Intelligent anthropomorphic driving, Avita 11 shows extraordinary intelligent driving pleasure

On November 14th, Avita Technology joined hands with strategic partner Huawei to jointly create Avita’s "Smart Driving Experience Day", which became one of the largest and richest high-level smart driving activities in the industry this year. Through this event, Avita 11 for the first time demonstrated the strength of ceiling-level hardcore products such as high-speed NCA smart driving navigation assistance, urban ICA smart cruise assistance, and APA smart parking assistance.

Tan Benhong, Chairperson and CEO of Avita Technology. Photo courtesy of Avita Technology, published by
Tan Benhong, Chairperson and CEO of Avita Technology. Photo courtesy of Avita Technology, published by

Tan Benhong, chairperson and CEO of Avita Technology, said, How to make intelligent driving meet user requests? Based on the understanding of users, Avita and Huawei have worked together to develop products from the product definition stage, and both parties have invested the leading resources in their respective fields to the greatest extent to achieve 1 + 1 > 2. We firmly believe that whether it is appearance, comprehensive performance, or intelligent driving ability, Avita 11 is the top of the industry’s first echelon.

Wang Jun, chief operating officer of Huawei Smart Car Solutions BU and president of Intelligent Driving Solutions Product Line. Photo courtesy of Avita Technology, published by
Wang Jun, chief operating officer of Huawei Smart Car Solutions BU and president of Intelligent Driving Solutions Product Line. Photo courtesy of Avita Technology, published by

As one of the first lock single owners, Wang Jun, chief operating officer of Huawei Smart Car Solutions BU and president of Intelligent Driving Solutions Product Line, said on the spot, I often drive Avita 11, high-speed, urban, and parking continuous experience, and various scene processing is very smooth. Huawei and Avita have deeply cooperated to deeply integrate mechanical systems such as steering and braking with intelligent driving assistance systems to achieve the best experience. The intelligent driving that Avita 11 is about to deliver is the highest level we can do now. Of course, next year will be better, because this system will continue to evolve. The more you drive, the more you understand, and the smarter you drive.

Personalized driving makes high-speed travel more comfortable

The 360-degree full coverage fusion perception ability brought by the AVATRUST super-sensing system and the efficient computing power and anthropomorphic algorithm brought by the AVATRUTH supercomputing system make the AVATRANS intelligent navigation system of Avita 11 fully display its "intelligent" strength in an open road environment.

Avita 11 high-speed NCA intelligent navigation assistance. Photo provided by Avita Technology, published by
Avita 11 high-speed NCA intelligent navigation assistance. Photo provided by Avita Technology, published by

The activation of the high-speed NCA intelligent navigation assistance is very convenient. When the conditions are met, you can enter the smart driving state by flipping the hold block twice in a row. At present, the high-speed NCA intelligent driving navigation assistance has covered more than 200,000 kilometers of expressways and urban expressways in China. On the premise of ensuring driving safety, Avita 11 with a global vision can actively choose a lane with higher traffic efficiency. Near the ramp, you can also change to the exit lane in advance according to the road condition information ahead and the intelligent prediction of traffic flow, to avoid the embarrassment of "missing the exit and driving the wrong way" in unfamiliar environments.

Avita 11. Photo provided by Avita Technology, issued by Hualong Network
Avita 11. Photo provided by Avita Technology, issued by Hualong Network

Jacking or being jammed is a high-frequency scene in daily driving. With the help of full fusion perception ability, Avita 11 can accurately judge the jamming intention of his car, and with the anthropomorphic jamming game ability, he can independently choose to speed up or slow down to give way. When the speed of the forward vehicle is too slow, Avita 11 can quickly complete the acceleration lane change; when encountering the rear car during the autonomous lane change process, Avita 11 can also quickly turn off the lights and slow down to stop the lane change, and continue to perform the lane change after the rear vehicle passes, thus bringing a more peaceful and calm smart driving experience.

In the process of traffic congestion following and ramp inbound and outbound, Avita 11 can monitor and predict the behavior of surrounding vehicles in real time, and combine deep learning algorithms to execute the best interaction strategy to make the vehicle have efficient traffic capacity. At the same time, when passing some large curvature ramp, Avita 11 can also smoothly complete the entry and exit, and the steering wheel turns silky, without frequent back and forth corrections. It is worth mentioning that every active deceleration of Avita 11 is smooth enough to maintain a smooth and comfortable sense of stability, providing passengers with a smooth and smooth ride experience like a courtesy car.

"Eye View Six Roads" Super perception, safer urban complex road conditions

Entering urban roads, the complexity of road conditions has skyrocketed, and accidents, construction and other working conditions have occurred frequently, which is the most test of a car’s intelligent driving strength. Avita 11 is equipped with urban ICA intelligent cruise assistance, and has the ability to perceive and respond to crises that are "invisible to the human eye and unknown to the human mind". It can easily resolve various hidden dangers such as accidents, water horses, construction pile and barrel guidance lines, and provide users with safety protection.

Avita 11. Photo provided by Avita Technology, issued by Hualong Network
Avita 11. Photo provided by Avita Technology, issued by Hualong Network

The accident rollover vehicle located at the entrance of the tunnel often causes temporary visual impairment due to the contrast between light and dark, and the intelligent driver is also unable to identify due to the "special shape", which brings safety hazards. The super full fusion perception ability of Avita 11 not only is not affected by light conditions and bad weather, but also can identify the special-shaped vehicle in advance, issue a timely warning, and take very linear braking measures, which not only prevents accidents but also ensures the comfort of the ride.

Avita 11 can easily identify the piles and buckets used to guide lane line changes. Photo courtesy of Avita Technology, published by
Avita 11 can easily identify the piles and buckets used to guide lane line changes. Photo courtesy of Avita Technology, published by

When passing through the construction section, Avita 11 in the open state of the smart driver can easily identify the pile bucket used to guide the lane line change, anticipate the speed reduction in advance and automatically turn on the lights to change lanes. In the scenario of water horses encroaching on the lane, the system will evaluate the traffic capacity of the lane, and after confirming that the lane still has the capacity of the vehicle, it will slightly slow down and bypass the water horse to improve the continuity and safety of intelligent driving.

Overcome "intractable diseases" and park with more peace of mind

Compared with the traditional "blind man touching the elephant" solution, the fully integrated sensory parking solution adopted by Avita 11 breaks the isolation between the driving and parking systems, and applies the sensing capabilities of the AVATRUST super-sensing system and the powerful computing power of the AVATRUTH supercomputer system to the parking scene. Therefore, the APA intelligent parking assistance on Avita 11 can identify all the parking spaces seen by the human eye in all directions, completely solving the pain points of "not parking, not being placed correctly, taking a long time, and being easy to scratch", bringing users a more reassuring and pleasant intelligent parking experience.

Avita 11 Intelligent Parking Assist. Photo provided by Avita Technology, issued by Hualong Network
 Avita 11 Intelligent Parking Assist. Photo provided by Avita Technology, issued by Hualong Network

Traveling between alleys or alleys, you often encounter tricky "severed road" reverse inclined train positions. Faced with this intimidating scene for novice drivers, Avita 11 can use its powerful 360-degree perception ability to find the rear space by itself, and use its powerful computing power and cloud-empowered path planning experience to autonomously reconstruct the scene, plan the route, and make a U-turn, so as to complete the warehousing action in reverse at the back of the car.

Avita 11 ramp parking. Photo provided by Avita Technology, issued by Hualong Network
Avita 11 ramp parking. Photo provided by Avita Technology, issued by Hualong Network

As one of the common parking scenarios, ramp parking poses a high test for the accuracy of vehicle longitudinal and lateral control. For this scenario, Avita 11 can carefully adjust the steering, power and braking based on human factors engineering theory to compensate for the impact of slope, and precisely control the position and route of the vehicle. Parking is smooth and silky throughout, just like flat ground performance.

Parking process may encounter pedestrians, non-motor vehicles from the rear of the car suddenly across the situation, in this regard, Avita 11 can rely on 34 intelligent driving sensors empowered by long-range perception and target trajectory prediction ability based on AI enhanced learning, accurate tracking of dynamic targets, anticipate target movement, timely stop action, to be moved to a safe distance after the target to automatically resume the parking process, to achieve real one-click peace of mind into the position.

Emotional smart cabin space, smart cars are more comfortable

At the event site, Avita 11 further demonstrated the unique charm of the emotional intelligent cockpit developed based on HarmonyOS. The floating central control screen interface adopts the HarmonyOS car-machine interaction design language, allowing the services and information used in the car to achieve zero-level interaction "visible on the first screen"; the screen edge swipe can be easily retracted, and the two-finger swipe can easily rotate the window position and other operations are consistent with the mobile phone, which greatly reduces the user’s learning cost.

Avita 11 emotional intelligence cockpit. Photo provided by Avita Technology, sent by Hualong Network

Thanks to the colorful Huawei app store, Avita 11 can be adapted to Autonavi Map, Himalayas, NetEase Cloud Music, Kugou Music, Migu Music, Bilibili, Sohu Video, Youku Video, WeSing, WPS and other head APPs, bringing users a colorful car experience with the often new cockpit ecology. Avita 11 is also intimately equipped with a 10.25-inch high definition full LCD screen for the co-pilot, which is based on the organic linkage of one-core multi-screen capability and cockpit smart interconnection screen to bring users a multi-person shared intelligent entertainment driving experience.

Avita 11 emotional intelligence cockpit. Photo provided by Avita Technology, sent by Hualong Network

Based on HarmonyOS voice capabilities, Avita 11 has created a full-interface voice control system that can be seen and spoken. At the interface of car control, music video, navigation and other three-party applications, users can directly speak text according to the interface information without manual clicking. The intelligent voice assistant can support 4-partition sound source positioning, continuous instructions, fuzzy semantic instructions, custom Keyword Spotting and other functions, making "Xiaota" more intelligent and loving for users.

In addition, Avita 11 is intimately equipped with six smart scenario modes, one-click linkage of ambient lights, music, fragrance, HALO screen and other hardware, and interacts with a real and interesting scene-based interface to bring a full range of intelligent atmosphere experience. Take the unique pet mode as an example. After turning on this function, the car machine can turn on the air conditioner and adjust it to a suitable temperature. At the same time, the car machine screen will enter the care reminder state to avoid misunderstandings by passers-by outside the car. And if the user accidentally leaves the pet in the car when getting off the car, Avita 11’s departure cockpit perception function can send a reminder to the user in time through the APP, giving the "shit shoveling officer" peace of mind and protecting the safety of small lives.

Car review

As the first model fully equipped with HI (Huawei Inside) Huawei’s full-stack smart car solution, Avita 11 demonstrates the results of complementary advantages and deep binding between Avita and Huawei in multiple fields, allowing intelligence to truly realize the value of providing users with a safe and comfortable driving experience. In the future, Avita Technology will continue to be committed to exploring future-oriented humanized travel technology to create a better emotional intelligent travel experience for users.

China Star | Shenzhou 16 enhances the reliability of Beidou navigation signals

  CCTV News:The Shenzhou-16 manned spacecraft is the first manned spacecraft in the new stage of application and development of China’s space station, and it is also the 11th manned mission carried out by China. What are the new changes of Shenzhou-16? What are the differences between it and previous spacecraft?

  Shenzhou 16: Enhancing the Reliability of Beidou Navigation Signals

  The Shenzhou 16 manned spaceship had fully inherited the technical status of the Shenzhou 15 spaceship, and its main functions and technical indicators remained unchanged. The difference was that the Shenzhou 16 was a new batch of spaceships, which was of great significance for verifying the technical status of this batch of spaceships.

  Gao Xu, Chief Designer of the Manned Spaceship System of the Fifth Academy of Aerospace Science and Technology Group:Compared with the previous batch, we have done a lot of work on autonomous control. For example, we have enhanced the reliability of the Beidou navigation signal. We have done a lot of work on the localization of components to improve the level of autonomous control of the spacecraft itself.

  Mass production multi-line parallel, Shen 17 completes final assembly test

  Gao Xu introduced that the batch development of Shenzhou spacecraft is very stressful for the team. In the past, the development team only needed to develop one spacecraft at a time, but now the development team needs to complete the development, launch, flight control and return of several spacecraft in parallel, with multiple fronts highly overlapping.

  It is understood that at present, Shenzhou 17 has completed the final assembly test at Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center and has the ability to stand by for emergency rescue. Shenzhou 18 and Shenzhou 19 are undergoing the final assembly and testing of the whole ship before leaving the factory, and other spacecraft in this batch have entered the stage of single-machine development.

Extreme krypton started a sideline: holding the vast -M architecture and building cars for autonomous driving companies.

Does the company have to build cars?

With the mature development of the industrial chain, autonomous driving companies can generally come up with autonomous driving sensor kits specially designed for Robotaxi scenes and in line with in-vehicle applications and standards.

In their view, building a car in the next stage is not only time-consuming and costly, but also has many technical barriers. It also needs to build its own factory and build an upstream and downstream industrial chain.

At the same time, there is another voice in the industry that adding sensor kits, technical units and software to the original vehicles is no longer in line with the next development goal of autonomous driving.

In other words, building a car will become the most critical step in promoting the commercialization of autonomous driving.

In July 2022, Baidu Apollo released the first unmanned vehicle RT6, which broke the dilemma that Robotaxi was mostly a modified car, and the cost of RT 6 was reduced to250 thousandYuan.

On November 17th, 2022, the M-Vision concept car jointly developed by Waymo and Krypton made its debut in Los Angeles. The new car was based on Krypton Vast-M.(SEA-M)The architecture will be mass-produced in 2024 and put into commercial operation in the United States.

In their view, autonomous driving wants to achieve large-scale mass production of technology, vehicle platforms need to be innovated, and software and hardware systems need to be more deeply integrated.

This means that the carrier of autonomous driving needs to draw a blueprint from a blank sheet of paper.

"It is an inevitable trend for unmanned vehicles to develop from refitting and installing finished vehicles to customizing and developing based on vehicle platforms. An industry person said.

01、I started a sideline and built a car for Waymo.

In December 2021, Waymo officially announced a cooperation with Krypton. The latter will provide exclusive vehicles for Waymo’s self-driving fleet and put it into commercial operation in the United States.

A year later, the M-Vision concept car, the result of cooperation between the two parties, made its debut in Los Angeles.

According to the heart of the car, Waymo is responsible for the automatic driving system and cockpit entertainment system, while the European Innovation Center is responsible for providing the core components of Robotaxi.Vast -M architecture.

In fact, Krypton was able to cooperate with Waymo without two acquisitions.

In July 2021, it was extremely embarrassing.1,057.8 millionkoruna(about 799 million yuan) Acquired CEVT in Gothenburg, Sweden(China-Europe Technology Research and Development Center)100% equityLater, it was renamed the European Innovation Center.

After the acquisition, CEVT can provide shared architecture, chassis, powertrain, transmission system, car body and vehicle design technology for future strategic products and R&D platforms.

CEVT is a gathering place of technical souls.

Since its completion and operation in 2013, CEVT has been Geely.1.3 millionThe production and sales of this car provide a complete and systematic technical system, and have trained thousands of global technical talents. The well-known CMA architecture and so on are all from this R&D center.

The second acquisition comes from the 30% equity acquisition of vast energy. This acquisition enables Krypton to redevelop the vast architecture of SEA.

In short, combined with the technical advantages of Krypton European Innovation Center, Krypton can develop the vast architecture again-this is also the origin of the vast -M architecture.

Vast -M is developed based on the vast architecture of Geely SEA, which took Geely five years to invest.20 billionThe pure electric architecture developed is also the killer of Geely in the field of new energy.

The characteristics of Geely’s vast architecture can be simply summarized into three key words:

According to Krypton, Haohan -M is the world’s first intelligent mobile travel platform specially developed for autonomous driving scenes, and it is the latest type of vast architecture facing the era of autonomous driving.

Among them, the m of vastness -M stands for Modular Mobility Architecture(Modular Travel Architecture).

On the basis of prototype architecture, Vast -M passedhardware layer+System layer+Ecological layerTo create a sustainable and extended self-driving vehicle.

To achieve this, we not only rely on the vast prototype architecture to cover the high application range of 1800-3300mm wheelbase of A-E class cars, but also need a native electric platform and flexible expansion ability to support L4 class automatic driving.

In this regard, it is almost impossible to achieve the traditional fuel vehicle platform, and related problems have been exposed in oil-to-electric vehicles before.

Constrained by a large number of complicated mechanical transmission structures, the expansion and layout adjustment capabilities of the traditional fuel vehicle platform are very limited, and the motors can only be installed in the space left after the fuel tanks are cancelled, so it is difficult to adjust the vehicle structure.

It can be said that holding the advanced vast -M architecture, he started a sideline business-helping autonomous driving companies build cars, which directly contributed to Waymo’s choice of cooperation.

Vast -M architecture, fully embedded with automatic driving interface, can be connected to the automatic driving system of L4 level and above, and can be compatible with different automatic driving schemes, from local control to full control of vehicles.

In addition, the vast -M architecture meets all technical requirements of autonomous vehicles and is compatible with all autonomous driving schemes.

"From Waymo’s point of view, it is extremely difficult for Krypton or Geely Group to find a second partner because of its ability to control costs under the same quality and its European R&D and innovation capabilities. 」

When talking about why Waymo chose to cooperate with Extreme Krypton to develop customized cars, Yang Dacheng, vice president of Extreme Krypton, said.

"The vast -M architecture is open to ecological partners around the world, not just Waymo, but also other global autonomous driving companies."

Through the cooperation case with Waymo, Yang Dacheng also threw an olive branch of "OEM" to other autonomous driving companies.

In the past, the threshold of "OEM" was not high, just providing enough assembly experience to achieve the production target.

Nowadays, due to the special products such as self-driving cars, the traditional cooperation mode is directly broken, and at the same time, the "OEM" needs to export certain research and development capabilities.

02、What’s different about Robotaxi, which Waymo cooperates with Krypton?

As a leader in the field of autonomous driving, Waymo has also tried to build his own car.

In May 2014, the autonomous driving team released a code-named ""fireflyThe unmanned car is planned to invest 100 vehicles in a small-scale trial operation in California in the early stage.

Due to the imperfection of the supply chain, the cost of Firefly is high, and the original 100 cars were finally cut down.50 vehiclesCar, coupled with the slow progress of the project, Google finally gave up its own car-making route.

In 2017, Google announced the retirement of Firefly.

In 2018, Waymo made an ambitious announcement to purchase from Land Rover and Fiat respectively. 20,000 vehiclesI-PACE and62,000 vehiclesDajielong is used to build a self-driving fleet.

In order to expand the operation scale of the fleet, in 2019, Waymo announced the establishment of the world’s first factory to produce L4 self-driving cars in Michigan, USA, which is mainly responsible for modifying the purchased existing production cars.

Up to now, there is no sign that Waymo has achieved his goal.

According to public data, Waymo’s current fleet size is only over 1,000 vehicles, and the current practice is still to install automatic driving kits on production vehicles.

This seems to be efficient, but it will bring many problems.

The first is the vehicle.Basic quality. The existing control system of mass production vehicles is built on the basis of human drivers, and the basic functions, including throttle, braking and steering, are all completed by traditional mechanical transmission, but this is completely different operation logic for the automatic driving system that relies on electronic signals to control vehicles.

Followed by the vehicle.Functional scene. Self-driving cars are essentially liberating drivers. Starting from the needs of passengers, we define what kind of functional scenes a self-driving car should achieve. However, most existing production cars are just a family car with comprehensive functions, and the layout of the cockpit cannot be changed, which cannot further expand the practicability of the vehicle.

Finally, the vehicle’scost. The needs of C-end users and B-end users are different. To build a self-driving car and a family car, the investment of BOM cost is completely different.

When refitting on the existing vehicle platform, it is necessary to bear all the BOM costs of the original private car, and it is also necessary to superimpose the cost of the autopilot kit, which is a great challenge to reduce the cost, which also leads to the large-scale investment of the refitted car and the cost of bicycles.

From the perspective of scale, Waymo urgently needs a mass-produced Robotaxi model.

In the negotiation with Krypton, Waymo once put forward requirements for vehicles-comfort comparable to S-class, chassis control comparable to e-tron, vehicle energy consumption comparable, and required the service life of operating trucks.

On the one hand, due to Waymo’s strong dominance, car companies can only play the role of engineering development and vehicle manufacturing.

On the other hand, based on Waymo’s personalized requirements for vehicles, car companies are reluctant to develop an exclusive self-driving car platform from scratch. After all, the current commercial feasibility is far lower than the research and development cost.

This is why Waymo’s previous cooperation model with car companies is relatively simple.

Waymo only purchases complete vehicles from Fiat Chrysler, Jaguar Land Rover and-,and deploys the sensor kits needed for autonomous driving on these vehicles through modification, and then carries out the real road test of autonomous driving or the self-driving taxi test.

Looking at the world, there are very few companies that can enable autonomous driving companies like Waymo to achieve mass production based on the vast -M architecture.

To put it another way, whether an autonomous driving company wants to build a car depends largely on whether it can find a useful carrier.

Based on this kind of thinking, a route that can not only be developed from zero to positive, but also hand over the burden of building cars to partners has become a new choice for autonomous driving companies such as Waymo.

The first is inProduct experienceOn the level, different from the traditional car model focusing on the driver’s thinking, the mobile travel vehicle built by the vast -M architecture is oriented to the automatic driving application scene, and the biggest highlight is reflected in the "user" experience:

The wheelbase of the vast -M architecture itself covers 2700mm-3300mm, and such a wide range of wheelbase makes the model extremely scalable-the front and rear suspension of the vehicle can be adjusted, and the distance between the seat and the rear axle can be stretched, finally providing a flexible layout of the cockpit space.

The second iscost. For self-driving cars, cost has always been the most sensitive issue.

A modified model with an automatic driving system, the price is500-1 millionRenminbi. In this cooperation with Krypton, Waymo’s demand is "to get the best things with the least money".

Yang Dacheng said, "Based on the efficient universality and scale of the vast architecture itself, the vast -M architecture can meet the needs of users with different budgets. 」

The third isquality. M-Vision meets the global five-star safety standards and conforms to the American Highway Safety Insurance Association.(IIHS)Maximum safety requirements. M-Vision can guarantee 500,000 kilometers in five years and meet the requirement of 16 hours of uninterrupted operation every day.

As early as the launch of the vast architecture, Geely said that the vast architecture will launch products with full open road autopilot function in 2025.

The debut of M-Vision also marks the further verification of the intelligent planning of the vast architecture.

03、Extreme krypton press the "fast forward key"

Waymo provides autonomous driving technology, and Krypton provides highly customized exclusive vehicles-this cooperation mode provides a new problem-solving idea for the landing of autonomous driving.

In addition to Waymo, other autonomous driving companies can also realize the landing of autonomous driving products based on the vast -M architecture.

As the most important smart electric vehicle brand under Geely Holding, through the commercial cooperation with Waymo, the vast -M architecture can also be fed back to the passenger car market in the future, thus enhancing the competitiveness of the brand.

Not long ago, Yang Xueliang, vice president of Geely, revealed on the social platform:

"M-Vision is a customized Robotaxi for Waymo in the United States, and M-Vision also has plans to promote To C products. 」

It is understood that the vast -M architecture will retain two versions of steering wheel, pedal/steering wheel and pedal at the same time.

According to informed sources, there are currently two products under development in the vast -M architecture:

With the continuous growth of the launch and delivery of the second new car 009, the product matrix of Krypton is accelerating.

According to the previous plan, Krypton will cover cars, SUVs and sub-categories around three product lines: Z, C and M in the next two years:

At the same time, Krypton will enter the global market, and Krypton 001 will enter the European market in 2023.

At the beginning of its development, Krypton fully considered the European standard and American standard, and certainly did not rule out a larger scale in the future. Extreme CEO An Conghui said.

Behind the market opportunity game, production capacity is the key to break through.

"Krypton currently has a production capacity of 300,000 vehicles, so it is no problem to ensure production and delivery, because we have other factories. In recent years, the new factories have also comprehensively considered the production needs of electric vehicles, and can realize the manufacturing of vast architecture products in the fastest time. At the press conference of Krypton 009 in November this year, An Conghui said.

Up to now, Extreme Krypton 001 has become the sales champion of China brand 300,000 luxury pure electric vehicles for three consecutive months-a total of 60,000 vehicles have been delivered, and the average order amount has exceeded.336 thousand.

Through the performance of krypton sales, An Conghui’s "internal letter" to internal employees shows that:

"The success of a single product cannot bring about the sustainable development of a brand. The diverse needs of users require us to complete the product layout from single product explosion to multi-product development as soon as possible. 」

Different from the cooperation mode of the new forces in the head and the internal incubation mode of traditional car companies, it relies on Geely+Volvo’s car-making experience and technical resources, but from decision-making to the accumulation of marketing experience, it has gone through a complete process from 0 to 1.

In other words, Krypton is exploring a route that combines the technical background of traditional car companies with the flexibility and efficiency of new cars.

As you can see, based on "Geely+Volvo technical resources are the underlying logic.",as well as the self-evolution of users’ travel needs, it is accelerating to prove the feasibility of building a third track.

How to choose Volvo S90 and XC60? Not just the difference between a car and an SUV

How to choose the same brand car and SUV? I believe that friends who are paying attention to Volvo are also struggling with how to choose S90 and XC60. On the surface, it seems to be the difference between medium and large cars and medium-sized SUVs, but what are the highlights and differences in various aspects? Let’s take a look at it next.

At present, the Volvo S90 (parameter picture) on sale is 2021 models, which provide five different configurations, and the manufacturer’s guide price range is: 406,900-505,900 yuan. Volvo XC60 has just completed the mid-term redesign. Currently, it sells 2022 models, offering 6 different configurations. The manufacturer’s guide price range is: 373,900-474,900 yuan.

Although the price of Volvo S90 is more expensive than XC60 at present, the S90 discount is not small. The discount range in Beijing is more than 80,000 yuan, and XC60 has just been listed, so there is no discount at present, but it is expected that it will start to offer in about half a year. Generally speaking, if you are not in a hurry to buy a car at present, the price of XC60 will be cheaper under the same preferential conditions.

The positioning of the two cars is completely different. Volvo S90 is a medium-sized car and Volvo XC60 is a medium-sized SUV, and the different positioning will also bring obvious differences in driving experience, riding experience and space.

At present, Volvo S90 and Volvo XC60 are both equipped with a 2.0T+48V light mixing combination, and their transmission systems are 8AT gearboxes, with a maximum power of 250 HP and a peak torque of 350 Nm. However, Volvo XC60 has a full-time four-wheel drive system, while S90 is driven by a front drive.

In terms of driving experience, although the two cars are equipped with the same powertrain, the height and center of gravity of the car and SUV are different, so the driving experience of S90 is better than that of XC60. The most obvious difference lies in the stability at high speed and the lateral supporting performance of the car body. The choice in this respect is also easy. I suggest you go to 4S to test drive the two cars yourself, and the difference is still obvious.

In terms of body size, the length/width/height of Volvo S90 are 5090/1879/1450mm and the wheelbase is 3061mm;; The length/width/height of Volvo XC60 are 4708/1902/1658mm and the wheelbase is 2865. Obviously S90 is longer in size, while Volvo XC60 is taller and wider.

In terms of seating space, the Volvo XC60 is more spacious and bright. After all, the height of the car body has an advantage, while the S90 gives people a sense of package, and the view is not as good as that of the XC60, but especially the comfort of the rear seats is better than that of the XC60.

There is no comparability in trunk storage, which is also the advantage of SUV models. The rear seats of Volvo XC60 support to be laid down in proportion to expand the space, which is more convenient and practical than the trunk of a car even if it is not expanded. Therefore, if friends who have higher requirements in this area choose XC60 directly, of course, it does not mean that S90 cannot meet the needs of long-distance travel, but it can be said that it is completely sufficient, mainly because of the storage capacity of large items.

In terms of configuration, Volvo S90 is also a mid-range model in its own car series. Compared with Volvo XC60, Volvo S90 has more configurations: the rear adjustment button of the co-pilot seat, CarPlay support, 16-speaker Harman Kardon stereo, adaptive far and near light, steering assist light, LED front fog light, 7-color interior atmosphere light, multi-layer sound insulation glass, rear sunshade, rear independent air conditioner, negative ion generator and so on.

The Volvo XC60 has more: full-speed adaptive cruise, steep descent, electric trunk, wireless charging of front mobile phones, and proportional seating. On the whole, S90 has achieved the level that this class of vehicles should have, and can provide excellent advanced feeling and comfort. The new XC60 has also been upgraded in terms of configuration, and its practical performance is not bad, but it is worse than S90 in terms of luxury.

Summary: After comparison, we can find that although the two models come from the same brand, the price is close and the power is exactly the same, there are still obvious differences because of the different positioning. Volvo S90 is more business-oriented, more suitable for commuting or business reception in the city, and the comfort and luxury in the back row are better than XC60. The XC60 is more suitable for family cars, and the SUV is more practical in terms of passability and versatility.

In May, the number of reports received by the real estate industry increased significantly, and the problem of arbitrary charges was prominent.

  CCTV News:According to the website of the National Development and Reform Commission, the May 2017 analysis report of the national 12358 price supervision platform was released recently. The report shows that the acceptance of the platform in the month increased by 9.7% compared with the previous month. Parking fees, online shopping, commodity retail, real estate and other industries are highly concerned; The acceptance of online shopping industry reports declined for two consecutive months; Compared with last month, the real estate industry received more reports, and problems such as illegal charges and arbitrary charges were prominent.

  According to the report, the acceptance of the platform continues to grow. In May 2017, the national 12358 price supervision platform received a total of 65428 price reports, complaints, letters and visits, and consultations, with an increase of 9.7% over the previous month and 6.9% over the same period last year. Among them, there were 10,285 price reports, accounting for 15.7% of the total acceptance, up 34.7% year-on-year; 6185 price complaints, accounting for 9.5%, up 6.4% year-on-year; There were 48,904 price inquiries, accounting for 74.7%, up 2.1% year-on-year, and 54 price letters and visits.

  The acceptance of online shopping price reports declined. The top five industries are parking fees (11,394), online shopping (8,737), commodity retail (3,867), property management (3,584) and transportation (2,863).

  Among them, the attention of online public opinion on parking charges is low, but the acceptance of the platform is high, which shows that the national 12358 price supervision platform has become the main channel for the masses to reflect the parking charges.

  Compared with last month, the price problems of real estate, property management and other industries are on the rise, and the number of reports received by the pharmaceutical industry has dropped a lot.

  The geographical distribution of price reporting acceptance has not changed much. In May, the top ten provinces of platform acceptance were Tianjin (12,769), Shanghai (7,277), Beijing (6,060), Jiangsu (4,322), Shandong (3,554), Guangdong (3,404), Chongqing (2,922), Shaanxi (2,467) and Hunan.

  According to the report, in May 2017, the national 12358 price supervision platform accepted a total of 2602 price reports, complaints and consultations in the real estate industry, an increase of 34.2% compared with the previous month, ranking first in all industries in a single month. The data shows that the price hotspots in the real estate industry show obvious regional characteristics, and the hot issues reflected by the first-tier, second-tier and third-and fourth-tier cities are quite different.

  According to the analysis of the acceptance of the national 12358 price supervision platform, in May 2017, the most concerned price violations in the national real estate market mainly included illegal collection of group purchase fees, failure to charge according to the filing price, illegal collection of agency fees (membership fees, information consulting fees, etc.), arbitrary charges by developers under various pretexts, and failure to clearly mark the price in a conspicuous position.

  The data shows that the complaints and reports of the real estate industry in first-tier cities are mainly second-hand houses, and the transactions of new houses in second-tier and third-tier cities occupy a dominant position.

  Specific to different levels of cities, from the total point of view, the number of real estate complaints in first-tier cities is much lower than that in second-tier cities; From the structural point of view, complaints and reports in first-tier cities mainly focus on illegal collection of agency fees, while those in second-tier cities, third-tier cities and below are the problems of illegal collection of group purchase fees and arbitrary charges by developers.

  In addition to the above problems, there are also many complaints from the masses: landlords in the housing rental market in first-tier cities deduct rents for no reason, collect fees arbitrarily by intermediaries, and landlords raise rents at will. Some real estate developers and brokerage companies in second-and third-tier cities spread false information and maliciously speculate to drive up housing prices, and raise housing prices in disguised form by raising decoration prices, forcibly bundling parking spaces, and forcibly bundling storage rooms.

  According to the report, the comprehensive data show that the market price order was generally stable during the May Day and Dragon Boat Festival, and people’s enthusiasm for travel was high, and price issues such as transportation and tourism were still the most concerned. Among them, the price problem in the transportation field is the most, accounting for 42.46%. Followed by tourism, accounting for 17.02%.

  In terms of transportation, the most feedback is the price increase of passenger lines. The public reported that during the May Day period, some lines of passenger cars increased in price, were overloaded, and even charged baggage fees. In addition, there are many problems, such as unreasonable parking fees, no uniform standard for highway rescue service fees, unreasonable taxi charges, and discount traps for cheap air tickets.

  In terms of tourism, the most common complaints are the increase in ticket prices and unreasonable fees, followed by the high commodity prices in scenic spots. Supermarkets, restaurants and entertainment projects in scenic spots are not clearly marked, and repeated charges for parks and scenic spots are also the main problems reflected by the public.

  On the issues related to enterprise fees, many problems are reflected, such as increasing fees at will, imposing fees under various pretexts, charging guidance fees indiscriminately at the annual inspection window of motor vehicles, and not canceling the government’s repayment of secondary road fees in some areas.

  Finally, the report emphasizes the key areas that all levels of departments will pay attention to in the next step, mainly including:

  First, continue to pay attention to and do a good job in real estate price supervision. Price departments at all levels should strengthen the price supervision of the real estate industry, give full play to the role of the national 12358 price supervision platform, severely investigate and deal with price violations, and create an open and transparent trading environment in the real estate market.

  Second, the competent price departments at all levels should do a good job in emergency monitoring and early warning of market prices during the college entrance examination, closely track the changes in prices and charges related to accommodation, catering, medicine, agricultural and sideline products around the examination room, and earnestly safeguard the legitimate price rights and interests of the majority of candidates.

  Third, the price authorities at all levels should further rely on the national 12358 price supervision platform, focus on promoting big data analysis of price supervision, and continuously improve the platform’s capabilities in information collection, analysis and prediction, emergency response, and effective supervision.

  Attachment: Typical Cases of National 12358 Price Supervision Platform in May

  I. Beijing Property Service Evaluation and Supervision Association and its members implemented the case of price monopoly.

  Since 2012, many citizens in Beijing have reported that Beijing Property Service Evaluation and Supervision Association and its member units have implemented price monopoly and demanded investigation. After investigation, Beijing Property Service Evaluation and Supervision Association, as an industry organization of 48 third-party property service evaluation institutions in Beijing, organized 48 third-party institutions in the industry from 2012 to 2016, and formulated the charging standards for property service evaluation and supervision business through meetings and emails for many times, and notified the third-party institutions that did not implement the charging standards. This behavior violates the relevant provisions of the Anti-monopoly Law of the People’s Republic of China and the Price Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC), which restricts the market price competition and damages the legitimate rights and interests of consumers. The Beijing Municipal Development and Reform Commission imposed a fine of 350,000 yuan on the Beijing Property Service Evaluation and Supervision Association, and imposed different amounts of fines on its 48 member units, with a cumulative fine of 2.19 million yuan.

  2. Beijing Paradise Xianghe Funeral Service Co., Ltd. charged illegally.

  Many citizens in Beijing reported that Beijing Paradise Xianghe Funeral Service Co., Ltd. had illegal charges when providing cosmetic services for remains, and demanded to investigate and deal with them. After investigation, the problem reflected by the whistleblower is true. Since October 2016, the company has not charged the people according to the "150 yuan for general cosmetic surgery" set by the government, but charged the people according to the 200 yuan standard for each cosmetic surgery, and overcharged the families of 12 mourners with 600 yuan for cosmetic surgery. In addition, when the company rented the farewell hall, it didn’t charge the venue rental fee of 11,400 yuan in accordance with government regulations. According to the provisions on administrative penalties for price violations, the Beijing Municipal Development and Reform Commission ordered the company to immediately correct the price violations and return the 12,000 yuan overcharged price to the bereaved families. However, within the refund period stipulated in the Notice of Ordering Refund, the company actually returned only 1250 yuan, but not 10750 yuan. Therefore, according to relevant laws and regulations, the Beijing Municipal Development and Reform Commission imposed an administrative penalty of confiscating 10,750 yuan of its illegal income and fined 12,000 yuan.

  Three, Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province, New Mart Shopping Plaza false promotion case.

  A citizen of Daqing reported that when shopping at the JEEP counter of New Mart Shopping Plaza, he found that the actual discount of some goods was lower than that of the logo, and he thought that there was price fraud and asked to investigate it. After investigation, the slogan of the discount activity of the counter was "50-80% off the whole audience", while the actual sales price of the pants with the product number (205330) was 1056 yuan/piece, and the price of the sign was 1200 yuan/piece, with a discount of 8.8%. The related issues belong to false preferential discounts. The Saertu District Price Supervision Administration ordered the mall to immediately correct the price violations and imposed an administrative penalty of 5,000 yuan.

  4. Case of illegally charging gas installation fee for Zhongke City Garden in Xingzi County, Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province

  A citizen of Xingzi County, Jiujiang City reported that when he bought a house in Zhongke City Garden, he was asked by the real estate company to pay the initial installation fee for natural gas and asked to investigate it. After investigation, the problems reflected by the whistleblower are basically true, and the real estate company has indeed charged the owners illegal natural gas installation fees since February 2017. This behavior violated the relevant provisions of Articles 4 and 5 of the Notice of Jiangxi Development and Reform Commission on Regulating the Management of Pipeline Gas Installation Fees (No.1262 [2015] of Jiangxi Development and Reform Commission), and the Xingzi County Price Bureau ordered the company to rectify immediately according to law, fully refund the overcharged fee of 32,000 yuan, and impose an administrative penalty of 32,000 yuan.

  V. Case of illegal collection of water purification fees by kindergartens in Gongli Town, Fuping County, Shaanxi Province

  A citizen of Fuping County, Weinan City reported that his children were asked to pay the water purification fee when they were studying in the kindergarten in Gongli Town of the county, which was considered unreasonable and demanded investigation. After investigation, the information reported by the whistleblower is basically true. Since October 2016, the park has installed a water purifier, and since then, 20 yuan’s water purification fee has been charged to each child who enters the park. The relevant acts violated the relevant provisions of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) Price Law and the Notice of Shaanxi Provincial Price Bureau on Printing and Distributing (Shaanxi Price Service Fa [2015] No.53). The Fuping County Price Bureau ordered the park to immediately correct the price violations, refund all the overcharged price of 5,240 yuan, and impose an administrative penalty of 5,240 yuan.

  6. Renai Hospital in Heze City, Shandong Province failed to execute the case of clearly marked price.

  A citizen of Heze City reported that he was charged a high fee when he was circumcised in Renai Hospital of the city, and asked to investigate. After investigation, the hospital is a for-profit medical institution, and its medical service price is determined by the market price. The hospital verbally informed the price and the operation items (as evidenced by the operation consent signed by the patient). However, the hospital did not implement the relevant provisions of the document "Provisions on the Implementation of Clearly Marked Prices of Goods and Services" (Order No.8 of the State Planning Commission). The Peony District Price Bureau of Heze City ordered the hospital to strictly implement the clearly marked price publicity system and imposed an administrative penalty of 5,000 yuan.

Cultural observation, digital fashion, the real "emperor’s new clothes"?

"If you are in the metauniverse every day, you will need virtual fashion and digital tools."
Digital fashion, the real "emperor’s new clothes"?
2022-06-02 Source: Volkswagen Daily 12th Edition
□ Our reporter Zhu Zikai
Will you buy a dress that you can’t wear? Not long ago, Xiaohongshu and Xintiandi launched 18 limited-edition virtual fashion new products, covering 9 brands such as ANNAKIKI and CHENPENG. A dazzling array of fashions were made into digital collections, which were sold out in a short time even if they could not be worn in the real world. "You can’t get it, you can only cover the virtual pattern on the buyer through 3D modeling, and make the virtual fashion fit the skin better and produce a photo through computer scanning and capturing actions." A little red book blogger, Miss Chill Zhiqiu, explained the magic of virtual fashion in this way. She confidently predicted that virtual fashion is an irresistible trend in the future. Not only that, people can also buy digital fashion with collectible value and resale. In 2019, digital fashion named "Rainbow" was sold at a high price of $9,500 in new york, USA.
Digital fashion, just the tip of the iceberg, hides a huge digital fashion market behind it. In fact, it’s not just Little Red Books that are aiming at digital fashion. Tik Tok, a subsidiary of Byte, plans to launch a business called "pheagee" to create a brand-new digital fashion community. Tencent upgraded the super QQ show based on QQ show, and cited an application scenario for virtual fashion, which attracted traditional clothing enterprises such as Li Ning to launch joint-name digital clothing. Internet companies compete for layout, and digital fashion has become the next outlet, which is accompanied by the public’s torture of its actual value.
The Research Report on Fashion Industry Consumption in China in 2021-Revival of the National Tide shows that the driving force of fashion industry development is closely related to the four major forces of industry, science and technology, culture and commerce. The impact of scientific and technological innovation on fashion format is particularly prominent. The emergence of digital fashion has directly subverted the expression of fashion industry and people’s consumption patterns.
The direct cause of subversion is the introduction of Metauniverse and NFT, one of which establishes a new space to connect the virtual world with the real world, and the other provides a value realization system, which makes digital fashion products have value-added space and collection value. As we all know, blockchain technology, interactive technology, electronic game technology, artificial intelligence technology, network and computing technology, and Internet of Things technology are the six supporting technologies of the metauniverse. NFT is an important technology to support the meta-cosmic economic system, which generates unique digital vouchers for specific products and realizes real and feasible digital distribution, purchase, collection and use. Therefore, consumers have become an important form of participating in the metauniverse by purchasing NFT.
Sun Ruizhe, president of China National Textile and Apparel Council, believes that "fashion industry, as a highly condensed material creation and cultural power, has strong penetration, extensive radiation and profound appeal." It can be said that there is no sense of contradiction in its combination with the meta-universe. Digitalization makes the forms of fashion more diverse, especially under the influence of the epidemic, which can break the limitations of space, make fashion, culture and technology perfectly fit together, and form an unprecedented consumption experience and extremely impactful visual presentation. From March 24th to March 27th this year, Decentraland held the world’s first Metauniverse Fashion Week, in which dozens of brands such as Selfridges, Jacob&Co, Franck Muller, Garrett Leight, Cavalli and digital fashion companies participated.
In the first Meta-Universe Fashion Week, netizens from all over the world logged on related websites and shuttled through the event with a cartoon image. In the shining fashion week scene, people can not only see the latest works of brand designers and more than 500 fashion models, but also buy virtual and physical clothing of brands. In addition, many brands have opened digital boutiques, including high-end watches and handbags. Users buy these NFT products to show their identity and position in the meta-universe.
Obviously, this trend is spreading and growing in the fashion circle. The reporter found out that China International Fashion Week recently announced that it has joined forces with 14 brands and launched several sets of digital clothes at @NFTCN, with the highest release price of 9890 yuan. Among them, the release price of "361 degrees I am the future of the East" virtual clothing is 361 yuan, and one copy is limited; Shenzhen Fashion Week held in April also introduced the concept of meta-universe for the first time. In the digital modeling venues, digital models walked on the runway in fashion, realizing the effect of "new season ready-to-wear and virtual clothing co-exhibition, real models interacting with virtual idols". This immersive experience of virtual and real transformation is more like a sci-fi adventure for many viewers, which is impressive.
mix together
Digital fashion has broken the restriction of physical conditions on fashion, and time, space, materials and cost are no longer the obstacles to the expression of fashion ideas. Free and unconstrained style, free and unrestrained, unprecedented … Here, human imagination can be unlimited. From this perspective, digital fashion is no longer related to the body, but the expression of people’s desires, reflecting people’s psychological characteristics of pursuing personalized consumption. Kira Qiya, a fashion blogger, has worn virtual fashions many times. She believes that the reason why she is keen on them is that "they completely get rid of the influence of gravity and the limitation of fabrics, which opens a new era for fashion design".
Like the "Rainbow" digital fashion mentioned at the beginning of the article, the relevant person analyzed that "Rainbow imitates the laser PVC material, creating a fluttering and anti-aerodynamic effect." Fashion design like this is basically difficult to realize in physical space. Rainbow comes from ——The Fabricant, a company specializing in digital fashion design, which was founded in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. They use 3D modeling technology to make clothes, without using related fabrics, so that real models can try them on. "Pure digital visual display creates a unique sense of modeling and brings people’ surprises that real clothes can’t give’." It is this kind of "unlimited" that digital fashion can break the physical boundaries, integrate with different formats, and collide with sparks.
Some fashion brand companies have successfully explored the communication with game companies and technology companies, and took this opportunity to create a unique fashion perspective. Electronic games have become a perfect medium. The video game project "Afterworld:The Age of Tomorrow" launched by Balenciaga, a fashion brand, for the Fall/Winter 2021 fashion show, players wake up from a store, go to a future city street and embark on an interesting and exciting heroic journey. During the whole game, all characters can choose brand series modeling fashion as their own image. Once the game was launched, it triggered a hot discussion in the market, and many players’ test videos were born.
The game focuses on interactivity and immersion, and players participate in it for specific purposes. In the game, players have long had the consumption habit of buying "skin" and the dress requirements of players’ images, which coincides with the consumption concept of digital fashion-from another perspective, digital clothing is more like the "skin" of virtual images in the online world. "If you are in the metauniverse every day, you will need virtual fashion and digital tools." Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, has publicly stated. In this field, Balenciaga is not the only explorer. Fashion brands that create fashion shows and launch digital fashion on the game platform emerge one after another. Brand Louis Vuitton created the "Louis The Game" mobile game, and you can get an exclusive customized NFT gold postcard by completing a specific task. Gucci launched the permanent virtual space "Gucci Town" on the online game platform Roblox. As a small game, players can buy virtual Gucci products for their game avatars, and Gucci officially stated that "the virtual clothing in the game uses Roblox’s new’ layered clothing’ technology."
The most fundamental feature of fashion is that it wants to be consistent with popular groups and different from others. This is a mixture of contradictions and a full expression of self-personality. Focusing on fashion consumption, creative industrial clusters formed in the fields of clothing, beauty, lifestyle and so on make the connotation and extension of fashion industry constantly deduced with the times. In the future, fashion seems to have unlimited possibilities.
Digital fashion, after all, is the product of the virtual world. Visible but intangible, virtual fashion has been ridiculed as "the emperor’s new clothes", which can neither be worn nor kept warm. However, with the sharp increase in online consumer demand, the arrival of Generation Z on the mainstream consumer stage, and the increasing number of related application scenarios, digital fashion has increasingly become the real "emperor’s new clothes". According to the 2021 Digital Fashion Report released by Lyst, a British fashion shopping search platform, in cooperation with The Fabricant, a digital fashion company, about 3.5 billion people in the world are digital fashion customers. "Kira Qiya" bought a digital collection "The Skirt of Void", which is limited to three pieces in the world and has a unique serial number. The product comes from the virtual fashion house of China international student designers. "It can be expected that this skirt will have irreplaceable value in the future." She said.
Digital fashion has promoted the fashion industry to exert greater economic and social benefits and is changing the industry system. According to an academic research, it is a new brand promotion method based on digital technology. Technology companies, game companies and digital fashion companies jointly create brand digital products, which become the driver and creative source of technology fashion. By building the consumption chain of digital fashion industry, the marketing mode of fashion industry will change to the advanced form of "community marketing", which can further enhance consumer stickiness and export brand culture and values; Promote the digital transformation of fashion brands and "create a shared private domain between virtual space and physical space". Balenciaga has cooperated with a game platform to design a series of fashionable NFT. Based on these digital collections, Balenciaga’s offline stores have also created a brand-new physical clothing series. Nowadays, it is widely believed in the industry that digital ways are used to drive cross-border win-win fashion brands.
"The virtual world is a space full of imagination, but this does not exclude its commonality with the real world." It is a popular practice for many brands to provide digital products online and launch derivative benefits offline. At the same time, the domestic fashion industry has firmly grasped this development trend, and digital fashion has opened up different dimensions of exploration. QQ Hyun Dance cooperates with Li Ning to launch virtual concept store and virtual fashion. Super QQ Show is poised to lead a new era of online virtual social interaction. Domestic high-end fashion brand Gelisi launched the brand avatar @ ELISA … Compared with the physical industry, digital fashion saves production costs such as materials and transportation, and reduces the waste of resources. Sustainable fashion may be an important proposition in the future.

@ Everyone! From New Year’s Day next year, these new regulations are closely related to you!

  Xinhuanet Beijing, December 27th (Reporter Lu Junyu) 2018 is the countdown, and in the coming year of 2019, a wave of heavy new regulations will be officially implemented.

  Taxpayers will get greater tax cuts when the new tax law is implemented!

  After several rounds of extensive consultation, on December 22nd, the State Council officially issued the Interim Measures for Special Additional Deduction of Individual Income Tax, which marked a key step for China’s individual tax reform to take comprehensive taxation, and taxpayers will receive greater tax reduction from next year.

  The interim measures will be implemented on January 1, 2019 with the newly revised tax law. In the future, taxpayers can calculate the taxable income of individual tax, and besides the basic deduction of 5,000 yuan and special deductions such as "three insurances and one gold", they can also enjoy six special additional deductions such as children’s education, continuing education, serious illness medical care, housing loan interest or housing rent, and supporting the elderly.

  E-commerce law governs online shopping chaos and treats online and offline fairly!

  The E-commerce Law, which consists of seven chapters and 89 articles, provides detailed provisions on e-commerce operators, the conclusion and performance of e-commerce contracts, the settlement of e-commerce disputes, the promotion of e-commerce, and legal liabilities, and will come into force on January 1, 2019.

  In order to protect consumers’ rights and respond to social hotspots, the E-commerce Law stipulates that for goods or services related to consumers’ lives and health, operators of e-commerce platforms fail to fulfill their obligation to review the qualifications of operators in the platform, or fail to fulfill their obligation to ensure safety for consumers, thus causing damage to consumers, they shall bear corresponding responsibilities according to law. If the operator of the e-commerce platform fails to take necessary measures against the behavior of the operator in the platform that infringes on the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, if the circumstances are serious, it shall be ordered to suspend business for rectification and be fined not less than 500,000 yuan but not more than 2 million yuan.

  In recent years, mobile social media has become an important part of people’s daily life, and Wechat business has sprung up and developed rapidly. In view of this new situation, the e-commerce law has expanded the definition of e-commerce operators, and included Wechat business and live broadcast platforms in the supervision. And refine the joint liability of the e-commerce platform and the operators in the platform, and increase the review obligation of the e-commerce platform. Standardize e-commerce enterprises and platforms, and put an end to the phenomenon of "big data killing", "store bullying" and "barbaric growth".

  The organic law of the "two houses" was overhauled for the first time in nearly 40 years, and the achievements of judicial reform were comprehensively confirmed and consolidated.

  The Organic Law of the People’s Court and the Organic Law of the People’s Procuratorate came into effect on January 1, 2019. This is the first major overhaul of the Organic Law of the "two houses" in the past 40 years, which comprehensively confirmed and consolidated the achievements of the judicial system reform in recent years.

  This revision has improved the organization and authority of courts and procuratorates. For example, according to the Law on the Organization of Courts, the Supreme People’s Court can set up circuit courts, intellectual property courts and financial courts, which are all important manifestations of judicial reform in court organization.

  In terms of improving the effectiveness of legal supervision, the Organic Law of the People’s Procuratorate stipulates that the People’s Procuratorate may, according to the needs of procuratorial work, set up procuratorial offices in prisons, detention centers and other places, exercise part of the functions and powers of the people’s procuratorate that dispatched it, or conduct patrol inspections in the above places.

  New version of birth certificate launched

  According to the announcement of the National Health and Wellness Committee in official website, the medical certificate of birth will be revised soon. Since January 1, 2019, the medical certificate of birth (the sixth edition) issued by the National Health and Wellness Committee will be activated.

  Social insurance premiums shall be uniformly collected by the tax authorities.

  The "Reform Plan for the Collection and Management System of National Taxation and Local Taxation" clarifies that from January 1, 2019, various social insurance premiums such as basic old-age insurance premiums, basic medical insurance premiums, unemployment insurance premiums, work injury insurance premiums and maternity insurance premiums will be uniformly collected by the tax authorities.

  This reform will have a series of important effects. Previously, five social insurances were collected by the social security handling department and the tax department in different regions, which was in a situation of "separate collection". After the introduction of this plan, they will be collected by the tax department in a unified way, thus improving the collection efforts and solving the once-existing problem of false fee base. Specific to the actual operation, the release of the "Reform Plan" means that the previous situation that some enterprises did not provide social security for their employees or did not provide full social security for their employees is expected to be changed, which is conducive to implementing the penalty for unpaid social security fees in Article 63 of the Social Insurance Law and standardizing the social security payment behavior of market participants.

  China adjusts some import and export tariffs

  From January 1, 2019, China will adjust the import and export tariffs of some commodities.

  In order to actively expand imports, cut down the institutional costs of import links and help supply-side structural reform, China will impose provisional import tax rates on more than 700 commodities, including adding zero tariffs on miscellaneous meals and some raw materials for pharmaceutical production, appropriately reducing the provisional import tax rates on cotton sliding duties and some furs, canceling the provisional import tax rates on four solid wastes such as manganese slag, canceling the provisional import tax rates on thionyl chloride and lithium-ion batteries for new energy vehicles, and resuming the MFN tariff rate. We will continue to impose a lower provisional import tax rate on advanced equipment such as aero-engines and welding robots in automobile production lines, natural forage and natural uranium, which are urgently needed for domestic development.

  In order to meet the needs of the reform of the export management system and promote the structural adjustment, quality improvement and efficiency improvement of the energy resources industry, since January 1, 2019, 94 commodities such as fertilizer, apatite, iron ore, slag, coal tar and wood pulp will no longer be subject to export tariffs.

  China adjusts cross-border e-commerce retail import policy

  From January 1, 2019, China will adjust the tax policy for cross-border e-commerce retail imports, raise the upper limit of commodity quotas enjoying preferential tax policies, and expand the scope of the list.

  The adjustment of tax policy will increase the annual transaction limit from 20,000 yuan per person per year to 26,000 yuan, and the camera will be raised with the increase of residents’ income in the future. Raise the limit of a single transaction to 5,000 yuan, and make it clear that the duty-paid price exceeds the limit of a single transaction but is lower than the annual transaction limit, and only one commodity can be imported from the cross-border e-commerce retail channel, and the customs duties, import value-added tax and consumption tax are fully levied according to the goods tax rate, and the transaction amount is included in the total annual transaction amount. It is clear that cross-border e-commerce retail imported goods that have been purchased shall not enter the domestic market for re-sale.

  In 2019, the national unified medical insurance system for urban and rural residents was fully implemented.

  It is understood that the National Medical Insurance Bureau recently jointly issued the Notice on Doing a Good Job in Basic Medical Insurance for Urban and Rural Residents in 2018 with the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the National Health and Wellness Committee. The notice is clear and promotes the establishment of a unified medical insurance system for urban and rural residents. All localities should pay close attention to promoting the integration of the basic medical insurance system for urban and rural residents. Areas that have not introduced the integration plan and have not yet started operation should pay close attention to the introduction of the plan and start implementation as soon as possible.

  According to the notice, in 2018, the financial subsidies for medical insurance for urban and rural residents and individual payment standards will increase simultaneously. 40 yuan will be added to the per capita subsidy standard of finance at all levels on the basis of 2017, reaching no less than 490 yuan per person per year. In 2018, 40 yuan will be added to the per capita personal payment standard of medical insurance for urban and rural residents, reaching 220 yuan per person per year.

  The implementation of the Law on the Prevention and Control of Soil Pollution has made people feel at ease in eating and living.

  The Law on Prevention and Control of Soil Pollution in People’s Republic of China (PRC) will be implemented on January 1, 2019, which is the first time that China has formulated a special law to regulate the prevention and control of soil pollution.

  The law on the prevention and control of soil pollution consists of seven chapters and ninety-nine articles. The law clarifies that the prevention and control of soil pollution should adhere to the principles of prevention first, protection first, classified management, risk control, pollution responsibility and public participation.

  According to the law, the state implements the list system of soil pollution risk control and remediation for construction land. The law stipulates the conditions, procedures, risk control and restoration measures to be taken for entering and leaving the land under the list management. If required by law, the land included in the list of soil pollution risk control and restoration of construction land shall not be used as residential, public management and public service land.

  In addition, the law has formulated detailed punishment measures for illegal acts.

  Implementation of the Regulations on the Administration of Administrative Divisions

  The Regulations on the Administration of Administrative Divisions shall come into force on January 1, 2019. Administrative division is an important content for the party to lead the people to promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity in accordance with the constitutional laws. On the basis of summarizing the implementation experience of the State Council’s Regulations on the Administration of Administrative Divisions for more than 30 years, the State Council formulated the Regulations. The promulgation and implementation of the "Regulations" is of great significance to the implementation of the major decision-making arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on optimizing the setting of administrative divisions and strengthening the management of administrative divisions.

  The official release of six national standards for electronic licenses has helped to realize the "one network management" nationwide.

  The State Administration of Market Supervision, the National Standardization Administration Committee and the National Inter-Ministerial Joint Conference Office of Electronic Document Management (National Cryptography Administration) have recently officially released six national standards, namely, the overall technical framework of electronic license, the information specification of electronic license catalogue, the metadata specification of electronic license, the identification specification of electronic license, the technical requirements of electronic license documents and the interface specification of electronic license sharing service.

  With the deepening of the reform of "Internet+Government Services", electronic license, as a professional and voucher electronic document with legal and administrative effects, has increasingly become the main electronic certificate for market participants and citizens’ activities, and is an important basic data to support the operation of government services. The formulation of national standards for issuing electronic licenses will provide standard support for the construction of national electronic license database and basic platform, the mutual recognition and sharing of electronic licenses across levels, departments and regions, and the integration and sharing of government information resources with licenses.

  According to reports, the series of standards for electronic licenses issued this time stipulate the overall technical framework, unified license classification rules and basic information of electronic licenses, which will help promote the realization of "one network to run" nationwide, make the sharing of government information resources and services smoother, and make people feel that it is more convenient to do things. This series of standards will be implemented on January 1, 2019.

Reading | What is emotion and where does it come from?

What is Emotion: History, Theory and Vision of Emotional Research

By Zhang Chuntian

Editor Jiang Wentao

Published by Peking University Publishing House

In recent years, the research on emotion has become one of the most important research orientations of human literature. This book not only covers the "emotional turn" and related debates and reflections, but also includes a discussion on the evolution and transformation of emotions in early modern times. This book covers the Chinese and western history and theories of modern emotion, consciousness, sensory perception, writing and reading from the 18th century to the 20th century, and also highlights the relationship between emotion and media, images, movies and contemporary society in the context of post-modernism and media integration. Adhere to the historicization of theory, interdisciplinary orientation and the correlation between humanities and science.

> > selected reading of the text

I’m not worried about emotional expression itself: people in the past, like now, expressed joy, sadness, anger, fear and many other feelings. These emotions (just like today) had many meanings at that time, they had an impact on others, and they would be manipulated by others in turn (just as we will do now). Medieval researchers-in fact, all historians who want to describe history correctly-have to worry about how historians treat emotions in history.

Simply put, the grand narrative is like this: the history of the West is the history of increasingly restrained emotions. The Greek and Roman periods were ignored: didn’t Homer praise the sweetness of anger? There was a childlike emotional life in the Middle Ages: pure, intense and open, and modernity (with various definitions) brought self-discipline, control and suppression.

Max Weber believes that modernism and the state bring bureaucracy, which in turn promotes the development of "rational matter-of-fact" and the personality type of experts ". Calvinists emphasize the evidence of elections, which leads to a kind of "systematic self-control", which is the religious basis of modern capitalist spirit. According to Freud, "civilization" is indeed synonymous with modern European civilization. Telephone, airplane, park and obsession with cleanliness, these symbols of civilization are all "based on giving up hedonic instinct". In the mythical "past", there is more freedom. The "past" here is not necessarily medieval, but it is certainly not modern. Foucault’s works on ancient sexology destroyed the myth of hedonism in the Greek period, and even in his view, these regulations, which emerged in large numbers after the Middle Ages, were destined to urge, examine, analyze and control human body and sex.

Historians who study emotional families generally believe that in the Middle Ages and early modern times, families were cold and loveless. It was not until the 18th century that loving families appeared. The concept of a family without feelings is not in contradiction with the view of excessive emotions in the Middle Ages, because love in an emotional family should be peaceful, restrained and firm. From this point of view, the pre-modern family is at best a social institution for breeding, and at worst it is a theater where violence breaks out. In contrast, modern families are affectionate.

This is the hydraulic principle of emotion: emotion is like liquid all over the human body, fluctuating, bubbling and eager to be released.

Readers are easy to be regarded as vampires, and authors are not satisfied: not only because everyone they meet is a potential prey, they can be absorbed and used in the next novel; It is also because they are committed to living through the descendants of books (not through the living descendants), which may mean that they have never lived completely in a sense.

In any case, it is in this twilight world that readers and authors meet.

Ellison even asserted that "novels can be shaped as a raft of hope"-it "may keep us afloat, let us try our best to pass through obstacles and eddies, and they mark our nation’s hesitant road to or away from democratic ideals."

The most likely thing that will happen between you and a text is that it will save your life, and it will become a part of what makes you live and what you live for.

This is the case with books, which are like and unlike the process of interacting with another person. It feels in a sense like you don’t know what’s next. The text seems to have some independent initiative. Reading is different from sitting around thinking or weaving fantasy stories by yourself.

Readers can even be sadly passive: as a reader, all I can do is browse the text, and I can’t change anything-I can’t impose behavior on it. On the other hand, the text seems to have little ability to act. It can’t respond to me, nor can it look back at me.

But the text can do something even related to survival: it holds me.

Author: Zhang Chuntian

Editor: Jin Jiuchao

Ding Yan Yuhang officially appeared! The first show scored 6 points, Nanjing Tongxi won 11 points, and the rookie broke out!

Nanjing Tongxi finally easily defeated his opponent 106-95, although Ding Yanyuhang scored only 6 points due to knee injury and his playing time was limited. However, the performance of new aid Abdul was excellent, and he scored 15 points. Xi Rejiang made some rotations in the lineup, but Blackney and Farr, both foreign AIDS, didn’t play.

Although he signed a contract with Nanjing Tongxi, Ding Yanyuhang was unable to participate in all competitions due to knee injury. However, in order to give back to the fans, he chose to play. Fortunately, the strength of the American explorer was relatively weak, and Ding Yanyuhang got many opportunities to shoot, and after making two three-pointers, he went off to rest.

Judging from the current situation, Ding Yanyuhang’s knee injury is still a big problem. He dare not exert himself when running, which makes it easy for his opponent to break through defensively. However, his 3-point shooting rate has remained at a high level, which can help the team.

The biggest surprise of this game is the new aid Abu Dhabi. His full name is Abdul Samaiti, and his playing style and appearance are very similar to Abdul Salamu of Xinjiang Men’s Basketball Team. He showed his comprehensive skills and contributed 15 points in the game.

Ma Guodong, an inside player, continues to perform well. He has been qualified for Sun Mingyang’s position and may even play better.

At present, the biggest hidden danger facing Nanjing Tongxi is the state of the West Thermal River. Gao Shumin, a mentor, used to help him, but now he often loses his temper for no reason and blames other players. Foreign teachers can’t help in time because of communication problems.

Nanjing Tongxi Team has become more attractive with the joining of Ding Yanyuhang. Although Ding Yanyuhang’s injury problem still exists, he can still contribute excellent three-pointers to the team. The addition of new aid Abu Dhabi has also brought new vitality to the team. However, we need to pay attention to some problems in the team, such as the state of the West Heating River and the communication problems of foreign teachers. I hope that Nanjing Tongxi team can make continuous progress and achieve better results.

Messi is leaving and teammate Neymar wants to move to the Premier League. Which Premier League team is the best one?

When it comes to the five major leagues, the first thing that comes to mind is the Premier League, where world-class stars gather. "For Paris, French giants. Although this team is a French team, it has achieved good results in international competitions such as the Champions League. On the contrary, with the world superstars like Messi, Neymar and Mbappé, Messi teammate Neymar didn’t mean to leave the team at first, but he finally understood that he also wanted to move to the Premier League. Which Premier League is most suitable for the development of Neymar?

Rumors of Neymar’s transfer have become a hot topic in football. The Brazilian international has enjoyed a successful career with Paris Saint-Germain, but recent reports indicate that he wants to move to the Premier League. It is reported that Neymar’s desire to move to the Premier League has been going on for some time. It is reported that Paris Saint-Germain is willing to accept a loan agreement with a buyout clause. So which teams in the Premier League are suitable for Neymar?

First of all, it should be made clear that Neymar is an excellent football player. Whether he stays in Paris or goes to other leagues should not affect his performance on the court. Every Premier League team wants to sign this talented player.

In terms of team strength, the Premier League giants may be more suitable for Neymar than other leagues. Manchester City and Liverpool are currently considered as the two most likely teams to sign Neymar. Both furniture and music departments have first-class talents and strong economy, which can provide a more comfortable environment and higher salary for Neymar. The two furniture clubs also performed well in the Champions League and became one of the potential destinations in Neymar. But in addition to these two clubs, other teams in the Premier League also have strength that cannot be ignored. For example, teams like Chelsea, Arsenal and Tottenham all have excellent players and strong economies. These teams may also be Neymar’s next home.

In addition, Neymar’s own will will also be an important factor. If he wants to stay in Paris Saint-Germain, other teams in the Premier League may need to work harder to get him. But if he really wants to try in other leagues, other Premier League teams may come to him then.

When it comes to sports, Huang believes that the French team once had world superstars such as Mbappé, Messi and Neymar, but now two of them are about to leave. "In the past, no one believed that Messi would leave." "The club is unhappy and it seems only a matter of time before he leaves. Now Neymar wants to leave and join the Premier League. At first he didn’t want to go, but now he wants to go. " Any team in the Premier League must make a lot of efforts and perseverance to sign Neymar. But if Neymar finally chooses to join a Premier League team, the team will undoubtedly benefit from the acquisition of a top player. We also look forward to seeing Neymar’s wonderful performance in the Premier League, bringing more surprises and passion to the fans. Do you still like Neymar?

This article is an original article about sports by Huang Qiang. Please do not reprint. Offenders will be held accountable. The picture material comes from the network. If you have any questions, please contact the author to delete.