Huawei P7 is a hot seller, and Gentleman Rulan is well received


Break! Wang Jianlin, big news! Super 16.20 billion is frozen

Wang Jianlin’s crisis still seems to be unresolved.

According to the information disclosed by the Tianyancha APP, the joint stock company of Dalian Wanda Commercial Management Group recently added an equity freeze information. It is understood that the amount involved in the equity freeze is as high as 16.205 billion yuan, and the company being executed is Dalian Xindameng Commercial Management Co., Ltd. Through equity penetration, the actual controller of the company is Wang Jianlin. The company has only been established for more than two months. The market once believed that this was Wang Jianlin’s latest business layout.

It is worth noting that just a few days ago, Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management was once on the hot search, because a large amount of equity was frozen. According to the website of the National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System, Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management recently added an equity freezing information, and the amount of frozen equity was about 5.072 billion shares.

At present, Wang Jianlin’s pace of "selling, selling, selling" has not stopped, and even accelerated the pace of sales. In mid-March this year, Wanda Plaza Commercial Co., Ltd. in Jizhou District, Tianjin underwent industrial and commercial changes. The former wholly-owned shareholder Dalian Wanda Commercial Management Group’s joint stock company withdrew, and Beijing Tianding Kunyang Technology Co., Ltd. was added as a wholly-owned shareholder. As of now, Wanda Group has sold 14 Wanda Plaza.

Wang Jianlin suddenly

According to the information disclosed by Tianyancha APP, the joint stock company of Dalian Wanda Commercial Management Group recently added a new equity freeze information.

It is understood that the amount involved in the equity freeze is as high as 16.205 billion yuan, and the company being executed is Dalian Xindameng Commercial Management Co., Ltd.

The term of the equity freeze is from March 20, 2024 to March 19, 2027, and the enforcement court is the People’s Court of Hanjiang District, Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province.

It is worth mentioning that Dalian Xindameng Business Management Co., Ltd. has only been established for more than two months, and the market once considered this to be Wang Jianlin’s latest business layout.

According to the data, Dalian Xindameng Commercial Management Co., Ltd. was established on January 12, 2024, the legal representative is Xiao Guangrui, the registered capital is 16.20 billion yuan, the company is a business service mainly engaged in the enterprise.

The company’s business scope includes: commercial complex management services; enterprise management consulting; enterprise management; supply chain management services; planning and design management; engineering management services; property management; non-residential real estate leasing; advertising; big data services; energy conservation management services; technical services, technology development, technical consultation, technology exchange, technology transfer, technology promotion; trade brokerage; domestic trade agency; information consulting services (excluding licensing information consulting services); financial consulting; import and export of goods; technology import and export; conference and exhibition services; software development; software sales; data processing and storage support services; Internet of Things technology research and development; Internet of Things technology services; Internet of Things equipment sales; security technology prevention system design and construction services; parking lot services. ( In addition to the projects that are subject to approval according to law, the company shall independently carry out business activities according to law with its business license.)

According to Tianyancha APP, the company’s shareholders are Dalian Wanda Business Management Group joint stock company and Dalian Wanyu Enterprise Management Co., Ltd., with shareholding ratios of 99.9938% and 0.0062% respectively.

Among them, the actual controller of the joint stock company of Dalian Wanda Commercial Management Group is Wang Jianlin, and the proportion of beneficial shares is 49.2888%.

Through equity penetration, the actual controller of Dalian Xindameng Commercial Management Co., Ltd., which was frozen by a huge amount, was Wang Jianlin, with 100% of the actual voting rights.

Dalian Wanda Commercial Management was also frozen by a huge amount

It is worth noting that just a few days ago, Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management was once a hot search, due to the freezing of large shares.

According to the website of the National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System, Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management recently added a new equity freezing information, and the amount of frozen equity is about 5.072 billion shares.

The reason for the equity freeze is "property preservation", and the person subject to execution is Dalian Wanda Commercial Management, the major shareholder of Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management. The enforcement court is the Shanghai No. 1 Intermediate People’s Court, and the freezing period is from March 4, 2024 to March 3, 2027.

Judging from the information disclosed in the enforcement ruling, the trial process of the relevant case may be "property preservation enforcement", but no other details have been released yet about who the specific applicant for enforcement is and what kind of disputes the case involves.

It is worth mentioning that about 5.072 billion shares mentioned above were frozen in July 2023 and thawed shortly after.

It is understood that Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management was established on March 23, 2021, with a registered capital of about 7.248 billion yuan, and the legal representative is Xiao Guangrui.

From the previously disclosed prospectus, after the introduction of war investment in 2021, 22 institutional investors and 6 executives as cornerstone investors held a total of 21.17% of Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management. Dalian Wanda Commercial Management directly holds about 69.99% of Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management, while Wang Jianlin indirectly holds about 8.84% through Zhuhai Wanying and Yinchuan Wanda.

According to this calculation, Dalian Wanda Commercial Management and its concerted actors hold a total of 78.83% of the shares of Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management, about 5.714 billion shares. At the end of 2023, due to the expiration of the Wanda Commercial Management IPO betting agreement but not yet completed the listing, some strategic investors have changed their shareholdings.

Roughly calculated, the 5.072 billion shares involved in the freeze accounted for 88.8% of the shares held by Dalian Wanda Commercial Management and its concerted actors in Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management.

In addition, Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management also involves another 100 million equity freezing information, the executor is also Dalian Wanda Commercial Management, the enforcement court is the Intermediate People’s Court of Dezhou City, Shandong Province, and the freezing time is July 5, 2023 to July 4, 2026.

Wang Jianlin "sell sell sell"

At present, Wang Jianlin’s pace of "selling, selling, selling" has not stopped, and even accelerated the pace of selling.

In mid-March this year, according to Tianyancha, there was an industrial and commercial change in Wanda Plaza Commercial Co., Ltd., Jizhou District, Tianjin. The original wholly-owned shareholder Dalian Wanda Commercial Management Group Joint Stock Company withdrew, and Beijing Tianding Kunyang Technology Co., Ltd. was newly added as a wholly-owned shareholder. At the same time, the company’s registered capital increased from 10 million yuan to 290 million yuan. The legal representative and main personnel also changed. The investor changed from Dalian Wanda Commercial Management Group Joint Stock Company to Beijing Tianding Kunyang Technology Co., Ltd.

According to incomplete statistics, up to now, including Tianjin Jizhou Wanda Plaza, Wanda Group has sold 14 Wanda Plaza. Among them, many Wanda Plaza in Shanghai, Guangzhou and other first-tier cities have been sold.

At present, Wanda commercial management surviving bonds 9, surviving scale 6.902 billion yuan, of which the maturity scale is 1.878 billion yuan within one year; in terms of overseas bonds, Wanda commercial management surviving US dollar bonds 3, surviving balance 1.24 billion US dollars, of which two US dollar bonds will mature within one year, with a maturity scale of 940 million US dollars.

It can be seen that Wanda Commercial Management’s short-term debt repayment pressure is relatively large. At the end of 2023, Wanda Commercial Management’s subsidiary 600 million US dollar debt adjustment repayment plan was approved by bondholders. The maturity date of the bond was adjusted from January 29, 2024 to December 29, 2024, and it was paid off in four installments during the extension period.

In order to deal with the corporate debt crisis, selling assets is undoubtedly the most direct and fastest way for Wanda to withdraw funds.

Selling assets and withdrawing funds has always been a common practice for Wang Jianlin. The last time Wanda Group broke out in a debt crisis, Wang Jianlin was rescued by selling assets.

Original title: "Sudden! Wang Jianlin, big news! Super 16.20 billion is frozen"

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Top ten keywords of the property market in 2022: from "four restrictions are loosened" to "one person buying a house to help the whole family"

  2022 is a year of deep adjustment in the real estate market. In the context of the impact of the epidemic and the expected decline in residents’ income, some housing demand was delayed; At the same time, the credit crisis of housing enterprises broke out frequently, the wait-and-see mood of buyers became stronger, and the performance of sales side was weak. However, from the beginning of 2022, favorable policies to support real estate in various places were introduced in turn, and gradual easing continued to be staged. At the central level, it reaffirmed the status of "real estate is a pillar industry of the national economy" and issued a number of policy tools to support the smooth operation of the real estate market.

  The Paper reviewed the property market in 2022 by taking stock of the top ten keywords of the real estate industry in the past year.

  Reduce down payment

  In 2022, credit policies will be optimized in many places, and the purchase cost and purchase threshold of buyers will be further reduced.

  According to the incomplete statistics of The Paper, more than 100 cities have reduced the down payment ratio of provident fund or commercial personal housing loans to 20% this year, including Chengdu, Sichuan, Shijiazhuang, Shaanxi, Xi ‘an, Taiyuan, Jilin, Changchun, Fuzhou, Fujian, Nanchang, Jiangxi, Chongqing, Guiyang, Guizhou, Lanzhou, Gansu, Yinchuan, Ningxia, Urumqi, Xinjiang, Wuhan, Hubei and other second-tier cities.

  From the perspective of down payment ratio, institutional statistics show that since 2022, the down payment ratio of the first suite in the unrestricted area has generally dropped to 20%, and the second set has dropped to 30%; The down payment ratio of the first suite in the restricted purchase area is mostly 30%.

  On January 5, 2023, Ni Hong, Minister of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, mentioned in an exclusive interview with CCTV reporters at the General Station that the buyers of the first house should be strongly supported. The down payment ratio and the first set of interest rates should be lowered. For the purchase of a second house, we should give reasonable support. Trade-in the old for the new, trade-in the small for the big, and give policy support to families with many children.

  The industry believes that it is expected that in 2023, under the tone of "housing and not speculating", both the supply and demand sides will continue to optimize their policies, and the policy intensity is expected to be further strengthened. The core first-and second-tier cities, especially the core second-tier cities, have greater room for policy optimization. The expectation of policy optimization in first-tier cities is also increasing, and there is room for reducing mortgage interest rate, down payment ratio and taxes.

  Lower interest rate

  In 2022, the central bank cut interest rates three times, and the LPR over five years was lowered by a total of 35 basis points, which was the strongest year to cut interest rates after the mortgage interest rate changed anchor LPR in 2019.

  At the same time, the central bank and China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission repeatedly lowered the lower limit of mortgage interest rate. In 2022, in May, the central bank and China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission made it clear that the lower limit of the interest rate of the first set of commercial personal housing loans was adjusted to not less than the quoted interest rate of the corresponding term loan market minus 20 basis points; At the end of September, the central bank and China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission successively released heavy benefits, and gradually relaxed the lower limit of the interest rate of the first commercial personal housing loan for some cities.

  According to the monitoring data of the Central Finger Research Institute, as of December 30 last year, nearly 30 cities have reduced the interest rate of the first home loan to below 4%, including Yangjiang, Qingyuan, Yunfu, Zhanjiang, Jining, Wuhan, Guiyang, Jiangmen, Yichang, Xiangyang, Tianjin, Baotou, Fuyang, Shijiazhuang, Qinhuangdao, Kunming, Dalian, Dali, Luzhou, Anqing, Enshi, Wenzhou and Wenzhou.

  The loan interest rates in some cities have fallen to historical lows. Shijiazhuang and Wenzhou in second-tier cities currently have the lowest interest rates of the first set of commercial loans of 3.8%, while Qingyuan and Zhuzhou in third-and fourth-tier cities have the lowest interest rates of 3.7%.

  At the same time, the central bank lowered the interest rate of the first personal housing provident fund loan by 15 basis points after seven years. Since October 1, 2022, the interest rate of the first home provident fund loan for more than five years has dropped to 3.1%.

  On January 5, 2023, the People’s Bank of China and China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission issued a notice to establish the first dynamic adjustment mechanism of housing loan interest rate policy. In cities where the sales price of newly-built commercial housing has decreased month-on-month and year-on-year for three consecutive months, the lower limit of the local first home loan interest rate policy can be maintained, lowered or cancelled in stages.

  "four limits" are loosened

  The optimization policy of loosening the "four limits" of purchase restriction, loan restriction, price restriction and sales restriction has become the first choice for the regulation of the property market in various places.

  According to the statistics of the Central Finger Research Institute, as of December 26th, 2022, more than 330 provinces, cities and counties in China have issued more than 1,000 housing market easing policies, which involve optimizing purchase restriction (111 in 48 cities), optimizing loan restriction (240 in 173 cities), optimizing sales restriction (41 in 33 cities) and adjusting price restriction (34 in 29 cities).

  In March 2022, Zhengzhou started the first shot of adjusting the policy of restricting purchases and loans. Zhengzhou issued the "Notice on Promoting the Benign Cycle and Healthy Development of the Real Estate Industry", which clearly relaxed the purchase restriction and cancelled the "recognition of housing and loan". Subsequently, many cities across the country successively introduced the "four limits" to loosen the property market policy.

  By the third quarter of 2022, many second-tier hotspot cities will follow up and optimize the purchase restriction policy. According to the statistics of The Paper, the optimization policies of core second-tier cities including Qingdao, Jinan, Suzhou, Tianjin, Chengdu, Xi ‘an, Nanjing, Xiamen, Foshan, Dongguan and Wuhan have been introduced one after another.

  Buy a house by group purchase

  "Buying a house by group purchase" has also become an important content in the toolbox of local property market regulation policies in 2022, and many cities have issued documents to encourage group purchase of commercial housing.

  According to incomplete statistics of The Paper, in the second half of 2022 alone, There are at least Taiyuan in Shanxi, Zhongshan in Guangdong, Shenyang in Liaoning, Tonglu in Zhejiang, Tongling in Anhui, Pu ‘er in Yunnan, Bazhong in Sichuan, Huanggang in Hubei, Changchun in Jilin, Suining in Sichuan, Lianyungang in Jiangsu, Haining in Zhejiang, Macheng in Hubei, Meishan in Sichuan, Hangzhou in Zhejiang, Baise in Guangxi, Zhuji in Zhejiang, Xinghua in Jiangsu, Qingyang in Gansu, Wuzhou in Guangxi, Shaoxing in Zhejiang, Nanning in Guangxi, Zhengzhou in Henan, Laian in Anhui, and Nanning in Hubei. Zunyi, Guizhou, Yiwu, Zhejiang, Quzhou, Hubei, Enshi, Qingdao, Guangxi, Heshan, Linyi, Shandong and other places issued policies or activities related to "buying houses and buying groups".

  Among the cities that issue "buying houses by group purchase", some cities explicitly encourage government agencies, state-owned enterprises and institutions and other groups to buy houses. At the same time, encouraging real estate enterprises to carry out group purchase concessions is also a major feature of local policies.

  ensure timely deliveries of presold homes

  In June, 2022, driven by increasing policy support and active marketing of real estate enterprises, the market showed signs of stabilization. However, in July, the phenomenon of collective "off supply" of buyers caused by the suspension of auction houses appeared in many places, and market confidence was frustrated again, and sales were sluggish.

  At the end of July, 2022, "Guaranteeing the delivery of buildings and stabilizing people’s livelihood" was first written into the Politburo meeting of the Chinese Communist Party document. No matter the central level, local governments or real estate enterprises, they are actively making efforts to carry out the work related to "guaranteeing the delivery of buildings". According to the monitoring of the Central Finger, over 70 provinces and cities, in combination with local actual conditions, have substantially promoted the implementation of the "Guaranteed Building" initiative.

  In August last year, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, together with the Ministry of Finance, the People’s Bank of China and other relevant departments, issued special measures to support cities in need to promote the construction and delivery of residential projects that have been sold and are difficult to deliver. At the end of August, media reports showed that the national relief fund earmarked for "Baojiaolou" was launched. The initial scale of this special loan reached 200 billion yuan, and the central bank instructed China Development Bank and China Agricultural Development Bank to arrange it in the existing loan quota.

  In October last year, the central bank explicitly promoted the use of special loans for "Baojiaolou".

  In November last year, the Central Bank and China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission jointly issued the Notice on Doing a Good Job in Financial Support for the Stable and Healthy Development of the Real Estate Market, which supported the China Development Bank and the Agricultural Development Bank to issue the special loan of "Guaranteed Property" to the borrowers who have been reviewed and filed in compliance with the law, in an efficient and orderly manner, with closed operation and special funds earmarked to support the accelerated construction and delivery of the sold overdue residential projects.

  At the same time, Pan Gongsheng, member of the Party Committee and Vice President of the People’s Bank of China, introduced at the national symposium on credit work of commercial banks, "The ‘ Baojiaolou ’ On the basis of special loans, the People’s Bank of China will launch 200 billion yuan ‘ Baojiaolou ’ The loan support plan provides commercial banks with zero-cost funds to encourage their support ‘ Baojiaolou ’ Work. "

  In December last year, the Central Economic Work Conference proposed "to ensure the stable development of the real estate market" and "to do a solid job in ensuring the delivery of buildings, people’s livelihood and stability".

  Liquidation order

  From the perspective of housing enterprises, affected by the debt default, in 2022, a number of housing enterprises issued announcements of receiving creditors’ liquidation petitions.

  According to incomplete statistics of The Paper, in 2022, creditors filed liquidation petitions including Sunshine City, Fantasia Holdings, Fusheng International, China Evergrande, Dafa Real Estate, Tianyu Real Estate, Oceanwide Holdings, Sunac China, Jiayuan International, Xinli Holdings Group, Xiangsheng Holdings Group, Territorial Holdings, Longguang Group, Sanyun Group, Zhongliang Holdings and Xuhui Holdings Group.

  However, a number of housing enterprises reached a settlement with creditors, or after the final ruling of the court, the final liquidation petition was withdrawn or the two sides entered into a grace agreement.

  The so-called liquidation petition refers to the listed company’s excessive debts and operational difficulties for various reasons. Creditors or the company itself can submit a liquidation petition to the court, which will hear the liquidation petition. If the petition is passed, the court will issue a compulsory liquidation order to order the company to liquidate.

  Debt extension

  According to the monitoring data of the Central Finger Research Institute, as of December 31, 2022, the scale of real estate debt extension has reached 2087.3 yuan, involving 42 related real estate enterprises. In addition, many enterprises plan to launch debt restructuring plans.

  According to the statistics of The Paper, up to now, three housing enterprises have successfully extended their domestic debts. Among them, Longguang, together with its subsidiaries, proposed the extension of 21 open market bonds, all of which were voted by the holders’ meeting; Sunac Real Estate Group Co., Ltd.’ s overall extension plan of domestic bonds totaling 16 billion yuan was voted by the bondholders’ meeting; In addition, R&F Property’s domestic and overseas bonds totaling about 46.7 billion yuan were all successfully extended.

  According to the monitoring data of the Central Finger Research Institute, the debt repayment pressure of housing enterprises in 2023 is still relatively high. In 2023, the total amount of credit bonds and overseas debts due by real estate enterprises was 957.96 billion yuan, 70 billion yuan more than the previous year, and the scale of debt repayment by real estate enterprises increased. In particular, in the first quarter of 2023, in January and March, the scale of debt repayment of housing enterprises exceeded 100 billion yuan, and it also exceeded 100 billion yuan in April and July. In recent months, the pressure on debt repayment of housing enterprises was relatively high. At the same time, housing enterprises may still have the risk of debt default. Housing enterprises are under great pressure to repay debts, real estate sales have not stabilized and rebounded significantly, and some housing enterprises have limited financing support, so individual housing enterprises may still default on their debts.

  Three arrows

  In 2018, in order to support private enterprises to broaden financing channels, the People’s Bank of China, together with relevant departments, launched a "three arrows" policy combination from three main financing channels: credit, bonds and equity. In the second half of 2022, the financing environment of housing enterprises improved, especially in November, and the central government began to comprehensively strengthen the financing support for housing enterprises, and the "three arrows" made concerted efforts.

  On November 1, 2022, China Bond Credit Enhancement convened a meeting of 21 private housing enterprises to promote the second batch of credit enhancement projects of more than 10 housing enterprises of about 20 billion yuan. This symposium is also the third time that the Dealers Association has held a symposium on private housing enterprises since August last year.

  On November 21st of that year, the People’s Bank of China and China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission jointly held a national symposium on credit work of commercial banks to study and deploy financial support to stabilize the economy. At the symposium, Pan Gongsheng, member of the Party Committee and vice president of the People’s Bank of China, introduced that on the basis of the special loan for "guaranteed delivery building" launched in the early stage, the People’s Bank of China will launch a loan support plan of 200 billion yuan for six commercial banks to provide commercial banks with zero-cost funds to encourage them to support the work of "guaranteed delivery building". The first arrow "credit" financing force.

  On November 8, 2022, official website, a dealer association, announced that, with the support and guidance of the People’s Bank of China, the dealer association continued to promote and expand the "second arrow" to support private enterprises, including real estate enterprises, in order to implement a package of policies and measures to stabilize the economy, adhere to the "two unwavering" and support the healthy development of private enterprises. The relevant policies and measures issued by the Dealers Association are the "second arrow" — — Continuation and expansion of bond financing support tools for private enterprises.

  On November 28th, 2022, CSRC decided to adjust and optimize five measures in equity financing, including resuming mergers and acquisitions and matching financing of listed companies involved in housing, resuming refinancing of listed real estate enterprises and listed companies involved in housing, adjusting and improving the overseas listing policy of real estate enterprises, further giving play to the role of real estate investment trusts (REITs) in revitalizing the existing assets of real estate enterprises, and actively playing the role of private equity investment funds. This is also considered by the industry to be the "third arrow". After the introduction of the "third arrow", many listed real estate enterprises and housing-related enterprises planned to refinance.

  According to incomplete statistics, it at least includes Country Garden, Agile, Beixin Road and Bridge, Fuxing, Shimao, the new lake treasure, Tiandiyuan, Lujiazui, Vanke, Huaxia Happiness, Jinke, China Merchants Shekou, Jiakai City, Waigaoqiao, Huafa, Guancheng Datong, Greenland Holdings, Dima, gree real estate, Chinese Enterprises, Xincheng Development, Tibet City Investment, and Dexin China.

  Buying a house by one person and helping the whole family.

  In 2022, more and more cities introduced a new provident fund policy, making it clear that immediate family members can withdraw the housing provident fund to help buyers pay the purchase price or repay the mortgage, and implement "one person buying a house to help the whole family".

  According to incomplete statistics of The Paper, by the end of 2022, At least including Shaoyang in Hunan, Chaozhou in Guangdong, Qinhuangdao in Hebei, Zhuhai in Guangdong, Ganzhou in Jiangxi, Cangzhou in Hebei, Chizhou in Anhui, Chuxiong in Yunnan, Tangshan in Hebei, Xianning in Hubei, Quanzhou in Fujian, Tianjin, Maanshan in Anhui, Shenzhen in Guangdong, Hainan, Xinyang in Henan, wuzhong in Ningxia, Huzhou in Zhejiang, Lianyungang in Jiangsu, Taizhou in Zhejiang, Dingxi in Gansu, Suining in Sichuan, Chuzhou in Anhui, Shanwei in Guangdong, Yinchuan in Ningxia and Sichuan. More than 30 local governments, such as Liaocheng in Shandong, Jingzhou in Hubei, Xingyang in Henan and Lai ‘an in Anhui, have issued new policies on provident fund loans. Many places mentioned in the policies that children can withdraw their parents’ provident fund when buying a house, and implement "one person buys a house to help the whole family".

  Formally, the policy adjustment of "one person buying a house to help the whole family" is carried out from the aspects of helping to repay the loan, helping to withdraw the provident fund to pay the down payment, and withdrawing the relatives’ provident fund to pay the house purchase price. The industry believes that through the help of immediate family members, the economic pressure of buyers can be shared, the purchasing power of residents can be restored from the demand side, and the mood of residents buying houses can be boosted.

  mainstay industry

  At the end of December 2022, the central government reiterated that "real estate is a pillar industry of the national economy" and affirmed the importance of real estate, which will help to restore confidence in the real estate market.

  On December 15th, 2022, Liu He, Vice Premier of the People’s Republic of China delivered a written speech at the fifth round of China-EU dialogue between business leaders and former senior officials. Liu He pointed out that we have great confidence in the overall improvement of China’s economy next year. Real estate is the pillar industry of the national economy. In view of the current downside risks, we have introduced some policies and are considering new measures to improve the balance sheet of the industry and guide the market expectation and confidence to pick up. In the coming period, China’s urbanization is still in a rapid development stage, and there is enough demand space to provide support for the stable development of the real estate industry.

  On December 18, 2022, the relevant person in charge of the Central Finance Office made an in-depth interpretation of the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference and the current economic hot issues: the focus of the real estate policy next year (2023) is: First, we must fully recognize the importance of the real estate industry. Real estate is a pillar industry of national economy with long chain and wide coverage. There are still some restrictive policies that hinder the release of consumer demand in housing consumption and other fields, and these consumption potentials should be released.

  The industry believes that the stability of real estate is crucial to the stable recovery of macro-economy in 2023. Under the positioning of pillar industries, it is expected that the optimization and improvement of policies at both ends of real estate supply and demand will be more direct and rapid in the future, and the intensity is expected to be further increased.

Tian Jia/Wang Jie lost to the American team and won the silver medal in women’s sand volleyball.


    On August 21st, China’s Wang Jie saved the ball in the game. On the same day, at the Beijing Olympic Gamesbeach volleyballIn the women’s championship and runner-up, China’s Wang Jie/Tian Jia lost 0-2 to American Kelly? Walsh/Misty? May treanor won the second place. Xinhua News Agency reporter Shadati photo

    CCTV News: At 11: 00 am on August 21st, Beijing time, the battle for the women’s beach volleyball championship in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games kicked off at the beach volleyball court in Chaoyang Park. Tian Jia/Wang Jie fought hard for 45 minutes, and finally lost to the American group Kelly Walsh/Misty May treanor 0-2, and won the silver medal in the Olympic women’s beach volleyball. The scores of the two games were 18-21 and 18-21 respectively. 

    China’s Tian Jia/Wang Jie ranked second in the World Beach Volleyball Tour in 2006 and 2007 respectively, and won the sub-station champion of the World Beach Volleyball Tour in Poland in 2006 and Shanghai in 2007, and won the runner-up in the 2007 World Championships. The American group Walsh/May-treanor won the gold medal in this event at the 2004 Athens Olympic Games.

    Tian Jia/Wang Jie narrowly defeated China’s Xue Chen/Zhang Xi 2-1 in the semi-final, and the scores of the three sets were 22-24, 29-27 and 15-8. However, in the other semi-final, the American group Kelly Walsh/Misty May treanor fought fiercely for two games, beating the Brazilian group Talita/renata 2-0, and the results of the two games were 21-12 and 21-14 respectively.

    In the first game, Tian Jia’s second position directly spiked the ball and scored directly. China’s team led the opponent 5-3 at the beginning. Subsequently, Wang Jie made a mistake in serving directly out of bounds, and China was temporarily behind with a score of 7-8. Then, Wang Jie made a mistake in receiving the service directly over the net, and the American combination probe ball scored directly, keeping the lead with a score of 12-10.

    Since then, Mei treanor’s No.2 position has succeeded in nudging the back row, and the American team rewrote the score to 16-15. With Walsh tapping the neutral position at the fourth position to score again, the American team easily took a 20-17 lead to get the point. At the crucial moment, Mei-treanor’s fourth straight line attack succeeded, and the American team won the first game with 21-18.

    In the second game, Mei-treanor’s No.2 straight-line attacker scored out of bounds, and the American team took a temporary lead of 7-5. Subsequently, Tian Jia made a strong jump serve twice and succeeded directly. China’s team stubbornly overtook the score to 9-8. Then, Tian Jia’s fourth position smashed the ball diagonally again, and China changed the score to 12-11.

    Since then, Mei-treanor’s No.4 straight-line hitter went out of bounds and scored directly, and the American team rewrote the score to 16-15. With Wang Jie’s direct out-of-bounds mistake in the fourth position, the American team won the match point with a lead of 20-18. At the crucial moment, Mei treanor scored a direct score with a diagonal smash, and the American combination Walsh/Mei treanor finally locked the score at 21-18, and then beat China’s combination Tian Jia/Wang Jie 2-0 to successfully defend the Olympic women’s beach volleyball champion.

    > > > Details < < <

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    Mei Lanfang improved the hairstyle and clothing of the new fashion drama, and added fashion elements to the Beijing drama.

    For the modern young audience, Mei Lanfang is just a symbol. From the textbook, we know that he is the first of the four famous artists and represents the culture of Peking Opera. Perhaps many people can’t tell the difference between Mei Lanfang and Anita Mui. In fact, Mei Lanfang is not only a master of art, but also the most popular fashion star of the year. Recently, some netizens exposed a group of unknown old photos of the Peking Opera master in real life in the forum. In this group of photos, a rare photo of Mei Lanfang wearing a swimsuit is particularly eye-catching.

  Mei Lanfang loves fashion to take swimsuit photos.

    The netizen said that this swimsuit photo was taken in Shanghai in the 1930s, when the social atmosphere was not so open. On the other hand, the shooting background seemed to be out of place with the word swimsuit. However, some netizens said that in Shanghai in the 1930s, fashionable people would take a few swimsuit photos. At that time, people often saw the appearance of swimsuits from those fashionable cigarette cases and moon cards. As a well-known Peking Opera actor at that time, Mei Lanfang was naturally unwilling to lag behind, and generously took such a swimsuit photo by the swimming pool.

    According to the historical records of that year, in 1926, the public swimming pool in Hongkou, Shanghai was opened to the public, and men and women traveled together in Shanghai. By 1930, Gao Qiao Beach had been built, and swimsuits had long been the equipment of Shanghai-style figures. At that time, almost all the stars and celebrities-Shang Guanyunzhu, Ruan Lingyu, etc.-had fashionable styles in swimsuits. Mei Lanfang’s swimsuit photo was produced under such an "open" historical background, even though it was not taken in Shanghai but in the United States on the other side of the ocean. In 1946, when Drama Illustrated published this swimsuit photo of Mei Lanfang during her stay in the United States, it also caused quite a stir.

  Love to take pictures, generous show camera

    Mei Lanfang’s hobby of spare time also keeps ahead of the trend. In old Shanghai, it was fashionable to take photos in a photo studio, not to mention owning a camera. Cameras were a luxury at that time, and families who could buy them must be rich and fashionable enough. Mr. Mei Lanfang’s camera, which seems to be inadvertently painted, is also put into the photo to some extent as an ornament that embodies a kind of taste and shows off.

  Singing Beijing Opera in Modern Costume

    Besides taking photos, Mr Mei Lanfang used fashionable elements in Beijing Opera, and he was once called the "originator of fashion dramas in Beijing Opera". At that time, he personally created a new play "The Waves of the Evil Sea", and at the same time he created his own hairstyle and clothes for the new fashion play, which was true to others. It is understood that Mei Lanfang rehearsed three new fashion plays, among which "Deng Xiagu" and "A wisp of hemp" received great response. For a time, Peking Opera dressed in modern clothes became fashionable, and it did not lag behind the vernacular drama at that time.

Editor: Sun Jie

Honing Will Quality in Learning, Training and Competition: Exploring "Physical Education+Ideological and Political Education" in Outdoor Classroom

   "Pay attention to defense and don’t forget to cooperate with teammates!" Under the guidance of the coach, Li Xiaohui, a quarterback, used his clever passing feint and feinted a shot to win the offensive opportunity for the players. The red flag at the opponent’s waist was torn off instantly, and Li Xiaohui successfully assisted and scored.

  This is the scene of the public elective course "Waist Flag Rugby" in Zhongnan University of Economics and Law (hereinafter referred to as "Zhongnan University of Finance"). Li Xiaohui is a sophomore in mathematics and statistics and a member of the school’s flag football team.

  Not long ago, as the core of the team, she led the school’s first flag rugby team to win three gold medals in the first rugby championship in Hubei Province. After winning the laurel, she wrote on the social platform: "I finally learned rugby, but I learned more than rugby."

  From the classroom to the stadium, the "temporary sports team" stormed the waist flag football competition.

  On December 9, 2023, the first Rugby Championship of Hubei Universities and the NFL FLAG Rugby Competition (Hubei Division) started in Wuhan University. More than 200 athletes from 12 universities in Hubei Province participated.

  Facing the strong rivals with established rugby teams such as Wuhan University and Wuhan Institute of Physical Education, Zhongnan Finance University Rugby Club, a "new star" of the student sports team established less than two months ago, won three gold medals in women’s group A, men’s group A and mixed group. Li Jinglin, one of the instructors and coaches, thinks: "Absolute unity and indomitable spirit are the key."

  "The flag football is a simplified version of football. Compared with the formal football game, it pays more attention to skills and relies on physical flexibility. The game stipulates that a waist flag is hung on the attacker’s belt, and when the defender pulls down the waist flag on the attacker’s belt with the ball, the attack is stopped. " In the first class, Li Jinglin explained the basic rules to the students. "It is a safe and non-collision sport, but it needs clever teamwork and tactical cooperation, and it is also a very cohesive sport."

  Li Xiaohui, who was born in the track and field team, is agile and explosive. She is quite talented in sports, but she was criticized by the teacher in the first class.

  "Rush out so fast? Have you figured out the tactics? Regardless of your teammates? " Three questions made Li Xiaohui speechless. At first, she only cared about her own score, ignoring the cooperation and cooperation of the team. After a class of practice and a game of running-in, Li Xiaohui finally understood that this is not a project that can be won by personal brute force.

  Li Xiaohui took the initiative to stay and practice, reflect on every movement on the field, and change from a stranger of different majors to a "comrade-in-arms" who can understand with his teammates. "I really realized that sportsmanship is not only a fighting spirit, but also a team spirit and a spirit of sacrifice."

  In order to prepare for the first provincial competition, Li Jinglin and her partner Wang Zehua selected 24 students from two classes they taught, and they didn’t formally train as a team until October 2023. Young teams are the most inexperienced. Under the guidance of coaches, the team "practices four times a week" to learn tactics, analyze and summarize. "Although the training of the flag football team has left the classroom and gone to the stadium, the core of training and learning is the same. Cultivating students’ sense of role division and team cohesion is the purpose of offering this course and providing a platform for practice and competition."

  Outdoor courses are new, and students are from "Little White" to expert in pulp board rescue.

  This semester, Yang Xinyi, a sophomore in mathematics and statistics, grabbed a online celebrity class and learned a new skill.

  In September, 2023, like swimming, she chose the newly-opened public course "Pulp Board". In a pulp board rescue class, she played the rescued person who accidentally fell into the water. The nearest classmate immediately turned over the board to rescue her, but her strength was not enough. The pulp board could not support her weight. At a critical juncture, two other students nearby also rushed to the board. It only took more than 30 seconds for Yang Xinyi to be successfully rescued.

  "One person’s strength may not be enough, but the strength of a group of people can certainly." Teacher Zeng Qifei preached.

  "perfect score, beautiful!" Thirty students rowed about 270 meters independently in Xiaonanhu, the school. With the teacher’s order, the students changed from kneeling position to standing position and sprinted forward. Shi Yashang, a 2022 law school student, won the first place in the men’s group as he wished.

  Just two months ago, he was a "layman" who had never been exposed to any water sports. Now, the pulp board class has ended, but Shi Yashang’s pulp board addiction is not over yet. In order to continue practicing in the future, he bought his first pulp board.

  When Shi Yashang just grabbed this popular class, he once thought that he would be able to row freely on the water with a paddle like a surfer. Unexpectedly, it was the third week since he actually got on the board.

  "First, drag the pulp board out of the equipment room to pump up, and three people will work together to hit a board. Only when the boat is strong enough, you will not capsize." In the second class, Zeng Qifei asked students to do equipment preparation and safety inspection. Shi Yashang, who is looking forward to galloping on the water, seems a little listless.

  "After pumping up for most of the class, when can I paddle?" He was complaining in his heart. Zeng Qifei went to his side and helped him inflate together. He said, "The balance and coordination of water sports test the patience of athletes. If you don’t even have the patience to prepare equipment, how can you cope with the wind and waves?"

  Zeng Qifei told reporters that these seemingly boring preparations are also "compulsory courses" he arranged for the students. At the same time, as the orienteering coach of the school, he believes that physical education teaching is not a skill to teach students to jump high and run far, but should pay more attention to the cultivation of students’ personality and the tempering of their will quality.

  Helping students to improve their personality and temper their will in physical exercise is the focus of sports education actively promoted by Zhongnan University of Finance and Economics. In 2023, the sports department of Zhongnan University of Finance and Economics opened new courses such as Paddle Board, Paragliding, Ultimate Frisbee for College Students, Rugby Flag and Body Correction, and promoted the teaching mode of "Sports+Ideological and Political Education", and the new classes were full and widely praised.

  Create sports culture and promote the normalization of extracurricular exercise

  "People who used to hate running the most now go running every day." Yan Changhao, a 2022 student of the School of Economics, was appraised by his roommate: "He is more energetic, like a different person."

  In the past three years, Zhongnan University of Finance and Economics has included regular healthy running in the scope of sports performance assessment, and launched the "Sunshine Sports" applet to urge students to punch in every week.

  At the beginning, the weekly sunshine sports was Yan Changhao’s biggest headache, but he ran and ran, and his punching frequency became more and more frequent, exceeding the task every time. "If you persist, you will get into the habit of running around Xiaonanhu every day, which can not only exercise but also empty your mind and give yourself a time to relax." Yan Changhao said.

  It is understood that the Sports Department of Zhongnan University of Finance and Economics is making great efforts to promote students’ "one hour a day" campus sports activities. For the whole school students, we advocate "getting out of the dormitory, getting off the internet and going to the playground", hold regular national aerobics and "Freshman Cup" series of sports events, and organize activities such as sunshine long-distance running competition and punching in the lake.

  In addition, relying on the Red Revolution Education Base, the school also developed the "Red Physical Education" practical course, explored the cultural resources of physical education classroom by flying across the canyon, cooking in a pot and camping on foot, created an experiential sports ideological and political classroom with the theme of "Party building+performance", and held the "Praise for the Party’s Grace and Follow the Party" sports art classroom performance activities.

  "We pay attention to hierarchical classification and promote the characteristics of teaching content. Follow the characteristics of sports and the law of students’ growth, and create courses suitable for students with different physical fitness and different levels, so that students can experience the spirit of unity, cooperation and tenacious struggle while learning, practicing and competing. " Huang Hongyuan, director of the sports department, introduced.

  This year, with the support of the school, the Ministry of Physical Education will launch a new talent training program, and the required credits for physical education will be increased from 4 to 8. On the basis of physical education class, nearly 30 characteristic physical education courses, such as outdoor sports, balloon volleyball, swimming, yoga, sports dance, body building and etiquette, will be newly opened.

  "In the new semester, we will add more adaptation classes, invest more teachers, give students more choices, and do our best to do a good job in sports education." Huang Hongyuan said.

  Feng Ningxuan Zhongqing Daily Zhongqing Net reporter Lei Yu Source: China Youth Daily

What is culture?

What is culture? A topic that often lingers in my ears, but it is really difficult to make it clear. There is the concept of big culture and the understanding of narrow culture.

Some people on WeChat summarized a person’s cultural performance as "self-cultivation rooted in the heart; Consciousness without reminding; Freedom based on constraints; Kindness for others! "

Long Yingtai, a famous cultural person and former "Minister of Culture" of Taiwan Province, once wrote a book to answer this question, which is full of female cultural people’s understanding of culture: an excerpt from it: "Culture is actually reflected in how a person treats others, himself and his natural environment. In a society with a thick and deep culture, people know how to respect themselves-he disagrees, so he has taste because he disagrees; People know how to respect others-he is not overbearing, because he is not overbearing, so he has morality; Man knows how to respect nature-he does not plunder, because he does not plunder, so he has eternal intelligence. Taste, morality and intelligence are the sum of cultural accumulation. "

This is an explanation of cultural phenomena from a typical narrow cultural perspective.

According to our textbooks, culture is a social phenomenon, a product of people’s long-term creation, a historical phenomenon and a deposit of social history. To be exact, culture is condensed in the material and dissociated from the material, and the history, geography, customs, traditional customs, lifestyle, literature and art, code of conduct, way of thinking, values, etc. of a country or nation that can be passed down are generally recognized as an ideology that can be passed down in human communication.

There are two kinds of culture, one is production culture and the other is spiritual culture. Science and technology culture is production culture, and life ideology culture is spiritual culture. Corporate culture, university culture, office culture, etc. are institutional or systematic cultures. Any culture is used for life, and there is no culture that is not used for life. Any culture contains a theory, way, idea and understanding of life and existence.

The structural anatomy of culture is divided into two parts: material culture and spiritual culture; There are three levels, namely, material, system and spirit; There are four levels of theory, namely, material, system, customs, thoughts and values. There are six subsystems, namely, material, social relations, spirit, art, language symbols, customs and habits.

The internal structure of culture itself includes material culture, system culture, behavior culture and mentality culture. Theoretically, there is a lot to talk about, but generally speaking, changes in society itself bring about cultural changes. Mainly reflected in three aspects:

First, the vitality of culture comes from inheritance.

Any kind of culture is formed over time under the historical background of thousands of years, which is embodied in everyone. To some extent, culture is a kind of inheritance.

This kind of inheritance process, first of all, is to teach by example. Therefore, for everyone, family plays an important role, and parents play a central role. For students, school is an important platform for cultural inheritance, and teachers are the hub of cultural inheritance. For adults who have already worked, the institution where they work is the platform for cultural inheritance, and the person in charge of the institution is the core of cultural inheritance.

It is normal for everyone to have different feelings and views on culture at different ages. However, for culture, future generations are not qualified to comment on its advantages and disadvantages, which are the feelings of different ages and formed under the background of thousands of years of history. We are all unconscious inheritors and practitioners.

Second, the development of culture depends on communication and reference.

Culture is colorful because of communication, and civilization is enriched because of reference.

Culture is rich, even completely different, and the development process of culture is also a process in which various cultures constantly influence each other and learn from each other.

Indian Buddhism has been introduced to China for more than 1000 years. Compared with the original Indian Buddhism, it has been far away and has undergone many great changes. It has influenced China culture, and at the same time it has been completely influenced by China culture, and it has been mixed with Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism in China, becoming an important pillar of China’s traditional cultural ideas and morality, and another bottom line of social governance.

During the early days of the founding of New China, we studied the Soviet Union, from architecture to running schools, broadcasting and movies, national governance, engineering technology, and specialty setting, and Soviet culture was everywhere.

In recent 40 years, in the process of reform and opening up, we have the shadow of western culture everywhere, from architectural style to school-running concept to film and television entertainment and social governance. Similarly, with the prosperity and increasing influence of China, China elements are increasingly appearing in the United States and other western countries, whether it is Spring Festival, Chinese characters, China Red, Chinese Dragon, and so on.

In the United States, it is normal to put schoolbags on the ground, because they think schoolbags are dirty. In China, schoolbags are often placed on the table because the ground is too dirty. These are all behaviors in different cultural backgrounds. When we are familiar with the reasons, we may learn from them and change.

Third, the innovative power of culture comes from the development of social productive forces.

Mankind has experienced agricultural revolution, industrial revolution and information revolution. Every industrial and technological revolution has brought great and profound influence to human production, life and culture.

Culture itself is also changing with the development of society, and shows the shadow of the development of the times. Especially in modern times, with the progress of technology, the culture of every country is undergoing tremendous changes, even subversive changes.

The improvement of transportation has promoted the development of economy to a great extent, and strengthened the connection between people, thus bringing more integration of regional language and writing architecture. The invention of electricity has also fundamentally changed the rules of people’s daily life and directly affected the formation of some related cultures, such as nightlife, movies and games. After the appearance of television, potato TV, a kind of special term, appeared to describe a certain state of life.

As one of the main bodies of culture, picture books were popular when we were young, and animation was already popular when my son was young, then games, and related industries, such as cosplay, had great influence among teenagers. Now, games have become one of the most important industries in the world. Although Sina has a great influence, its income is only 22% of Netease, which is mainly based on games.

But all these influences are not as far-reaching as the impact of the development of the Internet on our human culture.

Whether in the subway or on the bus, we can see the low-headed people everywhere, which is the cultural phenomenon brought by the mobile Internet. Of course, this is only a shallow impact.

A few years ago, a book called "The World is Flat" was popular. Now, the world is flat. The appearance of the Internet, starting from language conformity and communication, has gradually changed all systems of social relations, spirit, art, customs and habits. It has broken the traditional differences and distances between regions, time and space, classes, social structures and countries, and completely broken or even changed the inheritance of culture, learning from the way of integration.

For example, on FACEBOOK, WeChat, etc., people from different countries and religions are discussing the same issue in different groups. Different civilizations and cultures have also collided fiercely in the same time and space, which is unimaginable in the history of human civilization for thousands of years. Over the past two thousand years, culture has always been the social elite, and the strong are guiding it. Now, it is completely a group guidance.

The information technology represented by the Internet is changing with each passing day, which has led to new changes in social production, created new space for human life, expanded new areas of state governance, greatly improved the level of human understanding, greatly improved the ability to understand and transform the world, and improved the cultural space unprecedentedly.

Universities should play a leading role in culture.

As an important organization in a civilized society, universities have maintained a high social status and are enduring for a long time. University has not only inherited knowledge civilization, but also changed its times. Universities should play a leading role in culture. Academician Zhao Qinping of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics once made a special exposition. He pointed out: "The function of leading culture of universities is embodied in inheriting and carrying forward excellent traditional culture, drawing on and spreading advanced foreign culture, and creating and cultivating new culture of the times. Inheritance and reference are the basis of creation. Without the inheritance of traditional culture and the reference of foreign culture, it is difficult to create a new culture of the times. If it is said that inheriting and carrying forward excellent traditional culture is a universal function of all education, then it is mainly the function of universities, especially high-level research universities, to criticize and learn from foreign cultures, to spread advanced elements in society and to create, cultivate, reconstruct and develop new cultures. (Li Zhimin, the picture comes from the Internet)

The latest news of table tennis World Cup! Guoping is far ahead, and Fan Zhendong is the finale 2.

On December 5th, Beijing time, the ITTF Chengdu Mixed Team World Cup was in full swing. In a just-concluded men’s singles contest, Fan Zhendong, the world champion of table tennis, made his debut against Huang Zhen Ting of Hongkong team in China. As a result, Xiao Pang withstood the impact and finally defeated his opponent 2-0, scoring 2 points for table tennis.

Earlier, Wang Chuqin/Sun Yingsha defeated He Junjie/Du Kaiyu 3-0, and Chen Meng swept Zhu Chengzhu 3-0. Together with the icing on the cake of Fan Zhendong, the China team has achieved a proud record of 8-0. After zero opponents won on the first match day, Guoping continued to play the victory song on the second match day, well done!

Fan Zhendong’s game against Huang Zhen Ting also attracted much attention. In the first game, Fan Zhendong played a bit dull at the beginning, and the score could not be opened in the first half of the game. However, Fan Zhendong played well in the second half, winning the game with 10-7, and then Fan Zhendong scored. At the same time, Xiao Pang scored a point for Guoping.

In the second game, Huang Zhen Ting gave it a shot, but Fan Zhendong fought back against the impact, leading the opponent 4-2, and Huang Zhen Ting used a timeout. After coming back, Huang Zhen Ting scored 2 points and tied the score to 4-4. Then, Fan Zhendong stabilized the situation and finally sealed the victory with 11-4.

In this way, as of now, Guoping has not lost a game, and has won 16 consecutive games. No one can shake its strength. Congratulations to Guoping and China. Later (tonight at 19:00), Guoping will once again go out to compete for the third round of the group round robin, expecting good news from the soldiers.

Education is a huge ship, bearing the future of the nation.

# The developmental significance of education #

Education is an important driving force for the development of human society. It is not only an important way for personal growth and development, but also a necessary condition for the progress of the country and the nation.

The developmental significance of education

The development of education has many meanings, which are embodied in the following aspects:

  • boost the economic developmentEducation can cultivate high-quality talents and provide intellectual support for economic development. Education can improve workers’ skill level and labor productivity. Education can promote scientific and technological innovation and inject new impetus into economic development.
  • Maintain social stabilityEducation can cultivate citizens with awareness of the rule of law and civilized accomplishment, and provide guarantee for social stability. Education can promote social fairness and justice and reduce social contradictions. Education can strengthen national unity and maintain social harmony.
  • Enhance cultural soft powerEducation can inherit excellent traditional culture and carry forward national spirit. Education can cultivate talents with international vision and innovative spirit and enhance the soft power of national culture.

Challenges of educational development

With the development of society, education is facing more and more challenges. These challenges are mainly reflected in the following aspects:

  • Contradiction between supply and demand of educational resourcesWith the population growth and economic development, the demand for educational resources is increasing. However, the supply of educational resources has some problems, such as insufficient quantity and unreasonable structure.
  • Educational equityEducation equity is an important part of social equity. But at present, education equity still faces the gap between urban and rural areas, regions and families.
  • Education reform lags behind.Education reform is a complicated systematic project. However, at present, there are still some problems in education reform, such as not being deep enough and not being systematic enough.

Countermeasures of educational development

In order to meet the challenge of educational development, we need to take the following countermeasures:

  • Increase investment in educationIt is necessary to increase financial investment in education and expand the supply of educational resources. We should optimize the allocation of educational resources and improve the utilization efficiency of educational resources.
  • Deepen educational reformIt is necessary to deepen the reform of the education system and build a fairer and more efficient education system. We should innovate teaching methods and improve the quality of education.
  • Strengthen education and publicityIt is necessary to strengthen educational propaganda and raise the whole society’s awareness of the importance of education. It is necessary to create a good educational atmosphere and promote the development of education.

Personal point of view

Education is a huge ship, bearing the future of the nation. Only by continuously developing education can we provide a strong impetus for the development of the country and the nation.

I believe that the development of education should adhere to the following principles:

  • Adhere to the socialist direction of running schools.Education must serve socialism and the cause of Socialism with Chinese characteristics.
  • Adhere to the people-orientedEducation should be people-oriented and cultivate socialist builders and successors with all-round development in morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor.
  • Insist on reform and innovationEducation should be constantly reformed and innovated to meet the needs of social development.

I hope that through our efforts, we can make more brilliant achievements in education and make greater contributions to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.