Expert advice on "difficult to implement" the new car-hailing policy: Stimulate market vitality

  The rapid changes brought by the new economy to society and the adjustment of the interest pattern are fully reflected in the field of online car-hailing. On the one hand, the platformization and networking characteristics of the new economy expand the scope and depth of contradictions. On the other hand, the new policy of online car-hailing involves a wide range, and the game of interests increases the difficulty of implementing the new policy.

  "Economic Information Daily" reporter learned that the "Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Business Services" has been implemented for more than half a year, and many local governments have not yet issued detailed implementation rules. Some cities that have issued detailed rules but have higher thresholds face "difficulties in landing".

  Many industry insiders and experts suggest that we should be fully aware of the role of the sharing economy represented by online car-hailing in promoting social employment and transforming social management models. It is recommended to use the "subtraction" of power in exchange for the "multiplication" of market vitality.

  The new policy of online car-hailing in some cities is "difficult to implement"

  The reporter learned that as of April 24, 2017, 85 cities had issued detailed rules for the implementation of online car-hailing, 115 cities had completed the consultation, and more than 100 cities had not yet completed the consultation.

  In some areas where new policies have been introduced, the implementation of policies still faces a game situation. The reporter learned that the main focus of the game between policy requirements and platform interests is twofold: first, whether to implement household registration, vehicle, wheelbase and other requirements; second, what degree of access to the operation data of the supervision platform needs to be reached and what content is included.

  In practice, some cities took into account the capacity of the local taxi market and the strategic needs of urban development, and imposed more restrictions on drivers’ household registration, vehicle price and wheelbase. Some platforms have calculated that the implementation of the new policy in cities with higher thresholds will reduce their online car-hailing capacity by more than 90%, which is a heavy blow to the platform.

  At the same time, the platform-based characteristics of online car-hailing break the tradition of "the company is local" in the past. If the online car-hailing platform does not set up a local subsidiary, the local management department may not find a communication partner during supervision, which exacerbates the difficulty of solving the problem.

  On the other hand, the new economy represented by online ride-hailing platforms quickly grabbed market share with the help of subsidies and financing, but this fast pace has had a great impact on the balance of the traditional taxi industry in a short period of time. At the same time, in some higher threshold areas, it has also caused a large "crowding out effect" for online ride-hailing drivers. These factors have led to constant friction between cruise car drivers and online ride-hailing drivers in some places.

  According to Didi Chuxing statistics, as of February 2017, the total number of registered drivers on the Didi platform reached more than 17.50 million. Active drivers on the Didi platform 2 million, with a per capita daily income of more than 160 yuan, and the total number of taxi drivers in various cities across the country has reached 2 million. At the same time, there are thousands of software and algorithm engineers behind Didi.

  All parties have mixed reactions to the new policy of online car-hailing

  The reporter learned that the implementation of the new policy varies widely across the country, and the views of all parties on the online car-hailing industry have also fluctuated.

  Some local new policies have passed the implementation deadline, but non-compliant online car-hailing is still in operation. Cruise car drivers do not know whether to stay in their jobs, and online car-hailing drivers do not know whether to change careers.

  According to statistics from the Beijing Municipal Transportation Commission, after the emergence of online car-hailing, the income of cruise car drivers fell from about 6,500 yuan in 2013 to about 4,500 yuan in the first half of 2016. From 2014 to 2016, the driver team lost nearly 10,000 people. However, taxi operations have recently improved.

  A Didi executive who did not want to be named said that after the introduction of the new policy, Didi’s online car-hailing business also experienced a sharp decline, and drivers were losing a lot.

  According to reports, before the Spring Festival in 2017, the average daily number of taxi calls by passengers in some big cities increased sharply from more than 300,000 to 900,000, and the response rate of taxis on the Didi platform was only 40%. In addition, after the new policy was gradually implemented, the transportation capacity of Didi Kuaidi special car decreased, and the response rate dropped from 90% in October 2016 to about 50% in March 2017, which greatly reduced the travel experience of passengers.

  Capital markets have also begun to hesitate, "unsure" of the market prospects of online car-hailing platforms. Due to the impact of the new policy on the market, the market valuation of many online car-hailing platform companies has declined, which has also affected the layout of enterprises at home and abroad. Some industry insiders said that the enthusiasm of domestic venture capital capital for the sharing economy such as online car-hailing has subsided.

  The implementation of the New Deal is difficult to reflect management anxiety

  The Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Booking Taxi Business Services have been in place for more than half a year, but the implementation details in many places have not yet been issued.

  The demand for online car-hailing varies from place to place. Some places believe that cities should give priority to the development of public transportation, and online car-hailing is only a supplement and should be more "high-end" than cruise taxis. Therefore, higher thresholds are set for online car-hailing models, prices, displacements, and wheelbases. There are also some places that want online car-hailing to take into account both high, medium and low-end needs. For example, Haikou has abolished the displacement limit of online car-hailing, while Lijiang and Hanzhong have chosen to connect cruise taxis to online car-hailing platforms as a whole.

  Shouqi car-hailing CEO Wei Dong said that road traffic congestion in first-tier cities in our country is serious, and it is reasonable for local management departments to choose to raise the threshold for online car-hailing, while the taxi market in second- and third-tier cities is not saturated, and the online car-hailing policy can be relaxed a little.

  As for whether the number of taxis should be controlled. A grassroots cadre said that the Ministry of Construction issued the "Urban Road Traffic Planning and Design Specifications" in 1995, which stipulated that the number of taxis in large cities should be 20 per 10,000 people and 15 in small and medium-sized cities. This became the standard for calculating and controlling the number of taxis in most cities.

  However, there are also opinions that this standard has not changed for many years, and that online car-hailing is not the main cause of road traffic congestion, so quantitative control should be liberalized in a timely manner. The "Analysis Report on Beijing Road Traffic Operation Based on Didi Big Data" released by Professor Yan Xuedong’s research group at Beijing Jiaotong University in October 2016 believes that online car-hailing uses economic laws as a lever to adjust the supply and demand of the traffic market, and uses information symmetry as the core to match the supply and demand, which helps to reduce the rate of empty vehicles.

  In many places, the development of online car-hailing has led to a shrinkage in the price of taxi licenses, and some taxi drivers and license-speculating intermediaries have been seriously damaged. For example, some urban taxi licenses have increased from 200,000 yuan in the past to 800,000 yuan, due to online car-hailing competition and reduced to 400,000 yuan.

  Some industry insiders say that the formulation of the local version of the new car-hailing policy faces multiple interests. Before the reform of the taxi industry, drivers had lifetime licenses, which made them lack the incentive to improve their services. If the depreciation of the license is used to redeem and other means to accelerate the withdrawal of local taxi companies, these companies may find it difficult to accept.

  The law enforcement of online car-hailing has also caused administrative reconsideration in various places. An executive of a car rental company in Nanjing said that private cars in Nanjing were converted to operating vehicles. When they were connected to the platform, the passenger management office of the traffic bureau allowed them, but the vehicle management office of the public security bureau failed the annual inspection. Many private cars have been difficult to access the online car-hailing platform.

  An official from the Kunshan Municipal Transportation Bureau said that some platforms have openly resisted the law, not only encouraging vehicles punished in Kunshan to file for administrative reconsideration, but also reimbursing fines. Some local transportation management departments have frequently received administrative reconsideration for online car-hailing, and they are basically unable to do other things.

  Xu Kangming, a taxi reform expert, believes that after the release of the local new policy, measures should be taken to allow illegal people and vehicles to withdraw, otherwise it will destroy the fair market environment. On the one hand, cruise taxi companies cannot expand their scale, and on the other hand, law-abiding online car-hailing companies will pay a high price.

  Safeguarding the "source of vitality" of the sharing economy

  Some experts interviewed believe that they should be fully aware of the role of the sharing economy represented by ride-hailing in promoting social employment and transforming social management models, and suggest "subtraction" of power in exchange for "multiplication" of market vitality.

  In-depth research on ride-hailing companies and conduct scientific assessments. The sharing economy represented by ride-hailing poses new challenges to the urban traffic management model. Behind the transformation of the momentum of the old and new economies is the differentiation of the beneficiary groups of the old and new economies. Industry insiders believe that the beneficiary groups of the old economy are more concentrated and highly organized, but the beneficiary groups of the new economy are more extensive and the voice is more scattered. Therefore, in policy formulation, the affordability of the beneficiary groups of the old economy should be considered, as well as the breadth of the beneficiary groups of the new economy.

  The rise of platform economies such as Didi, Alibaba, and Tencent is supported by strong capital, which has also benefited many people. And the credit economy, platformization, and big data management may give birth to new technologies such as smart transportation, driverless driving, and vehicle to everything. These are the trends of future economic and social development. They are also an important support for the government to build new management functions. It should be treated with a more open mind.

  A Didi executive said that although the "zombie cars" of Didi’s platform are not easy to manage, it said that the surplus capacity of social vehicles can be fully released when the urban capacity is tight. Cheng Wei, founder and CEO of Didi Chuxing, said that if China is to achieve the corner overtaking the western industrial powers, it is a big opportunity to transform the traditional industrial industry with the Internet thinking.

  On the one hand, formulate a relatively scientific withdrawal and compensation mechanism to reduce the anxiety of social group transformation. During the transition period of the New Deal, many full-time online car-hailing drivers may lose their jobs. It is recommended to carry out relevant policy explanation and guidance work to attract them to work part-time on platforms such as car rental companies.

  On the other hand, science foresees the challenges that taxi part-time may bring. The sharing economy model may lead to a wider range of part-time jobs for drivers, which will increase the difficulty of management and may also impact the average income level of the taxi industry. Car rental companies can be encouraged to increase their own vehicles to cope with the ebb and flow of Internet supply, and the average income of the taxi industry can be monitored and evaluated to guide the development of the industry scientifically.

Emperor Film 2023 Annual Film List Released, Jackie Lau and Other Stars Appeared

1905 movie network news Recently, Emperor Films held a tour at the Hong Kong International Film and Television Exhibition and announced the 2023 film list, and many blockbuster works were exposed. Dr. Yang Shoucheng, Chairperson of Emperor Group, attended the tour with more than 50 main creators, including,,,,,, and many other directors, as well as 、、、、、、、、、 and other actors, and many industry experts came to help out. The scene can be described as star-studded!

Climb to new heights and adhere to the mission of the type of commercial giant "industry pillar"

As one of the largest and most influential film companies in Hong Kong, the pure Hong Kong-style action crime commercial blockbusters have always been the strength of Emperor. So far, it has maintained the box office record of Hong Kong-produced films in the history of mainland films, and has also won the mainland box office championship of Hong Kong films in 2022. In 2023, Emperor films will continue to deepen in the action crime genre. Among the blockbuster projects to be released this time, action crime blockbusters are still the top priority. Their theme content is countless, and they have assembled a king-level luxury lineup.

Group photo of the main creators of "Goldfinger"

Director Zhuang Wenqiang’s new work, Tony Leung and Andy Lau co-starred again 20 years later, reproducing the commercial crime legend of the duel between the two heroes behind the tens of billions of dollars in Hong Kong’s golden age, which can be called the most anticipated Hong Kong film of the year! At the press conference, talking about the shooting experience, Leung Chaowei admitted that the role type is very fresh and rarely had the opportunity to try, which is a very fun process, and the fate of this character is also very interesting. Andy Lau said that he re-examined Wei Zai in this cooperation. This new role is a big breakthrough, and the "evil spirit" shown by Leung Chaowei is surprising.

Group photo of the main creator of "Customs Front"

Directed by Jacky Cheung, Nicholas Tse, and Yasse Liu, Wu Zhenyu starred in the action masterpiece, focusing on rare customs themes and revealing eye-popping cross-border smuggling cases. Nicholas Tse also served as an action director for the first time in the film. Referring to the dual identity of both actor and action director, Nicholas Tse said that although it was his first attempt, with 20 years of experience and the help of director and producer, he thought it was a good experience. Jacky Cheung was even more generous in his praise, claiming that the real action in the film was done by Nicholas Tse.

Photo of the creator of "Inside"

Written and directed by Mai Zhaohui, and starring Wu Zhenyu, it focuses on the mysterious and mysterious dark clouds behind the huge money laundering conspiracy. The on-site producer shared the "inside story" of the "Mai Tian Combination". It turned out that he and director Mai Zhaohui were little-known "old partners" when they met for a while, and the two "Mai Tian Combination" came from this. Mai Zhaohui has been preparing for "Insider" for many years, and he said that he was lucky that both Guo Fucheng and Wu Zhenyu liked the script very much. Wu Zhenyu also said at the scene that he and Guo Fucheng worked together again after 22 years, and it was very sparkling.

Photo of the main creator of "Burst Point"

Produced by Lin Chaoxian and served as the chief director, producer, directed by Tang Weihan, Zhang Jiahui, Chen Weiting,,, starring in the police action blockbuster, focusing on the hard-core anti-drug struggle between police and bandits, telling the story of the anti-drug police who disregard safety and do their best to bring drug-producing and drug-trafficking fanatics to justice. This is also Lin Chaoxian’s first production. In order to ensure the smooth progress of the filming, Lin Chaoxian said that he really did his best behind the scenes. In the face of cooperating again after a decade, Zhang Jiahui joked that he missed Lin every day, while Chan Weiting felt that it was a dream for him to cooperate with seniors and idols like Lin and Zhang Jiahui.

Photo of the main creator of "Infinite Mission"

Lin Chaoxian and Liang Fengying are supervising the production. Lin Chaoxian’s new work, the hardcore action blockbuster "Infinite Mission", will be co-starred by Nicholas Tse and William Chan. This is the follow-up and subsequent cooperation between Lin Chaoxian and Nicholas Tse, and it is also the continuous second match between Lin Chaoxian and William Chan after "Burst Point". It is really exciting. The on-site producer Liang Fengying laughed and called Nicholas Tse and William Chan "heavy weapons" of the film. Faced with the movie budget problem, she said heroically: "The boss said that he wants to make a well-produced blockbuster, so unlimited tasks and unlimited budget!"

Photo of the creators of "New Police Story 2"

Produced by Jackie Chan, directed by Nicholas Tse, and starring Jackie Chan, Nicholas Tse, and Cai Zhuoyan, "New Police Story 2" is not only the original cast’s return to continue the classic IP after 19 years, but also Nicholas Tse’s first film production as a director. He frankly hopes to continue the story and the feelings of 20 years ago. Talking about the reasons for joining, Jackie Chan said that first of all, the four words "Police Story" represent his hard work and pride, but the most important thing is that Nicholas Tse is the director, which is a great attraction for him. Nicholas Tse, who has become increasingly mature in his understanding and control of action movies during the interpretation of "Anger · Serious Case" and as the action director of "Customs Front", will pay tribute to his mentor director who unfortunately passed away due to illness with a breakthrough attempt to challenge his new identity.

Photo of the creator of "Rage Spreads"

In addition, Guo Zijian’s director, Andy Lau, and Nicholas Tse’s re-combined performance of "Anger Spreading" after 12 years will also be launched. Andy Lau, as the producer and actor of this film, also admitted that this is a different cooperation with director Chen Musheng, hoping that "Anger Spreading" can take a new look. Nicholas Tse also said that he will do enough preparation work, not only to continue the spirit of director Chen Musheng, but also to cherish this rare opportunity to cooperate with Andy Lau again.

Directed by, starring in, and adapted from the short story "Immortal Disease", the film collides Gu Changwei’s humanistic care with Ge You’s comedic characteristics, leading the audience to start a unique and absurd Northeast past. Guan Hu’s new director’s new work, starring in, will bring the audience to see Guan Hu’s new style that is different from the past. And "The Nameless 2" and "The Nameless 2", as new works that continue the successful IP, are still directed by Director Rao Xiaozhi and Director Liu Haoliang respectively. The dark horse that had a good reputation at the box office in the past has a new start, and the expectations are full. The strong alliance between Emperor Films and the top mainland film creators is bound to add another shot in the arm for the gradually warming Chinese film market.

Support new forces and continue to be the "strongest driving force" behind potential young filmmakers

In the 2023 film list of Emperor Films, a number of new works with diverse content and rich genres of new generation of Chinese-language films have also been announced. Among them, the film directed by Wang Yinglu, starring Wang Yinglu, tells the crime suspense story of Meng Zhong, a night shift taxi driver, who has completely changed the trajectory of his fate because he carried a mysterious drunk man. Wu Jiawei directed the action movie starring Fang Zhongxin,,,, and focuses on the city guard stormtroopers who are fighting on the front line of the Hong Kong police. The fantasy comedy "A Long Day" directed by Rao Xiaozhi and directed by Oji Chuan, the love movie "The Rest of Your Life" directed by Tan Hua, the new plot "Moonlight" directed by Luo Yaohui, the thriller comedy "Yin Eyes" directed by Liang Guohui, and the upcoming action crime movie "Moon Raider" directed by Yuan Jianwei will continue to inject a refreshing trend into the Chinese film industry with a variety of different stories.

In 2023, we look forward to the high-quality works in the annual film list of Emperor Film, which will ignite the enthusiasm and confidence of more filmmakers and make the Chinese film market shine in 2023!

Mei Lanfang was exposed by the explosion of fashion and rare swimsuit photos.

    Mei Lanfang’s swimsuit photos taken during her stay in the United States.

    Mei Lanfang improved the hairstyle and clothing of the new fashion drama, and added fashion elements to the Beijing drama.

    For the modern young audience, Mei Lanfang is just a symbol. From the textbook, we know that he is the first of the four famous artists and represents the culture of Peking Opera. Perhaps many people can’t tell the difference between Mei Lanfang and Anita Mui. In fact, Mei Lanfang is not only a master of art, but also the most popular fashion star of the year. Recently, some netizens exposed a group of unknown old photos of the Peking Opera master in real life in the forum. In this group of photos, a rare photo of Mei Lanfang wearing a swimsuit is particularly eye-catching.

  Mei Lanfang loves fashion to take swimsuit photos.

    The netizen said that this swimsuit photo was taken in Shanghai in the 1930s, when the social atmosphere was not so open. On the other hand, the shooting background seemed to be out of place with the word swimsuit. However, some netizens said that in Shanghai in the 1930s, fashionable people would take a few swimsuit photos. At that time, people often saw the appearance of swimsuits from those fashionable cigarette cases and moon cards. As a well-known Peking Opera actor at that time, Mei Lanfang was naturally unwilling to lag behind, and generously took such a swimsuit photo by the swimming pool.

    According to the historical records of that year, in 1926, the public swimming pool in Hongkou, Shanghai was opened to the public, and men and women traveled together in Shanghai. By 1930, Gao Qiao Beach had been built, and swimsuits had long been the equipment of Shanghai-style figures. At that time, almost all the stars and celebrities-Shang Guanyunzhu, Ruan Lingyu, etc.-had fashionable styles in swimsuits. Mei Lanfang’s swimsuit photo was produced under such an "open" historical background, even though it was not taken in Shanghai but in the United States on the other side of the ocean. In 1946, when Drama Illustrated published this swimsuit photo of Mei Lanfang during her stay in the United States, it also caused quite a stir.

  Love to take pictures, generous show camera

    Mei Lanfang’s hobby of spare time also keeps ahead of the trend. In old Shanghai, it was fashionable to take photos in a photo studio, not to mention owning a camera. Cameras were a luxury at that time, and families who could buy them must be rich and fashionable enough. Mr. Mei Lanfang’s camera, which seems to be inadvertently painted, is also put into the photo to some extent as an ornament that embodies a kind of taste and shows off.

  Singing Beijing Opera in Modern Costume

    Besides taking photos, Mr Mei Lanfang used fashionable elements in Beijing Opera, and he was once called the "originator of fashion dramas in Beijing Opera". At that time, he personally created a new play "The Waves of the Evil Sea", and at the same time he created his own hairstyle and clothes for the new fashion play, which was true to others. It is understood that Mei Lanfang rehearsed three new fashion plays, among which "Deng Xiagu" and "A wisp of hemp" received great response. For a time, Peking Opera dressed in modern clothes became fashionable, and it did not lag behind the vernacular drama at that time.

Editor: Sun Jie

Take a bath for the viscera before winter, and keep in good health in winter from "no"

  Editor’s note:"The autumn wind is bleak and the weather is cool, and the vegetation is shaken and exposed to frost." In late autumn, most parts of the country have ushered in an obvious cooling process. After the sultry weather at the turn of summer and autumn, our bodies usually accumulate a lot of damp-heat evils. These "toxins" hidden in the body will lay a curse and make winter easy to get sick. Therefore, before winter, give your body a big cleaning, expel toxins from your body, keep healthy qi and reserve energy for winter.

  Take a bath for the viscera before winter.

  Clearing lung. In the late autumn, the smog weather is "reloaded", and the lungs bear the brunt of the test. Taking more deep breaths in the crisp autumn season can not only increase vital capacity, enhance lung function, but also discharge dirty air from the lungs. Every time a person breathes, there will be residual waste gas in the lungs that cannot be discharged, and these waste gas "toxins" can be discharged from the body only after a few deep breaths. 3~5 am every day is the time to detoxify the lungs, and diseases such as asthma and cough are easy to attack or aggravate at this time. In order to prevent the situation of "closing the door and staying behind", we should not take cough medicine as soon as we cough, so as not to inhibit the rapid discharge of turbid air in the lungs. The correct way is to expel "toxins" by actively coughing and expectoration, but patients with hypertension, pulmonary bullae and serious heart diseases should not cough actively to avoid accidents. At the same time, in order to make our lungs more refreshing, everyone should exercise moderately at ordinary times and let sweat take away the toxins in the lungs. Taking a hot bath and soaking in hot springs can also have the effect of sweating. Before bathing, you can add some ginger and mint essential oil to the water, which will make the sweat secrete more freely. Older people who are not suitable for the above activities can press Hegu point with their thumb and forefinger to help the lungs detoxify.

  Clear the stomach. The dry weather in autumn, coupled with modern people’s addiction to alcohol and spicy food, is easy to form stomach fire, which is manifested by dry mouth, bad breath, swollen gums and constipation. Clearing stomach fire provides a simple and easy method for everyone — — Drink radish juice. Chinese medicine believes that radish is pungent, sweet and cool, and belongs to the lung and stomach meridian. Those with stomach fire can be juiced for drinking. In addition, the weather is getting colder, people’s exercise is reduced, intestinal peristalsis is slowed down, and constipation is prone to occur. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that stool can not be discharged in time, and toxins accumulated in the intestine will enter the human body through the intestinal mucosa, which will bring health risks. It is suggested that people with constipation can eat more laxative fruits such as kiwi fruit, pitaya fruit and banana, as well as vegetables and staple foods containing high cellulose, such as spinach, pumpkin, rape and sweet potato, or cook whole grain porridge at home and take it warm in the morning and evening.

  Clearing liver. In autumn, dryness and evil are on the high side, and people often show symptoms such as irritability, oral ulcer, dry mouth and yellow urine, which is the manifestation of liver fire. Clearing liver fire in autumn, it is recommended to take tea instead of tea. On weekdays, honeysuckle, acacia flowers, chrysanthemums and roses can be soaked in water. At the same time, we should pay attention to control our emotions and clear our anger through self-regulation: we should maintain a peaceful attitude and treat people with tolerance; Form good living habits. The working hours of the liver are from 11: 00 pm to 1: 00 am. It is best to go to bed before 11: 00, and don’t stay up late. Eat a balanced diet, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, and eat less spicy foods that are easy to get angry; Outdoor sports, Tai Chi, Baduanjin and other traditional sports have a good effect on soothing the mood and clearing away the liver fire. In addition, the hepatotoxicity can also be eliminated by "scraping the liver meridian". The specific method is: push the palm root from the root of the inner thigh to the knee, or push the fist down with the joints of four fingers, pushing 300 times each time. If you feel pain in your skin, you can apply some moisturizing oil before rubbing.

  Clearing kidney. Damp-heat evil in autumn is easy to hurt kidney yin, which makes kidney transpiration and gasification function fail, and damp evil can not be eliminated, resulting in water accumulation, which is manifested as edema of eyelids and limbs, especially lower limbs. Nourishing the kidney in autumn should start from the foot, because the kidney meridian starts from the sole of the foot, and the foot is vulnerable to cold. Therefore, in late autumn, we should pay attention to keeping our feet warm, don’t expose our feet when sleeping, and don’t walk barefoot on the cold floor or in wet places. There are many acupoints on the sole of the foot, such as Yongquan point, which can be rubbed several times before going to bed. In addition, because the kidney and bladder are exterior and interior, the evil of damp-heat will pour into the bladder through the kidney, resulting in "stranguria" (that is, urinary tract infection in western medicine), which is characterized by frequent urination, urgency and pain. Therefore, this season, it is recommended that you drink more water and urinate frequently to promote the discharge of damp heat. If the evil of damp-heat has injured the kidney yin, Chinese medicines such as Poria, Atractylodes macrocephala and Phaseolus vulgaris can be added to the diet to promote diuresis and reduce swelling.

  Winter health care starts with "no"

  Do not make up falsely.

  Many people think that winter is a golden season for tonic. When winter comes, all kinds of tonics are eaten in large quantities, and many businesses have launched various "packages" and "partners" to meet the needs of consumers. In fact, it is enough to make up for it properly in winter. In winter, it is mainly closed, not leaked. Excessive tonic will lead to the disorder of body balance, especially the excessive use of products that tonify yang and qi will lead to the leakage of essence in the body, resulting in "no essence in winter". Therefore, in winter, it should be properly supplemented, and it is not possible to make up for it. In particular, ginseng, velvet antler and other "sharp tools" for invigorating qi and tonifying yang should be more cautious.

  Don’t eat in vain

  It’s freezing in winter, eating a spicy hot pot and sweating all over, and many people will feel very comfortable, but they don’t know that this is dissipating the yang of the human body. In winter, we should give priority to nourishing yin essence, and we must not use hot products indiscriminately. Of course, you can’t eat some cold products in winter, so as not to damage spleen yang, affect spleen and stomach transport and destroy digestive system. In short, in winter, we should give priority to a peaceful and moist diet, such as drinking more porridge, putting some jujube, medlar, longan, tremella and lily appropriately, and adding a small amount of ginger as appropriate, which can be tonic but not greasy, moist and not dry, and is a good tonic for winter. Taboo a large number of hot products such as mutton, pepper, etc., and a large number of cold products such as fruits and ice cream.

  Don’t drink in vain

  In winter, many people like to drink some white wine to warm themselves up. In fact, moderate drinking is beneficial to health, which can warm the blood vessels, dispel the wind and dispel the cold. The common recipe for postpartum biochemical soup is to take it with white wine. However, liquor is a warm product after all. Excessive drinking will dissipate human yang, and excessive drinking will also cause dampness and phlegm, which will make people feel dizzy and depressed. Nowadays, many young people like to drink drinks. These drinks contain a lot of sugar, which can easily lead to obesity. In winter, drinking too much drinks will damage spleen yang and lead to indigestion. At the same time, some drinks also contain a lot of gas, which can easily lead to bloating after drinking. Therefore, you should not drink too much white wine or drink too many cold drinks in winter. In fact, red wine, as the most natural healthy drink, has the merit of beauty beauty and can be used as a good health product in winter. In addition, black tea is sweet in taste, warm in nature, good at storing yang, generating heat and warming the abdomen, which can enhance the human body’s resistance to cold, and also has the functions of removing greasy food, appetizing and refreshing, so it is very suitable for drinking in winter.

  Don’t work in vain

  You shouldn’t stay up late in winter, you should go to bed early and get up late to ensure enough sleep time, so as to facilitate the hidden yang and the accumulation of yin essence. In winter, it should be appropriate to exercise in winter, instead of sweating like rain in other seasons. In winter, we should appropriately reduce the number of baths, not to take a hot bath for a long time, and often take a sauna to avoid dissipating the human yang; At the same time, in winter, we should pay attention to control sexual intercourse, recuperate and live, so that the essence can be stored.

  In short, winter health care should follow the word "hiding", save your strength and make adequate preparations for the "spring life" in the coming spring.

  Keep healthy in winter, hide kidney, protect yang and spend the winter safely.

  Go to bed early and get up late, storing kidney and strengthening yang.

  Traditional Chinese medicine health care experts believe that the kidney belongs to water, which is enlightened by the ear and the second yin. "Its taste is salty, its flower is in the hair, and its liquid is saliva." Its function is to store essence and control the growth, development, reproduction and water-liquid metabolism of the human body.

  In winter, the kidneys begin to hide and stagnate like water, and the human body’s yang is adduced and the essence is stored, so the hair is dark and moist, the teeth are firm, the waist and back are straight, the reaction is quick, and the ears are bright. If the seal is not firm, the essence will be lost, resulting in such undesirable phenomena as toothache, deafness, wheezing and coughing, soreness of the waist and knees, and dysdefecation.

  Only by obeying the laws of nature can people not interfere with their latent yang. In winter, when it gets dark early and it gets bright late, you should go to bed early and get up when the sun is more abundant. Young people can start from late autumn and insist on washing their faces with cold water to enhance their cold resistance. The elderly should avoid exercising in the cold, strong wind and fog, avoid catching cold and beware of cardiovascular diseases.

  Winter tonic varies from person to person.

  After the winter solstice, the yin qi began to fade, and the yang qi began to rise, which contained lively vitality in the enclosure. Taking advantage of this time to make up, the drug is easy to accumulate and play its role, which is the best time to recuperate weak diseases.

  There are two kinds of tonic methods in winter: one is food tonic and the other is medicine tonic. Old people with weak yang and insufficient qi and blood and patients with weak health are recommended to use food for tonic, such as mutton, which can warm and strengthen; Chicken is sweet and warm, which can warm the middle warmer, replenish qi, replenish essence and marrow; Cattle bone marrow, oviductus ranae (also known as snow cream), etc., have an aphrodisiac effect.

  People with yin deficiency are often manifested as dry throat and tongue, upset and irritable, insomnia and dreaminess, dizziness and tinnitus, etc. You can eat goose and duck for tonic. Goose meat is sweet, tender and soft, and its fragrance is not greasy. It has the function of "benefiting the five internal organs, relieving the heat of the five internal organs and quenching thirst". Stewed radish with goose meat can greatly smooth lung qi, relieve cough, eliminate phlegm and relieve asthma, so the proverb "drink goose soup and eat goose meat, and don’t cough all year round" has been circulating since ancient times. Duck meat is sweet and cold, which is beneficial to nourishing the stomach, tonifying the kidney, relieving swelling, relieving cough and resolving phlegm. Stewing with kelp can soften blood vessels and lower blood pressure. And can be used for adjuvant treatment of hemorrhoids of the elderly. In addition, soft-shelled turtle, turtle, lotus root, fungus, etc. are also beneficial foods for the elderly with yin deficiency in winter.

  Generally, people who are weak can take some lean pork, beef, milk, eggs, soybean milk, red dates, etc. if conditions permit, which has the function of strengthening the body resistance and eliminating evil spirits. However, supplements such as shark’s fin, sea cucumber and bird’s nest are expensive and may not be commensurate with their value from a nutritional point of view, so don’t blindly take supplements.

  Diligent practice of tonifying kidney and qi

  Regular exercise and more exercises can help nourish yang and strengthen kidney qi. Huang Zhengde recommended some exercises to keep fit with seasons and seasons, such as solar terms guidance and the following three exercises.

  1. Treating kidney with six qi.

  Exercises: After washing every morning, close your eyes and sit quietly in a quiet room. First knock your teeth 36 times, then stir with your tongue in your mouth. When your mouth is full of body fluid, rinse it several times, swallow it three times and send it to Dantian. Pause for a moment, inhale slowly through your nose and lick your palate with your tongue; Then the mouth is slightly open, slowly exhale, and there is a "blowing" sound, which is not audible to the ear. Repeat this for 30 times.

  Efficacy: Prevent, relieve and treat lumbago, cold knees, tinnitus, sores on mouth and tongue, numbness and numbness of skin and limbs caused by kidney deficiency.

  2. Kidney guidance.

  Exercises: sit in a dish, lift your hands from the chest to the top of your head, palms up, fingers back, first turn left and waist 45 degrees, and wait a few seconds for your body to recover; Then, the left hand descends on the left knee, and the right hand holds the elbow joint of the left hand. Do this about 10 times each. Get up again, lean forward slightly, with your left foot as the center of gravity, and step on your right foot for dozens of times; Then take the right foot as the center of gravity, and the left foot steps forward and backward dozens of times.

  Efficacy: It can dispel and prevent the accumulation of pathogenic wind in the waist and kidney, and is effective in treating waist pain and mobility inconvenience.

  3. Massage and tonify the kidney.

  Exercises: after waking up in the morning, sit on the bed with a clothes tray, put your hands on the left and right waist and kidney areas and massage for 36 times; Massage Yongquan point on the left and right soles for 36 times; Then rub your palms together, massage your face 36 times and gently rub your eyes 36 times.

  Efficacy: It can prevent and treat dizziness, soreness of waist and knees, lumbago, edema of lower limbs and other diseases, and has the functions of caring skin and improving eyesight. (People’s Health Network is integrated from China Chinese Medicine News and Life Times)

The Knesset agreed to increase the war budget by $7 billion.

Xinhua News Agency, Jerusalem, December 14th (Reporter Zhang Tianlang, Lu Yingxu) The Knesset passed an additional war budget of 25.9 billion shekels (about 7 billion US dollars) on December 14th with 59 votes in favor and 44 votes against.
This supplementary budget will be used to pay for the expenses related to the armed conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas). In addition to the direct defense expenditure, it also includes the payment of allowances to reservists and the provision of temporary accommodation for border residents evacuated to safe areas.
After the supplementary budget is passed, Israel’s total national budget in 2023 will reach 510 billion shekels (about 138.4 billion US dollars). (End)

China Ping-Pong training special Timmy Xu Duan Bowen crazy "involution"

1905 movie network news On January 9th, the Spring Festival movie starring, directed by and starring Deng Chao,,,,,, and so on released a special training program for actors, showing the crazy "involution" training performed by the whole crew in pursuit of being more suitable for table tennis players. Eight months of technical training before shooting, and the "battle for the table" all the time between shooting, let the actors realize the transformation from "zero foundation" to the affirmation of the prototype. During filming, Cai Zhenhua, Ma Wenge, Ding Song, Kong Linghui and other prototypes who were present to watch all gave good comments on the training achievements of actors, which added a solid and reliable reason for the film to see during the Spring Festival.

"Rookie" is going to play table tennis player? After more than eight months of training, the whole group practiced the ball "in-roll"

On January 9th, the film "China Ping-Pong’s Jedi Counter-Strike" released a special feature of actor training, which showed the behind-the-scenes training process of the whole group of actors who were striving for perfection and sweating profusely. At the beginning of the creation, the two directors made it clear that they should use professional actors instead of athletes to interpret their roles: "Because actors have stronger ability to express their emotions, but at the same time their problem is that they have no foundation in playing ball." It is not easy for an actor to really play a good table tennis player. Even the prototype Cai Zhenhua admits: "It must be very difficult for an actor to play a professional table tennis player." Playing table tennis players is full of challenges, not to mention that all the actors who just joined the group are "table tennis whites". What should we do? Practice hard!

According to Cai Zhenhua, "table tennis is a very delicate technique. It is not just an action. Every cricket is in place." Technical control is the key to the pursuit of perfect performance. For this reason, the crew invited many top table tennis directors and athletes in China to train the prototype technical essentials for the actors, and made training plans every day to pay close attention to the details of the movements. Ma Wenge, one of the prototypes, personally took the technical guidance of the film table tennis and took charge of the control. Director Yu Baimei revealed: "We have a special table tennis instructor, and we will tell the actors accurately every day that the ball is a twist and what the rotation of the ball should be." Actor Ding Guansen also said: "In addition to practicing some basic skills and basic movements, actors should also make your movements look like prototypes and train to play with the starting point of the prototype."

In addition to overcoming technical problems, a lot of training is indispensable. As early as before the film started shooting, the director organized the actors to carry out table tennis training for eight months, and even practiced in the crew to start the "devil involution." Yu Baimei also said: "Later, it became more and more fierce, and finally it became an’ enemy’. Why? Because every day you hold back to surpass others. For example, Ding Guansen and Sun Jilun couldn’t beat others at first. During the training competition, they were no match for others and were very bullied. Then two people practice by themselves, even feeling that it is not for our film, but for personal honor! The’ Five Tigers’ will begin to roll in after practicing for a while by themselves every day. In addition to technology, actors also began to study new equipment, because different equipment brings different effects, which is very fascinating and interesting. "

For the obsession and love of table tennis! The actor was greatly affirmed by prototypes such as Cai Zhenhua and Kong Linghui.

"Only those who really have obsession and love for table tennis can do things related to table tennis well!" From taking on a strange role to getting in touch with the prototype, understanding their stories and getting familiar with their ways of playing, and finally forming a cohesive group, the actors are also inspired to have a real love for table tennis in this process. Timmy Xu said: "If you really like to do something, you will definitely do it well." Duan Bowen and Cai Yida both said, "Why do we train so hard? Because of love. "

The actors’ earnest and unambiguous training attitude, and their striving for perfection have interpreted the self-requirements of table tennis players, and won the support and praise of many film prototypes. Cai Zhenhua affirmed: "The performance in the plot is very good, and it is very difficult to play this part." Wang Tao, who watched the film in advance, especially praised Duan Bowen, who plays himself: "He can find the expression and eyes I have on the court." Ding Song also praised the actors: "It’s already very similar, ok." Kong Linghui even expressed surprise: "Those actors play ball much better than I expected!" Ma Wenge, as the technical director of table tennis in this film, also "highly affirmed" Timmy Xu: "It’s a bit what I meant then."

When Deng Chao recalled the encouragement of the prototypes, he was also deeply moved: "Our prototypes went to the scene to visit the class. They were very shocked to see the actors playing ball, as if they had crossed." Yu Baimei also said, "I hope that after this movie is made, some people will like table tennis because of this movie." Table tennis, as a national sport, has become a brand of the times for generations of people, and the movie "China Table Tennis Fight Back" has also become the most suitable movie for the whole family to watch together during the Spring Festival. This tortuous and brilliant story in the film is destined to bring more encouragement to the audience in the new year!

The film "China Ping-Pong’s Jedi Fight Back" is based on the real history, directed by Deng Chao and Yu Baimei, and starring Deng Chao, Sun Li, Timmy Xu, Duan Bowen, Cai Yida, Ding Guansen, Sun Jilun and Aruna. The film will be released nationwide on the first day of New Year’s Day in 2023, so stay tuned.

Harvard University Research: Exercise is the best way to invest in yourself.

Recently, major universities began to issue admission notices one after another, and "grades" once again became the focus of public attention.

This reminds me of the personal experience shared by Tsinghua Huan, a former champion in the college entrance examination and now a brain science expert, on the media platform.

He said that the class teacher dragged them to exercise every day, which was one of the important factors for him to be admitted to Tsinghua.

Because exercise can not only make our bodies healthier, but also adjust and optimize our brains, so as to achieve the ultimate goal of self-improvement.

Coincidentally, Reddy, a clinical associate professor at Harvard Medical School and an internationally recognized expert in neuropsychiatric medicine, also made the same findings.

He wrote in the book "Exercise to Transform the Brain":

The most critical function of exercise is to strengthen or improve the brain.

Exercise is actually the best investment in the brain.

Exercise makes you smarter.

I wonder if you have ever had such an experience:

Feeling confused and depressed, I stood up and exercised my bones and muscles, and immediately felt a lot awake;

Work and study are inefficient. After going out for a few laps, the state will soon get better.

As someone said:

The greatest charm of exercise is to keep the brain in the best condition.

Wendy, a professor of neuroscience who studies long-term memory, did an experiment with herself and successfully proved this point.

Professor Wendy has been immersed in the laboratory for a long time to study human memory, and gradually neglected to take care of her body, and unconsciously gained a lot of weight.

During a rafting activity, she suddenly realized that her young self had become the person with the weakest physical fitness, so she made up her mind to enter the gym for exercise.

After more than a year of exercise, she not only successfully recovered her slim figure, but also found that her memory improved and her attention improved.

Curious about this, she shifted her research direction to the changes in the brain caused by exercise.

After research, she found that long-term exercise has a great influence on the anatomical structure, physiological function and function of the brain:

"Simply moving your body can have immediate and long-term protective effects on your brain, and it can last for a lifetime."

The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences also published a data:

Compared with their sedentary peers, those who exercise regularly can increase their hippocampal volume by 2%.

In other words, exercise can keep our brain in a state of continuous development.

Image source: panoramic vision

For young people, exercise can promote brain development; For middle-aged people, exercise can delay brain degeneration.

A 53-year-old friend has the habit of exercising every day.

She found that reading a few pages of books after exercise would make her brain particularly useful.

She said that although she is getting older, she can slow down the aging of her body through exercise, which makes her feel very at ease.

Leonardo da Vinci once said:

Exercise is the source of all life.

No matter what age and occupation you are in, you can use exercise to develop and protect your brain, and then firmly grasp the initiative in life.

Exercise makes you happy.

There is such a question in Zhihu: "What does exercise bring you?"

Praise the answer is:

"Long-term exercise can not only change my appearance, but also bring me a kind of confidence that radiates from the inside."

The happiness brought by exercise lies in that it can let us release pressure, relieve emotions and gain both physical and mental pleasure.

Brendon Stubbs, an authoritative expert on sports and mental health, once did an experiment:

He asked the participants to take a week’s advanced exercise training, and then paused for seven days to observe their mental state after stopping exercise.

The results show that many data of all participants have fluctuated greatly, and their mental state index has dropped by 15% on average.

Among them, the frequency of thinking increased by 23%, the degree of self-confidence decreased by 20%, and the degree of calmness decreased by 19%.

At the end of the experiment, one participant sighed with emotion: "My body and mind depend on sports far beyond my imagination."

In the past, we only observed the physical changes caused by exercise with the naked eye. As everyone knows, exercise can also have a significant impact on our mood.

Image source: panoramic vision

I have seen the sharing of a netizen @ 嗮嗮嗮:

When his life and work are not satisfactory, he will go for a morning run.

Along the Yellow River, I ran until the morning sun began to glare slowly, and then stopped.

At this time, he will stand on the river bank and shout at the other side.

He said:

"The polluted air in the chest and lungs seems to be emptied in an instant and becomes very comfortable.

At this time, I will slowly calm down and think about all kinds of recent life. It is not as decadent as before, and my spirit suddenly gets better, just like being reborn. "

Sports will give us a sense of control and self-confidence, and get rid of negative emotions such as stress and anxiety.

At the same time, it can also promote the secretion of dopamine, which can increase happiness, and make us happier and happier.

People who exercise more and love sports will enjoy challenges and love life more in the exercise of breaking through themselves again and again.

Take control of life, starting with exercise.

Wang Enge, former president of Peking University, once said when he took office:

People need to make "two friends" in this life, one is the library and the other is the sports ground.

Exercise is an important way to assist brain development, and it is also a good friend who can accompany us all our lives.

To make sports play a more powerful role, please refer to the following suggestions:

First, start by walking and discover your favorite sports.

As the saying goes, "everything is difficult at the beginning."

For people who have no sports foundation, walking, which we are used to, is the best way to cultivate sports habits.

Because it can help us break the fear of sports and start to change with confidence.

Then, we try various kinds of sports to explore the one or several that suit us.

Like the hearty feeling of sweating, then go running and dancing;

Like a gentle way to stretch your body and mind, you can practice yoga and tai chi;

Pick out two or three sports you like, arrange time for practice scientifically, and enjoy the fun brought by sports!

Image source: panoramic vision

Second, constantly challenge new sports and inject vitality into the brain.

Just as weight loss has a plateau, so does exercise on the brain.

When your body has developed the habit of exercise and adapted to the rhythm of exercise, the stimulation of exercise to the body and brain will enter a state of stagnation.

Therefore, we should try new sports from time to time, so that the body can start a new round of challenges and the brain can be developed again.

Accustomed to solitary sports, you can try badminton, basketball and other group cooperative sports;

Always repeating traditional sports such as skipping rope and running, you might as well follow Pamela, Liu Genghong and other fitness experts and join the trend training.

Third, after exercise, finish the most important thing.

Within 1-2 hours after exercise, it is time for the brain to proliferate neurons and strengthen the hippocampus.

If you choose entertainment and relaxation projects such as watching drama and sleeping after exercise, it will waste the value-added functions that exercise brings to your brain.

Students can recite and solve problems after exercise; Office workers can spend their time writing summaries and making tables; Entrepreneurs can think about planning their future careers.

You know, only when the brain is fully used after exercise can you really become "smart".

Write it at the end

Writer Li Shanglong said:

A person who sleeps at home every day never knows that people on the treadmill also have another kind of happiness.

When you feel weak, run and your body will gradually recover.

When you feel that your thoughts are not smooth, jump and inspiration may appear.

When you find that you are unhappy, move and your troubles will dissipate.

Although exercise can’t give us the reward we want in a short time.

But long-term persistence will give us a stronger body, a more flexible brain and a happier mood, and thus start a continuous compound interest life.

Only then will you find that exercise is an excellent investment in life.

Order"Like"Encourage with friends.

Author: Fat girl doesn’t like to move, a Guangdong girl who is comfortable in a small town but doesn’t want to be restricted in her mind. Love reading and writing, and pursue lifelong growth. Source: Fan Deng studied.

See you on the basketball court! "One-legged Fighter" Luo Xiangjian’s Basketball Road

  CCTV News:On July 28th, China team won a bronze medal in women’s three-person basketball, a new Olympic event. This event was selected for the Olympic Games because many people all over the world have a special love for this sport. In Da Lang, which is known as the "hometown of basketball" in Dongguan, Guangdong Province, Luo Xiangjian, a basketball player, lost his right leg by accident at the age of 5, but this did not affect his obsession with basketball. Everyone called him a "one-legged basketball fighter".

  Luo Xiangjian:I am still optimistic by nature, and I have not been affected too much by this incident since I was a child. On the one hand, my family gave me a lot of encouragement, on the other hand, I encouraged myself. On the other hand, my teachers and classmates have given me a lot of strength and encouragement. Although I lost a leg, I think others can do it, and I can certainly do it.

  When I was in junior high school, my PE teacher told me that I could actually stand on a higher stage to show myself, so I would train according to his requirements every day. I still remember the first time I touched basketball. When I hit the first ball, I felt very happy. I can do it, and I can do it. Through basketball, I met different friends.

  Luo Xiangjian:Personally, I think basketball is like a bridge, and I am the one who walks by it. When I walk on the bridge, I will see many people coming and going. You can not only win the game, but also lose the game, and enjoy the atmosphere.

  If nothing happens, I will insist on playing basketball every day. Although I can’t play professionally, I still love basketball. I think I can love basketball in my own way. As long as I hit the ball in my own way, I am enjoying this sport.

  Luo Xiangjian:I didn’t think that I could do a career like basketball before, but I had such an opportunity last year, so I came to Dongguan, Guangdong Province, and I came to Da Lang, the hometown of basketball, to take up my favorite job in basketball. I have always insisted on standing on the court, hoping to pass this energy on to more people, and also hoping to infect some children around me, hoping that they can continue to maintain their love and keep their original heart, and hope that they can stand on a bigger stage.

  Luo Xiangjian:When we love basketball to the extreme, we always hope to have our own stadium and many friends on it. This is my wish, just like home. Everyone has a different understanding of basketball, but I hope that through my own understanding of basketball, I can tell others that I love it so much, I like it so much, encourage them, I can do it, and you can certainly do it.

Every detail! It is too heavy for Du Feng to guide the Guangdong teenager’s skills with his hands.

The official media of Guangdong Men’s Basketball Team showed a video of Du Feng, the head coach of the team, guiding young players with his hands. Although he is the head coach of the team, he should control the team from a macro perspective, but Du Feng is still careful in picking the players’ basic skills.

In the video, Du Feng used a personal demonstration to tell Guangdong teenager Huang Ming what problems exist in his technical movements. From dribbling and holding the ball to getting rid of the defense, to dribbling behind and changing the dribbling range, Du Feng has been tirelessly guiding young players.

It stands to reason that technical links like this should be guided by the team’s assistant coach or technical coach, and will be carefully divided into center group, striker group and defender group. The head coach needs macro control of the team’s training plan, tactical system and other training.

However, in the offseason, on the premise that he had time, Du Feng was patient enough to guide the young players and let Huang Mingyi enjoy the treatment of "advanced private education".

In fact, this is not the first time that Du Feng has coached players in technology and other aspects. When Zhao Ruigang entered CBA, Du Feng also gave him a lot of tips in shooting hand shape and psychological level when Zhao Rui felt unstable.

In addition, Du Feng also likes to coach players and share his experience with them when he is coaching the national team. In 2012, Wang Zhelin entered the national team training for the first time, and Du Feng, who was also an assistant coach of the national team, repeatedly gave Wang Zhelin a small stove, sharing his back-to-back skills and experience when he was young. Later, when he coached the men’s basketball team, Du Feng also gave some subtle technical guidance to Guo Ailun, Hu Jinqiu and others, and Du Feng also gave more guidance to Hu Jinqiu, who also played power forward with himself.

Now, the Guangdong team is facing the great challenge of the alternation of the old and the new. In addition to ensuring the team’s competitiveness not to drop sharply, Du Feng also needs to care so much about the performance and skills of the teenagers. Next season, the burden on his shoulders is bound to be heavier.

The Lakers renewed their contract for 186 million yuan in three years, which is a win-win situation! The team points out two major risks: the problem is not just injuries.

On August 5th, Beijing time, it was the first day Anthony Davis was eligible to renew his contract in advance. The Lakers quickly offered a three-year maximum salary of $186 million, and Davis readily agreed. In this way, the 30-year-old Davis’ contract with the Lakers was extended to five years, with a total value of $270.5 million.

This renewal ensures that thick eyebrows will play for the Lakers until 2028. After James retires or joins another team, Davis will become a new leader, and his three-year contract renewal will start from the 2025-26 season, with an average annual salary of $62 million, setting a new record for the NBA’s average annual salary.

This is a win-win contract.

Buha, the Lakers’ record, said that this is a win-win contract for the Lakers and Davis. The Lakers have ensured the stability in the next five years, and there is no need to worry that James will retire and Davis will jump out of the contract next summer, leaving them facing the disaster of the free agent market. At the same time, Davis also got a long-term contract guarantee. After all, if he didn’t renew his contract in advance and suffered serious injuries in the new season, it would be difficult for him to sign such a good contract.

This is the second time Davis has renewed his contract with the Lakers. After winning the championship in 2020, Davis signed a new contract with the Lakers for five years and 190 million dollars. At that time, Davis chose a long-term contract, but at that time, Davis waited for more than a week to complete the signing. This time, the two sides only reached an agreement in just a few hours.

This signing can be regarded as a victory for the Lakers. If Davis refuses the player option and jumps out of the contract to sign, the Lakers will spend more money.

If Davis didn’t renew his contract in advance, but waited until he became a free agent, he would be eligible to sign a contract of $304 million, which is $344 million in six years, including the new season, instead of $270.5 million in five years. There is a one-year difference of 70 million between the two. The Lakers renewed their contract in advance, and the final salary paid was lower than his top salary in the 2024-25 season, and the risk in the later period of the contract was reduced.

Thick eyebrows were very dominant last season.

Last season, Davis re-entered the top ten players in the league, averaging 25.9 points, 12.5 rebounds, 2.6 assists, 1.1 steals and 2.0 blocks in 56 games. His shooting percentage (56.3%) and real shooting percentage (62.7%) both reached career highs.

At the beginning of the season, there were signs that the Lakers were handing over the offense, or more broadly, the team to Davis. However, a complicated foot injury in mid-December made him miss 20 games in a row, and his offensive performance was also affected by the injury (28.1 points per game before the injury and 24.7 points per game after the injury). Nevertheless, after James tore his tendon in February, Davis tried to return as soon as possible and help the Lakers move on.

Davis in the playoffs, both offensive and defensive ends are dominant. In 16 games, he averaged 22.6 points, 14.1 rebounds, 2.6 assists, 1.4 steals and 3.1 blocked shots, among which both rebounds and blocked shots ranked first in the league. In the first two rounds, Davis was the best defender in the league, but in the Western Conference finals, he was offset by Jokic’s offensive talent, but in four defeats, he still averaged 26.8 points, 14 rebounds, 2.3 assists, 1.3 steals and 2.8 blocks.

More importantly, thick eyebrows played 47 of the Lakers’ last 50 games, including 26 consecutive games, which is his new record since the 2016-17 season.

There are two major risks in renewing contracts.

Buha pointed out that this contract renewal is not without obvious defects for the Lakers. The first risk is Davis’ injury history, and it has a long history. This is worrying for a player who will turn 35 at the end of his contract. There is enough evidence that he misses at least 15-20 games every season, while he has missed at least 26 games in the Lakers for three consecutive seasons, including at least 36 games in two seasons. Since the 2016-17 season, he has never played at least 65 games in a season.

The Lakers may find a way to manage his load, reduce his playing time, or let him play only one game back to back when he is in his thirties.

Another less discussed risk is the sharp decline of Davis’ outside projection ability. An important reason why the Lakers can win the championship in 2019-20 season lies in Davis’ impressive jump shot ability. In the second game of the Western Conference in 2020, his winning three points helped the Lakers beat the Nuggets.

However, since then, Davis’ jump shot percentage has been declining, especially the three-pointer percentage. From the data point of view, the number of three-point shots of Thick Eyebrows in these four seasons is decreasing, from 3.5 three-point shots per game in 2019-20 season to 2.8 in 2020-21 season, only 1.8 in 2021-22 season, and only 1.3 last season. The more inaccurate he is, the more afraid he is to shoot. During his time with the Lakers, Thick Eyebrows shot only 28.1% from three points, compared with 25.7% last season.

Poor shooting brings the problem of unstable attack with heavy eyebrows. This is also reflected in his performance in the playoffs is always ups and downs, sometimes good and sometimes bad. In the 2023 playoffs, his average score was only 22.6 points, which was 3.3 points lower than his average score in the career playoffs.

The Lakers will rely on him to recruit stars in the future.

Although it is risky to renew the contract, the Lakers have to do so because they can’t find a new superstar. Before James signed in 2018, the Lakers were trying to find a successor to Kobe. It was the signing of James that successfully attracted Davis.

Next, Davis will play the role of James to help the Lakers attract new stars to vote. When Davis is healthy, the upper limit of the Lakers is very high. They are one of the best teams in the league and have the ability to compete for the championship.

Looking forward to the future, Davis will be the pillar recommended by the Lakers to other future superstar partners. Brother Alphabet, Tatum and Mitchell may all become free agents in 2025 if they refuse the player option. At that time, Davis will be 32 years old. Although his status may have declined, he will still be an elite force at both ends of the offense and defense. If the Lakers can successfully attract another superstar to join them, their prospects will undoubtedly be bright.

Of course, for thick eyebrows, his fruitful cooperation with the Lakers will also lay his future position in this team. At least, there is no problem for his No.3 jersey to retire here.