Original Hu Ge officially announced marriage and becoming a father! The wife and daughter were exposed, and the 40-year-old "golden bachelor" was single

Hu Ge, a 40-year-old man recognized as a golden bachelor in the circle, is now unexpectedly married and has children. On January 31, Hu Ge posted on his social platform that he was very happy to have a daughter. Because his wife is an outsider, she has not been public from marriage to pregnancy. Now that the child has been born smoothly, Hu Ge also directly posted the good news to everyone.

1. Hu Geyin married a woman, and the stars sent blessings

From Hu Ge’s words, it could be seen that he really cared about protecting his wife and daughter. This time, he blew himself up as a father and did not post family photos like other celebrities. The ladies outside the circle were even more curious.

But insiders seem to have known about Hu Ge’s marriage for a long time. Previously, there were rumors that Hu Ge took his girlfriend home to meet his parents. In January, nurses and friends working in the hospital said that Hu Ge’s girlfriend was in the hospital for labor. After Hu Ge blew himself up, friends in the circle immediately sent blessings.

This time, Hu Ge personally announced the marriage as his father. Although many people were surprised, everyone sent their blessings one after another, and they would not be unable to accept it because Hu Ge hid something. It can be seen that Hu Ge’s status in everyone’s eyes is really very high. different.

At Hu Ge’s current age, it was indeed time to get married and have children. In recent years, netizens had been urging Hu Ge to finally have good news this time, and one could imagine their joy.

Hu Ge’s clothes are getting better and better

After Hu Ge became a father, everyone looked forward to his future changes even more. Although Hu Ge was now 40 years old, his appearance had not changed and his figure remained the same. This also made Hu Ge more attractive as he got older.

When Hu Ge celebrated his 40th birthday, he posted a set of birthday photos. In the photos, he not only looked young and handsome, but also dressed more like a gentleman. Hu Ge’s appearance was really suitable for boys to study hard.

Dressing skill 1: Wear more basic colors

If you want to emphasize the high-end sense of clothing for boys, you should wear more basic colors, especially black, white and other common basic colors. If you wear it right, it is really suitable for boys.

Hu Ge’s usual looks were almost all basic colors, but in his birthday blockbuster, Hu Ge once again perfectly interpreted black and white and other basic colors, especially this one is more business and casual. The white upper body is matched with black stacked pants, black and white wear, minimalist style, more handsome and high-end.

For basic color wear, there are a few tips to pay attention to:

01 black and white color scheme, the simpler the wear more advanced.

02 The basic color can be worn in monochrome, or you can choose the splicing and matching of two basic colors. 03 The basic color + basic style can be worn to highlight the minimalist style of the shape.

Wear skills 2: mix and match styles, more eye-catching

Many of Hu Ge’s styles have a clear sense of mix and match. The mix and match of casual style and workplace wear can not only make the whole body look more fashionable, but also make the workplace dress more stylish. Lack of vitality and uniqueness.

For this mix and match style, we need to pay more attention to the choice of style.

For example, casual clothes should be neat, not too casual, mainly business and leisure style single items, workplace style clothes should not be too rigid, but also have a sense of fashion.

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Earth’s water doesn’t come from melting meteorites.

  The white dotted line in the figure shows the boundary between the inner solar system and the outer solar system, and the asteroid belt is roughly located between Mars and Jupiter. Bubbles near the top of the image show that water molecules are attached to rock fragments, indicating the type of objects that may bring water to the earth.

  Image source: Jack Cook/woods hole oceanographic institution

  Beijing Science and Technology Daily, March 16th (Reporter Zhang Jiaxin) Water accounts for 71% of the earth’s surface area, but no one knows how or when such a large amount of water arrived and existed on the earth. A new study published in the journal Nature on 15th brought scientists one step closer to answering this question. The researchers found that the water on the earth did not come from molten meteorites.

  The research team of the University of Maryland analyzed the molten meteorites that have been floating in space since the formation of the solar system 4.5 billion years ago. They found that the water content of these meteorites was extremely low. In fact, they are one of the driest substances ever measured. These results make researchers rule out that they are the main source of water on the earth, which is of great significance for finding water and life on other planets.

  The researchers analyzed seven molten meteorites, that is, spherulite-free meteorites, which split from at least five "planetesimals" and fell into the earth for billions of years. These planetesimals collided to form planets in the solar system. During the melting process, many of these micrometeoroids were heated by the decay of radioactive elements in the early solar system, causing them to split into layers with crust, mantle and core.

  Since these meteorites have only recently landed on the earth, this experiment measured their volatiles for the first time. The researchers used electron probes to measure their magnesium, iron, calcium and silicon levels, and then used secondary ion mass spectrometry to measure their water content.

  To reduce pollution, the researchers first baked their samples in a low-temperature vacuum oven to remove any surface water. The sample must be dried again before it can be analyzed in the secondary ion mass spectrometer.

  After analyzing the samples of non-chondrite, the researchers found that water accounts for less than two parts per million in its mass. In contrast, the wettest meteorite — — Carbonaceous chondrites contain up to 20% water (by weight), which is 100,000 times that of the meteorite samples studied by the team. This means that no matter where these micro-planets originated in the solar system, and no matter how much water they had in the beginning, the heating and melting of micro-planets will lead to almost all water loss.

  The researchers found that contrary to popular belief, not all extrasolar bodies are rich in water. This led them to conclude that water was probably transported to the earth through unmelted meteorites or chondrites.

Those seasonal fruits in autumn have their own merits! Did you eat right?

  Editor’s note: Autumn is the season of bumper harvest of all kinds of fruits, and all kinds of seasonal fruits are also sold in the market. When autumn is dry, you should eat more fruits that are rich in water and have nourishing effects. There are also many eating customs in this period, such as "eating buds in summer and eating fruits in autumn". Although the fruit is good, the way to eat it is still very important. This edition selects three popular fruits in autumn to help you learn how to eat these nutritious autumn fruits healthily.

  This fruit is in season, but it makes people "love and hate"! Interpretation of Several Questions about Persimmon

  Autumn is full of fruitful harvest scenes. There is a folk saying that "the white dew hits walnuts, and first frost picks persimmons", and this is a good time to eat persimmons. Speaking of persimmons, the softened persimmons are thin, tender, sweet and delicious, so I really can’t help eating more. But many people stay away from it, because they heard that persimmons can’t be eaten, especially when they are eaten on an empty stomach. There is also a saying that people with anemia are not recommended to eat, which is more likely to be anemia; There are even rumors that the processed persimmon frost is a preservative. This article will take you to crack these "rumors" one by one and eat persimmons healthily and safely.

  Q: Eating persimmon with stones on an empty stomach?

  A: This statement is too absolute. There are other factors for stones.

  Eating persimmons on an empty stomach is relatively more likely to produce stones, but the more critical factors for the formation of gastric stones are insufficient gastric motility, eating too much at a time or eating persimmons with high tannic acid for several days. If you eat astringent persimmon or ripe sweet persimmon on an empty stomach, you don’t have to worry too much about stones.

  Persimmons are indeed related to gastrointestinal stones, mainly because persimmons contain more tannic acid, also called tannin, which is mainly concentrated in the peel. Its astringent taste is actually a way for plants to "protect themselves" from being eaten; Unfortunately, we humans have accepted this astringency, such as the unique flavor of wine and the heavy feeling of drinking tea, which is mainly brought by polyphenols such as tannic acid.

  Suppose you eat a lot of tannic acid and enter the stomach, which polymerizes in the environment of gastric acid to form a gelatinous coagulum, and then forms a sticky mixture with protein and pectin, which slowly hardens into "stones", inducing stones and causing bloating and stomachache. If it is caused by persimmon, there is also a special name called "stomach persimmon stone"

  According to the data, the appearance of "stomach persimmon stone" is related to gastrointestinal diseases (accompanied by weakened or disordered stomach function) or eating a lot of persimmons.

  Of course, your stomach moves normally, and it is difficult to give tannic acid a chance to fully contact other food ingredients to "aggregate into a ball". Moreover, the persimmon varieties produced in agriculture are already low in tannic acid. We should know that the appearance of gastrolith is influenced by many factors, such as patients with a history of gastric surgery, diabetes, mental disorders, and acid-related diseases such as peptic ulcer and reflux esophagitis are also closely related.

  Therefore, when diagnosing stones, we only care about persimmon intake, which is not comprehensive and needs comprehensive analysis.

  Q: Pregnant women can’t eat persimmons?

  A: It is purely a rumor.

  As long as it is safe and hygienic, and it is not allergic to persimmons, it can be safely eaten. As long as the gastrointestinal function is normal, it is no problem to eat persimmons occasionally. Just follow the same precautions as before.

  Q: People with anemia can’t eat persimmons?

  A: Generally, it only appears in people who are vegetarian or eat a lot of persimmons.

  As for the saying that "anemia can’t eat persimmons", I think tannic acid will affect the absorption of iron. Theoretically speaking, this phenomenon will only occur among vegetarians, and it is a long-term consumption of persimmons. Because only non-heme iron existing in plants will be affected by tannic acid, and the absorption rate of heme iron in animals will not be reduced because of tannic acid. Therefore, for most people, eating persimmons occasionally will not cause anemia.

  For people with anemia, it is more important to know what causes anemia, rather than simply staying on the surface of "do you want to eat persimmons?" If it is a common iron deficiency anemia, eat more animal liver, animal blood and lean meat to increase iron intake, and supplement iron preparations when necessary.

  Q: Is persimmon rich in nutrients?

  A: Vitamin C is 10 times that of apples.

  Persimmon is an out-and-out Chinese native fruit. Next, what is its nutritional value?

  1. high vitamin c content

  To say its biggest nutritional advantage, it is really not the golden color of persimmon that we thought would supplement carotene more, but vitamin C. A big crisp persimmon, about 200g each, can meet 60% of the daily demand for vitamin C (the recommended daily intake of vitamin C for healthy adults is 100mg), which is 10 times the vitamin C content of apples.

  Compared with citrus family fruits with high vitamin C content, it is not inferior (persimmon 30 mg /100 g), such as orange 33 mg /100 g and tangerine 19 mg /100 g.

  2. Carotene is good

  The carotene content in persimmon is 120 micrograms per 100 grams, which is similar to that of orange, although it can’t catch up with mango. Like persimmon, the carotene content has more than tripled, which is equivalent to persimmon dehydration, and the nutrients in it have been concentrated.

  β which is rich in carotene; -Carotene, which can be converted into vitamin A in the body, plays a very important role in eyes and skin.

  3. It contains water-soluble dietary fiber such as pectin, which is helpful for relaxing bowels.

  4. Moderate calories, equivalent to litchi and pomegranate.

  However, persimmon can be as high as 255 kilocalories per 100 grams, which is higher than steamed bread (236 kilocalories /100 grams). Therefore, it should be noted that people who lose weight or control blood sugar should pay attention to eating less.

  Q: Is the frost on persimmon a preservative?

  A: Generally speaking, it is the frosting naturally formed during the production process.

  Persimmons are often processed into persimmons because they are not resistant to storage, inconvenient to store and transport, and have short shelf life. To be processed into persimmon, you must peel it first. After peeling, the water inside the fruit is mixed with sugar and seeps to the surface. As the water evaporates during drying, the sugar of persimmon gradually crystallizes and accumulates on the surface, eventually separating out sugar such as glucose and fructose. In this way, persimmon with "white frost" was finally formed.

  Therefore, the frost on persimmon is not a preservative, but a naturally formed frosting in the production process of persimmon, which is harmless to human body and can be safely eaten. Of course, we should be wary of some unscrupulous merchants who artificially sprinkle flour, starch and other substances on persimmon in order to improve the value of persimmon.

  This is easy to distinguish. After "artificial whitening", the persimmon cake looks more evenly white. When you shake it gently with your hand, the white powder will fall off, which is fake. And its taste is not as sweet as the original persimmon.

  Pay attention to the following three points and eat persimmons with confidence.

  1. Don’t eat raw persimmons, and don’t eat persimmon skins. Choose fully ripe persimmons to eat without skins or choose sweet persimmons and dried persimmons. If the persimmon you bought is astringent, you can put it together with bananas and apples, put it in a plastic bag, or put it directly in a foam box, which can remove the astringency well.

  2. The elderly and children with poor gastrointestinal function, who have gastroesophageal reflux and bloating, had better not eat on an empty stomach.

  3. Don’t eat too many persimmons. According to statistics, eating two persimmons (400-500g) a day by healthy adults will not cause stomach stones, so children can just taste them. However, the situation varies from person to person, mainly depending on your gastrointestinal feeling. If you eat persimmon, your stomach will be uncomfortable, which means that your stomach and intestines are delicate, so don’t eat too reluctantly.

  To sum up the knowledge points: eating persimmons on an empty stomach is easy to grow stones, and it cannot be generalized. The key factors for the formation of gastric stones are insufficient gastric motility and eating persimmons with high tannic acid for several days at a time. As long as the gastrointestinal function is normal, adults, pregnant women and people with anemia can eat persimmons; It is no problem for adults to eat one or two a day. Persimmons are concentrated in essence and can be eaten in half. The "white frost" you see is naturally formed icing, so you can eat it with confidence.

  Text/Wang Yanli (registered dietitian)

  Audit/Chen Ran (Senior Engineer, Deputy Research Librarian, COFCO Institute of Nutrition and Health)

  The article is specially contributed by "Science _ Facts", please indicate the source for reprinting.

  Autumn fresh jujube is on the market, why is it called "nutrition all-around champion"?

  Who is the "nutrition all-around champion" in fruits? This honor, the most should be awarded to fresh jujube, people who want to maintain immunity should eat it quickly.

  Fresh dates are rich in nutrients, especially vitamin C.

  Fresh jujube is rich in vitamin C, B vitamins, dietary fiber, potassium and other minerals as well as a variety of organic acids, and its nutrition is very rich and comprehensive. In particular, the content of vitamin C is particularly high, up to 243 mg /100 g, and eating 40 g of fresh dates can meet the demand for vitamin C for one day. You may not have an intuitive feeling if you just say the value. When you supplement vitamin C, you may think of oranges, lemons, etc., and the vitamin C content in fresh dates is 7 times that of oranges, 10 times that of grapes, 11 times that of lemons and 20 times that of pomegranates. It is no wonder that fresh dates are called "the king of vitamin C" among common fruits.

  The temperature difference between autumn and winter is large, and colds are easy to occur. For people with insufficient intake of vitamin C, proper vitamin C supplementation can maintain the body’s immunity. If vitamin C is lacking for a long time, it will make the important cells of the immune system — — The function of phagocytes is affected, and people are more likely to catch a cold, and are more prone to burnout and general fatigue.

  For the average adult, the daily intake of vitamin C is 100mg/day, and the intake for preventing non-communicable chronic diseases is 200mg/day.

  However, when eating fresh dates, be sure to choose fresh ones, because vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin. In the process of water loss, vitamin C is also greatly lost, and the nutritional value of dried dates is not as good as that of fresh dates.

  In addition to vitamin C, fresh dates also contain many nutrients, and the potassium content is 375 mg /100 g, which is higher than that of bananas, which is good for protecting blood vessels and preventing hypertension.

  In addition, the content of carotene and zinc in fresh jujube is also high, which has the functions of antioxidation and skin protection.

  Not only that, jujube also contains triterpenoids, vitamin P, adenosine cyclophosphate, etc. These substances have the function of assisting cancer prevention.

  Fresh dates are sweet. Can diabetics eat them?

  If the blood sugar control is stable, you can eat it, but don’t eat too much.

  The sugar content of fresh dates is high, reaching 30.5%, which is higher than that of ordinary fruits. Diabetic patients can eat a few at a time, and it can be tasted. Excessive consumption will cause blood sugar fluctuations.

  How much is better to eat fresh dates every day?

  For the average adult, the simplest way to measure it is to grab a handful by hand every day, eat as much as you can, and try to eat between meals so as not to affect your appetite.

  Eat jujube carefully and slowly, and chew the outer skin before eating it, because jujube skin is not easy to digest, especially for patients with gastrointestinal diseases. If you eat it too fast, it may increase gastrointestinal discomfort.

  Text/Yu Kang (Professor of Clinical Nutrition, Peking Union Medical College Hospital)

  Grapefruit is full of treasures, and grapefruit skin also has three wonderful uses.

  The fruit period of grapefruit is from September to December, and it is one of the favorite fruits in autumn. Grapefruit is crisp and tender, juicy and sweet, and rich in water, which can replenish water for the body and make people unable to stop eating it. Grapefruit is not only rich in nutrition, but also a good thing.

  Grapefruit is rich in vitamins and minerals, and its glycemic index is not high, so it is suitable for diabetics.

  Grapefruit is rich in vitamins and minerals, including vitamins such as vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C and carotene, and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus and potassium.

  Every 100g of grapefruit edible part contains 84.8g of water, 12.2g of carbohydrate, 0.7g of protein, 0.6g of fat and 0.8g of crude fiber, and contains 57 kilocalories.

  Grapefruit also contains a variety of micronutrients, including a variety of minerals, such as calcium 41 mg, phosphorus 43 mg, iron 0.9 mg; There are also many vitamins, such as carotene 0.12 mg, riboflavin 0.02 mg and niacin 0.5 mg.

  As a natural antioxidant, vitamin C in grapefruit pulp can resist oxidation and lower blood sugar by scavenging free radicals in the body. The glycemic index (GI value) of grapefruit is 25, and the glycemic load (GL value) is 2. It can be seen that grapefruit is low in sugar content and suitable for diabetics.

  Grapefruit peel is also a good thing to help reduce blood viscosity and reduce thrombosis.

  Citrus grandis peel contains flavonoids such as naringin and rutin, which have antioxidant activity, can reduce blood viscosity and reduce the formation of thrombosis, and has a good preventive effect on cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases such as cerebral thrombosis and stroke.

  Grapefruit has the function of lowering blood sugar because it contains many phytochemicals, but some of these phytochemicals exist in the inedible part of grapefruit — — Grapefruit peel. Pomelo peel has three major nutrients.

  1. Natural pigments

  Pigments in grapefruit peel include fat-soluble carotenoids and water-soluble yellow flavonoids.

  Naringin, the main component of water-soluble pigment, is a kind of polyphenol existing in grapefruit peel, which has antioxidant and hypoglycemic effects.

  2. Dietary fiber

  Grapefruit peel is rich in dietary fiber, among which water-soluble dietary fiber has the effect of improving intestinal peristalsis and lowering blood sugar.

  3. Pomelo peel pectin

  Pomelo peel pectin is a kind of compound polysaccharide with straight chain and high molecular chain, which has the effect of reducing low density lipoprotein cholesterol, reducing the damage of arterial wall and lowering blood sugar.

  Pomelo peel can be eaten or skillfully used in three recommended ways.

  Grapefruit peel is green and slightly bitter, with a unique taste. Especially the pomelo peel of Shatian pomelo in Guangxi is thick, full, white and fragrant.

  When eating grapefruit skin, you need to remove the yellowish skin and the floc tightly wrapped with pulp, leaving the soft part in the middle. Pomelo peel has three wonderful uses.

  1. Soak in water to lower blood sugar

  Diabetic patients should make full and comprehensive use of all parts of grapefruit if they want to lower their blood sugar through grapefruit. For example, the pomelo peel is soaked in water, and the pomelo peel is diced, and 15-20 pieces are put in water at 25-70℃ for 10 minutes at a time.

  Step 2 cook

  Pomelo peel is mixed with meat to make pomelo-flavored steamed pork, pomelo-flavored braised pork, pomelo-flavored pork pot, pomelo-flavored steamed pork ribs, etc. The pomelo flavor and meat flavor permeate each other, which has a unique flavor and can also play a role in dissolving greasy and helping digestion.

  3. Natural deodorant

  Pomelo peel has a porous structure, which can purify and adsorb formaldehyde in the air. Put the pomelo peel in the refrigerator, and the mixed odor of food will not only be removed, but only a faint grapefruit fragrance will be left.

  Putting the dried pomelo peel into shoes can also deodorize and sterilize. The odor of sewers in kitchens and bathrooms can also be removed by washing and soaking with boiled pomelo peel water, which is simple and practical.

  Text/Dr. Ma Health Mission Dr. Guo Xiaohui

  Science Audit/Ma Guansheng (Professor, Peking University School of Public Health)

@ Everyone! From New Year’s Day next year, these new regulations are closely related to you!

  Xinhuanet Beijing, December 27th (Reporter Lu Junyu) 2018 is the countdown, and in the coming year of 2019, a wave of heavy new regulations will be officially implemented.

  Taxpayers will get greater tax cuts when the new tax law is implemented!

  After several rounds of extensive consultation, on December 22nd, the State Council officially issued the Interim Measures for Special Additional Deduction of Individual Income Tax, which marked a key step for China’s individual tax reform to take comprehensive taxation, and taxpayers will receive greater tax reduction from next year.

  The interim measures will be implemented on January 1, 2019 with the newly revised tax law. In the future, taxpayers can calculate the taxable income of individual tax, and besides the basic deduction of 5,000 yuan and special deductions such as "three insurances and one gold", they can also enjoy six special additional deductions such as children’s education, continuing education, serious illness medical care, housing loan interest or housing rent, and supporting the elderly.

  E-commerce law governs online shopping chaos and treats online and offline fairly!

  The E-commerce Law, which consists of seven chapters and 89 articles, provides detailed provisions on e-commerce operators, the conclusion and performance of e-commerce contracts, the settlement of e-commerce disputes, the promotion of e-commerce, and legal liabilities, and will come into force on January 1, 2019.

  In order to protect consumers’ rights and respond to social hotspots, the E-commerce Law stipulates that for goods or services related to consumers’ lives and health, operators of e-commerce platforms fail to fulfill their obligation to review the qualifications of operators in the platform, or fail to fulfill their obligation to ensure safety for consumers, thus causing damage to consumers, they shall bear corresponding responsibilities according to law. If the operator of the e-commerce platform fails to take necessary measures against the behavior of the operator in the platform that infringes on the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, if the circumstances are serious, it shall be ordered to suspend business for rectification and be fined not less than 500,000 yuan but not more than 2 million yuan.

  In recent years, mobile social media has become an important part of people’s daily life, and Wechat business has sprung up and developed rapidly. In view of this new situation, the e-commerce law has expanded the definition of e-commerce operators, and included Wechat business and live broadcast platforms in the supervision. And refine the joint liability of the e-commerce platform and the operators in the platform, and increase the review obligation of the e-commerce platform. Standardize e-commerce enterprises and platforms, and put an end to the phenomenon of "big data killing", "store bullying" and "barbaric growth".

  The organic law of the "two houses" was overhauled for the first time in nearly 40 years, and the achievements of judicial reform were comprehensively confirmed and consolidated.

  The Organic Law of the People’s Court and the Organic Law of the People’s Procuratorate came into effect on January 1, 2019. This is the first major overhaul of the Organic Law of the "two houses" in the past 40 years, which comprehensively confirmed and consolidated the achievements of the judicial system reform in recent years.

  This revision has improved the organization and authority of courts and procuratorates. For example, according to the Law on the Organization of Courts, the Supreme People’s Court can set up circuit courts, intellectual property courts and financial courts, which are all important manifestations of judicial reform in court organization.

  In terms of improving the effectiveness of legal supervision, the Organic Law of the People’s Procuratorate stipulates that the People’s Procuratorate may, according to the needs of procuratorial work, set up procuratorial offices in prisons, detention centers and other places, exercise part of the functions and powers of the people’s procuratorate that dispatched it, or conduct patrol inspections in the above places.

  New version of birth certificate launched

  According to the announcement of the National Health and Wellness Committee in official website, the medical certificate of birth will be revised soon. Since January 1, 2019, the medical certificate of birth (the sixth edition) issued by the National Health and Wellness Committee will be activated.

  Social insurance premiums shall be uniformly collected by the tax authorities.

  The "Reform Plan for the Collection and Management System of National Taxation and Local Taxation" clarifies that from January 1, 2019, various social insurance premiums such as basic old-age insurance premiums, basic medical insurance premiums, unemployment insurance premiums, work injury insurance premiums and maternity insurance premiums will be uniformly collected by the tax authorities.

  This reform will have a series of important effects. Previously, five social insurances were collected by the social security handling department and the tax department in different regions, which was in a situation of "separate collection". After the introduction of this plan, they will be collected by the tax department in a unified way, thus improving the collection efforts and solving the once-existing problem of false fee base. Specific to the actual operation, the release of the "Reform Plan" means that the previous situation that some enterprises did not provide social security for their employees or did not provide full social security for their employees is expected to be changed, which is conducive to implementing the penalty for unpaid social security fees in Article 63 of the Social Insurance Law and standardizing the social security payment behavior of market participants.

  China adjusts some import and export tariffs

  From January 1, 2019, China will adjust the import and export tariffs of some commodities.

  In order to actively expand imports, cut down the institutional costs of import links and help supply-side structural reform, China will impose provisional import tax rates on more than 700 commodities, including adding zero tariffs on miscellaneous meals and some raw materials for pharmaceutical production, appropriately reducing the provisional import tax rates on cotton sliding duties and some furs, canceling the provisional import tax rates on four solid wastes such as manganese slag, canceling the provisional import tax rates on thionyl chloride and lithium-ion batteries for new energy vehicles, and resuming the MFN tariff rate. We will continue to impose a lower provisional import tax rate on advanced equipment such as aero-engines and welding robots in automobile production lines, natural forage and natural uranium, which are urgently needed for domestic development.

  In order to meet the needs of the reform of the export management system and promote the structural adjustment, quality improvement and efficiency improvement of the energy resources industry, since January 1, 2019, 94 commodities such as fertilizer, apatite, iron ore, slag, coal tar and wood pulp will no longer be subject to export tariffs.

  China adjusts cross-border e-commerce retail import policy

  From January 1, 2019, China will adjust the tax policy for cross-border e-commerce retail imports, raise the upper limit of commodity quotas enjoying preferential tax policies, and expand the scope of the list.

  The adjustment of tax policy will increase the annual transaction limit from 20,000 yuan per person per year to 26,000 yuan, and the camera will be raised with the increase of residents’ income in the future. Raise the limit of a single transaction to 5,000 yuan, and make it clear that the duty-paid price exceeds the limit of a single transaction but is lower than the annual transaction limit, and only one commodity can be imported from the cross-border e-commerce retail channel, and the customs duties, import value-added tax and consumption tax are fully levied according to the goods tax rate, and the transaction amount is included in the total annual transaction amount. It is clear that cross-border e-commerce retail imported goods that have been purchased shall not enter the domestic market for re-sale.

  In 2019, the national unified medical insurance system for urban and rural residents was fully implemented.

  It is understood that the National Medical Insurance Bureau recently jointly issued the Notice on Doing a Good Job in Basic Medical Insurance for Urban and Rural Residents in 2018 with the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the National Health and Wellness Committee. The notice is clear and promotes the establishment of a unified medical insurance system for urban and rural residents. All localities should pay close attention to promoting the integration of the basic medical insurance system for urban and rural residents. Areas that have not introduced the integration plan and have not yet started operation should pay close attention to the introduction of the plan and start implementation as soon as possible.

  According to the notice, in 2018, the financial subsidies for medical insurance for urban and rural residents and individual payment standards will increase simultaneously. 40 yuan will be added to the per capita subsidy standard of finance at all levels on the basis of 2017, reaching no less than 490 yuan per person per year. In 2018, 40 yuan will be added to the per capita personal payment standard of medical insurance for urban and rural residents, reaching 220 yuan per person per year.

  The implementation of the Law on the Prevention and Control of Soil Pollution has made people feel at ease in eating and living.

  The Law on Prevention and Control of Soil Pollution in People’s Republic of China (PRC) will be implemented on January 1, 2019, which is the first time that China has formulated a special law to regulate the prevention and control of soil pollution.

  The law on the prevention and control of soil pollution consists of seven chapters and ninety-nine articles. The law clarifies that the prevention and control of soil pollution should adhere to the principles of prevention first, protection first, classified management, risk control, pollution responsibility and public participation.

  According to the law, the state implements the list system of soil pollution risk control and remediation for construction land. The law stipulates the conditions, procedures, risk control and restoration measures to be taken for entering and leaving the land under the list management. If required by law, the land included in the list of soil pollution risk control and restoration of construction land shall not be used as residential, public management and public service land.

  In addition, the law has formulated detailed punishment measures for illegal acts.

  Implementation of the Regulations on the Administration of Administrative Divisions

  The Regulations on the Administration of Administrative Divisions shall come into force on January 1, 2019. Administrative division is an important content for the party to lead the people to promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity in accordance with the constitutional laws. On the basis of summarizing the implementation experience of the State Council’s Regulations on the Administration of Administrative Divisions for more than 30 years, the State Council formulated the Regulations. The promulgation and implementation of the "Regulations" is of great significance to the implementation of the major decision-making arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on optimizing the setting of administrative divisions and strengthening the management of administrative divisions.

  The official release of six national standards for electronic licenses has helped to realize the "one network management" nationwide.

  The State Administration of Market Supervision, the National Standardization Administration Committee and the National Inter-Ministerial Joint Conference Office of Electronic Document Management (National Cryptography Administration) have recently officially released six national standards, namely, the overall technical framework of electronic license, the information specification of electronic license catalogue, the metadata specification of electronic license, the identification specification of electronic license, the technical requirements of electronic license documents and the interface specification of electronic license sharing service.

  With the deepening of the reform of "Internet+Government Services", electronic license, as a professional and voucher electronic document with legal and administrative effects, has increasingly become the main electronic certificate for market participants and citizens’ activities, and is an important basic data to support the operation of government services. The formulation of national standards for issuing electronic licenses will provide standard support for the construction of national electronic license database and basic platform, the mutual recognition and sharing of electronic licenses across levels, departments and regions, and the integration and sharing of government information resources with licenses.

  According to reports, the series of standards for electronic licenses issued this time stipulate the overall technical framework, unified license classification rules and basic information of electronic licenses, which will help promote the realization of "one network to run" nationwide, make the sharing of government information resources and services smoother, and make people feel that it is more convenient to do things. This series of standards will be implemented on January 1, 2019.

All-round, wide-ranging and multi-level! A new chapter on international exchange and cooperation in Lanzhou University of Information Technology

In order to vigorously promote the opening up of education and expand the training of international talents, Huang Wei, the president of the school, and his party recently went to Belarus, an important country along the "the belt and road initiative", and paid in-depth visits to Belarus State Technical University, Belarus State Polytechnic University, Belarus State Normal University, Belarus State Economic University, Belarus Trade Union United International University and China Eastern European Cultural and Educational Exchange Center, and conducted comprehensive and pragmatic discussions and exchanges on the cooperation between the two sides in the fields of higher education and scientific research, and achieved fruitful results.

Belarus State University of Technology and Belarus State University of Technology plan to cooperate with Lanzhou Institute of Information Technology in "3+2+1" undergraduate and postgraduate training, joint undergraduate and postgraduate training, teacher training and enterprise practice, summer (winter) camp and language training around their advantageous engineering majors.

Belarus State Normal University has a high level of attainments in the fields of pedagogy and psychology. It has established a number of special research centers, such as the Center for Modern Educational Methods of Preschool Education, the Center for Psychological Support, and the Center for Special Education. It has also established an information discipline and robotics center with normal characteristics. The two sides have made in-depth communication and reached cooperation intentions focusing on teacher training and professional master’s degree promotion.

The Belarusian State University of Economics and the Belarusian Trade Union United International University have held in-depth discussions with Lanzhou Institute of Information Technology on the vision of cultivating "Economics+Law/Linguistics/Sociology/Psychology" compound talents and interdisciplinary students that meet the needs of society. The two sides plan to focus on e-commerce and logistics management, digital economics, marketing, economic law and other advantageous majors to carry out "2+2" joint training, and conduct in-depth communication on teachers’ further training, undergraduate upgrading and short-term exchanges and visits between schools.

Colleges and universities in Belarus highly recognize Lanzhou Institute of Information Technology and world-renowned enterprises such as Huawei and 360 Group for deepening the integration of production and education, as well as the professional characteristics of "information+engineering" and "digital+business", indicating that their majors are highly compatible and have a natural cooperation foundation for jointly cultivating international talents.

Huang Wei signed a cooperation agreement with the president of Belarus State University of Technology.

The delegation visited Belarus State Normal University

The delegation visited Belarus State University of Economics.

The delegation visited Belarus Union International University (Photo courtesy of the school, issued by Yangguang. com)

At the same time, the school has reached a long-term cooperation agreement with China Eastern European Cultural and Educational Exchange Center. The two sides held talks on the "undergraduate and postgraduate" direct projects in Belarusian universities, and actively supported Lanzhou Institute of Information and Technology to continuously improve the level of international exchanges and cooperation in terms of hiring high-level foreign academicians, jointly holding international higher education exhibitions, and setting up elite classes for studying abroad.

During the visit, the school delegation held a discussion with graduates of Lanzhou Institute of Information Technology who studied in Belarus. During the discussion, Huang Wei and his party expressed cordial concern for the graduates studying abroad, and got a detailed understanding of their study and life, encouraging students to make use of the platform provided by the school to study hard and actively apply their knowledge to the construction of "the belt and road initiative". Zhu Zongyue, a 23rd graduate majoring in financial management, said happily, "I am very happy to meet the teachers of my alma mater in a foreign country thousands of miles away. The familiar faces make me feel very cordial, and I am very grateful for the study abroad channel provided by the school, which has enriched my knowledge and experience. I will cherish this platform and study hard the knowledge and skills of this major, so that I can become an excellent economic talent and contribute to the construction of the motherland in the future."

Group photo of the delegation with the school graduates (Photo courtesy of the school, posted by Yangguang. com)

International exchange and cooperation is an important way to cultivate high-quality talents and plays a vital role in promoting talent cultivation. Lanzhou University of Information and Technology actively promotes international exchange and cooperation projects, strengthens discipline construction, introduces and integrates international resources in many ways, and builds a broader platform for students to improve their academic qualifications, broadens the channels for students to realize their postgraduate dreams, and enables more students to "get a good job and get a good job", so that they can achieve career achievements and happiness in life on a broader platform in the future.

"Those who are willing to work together are not far from mountains and seas." Huang Wei said that standing at a new starting point, Lanzhou Institute of Information Technology will promote pragmatic cooperation with Belarusian universities in an all-round, wide-ranging and multi-level manner. The school will take international education as the link, innovate the training path of college students with international vision in the new era, carry out extensive and in-depth exchanges and cooperation with Belarusian universities, make full use of the important strategic platform of "the belt and road initiative" university alliance, and make new and greater contributions to the construction of educational and cultural exchanges between China and Belarus.

(Note: This article belongs to the education industry information published by Yangguang. com. The content of this article does not represent the views of this website, and it is for reference only. )

Table tennis prediction: table tennis is heading for a happy ending.

  Xinhuanet Beijing August 22nd Olympic Special (Reporter Zhang Han, Wu Zhi) The table tennis match of the Beijing Olympic Games entered the last competition day on the 23rd. After the men’s and women’s teams all won two gold medals, and the women’s singles final became a "civil war", the three men’s singles tigers will advance towards the highest podium again.

  I have to admit that China Table Tennis Team has sent the strongest team in the history for this Olympic Games. Wang Hao, Ma Lin and Wang Liqin, three contestants of China Men’s Table Tennis, are currently ranked first, second and fourth in the world, respectively, ranking third in the tournament. Because of this, they are in an excellent position in the singles draw, and before entering the quarter-finals, all the strong enemies have been swept away.

  In the quarter-finals on the 22nd, Wang Hao beat former China straight player Gao Lize 4-1, Ma Lin beat South Korean Sang Eun Oh 4-0, and Wang Liqin beat Croatian Tan Ruiwu in straight sets, which was no suspense. Persson, a 42-year-old Swedish veteran against Wang Hao, will become the only non-face of china in the men’s singles semi-final on the morning of 23rd.

  China men’s table tennis has not lost a game since the Olympic Games, and the gold medal won by the men’s team has given them more confidence. As long as Wang Hao plays his level normally, it is not difficult for China to lock the gold medal in men’s singles ahead of time by beating persson with his skill of straight strokes and horizontal strokes.

  In fact, as early as the 21 ST men’s singles eighth final, many Eurasian masters have been eliminated. China Hongkong’s Gao Lize defeated defending champion Ryu Seung-min in the top 32 match that morning, and then defeated German teenager Ochalov 4-1 in the eighth final that night, and got the chance to play against Wang Hao in the quarter-finals.

  Persson, who played one more round than the previous 16th seed, eliminated samsonov, the number one table tennis player in Europe, Sang Eun Oh, the 12th seed, defeated Bohr, the 5th seed of Germany, Tan Ruiwu defeated Li Jing, the former world champion, Austrian Shi Lage and former World Cup champion, and glinka, Greece, lost to Wang Liqin and Ma Lin respectively.

Ma Lin beat South Korean player Sang Eun Oh China 4-0 and all the men’s table tennis players advanced to the semi-finals.

News:Sonic4-1 win over dark horse Gao Lize took the lead in breaking into the top four of men’s table tennis singles.

News: Men’s Table TennisMa LinSweeping Sang Eun Oh andwang liqinJoin forces semi-final

China Men’s Table Tennis TeamMa Lin China News Agency issued Sheng Jiapeng photo

  Chinanews. com, August 22 nd, at the just-concluded Olympic Games,table tennisIn the men’s singles quarterfinals, China’s playersMa LinSwept South Korean player Sang Eun Oh 4-0 and successfully advanced to the semi-finals. The scores of the four games were 11-3, 11-5, 11-9 and 12-10 respectively. [detailed] 

 Related links:

  • [Video]table tennis Six men and women from China successfully advanced. August 22, 2008
  • China men’s team champion is in sight after three lightning strokes. August 17, 2008

Editor: Feng Ye

Bye, Nets! Heavy 2 for 1 transaction outflow! The lone ranger will add more reinforcements and win the championship next season.

Dallas Mavericks made many reliable deals this summer: the most favorable one was to re-sign Carey Owen, but the team also added some reliable veterans and high-quality 3D players, such as Grant Williams and Seth Curry. However, the team needs to further supplement the lineup to become a real champion team. In terms of team assets, the Dallas Mavericks don’t have much assets, so their key is to make a relatively risky transaction with potential upside. The player they may be targeting is Ben Simmons of the Nets, because his current trading value may be the lowest. Our trading framework will involve the Mavericks sending Tiny Tim Hardaway and Christian Wood away in the trade. The specific trading plan is: Dallas Mavericks get: Ben Simmons; Brooklyn Nets got: Tiny Tim Hardaway and Christian Wood (sign first and then change).

The Brooklyn Nets have considered trading Ben Simmons before, so this deal may be attractive to them. At the same time, the Dallas Mavericks themselves need to make changes in order to compete in the West. This is why this transaction is attractive to both parties. At this point, it is fair to say that Simmons is no longer the best lineup player of Philadelphia 76ers. However, he is still a reliable defender, rebounder and organizational core, and can contribute to a championship-winning team. In recent years, he has been dealing with injuries, but it is reported that Simmons is the healthiest since the offseason this year. A healthy Ben Simmons may be useful to the Dallas Mavericks, even though his ability is only about 70% of what he used to be. Simmons averaged 6.9 points, 6.3 rebounds and 6.1 assists for the Brooklyn Nets last season. This deal will be a big gamble for the lone ranger.

Although this is not a star performance, Simmons’ versatility in defense may help the Dallas Mavericks. At present, defense is obviously their weakness, which is why they chose Derek Lively as the basket protector in the draft. The addition of Simmons also allows them to choose him as the center. Jason Kidd is a defensive coach, so he will definitely welcome players like Simmons who have participated in DPOY discussions in the past. Theoretically, Dallas Mavericks is the best place for Simmons to revive his career. They have two elite scorers, Luca Dancsics and Carey Owen, and Simmons won’t have scoring pressure. Both stars are reliable three-point shooters, which means they can make room for Simmons. In addition, the team has other high-quality three-point shooters, which will make full use of Simmons’ ability to pass and impact the basket.

Having said that, for the Dallas Mavericks, taking over Simmons is undoubtedly a risk. For him, the key is his mentality. It is fair to say that his aggressiveness has weakened when he cut into the basket. Since the 2018-19 season, Simmons’ score has continued to decline, and we are unlikely to see him score more than 15 points per game again. However, if he can achieve double-digit results in this respect, then he will be a valuable player. Ben Simmons is an acquisition that Dallas Mavericks can make without giving up too many assets. This is a high-risk and high-return transaction, and taking risks may be the right move, because if the general manager does not take risks, it is impossible to win the championship. It’s easy to understand why the Brooklyn Nets are already exploring a deal for Simmons, who is rapidly being replaced by other outstanding young players on the list, such as mickal bridges and Cam Johnson. Now it’s time to really try to trade him. Getting this deal from Dallas Mavericks may be their solution.

Wen | Lao Wang next door

Cape Verde simply can’t understand the unique skill of China men’s basketball team, and there are still big tricks behind Qiao Shuai.

Cape Verde simply can’t understand the unique skill of China men’s basketball team, and there are still big tricks behind Qiao Shuai. Netizens hit the nail on the head and pointed out: Qiao Shuai brought something really different, emphasizing defense without losing tactics, and attacking smoothly. Coupled with the rise of young strikers, perhaps this men’s basketball team may reproduce the glory of 2008! Zhao Jiwei, Zhu Junlong, Cui Yongxi, Zhang Zhenlin and qi zhou are the five best performers in this competition. Zhao Jiwei is the brain of this team, and no one can replace him. Zhu Junlong is conscientious, Cui Yongxi and Zhang Zhenlin are the two most reliable people on the offensive end. This is the case with African teams. Players can jump and fly, but their tactical accomplishment is poor, and they basically rely on going it alone and pulling it out. China’s tactical system and tactical accomplishment are much higher than those of African teams.

Therefore, I estimate that in the final World Cup group match, China should not make it, but the score should not be too ugly. Qi zhou is still depressed by that feeling, but he has played better than others. Wang Zhelin actually played very well, but the free throws were too bad. He scored zero in two, zero in one and zero in two. Hu Jinqiu felt that his tactical position was too low, and he was weakened. Without the ball, CIC and the organization could not play it out, and he was quite right. Fang Shuo is still that nerve knife, dare to throw it, and brought a sight today. Zhao Rui is really a long story, there is no resistance to weaving, and a breakthrough has succeeded. Facts have proved that foreign coaches will lead the team, and Zhou Peng is still always angry and fighting with the opponent and the referee. He used to have three points in defense, but now he has a temper.

He Xining, Fu Hao and Hu Mingxuan have too little playing time to comment. Looking down from the audience, although the opponent was black, the China team fought well and played too few defensive counterattacks. Last season, the league encouraged confrontation, so now players are much better against each other. On several occasions, the opposing players tried to hit qi zhou, Hu Jinqiu and Zhang Zhenlin on the back, but they were basically not impressed. Today’s game is generally good, and the front line is relatively strong. If you really want to pick a thorn, some defenders will continue to collapse. Cape Verde is not famous, but it is still a bit powerful to beat Nigeria. The strength of the African team is really erratic. Why don’t we feel strong when we can beat the team in Nigeria? Is it because we are strong this time? I hope so.

He Xining really has problems with running tactics and holding the ball. Two mistakes in the second half are really wrong! Peter said that after my brother Xuan finally played, it was obviously the Cantonese style of play, and everyone stopped and didn’t run, forcing Hu Jinqiu to shoot three points himself and scored! Although a small European country has a small population, its basketball level is not low, and its strength is much stronger than that of ordinary European countries. I have to say that the gap between foreign coaches and local professional ability is really big. We don’t jump to conclusions about players by one game, especially don’t blow the air and step on the ground. Generally speaking, we have made great progress, especially the players are full of confidence and have new skills and tactics. Zhou Peng can abdicate. He is in the same position as the plan. With the plan, you don’t need to go to Zhou Peng. There are a lot of young people who need to defend. For example, Zhu Junlong never slackens his defense.

What do you think of this?

0: 1 big upset! Arsenal, who led the standings for 248 days, lost to the relegation team and sent Manchester City to win three consecutive championships.

At 0: 30am on May 21st, Beijing time, the 37th round of the Premier League started. Arsenal, ranked second in the league, played away against Nottingham Forest, which was deeply relegated. Only by winning this game can Arsenal keep the championship suspense, but in the end they failed to do so. Nottingham scored the key three points on the road to relegation, while Arsenal once again lost the championship at a critical moment. Send Manchester City to win the Premier League title ahead of schedule.

Manchester City has become the second team in the history of Premier League to win three consecutive championships, and it is also the fifth time to win the cup in the past six years. Since Guardiola took office, Manchester City has established its own blue moon dynasty in Premier League.

Arsenal set an embarrassing record for themselves, and they became the team that failed to win the championship in a single season in the history of the top leagues in England, but ranked first for the longest time. They led the standings for 248 days, and finally gave Manchester City the championship.

At the beginning of April, they were once 8 points ahead of Manchester City and were regarded as the most promising team to win the championship, but Arsenal’s collapse took only four rounds, and it was the most crucial four.

In the face of Liverpool, West Ham United and Southampton, Arsenal’s three-game winning streak disappeared. Except for Liverpool, there is still a gap between the other two teams in terms of strength and Arsenal, especially in the face of the bottom Southampton team’s defense line, which is almost a sieve. If it weren’t for the continuous goals of Odegard and Saka in the last two minutes, Arsenal would even swallow a defeat.

Then facing Manchester City, a 1:4 brittle defeat almost gave the championship to the opponent.

In the game against Nottingham Forest, it can still be seen that the team wants to win, but there is something wrong with the players’ mentality. The whole game is not scored, and the possession rate is close to 82%, but only 11 shots are obtained, and the worst thing the whole team does is stealing.Without the determination to actively grab, Arsenal only contributed 8 steals, while their opponents had 19.

Arsenal’s collapse began when Jesus returned from injury and became the main force. This season, Jesus also lost to Jesus. From the data, he was Arsenal’s fourth scorer, and also contributed five assists. When he first joined the team, Jesus could almost make fans shout "God arrival". Arteta made adjustments due to the injury in the middle of the season, and Nkatiya entered the starting lineup, which actually had a good effect and the team won a winning streak.

When Jesus returned to Alta, he was still given the main position, but at this time he obviously had not fully recovered, and he was out of tactics. In addition, Saka’s state declined, and the tactics of penetrating through the two wings to find Jesus or Odegard were thoroughly understood, which led to the loss of the chain throughout the season.

Arsenal’s loss is actually due to the team’s poor finishing strength. Once one of the main players declines, the team will struggle. In fact, they have done well enough. You can’t expect Liverpool, Manchester United and Chelsea to fall off the chain again next season. Arsenal still need to continuously upgrade their arsenals. Their performance is good enough.

Many people say that there is something wrong with Artta’s ranking, which led to the team’s collapse. In fact, without him, Arsenal’s second place in this league is hanging, at least the team is on the right path. After the game, coach Artta took the initiative to bear the responsibility of losing, and Arsenal can finally enter the Champions League after waiting for six years next season.

Do you want your children to be caddies of Guangzhou team and experience the professional league appearance ceremony together? Now’s the chance!

Does your child like football? Does your child want to be a caddy with professional league experience? Do your children want to be caddies for Guangzhou team? If everything comes true, I believe your child will have an unforgettable memory, which will be an important, meaningful and valuable experience on his growth path. I am afraid it was difficult to achieve it in the past, but now the opportunity has come! Guangzhou Football Club, which has been more enthusiastic about public welfare since this year, will now give you such a ready-made opportunity.

—— On June 4th, 2023, at 15:00, Guangzhou Yuexiu Stadium, the first-class league of Chinese Football Association, Guangzhou Team vs Jinan Xingzhou Guangzhou Langqi & Guangzhou Football Club players entered the arena and held hands to select caddies. The limited registration channel has been opened. Fans are welcome to let their children participate. Please see:Guangzhou team started to sign up for caddy selection activities hand in hand!(Click below to read the original text to view)

Welcome everyone to sign up and let their children have a unique new caddy experience!

With the opening of [Video Number], we will share all the interesting and meaningful moments around us in the future, including Guangzhou Team, Hongyuan and Jielun … Sports, entertainment, film and television entertainment are all available, and everyone is welcome to support and pay attention.