The five years since the Seventh Congress of Literary and Art Circles have been five years in which the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles has focused on the center, served the overall situation, United the broad masses of literary and art workers, kept pace with the times, pioneered and innovated, and vigorously prospered and developed socialist literature and art.

    Over the past five years, the CPC Central Committee has attached great importance to cultural construction and literary and artistic work and made a series of important instructions and strategic arrangements. All these have greatly educated and inspired the vast number of literary and art workers and cadres of the Federation of Literary and Art Circles, firmly and consciously kept in line with the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Hu Jintao as the general secretary, adhered to the direction of literature and art serving the people and socialism, and the policy of letting a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend, emancipated their minds, kept pace with the times, cheered up their spirits, worked in unity, actively participated in fiery social practice, and were close to reality, life and the masses. In the past five years, the literary and art front has been prosperous in creation, active in criticism, growing in ranks and talented people, with colorful gardens of literature and art, rapid development of literary productivity, expansion of cultural market and cultural industry, and brilliant achievements in literature, drama, film, television, music, dance, art, folk art, photography, calligraphy and acrobatics.

    Send joy to the grassroots

    Since the Seventh Literary Congress, the members of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and various organizations have insisted on facing the grassroots, serving the society and returning to the people as the focus of their work, and actively organized the vast number of writers and artists to go deep into the grassroots to collect ideas and carry out public welfare literary and artistic activities, which were warmly welcomed by the people and fully affirmed by the central leadership.

    Since 2003-2005, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles has continuously organized artists to go to various parts of the motherland to collect folk songs, create works, exhibit and give condolence performances. These activities provide opportunities for artists to be close to reality, life and the masses, create conditions, enrich artists’ life accumulation and stimulate their creative enthusiasm.

    During the New Year’s Day and the Spring Festival in 2006, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and various literary and art associations organized more than 700 literary and art workers to hold the activity of "Sending Joy to the Grassroots" with the aim of "flowers to the fertile soil and art to the people", which directly benefited about 1 million grassroots people.

    Since the Spring Festival in 2003, the Spring Festival Gala of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles has become a popular holiday cultural brand in China, while the Weekend Crosstalk Club and the Hundred Flowers Theater in the National Palace, which aims at high-quality and low-priced cultural performances, have shifted their focus, popularized art, served the masses and promoted the construction of harmonious culture.

    Serving the overall situation around the center

    Since the Seventh Congress of Literary and Art Circles, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles has given full play to its own advantages and carried out a series of major theme literary and artistic activities around major festivals and revolutionary anniversaries, and achieved good results.

    In 2002, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles initiated and organized a series of activities such as art festivals, variety shows and exhibitions, which created a good atmosphere for welcoming and celebrating the 16th National Congress. In 2003, in order to solemnly commemorate the 60th anniversary of Comrade Mao Zedong’s Speech at the Yan ‘an Forum on Literature and Art, a commemorative forum was held in Yang Jialing, Yan ‘an, and literary and art workers were organized to go deep into factories, villages, troops and schools to give condolence performances, which further improved their consciousness of adhering to the "two for one" orientation and the "letting a hundred flowers blossom" policy under the new situation, and enhanced their sense of responsibility and mission in adhering to the direction of advanced socialist culture. In 2004, by holding activities such as "Hello Xiaoping", literary and art workers expressed their admiration and nostalgia for this great man of the century. This year, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles also organized or cooperated with other units to host a series of activities to commemorate the 55th anniversary of the founding of People’s Republic of China (PRC). In 2005, the activities of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles around the 60th anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War eulogized the heroism of the Chinese nation, carried forward the national spirit, and had a strong response in the whole society.

    In 2004, a series of activities were held, which expressed the admiration and nostalgia of literary and art workers for Comrade Deng Xiaoping.

    In 2006, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles seized the favorable opportunities of the 85th anniversary of the founding of the Party of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Long March of the Chinese Workers and Peasants Red Army, and carefully organized a series of activities such as art photography and calligraphy exhibitions, large-scale cultural evenings, youth Peking Opera and folk song elite concerts, which effectively cooperated with the overall arrangements of the central authorities and had a great impact. The Chinese Quyi Association, the Dramatists Association, the Photographers Association and the Calligraphers Association held a condolence performance of "Laughter on the Long March, a Journey to the Revolutionary Holy Land", a plum blossom award art troupe’s charity performance in the old district, a photo creation focusing on the Long March Road, and a national calligraphy exhibition to commemorate the 85th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC), all of which had their own characteristics and achieved remarkable results.

    Adhere to orientation and promote creation.

    There are 12 permanent national literary and art awards jointly sponsored by the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and various literary and art associations. In 2005, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and various literary and art associations resolutely implemented the "Administrative Measures for National Literary and Art Press and Publication Awards" and carried out a series of rectification, striving to better play the correct guiding role of awards. In the past five years, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles has made great efforts to strengthen the work of literary and art theory criticism in view of the relatively weak situation. The academic discussion activities have been deepened and the team of theoretical criticism has gradually grown. Up to now, five national literary criticism awards have been held, and nearly 400 excellent literary theory review articles have been published, which has a great social impact. Focusing on the role of literature and art in building a harmonious society, two contemporary literature and art forums with the themes of "literature and art and a harmonious society" and "what kind of literature and art do we need in this era" have been widely concerned by academic circles. In view of the vulgar, vulgar and kitsch tendencies of some works, as well as the bad creative tendencies of some film and television dramas that violate the historical materialism, a symposium of experts and scholars on the adaptation of "red classics" and the opposition to "three vulgarities" was held to carry out healthy literary criticism. The awards and discussion activities of these theoretical reviews pay attention to the close combination with the reality of literary and artistic creation, adhere to the correct orientation, enhance the sense of social responsibility and mission of literary and artistic critics, create conditions for promoting the development of theoretical reviews, and provide support for creating a good environment for literary and artistic appreciation and criticism.

    Chongde Shangyi Construction Team

    The China Federation of Literary and Art Circles will award and commend the activities of young and middle-aged literary and art workers all over the country and the activities of learning from Chang Xiangyu and Cong Fei. It will be closely integrated with the "three learning and education" and the socialist concept of honor and disgrace propaganda activities carried out by the literary and art circles, actively guide literary and art workers to consciously study and practice Theory of Three Represents, adhere to Marxist historical materialism and literary and art views, and abide by professional spirit and professional ethics, which has played a promoting role in promoting healthy trends and advocating the spirit of "morality and art" in the literary and art circles. Over the past five years, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and various writers and artists’ associations have conscientiously implemented the Party’s line, principles and policies, adopted various forms and measures, created a good atmosphere of respecting morality and art in the literary and art circles, and strived to cultivate and bring up a literary team with "both morality and art".

    In 2004, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles held an activity in the national literary and art circles to select and commend young and middle-aged literary and art workers. On July 19th of the same year, on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the founding of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the first national commendation meeting for young and middle-aged literary and art workers was held in the Great Hall of the People, and a proposal was issued to the national literary and art circles to "carry forward the spirit of" both morality and art and strive to be literary and art workers ".

    In March 2006, after Comrade Hu Jintao delivered an important speech on the socialist concept of honor and disgrace, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles held a forum in time, and a group of well-known artists issued the "Initiative on Establishing the Socialist Concept of Honor and Disgrace in the Literary and Art Circles" to the national literary and art circles. The China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and members of various organizations have also deepened the activities of studying and practicing the socialist concept of honor and disgrace through initiatives, lectures, training, exhibitions and performances.

  Expand communication and enhance friendship.

    Strengthening the exchange of folk culture with foreign countries has always been one of the important functions of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles. Over the past five years, under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and Theory of Three Represents, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and various writers and artists’ associations have actively "please come in and go out", carried out various cultural exchange activities with foreign countries, publicized China’s excellent culture and art, enhanced the friendship and understanding between Chinese and foreign writers and artists, and achieved remarkable results.

    In October 2001 and October 2004, the 5th and 6th China International Folk Art Festival was successfully held.

    In October 2001 and October 2004, the 5th and 6th China International Folk Art Festival were successfully held, which achieved satisfactory results in terms of specifications and level, scale and influence. "China Art Week" is a large-scale foreign cultural activity organized by China Federation of Literary and Art Circles abroad, which has established the brand of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles for foreign exchange and vigorously promoted the excellent traditional culture of China. In July 2006, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles sent an artist delegation to hold a "Happy Tonight" performance at the Palais des Nations in Geneva. The performance received rave reviews.

    The two Beijing International Fine Arts Biennale held in 2003 and 2005 were praised by public opinion at home and abroad. In September, 2005, at the 16th International Fine Arts Congress held in China, Liu Dawei, Party Secretary and Executive Vice President of China Artists Association, was successfully elected as the president of the new International Plastic Artists Association.

    Strengthening cultural exchanges with Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan is an important task of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles. Over the past five years, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and various literary and art associations have conscientiously implemented the central government’s general policy on Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and actively carried out a series of cultural exchange activities with Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. These activities have made positive contributions to strengthening the communication between the three sides of the Taiwan Straits, enhancing the Chinese cultural identity of compatriots in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and promoting the peaceful reunification of the motherland.

    Innovative ways to perform functions

    In 2004, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles held the first national commendation meeting for young and middle-aged literary and art workers in the Great Hall of the People, and issued a proposal to the national literary and art circles to "carry forward the spirit of" both morality and art "and strive to be literary and art workers".

    The times are progressing and the society is developing. Facing the new situation and new tasks, the work of the Federation of Literary and Art Circles is constantly deepening reform and pioneering and innovating. Over the past five years, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the local Federation of Literary and Art Circles have closely focused on the historical tasks of the Party in the new century and new stage, constantly enhanced their awareness of reform, innovation and development, and explored and practiced in a wider range and at a deeper level, thus making new achievements, creating new experiences and adding new vitality to the development of the Federation of Literary and Art Circles.

    Caring and respecting the older generation of artists and promoting and cultivating the younger generation of artists are important means for the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles to do a good job of "liaison, coordination and service". In the past five years, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles has successively held commemorative activities for artists and cultural celebrities of the older generation, such as Mei Lanfang, Zhou Xinfang, Jiang Zhaohe, Ou Yangyuqian, Zhao Dan, Xu Beihong, Shu Tong, Jiao Juyin, Cai Chusheng, Tian Han, Feng Xuefeng, Shakov, Luo Yusheng, Cheng Yanqiu, He Luting and Zhong Jingwen, published the Sunset Library and biographical series of the older generation of artists, and organized and implemented the sunset glow of Chinese Peking Opera. The implementation of these activities has further strengthened the close relationship between the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and artists, and highlighted the role of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles as a bridge between the party and the government.

Editor: He Wei

In 2023, the "ugly" anchor in the "double 11" live broadcast was disgusting.

Reporter Wan Jing

Recently, the Public Opinion Analysis Report on Consumer Rights Protection in double 11 in 2023 released by China Consumers Association (hereinafter referred to as the Report) shows that China’s consumer market continues to pick up, and consumer demand tends to be diversified and personalized. In this year’s "double 11", competition for "price power" is the main theme of business marketing, and the pursuit of "cost performance" has become a new trend of residents’ consumption. However, the problem of consumer rights protection is still the focus of attention from all walks of life. The rights protection problems mainly focus on the chaos of live broadcast, the quality of goods, the bad experience of mobile phone software advertising, and the dispute over promotion price.

Live broadcast and low price become hot topics.

China Consumers Association used the Internet public opinion monitoring system to analyze the related consumer rights protection from October 20th to November 16th. The results show that consumer feedback tends to be positive as a whole, and live broadcast and low price have become hot topics of consumer rights protection in double 11 this year. Besides the old problems of preferential price dispute, counterfeiting and poor after-sales service, price monopoly and software advertising have also brought consumers a bad consumer experience.

According to the Report, consumers mainly rely on video, Weibo, clients, news websites, WeChat, forums and other channels to reflect various consumer rights protection issues. It is worth noting that this year, consumers use video release to protect their rights with the highest amount of information, accounting for 42.93%; Followed by Weibo, accounting for 24.61%; The third is the client, accounting for 15.67%. This also reflects the "fancy renovation" of China’s consumer rights protection channels. The new media technology has been more and more widely accepted by consumers, and it has shown good "rights protection strength" in the actual consumer rights protection.

According to the monitoring data of China Consumers Association, the negative information about "live broadcast with goods" reached 1.565 million, accounting for 47.99% of the spit information, with an average daily information of 55,900. The amount of relevant information is mainly concentrated in the first half of double 11, reaching a peak of 94,700 on October 25th. The negative information of "live broadcast with goods" involves price monopoly, vulgar goods, false propaganda and other issues.

The case of rights protection disclosed in the Report shows that the anchor who made his fortune by judging ugliness in the "live broadcast with goods" is causing more people to resent it.

In addition, the problem of "fake and shoddy" commodity quality involved in "live broadcast with goods" can not be ignored. According to the monitoring data of China Consumers Association, there are more than 870,000 negative messages related to "commodity quality", accounting for 26.68% of the spit information. These negative messages were concentrated in the early days of "double 11" and reached the peak on October 25th, with 55,600 messages.

In addition to the problem of "live broadcast with goods", another "slot" that double 11 consumers spit out this year is the bad experience of mobile phone software advertising. People’s hot topics focus on the many forced jumps in mobile phone software advertisements, which make consumers hard to prevent and have a particularly headache.

According to the Report, many users have been voicing on social platforms recently, saying that their mobile phones are often disturbed by "shake" jump advertisements, and if they are not careful, they will jump to the "double 11" special session of shopping software, which is unbearable.

The dispute over promotion price is still the focus.

During the "double 11" this year, the old problems such as "promotional price dispute" are still the focus of consumer complaints, which mainly reflect the problems that merchants and platforms arbitrarily change preferential policies, suddenly cut prices, fail to protect prices, and induce consumers to cancel orders. For example, the recent incident that the price of the iPhone15′ double 11′ was reduced in the last two hours, which was highly concerned by public opinion, made many consumers who bought the iPhone 15 in the early stage of the "double 11" campaign feel that they were "backstab in price".

According to the Report, there are 63,800 negative messages about "promotional price disputes", accounting for 1.96% of the spit messages, with an average of 2,277 messages per day. The overall trend fluctuates and rises. On October 31, November 10 and November 13, spit messages appeared in a concentrated manner, with the highest amount of information on November 10, at 4,635.

According to the analysis of China Consumers Association, this year’s routines of platforms and businesses have been simplified, which are all attributed to "low prices", but more new competitions have also been derived from this. The progress of science and technology and the development of live broadcast format have brought more convenience to consumers, but their extensive management and loopholes have also affected consumers’ shopping experience to some extent. Specific performance in the following three aspects:

Simplification of rules does not mean that there are no rules, and the integrity consciousness and contract spirit of merchants need to be improved. "Price power" is the key to strengthening user stickiness in major platforms this year, and consumers are more sensitive to price than ever this year. However, this year, there are still cases of preferential policies adjustment or even direct price reduction after the final payment, and consumers have said that they have "encountered backstab". Behind the "shopping" of low prices, businesses and platforms should realize that the formulation of preferential policies should follow the market rules and the spirit of contract, and it is not acceptable to raise prices first and then lower prices. The constant change of prices for the second time will also hurt consumers’ feelings and brand image.

More and more new platforms and businesses are entering the market, and the government’s assistance and supervision of platforms need to be strengthened. This year’s "double 11" is the most attended by small and medium-sized businesses and Internet platforms, and the foundation of these "fresh blood" is relatively weak. Behind the chaos of "rollover" of live broadcast, there are vulgar goods and false propaganda caused by chasing traffic, counterfeiting and refund disputes caused by craving for income, and lack of after-sales service caused by imperfect system. Merchants and brands need not only more intimate assistance policies, but also stricter regulatory measures, so as to seek the improvement of quality and service beyond low prices and adapt to the trend of diversified consumption.

Drainage advertisements should be "convenient" rather than "disturbing people", and related App behaviors must be restricted and guided. In this year’s "double 11", consumers nicknamed it "all roads are electrified". Frequent and chaotic jumping of open-screen advertisements is a short-sighted behavior, which may bring some convenience to consumers, but more often it leads to consumers’ disgust and resistance. From the advertiser’s point of view, this approach may get a certain amount of clicks, but it consumes the user’s goodwill and trust. Open-screen advertising governance has been introduced at the beginning of the year, but it still needs e-commerce platforms, App developers and businesses to reach a consensus and strengthen self-discipline.

Consumers should be assured of their peace of mind.

The reporter found that this year’s "double 11" consumer rights protection public opinion was mostly triggered by the "low price" promotion of platforms and merchants. Platforms, anchors, merchants and consumers played games with each other in order to obtain the greatest benefits, and innovation and change were also in line with the characteristics of the current economic environment.

Liu Junhai, executive director of China Consumers Association and a professor at the Law School of Renmin University of China, believes that China has entered a stage of high-quality development, and people’s yearning for a better life has generally shifted from "whether there is" to "whether it is good". With the improvement of residents’ income level, the consumption structure has gradually shifted from survival to development and enjoyment, and the people’s requirements for the quality, environmental protection and safety of goods and services have also been continuously improved. Guided by the concept of high-quality development, the government conforms to the trend of people’s consumption upgrading and vigorously promotes green consumption, intelligent consumption and healthy consumption. Among them, it is also very important to constantly improve the consumption environment and solve all kinds of market consumption disputes.

In this regard, the Report also suggested that the future market competition should adhere to refinement, institutionalization and standardization, and provide consumers with more cost-effective products, better services and more convenient consumption experience with the help of digitalization and AI empowerment. Platforms and businesses should aim at "price power" and continue to exert their strength, adhere to legal compliance, tap consumer demand, and provide consumers with more cost-effective products. At the same time, seek to improve the "service power" and win the favor of consumers with better service and low price strategy.

The platform should earnestly fulfill its management responsibilities and maintain market order. On the one hand, give more support to small and medium-sized businesses, reduce service fees, provide support policies and conduct professional training to stimulate market vitality. On the other hand, we should strictly supervise false propaganda and price misleading, eliminate the chaos of live broadcast, improve the professional quality of anchors and create a level playing field.

The regulatory authorities should continuously improve their regulatory capacity and level in the field of live broadcasting. Make good use of scientific and technological strength, use emerging technologies to develop new means of supervision, and further strengthen the standardized management of platforms, anchors, businesses, etc. Be wary of "price monopoly" and "new routines" to ensure consumers’ peace of mind.

The media should play a greater role in guiding consumer behavior and helping consumer rights protection. Guide consumers to establish a correct consumption concept through public opinion propaganda, improve consumers’ awareness of discrimination, and enhance their resistance to induced consumption; Constantly broaden the channels of consumer rights protection, pay attention to the information of consumer rights protection on social media platforms, guide and help consumers to rationally protect their rights, and provide consumers with more rights protection.

Keyboard Man, Thick Eyebrows, Renew the Contract with Top Salary in Advance: Guarantee Health and Win a Championship.

Keyboard Man, Thick Eyebrows, Renew the Contract with Top Salary in Advance: Guarantee Health and Win a Championship.

Thick eyebrows and the Lakers signed a three-year, $186 million contract with an early maximum salary. The contract between thick eyebrows and the Lakers will last until 2028, with a total value of more than $270 million. The annual salary of-62 million dollars in the renewal contract also set a record in NBA history.

·Better not get hurt lol

Better not get hurt again, haha

·Big money! DPOY next year!

Make a lot of money! Take DPOY next year!


He deserves it.

·LeBron and AD after AD signs extension

Zhan Mei after the renewal of thick eyebrows

·Damn, lakers really paying him all that money just to miss 65% of their games…

Damn it, the Lakers really spent so much money to sign him, and as a result, he missed 65% of the game …

·Holy hell – we seeing him for 82 games next season?

Oh, my God! Can we see him play 82 games next season?

·these injury jokes need to stop fr

These jokes about injuries really need to stop.

·Lakers must have new doctors to keep him fit? ? ? ?

The Lakers must find a new doctor to ensure his health.

·Future GOAT

Future GOAT

·Top 3 player in the playoffs

The top 3 players in the playoffs

·Great player when healthy. He’s just misses too many games. I think this is an overpay. He doesn’t play enough games a season to warrant that kind of money. He’s an Injury prone player.

When he is healthy, he is an excellent player. But he missed too many games. I think this is an exorbitant contract. His number of appearances per season is not enough to support such a salary. He is an easily injured player.

·I am curious to know why AD gets so much shit for missing games when in the last 4 seasons, he’s played 62 more games than KD and only 32 games less than Embid. Yet no one mentions how often those guys are out due to injuries.

I’m curious why AD has been criticized for his absence. In the past four seasons, he played 62 games more than KD and only 32 games less than Embiid. However, no one mentioned that those players were absent from the game because of injury.

·He’s still easily a top 10 player when he’s healthy. Straight dominates on both sides of the ball.

When he is in good health, he is still easily in the top ten players in the league. He can directly dominate the game at both ends of the offense and defense.

·Anthony Davis is a Top ___ player in the NBA, when healthy

When he is healthy, where is Anthony Davis in the league?

·Anthony Davis’ top performance this past season…

Anthony Davis’ best performance last season …

·that’s unbelievable money for a dude with crazy injury history

That is an incredible salary for a player with a history of frequent injuries.

·What does this mean for lebrons legacy ,? ?

What does this mean for LeBron’s honor?

·Wish all the health in the world for AD! Hope he plays 230+ games during this stretch!

I hope AD can stay healthy! I hope he can play more than 230 games during this time!

·I don’t know if Davis deserves this much money

We better win a ring this season

I’m not sure whether thick eyebrows are worth so much money.

I hope we can win a championship this season.

·Yessir, DPOY season

Okay, DPOY season

·Anthony Davis right now

Anthony Davis now

I hope thick eyebrows stay healthy, get a big contract and play well on the court!

Cape Verde simply can’t understand the unique skill of China men’s basketball team, and there are still big tricks behind Qiao Shuai.

Cape Verde simply can’t understand the unique skill of China men’s basketball team, and there are still big tricks behind Qiao Shuai. Netizens hit the nail on the head and pointed out: Qiao Shuai brought something really different, emphasizing defense without losing tactics, and attacking smoothly. Coupled with the rise of young strikers, perhaps this men’s basketball team may reproduce the glory of 2008! Zhao Jiwei, Zhu Junlong, Cui Yongxi, Zhang Zhenlin and qi zhou are the five best performers in this competition. Zhao Jiwei is the brain of this team, and no one can replace him. Zhu Junlong is conscientious, Cui Yongxi and Zhang Zhenlin are the two most reliable people on the offensive end. This is the case with African teams. Players can jump and fly, but their tactical accomplishment is poor, and they basically rely on going it alone and pulling it out. China’s tactical system and tactical accomplishment are much higher than those of African teams.

Therefore, I estimate that in the final World Cup group match, China should not make it, but the score should not be too ugly. Qi zhou is still depressed by that feeling, but he has played better than others. Wang Zhelin actually played very well, but the free throws were too bad. He scored zero in two, zero in one and zero in two. Hu Jinqiu felt that his tactical position was too low, and he was weakened. Without the ball, CIC and the organization could not play it out, and he was quite right. Fang Shuo is still that nerve knife, dare to throw it, and brought a sight today. Zhao Rui is really a long story, there is no resistance to weaving, and a breakthrough has succeeded. Facts have proved that foreign coaches will lead the team, and Zhou Peng is still always angry and fighting with the opponent and the referee. He used to have three points in defense, but now he has a temper.

He Xining, Fu Hao and Hu Mingxuan have too little playing time to comment. Looking down from the audience, although the opponent was black, the China team fought well and played too few defensive counterattacks. Last season, the league encouraged confrontation, so now players are much better against each other. On several occasions, the opposing players tried to hit qi zhou, Hu Jinqiu and Zhang Zhenlin on the back, but they were basically not impressed. Today’s game is generally good, and the front line is relatively strong. If you really want to pick a thorn, some defenders will continue to collapse. Cape Verde is not famous, but it is still a bit powerful to beat Nigeria. The strength of the African team is really erratic. Why don’t we feel strong when we can beat the team in Nigeria? Is it because we are strong this time? I hope so.

He Xining really has problems with running tactics and holding the ball. Two mistakes in the second half are really wrong! Peter said that after my brother Xuan finally played, it was obviously the Cantonese style of play, and everyone stopped and didn’t run, forcing Hu Jinqiu to shoot three points himself and scored! Although a small European country has a small population, its basketball level is not low, and its strength is much stronger than that of ordinary European countries. I have to say that the gap between foreign coaches and local professional ability is really big. We don’t jump to conclusions about players by one game, especially don’t blow the air and step on the ground. Generally speaking, we have made great progress, especially the players are full of confidence and have new skills and tactics. Zhou Peng can abdicate. He is in the same position as the plan. With the plan, you don’t need to go to Zhou Peng. There are a lot of young people who need to defend. For example, Zhu Junlong never slackens his defense.

What do you think of this?

Running the World Natural Heritage Site Shi Bing started the first "Ink Yunshan" cross-country race.

At 8: 00 a.m. on April 22nd, the 2023 "Running Guizhou" Mountain Running Series (Shibing Station) and the first Shibing "Ink Yunshan" Cross-country Running Challenge started in Shibing Music Fountain Square, and more than 1,000 runners rushed to various sports landscapes of "Ink Yunshan".

The reporter learned that the "Running Guizhou" mountain running series is a self-owned brand event created by the Guizhou Provincial Sports Bureau. It was founded in 2018 and has been selected as a national sports industry demonstration project and a China sports tourism event. Along the way, tens of thousands of runners started their first cross-country race in this large-scale series in southwest China. No matter old friends or newcomers, they all followed the pace of "running Guizhou" and fully enjoyed the magnificent landscape of Guizhou between good mountains and good waters.

Yuntai Mountain, a world natural heritage site, is a tourist treasure for exploring and seeking seclusion on the eastern route of Guizhou Province. The athletes’ departure broke the tranquility here and brought back the wild interest of cross-country running. This competition is the second stop of the 2023 "Running Guizhou" mountain running series. There are three groups of 50 km "Chaoshan Group", 20 km "Xunshan Group" and 10 km "Leshan Group", including many elite athletes such as Zheng Wenrong, Wang Aili, Wang Zhihu, Wu Yongbo and Shi Aiai, and more than 1,000 cross-country runners. Shi Qiang, a contestant who specially came from Chengdu, Sichuan, said: "The Cunninghamia lanceolata River is crystal clear, and Yuntai Mountain has a long-standing reputation. Today, I can immerse myself in the beautiful scenery here and feel physically and mentally happy through running." "Although it is the first time to participate in the competition, I think I can fight and surpass some players." Since shibin No.3 Middle School, Wu Escape River said happily.

As a more challenging 20-kilometer race, after about two hours of cross-country trekking in the mountains, the contestants reached the finish line one after another. Zhang Guili, a female player from guiyang university, won the second place. "It’s my first time to participate. I’m very tired when climbing the hill. I feel that I can’t hold on. It’s completely unexpected to finally get the ranking."

During the 50-kilometer race of Chaoshan Group, the contestants will pass through Yuntai Mountain Scenic Area, a world natural heritage site, and Cunninghamia River Rafting Scenic Area, a national AAAA scenic spot, and shuttle between mountains, streams and ancient roads, so that they can truly feel the charm of Shi Bing’s intersection of nature and humanity.

After fierce competition, in the end, Liao Tingying, Zhang Guili and Zhou Yangyang won the top three women in the 20km mountain-seeking group, while Shi Aiai, Li Xun and Gao Li Chang won the top three men in the 20km mountain-seeking group. Wang Aili, Fan Lina and An Qin won the top three women in the 50 km Chaoshan group, while Wang Zhihu, Wu Yongbo and Wang Jinhai won the top three men in the 50 km Chaoshan group. Ping Huang Qielan Long-distance Running Association and other organizations won the Best Organization Award.

"Today, the weather is not hot, which is more suitable for running. This track is also very easy to run. I have been running in the mountains, and the scenery and track are better. It is quite comfortable to run all the way down." Wang Zhihu said happily. Wang Aili, who won the first place in the 50-kilometer women’s team, excitedly told reporters: "I only came into contact with cross-country running last year. The first feeling when I came here was that the mountains and rivers were beautiful, and I will come again next year."

In order to protect every dream of going to Shan Ye, the staff and volunteers made preparations early. Steaming fried rice with eggs, delicious and sweet corn porridge, bamboo sun chicken soup with endless aftertaste, electrolyte drinks full of energy, as well as five-color glutinous rice with local characteristics, beef stewed radish, white sour soup, lime and alkali, and …… a group of luxury food supplies brought the best logistical support to each athlete. During the competition, the local catering industry and accommodation industry were booming, and restaurants with local beef dishes were even more busy. Player An Qin said that because of the beautiful scenery of Yuntai Mountain, he was reluctant to return for Shi Bing’s food.

3-1! Bear scored, asensio won the ball, Real Madrid turned over at home and killed Wu Lei’s former club.

# La Liga # In the 25th round, Real Madrid played against Spaniards at home! In the first half, Jose Lu scored the first goal, vinicius equalized, and Militao headed the goal to overtake the score. In the second half, Rodrigo hit the crossbar with a long-range free kick. In 93 minutes, asensio pushed the goal to help the team expand the score. Finally, the whole game ended, and Real Madrid won 3-1, killing Lei Wu’s old club Spaniard twice in the season.

Real Madrid has been unbeaten in two rounds in the recent league, with 16 wins, 5 draws and 3 losses, ranking second with 53 points, which is 9 points behind top Barcelona. Azar, rudiger and Vá zquez were substitutes in this game, and Real Madrid formed a 4-3-3 formation. The starting players were as follows: 1- courtois, 2- carvajal, 3- Militao, 6- Na Qiao, 12- Camavanga, 8- Cross, 10- modric, 15- valverde, 18- Joan Ameni and 20- vinicius.

The Spaniard is 6 wins, 9 draws and 9 losses, ranking 13th with 27 points. At present, he is only 2 points higher than the relegation zone, and the primary goal of the season is still relegation! In this game, Melamed, Puado and vidal are substitutes, and the team formation is 4-4-2. The starting players are as follows: 13- Pacheco, 2- Oscar Hill, 4- cabrera, 23- Montes, 24- Sergey Gomez, 10- Dader, 12- vinicius-Sosa, 15- Gragera and 27-.

In the first half, in the eighth minute, Cammavinga made a defensive mistake, Sanchez made a cross from the right, Jose Lu pushed the goal and Real Madrid fell behind 0-1!

In 13 minutes, vinicius made a cross from the left, and Kamavin added a powerful shot and was hugged by the goalkeeper. In 15 minutes, Sosa’s header shot was solved by courtois! In 22 minutes, Cross made an oblique pass, and vinicius took the ball from the left and scored a low shot, 1-1, and the score was even!

According to statistics, this is vinicius’s 19th goal on behalf of Real Madrid this season, surpassing Neymar, the big brother of the national team, and becoming the Brazilian player with the most goals in the five major leagues!

In 27 minutes, Rodrigo’s long shot was slightly higher than the crossbar; In 32 minutes, vinicius was given a yellow card warning for a foul during the anti-grab; In the 39th minute, vinicius went straight to the left, Joan Armani made a cross from the left, Militao headed the goal and Real Madrid overtook the score 2-1!

In the second half, in 52 minutes, Hill and Rodrigo both fell to the ground while fighting. After the adjustment of the team doctors on both sides, the two players re-entered the game! In 54 minutes, Jose Lu’s long-range shot was saved by courtois; In 55 minutes, cabrera shot slightly off the bottom line; In 56 minutes, Hill knocked over vinicius and got a yellow card;

In 58 minutes, Cross’s long-range shot was blocked by the defender. In 61 minutes, Gragera’s long-range shot outside the restricted area missed the bottom line; In 71 minutes, Rodrigo’s left dribbling was cleared, and Cross’s long-range shot was higher than the crossbar outside the restricted area. In 72 minutes, asensio came off the bench to replace Modry, and in 74 minutes, Sebastian and rudiger came off the bench;

In 76 minutes, Real Madrid got the set ball and Rodrigo hit the crossbar with a long shot. In 87 minutes, cabrera grabbed a header and was cleared by rudiger. In the 93rd minute of injury time, Na Qiao’s midfielder took the ball from the left and made great strides. He sent a straight plug outside the restricted area, and asensio followed up with a push and shot, making the score 3-1!

In the end, the whole game ended, and Real Madrid reversed the game 3-1, killing Spaniards twice in the season.

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