Intelligent anthropomorphic driving, Avita 11 shows extraordinary intelligent driving pleasure

On November 14th, Avita Technology joined hands with strategic partner Huawei to jointly create Avita’s "Smart Driving Experience Day", which became one of the largest and richest high-level smart driving activities in the industry this year. Through this event, Avita 11 for the first time demonstrated the strength of ceiling-level hardcore products such as high-speed NCA smart driving navigation assistance, urban ICA smart cruise assistance, and APA smart parking assistance.

Tan Benhong, Chairperson and CEO of Avita Technology. Photo courtesy of Avita Technology, published by
Tan Benhong, Chairperson and CEO of Avita Technology. Photo courtesy of Avita Technology, published by

Tan Benhong, chairperson and CEO of Avita Technology, said, How to make intelligent driving meet user requests? Based on the understanding of users, Avita and Huawei have worked together to develop products from the product definition stage, and both parties have invested the leading resources in their respective fields to the greatest extent to achieve 1 + 1 > 2. We firmly believe that whether it is appearance, comprehensive performance, or intelligent driving ability, Avita 11 is the top of the industry’s first echelon.

Wang Jun, chief operating officer of Huawei Smart Car Solutions BU and president of Intelligent Driving Solutions Product Line. Photo courtesy of Avita Technology, published by
Wang Jun, chief operating officer of Huawei Smart Car Solutions BU and president of Intelligent Driving Solutions Product Line. Photo courtesy of Avita Technology, published by

As one of the first lock single owners, Wang Jun, chief operating officer of Huawei Smart Car Solutions BU and president of Intelligent Driving Solutions Product Line, said on the spot, I often drive Avita 11, high-speed, urban, and parking continuous experience, and various scene processing is very smooth. Huawei and Avita have deeply cooperated to deeply integrate mechanical systems such as steering and braking with intelligent driving assistance systems to achieve the best experience. The intelligent driving that Avita 11 is about to deliver is the highest level we can do now. Of course, next year will be better, because this system will continue to evolve. The more you drive, the more you understand, and the smarter you drive.

Personalized driving makes high-speed travel more comfortable

The 360-degree full coverage fusion perception ability brought by the AVATRUST super-sensing system and the efficient computing power and anthropomorphic algorithm brought by the AVATRUTH supercomputing system make the AVATRANS intelligent navigation system of Avita 11 fully display its "intelligent" strength in an open road environment.

Avita 11 high-speed NCA intelligent navigation assistance. Photo provided by Avita Technology, published by
Avita 11 high-speed NCA intelligent navigation assistance. Photo provided by Avita Technology, published by

The activation of the high-speed NCA intelligent navigation assistance is very convenient. When the conditions are met, you can enter the smart driving state by flipping the hold block twice in a row. At present, the high-speed NCA intelligent driving navigation assistance has covered more than 200,000 kilometers of expressways and urban expressways in China. On the premise of ensuring driving safety, Avita 11 with a global vision can actively choose a lane with higher traffic efficiency. Near the ramp, you can also change to the exit lane in advance according to the road condition information ahead and the intelligent prediction of traffic flow, to avoid the embarrassment of "missing the exit and driving the wrong way" in unfamiliar environments.

Avita 11. Photo provided by Avita Technology, issued by Hualong Network
Avita 11. Photo provided by Avita Technology, issued by Hualong Network

Jacking or being jammed is a high-frequency scene in daily driving. With the help of full fusion perception ability, Avita 11 can accurately judge the jamming intention of his car, and with the anthropomorphic jamming game ability, he can independently choose to speed up or slow down to give way. When the speed of the forward vehicle is too slow, Avita 11 can quickly complete the acceleration lane change; when encountering the rear car during the autonomous lane change process, Avita 11 can also quickly turn off the lights and slow down to stop the lane change, and continue to perform the lane change after the rear vehicle passes, thus bringing a more peaceful and calm smart driving experience.

In the process of traffic congestion following and ramp inbound and outbound, Avita 11 can monitor and predict the behavior of surrounding vehicles in real time, and combine deep learning algorithms to execute the best interaction strategy to make the vehicle have efficient traffic capacity. At the same time, when passing some large curvature ramp, Avita 11 can also smoothly complete the entry and exit, and the steering wheel turns silky, without frequent back and forth corrections. It is worth mentioning that every active deceleration of Avita 11 is smooth enough to maintain a smooth and comfortable sense of stability, providing passengers with a smooth and smooth ride experience like a courtesy car.

"Eye View Six Roads" Super perception, safer urban complex road conditions

Entering urban roads, the complexity of road conditions has skyrocketed, and accidents, construction and other working conditions have occurred frequently, which is the most test of a car’s intelligent driving strength. Avita 11 is equipped with urban ICA intelligent cruise assistance, and has the ability to perceive and respond to crises that are "invisible to the human eye and unknown to the human mind". It can easily resolve various hidden dangers such as accidents, water horses, construction pile and barrel guidance lines, and provide users with safety protection.

Avita 11. Photo provided by Avita Technology, issued by Hualong Network
Avita 11. Photo provided by Avita Technology, issued by Hualong Network

The accident rollover vehicle located at the entrance of the tunnel often causes temporary visual impairment due to the contrast between light and dark, and the intelligent driver is also unable to identify due to the "special shape", which brings safety hazards. The super full fusion perception ability of Avita 11 not only is not affected by light conditions and bad weather, but also can identify the special-shaped vehicle in advance, issue a timely warning, and take very linear braking measures, which not only prevents accidents but also ensures the comfort of the ride.

Avita 11 can easily identify the piles and buckets used to guide lane line changes. Photo courtesy of Avita Technology, published by
Avita 11 can easily identify the piles and buckets used to guide lane line changes. Photo courtesy of Avita Technology, published by

When passing through the construction section, Avita 11 in the open state of the smart driver can easily identify the pile bucket used to guide the lane line change, anticipate the speed reduction in advance and automatically turn on the lights to change lanes. In the scenario of water horses encroaching on the lane, the system will evaluate the traffic capacity of the lane, and after confirming that the lane still has the capacity of the vehicle, it will slightly slow down and bypass the water horse to improve the continuity and safety of intelligent driving.

Overcome "intractable diseases" and park with more peace of mind

Compared with the traditional "blind man touching the elephant" solution, the fully integrated sensory parking solution adopted by Avita 11 breaks the isolation between the driving and parking systems, and applies the sensing capabilities of the AVATRUST super-sensing system and the powerful computing power of the AVATRUTH supercomputer system to the parking scene. Therefore, the APA intelligent parking assistance on Avita 11 can identify all the parking spaces seen by the human eye in all directions, completely solving the pain points of "not parking, not being placed correctly, taking a long time, and being easy to scratch", bringing users a more reassuring and pleasant intelligent parking experience.

Avita 11 Intelligent Parking Assist. Photo provided by Avita Technology, issued by Hualong Network
 Avita 11 Intelligent Parking Assist. Photo provided by Avita Technology, issued by Hualong Network

Traveling between alleys or alleys, you often encounter tricky "severed road" reverse inclined train positions. Faced with this intimidating scene for novice drivers, Avita 11 can use its powerful 360-degree perception ability to find the rear space by itself, and use its powerful computing power and cloud-empowered path planning experience to autonomously reconstruct the scene, plan the route, and make a U-turn, so as to complete the warehousing action in reverse at the back of the car.

Avita 11 ramp parking. Photo provided by Avita Technology, issued by Hualong Network
Avita 11 ramp parking. Photo provided by Avita Technology, issued by Hualong Network

As one of the common parking scenarios, ramp parking poses a high test for the accuracy of vehicle longitudinal and lateral control. For this scenario, Avita 11 can carefully adjust the steering, power and braking based on human factors engineering theory to compensate for the impact of slope, and precisely control the position and route of the vehicle. Parking is smooth and silky throughout, just like flat ground performance.

Parking process may encounter pedestrians, non-motor vehicles from the rear of the car suddenly across the situation, in this regard, Avita 11 can rely on 34 intelligent driving sensors empowered by long-range perception and target trajectory prediction ability based on AI enhanced learning, accurate tracking of dynamic targets, anticipate target movement, timely stop action, to be moved to a safe distance after the target to automatically resume the parking process, to achieve real one-click peace of mind into the position.

Emotional smart cabin space, smart cars are more comfortable

At the event site, Avita 11 further demonstrated the unique charm of the emotional intelligent cockpit developed based on HarmonyOS. The floating central control screen interface adopts the HarmonyOS car-machine interaction design language, allowing the services and information used in the car to achieve zero-level interaction "visible on the first screen"; the screen edge swipe can be easily retracted, and the two-finger swipe can easily rotate the window position and other operations are consistent with the mobile phone, which greatly reduces the user’s learning cost.

Avita 11 emotional intelligence cockpit. Photo provided by Avita Technology, sent by Hualong Network

Thanks to the colorful Huawei app store, Avita 11 can be adapted to Autonavi Map, Himalayas, NetEase Cloud Music, Kugou Music, Migu Music, Bilibili, Sohu Video, Youku Video, WeSing, WPS and other head APPs, bringing users a colorful car experience with the often new cockpit ecology. Avita 11 is also intimately equipped with a 10.25-inch high definition full LCD screen for the co-pilot, which is based on the organic linkage of one-core multi-screen capability and cockpit smart interconnection screen to bring users a multi-person shared intelligent entertainment driving experience.

Avita 11 emotional intelligence cockpit. Photo provided by Avita Technology, sent by Hualong Network

Based on HarmonyOS voice capabilities, Avita 11 has created a full-interface voice control system that can be seen and spoken. At the interface of car control, music video, navigation and other three-party applications, users can directly speak text according to the interface information without manual clicking. The intelligent voice assistant can support 4-partition sound source positioning, continuous instructions, fuzzy semantic instructions, custom Keyword Spotting and other functions, making "Xiaota" more intelligent and loving for users.

In addition, Avita 11 is intimately equipped with six smart scenario modes, one-click linkage of ambient lights, music, fragrance, HALO screen and other hardware, and interacts with a real and interesting scene-based interface to bring a full range of intelligent atmosphere experience. Take the unique pet mode as an example. After turning on this function, the car machine can turn on the air conditioner and adjust it to a suitable temperature. At the same time, the car machine screen will enter the care reminder state to avoid misunderstandings by passers-by outside the car. And if the user accidentally leaves the pet in the car when getting off the car, Avita 11’s departure cockpit perception function can send a reminder to the user in time through the APP, giving the "shit shoveling officer" peace of mind and protecting the safety of small lives.

Car review

As the first model fully equipped with HI (Huawei Inside) Huawei’s full-stack smart car solution, Avita 11 demonstrates the results of complementary advantages and deep binding between Avita and Huawei in multiple fields, allowing intelligence to truly realize the value of providing users with a safe and comfortable driving experience. In the future, Avita Technology will continue to be committed to exploring future-oriented humanized travel technology to create a better emotional intelligent travel experience for users.

How to play football

How to play football is something that beginners want to study hard. If you want to play football well, you should mainly practice hard. Only by persistence can you play football more professionally. However, before playing football, you need to exercise first, including running and walking, and then learn the essentials of football. You can really learn to play football according to the rules, but there are many rules of playing football, so just remember the essentials.

Playing football is a good exercise. Before playing football, you should exercise well and prepare clothes and shoes for playing football. Appropriate clothes and shoes are essential equipment. If you don’t wear them properly, you will be more likely to get injured. We are all ready. Let’s briefly introduce the essentials and contact methods of playing football, hoping to help you play football.

Top ball refers to the technical action that the athlete touches the ball continuously with all effective parts of his body and controls it so that the ball does not land as much as possible. Topping the ball is a kind of practice means for athletes to be familiar with the ball, so as to enhance the elasticity of the ball. Weight, spin and touch the ball, the feeling of hard and light collar when hitting the ball.

Technical action essentials

1. Foot-to-toe ball: the foot swings forward and upward, and hits the ball with the instep. When hitting the ball, the ankle joint is fixed and the lower part of the ball is hit. Two feet can hit the ball alternately, or one foot can support and the other foot can hit the ball continuously. When hitting the ball evenly, keep the ball around your body all the time.

2. Inside and outside of both feet: lift your legs and bend your knees, swing up with the inside or outside of your feet, and hit the ball at the lower part of the ball alternately with the inside or outside of your feet.

3。 Hip ball: lift your legs and bend your knees, and hit the lower part of the ball upward with the middle and front part of the thigh. Both legs can alternately hit the ball, or you can support it with one foot and hit the ball continuously with the thigh on the other side.

4. Head ball: the feet are open, the knees are slightly flexed, and the lower part of the ball is continuously topped with the forehead. When heading the ball, keep your eyes on the ball and your arms open naturally to maintain your balance.

5. Continuous dribbling of each part: According to the above-mentioned single-dribbling technique, it is more difficult to match each part with continuous dribbling. The parts of the ball are instep, medial foot, lateral foot, thigh, head, chest, shoulders and so on.

Easy to make mistakes

L. when the foot hits the ball, the ankle joint is slack, resulting in unstable exertion.

2. When hitting the ball, the toes hook down or up, causing the ball to touch the body forward or backward after being stressed, making it difficult to control the ball.

3. Other parts of the body are not relaxed enough when bouncing the ball, so that the movements are stiff.

4. When the head bounces the ball, the leg, body and neck are not coordinated, only relying on the neck.

Example of practice method

1. One person, one ball: experience the time, position, power and coordination of the whole action of touching the ball.

2. Two people with one ball: touch the ball with the instep, thighs, head and all parts of the body, master the power of touching the ball and try not to let the ball fall to the ground. Everyone can touch the ball once and bounce it to the other side, or touch the ball many times and bounce each other.

3. A group of four or five people, with two balls in the circle: you can specify the number and position of each person touching the ball, and you can also freely master the number and position of touching the ball. Pay attention to the observation when bouncing the ball to prevent two balls from bouncing to the same partner at the same time.

Everyone knows how to play football, but remember to pay attention to safety. There are many people who play football, and they are very tired when running. It is easy to get injured. If you are injured, you should seek medical attention in time. You must not continue playing football until the injury has fully recovered. After all, the premise of exercise is to be healthy.

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January 31 lottery announcement

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Editor Xu Zhengwen


Reading | What is emotion and where does it come from?

What is Emotion: History, Theory and Vision of Emotional Research

By Zhang Chuntian

Editor Jiang Wentao

Published by Peking University Publishing House

In recent years, the research on emotion has become one of the most important research orientations of human literature. This book not only covers the "emotional turn" and related debates and reflections, but also includes a discussion on the evolution and transformation of emotions in early modern times. This book covers the Chinese and western history and theories of modern emotion, consciousness, sensory perception, writing and reading from the 18th century to the 20th century, and also highlights the relationship between emotion and media, images, movies and contemporary society in the context of post-modernism and media integration. Adhere to the historicization of theory, interdisciplinary orientation and the correlation between humanities and science.

> > selected reading of the text

I’m not worried about emotional expression itself: people in the past, like now, expressed joy, sadness, anger, fear and many other feelings. These emotions (just like today) had many meanings at that time, they had an impact on others, and they would be manipulated by others in turn (just as we will do now). Medieval researchers-in fact, all historians who want to describe history correctly-have to worry about how historians treat emotions in history.

Simply put, the grand narrative is like this: the history of the West is the history of increasingly restrained emotions. The Greek and Roman periods were ignored: didn’t Homer praise the sweetness of anger? There was a childlike emotional life in the Middle Ages: pure, intense and open, and modernity (with various definitions) brought self-discipline, control and suppression.

Max Weber believes that modernism and the state bring bureaucracy, which in turn promotes the development of "rational matter-of-fact" and the personality type of experts ". Calvinists emphasize the evidence of elections, which leads to a kind of "systematic self-control", which is the religious basis of modern capitalist spirit. According to Freud, "civilization" is indeed synonymous with modern European civilization. Telephone, airplane, park and obsession with cleanliness, these symbols of civilization are all "based on giving up hedonic instinct". In the mythical "past", there is more freedom. The "past" here is not necessarily medieval, but it is certainly not modern. Foucault’s works on ancient sexology destroyed the myth of hedonism in the Greek period, and even in his view, these regulations, which emerged in large numbers after the Middle Ages, were destined to urge, examine, analyze and control human body and sex.

Historians who study emotional families generally believe that in the Middle Ages and early modern times, families were cold and loveless. It was not until the 18th century that loving families appeared. The concept of a family without feelings is not in contradiction with the view of excessive emotions in the Middle Ages, because love in an emotional family should be peaceful, restrained and firm. From this point of view, the pre-modern family is at best a social institution for breeding, and at worst it is a theater where violence breaks out. In contrast, modern families are affectionate.

This is the hydraulic principle of emotion: emotion is like liquid all over the human body, fluctuating, bubbling and eager to be released.

Readers are easy to be regarded as vampires, and authors are not satisfied: not only because everyone they meet is a potential prey, they can be absorbed and used in the next novel; It is also because they are committed to living through the descendants of books (not through the living descendants), which may mean that they have never lived completely in a sense.

In any case, it is in this twilight world that readers and authors meet.

Ellison even asserted that "novels can be shaped as a raft of hope"-it "may keep us afloat, let us try our best to pass through obstacles and eddies, and they mark our nation’s hesitant road to or away from democratic ideals."

The most likely thing that will happen between you and a text is that it will save your life, and it will become a part of what makes you live and what you live for.

This is the case with books, which are like and unlike the process of interacting with another person. It feels in a sense like you don’t know what’s next. The text seems to have some independent initiative. Reading is different from sitting around thinking or weaving fantasy stories by yourself.

Readers can even be sadly passive: as a reader, all I can do is browse the text, and I can’t change anything-I can’t impose behavior on it. On the other hand, the text seems to have little ability to act. It can’t respond to me, nor can it look back at me.

But the text can do something even related to survival: it holds me.

Author: Zhang Chuntian

Editor: Jin Jiuchao

Real Madrid legend was hit in the face! After the 4-0 victory, Mr. 100 million of Manchester City replied: Shut up.

The dialogue between Real Madrid and Manchester City ended in the victory of Manchester City. On May 20th, Spanish and British media broke the news that Manchester City winger Grali, worth 100 million pounds, avenged himself and "banned" Real Madrid star Guti on social platforms.

Goody and Grali, what’s wrong with you?

In the first leg of the Champions League semi-final, Real Madrid drew 1-1 with Manchester City. After the game, Real Madrid star Guti visited the El Chiringuito program of Spain Channel 6 and commented on Manchester City. The "Golden Wolf" cast three perspectives: Grali can’t do anything, B-seat kicks the wing=Manchester City is short of one person, and Guardiola dare not change tactics.

If we only watch the first 90 minutes of the game, Guti still knows a truth: Grali’s breakthrough performance was not excellent, and Block B was completely blocked by Benisius and Camavanga on the right. Awkward; Guardiola’s 0-0 game involved substitution, with Alvarez, Foden and Mahrez sitting on the bench.

However, Guti and Real Madrid fans didn’t expect Manchester City to have an advantage in the second round, sweeping Real Madrid 4-0. Gurish, Sheet B and Guardiola criticized by Guti are all protagonists-

Grali is good at passing and controlling the ball.

2 points for seat B. Grali threatened to pass the ball three times, succeeded four times and was violated five times. Real Madrid can’t block the ball from the right. He is proficient in all 18 weapons.

Mr. Guti expressed his views on the plan of El Chiringuito, saying that Mr. Goreli could "endure" a week. It wasn’t until Manchester City won the final that Grali hit back at Guti. Under the information of the program, Grealish responded with a "shut up" expression.

Good people pull a long face

Grealish’s expressive response instantly detonated the social platform. It got more than 2 million views and 40,000 likes in just 8 hours. Guti never imagined that Real Madrid, the love of his life, would lose so badly. After the 0-4 defeat in the Champions League, Guti was silent for three minutes in El Chiringuito’s program, with a sad face …

Future Technology: What will happen to our life?

Nowadays, technology is developing at an unprecedented speed. New technologies such as artificial intelligence, drones and virtual reality are subverting our way of life and making our life more convenient and efficient. In the future, the development of science and technology may be more rapid, and the changes will be more profound and extensive. In this brand-new world, we may face many new challenges and opportunities.

Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the computer system to achieve a certain degree of autonomous decision-making and task execution by simulating human intelligence and learning ability. In recent years, artificial intelligence has been widely used in various fields, including natural language processing, image recognition, speech recognition and so on.

With the continuous progress of artificial intelligence technology, its impact on society and employment has attracted more and more attention. The following are some possible impacts:

  1. Automation replaces some jobs: Artificial intelligence can perform some jobs that require manpower through machine learning and independent decision-making, such as data processing and customer service, which may lead to some traditional jobs being replaced by automation.
  2. Create new employment opportunities: Although automation may replace some traditional jobs, the development of artificial intelligence will also create new employment opportunities, such as data analysis and machine learning engineers.
  3. Improve production efficiency: artificial intelligence technology can help enterprises optimize processes, improve production efficiency and reduce costs, thus improving the competitiveness of enterprises.
  4. Personal privacy and security issues: Artificial intelligence can collect and analyze a large amount of personal data, which may cause personal privacy and security issues.

Generally speaking, the development of artificial intelligence has brought many opportunities and challenges to society. In the process of dealing with its influence, we need to pay attention to human welfare and moral issues, and at the same time, we need to constantly improve our technical level and adaptability.

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) is an unmanned aerial vehicle, which can be operated by remote control or preset program. In recent years, with the continuous development of technology, drones have been widely used in various fields, including transportation, military, security and so on.

In the field of transportation, drones can be used for logistics distribution and traffic monitoring. For example, drones can deliver express parcels to your doorstep without manual delivery; At the same time, drones can also monitor traffic conditions in cities with traffic jams in order to make timely adjustments and optimizations.

In the military field, drones are also widely used. UAV can be used for reconnaissance, strike, aerial refueling and other tasks, and its maneuverability and concealment are incomparable with traditional military equipment. Moreover, with the continuous improvement of technology, the weapons and equipment of drones are becoming more and more advanced.

In the field of security, drones can also be used for monitoring and support. For example, drones can be used to monitor borders and coastlines to prevent illegal entry and drug trafficking; At the same time, drones can also be used for firefighting, rescue and other tasks to improve efficiency and safety.

Of course, with the increasing application of drones, it also brings some problems and challenges. For example, the privacy and security issues of drones require the joint efforts of the government and enterprises. At the same time, the regulation and management of drones also need to be strengthened to ensure their normal and legal use.

Generally speaking, the application prospect of UAV is very broad, which can bring many benefits and conveniences, but also requires us to pay attention to and solve related problems and challenges.

The development of virtual reality technology has attracted people’s extensive attention. With the continuous development of technology, virtual reality technology has been gradually applied to entertainment, education, medical care and other fields, and has played an important role in these fields.

In the entertainment field, virtual reality technology is widely used in the production of entertainment content such as games and movies. Virtual reality technology can provide users with more realistic game experience and movie-watching experience, thus increasing users’ immersion. In addition, virtual reality technology can also be used for live broadcast of concerts, exhibitions and other activities, so that the audience can feel the atmosphere of the event site personally.

In the field of education, virtual reality technology has been widely used in learning and training. Virtual reality technology can provide students with richer learning experiences, such as simulation experiments and virtual field trips. Through virtual reality technology, students can have a deeper understanding of the learning content and learn and explore in practice.

In the medical field, virtual reality technology is also widely used in surgical simulation, rehabilitation and other aspects. Virtual reality technology can help doctors to operate and treat more accurately, thus improving the success rate of surgery and rehabilitation effect. In addition, virtual reality technology can also be used in psychotherapy and anti-pain therapy to help patients relieve pain and discomfort.

The development of science and technology in the future will bring great influence and change, involving all aspects, including society, economy, education, medical care, security and so on. The emergence of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, unmanned aerial vehicles and virtual reality will greatly change our way of life and work. In this era of rapid development, how to deal with future changes has become an important issue.

First of all, we need to strengthen the research and development of new technologies. Governments, enterprises, academic institutions and other aspects need to increase investment and support in science and technology to promote the development and application of science and technology and better meet people’s needs.

Secondly, we need to adapt to the development and application of new technologies. In the process of the emergence and popularization of new technologies, we need to constantly learn and adapt to make better use of them, so as to better adapt to the changes in society and life.

In addition, we need to pay attention to the risks and challenges that new technologies may bring. In the application of new technology, some security and privacy issues may be brought, which need our attention and solution. At the same time, the development of new technologies may also have an impact on some traditional industries and employment, and we need to pay attention to and help the affected people.

Finally, we need to build a healthy, fair and sustainable development environment. The development of science and technology needs to be carried out under the legal and ethical framework to ensure that the development of science and technology is in line with human interests and values. We need to establish and maintain this environment by various means to ensure that the development of science and technology is sustainable and beneficial.

In a word, the development of science and technology in the future will bring great influence and change to our life and society. Faced with these changes, we need to strengthen the research and development of new technologies, adapt to the application of new technologies, pay attention to the risks and challenges that new technologies may bring, and establish a healthy, fair and sustainable development environment. Only in this way can we better cope with future changes and achieve the goal of sustainable development.

When artificial intelligence robots and virtual people are fully stationed in e-commerce, it will set off a new climax of e-commerce delivery.

Why do humans study hard? Maybe some parents will say, find a good job in the future. Then why did you find a job? I think the first thing to find a good job is to earn more money, and then to realize other dreams and ideals. But when the era of artificial intelligence comes, does all the efforts still make sense? Maybe you think so, but when you see more robots working in factories, don’t those workers work hard? Why only see robots? I can’t see the human figure,

Therefore, it may be meaningless to work hard in the future. Offline work has been done by robots. Let’s look online again. Now more and more virtual people are beginning to appear on large and small platforms, and it is said that robot chat system is also integrated. With the algorithm and analysis of artificial intelligence, these virtual people and robots may try to figure out your mind. To put it bluntly, robots have learned psychology. If a large number of such robots come to live online to bring goods, and they never need to rest, do you think they will sell better than these real people now?

Everything is difficult at the beginning. Actually, I’m not absolutely difficult. The people selling goods are not real people. How can it be difficult? It’s just that users feel unaccustomed and unfamiliar. But after a long time when users get used to it, this kind of virtual people will be accepted, and if there are few virtual beauties, they will also attract handsome guys ~ They have joined the intelligent technology, and they will become smarter and even smarter than human beings. A small amount may not shake the stage of the current e-commerce world. If a large number of intelligent virtual robots come online to carry goods around the clock, and all platforms have them, let this large number of virtual people spend a lot of time occupying a large number of e-commerce platforms. If there is only one person behind them, will this person become the next richest man in China?

I think robots can replace human work offline, and they can certainly do it online. Because we have long acknowledged that artificial intelligence has surpassed human intelligence. Offline replaces human physical work, and online may replace human mental work. Robots are further evolving, from super physical strength to intelligence quotient. Besides playing chess, I think many places can beat us. Although robots are imitating human wisdom, robot calculation is more accurate than human beings, and robots are also making progress in learning human emotions, language and communication. If there are a large number of robots with goods, maybe the people behind them are really the next richest man in China.

Tiger Writing AI: The Leader of the New Era of Writing?

Tiger Writing AI: The Leader of the New Era of Writing?

With the rapid development of science and technology, writing software has gradually become an indispensable tool for many people to write. Tiger Writing AI is a new type of writing software that appears recently. It is said that it can help users improve the efficiency and quality of writing and realize real intelligent writing.

Tiger AI is different from other writing software in that it uses artificial intelligence technology based on deep learning. Software can learn users’ writing habits and language styles through big data and machine learning. At the same time, it can automatically analyze the structure and grammar of articles, helping users to better organize text content and improve their writing level.

However, although tiger AI has such a broad development prospect, it also faces many challenges. First of all, many people worry that artificial intelligence will replace human work, causing writers to lose their creativity and inspiration. Secondly, using tiger to write AI, users need to spend more time learning how to operate it, which violates the writing principle that should be concise and clear.

But it is worth noting that in this information age, writing software has become one of the necessary tools for writers. As a new generation of writing software, Tiger Writing AI provides a more efficient and intelligent writing experience, which allows users to easily and quickly handle massive text content and pursue personalized expression in it.

From 1 win in 12 games to 18 unbeaten games! They have not only British Mbappé, but also Japanese Neymar.

In Ligue 1, if you only focus on Paris Saint-Germain, Messi, Neymar and Mbappé, you will obviously miss too many beautiful scenery.

Lance, who won only one victory in 12 Ligue 1 games at the beginning of the season, came to the eighth place in the standings with 18 unbeaten matches. Here, there are not only "English Mbappé" Balogun, but also "Japanese Neymar" Ito Junya who sent five goals and five assists in 23 matches in Ligue 1.

A. This Kanagawa boy: grew up in a non-profit football organization.

Born on March 9, 1993, Itochun is also a native of Kanagawa Prefecture and comes from Yokosuka City. This once small fishing village has gradually developed into a military port and a maritime gateway to Tokyo.

His parents, both workers, left their hometown early to work, leaving Ito Chun in Yokosuga. There are many non-profit football training institutions there, so from the age of 6, he can get in touch with professional football training as long as he pays a small basic fee.

Because he hated the "dormitory, the relationship between the superior and the subordinate", he chose Toyo High School in Kanagawa Prefecture (which sounds a bit like Rukawa Kaede) where he could go to school from home.

By virtue of his outstanding performance in the youth invitational tournament in Kanagawa Prefecture at the age of 16, Itongchun also received an olive branch from a professional team.

From the football team of Kanagawa University, the wind forest of Jiafu to the cypress sun god, Itochun also put on the jersey of the Japanese national team for the first time at the age of 25.

B. choose Belgium as the first stop to study abroad! At the age of 29, I set foot on the Ligue 1 competition.

In 2018, Yi Dongchun also handed over a report card with 9 goals and 17 assists in the J League’s Cypress Sun God, so in the winter window of January 2019, he joined the Genk Club in Belgium on loan.

Bought out a year and a half later, he spent three and a half years in Bijia.Especially in the 2020-21 season and 2021-22 season, Yi Dongchun actually handed over a perfect report card with 12 goals, 16 assists and 8 goals and 21 assists.

In the Asian Top 12 World Cup preliminaries, Itongchun, who has secured the main position of the Japanese national team, also scored four consecutive goals, especially against the national football team, leaving a deep impression on countless China fans.

The 29-year-old is eager for new challenges. Last summer, he transferred to Lance, who joined Ligue 1 for 10 million euros: "I don’t prefer any country or league. I believe I can stand on my feet wherever I go."

So far this season, Yi Dongchun, who has played 23 matches in Ligue 1, has also handed in an answer sheet with 5 goals and 5 assists, and directly participated in the data of 10 goals, which also made him surpass his predecessor Daisuke Matsui and become the first Japanese player to score goals in Ligue 1 in a single season (Daisuke Matsui contributed 5 goals and 4 assists in 2007-08 season).

A. fast speed+good movement without the ball

Although he plays more as a right winger on the court, Ito Chun also has a little Neymar style in some ball handling styles.

Fast speed, strong up-and-down ability, combination of ball and no ball, and good performance in passing and shooting.

This time, in the position of the wing, Ito Chun also scored the ball and immediately inserted it without the ball. The second catch directly crossed the ball to find the back point, but unfortunately the teammate was too slow to outflank in place.

Let’s take a look at the offensive and defensive conversion this time. Yi Dongchun also directly broke the ball after the opponent threw the sideline ball and launched a counterattack on the spot.

The key is that it is beautiful to pass the ball in this step, and then Phillips on the flank of the ball is divided. The latter’s wonderful pass directly brought Balogun into the penalty area and scored a goal.

B: 10 times in a single game: 1 goal and 2 assists.

In the 25th round of Ligue 1, Yi Dongchun not only contributed 1 goal and 2 assists in a single game, but also helped Lance beat Toulouse 3-0. He became the best player in Ligue 1 in a single round and was selected as the 11 best players of the week.

You know, in the Ligue 1 dialogue with Montpellier, Ito Chun also had 10 successful feats in a single game.

The first goal in the match with Toulouse was that Yi Dongchun also used his own speed to flexibly turn around and get rid of the first defender, then crossed the second defender, and finally faced the goalkeeper with a single knife and calmly pushed the score.

Let’s take a look at this ball-breaking counterattack. Ito Chun also used the speed change to pass the first person, and then passed the second Toulouse player again.

It’s a pity that the last kick was a beautiful straight plug, but teammate Mathus Wa didn’t hit the goalkeeper’s shot well, which made Ito Chun miss an assist.

A. Both feet can handle the ball: as a winger, they can cut the attack.

Ito Junya, who just celebrated his 30th birthday, can play the left and right wingers on the court.

The dominant foot is the right foot, but the left foot also has a certain ability to handle the ball, so in the game, he can attack internally.

As can be seen from the lens, after getting the ball on the flank this time, Ito Chun also made a strong cut, and then sent an imaginative pass with his heel.

Teammate Ka Giust took the ball and shot it with a blast, sending it to the bottom of the opponent’s net.

Let’s take a look at this attack. Ito Chun also completed continuous dribbling and dodging on the flank, and he had a good sense of rhythm in the process of cutting into the middle.

Use continuous setbacks to confuse opponents, and finally send a simple cross, but unfortunately teammates with more space in the front of the penalty area didn’t shoot well at last.

B.1.9 key passes per game.

Compared with contributing 5 goals and 5 assists and averaging 1.7 successes per game,Yi Dongchun’s most surprising data is his key pass averaging 1.9 times in Ligue 1.This kind of passing performance is still quite outstanding.

Generally speaking, Ito Junya’s passing is not very creative, but it always gives a good opportunity. This time, Mooney West scored an assist goal, which is an example.

After getting the ball in the middle, Yi Dongchun also had a long-range shot. When he saw his teammate’s flank sleeve, he sent a scoring ball to the short pass of the empty space, allowing Mooney West to score directly.

In the match with ajaccio, Ito Chun also assisted Ka Giust to finish the lore in the 95th minute.

At first, Yi Dongchun also had a good sense of dividing the ball, but he gave a little more strength. In the ensuing chaos, it was very important for him to calmly pass back, which brought the final word from his teammates.

Celebrating his 30th birthday, before you know it, Ito Chun has also played in European football for almost four and a half years.

Perhaps at the age of 30, it’s hard for him to enter a big team, but the most dazzling Japanese international in the top 12 is still trying to write his own football chapter.