."

The film recently released a "reluctant to part" feature clip. In the clip, Lao Luo had to part with his beloved horse, Chi Rabbit, because of various obstacles. The picture of "one person and one horse" hugging and saying goodbye was heart-wrenching, and Jackie Chan’s tearful words "You must not forget me" were also particularly poignant.

The movie "Dragon Horse Spirit" revolves around the story of "one person, one horse". Jackie Chan plays the down-and-out Dragon Tiger martial artist Lao Luo, who braves the set with his beloved horse, Red Rabbit, laughing and crying along the way. As Jackie Chan’s most special partner, Red Rabbit not only has absolute action strength, but also has countless fans with its clever and cute personality. In addition, Red Rabbit’s emotional expression also caused the audience to cry, "I didn’t expect that I would cry because of a horse."

In the film, Lao Luo’s "rescue" at the birth of Red Rabbit, to the care and careful cultivation of Red Rabbit from childhood to adulthood, let the audience see the family bond between "one person and one horse" to protect each other. And Lao Luo’s hard work to protect Red Rabbit, and the bridge where he had to say goodbye to Red Rabbit in the end, made the audience cry. Some viewers said, "Every interaction between Lao Luo and Red Rabbit is so touching. Who can hold back crying when they see Red Rabbit chasing the car? Remember to bring more tissues."

In addition, the film’s creator, director Yang Zi, actor Jackie Chan, Liu Haocun, also appeared at the Guangzhou roadshow recently and had a post-screening exchange with the audience. Many Hong Kong film fans came to the scene that day, and they all expressed that they were moved by the part of the movie that paid tribute to Jackie Chan’s classic movie. "I was moved by the spirit of the dragon and tiger martial artist. I was really moved by the previous beat-the-scene. I like Hong Kong action movies very much, so I am very grateful to you for passing on this spirit." Director Yang Zi also shared his feelings with everyone. "I am very nervous and excited to finally be able to bring this film to everyone. If everyone likes this movie, all the hard work will be worth it."

The release day coincided with Jackie Chan’s birthday. Not only did iron fans organize fans all over the world to record "True Hero" and give it to him, but also the audience specially customized a huge cake with a dragon pattern, and there were also students who sent 1,000 blessings. The enthusiastic blessings from the audience made Jackie Chan very moved. "Today is the most happy birthday I have ever heard".

Surprisingly, the brothers of the Chengjia class "ambushed" in the audience that day, giving the eldest brother a happy "surprise". Yuan Biao, a junior brother who was also a member of Qixiaofu, sincerely thanked the senior brother on the spot, so that the eldest brother could not help but "remember the hardships" and shared with everyone the days when everyone suffered together when they debuted.

Jackie Chan entered the industry at the age of 8 and has starred in hundreds of works so far. He is a well-known national idol. At the roadshow, many audience members came to watch with their parents. One audience member said excitedly, "My father likes Jackie Chan very much. Influenced by my father, I grew up watching Jackie Chan movies since I was a child." Brother Jackie Chan warmly concluded that "when I was a child, my father took you to watch plays, and now you take your father to watch plays."

In addition to this, there are also fans who came with their mother to the cinema with tears. "My mother and I have watched your movies for two generations of youth, and I can vividly remember your past movie scenes when watching movies. You are already 69 years old and still insist on making movies, which makes me feel very admired."

Being able to win the love of so many fans is inseparable from Jackie Chan’s brave "jumping down" on the set again and again. The lines in the movie "It’s easy to jump down, but difficult to walk down" have pierced the hearts of many fans.

At the scene, the eldest brother also shared his understanding of this line. "I used to feel that I could do it, but one day I wanted to do it and suddenly found that I couldn’t, and at that moment I suddenly felt that I was old. At the same time as accepting this fact, I thought I would change everyone’s opinion of me. So I started filming, a person who is greedy for life and fear of death, to an old master, and now an old dragon and tiger martial artist, I have been changing. So I am very happy to be able to film this drama and show it to everyone with my performances and actions."

On that day, many brothers in the family class secretly came to the roadshow to create a birthday surprise for the eldest brother, and also sent a pennant "Big Brother Forever", saying that "only if there is a big brother can we become a family class". When the eldest brother saw the brothers, he couldn’t hide his joy and introduced his brothers to the audience one by one, and the atmosphere was very warm.

Yuan Biao, who debuted at Qixiaofu together with his eldest brother, sincerely thanked his eldest brother, "I was brought to debut by my senior brother, and later he became a martial arts instructor. I said I will fight hard with you, he said yes, I will follow him, without me as the boss, you will not know me."

Seeing the brothers who shared weal and woe, the eldest brother couldn’t help but "reminisce", "Yuan Biao and I hit the railing on the second floor and fell down. There were no protection measures, all of them were real glass. No one cared about us, only he helped me up, and after taking a shower at night, my body was full of pain, and the glass was forked in." Many Hong Kong film fans expressed "heartache".

In addition to the friends who came to the scene, there were also many friends who could not attend who sent birthday wishes in the form of a video. The eldest brother was moved and said, "I am really happy, and I am surprised every time. I often wonder how I can let so many people pay for me. Thank you for supporting me for so many years."

Growth enterprise market index fell by 1.37%, northbound funds sold by 4.4 billion yuan, and the precious metals sector rose against the trend.

K diagram 000001_0

K figure 399001_0

K figure 399006_0

  The three major indexes of A shares fell collectively,It fell by nearly 1.4%, and the net sales of northbound funds exceeded 4 billion. On the disk, the mining industry rose sharply, and Tongyuan Petroleum, Baken Energy, Bomaike, Zhongman Petroleum and Renzhi shares rose daily. The precious metals sector strengthened, Sichuan gold rose daily, and Zhongrun resources rose by more than 8%. Diet pills, oil, gas, jewelry, aerospace and other sectors are in the forefront of the increase list. Energy metals, semiconductors, Chiplet concepts, memory chips, PVDF concepts, batteries, fluorine chemicals and passive components performed poorly, leading the market down.

K graph BK1017_0

K graph BK0732_0

  As of the close of noon,Down 0.40% to 3075.80 points; The Shenzhen Component Index fell 0.99% to 9968.99 points; Growth enterprise market index fell 1.37% to 1969.24 points; The Science and Technology 50 Index fell 1.49% to 878.47 points. The total turnover of the two cities in half a day was 525.2 billion, and the net sales of northbound funds was 4.415 billion.

  The closing rate of 45 shares is 67.16%.

  In terms of daily limit stocks, as of noon closing, a total of 45 stocks had daily limit, and another 22 stocks once touched the daily limit, with a closing rate of 67.16%.

  In terms of individual stocks, the auto sector has multiple daily limit, Shenglong shares have 15 days and 8 boards, and Jintuo shares and Beiqi Blue Valley have daily limit; Oil and gas stocks rose collectively, with daily limit of Tongyuan Oil, Beken Energy, Bomaike and Zhongman Oil. Gold stocks fluctuated and strengthened, and Sichuan gold rose daily; The concept stocks of diet pills continue to be active, and Baihua Medicine and Shuanglu Pharmaceutical have daily limit; The concept stocks of computing power fluctuated and rebounded, and Sichuan Changhong, Tongfang, and Tefa Information had daily limit; Military stocks changed in intraday trading, Morning Air rose more than 10%, and Zhongtian Rocket had a daily limit. In terms of decline, chip stocks collectively adjusted to make a good limit.

  Northbound capital: net outflow of 4.415 billion yuan.

  As of midday, there was a net outflow of northbound funds, of whichThe net outflow was 1.994 billion yuan, and the net outflow of Shenzhen Stock Connect was 2.421 billion yuan, totaling 4.415 billion yuan.

  industryDirection: 370 million inflows of precious metals

  In terms of industry funds, as of noon closing, precious metals, mining industries, etc.Ranked high, with a net inflow of precious metals of 370 million yuan.

  In terms of net outflow, the net outflow of optical optoelectronics and semiconductors ranks high, of which the net outflow of optical optoelectronics is 3 billion yuan.

  Transaction amount of individual stocks TOP10

  In terms of the turnover of individual stocks, as of the close of noon, Cyrus ranked first in the two cities, with a turnover of 7.433 billion yuan; Shenzhen O-film Tech Co.,lt ranked second with a turnover of 6.678 billion yuan.

  Today’s news

  The adjustment and optimization of securities lending related systems is conducive to activating the market and boosting confidence.

  On October 14th, the CSRC adjusted and optimized the system of securities lending and strategic investors’ lending of allotment shares, and tightened the securities lending and strategic investors’ lending of allotment shares in stages on the premise of keeping the system relatively stable. On the same day, the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges issued "On Optimizing Securities Margin Trading andThe notice on relevant arrangements for securities lending transactions further refines the relevant rules, and the increase in the margin ratio for securities lending will be implemented as of October 30, and other provisions will be implemented as of October 16. Tian Lihui, dean of the Institute of Financial Development of Nankai University, told the Securities Daily that the optimization of the securities lending system has increased the cost of securities lending, constrained the insider’s securities lending behavior, and demonstrated that the regulatory authorities are advancing with the times on the premise of respecting the market. Strengthen the responsibility and actions of "countercyclical adjustment".

  The central bank continued to exceed 789 billion yuan, and the MLF interest rate remained stable.

  The central bank launched a 7-day reversal of 106 billion yuanOperation and 789 billion yuan one-year MLF operation, won the bid.Both are flat, 1.8% and 2.5% respectively. Today, there are 240 billion yuan of reverse repurchase and 50 billion yuan of treasury cash deposits due.

  40 billion! The securities industry today targeted "RRR cuts"!

  China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd. will formally implement the arrangement of reducing the minimum settlement reserve for stock business on October 16, 2023. After the implementation, the proportion of reserve payment will be reduced from the original 16% to the expected target of 13% on average, which is nearly 40 billion yuan compared with the funds released in September.

  Good news! ICBC, Agricultural Bank of China, Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Postal Savings Bank and Bank of Communications announced fee reduction and profit reduction.

  In order to further guide the banking industry to support the development of the real economy and enhance people’s financial consumption experience, on October 12th, under the guidance of the regulatory authorities, China Banking Association issued the Proposal on Adjusting the Price of Some Banking Services to Improve the Quality and Efficiency of Services. Specifically, the fee reduction and profit-making projects involve bill handling fee, cost, personal deposit account statement printing fee, cost of security authentication tool, credit card transaction reminder, overpayment transfer fee, annual fee replenishment mechanism, repayment time and tolerance service mechanism, etc. As of October 13th, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Agricultural Bank of China, Bank of Communications, etc. have announced that they will actively respond to the initiative of China Banking Association, increase the efforts to reduce fees and make profits, and continuously optimize customers’ financial experience, but the specific implementation details and implementation time need to be announced later.

  Pan Gongsheng, the governor of the central bank, recently voiced that monetary policy should continue to exert efforts and take advantage of the situation

  Pan Gongsheng said that in the next step, China will pay more attention to the balance between economic growth and sustainability and actively promote high-quality and sustainable development on the basis of maintaining a reasonable growth rate. In terms of monetary policy, Pan Gongsheng said that China’s prudent monetary policy is precise and powerful, and it has intensified countercyclical adjustment, effectively responding to domestic and international risk challenges and consolidating the economic recovery. In the next step, we should continue to exert ourselves and take advantage of the situation, give full play to the dual functions of monetary policy tools, focus on expanding domestic demand, boost confidence, accelerate the virtuous circle of the economy, and provide stronger support for the real economy.

  After the holiday, non-stop research on pharmaceutical stocks and diet pills has attracted special attention.

  The attention of institutions to the pharmaceutical sector is increasing. In terms of funds, more than one pharmaceutical stock has boarded in the past week.Many institutions continue to increase their positions. ConggeFrom the point of view, some strategy chiefs once again listed the pharmaceutical sector as one of the key sectors in the fourth quarter. In addition, in just one week after the National Day holiday, many pharmaceutical companies have accepted dozens of well-known companies..

  Public offering to play new music is tireless in order to enhance income.

  Since this year, participationPublic offeringThe number of products reached 4,848, and the total amount allocated reached 46.056 billion yuan, of which 74% of equity funds in the whole market participated.. The market continues to fluctuate, and innovation is considered to be one of the important ways for Public Offering of Fund to obtain low-risk absolute returns. The data shows that dozens of small-scale funds this yearFor itContributed at least 2 percentage points of income.

  The latest shareholding exposure of social security fund! Appeared in a number of A-share companies favor these stocks.

  With the disclosure of the third quarterly report of listed companies in 2023,The fund’s position trend also shows the tip of the iceberg. The latest three quarterly reports that have been disclosed at present show that social security funds have appeared in the top ten of a-share listed companies in the third quarter of this year.Among them, companies with relatively stable operation and performance are generally favored.

  Institutional point of view

  Guosheng Securities: It is expected that the demand for home furnishing in the peak season of "Golden September and Silver 10" will continue.

  Guosheng Securities Research Report pointed out that household consumption recovered during the 11th period, and the growth of Q4 leader is expected to accelerate. All home stores have started the "home rejuvenation consumption season" nationwide, and all regions have actively cooperated with the government to issue and undertake electronic coupons. We expect that the demand in the "Golden September and Silver 10" peak season will continue, and there is still room for improvement in the demand of first-and second-tier cities under the catalysis of policies, and the growth of home leading performance is expected to accelerate under the low Q4 base.

  Guotai Junan: The siphon effect in the beauty industry is further enhanced.

  Guotai Junan Research Report pointed out that the siphon effect of the beauty industry was significant in 2023, and it is expected that the growth rate of the Double Eleven will improve. Under the background of slow recovery of the consumption market, consumers tend to concentrate on buying when the big promotion discount is strong, so the siphon effect of the beauty market in 23 years has been further enhanced. Specifically, the growth rate of brands in Q1 and Q3 has dropped significantly in the off-season, but the head beauty companies in Q2 have made marginal improvements under the catalysis of 618. We expect that the beauty industry is expected to see an improvement in growth rate under the catalysis of the annual big promotion and double eleven.

  Dongguan Securities: The pharmaceutical sector is at a relatively low valuation in the past decade, and the sentiment of the sector continues to pick up.

  Dongguan Securities Research Report pointed out that the over-allocation rating of the pharmaceutical and biological industries should be maintained. The diet medicine industry chain has driven the plate sentiment to continue to pick up. In the sub-edition, GSK is the exclusive agent of Zhifei Bio.The heavy products of herpes zoster are good for stimulation, and the vaccine sector is among the top gainers this week. At present, the pharmaceutical sector is at a relatively low valuation in the past decade, and the sentiment of the sector continues to pick up. We can be moderately optimistic about the current position of the sector, and follow-up suggestions are to pay attention to structural opportunities such as diet pills industry chain, innovative drugs and medical services. The concerned sectors include medical equipment: Mindray Medical, UIH Medical and Australian-Chinese Endoscopy. Pharmaceutical business: Yifeng pharmacy, Dashenlin, Yinxintang. Medical beauty: Aimeike, Huadong Medicine, etc. Chinese medicine: China Resources Sanjiu, Tongrentang, Yiling Pharmaceutical; Innovative drugs: Hengrui Pharma, Huadong Medicine, etc.

  Zheshang Securities: It is expected that monetary policy will continue to be loose.

  Zheshang Securities Research Report pointed out that the total amount of credit was stable in September, but the resilience of the structure was relatively weak. We believe that China’s economy is still in a weak repair period, and credit data is still driven by "supply". Relevant policies are still needed to continue to pull "demand". As of September, we estimated that the excess savings balance of residents was 7.27 trillion yuan, an increase of about 93.7 billion yuan over the previous month, and continued to accumulate. In September, both the growth rates of M2 and M1 dropped, and the growth rate of M1 dropped to 2.1%, which means that the economic vitality still has room for repair. Generally speaking, we expect monetary policy to continue its loose tone, but the broad currency may converge and the focus will shift to broad credit. For large-scale assets, it is expected that China’s fundamental policies may be gradually strengthened, stocks attach importance to cyclical investment opportunities, and bonds remain volatile.

  Ping An Securities: Structural warming characteristics are heating up.

  Ping An Securities Research Report pointed out that A shares continued to consolidate last week, and the performance of electronics and automobile industries was relatively dominant, with obvious structural recovery characteristics. On the whole, although the short-term overseas risk disturbance still exists, the direction of marginal improvement of domestic economy and sustained efforts of policies has not changed, and the cost-effectiveness ratio of A-shares that have been adjusted to the relatively bottom area will gradually emerge in global risk assets. Structurally, it is suggested to continue to pay attention to the pro-cyclical dividend strategy, the pharmaceutical sector with a warmer market sentiment, the automobile sector with a rebound and transformation, and the TMT sector under the wave of technological trends.

  CITIC Securities: Continue to pay attention to Huawei’s industrial chain and the "Kunpeng+Shengteng" ecology.

  Citic Securities Research Report pointed out that overall, the global semiconductor boom has gradually bottomed out in Q2 this year. In September, the launch of Huawei+Apple’s new machine is expected to drive a new wave of rotating machines, and Q3 will start to consume electronics or enter the traditional peak season. The bottom of the memory chip cycle is clear, and DRAM/NAND welcomes the price increase; The performance of digital chips is divided, the downstream demand such as mobile phones and PCs is gradually recovering, and the demand related to AI is in an explosive growth stage; Analog chips are still waiting for the recovery of downstream demand, and the industry is under short-term pressure. Breakthroughs in core "stuck neck" links such as chips also boosted market confidence. In the short and medium term, it is suggested to continue to pay attention to Huawei’s industrial chain and the "Kunpeng+Shengteng" ecology. In the long run, the upstream high-end equipment, parts and materials will be the most direct beneficiaries of domestic alternative logic. Follow-up should continue to pay attention to Huawei’s shipments, chip yield, orders and further restrictions in the United States.

  GF Securities: Social integration was acceptable in September, and it is expected to continue to be repaired this year.

  GF Securities Research Report said that the current market pricing impact clues are more complicated and diversified; Objectively speaking, the social integration data in September is still relatively positive. Looking back, the total amount of social integration still has the kinetic energy to be further repaired during the year. First, the central bank’s meeting on August 18th explicitly demanded that "major financial institutions should take the initiative and increase the lending, and state-owned banks should continue to play a pillar role", which is obviously different from the "moderate total amount and steady pace" at the beginning of the year. Second, corporate bonds have a low negative feedback base in the bond market in the fourth quarter of last year; The third is the stock mortgage.After the adjustment, the early repayment behavior of residential departments may be reduced; Fourth, a new round of debt securitization may bring about some social integration increments. The social financing structure may also be optimized, and long-term loans in the enterprise sector may be affected by debt conversion, but the actual financing demand should not be too bad in the environment of profit recovery and centralized issuance of special bonds.

  China CITIC Construction Investment Co., Ltd.: Huawei’s cross-border orders continue to exceed expectations, and related industrial chains are expected to benefit.

  Citic Jiantou pointed out that the latest data of the Association showed that the wholesale sales volume of passenger cars in September was 2,451,700, +6.8% year-on-year and+9.6% quarter-on-quarter; Retail sales were 2,018,500 vehicles, up +5.0% year-on-year and+5.0% quarter-on-quarter; The wholesale of new energy passenger cars was 829,000, +23.0% year-on-year and +4.2% quarter-on-quarter, corresponding to the electrification penetration rate of 33.81%; On September 25-30, it retailed 128,600 vehicles, which was-5% year-on-year; Wholesale 153,500 vehicles, -6% year-on-year, and the wholesale end weakened slightly year-on-year. Recently, the new M7, Tucki G9, Zhiji LS6 and other models have been put on the market, and the price bands have dropped significantly. Among them, the new M7 car in the world of inquiry has a high degree of attention. On October 6th, the world of inquiry revealed that it had definitely exceeded 50,000 units, because its own products were strong and coincided with the high attention of Huawei’s mobile phone brand, and the M7 car in the world of inquiry spread in circles. The order of the intelligent driving version exceeded 60%, and the user’s cognition and acceptance of high-level intelligent driving was significantly improved. The automobile supply chain in Wenjie is improving its production capacity, and the parts with high value and high share are expected to benefit.

  CICC: Focus on three main investment lines in combination with the results of the third quarterly report.

  The research report of CICC believes that three main investment lines should be paid attention to in combination with the performance of the third quarterly report. As the profitability of listed companies is expected to improve marginally, compared with the first half of the year, it is suggested to increase the allocation weight in the fields of performance cashing and fundamental improvement. At present, high-growth areas are still relatively scarce, so it may be an important investment idea to grasp the fundamental inflection point and repair elasticity. In the stage of performance forecast and report disclosure of the third quarterly report, we should focus on: 1) the booming areas where the performance of the third quarterly report may exceed expectations or improve month on month. 2) The sub-sectors of scientific and technological growth that conform to new technologies and trends and have industrial catalysis, such as communications, semiconductors, consumer electronics, etc., which are expected to benefit from industrial autonomy and their own industrial prosperity improvement, and the pharmaceutical organisms that have been adjusted more in the early stage and have marginal mitigation expectations in industrial policies are also worthy of attention. 3) The improvement of demand, the improvement of supply pattern such as inventory and production capacity, and the areas with strong performance flexibility are worthy of attention, such as liquor, auto parts and upstream resource industries.

  Donghai securities: All-vanadium flow battery meets the development opportunity

  Donghai securities Research Report pointed out that the safety of energy storage power stations requires the development trend of superimposed long-term energy storage, and all-vanadium redox flow batteries meet the development opportunity. The high installed capacity of wind and solar energy has improved the demand of new power system for consumption, peak regulation and frequency modulation, superimposed with the implementation of relevant domestic storage policies, and the long-term trend of energy storage has become increasingly clear, and the long-term energy storage route such as all-vanadium redox flow battery has a good opportunity for development. At present, the life cycle cost of vanadium battery is better than that of lithium battery and sodium battery. Marginal cost decreases with the length of energy storage, and the cost advantage is prominent in the long-term energy storage market. In addition, the construction period of vanadium battery is short, the floor space is small, the site selection is not limited by natural resources, and it can flexibly adapt to all sides of the source grid load and has stronger adaptability to wind and solar installations. At present, the industrial chain of vanadium batteries has basically formed, and the market demand needs to be released urgently.

  Hua Fu Securities: The quarter-on-quarter improvement of some tracks in the chemical industry is worth looking forward to

  Hua Fu Securities Research Report pointed out that the third quarterly report was disclosed in October, and the quarter-on-quarter improvement of some tracks in the chemical industry is worth looking forward to. Looking to the future, it is necessary to actively grasp the profit release and high profit under the background of high prosperity of traditional energy (coal-crude oil)The high dividend effect brought by low valuation, while actively tracking the changes in the sub-track. It is suggested to pay attention to: 1) energy security: China’s special estimate, abundant cash flow & stable dividends; 2) Middle and lower reaches: refining and chemical industry, tires, chemical fiber, fluorine chemical industry, coal chemical industry, agrochemical products (leading compound fertilizer), membrane materials, real estate infrastructure materials (alkali, titanium dioxide, silicone rubber, paint, etc.), modified plastics, dyes, civil explosives and surfactants; (3) New materials: high-end polyolefins and catalysts, aerogels, high-end carbon black, OLED luminescent layer materials, semiconductor and lithium battery materials, aviation and special ship materials, sweeteners and bio-based materials.

  Orient securities: The medical demand is rigid, and the long-term trend of the industry is improving.

  Orient securities Research Report pointed out that in the long run, medical insurance fee control and normalized centralized purchasing will continue, and enterprises need to choose new varieties and fully grasp the clinical needs. Therefore, we are optimistic about enterprises with real innovation ability, and suggest focusing on the demand opportunities at the product end. In terms of medical devices, the conventional diagnosis and treatment continues to resume the marginal relaxation of the superposition policy, and the plate is expected to usher in Davis’ double click. It is recommended to pay attention to Mindray Medical, Sanyou Medical and Bairen Medical. In terms of innovative drugs, research and development continue to be promoted under strict review, and attention should be paid to cutting-edge clinical progress. It is suggested to pay attention to Hengrui Pharma, Jingxin Pharmaceutical and Kangchen Pharmaceutical. In terms of CXO, the industry prosperity is expected to improve marginally, which has the bottom investment value. It is suggested to pay attention to Sunshine Nuohe, Wuxi PharmaTech and Kanglong Chenghua.

  Open source securities: coal prices fluctuated at a high level, and stable performance and high dividends made the valuation cost-effective prominent.

  The open source securities research report pointed out that we maintain the logical recommendation of high winning rate and high margin of safety for the coal sector, and both offensive and defensive: from the perspective of high winning rate, high dividends have gradually been favored by capital market funds, and high dividends for coal enterprises have become a major trend; At present, the steady growth policy is introduced and exceeds expectations, and coal stocks will also become offensive varieties. As an upstream resource link, it will inevitably be boosted by downstream demand, reflecting the price increase. In terms of safety, we believe that the valuation of coal stocks has been at the bottom of history, PE valuation is 5-6 times of the performance in 2023, and the PB-ROE method is used to analyze that coal stocks have a high ROE, but Pb is greatly discounted, and the value of coal enterprises is underestimated. Beneficial targets with high flexibility, high dividends and growth: mountain coal international, Yankuang Energy and Shanxi Coking Coal; Beneficial targets of steady and high dividends: China Shenhua and Shaanxi Coal Industry.

  Guohai Securities: Adhere to AIGC Main Line+Cinema Line+Low Valuation Main Line.

  Guohai Securities Research Report pointed out that there was a temporary adjustment in September due to the poor box office performance caused by the empty window of supply and the expected landing of the interim report. The economic recovery is superimposed on the emotional recovery of watching movies, optimistic about the performance elasticity of the film and television sector; The normal distribution of the game sector and the new product cycle are expected to release profits. At the present stage, we are still optimistic about the application of AIGC in the media industry. Media companies have the advantages of users, scenarios and data. In the future, cooperation with large model manufacturers is expected to improve content production efficiency, enhance experience, accelerate industry innovation, and continue to pay attention to the application development of games, IP, marketing, e-commerce, education, film and television. At present, we adhere to the strategy of AIGC mainline+cinema line+low valuation leading stock selection. We believe that AIGC is expected to bring a new round of content productivity revolution.

  Shanxi securities: optimistic about the performance of gold and jewelry enterprises in the third quarterly report

  Shanxi Securities Research Report pointed out that from the report point of view, we continue to be optimistic about the performance of gold and jewelry enterprises in the third quarterly report, driven by the Qixi Festival in August and the franchisees actively stocking in September. From the perspective of follow-up demand, after a short-term rapid decline, gold prices have started to rebound, and both international gold prices and domestic gold prices have rebounded. Continue to be optimistic about the relative prosperity of the gold and jewelry industry in optional consumption. In the medium and long term, we are still optimistic that the progress of gold technology will continue to stimulate young consumers to satisfy their needs. It is suggested to pay active attention to Zhou Dasheng, Lao Fengxiang and Chao Hongji.

  Central china securities: Pay attention to the film and television, games and advertising sectors with rising prosperity.

  Central china securities Research Report pointed out that the overall performance of the media sector rebounded in the first half of the year, and the fundamentals showed an improvement trend. Although some sub-sectors once experienced short-term performance pressure, there is a greater possibility of improvement in the future. Q2′ s film, television, advertising and book sales have been well restored. At the same time, since the end of Q2, the market scale of film, television, advertising and games has improved, and the demand for cultural consumption and advertising has rebounded, which is expected to support the performance of Q3′ s media sector and continue into Q4. In the medium and long term, we will continue to pay attention to the new changes brought by AIGC technology to the industry, including the changes of content production mode, the innovation of commercial realization mode, the revaluation of industrial chain value and the changes of competition pattern. It is suggested to pay attention to the film and television, games, advertising and publishing sectors with strong defensive attributes, and pay attention to the performance of key companies in the third quarter recently disclosed.

  China Post Securities: The short-term A-share environment is intertwined and will continue to fluctuate and grind the bottom.

  China Post Securities pointed out that short-term A-shares will continue to fluctuate and grind to the bottom in the face of mixed environment. The industry configuration recommends the scientific and technological direction represented by electronics, automobiles and medical biology, and can pay attention to bank insurance in the short term. The fundamentals of the domestic economy are improving, but the trend of strong recovery has not yet been determined. We will continue to recommend the science and technology sectors with improved winning rate due to risk preference, mainly including automobiles and electronics related to Huawei’s smart driving concept, as well as medical organisms driven by the development trend of diet pills industry and key products going out to sea. Bank insurance will have a certain comparative advantage in short-term because of the public increase in Huijin’s secondary market and overseas risks. In the medium and long term, it is suggested to pay attention to three main lines. The first category is the target related to the decline in the potential growth rate of macro-economy and the decline in macro-economic capital expenditure, which mainly corresponds to high dividend assets. The second category is the science and technology sector with independent research and development as the main line, such as Huawei’s industrial chain and semiconductor equipment. The third category is the global distribution enterprises deeply involved in the global industrial division of labor, such as consumer electronics, automobiles, medicine and machinery.

Reading | Young People’s "Partner" Socialization

  * This article is the 11th issue of Pindu in 2023.

  I ran into an acquaintance, but I didn’t see him for more than a month and thought he had lost a lot of weight, so I asked him for advice on the secret of losing weight. He told me: "I found some partners to lose weight, ran together and ate fat-reducing meals. Everyone encouraged and supervised each other every day. I didn’t expect the effect to be quite obvious."

  Weight loss partner? Seeing my doubts, my acquaintances told me with a smile that compared with my friends, the utility of "partner" is more clear, and it can be accurately subdivided, such as "meal partner", "game partner" and "gym partner". That is, from the joint participation of something, it ends at the end of cooperation; Highly in tune with a certain field, but emotionally independent. Because we only concentrate on the matter itself, we are both relaxed. The acquaintance said happily: "This time, I lost weight successfully, and’ Zuozi’ contributed a lot. The purpose of getting together is to lose weight. If you lose weight successfully, the mission of’ taking the child’ will be completed, and it will be automatically dissolved. There is no trouble with the relationship. "

  I am a person who seems to have a "flattering personality". Every time I go out with my friends, I always habitually compromise. For example, if I want to stay in a hotel and my friend wants to experience a B&B, then go to the B&B, even though it makes me feel unsafe, I may not sleep well all night. I wanted to taste local specialties, but my friend couldn’t get used to it and asked for a change of fast food, so I stopped insisting and just ate at will. I plan ahead and want to visit more scenic spots, but my friend is tired and prefers to sleep in his room, so stay in his room and play with his mobile phone in another place.

  With the "partner", it is completely different. You are used to staying in a hotel, and I am used to staying in a hotel; You like to eat special food, and I like to try it. You are energetic and want to look around, and I also want to visit all the scenic spots … We are in tune with each other in terms of tourism. If it’s not in tune, then find another one who is in tune, and no one has to accommodate anyone. The original purpose of everyone is to find people with the same hobbies and have a good time. If you are happy, I will be happy.

Reading | Young People's "Partner" Socialization

  I have read Xu Zhimo’s poem: You and I meet in the dark sea/You have yours/I have mine/direction/You remember it/You’d better forget it/The light that shines on each other at this meeting … This poem is very suitable for describing the relationship between partners. After meeting each other, the vast majority of the results are forgotten, but some will remember, and thus further develop.

  Xiaoyuan is an example. When she announced her engagement in a circle of friends, many of her friends were surprised. Everyone knows that Xiaoyuan has always been in fear of marriage, and has declined many people’s kindness to introduce her boyfriend. Why did you suddenly change your mind? Xiaoyuan told everyone shyly that some time ago, she found a "book partner" to read together and exchange reading feelings. This "book partner", like Xiaoyuan, especially likes reading, and they have similar views and have the same view on many things. Because there is no burden of "making friends", Xiaoyuan gets along with each other easily and happily, and unexpectedly discovers the "interesting soul" of each other. It happened that the other party also felt this way, so they naturally developed from "partners" to male and female friends until they "made a positive result."

  In fact, "partner" socialization is a kind of "shallow socialization" above strangers and below friends. This kind of relationship can not only inspire each other, but also cause no extra burden to each other because of the sense of boundary, which is very suitable for busy young people with increasing pressure. If you want to get rid of a person’s loneliness quickly, it is still feasible to find a precise companion.

  Author: Qiao Kaikai

[Editor in charge:


Getting closer! Xiaomi Auto WeChat official account has been launched.

On October 9th, Xiaomi Auto WeChat WeChat official account was officially launched. It is understood that "Xiaomi Automobile" WeChat official account was migrated from "Xiaomi Racing" WeChat official account, and the certification subject was Xiaomi Automobile Technology Co., Ltd., and the certification was completed on September 21st.

It is understood that "Xiaomi Racing" is a racing racing game launched before Xiaomi’s mutual entertainment. Its owner is Beijing Kawara Tsutomu Network Technology Co., Ltd., a mobile internet enterprise invested by Lei Jun.. Xiaomi Racing started the public beta in 2019, and in October 2020, Xiaomi Racing released a notice of suspension, which indicated that it officially stopped operating because the agreement with the game developer was about to expire.

In fact, news about the progress of Xiaomi Automobile has been coming out in recent days. At the beginning of October, Xiaomi Automobile posted the recruitment of related automobile R&D positions on the Internet, including the positions of extended-range system design and development engineer, fuel system engineer and exhaust system engineer. In addition to personnel recruitment, many netizens released test photos of Xiaomi Automobile in Turpan, Xinjiang in August. At the same time, some people familiar with the matter revealed that the first-class and second-class battery suppliers of Xiaomi Automobile have finalized Zhongchuang Singapore Airlines and Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited as the battery suppliers at this stage. In addition, it was reported earlier that Xiaomi Company has been approved by relevant departments in China to start producing electric vehicles, and various signs may also mean that Xiaomi Automobile is coming soon.

As we all know, since Xiaomi Automobile announced the construction of cars, the production qualification of cars has always been a difficult problem that Xiaomi Automobile needs to face. Last year, there was news in the market that the brand of Xiaomi car was not approved, and it was included in the concept of disorderly expansion of capital. It may not be called Xiaomi car in the future, but it can only be OEM for others. At that time, in response to this news, Wang Hua, general manager of Xiaomi Public Relations Department, responded: The news was untrue. In addition, it was reported earlier that Xiaomi Automobile obtained the production qualification from Beijing Baowo, but with the cancellation of the production qualification of Beijing Baowo, this way was basically blocked. At present, it is still unknown how Xiaomi Automobile will obtain production qualification. However, Xiaomi Auto completed the domain name filing of "" website on August 2nd this year, and the website is likely to be followed by Xiaomi Auto official website website.

It has been two and a half years since Xiaomi Automobile announced the construction of a car in March 2021. During this period, in order to build a car across the border, Xiaomi has invested a lot of money in building a car. Relevant data show that in the second quarter of 2023, the innovative business expenses of Xiaomi smart electric vehicle were 1.4 billion yuan. Lu Weibing, president of Xiaomi Group, later said that the actual investment of Xiaomi Automobile is even greater. Xiaomi is making the long-term layout of the automobile with the goal of entering the top five in the world in the future, doing full-stack self-research, and also building its own automobile factory, so the investment in cash flow is even higher than the disclosed figures.

It is worth noting that from the financial report released by Xiaomi in the second quarter of 2023, Xiaomi’s income in the second quarter is not ideal. Relevant data show that the total revenue of Xiaomi in the second quarter of 2023 was 67.35 billion yuan, which was higher than the market expectation of 65.13 billion yuan, but it was 4% lower than that of 70.17 billion yuan in the same period last year. Xiaomi’s smartphone revenue was 36.6 billion yuan, down 13.4% year-on-year. The official said that the decrease was due to the decrease in smartphone shipments, which was partially offset by the increase in the average selling price of smartphones. In the case of declining smartphone revenue, Xiaomi was also exposed this year that the number of employees in Indian companies has dropped from the highest of 1,500 to around 1,000, and more people will be laid off in the coming months. In response to the layoffs of Xiaomi India, the official response indicated that the decision of personnel adjustment was made according to market conditions and business forecasts.

At present, Xiaomi is still in the preparatory stage, and it needs to continue to invest a lot of money in building cars. Although Lei Jun, the founder of Xiaomi, once said: "Xiaomi is different from the previous entrepreneurship in the mobile phone industry. Xiaomi now has money and we can afford it." However, with the extension of the timeline, I am afraid that no amount of money can stand the toss. At present, we can only speed up the launch of Xiaomi Automobile, so that Xiaomi Automobile can usher in significant progress.

It’s a good time to buy a car in the new year! The 4th West Coast International Auto Show 2024 kicked off today!

On March 22nd, 2024, the 4th West Coast International Auto Show was grandly opened in Qingdao World Expo City (No.3399 Sansha Road, Huangdao District).

In this exhibition, two indoor exhibition halls S1 and S2 and some outdoor exhibition halls of Qingdao World Expo City were opened, and more than 60 automobile brands gathered on the west coast. More than 400 display models covered new energy, passenger cars, commercial vehicles, small-scale mobility, big seven seats, etc., and provided various power solutions such as fuel, pure electricity, plug-in, hybrid, range extension and power exchange.

Looking forward to U8, iCAR 03, Ford Fierce Horse, brand-new Krypton 001, Dongfeng Yipai 007, Geely Galaxy E8 and other popular models appearing in the opening year exhibition, the highest discount for participating models is 160,000. On March 22-24, the first official auto show of the opening year invites you to gather on the west coast!


SAIC Volkswagen, FAW Pentium, SAIC-GM-Wuling, Dongfeng Yipai, Changan Automobile, Changan Qiyuan, GAC Chuanqi, Chery Fengyun, Chery, FAW Hongqi, Dongfeng Honda, GAC Toyota, Geely Galaxy, Geely, BYD, FAW Toyota, Beijing Hyundai, Kia, Haobo, Chevrolet, Changan Ford, Roewe, Haval, Wei Pai, Tanks, Beijing Auto.


Lectra, Euler, Changan Mazda, smart, Wangwang, Zhiji, FAW-Volkswagen, Meide Commercial Vehicle, Lantu, BYD, Jietu, Deep Blue Automobile, Aouita, Krypton, FAW Audi, Zero Run, GAC Ai ‘an, Polar Fox, Nezha, BAIC, Guangqi Honda, Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz, Mercedes-Benz EQ Series, AMG.

The opening of the annual exhibition is hot.

At 8:50 am, there are still 10 minutes before the audience enters the stadium. The audience waiting for admission at the entrance has already queued up. Some people rush to see the new car, some people want to inquire about the price of the auto show, and some people want to go shopping and win a prize. "Recently, cars are cutting prices, just as there is an auto show at home, and I also grabbed free tickets and took my family to see it." Mr. Liu, who lives in Huangdao District, said.

BYD, Geely, Wuling, Chang ‘an Qiyuan and Beijing Hyundai … As the "vanguard" who took the lead in officially announcing the price reduction in 2024, all of them were present at this exhibition. More than that, the price reduction policy covers every booth on the spot.

160,000 comprehensive cash concessions for the imported public; Guangzhou Automobile Aian officially dropped 23,000 yuan; Zero to high cash discount of 32,000 yuan; Geely plummeted 30,000 yuan; The polar fox car plummeted 30,000 yuan; Geely Galaxy paid 1000 yuan 20,000 yuan; Haobo HT enjoys an energy package of up to 51,000 yuan in a limited time; Guangzhou Automobile Chuanqi replacement subsidy can be up to 20,000 yuan; Chery Fengyun handed in 2000 to 20000; Beijing Auto’s new BJ40 can reach 10,000 yuan by paying 3,000 yuan in advance, and some models can enjoy subsidies as high as 50,000 yuan; "The official auto show is the only standard to test the price of cars". Network ups and downs, March 22-24, it is better to take a look at the 2024 West Coast Auto Show.

New car debut, see enough at a time.

Looking forward to, looking forward to, looking forward to finally came. This exhibition is also the first appearance of the brand at Shandong Automobile Exhibition. Although it is a static display, the booth is still full of visitors.

Fashion Fang Gezi modeling, out of the street immediately became the focus of attention, iCAR 03 attracted countless young audiences to stop, and the price of hundreds of thousands, it is hard not to be moved!

Brand-new Ford comes on stage with the "hard-core" of Fierce Horse, Ranger and F150 Raptor, and you can feel the super power of American cross-country only with the naked eye.

SAIC-Volkswagen brought the brand-new Touran family, ID series and other full-scale models to the stage, and the luxury exhibition became the star of the audience, and there was a wonderful car model performance on Saturday, so don’t miss it.

It’s not that "Redmi" can’t wait, but that "Glory Edition" is more cost-effective. BYD took the glory version of Seagull, the glory version of Seal DMI, the glory version of Song PLUS, the glory version of Song EV, the glory version of destroyer 05, and the glory version of frigate 07 to "glory attack", and the fight is cost-effective!

Aouita 12, Chery Fengyun A8, Geely Yinhe E8, brand-new Krypton 001, FAW Audi Q4 e-tron, Dongfeng Yipai 007, Haobo HT, Guangzhou Automobile Aian Y PLUS Xingyao Edition, Guangzhou Automobile Chuanqi E8/GS3 Shadow Speed, Kia EV5, imported Volkswagen Touareg Volcanic Rock Limited Edition, Geely Xingyue L, Zero Run C10, Beijing Automobile Brand-new BJ40, Guangzhou Automobile Honda Brand-new Accord,

Full of experience, you can also win prizes when you are present.

The West Coast International Auto Show has been held for four consecutive times in the new area, and has won the support and love of departments at all levels and consumers.

In order to give back to the support of consumers, the organizing committee has specially set up two lottery activities. Successful on-site car purchase has the opportunity to participate in the lottery to win gifts such as car films and home appliances with valid qualifications, and the official WeChat official account ticket has the opportunity to participate in winning gold bars (worth 3,000 yuan).

Visit time: March 22-24, 9:00-17:00 Exhibition venue: China Railway Qingdao World Expo City (No.3399 Sansha Road, Huangdao District).


Hong Xibo: The Flag of Honor is Flying —— A detailed explanation of the British model troops in the parade and trekking team that won the Anti-Japanese War

On the afternoon of August 21st, the composition of the military parade was announced for the first time at the press conference of the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War. In addition to 2,400 military bands and choirs singing classic songs of the Anti-Japanese War, as well as the honor guard teams of the three armed forces, the other 10 trekking teams are composed of active British model troops formerly known as the Eighth Route Army, the New Fourth Army, the Northeast Anti-Japanese Union and the South China Guerrilla. They will display their own honor flags on the parade and the parade-the scene that the author has dreamed of for many years will be realized on September 3.

For an army, honor and tradition can unite the spirit and cultivate the style of work, which is an important source of combat effectiveness. According to the situation revealed in the rehearsal of the previous trekking team, each of the English model troops trekking team read this time is equipped with a flag team, with a total of 7 flag bearers. In addition to one main honor flag, six flags show other honor troops and their affiliation. The author collects the information of some honor flags that are known at present, reviews the glorious years of these British model troops in the vertical and horizontal battlefields, and shows their immortal style of blood and fire.

1. The "Five Strong Men of Langya Mountain" British Model Army Team

This is the first team to be read after the honor guards of the three armed forces of the People’s Liberation Army. Its honorary flags include the British model troops of the "Five Strong Men of Langya Mountain", the Great Wall Squadron, the Tancheng Combat Model Company, the 18 Warriors of Qingkou, the 10 Warriors of Mashishan, the Hui People’s Detachment, and the Shanxi-Chaji Military Region.

The British model troops of the "Five Heroes of Langyashan" are now affiliated to the 65th Army, formerly known as the First Division of the First Army of the Red Army. During the Anti-Japanese War, the Ministry successively participated in important battles such as Pingxingguan, Huangtuling and Hundred Regiments War, and participated in the establishment of the Jinchaji Anti-Japanese Base Area.

Paintings reflecting the battle scenes of the five strong men in Langya Mountain

Song Xueyi and Ge Zhenlin after their escape (right)

The "Five Strong Men of Langya Mountain" are the heroes of the Anti-Japanese War who are familiar to the people all over the country. In September, 1941, in order to cover the breakout of the organs, guerrillas and people in the first division of the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region, Ma Baoyu, Ge Zhenlin, Song Xueyi, Hu Delin and Hu Fucai were ordered to stop the Japanese army. Facing the approaching enemy, they would rather die than surrender. After the bullets were exhausted, they fought back with stones. Finally, facing the precipice, they destroyed their guns and jumped off a cliff dozens of feet deep. Ma Baoyu, Hu Delin and Hu Fucai were heroically martyred; Ge Zhenlin and Song Xueyi were caught by branches on the mountainside and survived.

Changcheng squadron

At present, it is the 2nd Company of a brigade of the 65th Army, and the 2nd Company of the 40th Regiment of the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region during the Anti-Japanese War. In April, 1944, in order to cover the transfer of participants in the meeting of cadres at or above the district level held in Heitugou, Longgang, Chongli and Xuanhua counties of Hebei Province, the Ministry used the favorable terrain of Monkey Mountain to repel 19 crazy attacks of more than 700 enemies in succession, wiped out hundreds of enemies and successfully completed the task of covering the breakthrough of county cadres. After the war, Erlian was awarded the honorary title of "Great Wall Squadron" by the Jinchaji Military Region.

Battle scene of Monkey Mountain

Great Wall Squadron Honorary Banner

Tancheng battle model company

At present, it is the 8th Company of a regiment of a division of the 38th Army, which was formerly a company of the 1st Corps of the Chinese Red Army of Workers and Peasants founded in Pingjiang Uprising during the Agrarian Revolutionary War, and participated in five counter-campaigns against encirclement and suppression and the Long March in the Central Soviet Area.

Tancheng battle model took a group photo after Lien Chan, and it can be seen that the soldiers were equipped with captured Japanese rifles and combat equipment.

The Japanese surrendered to the Eighth Route Army in Tancheng.

In the winter of 1942, the Japanese puppet troops occupying Linyi, Shandong and other places "nibbled" at the banks of the Shuhe River in our coastal area. The Eighth Route Army taught the 2nd Brigade to take advantage of the weakness of the Japanese Puppet Army, used "flanging tactics", and launched an attack on Tancheng on January 19th, 1943 with the cooperation of local armed forces and militia. Tancheng was then the base of the Japanese military station in southern Shandong, with high walls and deep trenches and numerous gun towers. It was a fortress-like town. In this campaign, the 8 th Company of the 6 th Regiment of the 2 nd Brigade served as the commando. The officers and men braved the enemy’s intensive firepower to attack bravely, taking the lead in breaking through the city wall and occupying the south gate, so that the follow-up troops could quickly break into the city. At dawn the next day, our siege troops blasted and stormed the remnants of the enemy who were holed up in the turret, forcing them to surrender. So far, a total of 103 enemy soldiers were killed and wounded, 7 Japanese aggressors were captured, and 419 puppet troops were captured. Our army only suffered 91 casualties, which was the first example of attacking the city behind enemy lines in Shandong.

Eighteen warriors in Qingkou

This is the honorary title of 18 people, including Zhao Benyuan, the 1st platoon leader, and the 1st company, 2nd class, 7th class, 6th regiment, 2nd brigade taught by the 15th Division of the Eighth Route Army. In March 1941, it was the most difficult period in War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression. In order to open up coastal anti-Japanese base areas and get through the links between Shandong and Central China base areas, the 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army and Shandong Column decided to organize the Qingkou Campaign. In this campaign, more than 1,600 enemy and puppet troops were wiped out, a large number of weapons and ammunition were seized, the enemy’s maritime blockade was broken, the coastal area was connected with Central China and Jiaodong by sea, the coastal anti-Japanese base area was expanded and consolidated, and most areas of Ganyu were liberated.

Paintings that show the battle scene of the 18 warriors in Qingkou

On March 26th, more than 600 Japanese puppet troops arrived from Xinpu in more than 20 vehicles, equipped with 2 light tanks and 4 guns, and arrived at Qingkou, where an enemy marine corps shelled 6 regiments in the East China Sea. The 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army, which entered the depth of Qingkou Town, taught the 2nd Brigade and 6th Regiment to retreat after achieving the campaign goal. A total of 18 people from 6 regiments, 1 company, 2 nd and 7 th classes, and 1 platoon leader Zhao Benyuan were responsible for the cover task. Except for the soldier Meng Zhaoge (who died in another battle), all the other 17 people died heroically. This is the famous "18 Warriors of Qingkou".

ten warriors in mashishan

It was originally Class 6, Company 7, 13th Regiment, 5th Brigade, Jiaodong Military Region. In the winter of 1942, when the Japanese aggressor troops carried out a sweeping campaign against Japanese aggression in Jiaodong, they created an appalling "Ma Shishan Massacre" here. At that time, the main forces and the main forces of the Jiaodong Military Region and the party and government organs had been evacuated, and the masses and a small number of troops were surrounded.

Mashishan Ten Warriors Oil Painting

The 7th Company of the 13th Regiment of the 5th Brigade of Jiaodong Military Region was led by the instructor to the East Navy Division to carry out the task, and the return journey just happened at the beginning of the Japanese "mopping up". In order to break through the enemy’s encirclement, the instructor decided to split up the classes. According to physical strength and weapons and equipment, 10 soldiers from the 7th company, 2nd platoon and 6th class could break through easily. However, in the face of the Japanese aggressors’ frenzied slaughter of the masses, they resolutely stayed, divided into three fighting groups, braved the enemy’s bullets and rain, and went back and forth for three times, covering nearly 1,000 people to rush out of the warfare and transfer safely. When they rushed into the encirclement for the fourth time and prepared to lead the masses to break through, it was already dawn and the Japanese army had pushed near. These 10 soldiers from the 7th company, 2nd platoon and 6th class successively beat off the enemy’s repeated attacks with the cooperation of aircraft artillery. In the end, only the squad leader and two soldiers were left, and the bullets were exhausted. When the enemy rushed up, the three men hugged each other tightly and rang the last Grenade, which stained Mashi Hill with blood. After the war, people couldn’t name these 10 soldiers, however, they won a common glorious name among the masses, that is, "Ten Warriors of Mashishan".

Huimin detachment

The Hui detachment is a well-known Hui armed force that developed under the leadership of the Communist Party of China in central Hebei during War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the National Liberation War. The detachment fought actively, bravely and tenaciously, and made many achievements, especially during its stay in War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, which dealt a heavy blow to the Japanese invaders. It was commended by the Eighth Route Army Jizhong Military Region as "an iron army that can’t be beaten, dragged down and attacked." Mao Zedong also spoke highly of it, and wrote an inscription calling it "the victorious Hui detachment".

The Hui detachment is in battle.

In August 1949, the Hebei Military Region was established, and the Huimin detachment was reorganized into the 2 nd Independent Guard Regiment of the Hebei Military Region, still stationed in Baoding, and the name of the Huimin detachment of the Jizhong Military Region was revoked. In 1950, when the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea began, he was incorporated into the 68th Army and went to the Korean battlefield.

Jinchaji Military Region

The Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region was an important armed force led by the Communist Party of China (CPC) during the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression period, which was founded in most of Hebei Province and the border areas of Shanxi and Chahar provinces. It is the highest leading organ of the Eighth Route Army in the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei border region.

Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region in January 1941

During the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression period, the anti-Japanese armed forces behind enemy lines led by the Communist Party of China (CPC) established the first anti-Japanese base area behind enemy lines-Jinchaji anti-Japanese base area in the vast areas east of Tongpu Road, west of Jinpu Road, north of Zhengtai Road and Shide Road, and south of Zhangjiakou and Chengde. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and Mao Zedong praised it as "a model anti-Japanese base area behind enemy lines and a model area of the United front".

2. "Ping-type Pass Battle Assault Company" British Model Troop Team

The honor flags of this British model team include the British model troops of the "Ping-type Pass Battle Assault Company", the third battalion of invincible victory, the assassination of the winning company, the 11 th company sweeping the border area, and the 115th division of the Eighth Route Army.

"Pingxingguan Battle Assault Company" is now Company 9 of a Red Army Corps of the 16th Army, formerly known as Group 5 of Red 2 Division and Group 12 of Red 4 Division. Later, it was reorganized into the 5th Company of the 2nd Battalion of the 685th Regiment of the 343rd Brigade of the 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army. In the Battle of Pingxingguan, Company 5 was the vanguard of the division at that time and was ordered to ambush at the forefront. The company took the lead in seizing the commanding heights and repelled the enemy’s attacks again and again. When the ammunition ran out, they mounted bayonets and fought hand-to-hand with the devils. Zeng Xiansheng, the company commander known as the "fierce soldier", rushed to the front, stabbed more than 10 devils in succession and was exhausted. He rang the last Grenade and died with the enemy. When the bayonet in a soldier’s hand was knocked off, he hugged the enemy and jumped off the cliff. Yang Junsheng, the instructor, was wounded in many places and fought bloody battles. In the end, there were only 30 people left in the whole company, and they still stuck to the highlands until the battle was won. Company 5 killed hundreds of enemies and burned more than 20 enemy cars in the battle. The company is the only company awarded the honorary title of "Ping Ping Guan War Assault Company" in the Ping Ping Guan War.

The Eighth Route Army troops fought in the Pingxingguan War.

The honorary banner of the assault company in Pingxingguan War.

Ever victorious 3 rd battalion

He is now the 3rd Battalion of a certain division of the 39th Army of shenyang military area command Army, and was originally the 3rd Battalion of the 22nd Regiment of the 8th Brigade of the 3rd Division of the New Fourth Army. On November 7, 1942, the headquarters of the Third Division of the New Fourth Army held a military parade in Sunhezhuang, southwest of Funing County, to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the October Revolution. Chen Yi, commander of the New Fourth Army, and Huang Kecheng, commander of the Third Division, came to the reviewing platform early, and various brigades and troops participating in the review and military competition lined up around the parade ground one after another. Originally, the military parade of the Third Division was planned to last for one week, but just two days later, the Japanese army learned the news and quickly mobilized more than 800 people, including a wing of the 17th Division and a puppet army, to gather in Bailugou, and rushed at the Third Division in an attempt to sabotage the parade and attack the leading organs of the Third Division.

PLZ-05 Self-propelled Artillery of the 39th Army in Changbai Mountain Exercise

Fierce fighting started at eight o’clock in the morning, and the 3rd Battalion of the 22nd Regiment of the Eighth Brigade, with the cooperation of the two companies of the Liandong Independent Regiment, relied on the existing positions and repelled the enemy’s crazy attacks again and again. The ferocious Japanese army mobilized artillery fire to bombard the position and cast poison gas. By 19 o’clock in the afternoon, the main force of the 22 nd regiment arrived and launched a counterattack, crushing the enemy in one fell swoop. After a day of fierce fighting, a total of more than 100 Japanese soldiers were killed, including the commander Zheng Benyan and the instructor Han Mingzeng of the 3rd Battalion of the 22nd Regiment. The 3rd Battalion was awarded the banner of "The 3rd Battalion Won in Every Battle" by the Division.

Assassinate the winning company

At present, it is the 1st Battalion and 2nd Company of a brigade of the 40th Group Military Aircraft Step. During the Anti-Japanese War, it was the 5th Company of the 1st Regiment of the Eighth Route Army Luzhong Military Region. The company was awarded the "Assassination of the Superior Company" by the Luzhong Military Region during the large-scale training-many pacesetters were assassinated, and many of them were able to stab the gun for 1000 times in a row. The title of this training achievement was quickly verified.

The Eighth Route Army is conducting assassination training.

In September 1944, in Nangezhuang, Yishui, 450 people from the 43 rd Brigade of the 53 rd Brigade of the Japanese Army and more than 500 puppet troops were ambushed by three regiments of the Luzhong Military Region. The Japanese puppet troops were overwhelmed and retreated in succession. The first regiment was ordered to block the enemy’s retreat. The first to rush to the road and start hand-to-hand combat with the Japanese army was the 1 ST regiment and 5 th company. Company 5 jumped at the enemy first from the roadside hillside, and the effect of training immediately appeared in the confrontation of real knives and guns. The devils who rushed in front fell down one after another, rushed over and fell down again. Class 6 Zeng Benyi stabbed four devils successively. After the battle, he found that the bayonets were bent.

The rest of the 1 ST regiment was equally fierce, and the 2 nd squad leader Cao Shifan stabbed five devils in a row. The Japanese squadron leader Okada Jian waved his command knife and attacked Hou Yujun, the deputy platoon leader of Company 3. Hou blocked with a gun, flew up, kicked him over and nailed him to the ground with a bayonet. Then he picked up the command knife and quickly cut down two devils.

Sweep the eleventh company in the border area

At present, he is the 3rd Battalion and 8th Company of a certain regiment of the 16th Army, and the 11th Company of the 10th Regiment of the 4th Brigade is taught by the 15th Division of the Eighth Route Army in War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression. His predecessor was a Pingjiang Uprising Force on July 22nd, 1928. In late January 1934, the Chinese Soviet held its second congress in Ruijin and awarded the company the title of "Model Red Five Company". In March 1934, the 3rd Army Corps of the First Army of the Red Army awarded the company the title of "Iron Red Five Company".

Tanks of the 16th Army

In 1939, the 11th Company marched into Shandong with the troops. At that time, the 115th Division smashed the enemy’s ninth road and laid siege to ten thousand people’s congresses, causing panic among the Japanese aggressors, and specially sent a main brigade to escort three wild guns to defend Yuncheng. Shao Zuo, the leader of the brigade, Tian Minjiang, is the nephew of the Japanese emperor and is extremely arrogant. On July 31, he set off triumphantly from Wenshang and passed Liangshan to Yuncheng to pay his respects. The head of the army decided to eat the enemy who was alone. It was just dark on August 1, and the arrogant Japanese army was lured to Dushan Villa. At that time, the 11th Company rushed to a hundred miles and attacked the enemy on time. Under the leadership of company commander Li Xinfa, the 11th Company quickly attacked the village from the south, burned enemy cars, annihilated enemy cavalry, captured dozens of war horses, captured 13 Japanese troops in one fell swoop, and killed Nagata Minjiang on the roadside. In this great victory, more than 400 Japanese troops and more than 300 puppet troops were annihilated, and 3 cannons, more than 400 carbines, 17 light and heavy machine guns, more than 50 war horses and a large number of other military materials were seized, creating a model battle example for the Eighth Route Army to annihilate a Japanese brigade with one battalion in the plain area. Awarded by the Eighth Route Army Headquarters and the Central Military Commission. Even Chiang Kai-shek called to congratulate and sent 30,000 silver dollars to express condolences. On August 1, 1942, the 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army taught the 4th Brigade to award the company the title of "Sweeping the 11th Company in the Border Region".

The 115th division of the Eight Route Army

The 115th Division was not only the first division in the Eighth Route Army, but also the first division in the Eighth Route Army to set out from northern Shaanxi, cross the Yellow River and engage in war with the Japanese army. It is a veritable First Division of the Eighth Route Army.

On August 22, 1937, the Military Commission of the National Government officially announced that the main force of the Red Army had been reorganized into the Eighth Route Army of the National Revolutionary Army (referred to as the Eighth Route Army), and on September 11, 1937, it was renamed the 18th Army. Zhu De is the commander-in-chief of the Eighth Route Army, and Peng Dehuai is the deputy commander-in-chief. A general headquarters is set up, which has three divisions, each of which has two brigades and each brigade has two regiments. Each division has a capacity of 15,000 people. Lin Biao is the division commander and Nie Rongzhen is the deputy division commander.

On August 25th, 1937, the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China (CPC) issued an order to reorganize the Red Army into the Eighth Route Army, and co-edited the 1st Corps, 15th Corps and the 74th Division of the Red Army into the 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army of the Chinese National Revolutionary Army. The first, second and fourth divisions of the Red First and Third Army Corps were reorganized into the 685th and 686th regiments of the 343rd Brigade, the 73rd, 75th and 78th divisions of the Red 15th Army Corps were reorganized into the 687th and 688th regiments, and the 74th division of the Red Army in northern Shaanxi was reorganized into artillery, engineers, cavalry, trench and special agents. The Red Army Organ was adapted from the 115th Division Organ.

3. "Hundred Regiments vs. White Blade Fighting company of heroes" British Model Army Team

The team’s honor flags include the Hundred Regiments’ White Blade Fighting company of heroes Yingmo Army, Invincible, Red Bayonet, Uniting with One Heart to Seize the Enemy, Ambush Regiment, Tiger Camp, Shandong Military Region, etc.

"Hundred Regiments Fighting company of heroes with White Blades" belongs to the 14th Army, and its predecessor was mainly the anti-Japanese armed forces such as "Shanxi Youth Anti-Japanese Death Squad". In the Hundred Regiments War, the 8th Company won the battle with the Japanese White Blade and was awarded the title of "White Blade Fighting company of heroes" by the Eighth Route Army Headquarters. In August 1940, the Hundred Regiments War started, and the 25th Regiment, a column of the 8th Company, took on the task of attacking Zhengtai Road and cutting off the enemy’s traffic lifeline. When our army stormed Mashou Station, the Japanese invaders entrenched in Daijia ‘nao tried to solve the danger of Mashou. On the night of August 21st, the squad leader boarded a wooden board with more than 50 people, taking advantage of the stormy night, secretly bypassing Longhua Mountain, with the intention of attacking the headquarters of the 25th regiment.

White Blade Fighting company of heroes Banner

The Japanese army was discovered by Zhang Shengwang, the cook of the 8th Company, and Li Maozhi, the chief of staff of the regiment, immediately directed the 8th Company to conduct an anti-sneak attack. At that time, Ren Shangyan, the company commander of the eighth company, immediately led a row and three rows to seize the northeast highland of the village and block it. Instructor Zhang Wanqing led the second platoon to the southeast of the village to fight against the enemy. Two rows of officers and men ran with bayonets, and just out of the village, they met a group of devils with bayonets, only 10 meters away. The two sides immediately fell into hand-to-hand combat, which lasted for more than half an hour. Less than 10 Japanese soldiers fled in panic. The squad leader boarded the wood and pretended to be dead. He was killed by the cook Zhang Xi when cleaning the battlefield. Liu Bocheng, the division commander of the 129 th Division, and Deng Xiaoping, the political commissar, awarded Ba Lian the banner of "bravery and tenacity". After the war, the Eighth Route Army Headquarters awarded Balian the title of "White Blade Fighting company of heroes".


In War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, at least two units of our army were awarded "invincible" pennants. The first company of a regiment of a division of the 14th Army was ranked in the team, and the first company of the 38th regiment of the 1st column of the Shanxi Youth Anti-Enemy Death Team in War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression was established on August 1, 1937. In 1940, he participated in the first phase of the Hundred Regiments War and attacked Shanghu Station. After the war, Taiyue Military Region awarded the company the title of "invincible".

The Eighth Route Army in the Hundred Regiments War

In addition, the Fourth Company of the 8642 Armed Police Force, also known as "Boshan Company" and "invincible Boshan Company", was established in October 1937. During the war years, he was awarded the title of "Boshan Fighting company of heroes" and was awarded the banner of "Invincible".

The inheritors of the invincible Boshan Company of the Armed Police Force.

See the bayonet red

In War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, at least three units of our army have won the title of "Seeing Red with Bayonets". Ranked in the team may be the following two troops: 1 company of a regiment of a brigade in Hainan Military Region (originally downsized from the same division in 2003), which was 1 company of the Special Service Corps of the 3rd Division of the New Fourth Army during the Anti-Japanese War, and was formerly an armed unit in the Dabie Mountain Uprising in November 1927. In the spring of 1945, in Huaiyin, the first company served as a sharp knife company. In March 1945, the 3rd Division of the New Fourth Army awarded the company the title of "Bayonet Seeing Red Company".

After bayonet fighting, a lot of Eighth Route Army soldiers were captured.

Or it is now Company 7 of a certain regiment of a division of the 13th Army, originally Company 7 of the 20th regiment of the 386th Brigade of the Eighth Route Army. In April 1945, he participated in the Maozhuang battle in the first phase of the Battle of Northern Henan and captured a squadron of puppet troops. In April 1945, the 386th Brigade of the Eighth Route Army awarded the company the title of "Seeing Red with Bayonets".

There is also a unit that won the "bayonet sees red", which was the 5 th Company of the 2 nd Battalion of a certain division of the 54 th Army in August 1998. War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression is the 5th Company of the 69th Regiment, 23rd Division, 8th Column of Northeast Democratic Allied Forces. On September 21, 1947, he took the lead in the war against Yangzhangzi 323 highland. The whole company was well organized, flexible in tactics and attacked the enemy defense at night, and captured the 323 highland in one fell swoop. In September 1947, the Eighth Column of the Northeast Democratic Allied Forces awarded the company the title of "Bayonet Seeing Red Company".

Take courage from the enemy with one heart and one mind

This eight-character title was awarded to a regiment of a division of the 12th Army, and the regiment also had a resounding name: "Hundred Generals Regiment" (other troops also called "Hundred Generals Regiment", and the regiment’s hundred generals will be awarded in 1955).

Today’s 12th Army

The regiment is a Red Army, with outstanding achievements: breaking through the Sichuan Pass, attacking the Qinglongguan at night, crossing the Jialing River, conquering the Jianmenguan Pass, blocking the Qianfo Mountain, and fighting bloody battles … There are countless famous battles. This regiment is the most complete regiment that retains the Red Army Company among all the Red Army Corps in our army. In the 81-year history of the regiment, there have been more than 100 senior generals of our army here. When awarded the title in 1955, there were 102 founding generals from the Red Army: General Wang Shusheng, General Hong Xuezhi, General Xu Shiyou, General You Taizhong, General Qin Jiwei …

Ambush regiment

At present, it is a regiment of a division of the 14th Army. During the Anti-Japanese War, it was the backbone regiment of the 2nd Division of the Hebei-Shandong-Henan Military Region. In August, 1942, he was born in ji shan Collection, Yuncheng County, Shandong Province. In late July 1943, the whole regiment ambushed a squadron of puppet troops in Gaozhuang, Yuncheng County, captured more than 50 enemies, wiped out more than 60 enemies, and seized all weapons and equipment. Only three people were killed or injured in the backbone regiment. After the war, the Hebei-Shandong-Henan Military Region awarded the regiment the title of "ambush regiment".

Ambush the Eighth Route Army in the position.


He is now the 2nd Battalion of a regiment of a division of the 13th Army, and the 2nd Battalion of the 2nd Regiment of the 6th Detachment of the Eighth Route Army Shandong Column during the Anti-Japanese War. His predecessor was established in November 1938. In February, 1940, he took part in the first battle against the stubborn army, winning streak in Lien Chan, and made important contributions to completely annihilating the stubborn army in Luxi. In February 1940, the Luxi Military Region awarded the battalion the title of "Tiger Camp".

Only by attacking stubborn troops can we eliminate interference and fight the Japanese aggressors better.

Shandong Military Region

Originally Shandong column. In August 1941, the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China (CPC) decided to put the Shandong Column under the command of the 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army. In January 1942, the CMC also instructed "to change the administrative organ of Shandong Column into the administrative organ of Shandong Military Region" and "the 115th Division unified command of the troops under the Shandong Military Region". In March, Shandong Column Command co-located with the 115th Division Command. On August 1st, Shandong Column officially changed to the name of Shandong Military Region. Most of the Shandong column organs constitute the Luzhong Military Region. The first brigade was changed to the 115th Division to teach the first brigade, the second brigade to the Binhai Independent Military Region, the third brigade to the Qinghe Military Region, the fourth brigade to the Luzhong First Military Region, the fifth brigade to the Shandong Military Region, and the fifth detachment to the Jiaodong Military Region. Li Yu, political commissar, Wang Jianan, deputy commander, and Jiang Hua, director of the political department. In March 1943, the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China (CPC) decided to establish a new Shandong Military Region. Commander and political commissar Luo Ronghuan, deputy political commissar Li Yu, chief of staff Chen Shiju, and director of political department Xiao Hua.

4. "Night Attack on the Battle Model Company of Yangmingbao" British Model Troop Team

The honorary flags of the team include the model company of fighting against Yangming Fort at night, the model party branch, the Huangyadong Warriors Company, the Huangyadong Defending Heroes Group, and the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army.

The model company for the night attack on Yangming Fort belongs to the 31st Army, and its predecessor was the 10th Company of 3rd Battalion, 769th Regiment, 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army. On October 19, 1937, the company participated in the night attack on Yangming Fort, damaging 24 enemy planes, and was awarded the honorary title of "Combat Model Company" by the 129 th Division.

In the first ten days of October, 1937, after Japanese troops invaded Daixian and Ying counties, they continued to invade Taiyuan. According to the unified deployment of the Eighth Route Army headquarters, the 769th Regiment was ordered to carry out the task of attacking the Japanese rear in the south in the east of Daixian and Lingxian counties. After the 769 regiment entered Sulongkou and Liujiazhuang areas on the south bank of Hutuo River, it was quickly discovered that there was a Japanese airport about 3 kilometers southwest of Yangming Fort in Daixian County, with 24 planes and 200 guards. On the evening of October 19th, Zhao Chongde, the battalion commander of 3rd Battalion, led the officers and men to cross the Hutuo River to the outside of Yangmingbao Airport, crept over the barbed wire from the east and west, and sneaked into the airport unnoticed.

Night attack on Yangming fort battle model company battle scene

When entering about 30 meters away from the plane, the 10th Company exchanged fire with the enemy sentry first. In an instant, all commandos launched attacks at the same time. After more than an hour of fierce fighting, the 3rd Battalion of the 769th Regiment killed more than 100 Japanese troops and damaged 24 enemy planes at the cost of more than 30 casualties. After receiving the good news, Liu Bocheng, the division commander of the 129 th Division, was extremely excited and full of praise: "The first battle was successful, well played, well played!" The night attack on Yangmingbao greatly reduced the threat from the air in the battle of Xinkou, dealt a heavy blow to the arrogance of Japanese imperialism, and inspired the enthusiasm and courage of the military and civilians throughout the country. After the war, the 10th Company of 3rd Battalion was awarded the honorary title of "Combat Model Company" by the 129th Division.

Model party branch

Many units of our army were awarded the honorary title of "Model Party Branch" during the Anti-Japanese War.

It includes 3 companies of a certain division of the 12th Army of Nanjing Military Region and 3 companies of the 769th regiment of the 385th Brigade of the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army during the original Anti-Japanese War. In 1940, the company went to Luoyang with Commander-in-Chief Zhu De to negotiate with Wei Lihuang and successfully completed the security task. The company was ordered to return to Taihang Mountain base on foot. After several months’ long journey, it overcame difficulties and obstacles and returned successfully. In November 1941, the Eighth Route Army Headquarters awarded the company the title of "Model Party Branch".

Company 9 of the 26th Army of jinan military area command Army was Company 9 of the 2nd Regiment of the 1st Brigade of Shandong Column during the Anti-Japanese War. In August 1941, Shandong Column awarded the company the title of "Model Party Branch".

The 8th Company of a certain regiment of the 38th Army in Beijing Military Region was the 3rd Company of the 1st Regiment of the Independent Brigade of the New Fourth Army during the Anti-Japanese War, and its predecessor was the Tongshan Guerrilla and Weishan Lake West Guerrilla, which were established in July 1939. In December 1942, the Independent Brigade of the New Fourth Army awarded the title of "Model Party Branch" to the Party branch of the company.

The new fourth army is in the sniper operation

Chengdu Military Region 14th Army 40th Division 119th Regiment, during the Anti-Japanese War, the Party branch of the 1st Battalion of this unit was rated as "Model Party Branch" by the Eighth Route Army Headquarters in 1942.

The author found that there are also "model party branch" troops with many attributes, such as "model party branch, model youth team, model company": currently, they are the 3rd company of the 1st battalion of a certain division of the 38th Army, and they taught the 3rd company of the 6th regiment of the 2nd Brigade for the 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army during the Anti-Japanese War. In December 1942, the 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army taught the 2nd Brigade to award the company the title of "Model Party Branch Model Youth Team Model Company".

There is also a "model party branch that can attack and defend". This unit is the first company of a certain regiment of a certain division of the former 64th Army, formerly known as the first company of the 4th Brigade of the 2nd Army Division of the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region, and was reorganized and formed by local armed forces in 1937. In 1938, it was awarded the title of "Combat Model Company" by the 2nd Division of Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region. In 1940, the attack on Huilongliang wiped out a Japanese team. After the war, the 2nd Army Division awarded the company the title of "Model Party Branch that can attack and defend".

Huangyadong Warriors Company

On November 9, 1941, the Eighth Route Army of China founded the earliest and largest arsenal in War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, and fought a successful defensive battle to defend it. The Eighth Route Army defended Huangyadong until the 20th.

The restored interior of Huangyadong Arsenal.

Huangyadong Martyrs Memorial Tower

The most tragic thing in the whole battle was that the central fortifications of our army were destroyed and 12 brave men died gloriously. On the sixth day of the battle, the enemy began to attack the central fortifications. Twelve soldiers, including Wang Zhenxi, the eighth squad leader, fought to the death with the enemy in the fortifications and repelled several enemy attacks. The enemy, who had been unable to attack for a long time, became angry from embarrassment and used a flame thrower. Twelve soldiers were burned to death in the central fortification. This is the "Twelve Warriors Defending Huangyadong".

Huangyadong Defending Heroes Corps

Now he is a regiment of a division of the 12th Army of Nanjing Military Region. In December 1935, the group was founded in Yanchang County, Shaanxi Province, and was a special agent group of the General Command of the Chinese Workers and Peasants Red Army. In August 1937, it was reorganized into the Special Service Corps of the Eighth Route Army General Command, also known as the "Zhu De Guard Corps".

Huangyadong arsenal former site

In November 1941, more than 5,000 people from the Japanese steel brigade invaded Huangyadong, where the Eighth Route Army headquarters water kiln arsenal was located. The regiment and its brothers relied on favorable terrain and strong fortifications to stop the attack and carried out the famous defense of Huangyadong. Ou Zhifu, the head of the regiment, and Guo Linyang, the political commissar, personally commanded the troops on the front line, fought bloody battles with the enemy for 8 days and nights, killing and wounding more than 1,700 people, and achieved brilliant results of eight to one casualties, which became a model battle example of the Taihang area of the Eighth Route Army since the anti-mopping up in 1940. In November 1941, the Eighth Route Army General Political Department awarded the title of "Huangyadong Defending Heroes".

The 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army

As one of the three main divisions of the Eighth Route Army led by the Communist Party of China (CPC), the 129th Division annihilated more than 420,000 Japanese puppet troops and liberated 109 county towns in eight years in War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression. With the cooperation of the First Division of the 115th Division, the Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan Border Region was established, which starts from the Jinpu Railway in the east, reaches the Tongpu Railway in the west, crosses the Longhai Railway in the south and reaches the Deshi and Zhengtai railways in the north, with an area of 180,000 square kilometers and a population of more than 24 million, making great contributions to the victory of War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression. The troops grew from 9,100 at the time of the Anti-Japanese War to nearly 300,000, which became the basis of the China People’s Liberation Army’s Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan Field Army during the War of Liberation.

The 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army was mobilizing before the war.

5. "Yanmenguan ambush company of heroes" British model troops team.

This department is the 7th Company of a mechanized infantry regiment of the 1st Army of Nanjing Military Region, formerly known as the Special Service Company of the 716th Regiment of the 120th Division of the Eighth Route Army. At the end of September 1937, the Chahar Corps of the Japanese Kwantung Army broke through the Great Wall defense line of the Kuomintang army, directly threatening Yanmenguan and Pingxingguan. In order to cooperate with the defense of the Kuomintang, the company followed the team to the Japanese side and carried out the task of breaking the Datong-Taiyuan highway and cutting off the supply line behind the enemy.

The 120th Division of the Eighth Route Army is holding a meeting.

On October 17th, He Bingyan, head of the 716th regiment, got the information that the Japanese army would withdraw the dead and wounded soldiers from Yuanping the next day. After investigation, the enemy troops were not stationed in Yanmenguan, only a small number of Japanese troops were stationed in Guangwu. The regiment then planned to ambush the highway around Heishigou, and at the same time sent a small number of troops to occupy Yanmenguan. At 9 o’clock in the morning on the 18th, the Japanese motorcade dragged rolling smoke from south to north like a snake, and the observation post reported that there were nearly 100 vehicles. The motorcade slowly turned the small stone bridge, climbed the steep slope and entered the ambush area. "fight!" With the commander’s command, all kinds of firepower were fired together, rifles and machine guns were intertwined into a dense network of warfare, and the black stone ditch suddenly filled with smoke. The first few cars were caught on fire, burning and exploding, and the Japanese soldiers on the cars jumped off one after another, causing heavy casualties.

In this battle, the 716th regiment destroyed more than 20 Japanese cars and killed more than 300 enemies. Li Zigui, the company commander of the special agent, was unfortunately shot by the enemy in the battle and died heroically. Tewulian fought bravely in the battle with outstanding achievements, and was awarded the honorary title of "Yanmenguan ambush company of heroes".

The 120th Division of the Eighth Route Army

During the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression period, the Communist Party of China (CPC) was one of the three main divisions of the Eighth Route Army. In August 1937, the Second Front Army of the Chinese Workers and Peasants Red Army, one directly under the Northwest Red Army and the Red Army Headquarters were reorganized into the 120th Division of the Eighth Route Army of the National Revolutionary Army.

In August 1937, the Second Front Army of the Chinese Workers and Peasants Red Army, one directly under the Northwest Red Army and the Red Army Headquarters were reorganized into the 120th Division of the Eighth Route Army of the National Revolutionary Army. He Long is the teacher, Xiao Ke is the deputy teacher, Zhou Shidi is the chief of staff, Guan Xiangying is the director of the Political Training Department, and Gan Siqi is the deputy director. It has jurisdiction over the 358th and 359th brigades, the training regiment and battalions of cavalry, engineers, artillery, trench and special agents. There are 14,000 people in the whole division. The 358th Brigade is made up of the Red 2 Corps and the 28th Army of the Northwest Red Army. The brigade commander Zhang Zongxun (originally Lu Dongsheng, but not in duty) and the deputy brigade commander Li Jingquan have jurisdiction over the 715th and 716th regiments. The 359th Brigade is organized by the Red 6 Army Corps and the Red 32nd Army Corps, with Brigadier Chen Bojun and Deputy Brigadier Wang Zhen, under the jurisdiction of the 717th and 718th regiments. On September 3rd, the 120th Division (Chen Bojun led the 718th Regiment and some directly affiliated battalions to stay in the Shensi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region, which was organized by the Eighth Route Army General Rear Office) went to Fuping County, Shaanxi Province, crossed the Yellow River eastward and went to Shanxi’s anti-Japanese front. In October, the political commissar system and the name of the Political Department were restored, with Guan Xiangying as the division political commissar, Li Jingquan as the political commissar of the 358th Brigade and Wang Zhen as the political commissar of the 359th Brigade.

He Long, Zhou Shidi and other generals are at the front line of Yanmenguan.

6. "Liu Lao Zhuang Lian" British model army team

The honorary flags of the team include Liu Laozhuang, Lian Yingmo Army, Guanjie Squadron, Liangshan Battle company of heroes, Tianjiahui company of heroes, and the 1st detachment of the New Fourth Army.

"Liu Lao Zhuang Lian" is now the 4th Company of the 2nd Battalion of a certain regiment of a certain division of the 54th Army, and the 4th Company of the 19th regiment of the 7th Brigade of the 3rd Division of the New Fourth Army during the Anti-Japanese War. Its predecessor was the 3rd Battalion of Guerrilla in Huaihai Region adapted by local armed forces in March 1939. In the spring of 1943, the Japanese invaders carried out a large-scale brutal "sweeping" against the Huaihai anti-Japanese base area in northern Jiangsu. On March 17th, more than 1,000 Japanese puppet troops divided into 11 groups to encircle the leading organs of the Party and government in Huaihai District on the north bank of Liutang River. Company 4 bravely stopped all enemies.

Oil painting: Liu Lao Zhuang Lian in battle

Liu Lao Zhuang Lian honorary banner

On that day, the Japanese puppet troops made their second encirclement, and the 4th Company and the Japanese puppet troops met in the areas of Laozhangji and Zhuduzhuang in Huaiyin North. After a fierce battle for half a day, it broke through again after dusk and moved to Liulaozhuang area in the northwest of Laozhangji. On the morning of 18th, the Japanese puppet troops made their third camp. Company 4 was ordered to organize defense and cover the transfer of the main force and the party and government organs in Huaihai District. Eighty-two people in the whole company fought bravely against the Japanese and puppet troops, making the main forces and party and government organs safely transferred, but the fourth company was trapped in the encirclement of the Japanese and puppet troops. The company’s correspondent wrote in the application for joining the party in FireWire: "When the party needs it most, I will dedicate my life to the party and the people, and I will never lose face to our party and the Chinese nation!" In the face of strong enemies, the officers and men of Company 4 fought bloody battles, repelled the Japanese and puppet troops five times in a row, and killed and wounded nearly 100 Japanese and puppet troops. In the end, because they were outnumbered, the whole company ran out of ammunition and food, and all of them died heroically. The 7th Brigade of the 3rd Division of the New Fourth Army awarded the company the title of "Liu Lao Zhuang Lian".

Guanjie squadron

Now it is the 4th Company of 2nd Battalion of a brigade of 20th Army. This is an army named after a soldier. He is a "model cadre". His name makes the enemy tremble, and he is a good hand in fighting stubborn troops or Japanese puppet troops.

Guan Jie martyr

Guan Jie, formerly known as Shi Yongxian. Born in March 1921 in Renye Village, Zhangzhen Town, Shangyu County, Zhejiang Province. In his early years, he studied in a village private school. After graduating from primary school, he was admitted to chunhui middle school, a famous school in the south of the Yangtze River, which was once known as "Nankai in the north and Chunhui in the south". After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, Guan Jie joined the New Fourth Army and successively served as a trainee staff officer and an education adjutant. He won five awards for his hard work and Excellence. In July 1943, he was named as a "model cadre" by the East Zhejiang Guerrilla Column Command of the New Fourth Army.

Guanjie martyr monument

Late July 1944 was a busy farming season. However, Wang Jingwei’s puppet Central Tax Police Corps was mobilizing troops at this time in an attempt to snatch the fruits of summer harvest in the fields. In the early morning of July 31, the Tax Police Corps instructed the First Corps to concentrate the forces of seven companies and attack the East Pier of Cixi in two ways. To the enemy’s surprise, Guanjie’s Seventh Squadron was already ready at this time. As soon as there was an exchange of fire, the squadron repelled the enemy’s attack.

But later, when attacking the enemy stronghold Wushentang, Guan Jie was hit by the enemy and gave his 23-year-old precious life. Guan Jie, a "model cadre", has left, but his spirit is everywhere, and he has been compiled into a hymn and widely sung by the East Zhejiang column and the people of East Zhejiang: "Comrade Guan Jie is really brave, taking the lead. Accomplishing the task is not afraid of death, leaving a reputation forever … "On August 13, 1944, the East Zhejiang Guerrilla Column awarded the squadron the title of" Guanjie Squadron ". During the War of Liberation, the "Guanjie Squadron" was reorganized into the "Guanjie Company" of the 104th Division of the 20th Army of the People’s Liberation Army, and the headquarters also set up the "Guanjie Squadron" exhibition hall to promote the "Guanjie spirit".

Liangshan fights company of heroes.

He is now Company 1 of a regiment of the 26th Army, Company 10 of the 3rd Battalion of the 685th Regiment of the 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army during the Anti-Japanese War. His predecessor was established in May 1928, when he was Company 10 of the 31st Regiment of the 11th Division of the 4th Army of the Red Army. In October 1935, he was awarded the title of "Young Pioneer Company" by the First Front Army of the Red Army. In August 1939, with the cooperation of the brothers, the Japanese army smashed the Liangshan area. In September 1939, the 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army awarded the company the title of "Liangshan Fighting company of heroes".

Before the battle in Liangshan, our army assembled in Hukeng Village and took time to study politics.

This company was originally organized as 3rd Battalion and 10th Company of 685th Regiment, 343rd Brigade, 15th Division of the Eighth Route Army, and then successively organized into Suluyu detachment, 115th Division spy camp and Shandong Military Region spy corps, and participated in the battles of Pingxingguan, Niangziguan and Wucheng Town in Shanxi. After advancing into Shandong in 1939, it also participated in the battles of Liangshan in Luxi, anti-mopping in Yimeng Mountain area and Linyi.

In the battle of Liangshan in August 1939, the company served as the main attack, cooperated with the brothers to fight tenaciously, equipped with more than 300 people from a brigade of the 32nd Division of the Japanese Army at a disadvantage, and seized 1 mountain gun, 1 field gun and 1 mortar, and 15 machine guns. It was awarded the honorary title of "company of heroes in Liangshan Battle" by the 115th Division.

Tianjiahui company of heroes

He is now the 1st Battalion and 1st Company of a certain regiment of a certain division of the 54th Army, and the 1st Company of the 21st Regiment of the Armed Self-Defense Brigade of the New Army Workers in Northwest Shanxi during the Anti-Japanese War. In May 1942, he served as the main task in the battle of Tianjiahui, killing the squadron leader of the Independent 85th Brigade of the 16th Huncheng Brigade of the Japanese Army and seizing all the documents, weapons and command knives he carried with him. In June 1942, the Jinsui Military Region awarded the company the title of "Tianjiahui company of heroes".

During the Tian Jiahui battle, our army launched a charge.

After seven days and seven nights of bitter fighting, Tianjiahui dealt a heavy blow to the Japanese army, capturing 24 Japanese soldiers and 21 puppet troops, 15 livestock, 35 horses, 1 mountain gun, 6 light machine guns, 2 heavy machine guns, 57 long and short rifles, 5 grenade launchers, 50 artillery shells, 250 grenade launchers, 4 combat knives and many other military items. More than 1,400 Japanese troops who attacked Xingxian this time were all annihilated, but only 20 or 30 people escaped. The 358th Brigade of the 120th Division of the Eighth Route Army and various anti-Japanese troops fought a beautiful battle of annihilation, which was the famous Tianjiahui battle in northwest Shanxi.

The 1 ST detachment of the New Fourth Army

One of the four main forces in the early days of the New Fourth Army. Founded in the spring of 1938, commander Chen Yi, deputy commander Fu Qiutao, chief of staff Fajian Hu and director of the political department Liu Yan. In January 1939, Luo Binghui served as deputy commander. In March 1939, Fajian Hu died in Lijiaqiao, Wujin County, Jiangsu Province, with Zhang Zhengkun as the chief of staff. Administer the 1st and 2nd regiments, with a total of 2,366 people. The 1st Regiment is mainly composed of Red Army guerrillas on the border of Hunan, Hubei and Jiangxi, with Fu Qiutao (concurrently) as its head and Jiang Weiqing as its head. The 2nd Regiment is mainly composed of Red Army guerrillas from Hunan-Jiangxi border, Jiangxi-Guangdong border, Anhui-Zhejiang-Jiangxi border and southern Hunan, with Zhang Zheng (later Wang Bicheng) as its head and Liu Peishan as its deputy head.

The new fourth army machine gun group is in battle

On June 1, 1938, Chen Yi led the first detachment from Nanling in southern Anhui to the rear of enemy lines in southern Jiangsu, and started in Zhenjiang, Jurong, Danyang and Jintan, and successively won battles in Xinfeng Station, Xintang and Jurong. Together with the 2 nd detachment, it opened up an anti-Japanese guerrilla base area in southern Jiangsu with Maoshan as the center. In July 1938, Danyang Anti-Japanese Self-Defense Regiment was reorganized into a new fourth army advancing column, which was under the command of the first detachment. In September of the same year, the first regiment was transferred back to southern Anhui, and in December, the sixth regiment of the third detachment was transferred to southern Jiangsu, where it was organized by the first detachment. In May, 1939, the 6th Regiment developed eastward, joined the Jiangnan People’s Anti-Japanese Volunteers, and entered the Suzhou (Changzhou) Changtai (Cang) and Chengdu (Jiangyin) Wuxi (Yu) (Changshu) areas in the name of the 2nd Road of "Jiangkang", and successively won battles in huang tang, Hushuguan and the night attack on Hongqiao Airport. In October, the main force of "Jiang Kang" was withdrawn from Yangzhong in the west and co-edited with the New Fourth Army’s advancing column, which is still called the advancing column. Then it crossed the Yangtze River in the north and spread out in Yangzhou and Taizhou. When the 6th Regiment moved eastward, a new 6th Regiment was established in Maoshan area, headed by Duan Huanjing. In August 1939, the 1st and 2nd detachments were under the unified command of Chen Yi. On November 7th, the leading bodies of the detachments merged to form the Jiangnan Command of the New Fourth Army.

7. "Attacking company of heroes" British model troops team

The team of the British model troops who "attack company of heroes" is mainly drawn from the special operations brigade of the 21st Army of Lanzhou Military Region, and the specific honorary title is the 1st Company of a certain division and regiment of the 21st Army. During the Anti-Japanese War, it was the first squadron of the first brigade of the guerrilla detachment of the New Fourth Army founded by Peng Xuefeng. In 1939, just after its establishment, the company took part in the battles of advancing into Yongcheng, fighting Shuangqiao, bloody Banqiao and attacking Majialou at night, creating a glorious example of the New Fourth Army shooting down the plane with its weapons for the first time. In mid-May, 1945, the Ministry dealt a heavy blow to the Japanese army in the Battle of Sunan, and wiped out a regiment of the puppet troops (3 regiments of the 15 th Army), which opened the prelude to Su Yu-wan’s anti-Japanese military and civilian counterattack.

Attack the company of heroes Naming Conference

Before the Battle of Sunan, in order to give the enemy an illusion, the 11th Brigade began to retreat northward. Just as the Japanese Puppet Army was paralyzed, on May 21st, the troops withdrawn from the north suddenly turned around, and the 31st Regiment attacked the 3rd Regiment of the Puppet 15th Division, which was stationed in Renji stronghold, with lightning speed. At 11 o’clock that night, the troops quickly occupied the surrounding houses under the cover of darkness, looking for the best fighting position. According to the combat deployment, the 1st Company of the 31st Regiment is the main attack, responsible for destroying the enemy gun towers and shelters, and paving the way for the follow-up troops.

At 5 o’clock at dawn on the 22nd, Company 1 launched an attack, and the troops crossed an outer trench about four or five meters deep and engaged in a fierce battle with the enemy. Suddenly, a machine gun in a nearby three-story artillery building spewed flames, and Ren AirAsia, the head of the puppet army, led dozens of puppet troops to retreat and wait for reinforcements. A company of officers and men were overwhelmed by fierce firepower.

This turret is tall and big, with thick walls. At that time, the troops were poorly equipped, and even the explosives needed for blasting were used up. The only "earth-made flat-fire guns" were difficult to destroy such solid fortifications, and the battle was deadlocked. At the critical moment, Wang Liansheng, the company’s bugler, volunteered to take a blasting team and use fire cover to carry out a surprise attack from the flank.

With the consent of the company commander, under the cover of machine guns, Wang Liansheng, with more than 20 grenades, quietly crawled forward to the gun house with the blasting team. Just as we were approaching the gun tower, an enemy Grenade fell beside them and exploded. Three commandos died gloriously, and Wang Liansheng’s leg was also injured by shrapnel. He endured severe pain and continued to crawl. About 10 meters away from the gun tower, the enemy found them and began to shoot at the commandos with intensive firepower, which rained down for a while. Seeing this, the company commander quickly organized fire suppression. Taking advantage of the short pause of the enemy’s firepower, Wang Liansheng shouted: "Brothers, finish the task even if you die!" Under his leadership, the rest of the blasters struggled to get up and bravely rushed to the turret.

At a critical juncture, the company commander and other officers and men launched an attack from the front of the turret to attract enemy fire. Taking this opportunity, Wang Liansheng climbed the ladder to the watchtower and threw grenades into the enemy bunker continuously in the smoke of the fire. In the end, Ren AirAsia, the puppet head, took 32 puppet troops as prisoners. After more than two hours of fierce fighting, the 31st Regiment wiped out the 3rd Regiment of the Special Agents of the Puppet 15th Division. In this battle, a total of more than 100 people under Ren AirAsia, the head of the Third Regiment of Puppet Agents, were captured, and more than 100 rifles and 20 short guns were seized.

8. Northeast Anti-Union British Model Army Team

The "Northeast Anti-Union" British model troops team is mainly drawn by a division of the 38 th Group of the Beijing Military Region. Formerly known as the Ministry of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army, the Northeast Anti-Japanese Guerrilla Army and the Northeast People’s Revolutionary Army, this unit is a people’s anti-Japanese army that was founded the earliest, persisted in the anti-Japanese war for the longest time and had the most difficult conditions in the Communist Party of China (CPC). The Ministry independently insisted on guerrilla warfare for 14 years, containing 760,000 Japanese troops and destroying 180,000 Japanese Kwantung Army, and a large number of heroic figures such as Yang Jingyu, Zhao Yiman and Zhao Shangzhi emerged.

Fighting scenes of anti-United fighters

From war to peace, from revolution to construction, an infantry division of the 38 th Army of the Army, which is integrated into the red blood of the Northeast Anti-Union, has always adhered to the fine tradition of "being brave and good at fighting, striving for innovation" and constantly writing new glories. During the War of Liberation, this division took part in the four wars, Siping, Sangxia Jiangnan, Liaoshen Campaign and Pingjin Campaign. In the second campaign to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea, he marched 145 miles in one night, his legs raced over the enemy’s wheels, interspersed with three houses and blocked Longyuanli, making great contributions to reversing the Korean war situation. Peng Dehuai, commander of the Volunteer Army, wrote a telegram in his own hand after learning the news, and happily wrote: "Long live Chinese people’s Volunteer Army! Long live the 38 th Army! " President Mao Zedong personally approved the message and forwarded it to the whole army. Since then, the reputation of "Long Live the Army" has spread far and wide. Taking this battle as the theme, Bayi Film Studio filmed the film "Flying Tiger", from which this division was known as the "Flying Tiger Division". During the period of peace-building, this unit has successively participated in major tasks such as border self-defense counterattack, Tangshan earthquake relief, Olympic font performance, military training program compilation, and political education reform.

9. South China Guerrilla British Model Troop Team

The "South China Guerrilla" British model troops team is mainly drawn by the 42nd Army of Guangzhou Military Region. The Red Group was first born in the autumn harvest uprising led by Mao Zedong. Guerrillas in South China are the collective name of the people’s revolutionary armed forces that persisted in the anti-Japanese war in South China under the leadership of the Communist Party of China during the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression period. They mainly include six armed forces, including Dongjiang column, Qiongya column, Zhujiang column, Hanjiang column, Guangdong People’s Anti-Japanese Liberation Army and Nanlu People’s Anti-Japanese Liberation Army. He has fought more than 3,800 times against the Japanese puppet troops, annihilated more than 20,000 Japanese puppet troops and resisted and contained more than 150,000 Japanese puppet troops.

Female soldiers in Qiongya column

On October 12, 1938, the Japanese invaders landed in Daya Bay, Huiyang, and the counties in the lower reaches of Dongjiang River and Guangzhou successively fell. Around this time, Liao Chengzhi, head of the Guangdong Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Hong Kong office of the Eighth Route Army, sent a group of Communist party member to Dongguan, Baoan, Huiyang and Zengcheng to organize anti-Japanese armed forces. From scratch, from small to large, these teams have developed into the Dongjiang column, the main force that opened up the battlefield behind enemy lines in South China and persisted in the war of resistance in South China. Dongjiang Column rescued more than 800 patriotic Democrats including He Xiangning, Liu Yazi, Hu Die and Zou Taofen from Hong Kong under the eyes of the Japanese, and also escorted hundreds of international people safely to the rear area to rescue 8 American pilots, thus opening up a famous "safe passage for pilots".

Guerrilla troops in South China are fighting

Although Dongjiang Column is far away from the Party Central Committee and the main forces of the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army, they persist in independent guerrilla warfare, creatively push anti-Japanese guerrilla warfare from rural areas to enemy-occupied Hong Kong and coastal cities, and successfully create typical examples of anti-Japanese guerrilla warfare in big cities and coastal areas.

Qiongya Column, another main force of South China guerrillas, is a people’s armed force led by the Communist Party of China (CPC) in Hainan Island, which was founded on the basis of the peasant uprising team in Hainan Island in September 1927. In 1938, Qiongya Red Army guerrillas were reorganized into the 14th District Independent Team of Guangdong People’s Anti-Japanese Self-Defense Corps, with Feng Baiju as the captain. When the Japanese army landed on Hainan Island, the newly reorganized independent team braved the fierce bombing of enemy planes at Tankou, an important ferry, to build fortifications and stop the Japanese army from crossing the river. In March 1939, the Independent Team was renamed the Independent Corps. In the autumn of 1944, the Independent Corps was reorganized into an independent column of anti-Japanese guerrillas in Qiongya, Guangdong Province. During the period of War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, the independent column dealt a heavy blow to the Japanese puppet troops on Hainan Island.

10. Armed Police Force Anti-Japanese Model Troop Team

The armed police force’s anti-Japanese model troops team is mainly drawn by a detachment of the Beijing Armed Police Corps. During the war years, heroic groups emerged, such as "Killing the enemy company of heroes", "Grinding the iron and steel company on the beach in a bloody battle", "Fighting model company", "Braving as a tiger company" and "having both offensive and defensive capabilities".

The Armed Police Force was mostly adapted from the Army. "Killing the Enemy company of heroes" was once the 1st Battalion and 1st Company of a certain regiment of a certain division of the 13th Army, and was originally the 1st Company of the 17th Regiment of the 386th Brigade of the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army. It was outstanding in the Hundred Regiments War in August 1940. In the same month, the 386th Brigade of the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army awarded the company the title of "Killing the Enemy company of heroes".

The soldiers of the Armed Police Force are being trained.

"A bloody battle to grind the river beach iron and steel company" was originally the 1st battalion and 2nd company of a certain division of the 63rd Army, which was abolished in 2003. In War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, this company is the 1st Company of the 5th Regiment of the 4th Military Division of the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region, formerly known as the 2nd Company of the 31st Regiment of the 11th Division of the Red 4th Army. On August 26, 1940, the company was ordered to cover the main force of the regiment to break through the Niangziguan area and stop the Japanese army at Mohetan. It fought fiercely for more than five hours, killing more than 200 enemies and successfully withdrawing from the battle. On August 28, 1940, the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region awarded the company the title of "Iron and Steel Company with a bloody battle to grind the river beach".

There are too many "model companies" and many "model companies" in the history of the Anti-Japanese War. At the moment, the author did not find out which army unit with "model companies" was reorganized or abolished and incorporated into the Armed Police Force.

"Brave as a Tiger Company" was originally the 1st Battalion and 1st Company of a regiment of the 14th Army of Chengdu Military Region, and the 1st Army Division of Taihang Military Region was the 1st Company of Jinyang Independent Battalion during the Anti-Japanese War. In October 1937, it was established in Xiyang County, Shanxi Province, and was originally a Kowloon detachment. In December, 1943, the Japanese convoy was ambushed in Pugou area, Xiangcheng County, Shanxi Province, killing 32 people, seizing 4 light and heavy machine guns, 15 rifles, 76 war horses and 50,000 Jin of grain, and successfully completing the ambush task. In December 1943, the Taihang Military Region awarded the company the title of "Brave as a Tiger Company". In 1979, he won the first class merit in the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam. In May, the Kunming Military Region awarded the title of "Steel company of heroes".







After tea and coffee, Kuafu fried skewers should also be a chain of ten thousand stores?

Recently, "Kuafu Fried String" announced the completion of round B financing. This round was jointly led by Joy Capital and Juebi Fund, followed by Bubi Capital and Huaying Capital, the old shareholder, and Weilan Capital served as the exclusive financing consultant. So far, Kuafu Fried String has accumulated financing of nearly 500 million yuan, making it one of the brands with the highest total financing amount in recent years.

Now it is the capital winter, and the arrival of this financing has aroused a lot of attention and discussion in the industry. Among the employers in this round, Joy Capital is the investor of Ruixing, and has invested in Kuafu Fried String for three consecutive rounds. The unique fund focuses on food and restaurant chains and has great influence in the industry. Before this round of financing, they have been cooperating in industries such as logistics supply chain for a long time.

High growth may be the key to impress investors. Since its establishment five years ago, the total number of stores in Kuafu has exceeded 2,000, and at the same time, more than 25 overseas stores have been opened in the United States, Canada, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Italy and other regions, which have not only conquered the stomachs of local Chinese, but also conquered the stomachs of local people.

Foreign diners who love fried skewers are located in Kuafu fried skewers store in Milan.

Behind this round of financing, Kuafu Fried String also plans to speed up its expansion this year. At the 2024 strategy conference held today, Yuan Zelu, the founder of Kuafu Fried String, announced that 3,000 new stores will be opened in Kuafu Fried String this year, which also means that they will increase the total number of stores to 5,000 at an average rate of 8 stores per day.

Whether it is capitalization or expansion path, the script that Kuafu got in his hand is very much like the once hot tea and coffee.

Snack skewers, tea around 2020?

There are enough categories in the catering market of more than 5 trillion yuan. However, due to the different maturity of categories, the process of chaining and branding of each track is different, and there are only a handful of Wandian catering tracks, with only three tracks: western-style fast food, milk tea and coffee.

Different from western-style fast food, milk tea and coffee are typical emerging racetracks, all of which have benefited significantly from capitalization, and a large number of quasi-Wandian brands with thousands of scales have been born one after another. Since last year, several head brands have been in the IPO process, and the development path of branding, chaining and products is very clear.

However, the development track of each head brand is not linear growth. From the perspective of tea track, around 2020 is a common key watershed. Although the pattern of tea industry was still relatively scattered at that time, according to Huajing Industrial Research Institute, in 2020, the CR3 of China’s existing tea industry was only 29.5%, but the brand pattern had begun to differentiate. In that year, Mi Xue Bing City crossed the Wandian mark, and a number of head brands such as Guming, Chabaidao and Xicha expanded at a faster speed.

In other words, the head pattern that can be seen in 2023 has been basically clear in 2020, especially in the cost-effective route. Honey Snow Ice City has established a leading position. For those who want to get a slice of it, 2020 may be the last golden window.

Similar to the historical trajectory of the tea track, there are lo mei and coffee. At that time, the brand patterns of the two tracks began to appear. Among them, the delicious food increased the number of stores to nearly 10,000 in 2018. The situation of coffee track is similar. In 2021, Ruixun’s performance bottomed out, and the number of stores increased to more than 6,000 during the year.

After that, whether it is tea, pot-stewed or coffee track, the market concentration and brand saturation are gradually accelerating, and the opportunity space left for new brands and franchisees is gradually shrinking. Small and medium-sized brands and franchisees are facing the survival test.

The market of snack fried skewers in 2024 is very similar to milk tea in 2020, pot-stewed flavor in 2018 and coffee in 2021.

After a long evolution from roadside stalls to branding, the category of fried skewers has been developed and the head brand has initially appeared; At the same time, the gradual saturation of the milk tea industry has led to the overflow of a large number of high-quality franchisees, which has caused the popularity of snacks with similar models to soar.

In fact, Kuafu’s high growth expectations this year are not blindly optimistic.

It is understood that in 2023, the same store in Kuafu increased by 20% compared with 2022. From the external environment, although consumption is generally more cautious, it does not seem to be a bad thing for fried skewers. The unit price of 30 yuan makes Kuafu have a lipstick effect in the big environment. The complexity of the consumer market is that the decline and rise of consumption power occur at the same time, but in any case, consumers’ pursuit for better food is unchanged.

Fried skewers, the new "signboard" of snacks

The status of fried skewers in snacks was not established in one day, but gradually became clear in the past three years.

According to the market classification of catering, snacks are one of the 17 first-class classifications, but before 2021, Meituan defined snacks as "fried chicken snacks". After 2021, this category was changed to "fried chicken and fried string", and fried string became synonymous with snacks. The survey results of Kuafu fried skewers also prove this situation. Fried skewers are not only fried skewers, but also a collection of fried snacks.

Yuan Zelu told 36Kr that the 1.0 version is the fried string of string incense, positioning the original Leshan fried string, similar to the string incense, regardless of the price, and signing for silver; Version 2.0 is a series of barbecues, the price ranges from 50 cents to 5 yuan, and the products are gradually expanded to popular barbecue categories such as squid and chicken wings, which will last from 2020 to 2023.

Since last year, Kuafu Fried String began to explore the product 3.0 upgrade, and focused on the category of fried chicken, combining fried chicken with fried string. It is very important to consider this, so as to widen the track, and fried chicken is undoubtedly the existence of a larger track. At the same time, Kuafu is also broadening its demand coverage for the whole time, offering more "satiety" options, which can not only satisfy the craving, but also solve the urgent need. It is more like a "fast food".

Although the product continues to iterate, for Kuafu, cost performance is an unchangeable principle.

"We didn’t start doing cost performance last year, but we started doing it from the beginning," Yuan Zelu told 36Kr. The logic behind it is the ultimate cost advantage. In Kuafu’s fried string, this is defined as "total cost leading", that is, corresponding to two major commodity strategies, one is large supply, and the cost performance is continuously improved through cost advantage; The second is a big brand to enhance the sense of brand value.

Aiming at China’s stomach which needs nutrition and delicacy, Kuafu’s fried string products believe in "everything can be fried" and focus on "frying protein", while the fried chicken category in version 3.0 is more clearly defined as "fried chicken protein", that is, chicken is the most cost-effective high-quality protein.

As a big item in 2024, the "raw fried chicken leg" newly promoted by Kuafu Chuankebab adopts Chinese style, which is different from the western-style fried chicken wrapping method. This product is inspired by raw roast chicken, and combines the raw frying process with the fried kebab form. At the same time, it solves the problem of standardized operation because it does not need to be processed in stores.

Due to the accurate capture of users and market demand, this large single product quickly became popular as soon as it was launched. According to Yuan Zelu, this raw fried chicken leg sold 6.71 million pieces in two months, and the explosive products also boosted the sales of stores. Before and after the product went online, the store efficiency increased by an average of 27%.

Yuan Zelu, the founder, is a post-90 s catering person who once participated in the creation of the Western Young Master Chinese hamburger. As a young man, he wants to do a good job in this young man’s business. "We have been trying to string the fried chicken categories with bamboo sticks." Yuan Zelu said that in theory, bamboo sticks can be strung with everything, and whatever is popular and needed at present, Kuafu can fry them to make whatever.

Digitalization, all for business process reengineering

It is no accident that raw fried chicken legs are out of the circle, which is also the epitome of the digital transformation effect of Kuafu in the past three years.

As early as 2021, Kuafu Fried String started the digital transformation, which is not a simple online business in the usual sense. In Yuan Zelu’s view, "tools and systems are only results, and the core is business process reengineering."

Yuan Zelu said that catering and e-commerce are both combinations of human freight yards. There is actually only one difference between them. E-commerce is an infinite shelf, catering is a limited shelf, and the common core is commodity operation, which is the combination of commodity pool and flow pool.

It is reported that the product structure of Kuafu fried skewers can be divided into three categories: basic style, structural style and popular style. Among them, the new principle of popular style products is "high-speed innovation and rapid iteration", such as the previous slap chicken chops, fried skin and so on. In the past, there were 30-50 long-term new product pools, and next, they hope to expand this number to 80.

Although the new speed has been greatly improved, the new cycle of each new product still strictly follows the feedback of store sales data. At the beginning, they will test new products with a relatively small flow, and only do manual intervention when they perform well, and match the corresponding marketing resources. From the store side, the new is also gradient.

In the catering industry, the development of site selection system is also one of the key points of Kuafu’s digital investment in fried string.

Yuan Zelu told 36Kr that location is still established now, but the order source structure of catering stores is changing. In the past, location only referred to physical LBS, but now it is necessary to consider take-away heat and new channels such as Tik Tok. For Kuafu, the proportion of these three traffic sources is about 6:3:1. In the future, this ratio will reach 4:4:2 through the efforts of the marketing side, and the total traffic will be even greater.

In the past, the thermal evaluation of most restaurants’ takeout was done by manpower, but now the location of Kuafu can be presented automatically. Taking a shopping mall as an example, based on big data analysis, the location of shopping malls in Kuafu is divided into four levels: S, A, B and C. Combined with tens of thousands of data labels, the location system can be refined into recommended floors, estimated take-away orders, competing products and complementary products nearby, investment return cycle prediction, and operating effects of surrounding old stores. It is reported that the accuracy of the above prediction can reach over 90%.

One thing that catering is often criticized is that the industry is relatively backward. Yuan Zelu said that the original intention of Kuafu’s digital investment was to transform this relatively backward industry with more advanced working methods. And all this work is only done by a small team of more than 20 people.

In Kuafu, R&D has made it clear that "there is absolutely no big move". They will compress each iteration to less than two weeks, and if a function development cycle is long, it will be further split into multiple versions. Teams can get feedback at an early stage and quickly adjust iterations.

In Yuan Zelu’s view, digitalization does not necessarily correspond to a high-cost structure. In the past, many enterprises easily made a mistake, that is, they hired a CTO when they came up, and the digitalization planning was particularly complicated. On the one hand, the biggest problem was that when they were online, the business side had undergone great changes, and many "unfinished projects" were prone to occur. For Kuafu Fried String, no matter whether it is self-developed or imported software, they don’t need the system whose implementation process lasts for several months.

Business process reengineering is the precondition of digital transformation in Kuafu, that is, from the first principle, why each process of chain operation should do this and whether the efficiency is enough. After that, it is for more far-reaching organizational changes.

In January, 2023, the "Kuafu Merchants" APP launched a feedback channel for franchisees to go directly to the headquarters. At that time, the background of this function development was that they found that the problems of many franchisees in the industry in the past were passed on step by step through supervision, but the problems may be ignored or even covered up.

After this feedback channel in Kuafu was opened, it also had a new impact on the business side. For example, for some old shops that have been in business for more than three years, the equipment will be aging. In addition, Kuafu Fried String has been doing equipment iteration all these years, and the after-sales maintenance workflow of suppliers corresponding to the original equipment is not perfect, especially in cities with dense stores such as Beijing and Shanghai, and the maintenance response time of supplier service team alone is not enough. After realizing the problem, Kuafu Fried String quickly made localized spare parts for its core products, which shortened the response time by one time.

Similar business changes continue to occur at all levels.

The bigger the fish, the bigger the pool.

"Focus on development" is the expansion key word of Kuafu Fried Tandem.

According to Yuan Zelu, the increase of 3,000 stores this year is divided into two parts: one is encryption in high-speed cities; The second is to explore the sinking market and develop high potential energy points according to the network rules.

First-tier and new first-tier cities are the core bases of Kuafu’s string bombing, among which Beijing and Shanghai have exceeded 200, Wuhan has exceeded 100, and the second-tier cities such as Guangzhou, Xi ‘an, Hangzhou and Tianjin are gradually entering the "hundred stores". However, the capacity of this city is far from saturation. According to the Kuafu bombing network regulations, more than 400 shops can be opened in Beijing and Shanghai.

When it comes to encryption, some people will think of "grabbing business", but Kuafu’s practice of bombing strings has found that this is not the case, and franchisees are very happy to do encryption. Yuan Zelu told 36Kr that there are two reasons for this. First, they will do staggered encryption, such as the dislocation of street shops and shopping malls; Second, through the multi-store layout, it can be seen everywhere and easily available.

It is also necessary to save money. In view of the sinking market, Kuafu Fried String products are priced at A, B and C levels to adapt to different market and price consumption preferences. In addition, in 2023, Kuafu Zhachuan also made a project to reduce the cost of building a store, which comprehensively reduced the cost of building a store from the aspects of decoration, area, optimization and adjustment of moving lines and soft-fitting equipment.

It is reported that this project will reduce the cost of the whole store by about 30%. On the one hand, it will have a wider choice space, and at the same time lower the entry threshold for franchisees.

The scale bonus of Kuafu Fried String is also being released to franchisees. It is reported that in the past five years, with the scale expansion and bidding negotiation, Kuafu Fried String has taken the initiative to reduce the cost of franchisees for three rounds, helping to establish a very low cost advantage and giving franchisees a higher cost performance under the same quality.

At the press conference, Kuafu Zhachuan also officially released seven brand stores, including shopping malls, street shops, community shops, school shops, office shops, scenic shops and canteen shops, adapting to different scenes and making product and line adjustments.

"From a broad product perspective, joining the company is essentially selling our store types," Yuan Zelu admitted to 36Kr. More extreme, they are essentially a return on investment model, which is suitable for different people, goods, time and space.

Strong digital genes and multi-store models have helped Kuafu broaden its franchise channels. "Our franchisees have two most important portraits, one is younger, and the other is higher education," Yuan Zelu told 36Kr. According to statistics, among the franchisees in Kuafu, the proportion of former milk tea franchisees is getting higher and higher, which is close to 30%, followed by large catering transformation and small business, as well as catering whites including college students and white-collar workers.

At the same time of the official financing, Kuafu Fried String also launched the "300 million League Homesick Plan". It is reported that Kuafu Fried String will invest over 100 million yuan to subsidize franchisees and over 200 million yuan for brand marketing.

"In the part of brand investment, we will make efforts in three directions, explosive products, explosive stores and explosive cities." Yuan Zelu told 36Kr that explosive products are similar to the continuation of raw fried chicken legs, and continuous and sufficient single products are launched to help stores generate income; Explosive stores focus on polishing city landmark stores and establishing brand image; On the basis of the previous 20 core cities, the explosion city has further expanded to become an explosion city. And the three power points will all be invested in the whole network-level marketing resources.

In the process of rapid growth, Kuafu Fried String continues to expand its business "circle of friends". They are not obsessed with self-sustaining factories, but do upstream business by means of investment and partnership.

"This is mainly due to two factors. First, the total cost is leading. Second, we believe that there is huge room for improving efficiency upstream." Yuan Zelu told 36Kr that efficiency improvement is not only the part of Kuafu bombing, but also the great consumer brands, all of which have great ability to promote the transformation of the upstream.

"From the perspective of the United States and Japan, great catering enterprises all appear at the time of economic transformation and speed change. When the team becomes more and more professional, the organization and infrastructure are getting better and better, you can actually run out." Yuan Zelu said. (Photo courtesy of the enterprise)