Meitu Yifu debuted at the AMWC World Beauty and Anti-Aging Conference, helping beauty brands tap into the 100 billion anti-aging market

On October 20th, the AMWC World Beauty and Anti-Aging Conference was held at Chengdu Tianfu International Conference Center. At this conference, more than 200 well-known brands and enterprises gathered to showcase their advanced products and technologies in an all-round way. At the same time, more than 180 domestic and foreign authoritative experts and scholars were invited to share the latest progress in anti-aging medicine, dermatology, etc., and jointly discuss cutting-edge technologies and latest research results in the field of beauty and anti-aging.

AMWC World Beauty and Anti-Aging Conference was held at Chengdu Tianfu International Conference Center

Meitu’s scientific skin test brand Meitu Yifu brought the latest research results in the field of anti-aging to booth D14 of Tianfu International Conference Center, attracting many experts, scholars and customers to stop and experience Meitu Yifu’s AI skin test products.

AMWC World Beauty and Anti-Aging Conference Meitu Skin Booth

AMWC World Beauty and Anti-Aging Conference Meitu Skin Booth

In the past two years, Meitu Yifu has been deeply involved in the field of skin anti-aging and has achieved a series of results.

In 2021, Meitu Yifu pioneered the "aging degree" detection standard, followed the interpretation of professional physicians and research scholars, revolutionized image detection methods and intelligent labeling technology, launched 3D indicators for detecting skin aging, and pioneered detection methods in dimensions such as apple muscle, eye bags, horns, cheeks, and mandibular margin to more scientifically and accurately measure the degree of skin aging.

In 2022, Meitu Yifu participated in the official formulation of China’s first skin aging evaluation standard "Human Skin Aging Evaluation Standard". In the same year, Meitu Yifu also jointly published two major scientific research results related to [Genetic Mechanism of Nasolabial Grooves and Its Influencing Factors] and [Quantitative Analysis of Facial Aging Based on Deep Learning] with a team of scientists, and were selected for publication by the International Society for Dermatology Research (SID) and the International Society for Skin Biophysics and Imaging (ISBS) respectively.

In August this year, Meitu Yishu’s Joint Laboratory for Skin Testing and Digital Standards, together with a team of scientists, discovered the "inflection point" of aging in different age groups, which was released at the International Society of Dermatology Research Congress (ISID) in 2023, which attracted widespread attention in the industry. The study, with more than 430,000 participants, is the most extensive study of its kind to date. It uses the panoramic AI skin measurement system Meitu Yishu to identify key inflection points in the development and severity of wrinkles, marking an important step forward in using AI to understand skin aging.

These research results of Meitu Yishu have been applied to Meitu Yishu AI skin test instrument products, and have formed three AI skin test systems: panoramic AI skin test, image skin test, and contact skin test, which can provide a full range of scenarios for skin care brands and beauty salons. Product Research & Development, offline and online marketing skin test solutions.

Meitu Yifu

As the global population continues to age, "healthy aging" is becoming a huge consumer market. According to iiMedia Consulting’s "2022-2023 Global and China Anti-aging Industry Development and Consumer Demand Research Report", the global anti-aging market has grown from $139.50 billion in 2015 to $216 billion in 2021. Forbes data believes that China’s anti-aging market has 100 billion development space in the future.

It is the huge market potential that has attracted major beauty brands to constantly seek effective anti-wrinkle products to meet this demand. How to better participate in the competition in this track and guide consumer anti-aging skin care more scientifically has become the focus of industry discussion. It is based on this that Meitu Yishu, which aims to "scientifically measure skin", has attracted many brands to cooperate with it.

In practical applications, Meitu Yishu can gain a deeper understanding of the mechanism and characteristics of skin aging by linking the quantification of skin problems, skin care, and Product Research & Development, thus providing a more scientific basis for future skin care Product Research & Development to meet the needs of consumers of different ages for facial anti-aging and achieve better skin care results.

In the face of market demand, Meitu Yifu is also developing a new application of AI skin testing in the field of anti-aging, that is, generating skin conditions of different ages through AIGC (Generative Artificial Intelligence), thus extending to the judgment of skin aging trends of individual users. This application will help users target anti-aging.

In addition, Meitu Yishu can also be applied to the marketing of beauty brands to help customers detect their skin conditions in any scenario. Beauty brands can continuously track customers’ skin health online, which can not only improve the brand’s service quality and customer retention, but also customize more effective skin care programs with sufficient skin data to improve transaction conversion rates.

Meitu Yifu debuts at’s "Breakthrough Innovation, Join Hands for Win-Win" 2023 Partner Conference

On the same day, Meitu Yifu, as an Apple industry solution partner, jointly participated in the "Breakthrough Innovation, Join Hands for Win" 2023 Partner Conference held by Retail 3C Digital Enterprise and Business Procurement Business Department on October 20, to interpret the strategic direction of enterprise business development, share government and enterprise, e-commerce procurement trends and 3C digital intelligent commercial supply chain development planning, and work together to create a win-win situation!

It is reported that as of now, Meitu Yifu has landed in more than 3,600 offline stores around the world, and has reached strategic cooperation with more than 140 well-known brands such as Dior, Shiseido, and Fan Wenhua.

Source: The Internet

Best Andy Lau Returns, Annual High Film "Blind Detective" Exposes Ultimate Poster

The Ultimate Poster for Blind Detective
    The familiar Andy Lau is back! Starring Andy Lau and Cheng Xiuwen, the annual High film directed by Du Qifeng and Wei Jiahui has been confirmed for release on July 11. The film is the fourth collaboration between Du Qifeng, Lau and Cheng Xiuwen in a decade after 2004. Yesterday, the film launched the ultimate poster, and the two-person photo of Lau and Cheng Xiuwen has made the film highly anticipated. Lau admitted that being with Du Qifeng and Cheng Xiuwen is the "best Andy Lau". He said: "I think we are all lucky to have the three of us in the world."

"Blind Detective" mainland horizontal poster
"Handsome Blind" Detective Du "Possessed"
    In this new "Iron Triangle" film, Andy Lau’s "blind detective" is a very interesting role. According to the screenwriter Wei Jiahui, at a backstage of the Hong Kong Film Awards many years ago, Andy Lau talked to him about his interest in the story of "detective". "Later, when I was designing the character, I found that he had not played a blind man, and Andy’s original idea was to play a blind lawyer." However, considering the entertainment of the film itself and the richness of the story, the screenwriter said: "If it is only a lawyer, it may only appear in a few limited scenes in the courtroom, and the blind detective has a lot of stories to tell."
    In the character design of the "blind detective" corner, Galaxy Image specially projected many "shadows" of the director Du Qifeng, such as Du wiping his sweat with a handkerchief, stroking his belly with his hands and other "small movements" in life. Wei Jiahui also revealed that Du Qifeng in his life is still a very fond of food, and this time his "foodie" characteristics are also "grafted" into the character. In this regard, Andy Lau also responded: "Every time I act, if the character has a characteristic, I will ask someone around me to be a model, and I will choose our director for this play – Du Qifeng."
"Iron Triangle" returns to the screen after a decade
    It is understood that "Blind Detective" is the fourth collaboration between Du Qifeng, Andy Lau and Zheng Xiuwen in ten years after "Dragon and Phoenix Fight". Hua Zai teased Zheng Xiuwen: "She basically hasn’t changed, but she has become thinner." He also emotionally expressed the trust and tacit understanding of the three creators. "With the appearance of the three of us in the world, I think it is lucky for us, and it is difficult to find someone who believes in you."
    Regarding the new work, Johnnie To commented: "Andy Lau was in very good condition when he made this film. I haven’t worked with him for nearly 10 years, but this time it can be said that it is the best film I have worked with him in so many years." Regarding Andy Lau and Zheng Xiuwen, a classic couple on the big screen, the director also praised: "When they are acting, I sit next to them. I like to watch the two of them as if they are really a couple. As a director, I think it is good to shoot them directly."
    The special rapport between the three has given "The Blind Detective" more chemistry. At the previous overseas premiere in Cannes, some people commented that "Andy Lau with Johnnie To is the best Andy Lau." In response, Andy responded that the "chemistry" between them is different from other people’s cooperation, and the tacit understanding and nature seem to be "innate". After watching "The Blind Detective", the famous film critic Magasa said that "your favorite Johnnie To is back, this film is reminiscent of, and Liu Zheng’s romantic comedy series, very good."

Extreme krypton started a sideline: holding the vast -M architecture and building cars for autonomous driving companies.

Does the company have to build cars?

With the mature development of the industrial chain, autonomous driving companies can generally come up with autonomous driving sensor kits specially designed for Robotaxi scenes and in line with in-vehicle applications and standards.

In their view, building a car in the next stage is not only time-consuming and costly, but also has many technical barriers. It also needs to build its own factory and build an upstream and downstream industrial chain.

At the same time, there is another voice in the industry that adding sensor kits, technical units and software to the original vehicles is no longer in line with the next development goal of autonomous driving.

In other words, building a car will become the most critical step in promoting the commercialization of autonomous driving.

In July 2022, Baidu Apollo released the first unmanned vehicle RT6, which broke the dilemma that Robotaxi was mostly a modified car, and the cost of RT 6 was reduced to250 thousandYuan.

On November 17th, 2022, the M-Vision concept car jointly developed by Waymo and Krypton made its debut in Los Angeles. The new car was based on Krypton Vast-M.(SEA-M)The architecture will be mass-produced in 2024 and put into commercial operation in the United States.

In their view, autonomous driving wants to achieve large-scale mass production of technology, vehicle platforms need to be innovated, and software and hardware systems need to be more deeply integrated.

This means that the carrier of autonomous driving needs to draw a blueprint from a blank sheet of paper.

"It is an inevitable trend for unmanned vehicles to develop from refitting and installing finished vehicles to customizing and developing based on vehicle platforms. An industry person said.

01、I started a sideline and built a car for Waymo.

In December 2021, Waymo officially announced a cooperation with Krypton. The latter will provide exclusive vehicles for Waymo’s self-driving fleet and put it into commercial operation in the United States.

A year later, the M-Vision concept car, the result of cooperation between the two parties, made its debut in Los Angeles.

According to the heart of the car, Waymo is responsible for the automatic driving system and cockpit entertainment system, while the European Innovation Center is responsible for providing the core components of Robotaxi.Vast -M architecture.

In fact, Krypton was able to cooperate with Waymo without two acquisitions.

In July 2021, it was extremely embarrassing.1,057.8 millionkoruna(about 799 million yuan) Acquired CEVT in Gothenburg, Sweden(China-Europe Technology Research and Development Center)100% equityLater, it was renamed the European Innovation Center.

After the acquisition, CEVT can provide shared architecture, chassis, powertrain, transmission system, car body and vehicle design technology for future strategic products and R&D platforms.

CEVT is a gathering place of technical souls.

Since its completion and operation in 2013, CEVT has been Geely.1.3 millionThe production and sales of this car provide a complete and systematic technical system, and have trained thousands of global technical talents. The well-known CMA architecture and so on are all from this R&D center.

The second acquisition comes from the 30% equity acquisition of vast energy. This acquisition enables Krypton to redevelop the vast architecture of SEA.

In short, combined with the technical advantages of Krypton European Innovation Center, Krypton can develop the vast architecture again-this is also the origin of the vast -M architecture.

Vast -M is developed based on the vast architecture of Geely SEA, which took Geely five years to invest.20 billionThe pure electric architecture developed is also the killer of Geely in the field of new energy.

The characteristics of Geely’s vast architecture can be simply summarized into three key words:

According to Krypton, Haohan -M is the world’s first intelligent mobile travel platform specially developed for autonomous driving scenes, and it is the latest type of vast architecture facing the era of autonomous driving.

Among them, the m of vastness -M stands for Modular Mobility Architecture(Modular Travel Architecture).

On the basis of prototype architecture, Vast -M passedhardware layer+System layer+Ecological layerTo create a sustainable and extended self-driving vehicle.

To achieve this, we not only rely on the vast prototype architecture to cover the high application range of 1800-3300mm wheelbase of A-E class cars, but also need a native electric platform and flexible expansion ability to support L4 class automatic driving.

In this regard, it is almost impossible to achieve the traditional fuel vehicle platform, and related problems have been exposed in oil-to-electric vehicles before.

Constrained by a large number of complicated mechanical transmission structures, the expansion and layout adjustment capabilities of the traditional fuel vehicle platform are very limited, and the motors can only be installed in the space left after the fuel tanks are cancelled, so it is difficult to adjust the vehicle structure.

It can be said that holding the advanced vast -M architecture, he started a sideline business-helping autonomous driving companies build cars, which directly contributed to Waymo’s choice of cooperation.

Vast -M architecture, fully embedded with automatic driving interface, can be connected to the automatic driving system of L4 level and above, and can be compatible with different automatic driving schemes, from local control to full control of vehicles.

In addition, the vast -M architecture meets all technical requirements of autonomous vehicles and is compatible with all autonomous driving schemes.

"From Waymo’s point of view, it is extremely difficult for Krypton or Geely Group to find a second partner because of its ability to control costs under the same quality and its European R&D and innovation capabilities. 」

When talking about why Waymo chose to cooperate with Extreme Krypton to develop customized cars, Yang Dacheng, vice president of Extreme Krypton, said.

"The vast -M architecture is open to ecological partners around the world, not just Waymo, but also other global autonomous driving companies."

Through the cooperation case with Waymo, Yang Dacheng also threw an olive branch of "OEM" to other autonomous driving companies.

In the past, the threshold of "OEM" was not high, just providing enough assembly experience to achieve the production target.

Nowadays, due to the special products such as self-driving cars, the traditional cooperation mode is directly broken, and at the same time, the "OEM" needs to export certain research and development capabilities.

02、What’s different about Robotaxi, which Waymo cooperates with Krypton?

As a leader in the field of autonomous driving, Waymo has also tried to build his own car.

In May 2014, the autonomous driving team released a code-named ""fireflyThe unmanned car is planned to invest 100 vehicles in a small-scale trial operation in California in the early stage.

Due to the imperfection of the supply chain, the cost of Firefly is high, and the original 100 cars were finally cut down.50 vehiclesCar, coupled with the slow progress of the project, Google finally gave up its own car-making route.

In 2017, Google announced the retirement of Firefly.

In 2018, Waymo made an ambitious announcement to purchase from Land Rover and Fiat respectively. 20,000 vehiclesI-PACE and62,000 vehiclesDajielong is used to build a self-driving fleet.

In order to expand the operation scale of the fleet, in 2019, Waymo announced the establishment of the world’s first factory to produce L4 self-driving cars in Michigan, USA, which is mainly responsible for modifying the purchased existing production cars.

Up to now, there is no sign that Waymo has achieved his goal.

According to public data, Waymo’s current fleet size is only over 1,000 vehicles, and the current practice is still to install automatic driving kits on production vehicles.

This seems to be efficient, but it will bring many problems.

The first is the vehicle.Basic quality. The existing control system of mass production vehicles is built on the basis of human drivers, and the basic functions, including throttle, braking and steering, are all completed by traditional mechanical transmission, but this is completely different operation logic for the automatic driving system that relies on electronic signals to control vehicles.

Followed by the vehicle.Functional scene. Self-driving cars are essentially liberating drivers. Starting from the needs of passengers, we define what kind of functional scenes a self-driving car should achieve. However, most existing production cars are just a family car with comprehensive functions, and the layout of the cockpit cannot be changed, which cannot further expand the practicability of the vehicle.

Finally, the vehicle’scost. The needs of C-end users and B-end users are different. To build a self-driving car and a family car, the investment of BOM cost is completely different.

When refitting on the existing vehicle platform, it is necessary to bear all the BOM costs of the original private car, and it is also necessary to superimpose the cost of the autopilot kit, which is a great challenge to reduce the cost, which also leads to the large-scale investment of the refitted car and the cost of bicycles.

From the perspective of scale, Waymo urgently needs a mass-produced Robotaxi model.

In the negotiation with Krypton, Waymo once put forward requirements for vehicles-comfort comparable to S-class, chassis control comparable to e-tron, vehicle energy consumption comparable, and required the service life of operating trucks.

On the one hand, due to Waymo’s strong dominance, car companies can only play the role of engineering development and vehicle manufacturing.

On the other hand, based on Waymo’s personalized requirements for vehicles, car companies are reluctant to develop an exclusive self-driving car platform from scratch. After all, the current commercial feasibility is far lower than the research and development cost.

This is why Waymo’s previous cooperation model with car companies is relatively simple.

Waymo only purchases complete vehicles from Fiat Chrysler, Jaguar Land Rover and-,and deploys the sensor kits needed for autonomous driving on these vehicles through modification, and then carries out the real road test of autonomous driving or the self-driving taxi test.

Looking at the world, there are very few companies that can enable autonomous driving companies like Waymo to achieve mass production based on the vast -M architecture.

To put it another way, whether an autonomous driving company wants to build a car depends largely on whether it can find a useful carrier.

Based on this kind of thinking, a route that can not only be developed from zero to positive, but also hand over the burden of building cars to partners has become a new choice for autonomous driving companies such as Waymo.

The first is inProduct experienceOn the level, different from the traditional car model focusing on the driver’s thinking, the mobile travel vehicle built by the vast -M architecture is oriented to the automatic driving application scene, and the biggest highlight is reflected in the "user" experience:

The wheelbase of the vast -M architecture itself covers 2700mm-3300mm, and such a wide range of wheelbase makes the model extremely scalable-the front and rear suspension of the vehicle can be adjusted, and the distance between the seat and the rear axle can be stretched, finally providing a flexible layout of the cockpit space.

The second iscost. For self-driving cars, cost has always been the most sensitive issue.

A modified model with an automatic driving system, the price is500-1 millionRenminbi. In this cooperation with Krypton, Waymo’s demand is "to get the best things with the least money".

Yang Dacheng said, "Based on the efficient universality and scale of the vast architecture itself, the vast -M architecture can meet the needs of users with different budgets. 」

The third isquality. M-Vision meets the global five-star safety standards and conforms to the American Highway Safety Insurance Association.(IIHS)Maximum safety requirements. M-Vision can guarantee 500,000 kilometers in five years and meet the requirement of 16 hours of uninterrupted operation every day.

As early as the launch of the vast architecture, Geely said that the vast architecture will launch products with full open road autopilot function in 2025.

The debut of M-Vision also marks the further verification of the intelligent planning of the vast architecture.

03、Extreme krypton press the "fast forward key"

Waymo provides autonomous driving technology, and Krypton provides highly customized exclusive vehicles-this cooperation mode provides a new problem-solving idea for the landing of autonomous driving.

In addition to Waymo, other autonomous driving companies can also realize the landing of autonomous driving products based on the vast -M architecture.

As the most important smart electric vehicle brand under Geely Holding, through the commercial cooperation with Waymo, the vast -M architecture can also be fed back to the passenger car market in the future, thus enhancing the competitiveness of the brand.

Not long ago, Yang Xueliang, vice president of Geely, revealed on the social platform:

"M-Vision is a customized Robotaxi for Waymo in the United States, and M-Vision also has plans to promote To C products. 」

It is understood that the vast -M architecture will retain two versions of steering wheel, pedal/steering wheel and pedal at the same time.

According to informed sources, there are currently two products under development in the vast -M architecture:

With the continuous growth of the launch and delivery of the second new car 009, the product matrix of Krypton is accelerating.

According to the previous plan, Krypton will cover cars, SUVs and sub-categories around three product lines: Z, C and M in the next two years:

At the same time, Krypton will enter the global market, and Krypton 001 will enter the European market in 2023.

At the beginning of its development, Krypton fully considered the European standard and American standard, and certainly did not rule out a larger scale in the future. Extreme CEO An Conghui said.

Behind the market opportunity game, production capacity is the key to break through.

"Krypton currently has a production capacity of 300,000 vehicles, so it is no problem to ensure production and delivery, because we have other factories. In recent years, the new factories have also comprehensively considered the production needs of electric vehicles, and can realize the manufacturing of vast architecture products in the fastest time. At the press conference of Krypton 009 in November this year, An Conghui said.

Up to now, Extreme Krypton 001 has become the sales champion of China brand 300,000 luxury pure electric vehicles for three consecutive months-a total of 60,000 vehicles have been delivered, and the average order amount has exceeded.336 thousand.

Through the performance of krypton sales, An Conghui’s "internal letter" to internal employees shows that:

"The success of a single product cannot bring about the sustainable development of a brand. The diverse needs of users require us to complete the product layout from single product explosion to multi-product development as soon as possible. 」

Different from the cooperation mode of the new forces in the head and the internal incubation mode of traditional car companies, it relies on Geely+Volvo’s car-making experience and technical resources, but from decision-making to the accumulation of marketing experience, it has gone through a complete process from 0 to 1.

In other words, Krypton is exploring a route that combines the technical background of traditional car companies with the flexibility and efficiency of new cars.

As you can see, based on "Geely+Volvo technical resources are the underlying logic.",as well as the self-evolution of users’ travel needs, it is accelerating to prove the feasibility of building a third track.

Compact family car three cars compete for hegemony, and the new Qin EV rides the dust!

Under the epidemic situation, health and safety have become the top priority of all needs, and based on the consideration of travel safety, people are increasingly inclined to travel by car. Not long ago, the lottery results of the new passenger car were announced. For the lucky ones who just got the index, how to choose a reliable car is very important.

As the main model in the market, the epidemic prevention and sterilization capabilities of brand new, BEIJING EU5 and brand new have reached the professional level, and brand new has become the leader in the compact pure electric family car market with its strong and numerous fan base. So if you want to choose a safer, stronger and more practical one among these three cars, who will be the better option?

Who is the strongest in protecting health and professional sterilization and antivirus?

To be healthier and safer, we must first have stronger sterilization and antivirus ability. The newly equipped three-layer high-efficiency composite filter screen can filter dust, harmful gases, PM2.5 particles with a diameter of > 0.3 μ m up to more than 90%. Its filter screen consists of non-woven fabrics and chemical fibers, and is made by melt-blowing process, which can better filter droplets and particles with diameters greater than 0.3 μ m that germs often attach to, thus effectively blocking germs from entering the car. In addition,BYD’s self-developed high-efficiency filter has obtained the first batch of "CN95" certification of the highest level of automotive air-conditioning filter filtration, and will be fully equipped with this system for more old models in the future to further improve health and safety performance.

At present, the filtration system carried by EU5 has been upgraded on the basis of filtering pollen and PM2.5; On the other hand, a UVC deep ultraviolet optical anti-virus system was installed for Ei5, but there are still concerns that "ultraviolet anti-virus will have adverse effects on human body" in the market at present. It is not difficult to see that the new health care is more professional and leading.

Guarding safety, the brand-new Qin EV power battery has a 16-year accident.

If health is a higher demand of consumers, then the demand for vehicle reliability is the basic demand of all consumers. In the world, this basic requirement includes the reliability of endurance, the reliability of battery, and the reliability of the overall performance of the vehicle, etc. If the technical performance of any aspect is not strong enough, there is no way to talk about safety, and no one can trust a brand of new energy vehicles with frequent vehicle spontaneous combustion. 

From the comparison of the above figure, the brand-new battery has higher energy density and can store more electricity per unit volume, so its comprehensive endurance is stronger, and at the same time it can have more room for lightweight.

While continuously improving the energy density, a 7-dimensional and 4-layer safety matrix has been built for brand-new power batteries, which "comprehensively tests the safety of single batteries, modules, battery packs and systems from the aspects of reliable connection, high-voltage protection, collision, overcharge, internal and external short circuit and thermal runaway; The high-voltage system has undergone five tests: leakage detection, power-off protection, misoperation protection, active discharge and passive discharge, and the whole vehicle has undergone extreme cold and heat tests, which fully guarantees the safety of the battery. "

If these terms seem hard to you, then the accident in 16 years will definitely make you easily realize the reliability of the battery.The accident in 16 years first benefited from BYD’s technical advantages in battery safety design.In order to avoid the thermal runaway of the battery caused by the short circuit in the battery caused by the contraction of the diaphragm at high temperature, a ceramic diaphragm with more high temperature resistance was developed. In order to cope with high and low temperature environment, prevent overcharging, improve fast charging safety and flame retardant, etc., many special additives are added to the electrolyte solution of the battery cell on the basis of the original solute and solvent to ensure the stability under various complex conditions; In addition, in order to protect the safety of the battery cell, a mechanical device, including a CID device and an explosion-proof valve, is arranged on the shell of the single battery cell to prevent overcharging. These technical advantages are integrated into the battery intelligent temperature control management system, which is not only smarter, but also greatly improves the consistency and stability of products.The new Qin EV is equipped with BYD’s third-generation battery intelligent temperature control management system, which can make the battery in the most efficient working range at various ambient temperatures, greatly improving the battery life cycle performance, life span and safety.

Secondly, the accident in 16 years can be achieved thanks to all the self-research and self-production of the three power systems. Compared with peers, it has higher integration, more advanced consistency and integrity, and a stronger degree of systematization.BYD’s brand-new Qin EV efficiently integrates the motor, electronic control and transmission, which reduces the volume by 30% and the weight by 25%, while increasing the power density by 20%.

EU5 and Ei5 are made in Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited, and although they have passed the battery safety test, the integration is not enough, and the consistency and integrity of products are different, so the stability performance in practical use is relatively average. For example, the dry-wet separation thermal management technology of batteries carried by EU5 is said to be effective in preventing combustion and explosion, but an EU5 exploded in Zhenjiang last September. At the same time, there are also car owners who feedback Ei5 battery failure on the car quality network.

In addition, the brand new has a stronger fan base. As of now,Qin series models have accumulated more than 200,000 fans, and have made remarkable achievements in sales volume, quality and word of mouth.,At this point, the brand-new performance is more ahead of. As a model, last year, some car owners reported on the Internet that it had a nominal battery life of 410 kilometers and actually traveled at full power for 210-220 kilometers. Therefore, in terms of endurance authenticity, brand-new is more reliable.

From the above comparison, we can see that a truly safe new energy vehicle is armed from the inside out to the "teeth", and the basis of this "armed" is the comprehensive technical strength, and the brand-new safety is based on this. It is this technical strength that has been recognized by more peers. It is said that the new factory invested 8.5 billion yuan will be used to produce and cooperate with products under the e platform.


Changes in consumer demand after the epidemic will require higher safety, health and intelligence. Choosing a healthier and safer car will become one of the core needs of consumers around the world. At the same time, a truly leading new energy vehicle is that it understands the needs of consumers enough, and the leading comprehensive strength and proper configuration are the real masters. In the field of new energy compact family car, brand-new has really set a benchmark!

The style of the front face was adjusted, and the 2024 Geely Xingyue L Hi·F was unveiled and replaced with a 1.5T four-cylinder engine.

A few days ago, Geely Automobile’s 2024 Xingyue L Raytheon Hi·F hybrid version was officially unveiled. Although it was only an annual change, the appearance of the new car was greatly adjusted, and the body size was also improved. It was also replaced with a new 1.5T four-cylinder engine. For reference, the price range of the hybrid version of Xingyue L Raytheon Hi·F oil and electricity currently on sale is 171,700-183,700 yuan.

In terms of appearance, the front face of the 2024 Xingyue L Raytheon Hi·F petrol-electric hybrid version continues to use the straight waterfall air intake grille, and the interior is filled with several vertical chrome trim strips, but it has changed from the concave design of the current model to the outward protruding style, which is also Geely’s latest family style and looks fuller. In addition, the silver Geely LOGO also helps to enhance the sense of grade.

The interior of the headlight groups on both sides continues to ensure the eye-catching effect after lighting through the upper and lower groups of three-stage daytime running lights. The front enclosure has been redesigned, and the L-shaped blackened decorative board is added in the decoration of the vertical diversion groove, which forms a penetrating style with the lower grille, which helps to enhance the fighting atmosphere.

The shape of the side of the car body has not changed much, and a more square and atmospheric visual effect is created through straight lines, which is in line with the aesthetics of most consumers. It is worth mentioning that the D-pillar position is also inlaid with the "Tiangong" nameplate, which looks quite chic. In terms of body size, the length, width and height of the new car are 4795/1895/1689mm and the wheelbase is 2845mm, which is 25mm longer than the current model.

The design of the tail is the same as that of the current model, and it is equipped with penetrating taillights, supplemented by chrome trim, giving consideration to exquisiteness and recognition. The style of the back surround echoes the front face, showing a calm and atmospheric visual effect.

In the car, there is little difference between the 2024 Xingyue L Raytheon Hi·F hybrid version and the current model. It continues to be equipped with a large screen with a length of 1 meter consisting of three 12.3-inch screens, and its performance in science and technology is still relatively good. The car system is a collection of three video media: Tencent Video, Iqiyi, and Bi Li, with rich entertainment and audio-visual resources.

The whole interior adopts the double color matching of dark gray and beige, creating a strong sense of grade. The air outlet of the air conditioner is designed to be hidden, only a row of physical buttons are reserved below, and the central channel area is equipped with a mobile phone wireless charging panel, an electronic bar and a cup holder with a cover plate, which gives consideration to certain practicality.

In the power part, according to the application information, the 2024 Xingyue L Raytheon Hi·F hybrid version will be equipped with a 1.5T engine with a maximum power of 120kW. The data should be the same as that of Yinhe L7, and it will be changed from the current three-cylinder engine to a four-cylinder engine with a power increase of 10kW, or it will continue to be equipped with P1+P2 dual motors, 3-speed variable frequency electric drive DHT Pro and Xinwangda ternary lithium battery. What do you think of the changes in the new car? (Text/Comfort)

Fashion activity picture: White deer shows her figure, Karen Mok is in a general state, and what is NiNi wearing?

Write at the beginning

Fashion week has long passed, and many netizens are still immersed in the famous scenes of various stars. I have to say that I really haven’t seen enough.

This time, a luxury brand held a dinner party, and another group of young flowers and niche students came to the platform.

For a while, fans "requested to play", and it seems that there are still quite a few overturned cars.

As usual, let’s take a look at the current state of traffic niche-


I haven’t seen Song Weilong for a long time.

In this activity, he chose a black shirt, black straight pants and white shoes, which was very simple and youthful.

As a 24-year-old student who is praised by netizens as one of the "Yan Ba" in internal entertainment, I can see that my brother seems to play games a lot.

Even the foundation can’t cover the thick dark circles, but I can’t see the tenderness at all with a little lipstick. I don’t know that I thought I was in my 30 s.

Take the vicissitudes of life route at an early age, where is the road after that?

Zhou Yiran, who is one year younger than Song Weilong, is actually not much better.

Are the resources too good in the past two years? I am too busy filming to take a rest. Why does my brother look a little empty?

The shape is full of sunshine and youth, but Zhou Yiran himself has been pulling a face at the camera, and I don’t know what is going on.

Dahua (Henry Lau) is in a good state.

After all, I am 34 years old, and I have obviously made strict control over my facial state and figure.

It’s just that the shape is really unsightly, and the Korean characteristics are too bright.

The big oil head looks like it hasn’t been washed for days, its lips are bloodless, and its chest muscles are slightly greasy. The stylist has to take the blame this time.

With such a contrast, the female stars as a whole are much better.

Tian Xiwei’s style has a strange feeling that I can’t say. Maybe we don’t understand fashion.

This green "hurdle vest" with glitter, pleated straight jeans, and red pointed high heels that can’t show your feet, what route are you taking?

However, Tian Xiwei’s facial state is a must.

The makeup is relatively light, and the simple bangs and black are long and straight, still lively and aura.

From the lens of passers-by, we can see that Tian Xiwei has really lost a lot of weight, and her arms are like thin rods.

Moreover, there is usually no female star shelf, and she will keep shaking her legs when facing the camera and sticking out her tongue. No wonder she can get such fans’ love.


Wang Churan is really a big beauty with a thick face.

This time, she found another way, and chose a "double-door" oversized suit jacket with a white low-cut suspender and shorts underneath. The simple atmosphere suits her very well.

It’s just that the lighting at the scene is so lame.

Although the on-site media gave her a face light, she still couldn’t hold the atmosphere of the scene. When it came to the camera, Wang Churan was particularly old.

The decree lines are clearly visible, and the dark circles are looming. Sure enough, we should pay attention to maintenance.

However, people’s clothes are online, and they are also natural and graceful in the face of the camera, and the sense of relaxation kills the audience.

Twenty pairs of Vicky Chen are here.

Sure enough, the young state is still good.

Although wearing a patterned reflective black "big plastic bag", the whole person is full of youthful breath, and he is in a good mood as long as he looks at it.

However, from the state of Wen Qi, we can also see that there are many volumes of female stars.

It is said that "thinness is the beauty" nowadays, mainly because people are only 20 years old and have already lost their ribs. It is good to be young, and it is strange that a slightly older female star has no sense of crisis.

On the other hand, Vicky Chen is in a good state, but this collocation is a bit too "village".

Such a graceful figure, if you cut a hole in a piece of plastic cloth and cover it all, can you throw this ugly shoe away?

It’s really not good to increase the overall height. I’m embarrassed to wear these shoes even when I’m shopping.

Of course, Vicky Chen is not the only one who wears these ugly shoes.

That’s right, white deer.

Other people’s flowers, as long as there is a fashion event, it must be full of boasting.

When I arrived at Bailu, the soil was out of the circle again.

Sometimes you really can’t blame netizens.

A sexy dress should match the princess’s haircut, and the platform shoes on her feet are like walking on stilts.

You wouldn’t choose this collocation even if you were shopping, would you?

It is precisely this way of dressing that makes netizens "gang up and attack". After all, clothes have already constituted everyone’s first impression.

However, it should be said that the white deer is still in good shape.

Thin, but fleshy, and the plump and round career line is unobstructed. It’s the first time that I found this elder sister so informative.

Moreover, when the white deer loved the princess and said goodbye to it, the sense of high class came up at once.

Maybe you can’t choose clothes and shoes, but earrings, including hairstyles and accessories, are also very important.

White deer’s facial features are actually very three-dimensional, and its figure is so predictable. I hope the team can have a long snack.

Karen Mok is here.

This elder sister’s long legs are still eye-catching and dressed in a low-key manner, but the makeup of this activity is really scary.

The eyes are blue (black), the dark circles and bags under the eyes are all displayed, and the skin condition is not very good.

Makeup artist, what’s wrong?

To say the MVP, it must be NiNi.

Who can believe that this elder sister is 35 years old when she sees a picture of her face?

The extremely smooth face is broad, although some dark circles can be seen, but it does not affect the sense of advanced facial features at all. The simple and clean makeup makes her more recognizable.

However, NiNi’s dress at this event is really confusing.

It’s too long and yellow-green coat that doesn’t fit at all, but only a pair of high heels can be seen.

Coupled with the lazy hairstyle, the whole person looks listless.

Let’s say that in the drawing style of the studio, this coat looks good when it is opened, and the retro atmosphere instantly bursts.

Write it at the end

In fact, from the above pictures of these stars, we can also see that there are some problems with the brand lighting.

But at the same time, it also proves that the lighting of the usual red carpet activities is too hard. As soon as the media filters are put on, everyone’s skin is unusually white.

Moreover, the state of male stars is generally a bit vicissitudes, but at an early age, they all feel preoccupied, and they don’t know whether they are used to being cool or really tired.

And female stars, everyone wants to show their best in front of the camera, but the more fashionable activities, the more they can reflect the importance of clothing.

If you really can’t choose clothes, can hairstyles and accessories do the role of modification? After all, not everyone has overturned.

I wonder who impressed you more?

The first batch of Hubei tourists in Harbin lifted the ban: it was spring in the blink of an eye.

The first batch of Hubei tourists in Harbin lifted the ban: "the first day" in spring

An observation point in Daoli District of Harbin was released from isolation. Photo by Li Ren

  BEIJING, Harbin, February 7 (Xinhua) After the last temperature monitoring, the first batch of Hubei tourists in Harbin ended their observation and confirmed that they were not infected with COVID-19, and they gradually lifted the isolation of centralized medical observation points. On the 7th, three days have passed in beginning of spring in 2020, but it is the "first day" when they enter the spring of 2020 when they open the door that has been closed for 14 days.

Hubei tourists received the "physical examination form and blood routine test list for people leaving the city". Photo by Li Renshe

  At an observation point in Xiangfang District, Harbin, a group of Hubei tourists "ended" in winter on January 23rd. They saw the dream of Snow Town in Heilongjiang and returned to the reality of the new pneumonia epidemic. On the morning of the 7th, the last three tourists flew home. The "temporary home" where they lived for half a month was called "Spring", but today they bathed in the first spring of the New Year.

  The good news continued to come from the observation point in Daoli District, Harbin. Twenty-three Hubei tourists received the "physical examination form and blood routine test form for people leaving the city" at 21: 00 on February 6. At that time, several children in the crowd put on cotton-padded clothes, rushed out of the door and grabbed a few handfuls of snow on the side of the road. It was the first time they touched the snow in Heilongjiang when they got off the plane and were sent directly to quarantine.

  At the corner of the observation point, the temporarily "opened" book corner is still "free of charge", and the books donated by all parties are still constantly updated and disinfected daily. On the first day after the "lifting of the ban", adults still used reading and surfing the Internet to relieve their anxiety, while children were still reading and doing their homework. "Because some tourists want to stay in Harbin, they will make a return trip after the epidemic subsides." Wuhan tourist Qiao Fei explained.

Hubei tourists from an observation point in Daoli District, Harbin are released from isolation. Photo by Li Ren

  Two of the 23 tourists left Kazakhstan on the 7th, and one of them was Hou Bihua, a Wuhan tourist. It happened to be "a year" from the time he entered this "isolation door" to the time he went out. He said, "Because I wanted to avoid gathering infection, I ate dumplings alone for thirty nights. It’s spring in the blink of an eye. It’s good to look up at the blue sky and breathe fresh air. "

  Another tourist who left Kazakhstan today is Li Jinglong, who will send his wife and children to Jiamusi to settle down and return to Jingzhou, Hubei alone. He said: "I am a doctor. I am particularly anxious when I watch the development of the epidemic. I want to return to the front line as soon as possible to fight the epidemic." After taking a group photo with the local staff in Harbin, Hou Bihua and Li Jinglong also bid farewell to each other and embarked on their own journey.

Hubei tourists who choose to stay in Harbin are reading a book. Photo by Li Ren.

  "From today, Hubei tourists who choose to stay in Harbin are the same as Harbin citizens. They have to go out for two days, and they must wear masks." Li Ren, director of the marketing department of Harbin Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film and Tourism, who was also "released from isolation" today, said. Fourteen days ago, he volunteered to take care of and accompany Hubei tourists, which is what Hubei children call "printing winter vacation homework ‘ Bad uncle ’ " . (Reporter Wang Lin)

Football ranking (ranking of the top ten football stars in the world)

Football ranking (ranking of the top ten football stars in the world)

Football is the largest sport in the world, and its influence covers the whole world, especially the World Cup. It is known as the world’s number one event, with the participation of all the people, and even pays attention to politics and economy.

In the history of modern football for more than 100 years, countless football geniuses and legendary superstars have been born. There are also countless authoritative media that have made countless rankings. Today, Xiaobian takes everyone to talk about the top ten football superstars.


When it comes to Pele, it is the king of the ball. When it comes to the king of the ball, it is Pele. 1363 official games, 1281 goals, three World Cups. Pele is one of the greatest sports stars in the 20th century and was awarded the title of "The King of football" by FIFA. In 1961, Bailey was declared as a "national treasure that cannot be exported" by Brazilian President Janiaud Queiroz. Time magazine listed the 100 most influential figures in the 20th century. He is already a myth and an insurmountable existence. There may be stars with better skills and greater achievements in the future, but they will never surpass the myth of Bailey. The authoritative media, magazines and selection agencies have recognized the king of the "king of the ball" and have also been awarded the title of "king of the ball" by FIFA. History comes first, well-deserved, no need to go into details.

Diego Maradona

Diego Maradona, one of the two recognized champions in football history so far, has a legendary life, distinctive personality and far-reaching influence. Although his skills are perfect, his character is controversial. Former Argentine famous football player, and also recognized by the grassroots as the first king in history. He is a legend, he is not perfect, but he is regarded as "one of his own" by the grassroots, which represents the challenge of grassroots to authority.


Beckenbauer, who pioneered the "free man" tactical kicking method, was the greatest player in the world football as a player. He won the grand slam of collective and individual honors and won all the championships and awards such as the World Cup, the European Cup, the Champions League and the Golden Ball. It is recognized as the "football emperor" by FIFA, FIFA and public opinion all over the world. He had a perfect football career, and he got all the honors he could get. Because of beckenbauer’s existence, he left a special position in football history: the offensive scavenger. He is also a successful coach, a successful businessman, a club operator and a successful official. At the same time, his contribution to the development, popularization and management of football is unparalleled.

Johan Cruyff – En Un Momento Dado

Cruyff, a famous football player in the Netherlands, is known as’ Flying Dutchman’. He is a famous player in the history of world football, a famous football coach, a former coach and honorary chairman of Barcelona, and is called "the godfather of Barcelona". As a player, cruyff was born in Ajax, a famous Dutch club, and served as a center. Because of his active running and top dribbling skills, he was named "Flying Man". The founder of "total football" football was named the greatest Dutch player in the 20th century. Ajax, with him as the core, won the Champions League three times in a row, and he himself was also selected as the best athlete in Europe in 1971, 1973 and 1974.


Ronaldo, an alien, is an outstanding representative of the highest level of human football technology. Such a player can’t be made only by diligence and talent, but must be a combination of genius, skill and physical fitness, all of which are indispensable.

Ronaldo, an alien, became famous in Cruzeiro when he was a teenager. Ronaldo’s dribbling was unparalleled at that time. He broke through the overwhelming momentum and sprinted forward at the speed of the wind, which was not only extremely lethal, but also very ornamental. The most terrible thing is that you can make many complicated moves in high-speed dribbling. In 1994, he won the World Cup with his team, and the final in 1998 is still a mystery. He won the World Cup again in 2002, won the World Player of the Year three times in 1996, 1997 and 2002, won the Best Player of the World Cup in 1998, won the Golden Boot Award in 200 Best Network in 2010, and won the legendary superstar award in Brazil in 2010. If it weren’t for frequent injuries, Ronaldo’s achievements might be even higher. Let’s just say that he is jealous of talents!

Di Stefano

Di Stefano, who played for Real Madrid, was the first person in the history of Real Madrid. He won five consecutive Champions League (1956-1960) for Real Madrid together with Hungarian star Puskas, and scored goals in five Champions League finals. He won the top scorer in the Champions League for the second time, won the Spanish Football League for eight times and won the top scorer in La Liga for five times. Stifano scored 308 goals in 396 official games on behalf of Real Madrid. As the goal record holder of Real Madrid, the best club in the 20th century, there is no doubt about his ability. The only regret is the national team record, and his achievements can only be fixed on the club honor, which is why he can’t compete with Bailey Diego Maradona.


Former FIFA and UEFA helm, king of Serie A in the era of "Little World Cup", pioneer of the rise of French football, the best midfielder in the 1980s, and was elected European Footballer of the Year for three consecutive years.


Zidane led the team to win the 1998 World Cup, the 1998 European Golden Globe Award winner, the 2000 European Football Championship champion, the three-time FIFA Footballer of the Year (1998, 2000 and 2003), and the champions of the European Champions League, La Liga and Serie A. He is the closest European star to the king of the ball. If it weren’t for the shocking "one head" of Materazzi in the final in 2006, he would probably be the third king of the ball tied with Pele and Diego Maradona. He successfully broke the tradition of "South America produces technology and Europe produces tactics" and made the world worship with his elegant football skills. He is also a complex individual, elegant and tyrannical; Both noble and grassroots; Angel and devil. He is the pride of European football and the greatest local superstar in the history of European football.


Messi, the first player in today’s football, is gifted, technically perfect, relaxed, and has scored more than 600 goals. He has won 10 league titles, 4 Champions League titles and 6 European Golden Boots in his career, 6 World Footballers and 6 Golden Globes, 2008 Olympic gold medal, 1 World Cup runner-up and 3 America’s Cup runner-up. At present, it is still the core of Barcelona and Argentina, and its status remains at the top level, and its ranking will only rise in the future.

Cristiano Ronaldo

Cristiano Ronaldo, together with Lionel Messi, created an unprecedented soccer Gemini record. Won five Golden Globes/World Footballer of the Year, six league titles, five Champions League titles and four European Golden Boots. In 2016, he helped the Portuguese national team win the European Cup and created the best record in history. Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi were the first in the history of the Champions League, and they were also rated as the superstars closest to the king of the ball. At present, they are playing for Juventus, and their status is still terrible.


5-0 to 0-1! The relegation team retaliated against Arsenal, Manchester City won the championship ahead of schedule, and the double blue battle against Chelsea lined up.

Arsenal, who led the Premier League standings for a long time this season, fell short in the final stage, and was overtaken by the Blue Moon Corps and lost the initiative to win the championship. In the last round, they lost to Brighton with three goals at home, which made the gunners only have the theoretical possibility of winning the championship. Arsenal, who had lost everything, went to the away game to challenge Nottingham Forest in the 37th round of the Premier League. In the first round of the confrontation between the two sides, Arsenal washed their opponents 5-0 at home and now returned to home. Nottingham Forest, which was still under relegation pressure, certainly hoped to be able to avenge itself, so as to grasp the initiative of relegation. After the game started, Arsenal firmly controlled the ball at their feet, but Nottingham Forest scored the only goal in the whole game by Avonii with a counterattack, and finally got revenge on Arsenal 1-0 at home!

Although Arteta knew that Arsenal’s chances of winning the championship were slim, he still sent his most commonly used 4-3-3 formation in this game, but he made some adjustments to the starting players. The goalkeeper still let Ramsdale start, with Thomas, Benwhite, Gabriel and Kiviol as the defenders, Odegard, jorginho and Zaka as the three midfielders, and the offensive trident was Jesus, Saka and Trossat.

After the start of the game, Arsenal kept the ball firmly under their feet, and conducted offensive and defensive drills in Nottingham Forest for a long time. The home team also accepted the reality and set up an iron bucket array, waiting for the opportunity to counterattack, giving the gunners a fatal blow.

In the 11th and 17th minutes, Jesus couldn’t knock Nottingham’s goal with his head kick in the penalty area, shouldering Arsenal’s home team, and finished the only shot in the first half in the 20th minute. Odegard made a return error in the midfield and was directly countered by Nottingham Forest. Avoniyi entered the penalty area after receiving a direct plug from his teammate. Facing attacking Ramsdale, he broke the deadlock on the field with a light volley.

Nottingham Forest, after the lead, reclaimed the space for the gunners to attack. This targeted defensive strategy also achieved obvious results. Before the end of the half-time, Arsenal, which was dominant in the scene, never created a threatening attack opportunity.

After the start of the second half, Nottingham Forest took the lead, and the free kick in the frontcourt went directly to the restricted area. After receiving a cross from a teammate, Felipe outflanked and shot in front of the door. Fortunately, Ramsdale focused enough and saved the opponent’s shot at close range, which did not make Arsenal’s situation more difficult.

In the 54th minute, Arsenal instigated the attack, and Jesus went forward into the penalty area without the ball, and was directly pulled down by the defender. The referee not only failed to give Arsenal a penalty, but also gave a yellow card to the complaining Jesus. Seven minutes later, Saka made a right shot into the penalty area, but was saved by navas.

Unwilling to lose, Arsenal also launched a crazy counterattack, but failed to score a goal to equalize the score, so they had to accept the result of losing in the away game. With the end of this game, the suspense of this season’s Premier League title competition officially ended, and Manchester City has locked in the league title in advance. In this round of double blue wars, Chelsea will also line up to welcome this season’s Premier League champion Manchester City! # Hundreds of teams #

Infrastructure for training AI to solve common problems

In order to train artificial intelligence models that can solve common problems, infrastructure is needed to provide support. These infrastructures are usually composed of hardware, software and tools to improve the efficiency and accuracy of model training. This article will introduce the infrastructure for training AI to solve common problems.

I. Hardware infrastructure

When training artificial intelligence models, it is usually necessary to use high-performance computing hardware to provide support. The following are several common hardware infrastructures:

  1. CPU: The central processing unit (CPU) is a general-purpose computing hardware, which can be used to run various types of software, including artificial intelligence models. Although the performance of CPU is relatively low, it is still useful in training small models or debugging.

  2. GPU: A graphics processor is a special computing hardware, which is usually used to process images and videos. Because of its highly parallel structure, GPU can provide higher computing performance than CPU when training artificial intelligence models, so it is widely used.

  3. TPU: Tensor processor is a kind of hardware specially used for artificial intelligence computing, developed by Google. The performance of TPU is higher than that of GPU, and it is suitable for large-scale artificial intelligence model training and reasoning.

Second, the software infrastructure

In addition to hardware infrastructure, some software tools are needed to support the training of artificial intelligence model. The following are some common software infrastructures:

  1. Operating system: Artificial intelligence models usually need to run on an operating system, such as Linux, Windows or macOS.

  2. Development environment: Development environment usually includes programming language, editor and integrated development environment (IDE) for writing and testing artificial intelligence models. Common development environments include Python, TensorFlow, PyTorch and Jupyter Notebook.

  3. Frames and libraries: Frames and libraries provide some common artificial intelligence model algorithms and data processing tools, making model development and training more convenient. Common frameworks and libraries include TensorFlow, PyTorch, Keras and Scikit-Learn.

Third, the tool infrastructure

In addition to the hardware and software infrastructure, some tools are needed to support the training of artificial intelligence models. The following are several common tool infrastructures:

Dataset tool: Dataset tool is used to process and prepare training datasets, such as data cleaning, preprocessing, format conversion, etc. Common data set tools include Pandas, NumPy and SciPy.

2 Visualization tools: Visualization tools are used to visualize the training process and results to help users better understand the performance and behavior of the model. Common visualization tools include Matplotlib, Seaborn and Plotly.

Automatic parameter tuning tool: The automatic parameter tuning tool is used to optimize the parameters of the model to improve the performance and accuracy of the model. Common automatic parameter tuning tools include Optuna, Hyperopt and GridSearchCV.

In short, training artificial intelligence models to solve common problems requires the use of a variety of infrastructures, including hardware, software and tools. These infrastructures are designed to improve the efficiency and accuracy of model training, so that the model can better solve various practical problems. In practical application, users need to choose the appropriate infrastructure according to specific requirements and data characteristics, and design and implement it accordingly.