Lushan Town, Weining Autonomous County: Developing Tea Industry to Help Farmers Increase Income

At present, it is in the winter management and protection period of Xianglushan Tea Garden in Lushan Town, Weining Autonomous County. Local tea farmers have strengthened management and protection, so that tea trees can survive the winter safely, laying a solid foundation for improving the yield and quality of tea.

Weeding and loosening soil

Weeding and loosening soil

Walking into the Xianglushan Tea Garden, looking around, rows of tea trees are lush, and tea farmers are busy weeding, pruning, fertilizing and loosening the soil, which is a busy scene.

"The annual management and protection is very important for the quality of tea. If the management and protection are not good, the quality and yield of tea will be affected." Sun Jiajun, a technician at Xianglushan Tea Garden, said.

Tea trees are planted, and good tea leaves are managed. In order to maintain the original ecology of tea in Xianglushan Tea Garden, artificial weeding and loosening soil were used in the whole process of management and protection, and organic fertilizer was added to ensure the quality and yield of tea.

Lushan Town has low latitude, high altitude, large temperature difference and mild and humid climate. The average elevation of tea planting base is 2200 meters. Xianglushan Tea Garden has a long history of planting. In recent years, the town has vigorously developed alpine ecological organic tea planting, introduced Guizhou Wusa Roasted Tea Co., Ltd. to operate, created local brand of Wusa Roasted Tea, developed tea cultivation and deep processing, extended the industrial chain, and driven more people to increase their income.

"At present, our Xianglushan tea garden has a total area of more than 800 mu, involving 4 villages. The tea species is pit lobular, which is cold-resistant. The fried tea is more fragrant, with higher concentration and longer growth cycle. " Chen Changbing, head of Xianglushan Tea Garden, said.

Tea garden management and protection can improve the yield and quality of tea, and also solve the problem of some surrounding people working in winter leisure season. From picking to management and protection, Xianglushan Tea Garden continues to drive the surrounding people to work, with a maximum of thousands of workers. In 2023, workers’ wages were paid more than 1.5 million yuan.

"I have been working in the tea garden base for 6 years, responsible for fertilization, tea picking, tea frying, etc., with a monthly salary of 2,400 yuan." Han Meilan, a villager in xinfeng village, said.

In the next step, Xianglushan Tea Garden will practice the idea of ecological priority and green development, rely on the good natural ecological environment, increase the management and protection of tea trees, vigorously develop tea planting and tea-making industries, and rely on industrial revitalization to drive the people to increase their income continuously and steadily, so as to make the tea industry a "Jin Yezi" that is green and rich.


    The five years since the Seventh Congress of Literary and Art Circles have been five years in which the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles has focused on the center, served the overall situation, United the broad masses of literary and art workers, kept pace with the times, pioneered and innovated, and vigorously prospered and developed socialist literature and art.

    Over the past five years, the CPC Central Committee has attached great importance to cultural construction and literary and artistic work and made a series of important instructions and strategic arrangements. All these have greatly educated and inspired the vast number of literary and art workers and cadres of the Federation of Literary and Art Circles, firmly and consciously kept in line with the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Hu Jintao as the general secretary, adhered to the direction of literature and art serving the people and socialism, and the policy of letting a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend, emancipated their minds, kept pace with the times, cheered up their spirits, worked in unity, actively participated in fiery social practice, and were close to reality, life and the masses. In the past five years, the literary and art front has been prosperous in creation, active in criticism, growing in ranks and talented people, with colorful gardens of literature and art, rapid development of literary productivity, expansion of cultural market and cultural industry, and brilliant achievements in literature, drama, film, television, music, dance, art, folk art, photography, calligraphy and acrobatics.

    Send joy to the grassroots

    Since the Seventh Literary Congress, the members of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and various organizations have insisted on facing the grassroots, serving the society and returning to the people as the focus of their work, and actively organized the vast number of writers and artists to go deep into the grassroots to collect ideas and carry out public welfare literary and artistic activities, which were warmly welcomed by the people and fully affirmed by the central leadership.

    Since 2003-2005, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles has continuously organized artists to go to various parts of the motherland to collect folk songs, create works, exhibit and give condolence performances. These activities provide opportunities for artists to be close to reality, life and the masses, create conditions, enrich artists’ life accumulation and stimulate their creative enthusiasm.

    During the New Year’s Day and the Spring Festival in 2006, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and various literary and art associations organized more than 700 literary and art workers to hold the activity of "Sending Joy to the Grassroots" with the aim of "flowers to the fertile soil and art to the people", which directly benefited about 1 million grassroots people.

    Since the Spring Festival in 2003, the Spring Festival Gala of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles has become a popular holiday cultural brand in China, while the Weekend Crosstalk Club and the Hundred Flowers Theater in the National Palace, which aims at high-quality and low-priced cultural performances, have shifted their focus, popularized art, served the masses and promoted the construction of harmonious culture.

    Serving the overall situation around the center

    Since the Seventh Congress of Literary and Art Circles, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles has given full play to its own advantages and carried out a series of major theme literary and artistic activities around major festivals and revolutionary anniversaries, and achieved good results.

    In 2002, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles initiated and organized a series of activities such as art festivals, variety shows and exhibitions, which created a good atmosphere for welcoming and celebrating the 16th National Congress. In 2003, in order to solemnly commemorate the 60th anniversary of Comrade Mao Zedong’s Speech at the Yan ‘an Forum on Literature and Art, a commemorative forum was held in Yang Jialing, Yan ‘an, and literary and art workers were organized to go deep into factories, villages, troops and schools to give condolence performances, which further improved their consciousness of adhering to the "two for one" orientation and the "letting a hundred flowers blossom" policy under the new situation, and enhanced their sense of responsibility and mission in adhering to the direction of advanced socialist culture. In 2004, by holding activities such as "Hello Xiaoping", literary and art workers expressed their admiration and nostalgia for this great man of the century. This year, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles also organized or cooperated with other units to host a series of activities to commemorate the 55th anniversary of the founding of People’s Republic of China (PRC). In 2005, the activities of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles around the 60th anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War eulogized the heroism of the Chinese nation, carried forward the national spirit, and had a strong response in the whole society.

    In 2004, a series of activities were held, which expressed the admiration and nostalgia of literary and art workers for Comrade Deng Xiaoping.

    In 2006, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles seized the favorable opportunities of the 85th anniversary of the founding of the Party of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Long March of the Chinese Workers and Peasants Red Army, and carefully organized a series of activities such as art photography and calligraphy exhibitions, large-scale cultural evenings, youth Peking Opera and folk song elite concerts, which effectively cooperated with the overall arrangements of the central authorities and had a great impact. The Chinese Quyi Association, the Dramatists Association, the Photographers Association and the Calligraphers Association held a condolence performance of "Laughter on the Long March, a Journey to the Revolutionary Holy Land", a plum blossom award art troupe’s charity performance in the old district, a photo creation focusing on the Long March Road, and a national calligraphy exhibition to commemorate the 85th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC), all of which had their own characteristics and achieved remarkable results.

    Adhere to orientation and promote creation.

    There are 12 permanent national literary and art awards jointly sponsored by the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and various literary and art associations. In 2005, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and various literary and art associations resolutely implemented the "Administrative Measures for National Literary and Art Press and Publication Awards" and carried out a series of rectification, striving to better play the correct guiding role of awards. In the past five years, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles has made great efforts to strengthen the work of literary and art theory criticism in view of the relatively weak situation. The academic discussion activities have been deepened and the team of theoretical criticism has gradually grown. Up to now, five national literary criticism awards have been held, and nearly 400 excellent literary theory review articles have been published, which has a great social impact. Focusing on the role of literature and art in building a harmonious society, two contemporary literature and art forums with the themes of "literature and art and a harmonious society" and "what kind of literature and art do we need in this era" have been widely concerned by academic circles. In view of the vulgar, vulgar and kitsch tendencies of some works, as well as the bad creative tendencies of some film and television dramas that violate the historical materialism, a symposium of experts and scholars on the adaptation of "red classics" and the opposition to "three vulgarities" was held to carry out healthy literary criticism. The awards and discussion activities of these theoretical reviews pay attention to the close combination with the reality of literary and artistic creation, adhere to the correct orientation, enhance the sense of social responsibility and mission of literary and artistic critics, create conditions for promoting the development of theoretical reviews, and provide support for creating a good environment for literary and artistic appreciation and criticism.

    Chongde Shangyi Construction Team

    The China Federation of Literary and Art Circles will award and commend the activities of young and middle-aged literary and art workers all over the country and the activities of learning from Chang Xiangyu and Cong Fei. It will be closely integrated with the "three learning and education" and the socialist concept of honor and disgrace propaganda activities carried out by the literary and art circles, actively guide literary and art workers to consciously study and practice Theory of Three Represents, adhere to Marxist historical materialism and literary and art views, and abide by professional spirit and professional ethics, which has played a promoting role in promoting healthy trends and advocating the spirit of "morality and art" in the literary and art circles. Over the past five years, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and various writers and artists’ associations have conscientiously implemented the Party’s line, principles and policies, adopted various forms and measures, created a good atmosphere of respecting morality and art in the literary and art circles, and strived to cultivate and bring up a literary team with "both morality and art".

    In 2004, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles held an activity in the national literary and art circles to select and commend young and middle-aged literary and art workers. On July 19th of the same year, on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the founding of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the first national commendation meeting for young and middle-aged literary and art workers was held in the Great Hall of the People, and a proposal was issued to the national literary and art circles to "carry forward the spirit of" both morality and art and strive to be literary and art workers ".

    In March 2006, after Comrade Hu Jintao delivered an important speech on the socialist concept of honor and disgrace, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles held a forum in time, and a group of well-known artists issued the "Initiative on Establishing the Socialist Concept of Honor and Disgrace in the Literary and Art Circles" to the national literary and art circles. The China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and members of various organizations have also deepened the activities of studying and practicing the socialist concept of honor and disgrace through initiatives, lectures, training, exhibitions and performances.

  Expand communication and enhance friendship.

    Strengthening the exchange of folk culture with foreign countries has always been one of the important functions of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles. Over the past five years, under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and Theory of Three Represents, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and various writers and artists’ associations have actively "please come in and go out", carried out various cultural exchange activities with foreign countries, publicized China’s excellent culture and art, enhanced the friendship and understanding between Chinese and foreign writers and artists, and achieved remarkable results.

    In October 2001 and October 2004, the 5th and 6th China International Folk Art Festival was successfully held.

    In October 2001 and October 2004, the 5th and 6th China International Folk Art Festival were successfully held, which achieved satisfactory results in terms of specifications and level, scale and influence. "China Art Week" is a large-scale foreign cultural activity organized by China Federation of Literary and Art Circles abroad, which has established the brand of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles for foreign exchange and vigorously promoted the excellent traditional culture of China. In July 2006, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles sent an artist delegation to hold a "Happy Tonight" performance at the Palais des Nations in Geneva. The performance received rave reviews.

    The two Beijing International Fine Arts Biennale held in 2003 and 2005 were praised by public opinion at home and abroad. In September, 2005, at the 16th International Fine Arts Congress held in China, Liu Dawei, Party Secretary and Executive Vice President of China Artists Association, was successfully elected as the president of the new International Plastic Artists Association.

    Strengthening cultural exchanges with Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan is an important task of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles. Over the past five years, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and various literary and art associations have conscientiously implemented the central government’s general policy on Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and actively carried out a series of cultural exchange activities with Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. These activities have made positive contributions to strengthening the communication between the three sides of the Taiwan Straits, enhancing the Chinese cultural identity of compatriots in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and promoting the peaceful reunification of the motherland.

    Innovative ways to perform functions

    In 2004, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles held the first national commendation meeting for young and middle-aged literary and art workers in the Great Hall of the People, and issued a proposal to the national literary and art circles to "carry forward the spirit of" both morality and art "and strive to be literary and art workers".

    The times are progressing and the society is developing. Facing the new situation and new tasks, the work of the Federation of Literary and Art Circles is constantly deepening reform and pioneering and innovating. Over the past five years, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the local Federation of Literary and Art Circles have closely focused on the historical tasks of the Party in the new century and new stage, constantly enhanced their awareness of reform, innovation and development, and explored and practiced in a wider range and at a deeper level, thus making new achievements, creating new experiences and adding new vitality to the development of the Federation of Literary and Art Circles.

    Caring and respecting the older generation of artists and promoting and cultivating the younger generation of artists are important means for the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles to do a good job of "liaison, coordination and service". In the past five years, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles has successively held commemorative activities for artists and cultural celebrities of the older generation, such as Mei Lanfang, Zhou Xinfang, Jiang Zhaohe, Ou Yangyuqian, Zhao Dan, Xu Beihong, Shu Tong, Jiao Juyin, Cai Chusheng, Tian Han, Feng Xuefeng, Shakov, Luo Yusheng, Cheng Yanqiu, He Luting and Zhong Jingwen, published the Sunset Library and biographical series of the older generation of artists, and organized and implemented the sunset glow of Chinese Peking Opera. The implementation of these activities has further strengthened the close relationship between the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and artists, and highlighted the role of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles as a bridge between the party and the government.

Editor: He Wei

There was civil strife in the Celtics? Brogden refused to attend the team activities, and Tatum also expressed dissatisfaction.

In the offseason, the Boston Celtics were relatively successful. They supplemented the weak link inside the team and got Porzingis, which made the Celtics’ lineup more complete. Recently, however, some internal problems broke out in the Celtics. Brogden and the Celtics have been at loggerheads and refused to participate in team activities. Tatum, the star of the team, is somewhat dissatisfied with the Celtics.

At present, the overall level of Celtic lineup is ok, including Tatum, Brown, Porzingis, Brogden, White, prichard, Hauser, Konerth, Horford, Lowe, Keta, Banton, Brissett, Kabengele and Mihajljuk.

Under the condition that the Celtics’ lineup is complete, there are some problems inside the team. It is reported that Brogden has been in trouble with the Celtics and refused to attend the activities organized by the Celtics.

When Brogden joined the Green Army, he actually came for the championship. However, after coming to the Green Army, there was always a big gap between reality and ideal.

Celtic didn’t give Brogden enough respect, they trusted the original players more. Brogden has been put on the bench since he came to Celtic. Although the Green Army verbally said that he would be given more scenes, in fact, at many critical moments, Brogden was not even qualified to play.

Brogden, who had some dissatisfaction with the Celtics, reached its peak this summer. The Celtics tried to trade Brogden with the Clippers for the sake of the team lineup. Although the three-way deal was finally terminated because the Clippers were worried about Brogden’s injury, the Celtics’ behavior has completely angered him and has not responded to any news from the Celtics so far.

This situation is not difficult to understand. Brogden came to the Green Army with hope, but now he has been put on the shelf, which is a disrespectful behavior for Brogden.

As far as the news is concerned, the only way for the two sides to reconcile is for Celtic to apologize to Brogden and promise not to trade him, and this matter will be solved.

Not only the problem of Brogden, but also the Celtics star Tatum has some dissatisfaction with the Green Army. This dissatisfaction is not because the team renewed the contract with Brown for as much as $300 million, but because of the team lineup.

Regarding Brown’s contract renewal, Tatum has already expressed his position in an interview with The Messenger Sports, which Brown deserves. More importantly, Tatum will have a contract renewal year next season. Brown has already got an annual salary contract of 60 million dollars. Imagine that Tatum should be higher than this, so he will not care about Brown’s big contract, but will be happy, so he can negotiate with the team.

Tatum was dissatisfied because he hoped the Celtics could find a point guard player to help him and Brown share some pressure in the regular season. At the beginning, the Green Army was a little reluctant to send Smart Tatum away. But the Green Army didn’t listen to Tatum’s advice. Let’s take a look at which players the Celtics have saved.

Konerth is 2.18 meters, the center position, the center position of Porzingis, the center position of Kabengele, the center position of Lowe, Horford can also play the center position, and there is a newly signed Keta, which is also the center position.

As many as six Celtic players are center positions, so they can send a center team directly. No wonder Tatum is dissatisfied with the team.

Looking at the current lineup of the Green Army, even if the two-tower lineup is used, it is more than enough. From this point of view, the starting lineup of the Green Army is likely to be Tatum, Brown, White, Horford and Porzingis. These five people have full offensive space and have the ability to shoot from the outside. They can also let Porzingis play the fourth position, Lowe start and Horford go to the rotation lineup, which has become an important coping point for the team. Rotate Brogden, prichard, Brissett, Lowe (or Horford) and Mihajljuk (or a center player).

From this point of view, the overall level of the lineup of the Green Army is also strong enough. However, as Tatum mentioned, the team actually lacks a real point guard. Tatum and Brown are prone to make mistakes when faced with high double-teaming. This is the consensus of the league. In the past, Smart helped to share some organizational tasks. No wonder Tatum was reluctant to leave Smart. If this problem is not solved, it will still be a big weakness in the playoffs in the future.

[Sports consumption season] A big wave of exciting events hit this weekend. Please keep this watch guide!

Characteristic activities or trend sports?

You can choose.

The activities to be held this week are full of excitement, including traditional sheep racing and grassland marathon. While experiencing the passion of the event, you can also enjoy the beautiful scenery, understand the cultural history, cultural customs and taste local specialties. There will also be three-a-side basketball, five-a-side football, e-sports, Rubik’s Cube and Frisbee, which will debut this weekend, which will set off waves of trend sports among young people and make everyone happy to start a new sports and life. Xiaobian presents a guide to watching the game for everyone, so please code it!

The 17th Sheep Race in Zhangjiakou shangyi county.

From August 4th to 6th, Shangyi, Zhangjiakou will hold a sheep race with local characteristics.

According to the local characteristics, this year’s Sheep Race will hold a series of activities, such as the Ram Race, the 100-person Rub-You-Noodles Competition, the Grassland Horse Race, the National Invitational Tournament for Motorcycling, the Shanxi-Hebei-Inner Mongolia Square Dance Competition, the Forest Circus, the Bashang Food Festival, the Beer Lighting, Culture and Music Festival, the starry bonfire party, and so on. There will also be wrestling, pulling carts by sheep, tug-of-war performances by sheep, and the display and tasting of special agricultural and sideline products.

Activity schedule




Direction of Beijing: Take Beijing-Tibet Expressway, turn to Haizhang Expressway, turn to Zhang Shang Expressway, and get off at Shangyidong Expressway.

Direction of Tianjin: You can take the Beijing-Tianjin Expressway, turn to the East Sixth Ring Road in the capital, turn to the North Sixth Ring Road, turn to the Beijing-Tibet Expressway, turn to the Haizhang Expressway, turn to the Zhang Shang Expressway, and get off the Shangyidong Expressway.

Direction of Shijiazhuang: You can take Jingkun Expressway, Zhuanqu Expressway, Zhuanrongwu Expressway, Zhuanzhang Expressway, Zhuanzhang Expressway, Zhuanzhang Expressway, Zhang Shang Expressway and get off at Shangyidong Expressway.

Direction of Datong: Take Erguang Expressway, transfer to Xingba Expressway and get off at Shangyi West Expressway.

The Universiade Village is located in Chengdu University. Relying on the existing campus and construction and development plan, 22 single buildings, such as life service center, medical center, international education exchange center and training building, will be built, which can guarantee 11,000 people to live in during the Games and be handed over to Chengdu University for teaching after the Games.

Venue address

No.313 Jilong Road, High-tech Zone, Chengdu

competition event

Table tennis competition

Game time

July 29th-August 5th

The Universiade Village is located in Chengdu University. Relying on the existing campus and construction and development plan, 22 single buildings, such as life service center, medical center, international education exchange center and training building, will be built, which can guarantee 11,000 people to live in during the Games and be handed over to Chengdu University for teaching after the Games.

Kangbanol Cup 2023 Seventh Kangbao Grassland Marathon

On August 6th, the 7th Kangbao Grassland Marathon of Kangbanol Cup 2023 will start at 7: 00 a.m. in kangbao county Cultural Square, which is the only national class A marathon in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei this summer.

There are good ecological grassland features around the race track. The entire track foundation is 1500m above sea level, with a cumulative climb of 430m. The route passes through the national wetland park-Kangbanol National Wetland Park, the holiday holy place known as the "Dragon Palace" of grassland-Wolongtu Scenic Area, and Wolongtu Mountain, the second peak in the county with an altitude of 1694m.

From 7: 30 pm to 9: 30 pm on August 5th, a "Kangma Night" performance will be held in kangbao county Cultural Square, which will showcase Kangbao’s unique literature and art for players from all over the country and show the local customs of Kangbao.

Match address

Kangbao county, Zhangjiakou

competition event


Game time

August 6 th

China Shijiazhuang Five-a-side Football National Competition

This China Shijiazhuang futsal national competition is attended by futsal teams from more than 20 cities in China. The competition adopts a decisive competition system. In each round, the two teams face each other, and the winner becomes the champion of the next round. The registered teams will come out in turn to fight according to the registration order until the final round is decided.

Match address

Shijiazhuang Youth Football Training Base (northwest corner of the intersection of Jianhua South Street and South Second Ring Road)

competition event


Game time

From July 23rd to the end of October, every Saturday and Sunday from 19: 30 to 21: 00.

2023 Shijiazhuang National Triple Basketball League Finals

The tournament started on April 16th, with more than 200 teams participating. In the end, 16 teams stood out and entered the finals.

Sixteen teams will be divided into four groups for single round robin. The team ranked first in the group stage will directly qualify for the top eight, and the remaining top eight seats will be decided by the second and third place in each group through cross-elimination.

During the finals, there were also four individual competition units, namely, 1V1 Challenge, Skill Masters, I am the King of Three Points Competition and Shijiazhuang Air Force Dunk Competition, to let people appreciate the charm and cultural connotation of basketball.

Match address

Shijiazhuang Yutong Sports Center Basketball Park (southeast corner of the intersection of Zhongshan Road Sports Street)

competition event

Three-player basketball

Game time

From August 5th to August 12th, from 19: 30 to 21: 00 every night.

"Zhuang Chao" Shijiazhuang Five-a-side Football Competition

Each county (city, district) in Shijiazhuang participated in the competition separately, and 22 teams played in the amateur futsal football field in Shijiazhuang.

From August 5 to the end of October, every Saturday from 19: 30 to 21: 30, all the competition venues will start at the same time.

Shijiazhuang three-person basketball league sub-station match

Shijiazhuang Three-a-side Basketball League will be held from August 6th to October, from 20: 00 to 21: 30 every Sunday, and all competition venues will start at the same time.

"MCC" 2023 Shijiazhuang E-sports City Competition

"MCC" 2023 Shijiazhuang National Sports Festival and Shijiazhuang National Fitness Conference e-sports competition will be held in MCC and Yuehui Central Plaza on August 5th and 6th.

This competition is divided into two events: the glory of the king (team competition/individual competition) and League of Legends mobile game (team competition/individual competition).

Competition schedule/


"Zhongzhi" Shijiazhuang Rubik’s Cube City Competition

What is the competition where the fingertips can work miracles? That must be the Rubik’s cube!

There are many kinds of Rubik’s Cube, but also the first-order, second-order, third-order, pyramid Rubik’s Cube … There are many ways to play, such as racing, one-handed and blind twisting, which is dazzling. Therefore, the Rubik’s Cube can not only be used as a way to relax in daily life, but also can provoke your nerves in sports competition.

On the evening of August 5 -6, let’s feast our eyes on this magical game.

Match address

Zhong ye he yue hui bus townlet

competition event

Cube city race

Game time

August 5 -6

This competition was initiated by Shijiazhuang Sports General Association and organized and undertaken by Shijiazhuang Rubik’s Cube Sports Association. It can not only provide a platform for Rubik’s Cube lovers to exchange and learn, but also open up the circles and horizons of new magic friends, improve their communication and practice ability, and provide a platform for exchange and display for Rubik’s Cube lovers in Shijiazhuang.

MCC Frisbee Invitational Tournament

What is the most fashionable social sport nowadays? Frisbee definitely has a place.

Come to Shijiazhuang Football Training Base every Saturday from 20: 00 to 22: 00 on August 5, 12, 19 and 26, and the Frisbee game will be staged wonderfully!

The audience can scan the code to register, and they can enter by registration. There are also opportunities to get roadside vouchers, Wantuo fitness vouchers and so on.



Organizers and contractors

Sponsored by Shijiazhuang Sports Bureau and Shijiazhuang Sports Federation.

MCC, Yuehui and Shijiazhuang Frisbee Association.


Game time

August 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th, every Saturday from 20: 00 to 22: 00.



Each game will be called by individuals or teams to gather the frisbee fans in Shijiazhuang, and divided into two teams, each with 7 players. Under the condition of breaking through the defense, the attacker will score a touchdown by passing and receiving the frisbee, and the team that scores more points within the specified time will win.


Match address

Shijiazhuang Football Training Base (Northwest corner of South Second Ring Road, Jianhua Avenue)

Every detail! It is too heavy for Du Feng to guide the Guangdong teenager’s skills with his hands.

The official media of Guangdong Men’s Basketball Team showed a video of Du Feng, the head coach of the team, guiding young players with his hands. Although he is the head coach of the team, he should control the team from a macro perspective, but Du Feng is still careful in picking the players’ basic skills.

In the video, Du Feng used a personal demonstration to tell Guangdong teenager Huang Ming what problems exist in his technical movements. From dribbling and holding the ball to getting rid of the defense, to dribbling behind and changing the dribbling range, Du Feng has been tirelessly guiding young players.

It stands to reason that technical links like this should be guided by the team’s assistant coach or technical coach, and will be carefully divided into center group, striker group and defender group. The head coach needs macro control of the team’s training plan, tactical system and other training.

However, in the offseason, on the premise that he had time, Du Feng was patient enough to guide the young players and let Huang Mingyi enjoy the treatment of "advanced private education".

In fact, this is not the first time that Du Feng has coached players in technology and other aspects. When Zhao Ruigang entered CBA, Du Feng also gave him a lot of tips in shooting hand shape and psychological level when Zhao Rui felt unstable.

In addition, Du Feng also likes to coach players and share his experience with them when he is coaching the national team. In 2012, Wang Zhelin entered the national team training for the first time, and Du Feng, who was also an assistant coach of the national team, repeatedly gave Wang Zhelin a small stove, sharing his back-to-back skills and experience when he was young. Later, when he coached the men’s basketball team, Du Feng also gave some subtle technical guidance to Guo Ailun, Hu Jinqiu and others, and Du Feng also gave more guidance to Hu Jinqiu, who also played power forward with himself.

Now, the Guangdong team is facing the great challenge of the alternation of the old and the new. In addition to ensuring the team’s competitiveness not to drop sharply, Du Feng also needs to care so much about the performance and skills of the teenagers. Next season, the burden on his shoulders is bound to be heavier.

Oladipo fell down again because of injury. What is the geometry of the wound on the former "Panther"?

Today, the Heat beat the Bucks again, and the total score of the series was 2-1. It was originally a great happy event, but it was not so happy to put it on the Heat’s head. The reason is that Oladipo was injured again, and the injury worried them. A simple layup in the fourth quarter, but Oladipo sat on the floor and couldn’t move. When he was carried off the field by his teammates, the Heat bowed their heads and prayed for him. The injury has knocked Oladipo down, and he is no longer brave.

Oladipo slipped during the layup and hurt his left knee. It’s really a bad year for the Heat. After two victories, two generals were injured, and the G1 victory was directly reimbursed by Hiro due to injury season. There is also no letter brother in the other team for two consecutive games, but he can still come back. After the injury, Oladipo retained his last stubbornness. He waved the stretcher away and limped off the field with the help of his teammates.

Heat coach Spoelstra said after the game: "We still don’t know his specific situation. We will have a specific examination tomorrow. I feel the same with everyone. This is a great victory, especially when you see a player fall like this, especially a player who has experienced a lot like Oladipo. I don’t know the specific situation now. " Adebayor released a piece of good news: "We haven’t got the latest information about Oladipo, but I think he will be fine because he can still walk."

Oladipo once brought beautiful enjoyment to the fans. In his early years in Magic and Thunder, his performance was very good. In the second season, he had already secured his starting position, but people were waiting for his carp yue longmen’s jump. Joining the Pacers in the 2017-18 season, he finally ushered in a leap season, averaging 23.1 points, 5.2 rebounds, 4.3 assists and 2.4 steals in the league. He was selected as the All-Star, the best team and the best defensive team for the first time and was elected as the player with the fastest progress.

In the 2018-19 season, he almost copied everything from last season, except for injuries. He has rested for 11 games at the beginning of the season, but the watershed of his career still appeared on January 24 at home against the Raptors. In this game, he accidentally tore the tendon of his right knee during a defense. The team doctor immediately covered his knee with a towel, and the Pacers later announced that Oladipo would be reimbursed for the injury season.

A rising star of the League in Ran Ran has been interacting with his sickbed all the year round. After a long period of recovery, Oladipo spent the second half of the season, the playoffs, the offseason and the initial stage of the new season, and only announced his comeback at the end of January 2020, and soon participated in the playoffs with the team.

Over time, Oladipo became interested in the South Coast Heat, which was reflected in the playoffs of the previous season. He will talk to Butler, Adebayor and others in the game. So, the Pacers took part in the Harden trade and sent Oladipo to the Rockets. The Rockets didn’t force anyone to stay, and sent Oladipo, who played for the team for 20 games, to the Heat.

But the fresh energy of coming to the Heat hasn’t passed yet, and Oladipo has to give in to injuries. The day before, he was injured in the game against the Lakers. The next day, the bad news came. Oladipo underwent quadriceps tendon repair surgery and was reimbursed for the season. This is the second season reimbursement of Oladipo’s career.

This time, Oladipo took a longer rest, and it didn’t arrive until March of the following year. Oladipo, who played eight games without stopping in the regular season, became a new force on the bench after the playoffs. After three games at the beginning of the playoffs, Oladipo didn’t fall down from the first round G4, and he met the Celtics all the way to Dongjue healthily, which is rare for him to linger on his deathbed all the year round.

In the 24 games before this season, Oladipo took a leave of absence, and it was not until December 2022 that he went into battle again. I didn’t expect to be hit by an injury today. Since the 2018-19 season, Oladipo’s attendance rate is only 35.3%, which is relatively low.

Low attendance sometimes makes players have a wrong self-perception. Oladipo’s current contract is 8.75 million yuan, and 9.45 million yuan in the last year needs him to implement the player option to get it. So far, he has no reason not to fulfill it. In his early years, when his four-year contract of $84 million expired, the Pacers offered him four years of 80 million and four years of 130 million, both of which were rejected by him. Later, the Rockets also offered him a two-year contract extension of $45 million, which of course was rejected by him. Today, I wonder if he will regret signing a basic salary with the Heat for one year.

In the NBA, there are many stars who linger on the sickbed prematurely because of injuries and have lost their prestige in the past. Oladipo will not be the last one. In his early years, he fell at the peak of his career, which was linked with endless rehabilitation, slowly melting away the last glimmer of glory and the last trace of disobedience. Unfortunately, Oladipo’s peak years had already ended in a hurry, leaving a lonely figure for later generations to comment on.

The timetable of Vanke Le Run series activities was released, and the 2024 Vanke Dapeng New Year Marathon will return.

recent days

Vanke New Year Marathon released

Schedule of Vanke Le Run Series Activities in 2023

Among them, there are clear

2024 Vanke New Year Marathon

From December to January next year, start the 2024 New Year Marathon.

This may mean the return of Dapeng New Year Marathon, which has been suspended for several years.

Photo: Vanke New Year Marathon

Shenzhen Dapeng New Year Mara was founded on New Year’s Day in 2014. On the first day of the new year, Shenzhen Dapeng New District Management Committee and Vanke jointly hold the Vanke New Year Marathon.

From 2021 to 2023, due to epidemic factors, Shenzhen Vanke New Year Marathon was changed to online race. With the release of Vanke Le Run Plan and Dapeng Marathon Plan, on New Year’s Day in 2024, runners have a great chance to run in Dapeng Peninsula in Shenzhen.

Photo: Vanke New Year Marathon

Committed to improving the runner’s race experience, we always uphold the original intention of building the top high-level boutique events in China.

This event has become one of the "Five-Star Runner Experience" events, focusing on runners, emphasizing the concept of experience, service and happy running, and being praised by the majority of runners as the most anticipated hot event in China.

The Top Three Men in Dapeng Horse in 2020

Photo: Vanke New Year Marathon

1 Li Dongxing 2:25:13 (breaking the record)

2 Li Guoquan 2:32:54

3 Deng Guomin 2:34:53

The top three women in Dapeng Horse in 2020

Photo: Vanke New Year Marathon

1 Fu Jing 3:09:46

2 Li Sulan 3:18:49.

3 yihong 3:24:35

Basic information of the event:

(1) Date and time: 7:30-13:30 am on January 1, 2024.

(2) Events: Full marathon for men and women (42.195km)

(3) The size of the counselor: it is estimated that there will be 5,000 counselors.

(4) Venue: Dapeng New District, Shenzhen

(V) Registration channel: log in to the official website (

(6) Registration fee: 300 yuan, the number of places will be on a first-come-first-served basis, and the quota will be closed.

According to previous information:

Qualification requirements for elite runners: from 2014 to 2020 (in any year), runners who finish the Vanke New Year Marathon within 3:30 in men’s group and within 4:00 in women’s group can obtain the qualification for elite runners in this event;

Super fan qualification requirements: from 2014 to 2020, runners who have participated in the Vanke New Year Marathon for three or more times and finished the race can obtain the super fan registration qualification for this event.

The specific information shall be subject to the final announcement by the organizer of the event!

In 2024, Shenzhen Dapeng Vanke New Year Marathon will return!

Are you looking forward to it?

Welcome to leave a message to share your expectations and your memories of Dapeng Horse.

Unfortunately, the loyal minister of Juventus met with the captain of Inter Milan, who had no way to serve his country in Argentina, but became an Italian hero.

# 100 Watching Teams # Throughout the long history of Argentine football, this old-fashioned giant in the green world has never lacked talents. This is obviously a good thing for the Argentine national team. But for some players, it may not be a good thing. For example, Camoranesi, the hero of this article, a loyal Juventus minister with strong personal ability and loyalty, can only accept the fate of serving the country in Argentina because he unfortunately met Inter Milan captain Sanetti, which is extremely embarrassing:

Mauro german camoranesi was born in Tantier, Argentina on October 4th, 1976. Unlike those compatriots who received professional training at a young age in the youth training camps of traditional Argentine giants such as Riverbed and Boca, Camoranesi received youth training at a club called Atletico Alto Silvio. I’m afraid even many old fans who often pay attention to the Argentine League on weekdays don’t know much about this club, which was still hanging out in the Argentine Second Division at that time.

Born in this level of club, the fledgling Camoranesi suffered a lot. Unlike saviola and aimar, who have attracted much attention since their debut, Camoranesi did not get much attention in the first five years of his career, and he tasted the pain of wandering at an early age. He changed his employer five times in five years. It was not until 2000 that he was recruited by Verona as far away as Apennine that his career was slightly stable.

Camoranesi was a qualified right wing before landing in Apennine. He can not only break through with the ball, but also score from a long distance, which can disrupt the opponent’s defense line by himself. Of course, Camoranesi’s teamwork spirit is also beyond doubt. His first choice after a successful breakthrough on the flank is often to send an accurate cross to his teammates. In addition to creating threats on the flank, Camoranesi will occasionally move to the middle, and there will be a stunning direct plug, which will make the opponent hard to prevent.

Under the influence of Serie A, Camoranesi’s defensive ability has made great progress. As long as he sets foot on the court, he will not hesitate to defend physically, greatly reducing the defensive pressure of his own team. Although Camoranesi’s contribution on the defensive end can’t be compared with Nesta’s professional defensive player, Camoranesi has never been the team’s defensive weakness.

As for Camoranesi’s club Verona at that time, compared with the established strong teams like Inter Milan and Juventus, it is naturally not enough. However, the configuration of this team on the offensive line is actually quite good. Besides Camoranesi, he also owns Gilardino and Mutu, all of whom are famous figures in the green world.

Unfortunately, both Gilardino and Mutu were newcomers at that time, and they had not reached the peak of their professionalism. Therefore, Mutu, Gilardino and Camoranesi’s offensive combination are not very effective. Verona, let alone compete for European qualification, even struggled to avoid relegation, and have been hovering on the edge of the relegation zone. After the end of the 2001-02 season, Verona was unfortunately relegated.

Verona’s record will obviously affect Argentina’s attitude towards Camoranesi. You know, Argentina’s national team at that time was full of famous talents. Take the 2002 World Cup in Korea and Japan as an example. Even Riquelme and saviola, the most important men of the year, will be unfortunately defeated, so Camoranesi, who plays for Verona, will naturally not be called up by the Argentine national team. Even the media that was most opposed to the then Argentine coach Belsa would not take Camoranesi’s failure to participate in the 2002 World Cup in Korea and Japan as Belsa’s crime.

Fortunately, there are people who know the goods after all. After Verona’s unfortunate demotion, Juventus, a veteran Italian club, extended an olive branch to him and attracted him. It must be explained here that in the summer when Camoranesi joined Juventus, the Italian media generally believed that this new signing was just a substitute for Zambrotta. Zambrotta was unfortunately injured in the 2002 World Cup in Korea and Japan, and was doomed to miss the beginning of Serie A in 2002-03.

Perhaps even Moggi, known as the "king of transfer", didn’t expect Camoranesi, the new aid of Youwen, to be so fierce. During Zambrotta’s rehabilitation, Camoranesi played a phenomenal performance and locked his main seat in one fell swoop. So when Zambrotta comes back from injury, the Italian native can only look for playing opportunities in other positions. Fortunately, Zambrotta is versatile enough not to worry about having no ball to play …

It was not until this stage that there began to be voices calling for the Argentine national team to recruit Camoranesi. However, then Argentine coach Belsa was still unwilling to give Camoranesi a chance.

As for the reasons, there are probably two aspects: First, it was Camoranesi’s first season when he joined Juventus. Although his personal performance was excellent, at that time, he was not the kind of star player with old qualifications and his influence in football was not too great. Plus Camoranesi was born in a small club like Sporting Civi in Huhardeaux, not to mention his influence in Argentina. As a direct result, even if there are voices calling for the Argentine national team to recruit Camoranesi, the voices are not too many and not too loud. At the very least, it is nothing compared with the call for Belsa to call up Riquelme before and after the 2002 World Cup.

Second, and perhaps more importantly, I met Inter captain Sanetti in Camoranesi. Although Zanetti often played as a right-back during his time at Inter Milan, in Belsa’s 3-3-1-3 tactical system, Zanetti was the right-back avant-garde.

Once Belsa recruits Camoranesi, then Camoranesi’s biggest competitor is undoubtedly Zanetti. At that time, Sanetti was not only in his prime, but also had already proved his strength in the Argentine national team. Whether it was the 1998 World Cup in France or the 2002 World Cup in Korea and Japan, although the Argentine team failed to laugh at the end, Sanetti’s personal performance was impeccable and was deeply loved by Argentine football. Against this background, it is really difficult for Camoranesi to compete with Zanetti, the captain of Inter Milan.

When Camoranesi had no way to serve his country in Argentina, the Italian national team extended an olive branch to him. Because Camoranesi’s great-grandfather was Italian, it is not difficult for Camoranesi to apply for an Italian passport. So Camoranesi simply decided to play for the Italian national team.

Even if Camoranesi is strong enough to play for the Italian national team, there are still people who sneer at him. For example, fiore, an Italian international, once publicly stated that players should play for which country they were born.

This situation continued until the 2006 World Cup in Germany. Camoranesi, as the main player of Italy, helped the Azzurri win the World Cup successfully and became an undisputed Italian hero. The controversy about whether the Italian team should reuse Camoranesi only subsided.

Also in the summer of 2006, Camoranesi stuck with Juventus, who was relegated to Serie B, and chose to stay with Nedved, Buffon, Piero and Trezeguet, becoming a recognized loyal minister of Juventus. The reputation of "Brad Pitt" is destined to go down in history.

Camoranesi returned to Serie A with Juventus after suffering in Serie B for a year. However, the Calciopoli incident has had a great impact on the Bianconeri, which has lost a lot of main players. As a result, in the first few seasons before Juventus returned to Serie A, the team’s record was not good.

As for Camoranesi personally, with the increase of age and the troubles of injuries, the competitive state of this loyal servant of Juventus has indeed declined a lot. By the summer of 2010, Camoranesi, then 34, waved goodbye to Juventus and moved to Stuttgart. However, the old Camoranesi’s life in the Bundesliga was not happy. It was difficult for him to guarantee his playing time, and he soon changed his family and returned to play in the Argentine League. It wasn’t long before Camoranesi announced his retirement.

Appeal failed, suspended for 2 games+fine of 10,000! Mourinho’s 1 move was praised, and the Italian Football Association was helpless

In the early morning of March 11th, Beijing time, after the Italian National Sports Court of Appeal announced that Mourinho’s appeal failed, he was suspended for two games and fined 10,000 euros, the Portuguese updated their social platform and made a gesture of being handcuffed.

The Italian media interpreted Mourinho’s action as a protest against the rejection of the ban appeal. Many fans praised the madman’s behavior and thought that he dared to challenge the hidden rules and the authority.

Mourinho knows the heat. When he showed this controversial gesture, he also brought three advertisements. He loved Adidas, Hublot and MATILDE, a jewelry brand founded by his eldest daughter. The latest development of the Rome coach has attracted nearly 280,000 likes in just 4 hours, and there should be tens of millions of views.

Mourinho handcuffed the camera off the court when he was coaching Inter Milan. At that time, he was suspended for three games by the Italian Football Association and fined 40,000 euros. However, Mourinho’s handcuff action this time seems to be carrying goods, and there is no actual evidence to prove that he is provocative, so the Italian Football Association should not do anything about him.

Mourinho was suspended this time because of a fierce language conflict with the fourth official in the 1-2 defeat to the bottom team cremona 10 days ago. Because of the appeal, Mourinho’s suspension was suspended, so he can still lead the team to play Juventus at home in the last round. Now, Mourinho’s appeal has been rejected and he will miss the next two Serie A games against Lazio and Sampdoria.

When artificial intelligence robots and virtual people are fully stationed in e-commerce, it will set off a new climax of e-commerce delivery.

Why do humans study hard? Maybe some parents will say, find a good job in the future. Then why did you find a job? I think the first thing to find a good job is to earn more money, and then to realize other dreams and ideals. But when the era of artificial intelligence comes, does all the efforts still make sense? Maybe you think so, but when you see more robots working in factories, don’t those workers work hard? Why only see robots? I can’t see the human figure,

Therefore, it may be meaningless to work hard in the future. Offline work has been done by robots. Let’s look online again. Now more and more virtual people are beginning to appear on large and small platforms, and it is said that robot chat system is also integrated. With the algorithm and analysis of artificial intelligence, these virtual people and robots may try to figure out your mind. To put it bluntly, robots have learned psychology. If a large number of such robots come to live online to bring goods, and they never need to rest, do you think they will sell better than these real people now?

Everything is difficult at the beginning. Actually, I’m not absolutely difficult. The people selling goods are not real people. How can it be difficult? It’s just that users feel unaccustomed and unfamiliar. But after a long time when users get used to it, this kind of virtual people will be accepted, and if there are few virtual beauties, they will also attract handsome guys ~ They have joined the intelligent technology, and they will become smarter and even smarter than human beings. A small amount may not shake the stage of the current e-commerce world. If a large number of intelligent virtual robots come online to carry goods around the clock, and all platforms have them, let this large number of virtual people spend a lot of time occupying a large number of e-commerce platforms. If there is only one person behind them, will this person become the next richest man in China?

I think robots can replace human work offline, and they can certainly do it online. Because we have long acknowledged that artificial intelligence has surpassed human intelligence. Offline replaces human physical work, and online may replace human mental work. Robots are further evolving, from super physical strength to intelligence quotient. Besides playing chess, I think many places can beat us. Although robots are imitating human wisdom, robot calculation is more accurate than human beings, and robots are also making progress in learning human emotions, language and communication. If there are a large number of robots with goods, maybe the people behind them are really the next richest man in China.