Triple board! "Huawei Auto Concept Stock" Sailis: There is a risk of overheating market sentiment

Sanlian Sailis (601127) issued a stock trading risk warning announcement on the evening of October 10. Since August 28, 2023, the company’s stock has risen by 110.42%, the Shenwan Auto Index has risen by 7.28% over the same period, and the Shanghai Composite Index has risen by 0.36% over the same period. The company’s stock short-term increase is higher than that of the industry and the Shanghai Composite Index over the same period, and there is a risk of overheating market sentiment.

Among them, the company’s stock price rose by the limit for three consecutive trading days from September 28, 2023 to October 10, 2023, but the company’s fundamentals have not changed significantly, and there is no major information that should be disclosed. As of the close on October 10, Sailis closed at 67.42 yuan/share, with a total market value of 101.60 billion yuan.

In the announcement, Sailis pointed out the risk of performance fluctuations. In the half year of 2023, the company realized operating income of 11.032 billion yuan, a decrease of 11.14% over the same period of the previous year, and realized net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies – 1.344 billion yuan. From January to September 2023, the company sold a total of 136,786 vehicles, a year-on-year decrease of 30.65%, of which 68,223 new energy vehicles were sold, a year-on-year decrease of 25.16%.

On the evening of the same day, Sailis issued an announcement on the early return of the proceeds raised by the temporary supplementary working capital.

According to the announcement, the company held the 33rd meeting of the 4th board of directors and the 27th meeting of the 4th board of supervisors on December 5, 2022, and considered and passed the "Proposal on the use of idle proceeds raised temporary supplementary working capital".

According to the capital use plan of the proceeds raised investment project and the construction progress of the project, the company will temporarily supplement the working capital of 2.50 billion yuan of idle proceeds raised in order to improve the efficiency of the use of proceeds raised and reduce the cost of company financing, and the use period shall not exceed 12 months from the date of consideration and approval by the board of directors of the company. After the idle proceeds raised is used to supplement the working capital expires, the company will return it in time. If the use progress of proceeds raised investment projects is required or the use progress of proceeds raised is accelerated, the company will return it in advance in time to ensure the normal operation of the proceeds raised investment project.

As of October 10, 2023, the company has returned the full amount of proceeds raised for temporary supplementary liquidity to the proceeds raised special project account in advance, and the use period has not exceeded 12 months. The company has notified the sponsor and the sponsor representative of the return of the above proceeds raised.

On the evening of October 9, Sailis announced that the stock transaction was abnormal, saying that after self-examination, the company’s current production and operation activities are normal and no major changes have occurred. AITO asked the new M7 was listed and delivered, which aroused attention and heated discussions. In addition, the company did not find media reports or market rumors that may have a significant impact on the company’s stock trading price.

Source: Read and create/Shenzhen Business Daily Comprehensive

Original title: "Triple Board!" Huawei Auto Concept Stock "Cyrus: Risk of Overheating Market Sentiment"

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Media survey: Over 80% of netizens support the management of network anchors (Figure)

  On the 12th, the Ministry of Culture announced the 25th list of illegal Internet cultural activities, and nearly 17,000 network anchors were investigated. The number of illegal network anchors is so huge that it once again reflects the problems in the field of webcasting. From stars to ordinary people, more and more people join the ranks of network anchors. In order to attract more viewers, some network anchors even have no bottom line hype and show off pornography.

  According to a survey, over 80% of netizens support relevant state departments to guide and manage network anchors. Among them, 48.08% of the respondents think that the live broadcast of eating and sleeping by network anchors is "vulgar and unintelligible". Some public opinion analysts pointed out that network anchors may usher in a big reshuffle in the second half of this year.

  Some parents worry that their children will be affected.

  In January of this year, a pair of male and female anchors on the betta platform conducted pornographic live broadcasts, so the vulgarization of network anchors became the focus of public opinion. Weibo, a police officer including Jiangsu Cyber Police, criticized this phenomenon by name and pointed out that two anchors had been suspected of breaking the law.

  The survival of network anchors depends on the audience’s "reward" in the live broadcast. In order to attract more viewers, network anchors often go sideways, or speculate through verbal and physical cues, or live broadcast of boring behaviors such as eating and sleeping. This kind of soft pornography has brought high popularity and rich income, and network anchors have become more and more "willful".

  But public opinion has been quite worried about this. By searching for "webcast" through Baidu Index, in terms of crowd division, 12% of followers are teenagers under the age of 19. A parent in Guangzhou once told reporters: "Now students have a mobile phone, and they are really worried that their children will see the bad content of the anchor and have an impact on him."

  Some time ago, the "Men’s Subway Live Event" in Guangzhou was also criticized by public opinion, not only because the behavior of two men eating and drinking in the subway seriously disturbed public order, but also because their vulgar and "out of place" performance openly publicized a bad social habit. The voice of public opinion for rectifying the webcast platform is also getting higher and higher.

  The anchor is basically recognized but needs supervision.

  A few days ago, launched a survey about network anchors. The survey results show that over 70% of the respondents have some knowledge of the profession of network anchor, which shows that webcasting has become a phenomenon and is known to most people.

  However, when asked, "What do you think of the overnight fame of network anchors?", 31.73% of the respondents thought it was a reflection of social impetuous psychology. Some media have reported that the high income of webcasting can reach hundreds of thousands of yuan a month, and the anchor of game commentary can even get an annual salary of 10 million yuan. Under the temptation of interests, many network anchors flock to it.

  When asked, "What do you think of the influence of network anchor on the public and society?", half of the respondents still recognized the joy brought by anchor. Among them, 14.42% of the respondents think that webcasting broadens their horizons, and even 7.69% of the respondents think that webcasting has established people’s confidence and encouraged the diversified development of humanity and culture. It can be seen that network anchors are basically recognized, but they need supervision.

  In "Do you think it is necessary for relevant state departments to guide and manage the webcast industry?" In one question, a total of 82.69% of the respondents chose necessary. In addition, 65.38% of the respondents said that network anchors should spread positive energy.

  The network anchor had high hopes, and his versatility and good sense of camera are all pushing the development of the emerging industry of webcasting. Network anchors have gradually grown into an industry group, and "prohibition" is obviously not the best way.

  It is true that the cultural department cannot always audit and supervise every network anchor, but it can combine with other relevant departments to introduce corresponding punishment measures to shock the warning. At the same time, the live broadcast platform should fulfill its main responsibility, with sufficient content audit inspectors and strict technical monitoring measures, so as to find, track and identify in time and shut down illegal performances in time. As an anchor, you are also responsible for the live content. In this regard, some experts suggest that real-name registration system measures such as identity authentication should be implemented for network anchors, so that the source can be traced and the responsibility can be investigated.

  Nanfang Daily reporter Deng Qiang

The M5 series is a high-performance SUV in the new energy field with no short board in all directions.

   Modern automobile consumers often feel entangled when choosing vehicles, and the fuel consumption of fuel vehicles is high, which is unbearable for wallets; But they are worried about the endurance and performance of new energy sources. Even if I make up my mind to choose a new energy vehicle, I feel confused when I choose which one. After all, as an important travel partner, the endurance, performance and dynamic performance of the vehicle are directly related to the experience of the whole trip. In fact, if you want to solve this problem, you only need to choose a model with excellent comprehensive strength, and the M5 series of Wenjie is a high-quality choice worthy of consideration.

  Endurance, travel without worry

  Whether it’s poetry and distance or daily commuting, the M5 series can meet your needs. Thanks to the intelligent extended-range technology, the comprehensive cruising range of the standard version of the M5 series rear-drive vehicle can reach 1455km when it is fully charged. Normally, a tank of fuel for a domestic fuel vehicle can support a journey of 500-600 km at most, but the data of the M5 standard version of the vehicle can be said to be super doubled. With a cruising range of 1455km, you can go to go on road trip as soon as you want. Whether you start from Beijing and drive all the way west to Xi ‘an to experience the Tang Dynasty, or start from Shanghai and go south to Guangzhou to experience Cantonese morning tea, the M5 series in Wenjie can accompany you across the mountains and seas, and you don’t need to replenish energy to have fun all the time.

  If you don’t like to travel far, you like to feel lucky in your own world. The M5 Smart Driving Edition can help you explore your city with the lowest cost. The pure battery life of the M5 Smart Driving Edition reaches 255km. Even in Beijing, it is more than enough to commute for one week by going back and forth for 30km every day. More importantly, the charging efficiency is high, and it can be charged from 20% to 80% in half an hour. Occasionally, it is absolutely appropriate to go camping for a short distance on weekends and live on pure electricity.

  Full power, popular electric switch

  Compared with traditional fuel vehicles, Wujie M5 series can not only reduce the travel cost for users, but also provide double endurance, and its performance is unambiguous. Take the M5 standard four-wheel drive model as an example. The acceleration time of this car is only 4.4 seconds, which is better than many luxury brand electric SUVs on the market. The biggest benefit of such excellent data performance is super explosive power, which allows drivers to experience the passion of driving a sports car.

  Super explosive power is also related to the dynamic performance of the vehicle itself. The maximum power and peak torque of the M5 standard four-wheel drive model can reach 365kW and 675N·m respectively. In daily life, when the pressure is great, drive this car to release it, feel the speed and passion, relieve the pressure, forget the troubles and regain the passion.

  The strong performance of the M5 series in the world benefits from the blessing of the three-in-one electric drive system of HUAWEI DriveONE. This system adopts the industry’s first precision oil cooling technology, which has a better cooling effect on key components under the same power and torque. The direct benefit is that it can fundamentally improve the power and quietness of the car. If you drive fast at high speed, or speed up overtaking, the power is on call.

  In addition, Wujie M5 version also has HUAWEI DATS dynamic adaptive torque system, which can reduce the pre-driving impulse by 31%, the sloshing convergence time by 46% and the system response time delay to 4 ms.. When driving on potholes or bumpy roads with speed bumps, not only can the car body shake slightly, but it can also stabilize quickly. If the self-driving trip encounters bumpy roads such as mountain roads and gravel roads, it can also pass comfortably, alleviating the discomfort caused by bumps in the car. If you are driving on a road with many curves, this system can help the vehicle to improve the lateral force through adaptive torque adjustment, and the risk of tail flick will be greatly reduced when driving, which is stable and safe.

  The M5 series has brought excellent performance to users in all directions. It can make you say goodbye to all kinds of troubles and enjoy a worry-free driving journey in terms of endurance, power and driving control. If you are eager to travel without worry and enjoy driving, you may wish to try the M5 series. I believe it will bring you a different surprise experience. In addition to the surprise experience brought by the product itself to users, the recent delivery speed is also very surprising. You can pick up the car within two weeks after making a decision. You may wish to experience it in the offline test drive!

What should some operators do if they start to reduce the frequency of 2G networks and still use 2G mobile phones?

  BEIJING, April 18 (Reporter Wu Tao) Recently, it was reported that China Unicom would close its 2G network. China Unicom issued an announcement in response, and is promoting the frequency reduction of 2G networks in an orderly manner. What is frequency reduction in 2G networks? Will it affect consumers and why?

  Multi-operators start network frequency reduction

  For the frequency reduction of 2G networks, the reporter consulted the three major operators respectively. China Unicom said,The frequency reduction of 2G network can’t be called closing 2G network, because users are still on 2G network, but there is a process of frequency reduction and slimming step by step..

  Some insiders who don’t want to be named said that the gradual frequency reduction of 2G is actually the gradual withdrawal of 2G from the network, and the complete disappearance of 2G base stations means that 2G is completely withdrawn from the network; At present, the three major operators are still in a state where 2G, 3G and 4G networks coexist.

  According to an insider of China Mobile,China Mobile has no plans to quit the network for 2G at present.. As of press time, China Telecom has no reply.

  However, Fu Liang, an independent telecom analyst, revealed in an interview with that in fact, all three major operators are doing network frequency reduction work, and China Unicom is still the latest; Among them, China Mobile is doing 3G network frequency reduction.

  Will consumers be affected?

  According to the data released by China Unicom, by the end of February, there were 289 million users in China Unicom, including 187 million 4G users. It is reported that China Unicom’s 2G users account for about 2% of its total users, which means that China Unicom has more than 500 million 2G users.

  Will these users be affected by the frequency reduction of 2G networks? China Unicom said that it willTake various preferential measures, such as replacing mobile phone cards for free, giving away experience traffic, and offering preferential purchase, to assist existing 2G customers to upgrade to 4G networks.In this process, the existing 2G customer service will not be affected.

  Xiang Ligang, an expert in communication industry, believes that the frequency reduction of the 2G network of China Unicom is not affected by the vast majority of consumers.

  Fu Liang believes that it is impossible for 2G users to have no impact at all. It can only be said that it is less affected. After frequency reduction, 2G network coverage may be insufficient in some places, "butFrequency reduction does not mean that the 2G network cannot be used, because there are still 2G base stations.. "

  The reporter noted that, despite the current 4G era, 2G or 3G networks still play a role. Some users said in an interview with, "I still feel that the existence of 2G networks is better becauseIn some places, there is no 4G network coverage. When passing through these places, the mobile phone will automatically switch to 3G or 2G networks, and there is still a process of connecting when using it, or it will be disconnected."

  Data Map: There are more and more 4G users. The picture shows Shenyang citizens using the 4G network to surf the Internet for free on the bus. China News Agency issued by Haiyang Photo

  Why do you want network frequency reduction?

  Since there are still users, why do you want to reduce the frequency of 2G networks?

  Fu Liang said that it turned out that2G network occupies some frequency bands, and some frequency bands are scarce, which can be said to be valuable resources. After reuse, it can be used in 4G network construction., which is conducive to improving network quality and network wide-area coverage.

  China Unicom also indicated that the bandwidth resources will be used for higher 4G networks and deployment.

  "In addition, with the decrease of 2G and 3G users, its network capacity is more and more surplus, and its base station and other facilities are increasingly uneconomical to invest in operation and maintenance, which is another reason." Fu Liang said.

  This is true. According to the latest data from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, as of the end of February, the number of mobile phone users of the three major operators reached 1.44 billion, of which the total number of 4G users reached 1.03 billion, and 4G users accounted for 71.6% of mobile phone users.

  However, the data of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology also showed that as of the end of February,The total number of mobile broadband users (namely 3G and 4G users) reached 1.17 billion. This means that there are still 270 million 2G users, which is still a huge number..

  In view of this, Fu Liang believes that it is impossible for the three major operators to shut down the 2G network at once. Network frequency reduction is a gradual process, and 2G users do not have to worry too much.

  "It should also be pointed out that if the equipment used by 2G users supports WCDMA, even if China Unicom shuts down the 2G network, it will still have no impact on them." Fu Liang said. (End)

Solar terms | Qingming liver is full of fire, and the sacrifice is less worrying.

On April 4th, this year, the eighth day of the third lunar month was Tomb-Sweeping Day. As far as TCM health care is concerned, Qingming Festival is an important period of health care in a year. After Tomb-Sweeping Day, everything stretches. Chinese medicine believes that people should be at four o’clock, and everything grows in spring, so does the body.

When everything grows, it is clean and bright, so it is called Qingming.The Paper reporter Wang Xiqing 

So what aspects should we pay attention to during the Qingming period? Zheng Min, deputy director of the Department of Endocrinology, Yueyang Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, gave detailed answers to readers from the aspects of disease prevention, diet and daily life.

[Hou] When sweeping sacrifices for an outing,

"When I was 100 questions" said: "When everything grows, it is clean and bright, so it is called Qingming." Every Qingming, the climate is warm, the sun is shining, the willow is green and pink, and the vitality is infinite. It is the most refreshing solar term among the 24 solar terms. In the south of the Yangtze River, it rains in succession during the Qingming Festival. At this time, it is cloudy and sunny, and abundant water can meet the needs of crop growth.

In the history of China, Tomb-Sweeping Day Qi has its own particularity. The Cold Food Festival and Shangsi Festival were both around the Qingming Festival, and the three festivals gradually merged into one.

Shangsi Festival, commonly known as March 3, is rich in content, with customs of cleaning yourself, spring outing in the suburbs, and love between men and women. According to legend, March 3rd is the birthday of the Yellow Emperor. In the Central Plains, there is "February 2nd, the dragon rises; On March 3, I was born in Xuanyuan. In the ancient Shangsi Festival, people feasted at the water’s edge and had a spring outing in the countryside. Shangsi Festival is also the "Valentine’s Day" in China. At this time, it is the day when "a woman is in love with her, and a lucky girl will seduce her". On this day, young men and women go for a spring outing in the suburbs, and the government even encourages men and women to have sex and regard this day as a good day for matchmaking between heaven and earth. "Zhou Li. Media’s": "The mid-spring moon makes men and women meet, so when it comes, runners can’t help it." Later, on Shangsi Festival, sacrificial feasts and meandering water were added. At the beginning of late spring, Wang Xizhi, a book sage, gathered with friends in Lanting, and wrote the preface to Lanting, the world’s first running book.

The Cold Food Festival is also a day or two before Tomb-Sweeping Day, which is a custom formed by ancient people changing fire in spring. The ancestors drilled wood for fire, and the fire was hard to come by. Every early spring, when the weather is dry, people’s saved kindling is easy to cause fire, and spring thunder is also easy to cause mountain fires. At this time, the ancients put out all the kindling handed down from the previous year, and then drilled out a new fire in a few days, which is called "changing the fire" and "inviting a new fire".

In the days without fire, people can only live on cold food, that is, cold food. In the poem of Wei Zhuang, a poet in the Tang Dynasty, the phenomenon of forbidding fire in cold food and taking fire in Qingming is: "Thousands of snows bloom in cold food, and millions of cigarettes are produced in Qingming fire."

In addition to the prohibition of cold food by fire, cold food also has the custom of sweeping graves. People regard sweeping graves on the Cold Food Festival as a festival to return to the roots and pursue the religion with caution. Because Qingming is close to the Cold Food Festival, people often postpone sweeping graves until Qingming. In the Tang Dynasty, the Cold Food Festival and Tomb-Sweeping Day became one.

This season, there is not only the feeling of pursuing the distance carefully, but also the ecstasy of where will you go, the atmosphere of enjoying spring and the vivid scene of fresh and bright. Du Muyou, a Tang Dynasty poet, said, "It rains a lot during the Qingming Festival, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls. Ask the local people where to buy wine and worry? The shepherd boy pointed to Xinghua Village. " The Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival depicts the Qingming scene in the prosperous period of the Song Dynasty.

Step in the spring to prevent allergies

Zheng Min, deputy chief physician, reminded us that during the Qingming period, there may be cold in late spring, susceptible to cold, and at the same time, it will enter a rainy season. At this time, it is prone to dampness, and many bacteria and viruses have entered the breeding period, which is easy to spread various infectious diseases.

For the elderly and children with weak disease resistance, they should strengthen their health, benefit qi, dispel wind and dampness, strengthen their physique, pay attention to personal hygiene and environmental hygiene at the same time, wash their hands and change clothes frequently, often open windows and ventilate at home, and seldom go to public places to reduce the generation of germs, thus reducing the risk of infectious diseases.

Spring is closely related to the liver and wood in the five elements, and wood makes a fire, and fire is the heart, so this festival is easy for the heart to flourish. It is easy to induce hypertension when you are depressed and too angry. Therefore, people suffering from hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases should pay attention to control their emotions, keep their emotions comfortable and prevent blood pressure from fluctuating too much.

Liver wood hurts gold, and gold is lung, so this solar term should also pay attention to prevention of respiratory diseases. During the Qingming Festival, spring blossoms, and the excessive accumulation of oily and polysaccharide substances in pollen into the human respiratory tract causes allergies. Therefore, for friends with allergies, special attention should be paid to staying away from pollen or preparing a mask for emergencies.

Qingming is a good time to go for an outing. Under the premise of fully considering one’s own illness and combining one’s hobbies, one should do what one can and make a reasonable choice. People who are less active need to do exercise according to their abilities and should not be too big. When the elderly are active, their heart rate should be controlled within 100 beats/min, and their breathing should be controlled within 24 beats/min. Young people can relax their requirements appropriately, and it is more suitable to choose hiking and jogging.

Patients with heart disease, hypertension, acute and chronic bronchitis, emphysema, nephritis, anemia, tuberculosis, fever, acute infection, and patients in the active stage of calculus should not engage in excessive exercise such as mountaineering, swimming and running.

After Tomb-Sweeping Day, the climate becomes warmer, which makes people feel physically and mentally tired and sleepy. This is called spring sleep. Here, before getting up every morning, we can insist on sitting for a few simple actions, which will not only help us to be energetic all day, improve work efficiency, but also help us to strengthen our physical fitness.

Rub your face: after opening your eyes in the morning, rub the "Yingxiang point" next to your nostrils with your middle fingers for several times at the same time, then rub it up to your forehead, then separate it to both sides, and rub it down along your cheeks until the cheeks meet. Rubbing face for 20 times can promote facial blood circulation, and increase the effects of facial skin on resisting cold, refreshing brain and preventing colds.

Play the brain: sit on the bed and press the palms of your hands against your ears respectively. Flipping the back of the skull with the index finger, middle finger and ring finger, 3~4 times every morning, can relieve fatigue, prevent dizziness and enhance hearing.

Shepherd’s purse can benefit the liver

Zheng Min, deputy chief physician, reminded that during the Qingming period, the kidney qi is getting weaker, the heart qi is getting stronger, the liver qi is flourishing, and the climate is rainy and humid. Therefore, Qingming should pay attention to the following points in its diet.

Qingming should not eat too much "fat" food, such as bamboo shoots and chicken. Bamboo shoots are cold, slippery and gas-consuming. "Materia Medica from the New" says: "People who eat more bamboo shoots will cause more diseases", that is, people who have a long illness will have more qi deficiency, and eating bamboo shoots will more easily damage their qi and induce disease attacks. Spring is the season of hyperactivity of liver-yang, and eating chicken is easy to move wind and help liver fire, which will easily lead to the recurrence of chronic hepatitis, hypertension and other diseases.

Qingming should eat more foods that soften the liver and nourish the lungs, such as shepherd’s purse, spinach and yam. Shepherd’s purse can benefit the liver and the middle energizer, spinach can benefit the five internal organs and promote blood circulation, and yam has the function of strengthening the spleen and tonifying the lung.

Qingming can take some proper nourishing products, such as tremella, which can moisten the lungs and produce fluid, nourish the yin and soften the liver. In the rising season of spring, taking tremella often can receive the effect of softening the liver and nourishing the lungs.

In addition, you can eat more leek, which is warm and rising in hair. It is a tonic in spring, which can increase the gastrointestinal peristalsis of human body, play the role of blood vessel scavenger, tonify liver and kidney and increase the body’s resistance, but it is not suitable for "warming up" or those who have accumulated fire and phlegm.

[Fang] Spring vegetables are used in medicinal diet.

The expert of medicinal diet in Shanghai Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine recommended two kinds of medicinal diets suitable for spring.

Stir-fried mushroom with lily:

Ingredients: 50 grams of lily, 100 grams of celery, 30 grams of mushrooms, 30 grams of mushrooms, and appropriate amount of auxiliary materials.

Practice: Wash the lily without removing the coating film, wash and slice the rest mushrooms, stir-fry the mushrooms in the oil pan first, then add auxiliary materials, appropriate amount of water and lily to cook slightly, and add seasoning to serve.

Efficacy: Lily is sweet and cold in nature, which can nourish yin and moisten lung, clear heart and soothe the nerves. It is used for chronic cough due to yin deficiency, blood in phlegm, vexation and fright, insomnia and dreaminess. This medicated diet lily is crystal-clean, delicious, and has the effects of resolving phlegm, moistening lung and enhancing immunity. Note that lily coating has pharmacological effects, so it is generally not necessary to undress, and it can be seasoned when cooking.

Malan mixed with wolfberry fruit:

Ingredients: 100 grams of Malantou, 5 to 10 grams of Lycium barbarum, and proper amount of seasoning.

Practice: After washing and blanching Malan leaves, squeeze them into cold boiled water and cut them into powder. The cold boiled water in the head of Lycium barbarum is slightly swollen for use. Add appropriate amount of salt, seasoning and sesame oil to the end of Malantou, and then sprinkle with Lycium barbarum.

Efficacy: red and green, fresh and sweet. Clearing heat and moistening skin, nourishing liver and improving eyesight. Spring in the south is the season when Malantou is listed. Using Lycium barbarum directly in cold salad can not only increase the color, but also protect the nutrients in Lycium barbarum from high temperature damage. This is a delicious and refreshing diet cold dish. Note that people with spleen and stomach deficiency and cold should not use it more.

It’s snowing Please put safety at the top during the winter vacation.

Jinan Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a yellow warning signal for road icing at 06: 00 on February 3, 2024. Today, it is cloudy from day to night, with a northeast wind of 3 ~ 4, and the highest temperature today is about 2 C; It will be cloudy from day to night tomorrow, with light to medium snow in the evening to night, heavy snow in some areas, with a precipitation probability of 80%, northeast winds of 3-4 and gusts of 6, with the lowest temperature of-7–5℃ tomorrow and the highest temperature of about 1℃ tomorrow.

There is obvious snowfall on the 4th-5th, which has a negative impact on traffic. Please pay attention to travel safety. With the coming of winter vacation, please keep this winter vacation safety reminder together!

1. Obey traffic laws and regulations

Don’t play on the road, don’t watch mobile phones and listen to music when walking and cycling, and don’t play in dangerous areas such as car blind spots, garage entrances and exits, and railway crossings. Don’t run red lights, don’t climb traffic barriers.

2. Safe use of electricity and gas

Do not use "three noes" appliances, do not use multiple high-power appliances on the same wiring board at the same time, and do not touch the power switch and appliances with wet hands. When using gas equipment, open the window for ventilation and take care of it, and close it in time after use. If you find a fire, call 119 outdoors in time.

3. Prevention of epidemic diseases

Pay attention to personal hygiene, wash your hands and change clothes frequently, and often open the window for ventilation when you are at home. Pay attention to balanced nutrition, regular work and rest, get enough sleep and develop exercise habits. Don’t go or go less to crowded public places.

4. Pay attention to self-protection

Do not go to commercial song and dance entertainment places, internet service places, bars and other places where minors are not suitable to enter. Go to museums, science and technology museums, exhibition halls, sports halls and other youth social practice venues.

5. Safe and civilized Internet access

Strictly control online time and don’t indulge in virtual space. Enhance the awareness of network security, and do not browse vulgar and bad information. Standardize network security behavior, do not make insulting and bullying remarks, do not buy unsafe supplies or food online, do not add strange netizens at will, and do not meet netizens alone. Pay attention to the confidentiality of personal and family information. In case of fraudulent phone calls such as transfer, confirm with parents in time.

6. Don’t enter the dangerous area

Do not enter the track section, construction site, wasteland, near high-voltage power lines, parking lots, hazardous chemicals warehouses and other dangerous areas without authorization.

7. Prevention of drowning

Do not play on the ice; Do not play in the waters without permission; Do not meet with partners to play in the waters; When playing near the water, keep a safe distance from dangerous places, and beware of slipping, picking up things, fishing for fish and shrimp, standing unsteadily and falling into the water.

8. Observe the regulations on fireworks and firecrackers.

Don’t buy three no fireworks products, don’t set off fireworks in forbidden areas, and set off less or no fireworks in non-forbidden areas to reduce air pollution and potential safety accidents.

9. Pay attention to time arrangement

Make colorful holiday plans, arrange holiday time reasonably according to your own actual situation, study and live regularly, develop scientific and reasonable work and rest habits, and have a full winter vacation.

10. Prevent psychological problems

Read more books, think more, and see more about the outside world. When you feel annoyed, you can solve it through exercise, communication and talk. When you encounter psychological confusion, call Jinan "24-hour student psychological care hotline (87-525-525)" as soon as possible to accompany you around the clock, and don’t close during the winter vacation!

I hope everyone will always put safety at the top of their minds and wish the students a full and happy holiday!

Source: Comprehensive from Shanghai Education, Jinan Weather


Attention! There will be rain (snow) weather in these places in Yunnan from tomorrow …

Yesterday (January 9th),
Most of the sunshine and blue sky in Yunnan continue to be "online".
Only northern Zhaotong City, eastern Wenshan Prefecture,
Southeast of Honghe prefecture,
Light rain and partial moderate rain
Heavy fog appeared in the southwest and southeast of Yunnan in the morning.
Northwest Yunnan, West Yunnan, Central Yunnan, East Yunnan and other places,
There are 28 stations whose daily minimum temperature is below 0℃.
The lowest is -12.2℃ (Shangri-La).
It is estimated that in the next three days,
Most of the province continues.
A sunny and rainy weather pattern,
There is heavy fog in the southwest and southeast Yunnan in the early morning.
Affected by the stationary front,
Cloudy and cloudy in the east, with showers and partial rain.
In addition,
11 -13 January
Affected by plateau trough (warm and humid airflow and weak cold air),
Northwest Yunnan, South Yunnan, East Yunnan, Northeast Yunnan,
There are showers and partial rain.
There is a snow shower at high altitude in Diqing Prefecture.
The temperature difference between day and night in northwest Yunnan, west Yunnan and central Yunnan is large.
The daily minimum temperature in some areas is below 0℃.
Specific forecast
From 20: 00 on January 10th to 20: 00 on January 11th.
The northern part of Diqing Prefecture is cloudy with snow showers, while Zhaotong City, Qujing City, Wenshan Prefecture, southern Honghe Prefecture, southeastern Pu ‘er City and eastern Xishuangbanna Prefecture are cloudy with showers, while other areas are cloudy with sunny days.
From 20: 00 on January 11th to 20: 00 on January 12th.
The north-central part of Diqing Prefecture is cloudy with snow showers, while the southern part of Diqing Prefecture, the northern part of Lijiang City, the northern part of Nujiang Prefecture, Zhaotong City, Qujing City, Wenshan Prefecture, Honghe Prefecture, the southern part of Yuxi City, the southeastern part of Pu ‘er City, and the eastern part of Xishuangbanna Prefecture are cloudy with showers and partial moderate rain, while other areas are cloudy and cloudy.
From 20: 00 on January 12th to 20: 00 on January 13th.
Zhaotong City, Qujing City, Wenshan Prefecture, south of Honghe Prefecture, southeast of Pu ‘er City, and east of Xishuangbanna Prefecture are cloudy with showers and partial moderate rain, while other areas are sunny and cloudy.
Specific weather forecast for Kunming in the next three days
Meteorological grade forecast of forest and grassland fire danger
It is estimated that there are 4 grades in the north of Chuxiong, 3 grades in Diqing, Nujiang, Lijiang, Dali, Baoshan, north-central Lincang, north-central and southwest of Pu ‘er, west of Xishuangbanna, central and south of Chuxiong, Kunming, Yuxi, southwest of Zhaotong, northwest of Qujing and north of Honghe, and 1 ~ 2 grades in other areas.
Special reminder: Recently, there is no effective precipitation in most parts of Yunnan, with strong ultraviolet radiation and greatly reduced air humidity. The characteristics of dry weather are particularly obvious, and the meteorological level of forest fire danger remains high. Relevant departments should increase their efforts to patrol mountains and protect forests, and do a good job in fire source control, inspection and monitoring to prevent forest fires.
Synthesis: Yunnan Meteorology, Kunming Cloud Meteorology
Source: YNTV2 city barcode

Legend of James: The Lakers retired their jerseys and won another championship to become the first person in history.

In an exclusive interview with the media a few days ago, Lakers owner Jenny Bass said that after James was elected to the Hall of Fame in the future, the Lakers will retire the jersey number of this home star. If this comes true, James will become the second star in history to be retired by three teams. But is James’ achievements in the Lakers worthy of such glory?

From the honor point of view, James is undoubtedly the first person in the NBA today. He won four championships for three teams in his career, which also indicates that he may retire his jersey number in the Cavaliers, Heat and Lakers in the future.

As far as historical achievements are concerned, winning the first championship in team history for his hometown team is enough to make his jersey hang high at the Cavaliers’ home; As for the number of championships, two consecutive championships in Nantan also gave him enough confidence. However, in the Lakers, he has only led the team to the top once at present. This record seems to be not enough to make James’ No.23 tied with the other 13 Lakers retired numbers, which seems unconvincing to many Lakers fans.

There are three main arguments against the Lakers retiring James number: first, his time in Los Angeles is not long enough; Secondly, there are not enough times to win the championship; Finally, his representation in the Lakers is not obvious enough.

This seems to make sense for the argument that time is not long enough. After all, he has only played five seasons in the Lakers, which is short compared with his 11 seasons in the Cavaliers. Even though he only stayed in the Heat for four seasons and left, James often missed the game due to injury during the Lakers. So far, he only played 278 regular-season games, 16 fewer than in the Heat, and 43 playoff games were less than half of that in the Heat.

However, Chamberlain, the only legendary center who was retired by three teams in history, only played for five seasons in the Lakers, and that was the last five seasons of his career, but Chamberlain’s No.13 was still retired by the Lakers. In the future, if James retires after playing the 2024-25 season according to the option of the current contract, then he will play for the Lakers for seven seasons, which is not short compared with Chamberlain.

As for the argument that there are not enough championships, it seems hard to refute. After all, James has only won the championship once in the bubble park in 2020. In addition to winning fewer times, the gold content of this champion has also been questioned because of the different epidemic situation and competition system. Compared with the five championships brought back by Lakers stars such as Kobe Bryant, Magic Johnson and Abdul-Jabbar, James’ current contribution is indeed far from perfect. However, the aforementioned Chamberlain also won only one championship for the Lakers. According to Chamberlain’s standards, James’ jersey number retired for a certain reason.

Finally, when it comes to James’ lack of representativeness of the Lakers, this is not good enough for him. James, who was born in Akron, has pure chivalry, and the golden age of his career was in the Heat. This made his image in the No.6 jersey deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. In contrast, the connection between James and the Lakers is not close enough.

James didn’t wear other numbers in the Lakers, and he still chose to use the numbers 23 and 6 alternately. He didn’t create a brand-new image in the new team through different numbers. In addition, the Cavaliers and the Heat are too impressed with him, which makes the colors of James and the Lakers not bright enough and not representative enough.

Under such circumstances, if James wants to deepen his connection with the Lakers in the rest of his career and shut up those who question his incompetence, he needs to bring back at least one more championship for Los Angeles.

If he gets more than two championship rings, James can not only surpass Chamberlain in the Lakers, but also surpass the famous Jerry West. Although Jerry West only won the championship once, he played for the Lakers all his life, during which he led the team for the championship nine times, but he could not reach the top because he was blocked by the historical wall of Celtic legendary center Bill Russell. . The relationship between James and the Lakers is really not deep enough. If you want to increase your mark in Los Angeles, winning one more championship will definitely help.

In the past, there were stars who were almost retired by three different teams. For example, the Lakers and the Heat announced the retirement of O ‘Neal one after another, but he has not yet been recognized by the magic of his debut home team. James was able to book this historic achievement in advance. If the Lakers can retire the two numbers that James used in the Lakers in one fell swoop like Kobe, it may also set an unprecedented record, that is, a player has four numbers retired by the team.

To be the first person in this history, James needs at least another crown for the Lakers. In this way, when his jersey is retired at home, it will be more recognized and accepted by the Lakers fans.

Registration for Chengdu Watching Night is open!

On May 27th, Beijing time, the final battle of the Bundesliga is about to start! Bayern will hold the "Audi X Bayern Chengdu Watching Night" in Chengdu, and invite fans to come to the scene to witness Bayern climb the peak again!

Event Name: Audi X Bayern Munich Chengdu Watching Night

Activity time: May 27, 2023 from 19: 30 to 23: 30.

Venue: No.111 Command Street, Jinjiang District, Chengdu, 6th Floor, Chengdu Renheng Intercontinental Executive Apartment.

Activity flow:

19:30-20:30 guests sign in

20:30-21:30 Stage Session

Watch the game from 21: 30 to 23: 30.

The registration channel is now open, so please come to Bayern’s circle of friends to sign up!

Rachford decided to renew his contract, and Manchester United’s transfer budget this summer is 200 million.

Manchester United coach Tenghage talked about Rachford and the transfer of the team this summer when interviewed by Manchester United official website:

"Rachford explained his thoughts to me. He wants to stay in the team and help the club succeed. We will reach an agreement on renewing the contract, but I can’t disclose the details yet. Our focus is still on ensuring the top four this season."

"Rachford’s performance this season is very good. He scored many goals and the team played very well. We believe that we will finally get the desired results."

"The signings of the team are still being worked out. Of course, we will need a stable striker to help us score more goals. In addition, we have other goals, but I can’t say yet. "

According to British media reports, Manchester United has a transfer budget of nearly 200 million pounds this summer, including 100 million pounds for strikers and signings in other positions.