French armour

At 20 o’clock on the evening of October 29th, Beijing time, in the 10th round of Ligue 1 in the 2023-24 season, Paris Saint-Germain challenged brest away. In the first half, 17-year-old Zaire emeri broke the deadlock with a long-range shot, and then Li Gangren assisted Mbappé to expand the score and Mounie pulled back a goal; In the second half, brest equalized the score with a corner kick, and Mbappé finished the winner with a penalty in the 89th minute. In the end, Paris Saint-Germain beat brest 3-2 and rose to the second place in the standings.

In the 3rd minute, Paris broke into the opponent’s restricted area. Li Gangren’s shot was blocked by goalkeeper Bizot, and then his teammate’s supplementary shot was confiscated by Bizot. In the 6th minute, emeri received a return volley from his right foot at the top of the arc, and Bizot saved the ball with his fists. In the 13th minute, Donaruma passed the ball from the backcourt directly to the opponent, but the cross from the brest player directly crossed the bottom line.

In the 16th minute, emeri received a cross from his teammates in front of the penalty area. He passed a defender and came to the penalty area and slammed the door with his right foot. The ball was like a shell, and Bizot could do nothing. Paris was 1-0 brest.

In the 22nd minute, Li Gangren volleyed vigorously from the right side of the restricted area, and Bizot held the ball out of the crossbar.In the 28th minute, taking advantage of brest’s massive pressure, Paris fought back. Li Gangren picked up the ball in the backcourt and passed it to Mbappé. The latter caught the ball and formed a single-handed trend. He entered the left side of the penalty area and missed the defender. His right foot shot low and scored near the corner. Paris scored 2-0 in brest.

In the 41st minute, Mbappé received a cross shot from his right foot at the top of the arc, and Bizot saved the ball again.In the 44th minute, brest pulled back a goal, and the high ball on the right side of the frontcourt passed to the middle. Mounie in the restricted area pressed the Parisian defender to head the ball, and the ball bounced to the net, but Donaruma couldn’t save it. Brest 1-2 Paris.At the end of the first half, Paris temporarily took the lead.

In the second half, change sides and fight again.In the 52nd minute, brest’s right corner kicked into the restricted area, and Ledoualon, who was in front of him, headed the ball back, and the ball flew into the far corner. Donaruma’s whip was not as long as brest’s 2-2 Paris.

In the 57th minute, Mba took the ball to the left side of the restricted area, and shot wide from the far corner with his right foot. In the 62nd minute, Fabian Ruiz stopped the ball in front of the restricted area and buckled the defender, and the long corner was slightly missed. In the 64th minute, Paris stepped up its attack, and Enrique changed into Dembele and Muani.

In the 68th minute, brest got the chance, and the right side of the frontcourt shot the ball into the restricted area, but Ledoualon, who was in the back, outflanked the shot and kicked it. In the 70th minute, brest’s two shots in the restricted area were quite threatening, both of which were resolved by Donaruma. In the 74th minute, the Parisian frontcourt got a chance, but Dembele didn’t stop the ball in the restricted area and was cleared by the opponent’s defender.

In the 75th minute, Vitinia got the ball on the left side of the penalty area, which was quite threatening. Bizot got the ball sideways. In the 83rd minute, Muani in the restricted area tripped after passing the ball on the left side of the Paris frontcourt. The referee watched VAR on the sidelines and awarded a penalty. Because of the conflict caused by this penalty, many players from two teams got yellow cards.

Mbappé took the penalty. His first shot was saved by the goalkeeper, but Mbappé immediately made up the shot and scored the ball. Paris led brest 3-2, which was the 89th minute of the game.

In the end, the whole game ended and Paris Saint-Germain beat brest 3-2.

Li Zhanglin left the team and joined the Fujian men’s basketball team. Come on, Snake, the future can be expected.

# Headline Creation Challenge #The official of Shanxi Guotou Professional Basketball Club recently announced through official channels that Li Zhanglin will leave the team and join Fujian Xunxing Men’s Basketball Team. This news was confirmed after friendly negotiation between the club and Fujian Xunxing Basketball Club and full communication with the players themselves. Li Zhanglin is the player selected by Shanxi team in the third place in the first round of CBA draft in 2021, and his departure will have a certain impact on Shanxi team.

Born in 1997, Li Zhanglin is 2.03 meters tall and is a power forward. As the scoring champion of CUBA history, he was selected for the Olympic men’s basketball team in 2019. Li Zhanglin’s flexible pace and accurate mid-range shooting left a deep impression on Shanxi fans. In the past two seasons, he represented Shanxi men’s basketball team in CBA league.

Looking back on Li Zhanglin’s performance in Shanxi team, he played 9.9 minutes per game in 2021-2022, getting 3.3 points and 1.8 rebounds. It is particularly worth mentioning that his three-point shooting percentage is as high as 42.9%. However, in the following season, due to injuries and other factors, Li Zhanglin only played two games.

For Li Zhanglin’s departure from the team, the Shanxi team thanked him for his contribution to the team in the past two years, and sincerely wished him to continue his hard work in the new environment and all the best in the future. Previous reports revealed that Li Zhanglin signed a 1+1 contract with Fujian team. This means that he will play for Fujian men’s basketball team for at least two seasons.

Li Zhanglin’s departure is undoubtedly a major personnel adjustment for the Shanxi team. As a first-round draft player, he showed great potential on the court. However, his performance has been limited by injuries and other factors. Leaving Shanxi team and joining Fujian men’s basketball team is a new beginning for Li Zhanglin, who has the opportunity to show his strength and potential in the new environment.

Fujian Xunxing men’s basketball team has been a strong team in CBA league in the past few seasons. Joining Fujian Men’s Basketball Team is a good opportunity for Li Zhanglin. He can train and compete with other excellent players to improve his technical level. At the same time, Fujian men’s basketball team will also benefit from his joining, and his personal ability and experience will have a positive impact on the development of the team.

1:0,5:1! Sad night in football: Gunner Bayern Barcelona lost, Milan won, and Manchester City won.

From the evening of May 20th to the early morning of 21st, Beijing time, the five major leagues in Europe launched the latest round of competition. Manchester United, Liverpool, Arsenal, Bayern Barcelona and Milan joined forces to attack, and the result was naturally mixed. Arsenal upset Manchester City to defend the Premier League title ahead of schedule; Liverpool struggled to get 1 point and basically bid farewell to the Champions League; Bayern lost the first place in the league.

Liverpool 1: 1 Villa

Recently, Liverpool has won seven consecutive victories in the league and continued to retain the hope of competing for the Champions League seat. However, in this round, Liverpool was stubbornly attacked by Villa who also competed for the European seat. Konate sent a penalty in the first half, but Watkins missed the penalty directly, but in the 27th minute, Liverpool still lost the ball, Douglas-Lewis crossed the right rib, and Ramsey pushed the ball from the back of the penalty area to break the deadlock. The backward Liverpool immediately counterattacked, but there was no bright spot on the offensive end. In the second half, klopp directly changed into jota and firmino, thus changing into four strikers.

In the 89th minute, Uncle Zha’s change of array finally paid off. Elliot divided the ball to the right, Salah crossed the outside instep, and firmino hit the front point successfully, 1: 1! It is worth mentioning that this is firmino’s farewell game at Anfield, and he will officially leave Liverpool at the end of the season. The Red Army, which scored only one point, has a high probability of missing the Champions League next season, and Manchester United and Newcastle only need one point to completely lock in the top four.

Bournemouth 0-1 Manchester United

Liverpool struggled to draw with Villa, which made Manchester United see the opportunity. Against Bournemouth, who had already relegated ahead of schedule, the Red Devils successfully scored 3 points. In the 9th minute of the first half, Eriksson picked the ball from the left to the restricted area, and Seneximen’s error in clearance turned into an own goal. casemiro then inserted a golden hook that turned around at close range to meet the ball and scored the only goal in the whole game. Manchester United, which has scored 3 points, has tied the third Newcastle, and at the same time, it is one more round than Liverpool. As long as the remaining two rounds score 1 point, Manchester United can return to the Champions League.

Nottingham Forest 1: 0 Arsenal

After losing to Brighton in the last round, it is difficult for Arsenal to continue to pose a threat to Manchester City. Even if they lose to Nottingham Forest in this round, Manchester City will win the championship three rounds ahead of schedule. As the saying goes, when facing the forest, the gunman was in no state in the whole game. Arteta changed into three defenders, which directly led to no threat on the offensive end, and the defense was also full of loopholes. In the 19th minute, Odegard made a mistake in the frontcourt return, Gibbs White successfully broke the ball and pushed forward the counter-attack direct pass on the spot. Avonii grabbed the shot into the net before Ramsdale attacked and scored the only goal in the whole game.

Due to the failure to score 3 points, the Gunners were still 4 points behind Manchester City in two rounds. For this reason, the Blue Moon locked the Premier League title three rounds ahead of schedule before playing this round. This is Guardiola’s third consecutive championship in the Premier League and the fifth time that the Blue Moon won the championship in six years.

Bayern 1: 3 Leipzig Red Bull

As the defending champions of the League, Bayern’s situation is much worse than that of Manchester City. In the past, the Bundesliga champion in every year was basically Bayern’s bag. However, Nandawang’s state fluctuated this season, and the introduction of new aid such as Mane failed to integrate into the team. It was even more controversial to dismiss nagel Mann, and tuchel failed to improve Bayern’s state in time after taking office. In this round, against Red Bull Leipzig, which is aiming for the Champions League seat, Bayern took the lead in the first half by Gnabry, and the situation changed suddenly in the second half. Bayern lost three goals in a bizarre crash in 20 minutes. First, Lemor pushed and shot to equalize the score, pawar and Mazravi sent out penalty gifts one after another, Nkunku and Szoboszlai took penalty kicks respectively, and Bayern suffered a 1-3 reversal and lost. As long as Dortmund takes all 3 points in this round, Bayern will hand over the first position in the league.

AC Milan 5:1 Sampdoria

Bayern still has a glimmer of hope for the title. Milan, as the defending champion of Serie A, withdrew from the title race early, and may not even participate in the Champions League next season. The Rossoneri recently suffered a four-game losing streak and suffered a direct double-line rout. They not only handed over the initiative to compete for the title, but also were eliminated by Inter Milan in the semi-final of the Champions League. In this round, facing the demoted Sampdoria, the Mariners unfortunately became the vent. In the first half, Leo took the lead in breaking the deadlock and Quagliarella equalized the score. In the 23rd minute, Diaz sent an assist again, and Gill headed the ball beyond the score again. Six minutes later, Leo made another penalty, and Gill scored twice.

In the second half, Tonali assisted Diaz to add icing on the cake, and Leo sent an assist to help Gill complete a hat trick. This is the first time in Milan’s two seasons that a player has scored three goals in a single game. Milando, which scored 3 points, was 1 point behind Lazio, which ranked fourth in the first round. If you want to be in the top four, you need the Biancocelesti to continue to lose points.

Barcelona 1:2 Royal Society

Barcelona, who just won the championship in the last round, returned to the home court to face the Royal Society. Unexpectedly, it was smashed by the "social brother". Only 5 minutes after the opening, Comte was accidentally intercepted with the ball in the backcourt. Sollott stole the ball and then pushed back and made a selfless cross into the restricted area. merino pushed and broke the deadlock without being watched. In the 72nd minute of the second half, De Jong’s frontcourt holding organization was also intercepted. Kubo Jianying held the ball on the spot to push the counter-attack, Su Weimendi hit the middle, and Sollott faced the attacking Ter stegen with one hand and easily pushed to expand his advantage. In the 90th minute, Phelan Torres got rid of the right and sent a cross. Levan headed back a city, but it could not save Barcelona’s defeat. In the end, Barcelona lost 1-2 at home, and the unbeaten gold body of the season league was broken.

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Technical password of generated image AI

In the past few years, artificial intelligence (AI) has made great progress, and AI’s new products include AI image generator. This is a tool that can convert input statements into images. There are many AI tools for text-to-image conversion, but the most prominent ones are DALL-E 2, Stable Diffusion and Midjourney.

DALL-E 2 is developed by OpenAI and the project of chatgpt is complementary. It generates images through a paragraph of text description. Its GPT-3 converter model trained with more than 10 billion parameters can interpret natural language input and generate corresponding images.

DALL-E 2 mainly consists of two parts-converting user input into a representation of an image (called Prior), and then converting this representation into an actual photo (called Decoder).

The text and images used in it are embedded in another network called CLIP (Contrast Language-Image Pre-training), which is also developed by OpenAI. CLIP is a neural network that returns the best title for the input image. What it does is the opposite of what DALL-E 2 does-it converts images into text, while DALL-E 2 converts text into images. The purpose of introducing CLIP is to learn the connection between visual and text representation of objects.

DALL-E 2′ s job is to train two models. The first one is Prior, which accepts text labels and creates CLIP image embedding. The second is Decoder, which accepts CLIP image embedding and generates images. After the model training is completed, the reasoning process is as follows:

  • The input text is converted into CLIP text embedding using neural network.

  • Use Principal Component Analysis to reduce the dimension of text embedding.

  • Create an image embedding using text embedding.

  • After entering the Decoder step, the diffusion model is used to embed the image into an image.

  • The image is enlarged from 64×64 to 256×256, and finally enlarged to 1024×1024 by using convolutional neural network.

Stable Diffusion is a text-to-image model, which uses CLIP ViT-L/14 text encoder and can adjust the model through text prompts. It separates the imaging process into a "diffusion" process at runtime-starting from the noisy situation, gradually improving the image until there is no noise at all, and gradually approaching the provided text description.

Stable Diffusion is based on Latent Diffusion Model(LDM), which is a top-notch text-to-image synthesis technology. Before understanding the working principle of LDM, let’s look at what is diffusion model and why we need LDM.

Diffusion Models, DM) is a generation model based on Transformer, which samples a piece of data (such as an image) and gradually increases the noise over time until the data cannot be recognized. This model tries to return the image to its original form, and in the process, it learns how to generate pictures or other data.

The problem of DM is that powerful DM often consumes a lot of GPU resources, and the cost of reasoning is quite high due to Sequential Evaluations. In order to train DM on limited computing resources without affecting its quality and flexibility, Stable Diffusion applies DM to powerful Pre-trained Autoencoders.

On this premise, the diffusion model is trained, which makes it possible to achieve an optimal balance between reducing complexity and preserving data details, and significantly improves the visual reality. The cross attention layer is introduced into the model structure, which makes the diffusion model a powerful and flexible generator and realizes the high-resolution image generation based on convolution.

Midjourney is also a tool driven by artificial intelligence, which can generate images according to the user’s prompts. MidJourney is good at adapting to the actual artistic style and creating images with any combination of effects that users want. It is good at environmental effects, especially fantasy and science fiction scenes, which look like the artistic effects of games.

DALL-E 2 uses millions of image data for training, and its output results are more mature, which is very suitable for enterprises to use. When there are more than two characters, the image generated by DALL-E 2 is much better than that generated by Midjourney or Stable Diffusion.

Midjourney is a tool famous for its artistic style. Midjourney uses its Discord robot to send and receive requests for AI servers, and almost everything happens on Discord. The resulting image rarely looks like a photo, it seems to be more like a painting.

Stable Diffusion is an open source model that everyone can use. It has a good understanding of contemporary art images and can produce works of art full of details. However, it needs to explain the complex prompt. Stable Diffusion is more suitable for generating complex and creative illustrations. However, there are some shortcomings in creating general images.