The female owner said that the new M7 intelligent driving mode crashed, and there is a hidden danger of sudden braking after picking up the car for seven days

Ms. He was attracted by the online promotion of the M7 Smart Driving Edition of Wenjie, especially its claim that the "smart driving pilot" technology is far ahead and the concept of "safety is the greatest luxury". So she decided to replace it with a Cadillac at home, bought the M7 Smart Driving Edition priced at 300,000 yuan, and picked up the car on February 28.

Female car owner claims to have crashed in Jiexin M7 intelligent driving mode

However, only on the seventh day of pickup, Ms. He encountered problems when using the Smart Driving Pilot function. At that time, the vehicle was driving at a speed of 60 yards on an elevated or high-speed road. Although there was no car ahead and the environment was safe, the vehicle suddenly braked suddenly, which could easily lead to a rear-end collision. The video provided by Ms. He clearly recorded the sudden situation: the vehicle suddenly braked for no reason after turning on the Smart Driving Pilot, and there was no obstacle ahead.

The female owner said that the new M7 intelligent driving mode crashed, and there is a hidden danger of sudden braking after picking up the car for seven days

After discovering the problem, Ms. He and the staff of the 4S shop went on the road to test the car, and found a new problem – the body was shaking all over. In addition, the navigation solid line lane change function was abnormal, and the smart driving function would exit without warning.

The female owner said that the new M7 intelligent driving mode crashed, and there is a hidden danger of sudden braking after picking up the car for seven days

When the reporter accompanied Ms. He’s husband to experience the elevated driving, the vehicle repeatedly exited and re-entered the smart driving mode near the section of Wenyi West Road in Hangzhou Desheng Elevated Road, during which similar failures occurred many times. In this regard, Ms. He said that in the process of using the smart driving pilot function five times, the failure rate was as high as 100%, which raised questions about its safety.

Geely Xingyue with a wheelbase of 2.8 meters is L, and its size exceeds Tiguan L, but it is positioned as a compact SUV.

A few days ago, the brand-new SUV-Xingyue L completed its debut. I believe many people, like me, will regard this new car as a medium-sized SUV when they see its body size. After all, its length is nearly 4.8 meters, and its wheelbase is over 2.8 meters. The "block" is already bigger than Tiguan L. But the official defines it as a compact SUV. Why?

Low-key positioning, just for misplaced competition?

Let’s take a concrete look at the body size of Xingyue L. Its length, width and height are 4770/1895/1689mm and the wheelbase is 2845 mm. We choose two popular medium-sized joint venture SUVs to compare with them. As can be seen from the following table, the Star Yue L, which locates compact SUVs, is bigger than Tiguan L and Highlander.

In this regard, the official did not give a specific explanation. Personally, in today’s endless market segments, the so-called positioning of the model itself is very vague. Because of this, many car companies choose to compete in dislocation and compete with their opponents, such as Xingyue L.

As we all know, the price range of 100,000 to 150,000 is the main position of the independent compact SUV, and the price range of 150,000 to 200,000 belongs to the "site" of the joint venture compact SUV. If the autonomous SUV wants to cross the 150,000 hurdle, it can only choose dislocation competition. For example, UNI-K, which was listed before, used the identity of medium-sized SUV to compete with joint venture competitors.

Although the specific price of Xingyue L has not been announced yet, it can be boldly speculated that its starting price will not be low, at least above 150,000, maybe 160,000 or 170,000. If this is the case, then the price range of Xingyue L is almost "flush" with that of other models. From the price to the vehicle positioning, this is a real positive competition, which can reflect the confidence of the car. Of course, it is undeniable that from the product strength of the model itself, Xingyue L still has leapfrog advantages.

The highlight of Xingyue L: the engine pulls the eye.

So where is the leap of the star over L? In addition to body size including space, power is a bright spot. Its whole system is equipped with Drive-E series engines, and 2.0T provides high and low power output, which is divided into 218 horsepower and 238 horsepower. It is worth mentioning that the low power version matches the 7-speed wet dual-clutch gearbox, while the high power version matches the 8AT gearbox.

Combined with the estimated price, it is very likely that you can buy a version of 2.0T with 8AT for less than 180,000 yuan. You know, the joint venture models corresponding to this price are almost entry-level power, 2.0L self-priming or 1.4T small displacement engines. And Xingyue L is very competitive in terms of displacement and label (). In addition, Xingyue L will also be equipped with the sixth-generation Borgwarner four-wheel drive system, which is hard enough from the perspective of three major pieces.

In addition to the three major pieces, another highlight of the Star Yue L is the sense of design and materials, especially the interior parts. Different from previous models, the Star Yue L highlights the sense of technology on the one hand and adds a sense of luxury at the same time. This sense of luxury is more like a breakthrough. For example, in the interior, a lot of rose gold decoration has been added, which has been seen on the model before and is very textured; At the same time, with custom leather and brown plaques, the luxury atmosphere is in place.

It is worth mentioning that the steering wheel of Xingyue L adopts the design of two-color leather, which makes people shine again visually. When it comes to the sense of science and technology, Xingyue L has also made a breakthrough. In addition to the full LCD instrument screen, it also adopts the form of central control and co-driver’s joint screen, which is a bit of a new force. I believe that in terms of function, it can also give people a different experience.

Achuan pingche

In fact, it’s not the first time to take the misplaced positioning route. The previous Xingrui, with a wheelbase of 2.8 meters, is still positioned in a compact car, and the reason is the same. For Xingyue L, the final pricing is very important, because it has to compete with the joint venture compact SUV, but also with competitors at the same level such as UNI-K and Mocha. Every step is the key point to decide the outcome.

Extreme krypton started a sideline: holding the vast -M architecture and building cars for autonomous driving companies.

Does the company have to build cars?

With the mature development of the industrial chain, autonomous driving companies can generally come up with autonomous driving sensor kits specially designed for Robotaxi scenes and in line with in-vehicle applications and standards.

In their view, building a car in the next stage is not only time-consuming and costly, but also has many technical barriers. It also needs to build its own factory and build an upstream and downstream industrial chain.

At the same time, there is another voice in the industry that adding sensor kits, technical units and software to the original vehicles is no longer in line with the next development goal of autonomous driving.

In other words, building a car will become the most critical step in promoting the commercialization of autonomous driving.

In July 2022, Baidu Apollo released the first unmanned vehicle RT6, which broke the dilemma that Robotaxi was mostly a modified car, and the cost of RT 6 was reduced to250 thousandYuan.

On November 17th, 2022, the M-Vision concept car jointly developed by Waymo and Krypton made its debut in Los Angeles. The new car was based on Krypton Vast-M.(SEA-M)The architecture will be mass-produced in 2024 and put into commercial operation in the United States.

In their view, autonomous driving wants to achieve large-scale mass production of technology, vehicle platforms need to be innovated, and software and hardware systems need to be more deeply integrated.

This means that the carrier of autonomous driving needs to draw a blueprint from a blank sheet of paper.

"It is an inevitable trend for unmanned vehicles to develop from refitting and installing finished vehicles to customizing and developing based on vehicle platforms. An industry person said.

01、I started a sideline and built a car for Waymo.

In December 2021, Waymo officially announced a cooperation with Krypton. The latter will provide exclusive vehicles for Waymo’s self-driving fleet and put it into commercial operation in the United States.

A year later, the M-Vision concept car, the result of cooperation between the two parties, made its debut in Los Angeles.

According to the heart of the car, Waymo is responsible for the automatic driving system and cockpit entertainment system, while the European Innovation Center is responsible for providing the core components of Robotaxi.Vast -M architecture.

In fact, Krypton was able to cooperate with Waymo without two acquisitions.

In July 2021, it was extremely embarrassing.1,057.8 millionkoruna(about 799 million yuan) Acquired CEVT in Gothenburg, Sweden(China-Europe Technology Research and Development Center)100% equityLater, it was renamed the European Innovation Center.

After the acquisition, CEVT can provide shared architecture, chassis, powertrain, transmission system, car body and vehicle design technology for future strategic products and R&D platforms.

CEVT is a gathering place of technical souls.

Since its completion and operation in 2013, CEVT has been Geely.1.3 millionThe production and sales of this car provide a complete and systematic technical system, and have trained thousands of global technical talents. The well-known CMA architecture and so on are all from this R&D center.

The second acquisition comes from the 30% equity acquisition of vast energy. This acquisition enables Krypton to redevelop the vast architecture of SEA.

In short, combined with the technical advantages of Krypton European Innovation Center, Krypton can develop the vast architecture again-this is also the origin of the vast -M architecture.

Vast -M is developed based on the vast architecture of Geely SEA, which took Geely five years to invest.20 billionThe pure electric architecture developed is also the killer of Geely in the field of new energy.

The characteristics of Geely’s vast architecture can be simply summarized into three key words:

According to Krypton, Haohan -M is the world’s first intelligent mobile travel platform specially developed for autonomous driving scenes, and it is the latest type of vast architecture facing the era of autonomous driving.

Among them, the m of vastness -M stands for Modular Mobility Architecture(Modular Travel Architecture).

On the basis of prototype architecture, Vast -M passedhardware layer+System layer+Ecological layerTo create a sustainable and extended self-driving vehicle.

To achieve this, we not only rely on the vast prototype architecture to cover the high application range of 1800-3300mm wheelbase of A-E class cars, but also need a native electric platform and flexible expansion ability to support L4 class automatic driving.

In this regard, it is almost impossible to achieve the traditional fuel vehicle platform, and related problems have been exposed in oil-to-electric vehicles before.

Constrained by a large number of complicated mechanical transmission structures, the expansion and layout adjustment capabilities of the traditional fuel vehicle platform are very limited, and the motors can only be installed in the space left after the fuel tanks are cancelled, so it is difficult to adjust the vehicle structure.

It can be said that holding the advanced vast -M architecture, he started a sideline business-helping autonomous driving companies build cars, which directly contributed to Waymo’s choice of cooperation.

Vast -M architecture, fully embedded with automatic driving interface, can be connected to the automatic driving system of L4 level and above, and can be compatible with different automatic driving schemes, from local control to full control of vehicles.

In addition, the vast -M architecture meets all technical requirements of autonomous vehicles and is compatible with all autonomous driving schemes.

"From Waymo’s point of view, it is extremely difficult for Krypton or Geely Group to find a second partner because of its ability to control costs under the same quality and its European R&D and innovation capabilities. 」

When talking about why Waymo chose to cooperate with Extreme Krypton to develop customized cars, Yang Dacheng, vice president of Extreme Krypton, said.

"The vast -M architecture is open to ecological partners around the world, not just Waymo, but also other global autonomous driving companies."

Through the cooperation case with Waymo, Yang Dacheng also threw an olive branch of "OEM" to other autonomous driving companies.

In the past, the threshold of "OEM" was not high, just providing enough assembly experience to achieve the production target.

Nowadays, due to the special products such as self-driving cars, the traditional cooperation mode is directly broken, and at the same time, the "OEM" needs to export certain research and development capabilities.

02、What’s different about Robotaxi, which Waymo cooperates with Krypton?

As a leader in the field of autonomous driving, Waymo has also tried to build his own car.

In May 2014, the autonomous driving team released a code-named ""fireflyThe unmanned car is planned to invest 100 vehicles in a small-scale trial operation in California in the early stage.

Due to the imperfection of the supply chain, the cost of Firefly is high, and the original 100 cars were finally cut down.50 vehiclesCar, coupled with the slow progress of the project, Google finally gave up its own car-making route.

In 2017, Google announced the retirement of Firefly.

In 2018, Waymo made an ambitious announcement to purchase from Land Rover and Fiat respectively. 20,000 vehiclesI-PACE and62,000 vehiclesDajielong is used to build a self-driving fleet.

In order to expand the operation scale of the fleet, in 2019, Waymo announced the establishment of the world’s first factory to produce L4 self-driving cars in Michigan, USA, which is mainly responsible for modifying the purchased existing production cars.

Up to now, there is no sign that Waymo has achieved his goal.

According to public data, Waymo’s current fleet size is only over 1,000 vehicles, and the current practice is still to install automatic driving kits on production vehicles.

This seems to be efficient, but it will bring many problems.

The first is the vehicle.Basic quality. The existing control system of mass production vehicles is built on the basis of human drivers, and the basic functions, including throttle, braking and steering, are all completed by traditional mechanical transmission, but this is completely different operation logic for the automatic driving system that relies on electronic signals to control vehicles.

Followed by the vehicle.Functional scene. Self-driving cars are essentially liberating drivers. Starting from the needs of passengers, we define what kind of functional scenes a self-driving car should achieve. However, most existing production cars are just a family car with comprehensive functions, and the layout of the cockpit cannot be changed, which cannot further expand the practicability of the vehicle.

Finally, the vehicle’scost. The needs of C-end users and B-end users are different. To build a self-driving car and a family car, the investment of BOM cost is completely different.

When refitting on the existing vehicle platform, it is necessary to bear all the BOM costs of the original private car, and it is also necessary to superimpose the cost of the autopilot kit, which is a great challenge to reduce the cost, which also leads to the large-scale investment of the refitted car and the cost of bicycles.

From the perspective of scale, Waymo urgently needs a mass-produced Robotaxi model.

In the negotiation with Krypton, Waymo once put forward requirements for vehicles-comfort comparable to S-class, chassis control comparable to e-tron, vehicle energy consumption comparable, and required the service life of operating trucks.

On the one hand, due to Waymo’s strong dominance, car companies can only play the role of engineering development and vehicle manufacturing.

On the other hand, based on Waymo’s personalized requirements for vehicles, car companies are reluctant to develop an exclusive self-driving car platform from scratch. After all, the current commercial feasibility is far lower than the research and development cost.

This is why Waymo’s previous cooperation model with car companies is relatively simple.

Waymo only purchases complete vehicles from Fiat Chrysler, Jaguar Land Rover and-,and deploys the sensor kits needed for autonomous driving on these vehicles through modification, and then carries out the real road test of autonomous driving or the self-driving taxi test.

Looking at the world, there are very few companies that can enable autonomous driving companies like Waymo to achieve mass production based on the vast -M architecture.

To put it another way, whether an autonomous driving company wants to build a car depends largely on whether it can find a useful carrier.

Based on this kind of thinking, a route that can not only be developed from zero to positive, but also hand over the burden of building cars to partners has become a new choice for autonomous driving companies such as Waymo.

The first is inProduct experienceOn the level, different from the traditional car model focusing on the driver’s thinking, the mobile travel vehicle built by the vast -M architecture is oriented to the automatic driving application scene, and the biggest highlight is reflected in the "user" experience:

The wheelbase of the vast -M architecture itself covers 2700mm-3300mm, and such a wide range of wheelbase makes the model extremely scalable-the front and rear suspension of the vehicle can be adjusted, and the distance between the seat and the rear axle can be stretched, finally providing a flexible layout of the cockpit space.

The second iscost. For self-driving cars, cost has always been the most sensitive issue.

A modified model with an automatic driving system, the price is500-1 millionRenminbi. In this cooperation with Krypton, Waymo’s demand is "to get the best things with the least money".

Yang Dacheng said, "Based on the efficient universality and scale of the vast architecture itself, the vast -M architecture can meet the needs of users with different budgets. 」

The third isquality. M-Vision meets the global five-star safety standards and conforms to the American Highway Safety Insurance Association.(IIHS)Maximum safety requirements. M-Vision can guarantee 500,000 kilometers in five years and meet the requirement of 16 hours of uninterrupted operation every day.

As early as the launch of the vast architecture, Geely said that the vast architecture will launch products with full open road autopilot function in 2025.

The debut of M-Vision also marks the further verification of the intelligent planning of the vast architecture.

03、Extreme krypton press the "fast forward key"

Waymo provides autonomous driving technology, and Krypton provides highly customized exclusive vehicles-this cooperation mode provides a new problem-solving idea for the landing of autonomous driving.

In addition to Waymo, other autonomous driving companies can also realize the landing of autonomous driving products based on the vast -M architecture.

As the most important smart electric vehicle brand under Geely Holding, through the commercial cooperation with Waymo, the vast -M architecture can also be fed back to the passenger car market in the future, thus enhancing the competitiveness of the brand.

Not long ago, Yang Xueliang, vice president of Geely, revealed on the social platform:

"M-Vision is a customized Robotaxi for Waymo in the United States, and M-Vision also has plans to promote To C products. 」

It is understood that the vast -M architecture will retain two versions of steering wheel, pedal/steering wheel and pedal at the same time.

According to informed sources, there are currently two products under development in the vast -M architecture:

With the continuous growth of the launch and delivery of the second new car 009, the product matrix of Krypton is accelerating.

According to the previous plan, Krypton will cover cars, SUVs and sub-categories around three product lines: Z, C and M in the next two years:

At the same time, Krypton will enter the global market, and Krypton 001 will enter the European market in 2023.

At the beginning of its development, Krypton fully considered the European standard and American standard, and certainly did not rule out a larger scale in the future. Extreme CEO An Conghui said.

Behind the market opportunity game, production capacity is the key to break through.

"Krypton currently has a production capacity of 300,000 vehicles, so it is no problem to ensure production and delivery, because we have other factories. In recent years, the new factories have also comprehensively considered the production needs of electric vehicles, and can realize the manufacturing of vast architecture products in the fastest time. At the press conference of Krypton 009 in November this year, An Conghui said.

Up to now, Extreme Krypton 001 has become the sales champion of China brand 300,000 luxury pure electric vehicles for three consecutive months-a total of 60,000 vehicles have been delivered, and the average order amount has exceeded.336 thousand.

Through the performance of krypton sales, An Conghui’s "internal letter" to internal employees shows that:

"The success of a single product cannot bring about the sustainable development of a brand. The diverse needs of users require us to complete the product layout from single product explosion to multi-product development as soon as possible. 」

Different from the cooperation mode of the new forces in the head and the internal incubation mode of traditional car companies, it relies on Geely+Volvo’s car-making experience and technical resources, but from decision-making to the accumulation of marketing experience, it has gone through a complete process from 0 to 1.

In other words, Krypton is exploring a route that combines the technical background of traditional car companies with the flexibility and efficiency of new cars.

As you can see, based on "Geely+Volvo technical resources are the underlying logic.",as well as the self-evolution of users’ travel needs, it is accelerating to prove the feasibility of building a third track.

Reading | Young People’s "Partner" Socialization

  * This article is the 11th issue of Pindu in 2023.

  I ran into an acquaintance, but I didn’t see him for more than a month and thought he had lost a lot of weight, so I asked him for advice on the secret of losing weight. He told me: "I found some partners to lose weight, ran together and ate fat-reducing meals. Everyone encouraged and supervised each other every day. I didn’t expect the effect to be quite obvious."

  Weight loss partner? Seeing my doubts, my acquaintances told me with a smile that compared with my friends, the utility of "partner" is more clear, and it can be accurately subdivided, such as "meal partner", "game partner" and "gym partner". That is, from the joint participation of something, it ends at the end of cooperation; Highly in tune with a certain field, but emotionally independent. Because we only concentrate on the matter itself, we are both relaxed. The acquaintance said happily: "This time, I lost weight successfully, and’ Zuozi’ contributed a lot. The purpose of getting together is to lose weight. If you lose weight successfully, the mission of’ taking the child’ will be completed, and it will be automatically dissolved. There is no trouble with the relationship. "

  I am a person who seems to have a "flattering personality". Every time I go out with my friends, I always habitually compromise. For example, if I want to stay in a hotel and my friend wants to experience a B&B, then go to the B&B, even though it makes me feel unsafe, I may not sleep well all night. I wanted to taste local specialties, but my friend couldn’t get used to it and asked for a change of fast food, so I stopped insisting and just ate at will. I plan ahead and want to visit more scenic spots, but my friend is tired and prefers to sleep in his room, so stay in his room and play with his mobile phone in another place.

  With the "partner", it is completely different. You are used to staying in a hotel, and I am used to staying in a hotel; You like to eat special food, and I like to try it. You are energetic and want to look around, and I also want to visit all the scenic spots … We are in tune with each other in terms of tourism. If it’s not in tune, then find another one who is in tune, and no one has to accommodate anyone. The original purpose of everyone is to find people with the same hobbies and have a good time. If you are happy, I will be happy.

Reading | Young People's "Partner" Socialization

  I have read Xu Zhimo’s poem: You and I meet in the dark sea/You have yours/I have mine/direction/You remember it/You’d better forget it/The light that shines on each other at this meeting … This poem is very suitable for describing the relationship between partners. After meeting each other, the vast majority of the results are forgotten, but some will remember, and thus further develop.

  Xiaoyuan is an example. When she announced her engagement in a circle of friends, many of her friends were surprised. Everyone knows that Xiaoyuan has always been in fear of marriage, and has declined many people’s kindness to introduce her boyfriend. Why did you suddenly change your mind? Xiaoyuan told everyone shyly that some time ago, she found a "book partner" to read together and exchange reading feelings. This "book partner", like Xiaoyuan, especially likes reading, and they have similar views and have the same view on many things. Because there is no burden of "making friends", Xiaoyuan gets along with each other easily and happily, and unexpectedly discovers the "interesting soul" of each other. It happened that the other party also felt this way, so they naturally developed from "partners" to male and female friends until they "made a positive result."

  In fact, "partner" socialization is a kind of "shallow socialization" above strangers and below friends. This kind of relationship can not only inspire each other, but also cause no extra burden to each other because of the sense of boundary, which is very suitable for busy young people with increasing pressure. If you want to get rid of a person’s loneliness quickly, it is still feasible to find a precise companion.

  Author: Qiao Kaikai

[Editor in charge:


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"Five in One" in Sichuan Medical Reform attracts attention to five major issues to help you understand.

  CCTV News:Sichuan’s medical reform combined with the characteristics of the province is worth learning and popularizing. Among them, the new "five-in-one" centralized procurement mechanism for medical equipment is the most concerned. What are the highlights? Five major issues will help you understand. 

  First, what is the "five in one"?

  "Five-in-one" refers to the scope of Sichuan province’s supervision over the procurement of medical equipment in public hospitals. In the past, it was mainly concentrated in the field of drugs and high-value consumables. Now, a new five-in-one centralized procurement mechanism for drugs, medical consumables, medical equipment, diagnostic reagents and second-class vaccines has been formed.


  2. What are the classified procurement methods of drugs?

  Sichuan province is the first province in China to introduce the implementation plan of centralized drug procurement in public hospitals in strict accordance with national requirements. According to the five procurement methods stipulated by the state, a new round of centralized drug procurement was completed at the end of 2016. At the same time, combined with the actual situation, Sichuan Province has actively innovated and introduced other humanized management measures for limited online procurement, which has been well received by medical institutions and pharmaceutical companies.


  3. What measures are taken to ensure the fair sunshine of "five in one" procurement?

  For all parties, this is probably the core issue, and creating a fair environment is also the proper meaning of centralized procurement of medical equipment. Many tasks involved in Sichuan’s "five in one" centralized procurement are conducive to maintaining fairness and justice:

  First, improve the management mechanism of evaluation experts. Sichuan has completed the establishment of a centralized drug procurement expert database, covering medicine, pharmacy, pharmacoeconomics and other aspects, with more than 5,000 people. Experts are randomly selected, and the selected experts are used in key procurement links to undertake consultation and evaluation.

  Second, the qualification for purchasing high-value consumables has a low threshold. Compliance products can be sold online in Sichuan. The pricing of products is humanized, with the national provincial minimum purchase price as the reference price, which is not dynamically adjusted regularly. The concept of weighted average purchase price is introduced, which is automatically calculated by the system at the end of each month. Strengthening price supervision is also a guarantee for stable market prices and is conducive to the operation and production of enterprises.

  Third, improve the supervision mechanism of medical institutions. Centralized procurement is not a simple material procurement, but also has the policy function of standardizing hospital logistics management and preventing corruption. Researcher Fu Hongpeng said that the formation of the five-in-one pattern has tightened the entrance of medical materials in medical institutions in an all-round way, from quantitative change to qualitative change, making centralized procurement truly an important means of supervision of medical institutions. In practice, the drug mining institutions in Sichuan province have moved forward the supervision barrier, engaged in post-supervision, and changed to early warning and correction before and during the event.

  The specific performance is to monitor the purchasing data. For abnormal data, the medical institution will send a "Notice of Abnormal Purchasing Price Risk" every month, and the medical institution will make corresponding rectification feedback. It is also manifested in the irregular selection of medical institutions for supervision and so on.

  Fourth, establish a medical equipment procurement information filing system, standardize the procurement behavior of medical institutions, and reduce the occurrence of commercial bribery. All medical and health institutions will upload the procurement results to the provincial drug mining platform according to regulations, and build a sunny and transparent trading market.

  Fifth, the dynamic management of bad records in enterprises. To manage the bad records of medical equipment production and management enterprises. Du Bo, inspector of the Sichuan Provincial Health and Family Planning Commission, said that it is very serious to include bad records. If there are violations of laws and regulations such as unqualified quality, non-performance, inadequate distribution and non-performance after winning the bid, they should be included in bad records and publicized to the public. In accordance with the relevant regulations, the violations will be classified and dealt with, and the online qualifications will be cancelled and the bad records of enterprises will be given. For example, illegal pharmaceutical companies may be dealt with to stop selling or cancel the qualification of winning the bid. If a medical institution violates the management regulations, we will conduct an interview warning, and at the most severe time, we will ask the local authorities to investigate and deal with it through the discipline inspection system. Since 2016, a total of 63 pharmaceutical machinery enterprises have been listed in the general bad record, and 255 illegal products have been disqualified and publicized on the platform.

  Sixth, improve the complaint handling mechanism. Enterprises and all walks of life can lodge complaints if they find or think that there is injustice in any link, and formulate corresponding implementation rules to standardize the handling process.

  4. What about substandard drugs?

  Du Bo, inspector of the Sichuan Provincial Health and Family Planning Commission, introduced at the media communication meeting that Sichuan is a populous province, and there are many kinds of diseases, even many rare diseases. The use of drugs may be very special, so it does not mean that drugs that have not won the bid are useless. Drugs that have not won the bid can still be purchased in limited quantities here.

  Zou Jia, the Pharmaceutical Administration Department of Sichuan Provincial Health and Family Planning Commission, said that there is a standard for limited control, such as tertiary hospitals cannot exceed 10%, secondary hospitals cannot exceed 5%, and township hospitals cannot exceed 3%. The quantity is controlled to ensure that the winning products occupy most of the market, and a small number of markets give products that fail to bid, giving enterprises full market survival rights.

  V. How effective is the work?

  According to Du Bo, inspector of the Sichuan Provincial Health and Family Planning Commission, in 2006, the limited-price procurement of drugs was started, in 2014, the online procurement of high-value medical consumables was carried out, in 2015, medical devices were included in the provincial drug collection platform for record procurement, and in 2016, the second kind of vaccines and in vitro diagnostic reagents were included in centralized procurement. For more than 10 years, the comprehensive supervision of medical institutions’ "medicine" behavior has been basically realized, and breakthroughs have been made in the following two aspects.

  First, the purchase price has been significantly reduced. According to statistics, after this round of drug bidding, the price of drugs under the same generic name decreased by an average of 42% compared with the online price 10 years ago, the varieties with the largest decline reached 94%, and the number of drugs with a decline of more than 50% accounted for 27% of the total online drugs. The sunshine procurement of high-value medical consumables has been implemented for three years, with an average annual decline of 7.35% and an average annual savings of 320 million yuan, which has played a positive role in alleviating the high cost of medical treatment and saving medical insurance funds.

  Second, supervision is more timely and effective. The monitoring port of medical institutions’ "medicine" behavior has been constantly moving forward, which has changed from the original post supervision to timely warning and timely correction before and during the event, realizing real-time supervision of the whole process of medical institutions’ medical equipment procurement and use. Since last year, the provincial platform has issued 1391 early warning letters on abnormal prices of high-value consumables to 405 medical institutions, effectively controlling the occurrence of irregular procurement behaviors.

  At present, the "five in one" medical equipment procurement in Sichuan Province has achieved initial results, but there is still a certain gap with people’s expectations. There is a long way to go. Only by continuing to push forward the medical reform series can patients, hospitals and doctors benefit and the reform win the hearts of the people. (Text/Yang Jing)

Lushan Town, Weining Autonomous County: Developing Tea Industry to Help Farmers Increase Income

At present, it is in the winter management and protection period of Xianglushan Tea Garden in Lushan Town, Weining Autonomous County. Local tea farmers have strengthened management and protection, so that tea trees can survive the winter safely, laying a solid foundation for improving the yield and quality of tea.

Weeding and loosening soil

Weeding and loosening soil

Walking into the Xianglushan Tea Garden, looking around, rows of tea trees are lush, and tea farmers are busy weeding, pruning, fertilizing and loosening the soil, which is a busy scene.

"The annual management and protection is very important for the quality of tea. If the management and protection are not good, the quality and yield of tea will be affected." Sun Jiajun, a technician at Xianglushan Tea Garden, said.

Tea trees are planted, and good tea leaves are managed. In order to maintain the original ecology of tea in Xianglushan Tea Garden, artificial weeding and loosening soil were used in the whole process of management and protection, and organic fertilizer was added to ensure the quality and yield of tea.

Lushan Town has low latitude, high altitude, large temperature difference and mild and humid climate. The average elevation of tea planting base is 2200 meters. Xianglushan Tea Garden has a long history of planting. In recent years, the town has vigorously developed alpine ecological organic tea planting, introduced Guizhou Wusa Roasted Tea Co., Ltd. to operate, created local brand of Wusa Roasted Tea, developed tea cultivation and deep processing, extended the industrial chain, and driven more people to increase their income.

"At present, our Xianglushan tea garden has a total area of more than 800 mu, involving 4 villages. The tea species is pit lobular, which is cold-resistant. The fried tea is more fragrant, with higher concentration and longer growth cycle. " Chen Changbing, head of Xianglushan Tea Garden, said.

Tea garden management and protection can improve the yield and quality of tea, and also solve the problem of some surrounding people working in winter leisure season. From picking to management and protection, Xianglushan Tea Garden continues to drive the surrounding people to work, with a maximum of thousands of workers. In 2023, workers’ wages were paid more than 1.5 million yuan.

"I have been working in the tea garden base for 6 years, responsible for fertilization, tea picking, tea frying, etc., with a monthly salary of 2,400 yuan." Han Meilan, a villager in xinfeng village, said.

In the next step, Xianglushan Tea Garden will practice the idea of ecological priority and green development, rely on the good natural ecological environment, increase the management and protection of tea trees, vigorously develop tea planting and tea-making industries, and rely on industrial revitalization to drive the people to increase their income continuously and steadily, so as to make the tea industry a "Jin Yezi" that is green and rich.

China Ping-Pong training special Timmy Xu Duan Bowen crazy "involution"

1905 movie network news On January 9th, the Spring Festival movie starring, directed by and starring Deng Chao,,,,,, and so on released a special training program for actors, showing the crazy "involution" training performed by the whole crew in pursuit of being more suitable for table tennis players. Eight months of technical training before shooting, and the "battle for the table" all the time between shooting, let the actors realize the transformation from "zero foundation" to the affirmation of the prototype. During filming, Cai Zhenhua, Ma Wenge, Ding Song, Kong Linghui and other prototypes who were present to watch all gave good comments on the training achievements of actors, which added a solid and reliable reason for the film to see during the Spring Festival.

"Rookie" is going to play table tennis player? After more than eight months of training, the whole group practiced the ball "in-roll"

On January 9th, the film "China Ping-Pong’s Jedi Counter-Strike" released a special feature of actor training, which showed the behind-the-scenes training process of the whole group of actors who were striving for perfection and sweating profusely. At the beginning of the creation, the two directors made it clear that they should use professional actors instead of athletes to interpret their roles: "Because actors have stronger ability to express their emotions, but at the same time their problem is that they have no foundation in playing ball." It is not easy for an actor to really play a good table tennis player. Even the prototype Cai Zhenhua admits: "It must be very difficult for an actor to play a professional table tennis player." Playing table tennis players is full of challenges, not to mention that all the actors who just joined the group are "table tennis whites". What should we do? Practice hard!

According to Cai Zhenhua, "table tennis is a very delicate technique. It is not just an action. Every cricket is in place." Technical control is the key to the pursuit of perfect performance. For this reason, the crew invited many top table tennis directors and athletes in China to train the prototype technical essentials for the actors, and made training plans every day to pay close attention to the details of the movements. Ma Wenge, one of the prototypes, personally took the technical guidance of the film table tennis and took charge of the control. Director Yu Baimei revealed: "We have a special table tennis instructor, and we will tell the actors accurately every day that the ball is a twist and what the rotation of the ball should be." Actor Ding Guansen also said: "In addition to practicing some basic skills and basic movements, actors should also make your movements look like prototypes and train to play with the starting point of the prototype."

In addition to overcoming technical problems, a lot of training is indispensable. As early as before the film started shooting, the director organized the actors to carry out table tennis training for eight months, and even practiced in the crew to start the "devil involution." Yu Baimei also said: "Later, it became more and more fierce, and finally it became an’ enemy’. Why? Because every day you hold back to surpass others. For example, Ding Guansen and Sun Jilun couldn’t beat others at first. During the training competition, they were no match for others and were very bullied. Then two people practice by themselves, even feeling that it is not for our film, but for personal honor! The’ Five Tigers’ will begin to roll in after practicing for a while by themselves every day. In addition to technology, actors also began to study new equipment, because different equipment brings different effects, which is very fascinating and interesting. "

For the obsession and love of table tennis! The actor was greatly affirmed by prototypes such as Cai Zhenhua and Kong Linghui.

"Only those who really have obsession and love for table tennis can do things related to table tennis well!" From taking on a strange role to getting in touch with the prototype, understanding their stories and getting familiar with their ways of playing, and finally forming a cohesive group, the actors are also inspired to have a real love for table tennis in this process. Timmy Xu said: "If you really like to do something, you will definitely do it well." Duan Bowen and Cai Yida both said, "Why do we train so hard? Because of love. "

The actors’ earnest and unambiguous training attitude, and their striving for perfection have interpreted the self-requirements of table tennis players, and won the support and praise of many film prototypes. Cai Zhenhua affirmed: "The performance in the plot is very good, and it is very difficult to play this part." Wang Tao, who watched the film in advance, especially praised Duan Bowen, who plays himself: "He can find the expression and eyes I have on the court." Ding Song also praised the actors: "It’s already very similar, ok." Kong Linghui even expressed surprise: "Those actors play ball much better than I expected!" Ma Wenge, as the technical director of table tennis in this film, also "highly affirmed" Timmy Xu: "It’s a bit what I meant then."

When Deng Chao recalled the encouragement of the prototypes, he was also deeply moved: "Our prototypes went to the scene to visit the class. They were very shocked to see the actors playing ball, as if they had crossed." Yu Baimei also said, "I hope that after this movie is made, some people will like table tennis because of this movie." Table tennis, as a national sport, has become a brand of the times for generations of people, and the movie "China Table Tennis Fight Back" has also become the most suitable movie for the whole family to watch together during the Spring Festival. This tortuous and brilliant story in the film is destined to bring more encouragement to the audience in the new year!

The film "China Ping-Pong’s Jedi Fight Back" is based on the real history, directed by Deng Chao and Yu Baimei, and starring Deng Chao, Sun Li, Timmy Xu, Duan Bowen, Cai Yida, Ding Guansen, Sun Jilun and Aruna. The film will be released nationwide on the first day of New Year’s Day in 2023, so stay tuned.

Education is a huge ship, bearing the future of the nation.

# The developmental significance of education #

Education is an important driving force for the development of human society. It is not only an important way for personal growth and development, but also a necessary condition for the progress of the country and the nation.

The developmental significance of education

The development of education has many meanings, which are embodied in the following aspects:

  • boost the economic developmentEducation can cultivate high-quality talents and provide intellectual support for economic development. Education can improve workers’ skill level and labor productivity. Education can promote scientific and technological innovation and inject new impetus into economic development.
  • Maintain social stabilityEducation can cultivate citizens with awareness of the rule of law and civilized accomplishment, and provide guarantee for social stability. Education can promote social fairness and justice and reduce social contradictions. Education can strengthen national unity and maintain social harmony.
  • Enhance cultural soft powerEducation can inherit excellent traditional culture and carry forward national spirit. Education can cultivate talents with international vision and innovative spirit and enhance the soft power of national culture.

Challenges of educational development

With the development of society, education is facing more and more challenges. These challenges are mainly reflected in the following aspects:

  • Contradiction between supply and demand of educational resourcesWith the population growth and economic development, the demand for educational resources is increasing. However, the supply of educational resources has some problems, such as insufficient quantity and unreasonable structure.
  • Educational equityEducation equity is an important part of social equity. But at present, education equity still faces the gap between urban and rural areas, regions and families.
  • Education reform lags behind.Education reform is a complicated systematic project. However, at present, there are still some problems in education reform, such as not being deep enough and not being systematic enough.

Countermeasures of educational development

In order to meet the challenge of educational development, we need to take the following countermeasures:

  • Increase investment in educationIt is necessary to increase financial investment in education and expand the supply of educational resources. We should optimize the allocation of educational resources and improve the utilization efficiency of educational resources.
  • Deepen educational reformIt is necessary to deepen the reform of the education system and build a fairer and more efficient education system. We should innovate teaching methods and improve the quality of education.
  • Strengthen education and publicityIt is necessary to strengthen educational propaganda and raise the whole society’s awareness of the importance of education. It is necessary to create a good educational atmosphere and promote the development of education.

Personal point of view

Education is a huge ship, bearing the future of the nation. Only by continuously developing education can we provide a strong impetus for the development of the country and the nation.

I believe that the development of education should adhere to the following principles:

  • Adhere to the socialist direction of running schools.Education must serve socialism and the cause of Socialism with Chinese characteristics.
  • Adhere to the people-orientedEducation should be people-oriented and cultivate socialist builders and successors with all-round development in morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor.
  • Insist on reform and innovationEducation should be constantly reformed and innovated to meet the needs of social development.

I hope that through our efforts, we can make more brilliant achievements in education and make greater contributions to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

World Cup changes fate! The winner’s worth has increased by 40 million yuan, and he will switch to Liverpool to become the summer window champion.

This season is indeed a bumper year for Argentina’s national team. After Argentina won the World Cup, the team also ushered in a happy moment when its value soared. First of all, in the winter window, Enzo Fernandez became the king of the winter window of Chelsea at the price of 120 million euros, and he is also the core player of the team in the future.

On the other hand, Alvarez also grasped the ability with his excellent opportunity. With the salary increase and contract renewal from Manchester City, players who will become the core of the team in the future are focused on training, and it is the summer window. Mcallister, another player who won the World Cup with outstanding performance, will also be one of the high-priced players in the summer window. At present, the British media also reported that mcallister will sign a contract with Liverpool for many years.

This time, mcallister will give Brighton a transfer fee of 80 million euros as a key player in Brighton’s rise this season. Mcallister contributed 12 goals and 2 assists this season and played a decisive role in the team. And Liverpool are also very optimistic about mcallister, and will directly give him a generous salary and long-term contract. And mcallister is also one of the players who won the World Cup and changed their fate.

After winning the World Cup, the value soared from 40 million euros to 80 million euros. Directly rose by 40 million euros and became a member of the giant team. The fact that Liverpool won mcallister was to replace Bellingham, who had always wanted to be optimistic. This talented England midfielder was originally a target that Liverpool wanted to win. But considering that the price of this star is as high as 120 million euros, it is really impossible to win him.

Therefore, mcallister has also become a substitute for parity, and Fenway, the Liverpool owner, has actually invested reasonably. After buying mcallister, there should be no big investment in this summer window, and mcallister will become the Liverpool summer window champion.