Counterattack! "Me and My Hometown" is the first at the box office, and the main creative roadshow is much happier

1905 movie network news The national comedy has been officially released on the National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival. The cumulative box office for 4 days of the public screening exceeded 1.10 billion, and the attendance rate, average number of people per game, single-day box office and film placement all ranked first! The film is full of laughter and touching with tears, and has been praised by the audience. The audience rating of the cat’s eye and the double ticketing platform is as high as 9.3! On October 4th, the national roadshow of the film was joyous. Li Chen, the creator of the "Last Lesson" unit, came to Shanghai. Deng Chao, Yu Baimei, Wang Ziwen and Miao Fu, the creator of the "Road Home" unit, appeared in Xiamen to share behind-the-scenes stories with the audience and exchange viewing feelings.

Movie "me and my hometown" by the director Ning Hao, Xu Zheng, Chen Sicheng, Yan Fei & Peng Damo, Deng Chao & Yu Baimei respectively directed five stories, Zhang Yimou as the director system, Ning Hao as the director, the national hit!


The cumulative box office and single-day box office rank first

Popularity and word-of-mouth go hand in hand to raise the climax of movie viewing

As of the early morning of October 5th, the cumulative box office of the movie "My Hometown and Me" has broken through 1.10 billion, and the single-day box office 260 million on October 4th, with attendance, average attendance, single-day box office and film arrangement ranking first! At the same time, the film’s reputation continues to ferment, with both comedy joy and heart-piercing warmth. The hometown story has laughter and tears. You have me on and off the screen. The movie "My Hometown and Me" was rated by netizens as the most suitable National Day movie to watch with the whole family! The movie Cat’s Eye and Taotao Ticket Double Ticket Platform audience rating is as high as 9.3, and the popularity and word-of-mouth have made great progress all the way, leading the National Day file in an all-round way!

The movie "Me and My Hometown" is a must-see national comedy for the 2020 National Day. It was created by nine directors and nearly 100 actors to form a Chinese comedy dream team. Users commented that "I laughed 168 times throughout the movie viewing" and "laughed and cried". This warm comedy feast is the first choice to accompany the audience to enjoy the fun of watching the movie and celebrate the National Day holiday!


Shanghai roadshow 9-year-old audience choked up and shared to impress Li Chen

Deng Chao’s dialect was affirmed, and Wang Ziwen exposed the lipstick color number in the film

On October 4, the national roadshow of the movie "My Hometown and I" went to Shanghai and Xiamen to gather with more audiences in theaters. Li Chen, the creator of the "Last Lesson" unit, came to Shanghai to share the behind-the-scenes stories of the film shooting with the audience. Some viewers said that "every story is deeply touched. The actors are so good at acting that they are very tearful. Whether it is a moment of fear or a moment of laughter, it is very real. After watching it, I feel so lucky to see this movie." Li Chen also shared the feelings of participating in the movie with everyone. "It is an honor to be able to participate in this movie. This year’s National Day is very special. Everyone celebrates the Spring Festival. I feel very good to be able to have a movie released at this time. I also pay tribute to the medical workers!" There was also a 9-year-old girl who was deeply moved by the plot of Teacher Fan taking paint in the rain in the movie. She shared her viewing experience emotionally and couldn’t help but choke up tears, "Although I haven’t experienced that much, I’m really touched!" The children’s sincere speech deeply touched the audience. Li Chen said to the children, "We filmmakers must make more good movies for you to see!"

Deng Chao, Yu Baimei, Wang Ziwen, and Miao Fu, the creators of the "Road Back Home" unit, came to Xiamen to interact with the audience. Deng Chao shared the secret of learning dialects. "Dialects can represent the character of a local person. You must not only learn the language, but also learn the strength, bluntness and enthusiasm of northern Shaanxi." Deng Chao’s speech was affirmed by the girl from Shaanxi on the scene. "I can see that Brother Chao is working hard to learn, and you can pass the test! No problem! Very good!" A viewer who returned to his hometown on National Day said he was very moved after watching the movie. "A person who is wandering outside often thinks of his parents, grandparents, and the changes in his hometown are in his eyes. I am very moved to witness that his hometown is getting better and better." The lead actor Wang Ziwen also shared the behind-the-scenes story of the shooting. High heels were once caught in the desert, and the lipstick color number in the film was made public for the first time to satisfy the audience’s curiosity. Director Yu Baimei smiled and said, "I have made up lessons for straight men." The scene sounded one after another of laughter! The movie "My Hometown and I" is being screened nationwide, and I am proud of my hometown. It is the common feeling of the audience after watching the movie. Take the whole family to see my hometown and walk into the theater to enjoy the laughter and touch brought by the story of my hometown!

How to choose Volvo S90 and XC60? Not just the difference between a car and an SUV

How to choose the same brand car and SUV? I believe that friends who are paying attention to Volvo are also struggling with how to choose S90 and XC60. On the surface, it seems to be the difference between medium and large cars and medium-sized SUVs, but what are the highlights and differences in various aspects? Let’s take a look at it next.

At present, the Volvo S90 (parameter picture) on sale is 2021 models, which provide five different configurations, and the manufacturer’s guide price range is: 406,900-505,900 yuan. Volvo XC60 has just completed the mid-term redesign. Currently, it sells 2022 models, offering 6 different configurations. The manufacturer’s guide price range is: 373,900-474,900 yuan.

Although the price of Volvo S90 is more expensive than XC60 at present, the S90 discount is not small. The discount range in Beijing is more than 80,000 yuan, and XC60 has just been listed, so there is no discount at present, but it is expected that it will start to offer in about half a year. Generally speaking, if you are not in a hurry to buy a car at present, the price of XC60 will be cheaper under the same preferential conditions.

The positioning of the two cars is completely different. Volvo S90 is a medium-sized car and Volvo XC60 is a medium-sized SUV, and the different positioning will also bring obvious differences in driving experience, riding experience and space.

At present, Volvo S90 and Volvo XC60 are both equipped with a 2.0T+48V light mixing combination, and their transmission systems are 8AT gearboxes, with a maximum power of 250 HP and a peak torque of 350 Nm. However, Volvo XC60 has a full-time four-wheel drive system, while S90 is driven by a front drive.

In terms of driving experience, although the two cars are equipped with the same powertrain, the height and center of gravity of the car and SUV are different, so the driving experience of S90 is better than that of XC60. The most obvious difference lies in the stability at high speed and the lateral supporting performance of the car body. The choice in this respect is also easy. I suggest you go to 4S to test drive the two cars yourself, and the difference is still obvious.

In terms of body size, the length/width/height of Volvo S90 are 5090/1879/1450mm and the wheelbase is 3061mm;; The length/width/height of Volvo XC60 are 4708/1902/1658mm and the wheelbase is 2865. Obviously S90 is longer in size, while Volvo XC60 is taller and wider.

In terms of seating space, the Volvo XC60 is more spacious and bright. After all, the height of the car body has an advantage, while the S90 gives people a sense of package, and the view is not as good as that of the XC60, but especially the comfort of the rear seats is better than that of the XC60.

There is no comparability in trunk storage, which is also the advantage of SUV models. The rear seats of Volvo XC60 support to be laid down in proportion to expand the space, which is more convenient and practical than the trunk of a car even if it is not expanded. Therefore, if friends who have higher requirements in this area choose XC60 directly, of course, it does not mean that S90 cannot meet the needs of long-distance travel, but it can be said that it is completely sufficient, mainly because of the storage capacity of large items.

In terms of configuration, Volvo S90 is also a mid-range model in its own car series. Compared with Volvo XC60, Volvo S90 has more configurations: the rear adjustment button of the co-pilot seat, CarPlay support, 16-speaker Harman Kardon stereo, adaptive far and near light, steering assist light, LED front fog light, 7-color interior atmosphere light, multi-layer sound insulation glass, rear sunshade, rear independent air conditioner, negative ion generator and so on.

The Volvo XC60 has more: full-speed adaptive cruise, steep descent, electric trunk, wireless charging of front mobile phones, and proportional seating. On the whole, S90 has achieved the level that this class of vehicles should have, and can provide excellent advanced feeling and comfort. The new XC60 has also been upgraded in terms of configuration, and its practical performance is not bad, but it is worse than S90 in terms of luxury.

Summary: After comparison, we can find that although the two models come from the same brand, the price is close and the power is exactly the same, there are still obvious differences because of the different positioning. Volvo S90 is more business-oriented, more suitable for commuting or business reception in the city, and the comfort and luxury in the back row are better than XC60. The XC60 is more suitable for family cars, and the SUV is more practical in terms of passability and versatility.

Do we need so many live broadcasts of football matches?

Indeed, it is really convenient for modern people to watch the game nowadays. Even more and more people watch the live broadcast of the game in a year, which adds up to less than watching short videos or scoring GIFs. Then the question is, do we still need so many live football matches?

How many people will watch so many games? I think most people just watch their home team’s games, or those particularly important games. There are too many things in life that are more important than football! When talking about this issue, a British fan said so.

Besides, as a China fan, how much time do you spend watching live games every week? What’s your opinion about the overload of live broadcast of the game? Please tell us together in the comments!

Author | Adam Hurrey and Amitai Winehouse, ECO kryptonite

Edit | Gao Xiaochen

Source | Sports Industry Ecosphere (the original text was published in The Athletic, and it was partially deleted and adjusted due to the need of editing and expression)

The text is 4295 words in total | Estimated reading time is 11 minutes.

Not long ago, the Premier League officially announced:Before all the British fans can return to the stadium to watch the game(as early as May 17th), all events will continue to be broadcast live online in the UK.

This rule may not feel anything to overseas fans. But for British fans, it is a big event that can change their lives. After all, they haven’t watched the football match on TV on Saturday afternoon for decades.

This is due to a long-standing magical rule in Britain-3PM Blackout, which was negotiated and passed by the FA and the league.From 2: 45 pm to 5: 15 pm on Saturday, it is forbidden to broadcast any football match on TV.

The origin of 3pm blackout can be traced back to Bob Lord, Chairman of Burnley Club in 1964.(Bob Lord)A broadcast ban at Tevermore Stadium.In the view of Chairman Bao, the live TV broadcast is harmful to the club besides lowering the attendance rate of the stadium.

△ Center is Bob Lord, then chairman of Burnley Club.

Despite a lot of controversy, President Bao succeeded in persuading more and more clubs to accept it with his golden tongue.Television broadcast of demon theory.After unanimous negotiation, 3pm blackoutKick-off at three o’clock on Saturday afternoon is a tradition in English football.Not only has it become the rules of English clubs, but it has even been incorporated into the British broadcasting law, which makes it a criminal offence to broadcast football matches on TV on any Saturday afternoon in Britain.

However, due to the impact of the epidemic, all the games had to be broadcast online, and the question of whether the broadcast ban should be completely abolished was once again put on the focus of public discussion. But for British fans, although there are more games broadcast, the troubles of happiness have also come:With limited energy, so many games are broadcast live, it seems that I really can’t watch it!

How many people will watch so many games? I think most people just watch their home team’s games, or those particularly important games. There are too many things in life that are more important than football!

When talking about this issue, a British fan said so. His views also represent the voices of many fans.

In this regard, two columnists of The Athletic discussed through a podcast: Do we still need so many live football matches?

Too much broadcast of the game has made people tired of watching the game.

The host of Adam Hurrey The Athletic podcast, Football Cliches.

It has been a whole year since the special situation of being forced to have an empty match due to the epidemic, and the discussion on whether 3pm blackout should be cancelled has been going on for a long time. Therefore, it seems a natural thing to broadcast all the games in the current situation.

However, with the resumption of broadcasting, we gradually found that in the face of so many football matches, watching the ball every day is no longer a pleasure, and it has even become a psychological burden. 

As early as before the epidemic isolation intensified the daily competition in domestic broadcast of football matches, the broadcast of three matches on Super Sunday in Premier League was already a marathon experience for football fans: from pre-match comments to players’ warm-up, from goal playback to VAR slow-motion analysis, from betting recommendation to various advertisements ….. The broadcast of several consecutive football matches in one day is quite challenging for fans to watch and broadcast.

Whether the game involves their favorite team or their annoying team, or involves two teams that they don’t care about. 

△ A busy Premier League weekend screenshot from Tencent Sports APP

A Premier League fan in the UK, watching the game every Saturday, is probably like this:

The first game, kick-off at 12: 30 noon British time:

Ok, at noon, the game will start. Today’s noon match is a match in leicester city (generally speaking, leicester city or Southampton kick off earlier, as evidenced by the data). You will notice the long shadows in the stadium, which is definitely the last light environment that people want to face when watching the match or even playing football games.

In the end, leicester city won 2-0, but the attention of this game was completely covered up by the VAR controversy.

The second game, EnglishKick-off at 3: 00 pm national time:

All right! You’ve watched a game and got into shape. Although the commentators are still discussing the question of whether Team X is excellent or Team Y is rubbish (the conclusion is usually: emmm…… … I think both teams are similar).

The confrontation between the two sides in this game is Crystal Palace vs West Brom, which makes you immediately start to wonder if you should do something else while watching the ball. But you can’t go out when you think about the epidemic; I also think that due to the broadcasting law, there is no advertisement in the live broadcast of the game at 3 pm on Saturday ….. Well, let’s watch another game.

Unfortunately, Wilfrid Zaha, the thigh of Crystal Palace, was injured, and there was one less attraction in the game … It is said that the commentary of this game is famous, but the fans never seem to care about this.

Game 3, kick-off at 5: 30 pm UK time:

Well, it’s prime time for the broadcast, and the strong teams are going to play again. It may be a game in which Manchester City beat a team 4-0, or it may be a showdown between Arsenal and Newcastle. Under the full light of the stadium, the shiny stadium is quite attractive. In addition, there is nothing to watch on TV at this time, which may be the perfect time to sit on the sofa and watch the football match.

At the moment, Jamie Carragher (a former Liverpool player and now a famous football commentator) slides his hand on the screen, showing you all the details of the game you should know, which is great. In the end, it was an excellent game to watch, but it doesn’t seem to be time to put an end to today’s full football marathon … 

Game 4, kick-off at 8: 00 pm UK time:

COVID-19 epidemic, the end of the world, all these things on TV. To tell the truth, Premier League football really doesn’t need to broadcast four whole games a day, especially after 7: 30 pm. Now, you have watched three football matches, and your mind is obviously not on TV. On the sofa, you have already started to brush your mobile phone and saw more than a dozen popular short videos about the coach’s rage or the commentator’s passion for wheat. Although these videos have been forwarded by you, you will forget all about the video content in a short time.

This is often the daily life of a Premier League fan watching the game on weekends.

If the football match is broadcast all day, will I watch it? Yes, obviously, I will, but this is probably just my consciousness as a practitioner, but other fans may not appreciate the broadcast of so many games.

△ Newcastle striker Callum Wilson celebrates the goal

Image: Newcastle United/Newcastle United via Getty Images

Indeed, as long as fans can’t watch the game offline, the Premier League has the responsibility to keep football in the spotlight through more broadcasts.However, don’t underestimate how tired fans will feel in such a marathon. Just for the sake of our poor and tired brains, I hope that the competitors and broadcasters will not regard the countermeasures in this special period as future decisions. 

The broadcast of the game is overloaded? I don’t think so at all!

Amitai Winehouse News Editor

It’s 11 o’clock on Saturday morning. You slept in, got up, had dinner, drank coffee and went out for a walk. Maybe you had a lesson with fitness coach Joe Wicks in front of the TV. So what’s next? I can’t eat any more food, and Zoom’s online test hasn’t started yet. For you, this day seems far away. 

However, you remember, there is a football match today! You looked at the live app on your mobile phone. At 12: 30, leicester city played against Liverpool; At 3: 00 pm, Crystal Palace played against Burnley; At 5: 30 pm, Manchester City played against Tottenham; At 8: 00 pm, Wolves play Chelsea!

As a fan, the distant Saturday was finally saved!

In this difficult period, there are not many interesting things happening. But we can watch all the matches in the Premier League. After watching the matches, you still have many things to do: chatting with friends on social software, playing Fan Texi in the Premier League, and brushing short sports videos … Is there anything more interesting for sports fans?

It can be said that playing football in the open field is meaningless, but online broadcasting can give the game real meaning.Indeed, not many people feel that it is necessary to watch a Southampton-Brighton game with dignity, but it is important that more games are broadcast, so that those Southampton fans and Brighton fans who want to watch this game have a proper way to watch this game.

The competition should belong to the public, not just the hundreds of people who are now allowed to enter the stadium.

In fact, the existence of streaming media just proves why the view that all sports events should not be broadcast is flawed. In any case, I am firmly opposed to the ban on Saturday afternoon games.There are always people who argue that this measure can protect the attendance rate of low-level leagues, but as early as 2018, EFL(English Football League)It has been announced that all Saturday 3: 00 pm games will be broadcast on its cooperative streaming media platform iFollow, and many international regions have also allowed to broadcast the games at this time. 

△ Amazon Prime’s Premier League live broadcast room 

Image: Adam Davy/pool/AFP via Getty Images

What’s more, for fans who want to watch the game offline, it doesn’t matter whether the game is broadcast or not. But if you don’t want to go to the scene, you can certainly find a way to watch the game at home.

In other words, even if the game is not broadcast on the mainstream platforms with copyright such as Sky Sports, BT Sport, Amazon Prime and BBC One, people will find various ways to watch the game, which is not a problem for modern fans at all.Besides, the football club has fallen into financial difficulties, and we can at least make the broadcasting company happy for a while, so that the team’s copyright income can be guaranteed, and the more the better.

So to be honest, although there may be a problem of watching the game on TV, football is now facing a critical moment, so please forget the idea that any match should not be broadcast on TV. Please broadcast all the football matches for us, without stopping for a moment … The broadcast of the games that helped you through the boring time during the epidemic is also an important part of your life.

The above is the discussion between two British sports experts. So, as a China fan, how much time do you spend watching the game broadcast every week? What do you think of the view that the broadcast of the game is overloaded? Please tell us together in the comments!

(End of full text)

Original link: https://the athletic. com/2394322/2021/02/17/Premier-League-Matches-Stay-on-UK-TV-Lockdown-Fans-Bring-It-on-Boring/? source=user_shared_article



Which cities have robbed 1.08 million new energy automobile enterprises?

There are more and more green cars on the road.

Take Shanghai as an example. In 2023, the number of new energy vehicles in the city reached 1.288 million, ranking first in the world. In 2016, this number just exceeded 100,000, an increase of nearly 12 times in seven years.

Counting the history, it has been ten years since the first round of explosive growth of new energy vehicles in 2014.

In 2014, stimulated by the intensive subsidy policies of the central government and local governments, the demand for new energy vehicles was greatly released, which ushered in both production and sales. According to the statistics of China Automobile Association, in 2014, 78,499 new energy vehicles were produced and 74,763 vehicles were sold, up 3.5 times and 3.2 times respectively over the previous year.

The development of new energy vehicles has also brought economic benefits to their cities.In the past ten years, countless cities have come to an end. More than 10 cities, including Shanghai, Chongqing, Shenzhen and Xi ‘an, have set the goal of building a "new energy automobile capital", hoping to get this big cake first.

So in the past ten years, which cities have successfully embarked on their own development path of new energy vehicles? Based on corporate big data, we sketched out a ten-year urban competition record.

Ten Years of Enterprise Big Data: Counting Four Major Urban Industrial Clusters

To build a new energy automobile industry, one of the most important goals is to form industrial agglomeration, so as to achieve scale effect. We selected four major urban agglomerations with the largest concentration in China’s new energy vehicle industry, and further analyzed 62 cities in the Yangtze River Delta region, Pearl River Delta region, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and Chengdu-Chongqing region.

According to the industrial database of CBN New First-tier City Research Institute, from the latest data of new enterprises such as "high-tech enterprises", "small and medium-sized scientific enterprises" and "specialized and special new enterprises",By 2022, there were 5,764 new enterprises related to new energy vehicles in the four industrial zones.

Based on the industry classification algorithm, the database matches enterprises to all segments of the new energy automobile industry chain, in which enterprises can be matched to three major industries according to the upstream, downstream and downstream: auto parts, vehicle manufacturing and service and application.

In order to better compare the different development directions of cities in the three major industries, we calculated the median of "total registered capital of new energy vehicle enterprises" in 62 cities in the three major industries, which were 947 million yuan, 297 million yuan and 735 million yuan respectively. When we calculate and compare the total registered capital of the three major industries in each city, we can see the industrial distribution characteristics of each city, thus calculating the main industries in the direction of new energy vehicles. For example, the total registered capital of new-type enterprises of "service and application" in Shanghai is 11.561 billion yuan, which is 16 times of the above median; However, the total registered capital of new enterprises related to "auto parts" and "vehicle manufacturing" in Shanghai is only 12 times and 13 times of the above median. Therefore, "service and application" can be considered as the main industry of new energy vehicles in Shanghai.

In order to compare cities better, we spread these data on the map. The main industries in each city are distinguished by different colors, and the total registered capital of emerging enterprises is represented by the size of a circle. It can be found that,The Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration has more cities with new energy vehicles, and its geographical coverage is also wider.

In addition, among the 62 cities, 25 cities are mainly located in the downstream service and application industries, including Guangzhou, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Chengdu, with the largest number of cities. The main industries in 17 cities are the upstream auto parts industry, including Zhenjiang, Yangzhou and Taizhou. The main industries in 20 cities are the automobile manufacturing industry in the middle reaches, including Beijing, Tianjin and Changzhou.

Then if we add the time dimension, what about the changes of industrial clusters in four major cities from the span of ten years?

We calculated the annual growth rate of the number of new enterprises in industrial clusters in cities compared with 2013, and found that,"Automobile Manufacturing" and "Service and Application" located in the middle and lower reaches of the industrial chain have always been the development focus of the Yangtze River Delta region and Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region in recent ten years. Comparatively speaking, the Pearl River Delta region has made greater efforts to develop the service and application industries, while Chengdu-Chongqing region has made greater efforts in the vehicle manufacturing industry.

The battle for "the capital of new energy vehicles": Who will end up? Who won?

In the battle for new energy automobile cities, cities have tried their best: some cities have made great efforts to develop with the help of their huge consumer market; Some cities actively promote industrial transformation and upgrading based on local industrial characteristics; Some cities tap the advantages of resources to attract investment.

So which cities won in this competition? Where did you win again? Judging from the available public data,Among the top cities of new energy vehicles, the top three are Xi ‘an, Changsha and Shenzhen, and the top three are Shenzhen, Liuzhou and Shanghai.

Capital never sleeps. In the face of new economic growth points full of infinite possibilities, in the past ten years, the new energy vehicle market has been surging, and many cities have also made efforts to compete for the "capital of new energy vehicles", and the industrial battle has continued to start. We look forward to the future new energy automobile industry, adhering to the concept of innovation and sustainability, and developing healthily and vigorously.

Shuhe Technology promotes the transformation of talent structure and is committed to building a highland where financial talents gather.

Looking back on 2023, it was a year when the old concept of "financial technology" gained new vitality. On the technical side, a new generation of artificial intelligence technology represented by the big model is accelerating the change of the financial industry, and the big model of the financial industry has become a wave of attention on the tide of the big model. At the same time, on the application side, digital intelligence has become an important trend in the development of the financial industry, financial service experience and service efficiency have been reshaped, and many scenarios such as customer acquisition, marketing and risk control have been transformed. As one of the "pioneers" in the financial technology industry, Shuhe Technology has transformed itself into a powerful digital service capability in inclusive finance, solving the pain points of credit and dredging capillaries.
With the deepening of financial digital transformation, the strategic position of financial technology is rising. Talent is the first core element of financial development, and in the process of high-quality development, it is inseparable from the "engine role" of financial talents. In the future, the financial industry will continue to pay attention to the compound talents of financial technology and the state of "thirst for talents", and it will become the general trend to seize the highland of talents. At present, among the nearly 1,000 employees of Shuhe Technology, 60% are engaged in technical and other related work. Among them, campus recruitment is the backbone of digital talent reserve. In 2022, the number of digital talents recruited by schools doubled compared with last year. The proportion of talents in 211 and 985 colleges increased by 14% year-on-year. In addition, Shuhe Technology followed the company’s business strategy and promoted the transformation of talent structure. In 2022, its risk personnel increased by 13.6%, strategy personnel increased by 9.9, and technical personnel increased by 5.8%.
Under the wave of digitalization, how to realize the digital transformation of the financial industry, represented by financial technology enterprises, is the focus of the industry. As an industry closely integrated with digital technology, how should financial technology enterprises seize this new opportunity and meet new challenges? The digital capability of Shuhe Technology has obtained a number of national authoritative certifications, including Zhuoxin Big Data Certification, VERC Certification for Security and Privacy, and Grade III Certification from the Ministry of Public Security. In the inspection of the National Computer Virus Emergency Response Center, it passed all the steps of applying for authentication, preparing materials, submitting materials, and testing by testing institutions at one time, and obtained three-level authentication in the two tests of APP privacy and security.
Looking forward to the future, the road is broad. With the blessing of digital transformation and digital technology ecological partners, the financial industry is linking the key nodes of everyone’s life with intelligent and warm financial services, thus serving the real economy and the public’s better life. In the next step, Shuhe Technology will always adhere to innovation as the guide and talents as the core, and strive to build digital financial talents and industrial highlands and contribute more to the development of the financial industry.

Sports commentary: deepening the integration of sports and education to help the sustainable development of football in China

On July 10th, China Football Association President Chen Xiaoyuan (first from left) announced the start of the first China Youth Football League. Xinhua News Agency reporter Jianghan photo

  Xinhua News Agency, Hangzhou, July 10th Sports commentary: deepening the integration of sports and education to help the sustainable development of football in China

  Xinhua News Agency reporters Gong Bing, Xia Liang and Xiao Shiyao

  Guided by the Ministry of Education and the State Sports General Administration, the first China Youth Football League sponsored by China Football Association was launched in Hangzhou on the 10th. Up to now, 2329 teams have signed up for the competition. As the competition time of different groups is different, more teenagers will participate as more groups start to register. This is a national single sports event with a distinctive imprint of the integration of sports and education, and it is a practical implementation of the "Overall Plan for the Reform and Development of Football in China", or it will effectively promote the reform of school sports, bring a demonstration and leading role to the integration and development of sports and education in other sports, and lay a solid foundation for the reform and development of football in China.

  The launch of China Youth Football League means that the integration of sports and education in youth football has ushered in a substantial breakthrough in competition design and execution. The league will break the identity and qualification restrictions of contestants, and teams from schools, sports schools, club youth training echelons and social youth training institutions can participate. From the system design, the league will be built into a platform for cultivating and discovering young football talents, and the channel for professional football talents to enter the campus will be more smooth. Football seedlings in school also have more room for expansion in professional training and development.

  The launch of China Youth Football League is a powerful measure to promote the reform of school physical education. At the end of 2014, the Ministry of Education took campus football as the breakthrough and experimental field of school sports reform. So far, 32,780 characteristic schools of campus football have been set up in China, with more than 55 million young students participating in campus football activities, which laid a good foundation for popularizing football and expanding the football population.

  School physical education follows the educational concept of health first, helping students enjoy fun, strengthen their physique, improve their personality and temper their will in physical exercise. China Youth Football League aims at the healthy development of young players, insists on paying equal attention to cultural education and professional training, and trains socialist builders and successors with all-round development in morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor, which is a practical follow-up to the concept of school physical education. In recent years, school physical education advocates students to master a sports skill and cultivate lifelong sports habits. Under the framework of the system design of the integration of sports and education at the national level, the China Youth Football League with the characteristics of the integration of sports and education will be launched, which will promote the development of school sports reform in depth.

  The launch of China Youth Football League is an in-depth implementation of the "Overall Plan for Football Reform and Development in China". The plan of foot reform has been issued for more than seven years, which has pointed out the correct direction for the reform and development of football in China, and achieved some positive results. However, due to the weak overall foundation of football in China and the time needed for system construction, the results of the men’s football national team competition were poor or even missed, and professional leagues suffered multiple crises such as unpaid wages, withdrawal and dissolution of clubs. At present, the football situation in China is grim.

  Because of this, it is more necessary to lay a solid foundation, and the sustainable development of youth football has become the key to solving the problem. The "Overall Plan for Football Reform and Development in China" puts forward: "Promote the large-scale growth of young football talents." China Youth Football League will be a powerful driving force to achieve this goal. As a unified competition platform, China Youth Football League can not only examine the potential of national football teenagers, but also further help to build a scientific, efficient and complete youth training system. Only with a solid foundation and long-term achievements can China football usher in a bright future.

The Rockets signed two players in a row, 11+3 guards signed a training camp contract, and the 23-year-old striker officially joined!

As usual, let’s introduce Ginason Williams to you first, because Ginason Williams has no outstanding advantages compared with other players, and because he is older, Ginason Williams is at a disadvantage among this year’s players. Last season, he played a game with the Utah Jazz and the Salt Lake City Star. Ginason Williams became the main player in the NBA and quickly attracted many people’s attention. In the final round of the playoffs, Portland Trailblazers chose Ginason Williams because there were too many injured players and there was not much chance of winning. Ginason Williams also played well. He played five games in Portland, averaging 10.6 points, 3 rebounds, 2 assists and 0.6 steals, which made him play well.

Keyboard Man, Thick Eyebrows, Renew the Contract with Top Salary in Advance: Guarantee Health and Win a Championship.

Keyboard Man, Thick Eyebrows, Renew the Contract with Top Salary in Advance: Guarantee Health and Win a Championship.

Thick eyebrows and the Lakers signed a three-year, $186 million contract with an early maximum salary. The contract between thick eyebrows and the Lakers will last until 2028, with a total value of more than $270 million. The annual salary of-62 million dollars in the renewal contract also set a record in NBA history.

·Better not get hurt lol

Better not get hurt again, haha

·Big money! DPOY next year!

Make a lot of money! Take DPOY next year!


He deserves it.

·LeBron and AD after AD signs extension

Zhan Mei after the renewal of thick eyebrows

·Damn, lakers really paying him all that money just to miss 65% of their games…

Damn it, the Lakers really spent so much money to sign him, and as a result, he missed 65% of the game …

·Holy hell – we seeing him for 82 games next season?

Oh, my God! Can we see him play 82 games next season?

·these injury jokes need to stop fr

These jokes about injuries really need to stop.

·Lakers must have new doctors to keep him fit? ? ? ?

The Lakers must find a new doctor to ensure his health.

·Future GOAT

Future GOAT

·Top 3 player in the playoffs

The top 3 players in the playoffs

·Great player when healthy. He’s just misses too many games. I think this is an overpay. He doesn’t play enough games a season to warrant that kind of money. He’s an Injury prone player.

When he is healthy, he is an excellent player. But he missed too many games. I think this is an exorbitant contract. His number of appearances per season is not enough to support such a salary. He is an easily injured player.

·I am curious to know why AD gets so much shit for missing games when in the last 4 seasons, he’s played 62 more games than KD and only 32 games less than Embid. Yet no one mentions how often those guys are out due to injuries.

I’m curious why AD has been criticized for his absence. In the past four seasons, he played 62 games more than KD and only 32 games less than Embiid. However, no one mentioned that those players were absent from the game because of injury.

·He’s still easily a top 10 player when he’s healthy. Straight dominates on both sides of the ball.

When he is in good health, he is still easily in the top ten players in the league. He can directly dominate the game at both ends of the offense and defense.

·Anthony Davis is a Top ___ player in the NBA, when healthy

When he is healthy, where is Anthony Davis in the league?

·Anthony Davis’ top performance this past season…

Anthony Davis’ best performance last season …

·that’s unbelievable money for a dude with crazy injury history

That is an incredible salary for a player with a history of frequent injuries.

·What does this mean for lebrons legacy ,? ?

What does this mean for LeBron’s honor?

·Wish all the health in the world for AD! Hope he plays 230+ games during this stretch!

I hope AD can stay healthy! I hope he can play more than 230 games during this time!

·I don’t know if Davis deserves this much money

We better win a ring this season

I’m not sure whether thick eyebrows are worth so much money.

I hope we can win a championship this season.

·Yessir, DPOY season

Okay, DPOY season

·Anthony Davis right now

Anthony Davis now

I hope thick eyebrows stay healthy, get a big contract and play well on the court!

Is it worth it? After Guashuai took over, Manchester City’s net transfer expenditure was 478 million pounds, and it won five Premier League titles in seven years.

Arsenal lost to Nottingham Forest and Manchester City locked in the Premier League title ahead of schedule. This is the fifth Premier League champion of Manchester City since Guardiola took the helm.

Guardiola officially became the coach of Manchester City in 2016. In the past seven years, Manchester City spent 1.074 billion pounds on transfer, 596 million pounds on transfer income and 478 million pounds on net expenditure, with an average net expenditure of about 68 million pounds per season.

In the past seven years, Gua-style Manchester City has won 12 championships (5 Premiership, 4 League Cups, 1 FA Cup and 2 Community Shield Cups), but it has not won the Champions League yet.

Tottenham Hotspur took aim at Emmerich laporte in order to solve the defensive problem.

The British "Times" reported on the 18th (Korean time): "Rafoth can leave Manchester City at the end of this season." Rafoth grew up in athletic sports in Bilbao and became famous for it. Spanish first division became the top central defender. The left-footed central defender is very special, and his defensive ability and passing ability are also outstanding.
Rafoth came to Manchester City in 2018. Wide coverage, strong construction ability and strong defensive ability have been loved by coach Guardiola. The central defender and the left defender are neck and neck, responsible for the defense of Manchester City, and are listed as the core.
Efforts have been made for Manchester City to win the championship, but the chances of playing have plummeted recently. Rafoth will find a new team this season. Tottenham Hotspur wants. Tottenham Hotspur’s defense is a problem. Tottenham Hotspur lost 59 points in 36 Premier League (EPL) matches this season, ranking sixth in the team. It is equivalent to the level of the relegation team.
The overall defensive organization ability is not good, but the personal performance is also the worst. Eric dier needs to seize the center, but the effect is not the best. Christian Romero and Clément Lenglet are also worth looking forward to. With the joining of Sen Ake, Manuel Akanzi and others, their positions have gradually shrunk, with frequent injuries and poor performance. Therefore, strengthening the central defender is the top priority this summer. Laporte is the best for sale. The British "Guidance Room" said: "Tottenham is paying attention to Rappolt with Barcelona. Rafoth has about two years left on his contract with Manchester City. This summer is very important for Tottenham. New directors and directors need to be found, and the future of harry kane must be determined. If laporte can be introduced, it will definitely be a force.
"Rafoth helped Manchester City win four EPL titles. Coach Guardiola has always praised Rappolt. Tottenham Hotspur must improve their defense unconditionally. It will be interesting to confirm whether Rafoth will come to Tottenham. Barcelona may be more active than Tottenham Hotspur. Tottenham Hotspur can guarantee a lot of playing time, but because it is in a transitional stage, Rafoth may not want to.
Whether using 300 or 400, Rafoth’s defensive ability will be higher than the existing defensive resources. First of all, the transfer work will be smoother only if a new coach and director come. At present, only a large number of candidates have not yet been determined. Before other teams catch Rappolt, they need to play quickly, but the situation is very difficult at present.