Counterattack! "Me and My Hometown" is the first at the box office, and the main creative roadshow is much happier

1905 movie network news The national comedy has been officially released on the National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival. The cumulative box office for 4 days of the public screening exceeded 1.10 billion, and the attendance rate, average number of people per game, single-day box office and film placement all ranked first! The film is full of laughter and touching with tears, and has been praised by the audience. The audience rating of the cat’s eye and the double ticketing platform is as high as 9.3! On October 4th, the national roadshow of the film was joyous. Li Chen, the creator of the "Last Lesson" unit, came to Shanghai. Deng Chao, Yu Baimei, Wang Ziwen and Miao Fu, the creator of the "Road Home" unit, appeared in Xiamen to share behind-the-scenes stories with the audience and exchange viewing feelings.

Movie "me and my hometown" by the director Ning Hao, Xu Zheng, Chen Sicheng, Yan Fei & Peng Damo, Deng Chao & Yu Baimei respectively directed five stories, Zhang Yimou as the director system, Ning Hao as the director, the national hit!


The cumulative box office and single-day box office rank first

Popularity and word-of-mouth go hand in hand to raise the climax of movie viewing

As of the early morning of October 5th, the cumulative box office of the movie "My Hometown and Me" has broken through 1.10 billion, and the single-day box office 260 million on October 4th, with attendance, average attendance, single-day box office and film arrangement ranking first! At the same time, the film’s reputation continues to ferment, with both comedy joy and heart-piercing warmth. The hometown story has laughter and tears. You have me on and off the screen. The movie "My Hometown and Me" was rated by netizens as the most suitable National Day movie to watch with the whole family! The movie Cat’s Eye and Taotao Ticket Double Ticket Platform audience rating is as high as 9.3, and the popularity and word-of-mouth have made great progress all the way, leading the National Day file in an all-round way!

The movie "Me and My Hometown" is a must-see national comedy for the 2020 National Day. It was created by nine directors and nearly 100 actors to form a Chinese comedy dream team. Users commented that "I laughed 168 times throughout the movie viewing" and "laughed and cried". This warm comedy feast is the first choice to accompany the audience to enjoy the fun of watching the movie and celebrate the National Day holiday!


Shanghai roadshow 9-year-old audience choked up and shared to impress Li Chen

Deng Chao’s dialect was affirmed, and Wang Ziwen exposed the lipstick color number in the film

On October 4, the national roadshow of the movie "My Hometown and I" went to Shanghai and Xiamen to gather with more audiences in theaters. Li Chen, the creator of the "Last Lesson" unit, came to Shanghai to share the behind-the-scenes stories of the film shooting with the audience. Some viewers said that "every story is deeply touched. The actors are so good at acting that they are very tearful. Whether it is a moment of fear or a moment of laughter, it is very real. After watching it, I feel so lucky to see this movie." Li Chen also shared the feelings of participating in the movie with everyone. "It is an honor to be able to participate in this movie. This year’s National Day is very special. Everyone celebrates the Spring Festival. I feel very good to be able to have a movie released at this time. I also pay tribute to the medical workers!" There was also a 9-year-old girl who was deeply moved by the plot of Teacher Fan taking paint in the rain in the movie. She shared her viewing experience emotionally and couldn’t help but choke up tears, "Although I haven’t experienced that much, I’m really touched!" The children’s sincere speech deeply touched the audience. Li Chen said to the children, "We filmmakers must make more good movies for you to see!"

Deng Chao, Yu Baimei, Wang Ziwen, and Miao Fu, the creators of the "Road Back Home" unit, came to Xiamen to interact with the audience. Deng Chao shared the secret of learning dialects. "Dialects can represent the character of a local person. You must not only learn the language, but also learn the strength, bluntness and enthusiasm of northern Shaanxi." Deng Chao’s speech was affirmed by the girl from Shaanxi on the scene. "I can see that Brother Chao is working hard to learn, and you can pass the test! No problem! Very good!" A viewer who returned to his hometown on National Day said he was very moved after watching the movie. "A person who is wandering outside often thinks of his parents, grandparents, and the changes in his hometown are in his eyes. I am very moved to witness that his hometown is getting better and better." The lead actor Wang Ziwen also shared the behind-the-scenes story of the shooting. High heels were once caught in the desert, and the lipstick color number in the film was made public for the first time to satisfy the audience’s curiosity. Director Yu Baimei smiled and said, "I have made up lessons for straight men." The scene sounded one after another of laughter! The movie "My Hometown and I" is being screened nationwide, and I am proud of my hometown. It is the common feeling of the audience after watching the movie. Take the whole family to see my hometown and walk into the theater to enjoy the laughter and touch brought by the story of my hometown!

Hengda responded to the rumors of Hengchi Automobile being acquired: it is actively introducing strategic investors, and there is no merger and acquisition

  According to the coupon news agency, there is news today that Hengda Automobile may be acquired by another automobile, and the lead party may be the local government. In response, Liu Yongzhuo, president of Hengchi Automobile, said that the company has been actively introducing strategic investors. So far, both local governments and a number of powerful enterprises have expressed investment intentions in Hengchi Automobile, and there is no merger and acquisition. At the same time, Liu Yongzhuo said that the shutdown of the Tianjin factory is a rumor. At present, the production of the Tianjin factory is normal, and the mass production of Hengchi 5 is being advanced in an orderly manner. Our more than 1,800 employees are working hard on the front line of the Tianjin factory to ensure mass production in September and delivery in October.

  Previously reported

  Hengda Automobile may be acquired? Informed sources say the parties are still deadlocked

  According to the Securities Times, a few days ago, there were media reports that Hengda Automobile may be acquired by another car company. According to people familiar with the matter, the lead party may be the local government, and the parties are still deadlocked. In addition, the person familiar with the matter also revealed that last week, the purchase of Hengda financial management, real estate and Hengchi suppliers entered the general assembly workshop of Hengchi Tianjin factory to protect their rights, resulting in production shutdowns. In addition, due to insufficient stocking, the Tianjin factory will also be shut down on August 18. As of press time, Hengda has not responded.

  Hua’an Fund cuts the valuation of China Evergrande and Evergrande properties to HK $0.01

  Hua’an Fund announced on August 17 that in order to objectively reflect the fair value of the fund, Hua’an Fund adjusted the valuation of suspended stocks in accordance with the relevant regulations of the China Securities Supervision Commission. Since August 15, Hua’an Fund has valued Shimao Group, Sunac China, China Evergrande and Evergrande Properties held by its "Hua’an CES Hong Kong Stock Connect ETF" at HK $1.33/share, HK $1.37/share, HK $0.01/share and HK $0.01/share respectively. Before the suspension, the share prices of Shimao Group, Sunac China, China Evergrande and Evergrande Properties were HK $4.42/share, HK $4.58/share, HK $1.65/share and HK $2.3/share respectively. Compared with the share price before the suspension, the valuation of Huaan Fund has been reduced by 69.9%, 70.09%, 99.39% and 99.57% respectively.

  Hengda Automobile may be acquired? It is rumored that the Tianjin factory produces only 200 vehicles in half a year, and Hengchi 5 is produced here. The mass production plan has been delayed many times

  A few days ago, there are media reports that Hengda Automobile may be acquired by another car company. People familiar with the matter said that the lead party may be the local government, and the parties are still deadlocked.

  According to reports, only Hengda’s Tianjin factory has production qualifications, and only about 200 of the Hengchi 5 are being produced in the past six months. "Now all the suppliers are unwilling to cooperate with Hengda. Now Hengda talks to anyone and pays the full amount first."

  In addition, the person familiar with the matter also revealed that last week, personnel related to the purchase of Hengda Wealth Management, real estate and Hengchi suppliers entered the final assembly workshop of Hengchi Tianjin factory to protect their rights, resulting in production shutdowns. In addition, due to insufficient stocking materials, the Tianjin factory will also be shut down on August 18.

  In this regard, as of press time, Evergrande has not yet responded.

  It is understood that due to the group’s funding problems and Hengda’s continued losses, Evergrande announced in August last year that it was "in contact with several potential independent third-party investors to discuss the sale of some of the company’s assets", including Hengda Automobile. But the discussion did not yield substantive results. Then in October last year, Hengda shouted the slogan: After three months of hard work, the first car of Tianjin factory Hengchi rolled off the assembly line.

  On January 12 this year, Hengda official announced that the first car of Hengchi 5 officially rolled off the assembly line, and said that it was 12 days earlier than the original schedule.

  It can be seen that Evergrande Group has high hopes for Hengchi 5. In July, Evergrande Group held an internal meeting, asking Evergrande to increase the promotion of new energy vehicles and encourage employees to actively participate in sales. At the same time, for Evergrande properties that deal closely with first-line owners, Evergrande Group also hopes to strengthen internal communication and coordination to further contribute to the promotion of automobile sales.

  On July 6, Hengda Automobile announced that its Hengchi 5 was officially on pre-sale. On July 20, Hengchi Automobile held the first "720 Hengchi Festival" and announced the pre-sale of Hengchi 5: As of 19:00 on the same day, the pre-sale order of Hengchi 5 was 37296. Hengchi 5 is finally on pre-sale! Priced at 179,000 yuan, refundable within 15 days after pickup, claiming to be "the best pure electric SUV in 300,000"

  On August 6, Chi Auto’s official WeChat account released a tweet entitled "Dealers are super empowered, Hengchi marketing has entered the’fast lane ‘", announcing that the first batch of 30 authorized agent stores in 19 cities will open one after another from August 6. Yuantong, Litai, Jianguo, Sanhuan, Huasheng and other leading dealer groups have joined, and sales channels have begun to settle in Beijing, Foshan, Chengdu, Wuhan and other places.

  But in terms of mass production of new cars, the production plan of Hengchi 5 has been delayed many times. In May this year, Hengchi Automobile said that due to the impact of the epidemic, the original production time of Hengchi 5 was adjusted from June 22 to September 20. After the pre-sale finally started, Hengchi Automobile announced that it would start delivery in October.

  However, in August, Hengchi Automobile made another bad news. On August 2, Hengchi Automobile’s affiliated company Hengda New Energy Vehicle Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd. added information on the person to be executed, and the execution target was about 9.26 million yuan. At present, the total amount of the company’s execution has exceeded 100 million yuan.

  For the first blockbuster production car, Hengchi Automobile also announced that it had cancelled the listing conference of Hengchi 5 and listed it in a "low-key" manner. The final listing price of the new car continued the previously announced pre-sale price, that is, 179,000 yuan.

  How is the market reacting to Hengchi 5?

  It is understood that August 1st is Hengchi customer small (1000 yuan) to large (10000 yuan) opening time, the first 10,000 booking customers can enjoy the car within 15 days after the car refund, deposit 10,000 yuan to 20,000 yuan and a series of discounts.

  Previously, the Securities Times e company reporter real exploration of Guangzhou Hengchi store, sales staff said that the company has not notified the 10,000 places have been booked, so the booking can also enjoy discounts. For more content, please see "real exploration of Guangzhou Hengchi experience center, the first 10,000 the big quota to grab it?"

  Hengchi 5 officially started pre-sale on the evening of July 6, priced at 179,000 yuan. On July 20, the official data released showed that the number of pre-sale orders exceeded 37,000. If the number of orders transferred to Dading is less than 10,000 units, it means that some customers in the early stage may still be hesitating or have been lost.

  "On the day of the pre-sale, more than 10,000 suppliers came to buy cars, and Evergrande’s sales staff also accounted for part of the order," a person close to Evergrande told Securities Times.e. However, employees in the store said that the company did not issue a mandate to force car purchases, and there will be some discounts for internal purchases, "but not much."

Geely China Xingxingrui 1.5TD model added to the market.

On June 18th, 2023, the conference of "The First Station of China Star Travel China Exploration Plan and the New Listing of Xingrui 1.5TD Model" was held in Guangzhou. At the press conference, Xingruijia newly launched two versions of 1.5TD models, namely, the soaring version and the Kunlun version. The official guide prices were 108,700 yuan and 114,700 yuan respectively, which further met the diversified needs of users with sincere price rights and rich leapfrog high-value experience.

The price is in place in one step, and the benefits should be full. In order to give thanks to the vast number of users, you can enjoy four super privileges by purchasing the Xingrui 1.5TD model before June 30, 2023: ① Super car purchase privilege-enjoy exclusive cyan with a value of 2,000 yuan for free; ② Super recharge courtesy-the first owner can enjoy free basic maintenance for 3 years or 60,000 kilometers; (3) Super financial courtesy-50,000 interest for 24 limited periods, with a discount of up to 5,000 yuan; ④ Super value-added courtesy-the repurchase subsidy is up to 6000 yuan.

Drawing on the lion dance culture and carrying 1.5TD, Xingrui adds new products for users.

Since its birth, China Xing Xing Rui has always adhered to the principle of "taking users’ needs as the center", constantly subverting and advancing itself, and continuously creating high-quality flagship family cars for users. This time, Xingrui Boom Edition is a sincere work that quickly responds to the diversified needs of users. With different styles, different motivations and different experiences, it brings users double surprises of leapfrog products and value-for-money prices.

Based on many users’ strong demand for diversified power, Xingrui Boom Edition is equipped with a new generation of Geely Jinqiang 1.5TD high-efficiency engine, with a maximum power of 133KW, a maximum torque of 290N·m and a comprehensive fuel consumption of only 6.2L per 100 kilometers, which perfectly balances users’ requirements for driving quality and high efficiency and economy. The power system is not only professionally adjusted according to urban road conditions, but also meets the daily needs of users. It also has CMA’s unique drive-by-wire chassis technology, four-wheel independent suspension, China-Europe joint professional chassis adjustment, ZF DP-EPS steering assist system, etc., which can bring users a high-quality driving experience that is both dynamic and economical, intelligent and comfortable.

At the same time, the contemporary young people are also a generation with great confidence in Chinese culture. In order to meet their emotional and spiritual needs for automobiles, Xingrui Boom Edition actively explores the co-creation and integration of "China traditional culture and modern automobile technology". From the naming of "Boom" to the brand-new design of "adopting green" exclusive car color and enjoying the cockpit with the wisdom of stars, it has been innovatively integrated with the traditional lion dance culture and color culture inspiration elements in China, and it has also been endowed with "profit, good luck and good luck".

While actively embracing users’ needs, Xingrui Boom Edition continues the high-value gene of "China Family Car Subverter", constantly bringing users a leapfrog experience with large space, high intelligence and high security. In addition to the large space brought by the leading 2800mm long wheelbase and 1869mm ultra-wide body at the same level, Xingrui Boom Edition is also equipped with rich intelligent technologies such as Galaxy OS system, 540 transparent chassis of God’s Eye, Bluetooth key +APP remote control system, and advanced safety configurations such as G-clean intelligent ecological health circle, AQS air quality management system, CN95 high-efficiency composite air conditioning filter element and advanced leather antibacterial steering wheel, creating a luxurious and comfortable space with full sense of science and technology.

In addition to the whirlwind version, in order to better meet users’ demand for richer configurations, Xingrui has also introduced a 1.5TD Kunlun version, which adopts different configuration combinations such as 12.3-inch LCD instrument, co-driver’s electric seat, and dual-lens LED headlights, as well as personalized sports kits such as 18-inch wheels, red calipers, sports tail, and four exhaust, with different styles and equipment, further enriching the product matrix and providing users with diversified choices.

The incarnation of the "lion" is booming, and Xingrui shines again on the hard-core strength of "fast, tough and stable"

This time, the first stop of "China Star Travel China Exploration Plan" went deep into Guangzhou, the hinterland of Lingnan culture. Xingrui inherited the essence of lion dance culture, not only newly launched a 1.5TD model, but also successfully challenged the "high-speed flying car" as a "lion" a few days ago, and interpreted the hard-core quality of Xingrui’s "fast, tough and stable" in an all-round way with a wonderful and visually shocking sensory feast.

Just like the traditional culture of lion dance in China, the test is the tacit cooperation between the lion head and the lion tail, as well as the deep foundation of the lion dancer’s flexibility, speed, stability and proficiency. Xingrui’s challenge of leaping over the conventional high platform is also a rigorous test of comprehensive mechanical qualities such as "vehicle horsepower, acceleration performance, driving and control stability, 1.5-ton vehicle weight and matching degree of power system". It is necessary to pass the three-stage test of "60-meter straight limit acceleration -28-meter slope rapid climbing -7-meter-high platform flying for 6 meters before landing".

Wandering between adventure and limit requires not only courage, but also the confidence given by CMA’s world-class leading architecture technology. As the high-end flagship sedan of China Star CMA in the era of Geely 4.0 architecture, Xingrui inherits the world’s top safety performance, leading electronic and electrical architecture, high-performance surging power and other excellent genes, and stimulates endless driving potential. In the course of the challenge, with the perfect cooperation of Drive-E 2.0TD engine and 7DCT wet dual clutch, the turbine can intervene when the engine is 1000rpm, and the peak torque can reach 300 N m at 1400rpm. The unique supercharging mode at the same level can also output an additional 30N·m, and accelerate the "starting" through a short 60-meter straight road, and quickly sprint uphill.

After climbing the hill, Xingrui Power accelerates with tenacity. The engine can output a long and wide peak torque of 300N·m in the range of 1400-4000rpm, and the whole climbing process is strong and does not decay. It accelerates to sprint the 28-meter-long slope, and the maximum climbing degree reaches 30%. After leaping in the air, based on the high torsional stiffness of 29 000 N m/deg and the cage-type body design, Xingrui can not only maintain a stable and elegant posture when picking green in the air, but also withstand the gravity and impact force when landing. The independent suspension of the front and rear four wheels keeps the body posture to the maximum extent, and with Italian ITT copper-free brake pads, it can achieve smooth braking within 34.66 meters and help to land stably. The whole process is flowing smoothly and in one go, and the smart body shows the essence of the lion dance, with beautiful posture and cleanliness, and successfully completes the impossible challenge!

China is full of stars and splendors! Deducing technical self-confidence with the momentum of "lion" and subverting product value with the power of "boosting and adopting youth", Xingrui quickly gained the trust and recognition of more than 300,000 users with its subversive strength, and through the co-creation and integration of "China traditional culture and modern automobile technology", it successfully broke the brand barrier and continuously led China automobile value upward. It is believed that in the future, Xingrui will continue to shoulder the mission of fighting for the value of China’s automobiles, draw strength from the excellent traditional Chinese culture, pay tribute to the accumulated great country culture with pioneering technology, lead China’s automobiles to make an upward breakthrough with courage, and let the world see the rising Chinese power!

China Star | Shenzhou 16 enhances the reliability of Beidou navigation signals

  CCTV News:The Shenzhou-16 manned spacecraft is the first manned spacecraft in the new stage of application and development of China’s space station, and it is also the 11th manned mission carried out by China. What are the new changes of Shenzhou-16? What are the differences between it and previous spacecraft?

  Shenzhou 16: Enhancing the Reliability of Beidou Navigation Signals

  The Shenzhou 16 manned spaceship had fully inherited the technical status of the Shenzhou 15 spaceship, and its main functions and technical indicators remained unchanged. The difference was that the Shenzhou 16 was a new batch of spaceships, which was of great significance for verifying the technical status of this batch of spaceships.

  Gao Xu, Chief Designer of the Manned Spaceship System of the Fifth Academy of Aerospace Science and Technology Group:Compared with the previous batch, we have done a lot of work on autonomous control. For example, we have enhanced the reliability of the Beidou navigation signal. We have done a lot of work on the localization of components to improve the level of autonomous control of the spacecraft itself.

  Mass production multi-line parallel, Shen 17 completes final assembly test

  Gao Xu introduced that the batch development of Shenzhou spacecraft is very stressful for the team. In the past, the development team only needed to develop one spacecraft at a time, but now the development team needs to complete the development, launch, flight control and return of several spacecraft in parallel, with multiple fronts highly overlapping.

  It is understood that at present, Shenzhou 17 has completed the final assembly test at Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center and has the ability to stand by for emergency rescue. Shenzhou 18 and Shenzhou 19 are undergoing the final assembly and testing of the whole ship before leaving the factory, and other spacecraft in this batch have entered the stage of single-machine development.

A new generation of global flagship SUV Tiggo 9 maglev super comfortable flagship SUV

A new generation of global flagship SUV Tiggo 9
Magnetic levitation super comfortable flagship SUV
Redefining comfortable travel
Chery Automobile’s high-end intelligent platform-Mars architecture-the first model of super hybrid platform

Today, consumers’ pursuit of driving experience.
From the driver’s own sense of driving control
Upgrade to full comfort.

Mars architecture-super hybrid platform brings

Comfort relative to ordinary suspension
Improve 74.8% of CDC "magnetic suspension"

While realizing the pre-judgment of the road surface condition
Through the unique AI algorithm
Realize stepless adjustment of damping.
Precise control of vehicle attitude

Comfort of body roll
Increase by more than 50%

In terms of silence, grip and body stability
Increase by more than 30%

Improve the comfort of riding to
An incredible new dimension

Wisdom | Mars Architecture-Deep Interpretation of Super Hybrid Platform
Security | Mars Architecture-Deep Interpretation of Super Hybrid Platform

Compact family car three cars compete for hegemony, and the new Qin EV rides the dust!

Under the epidemic situation, health and safety have become the top priority of all needs, and based on the consideration of travel safety, people are increasingly inclined to travel by car. Not long ago, the lottery results of the new passenger car were announced. For the lucky ones who just got the index, how to choose a reliable car is very important.

As the main model in the market, the epidemic prevention and sterilization capabilities of brand new, BEIJING EU5 and brand new have reached the professional level, and brand new has become the leader in the compact pure electric family car market with its strong and numerous fan base. So if you want to choose a safer, stronger and more practical one among these three cars, who will be the better option?

Who is the strongest in protecting health and professional sterilization and antivirus?

To be healthier and safer, we must first have stronger sterilization and antivirus ability. The newly equipped three-layer high-efficiency composite filter screen can filter dust, harmful gases, PM2.5 particles with a diameter of > 0.3 μ m up to more than 90%. Its filter screen consists of non-woven fabrics and chemical fibers, and is made by melt-blowing process, which can better filter droplets and particles with diameters greater than 0.3 μ m that germs often attach to, thus effectively blocking germs from entering the car. In addition,BYD’s self-developed high-efficiency filter has obtained the first batch of "CN95" certification of the highest level of automotive air-conditioning filter filtration, and will be fully equipped with this system for more old models in the future to further improve health and safety performance.

At present, the filtration system carried by EU5 has been upgraded on the basis of filtering pollen and PM2.5; On the other hand, a UVC deep ultraviolet optical anti-virus system was installed for Ei5, but there are still concerns that "ultraviolet anti-virus will have adverse effects on human body" in the market at present. It is not difficult to see that the new health care is more professional and leading.

Guarding safety, the brand-new Qin EV power battery has a 16-year accident.

If health is a higher demand of consumers, then the demand for vehicle reliability is the basic demand of all consumers. In the world, this basic requirement includes the reliability of endurance, the reliability of battery, and the reliability of the overall performance of the vehicle, etc. If the technical performance of any aspect is not strong enough, there is no way to talk about safety, and no one can trust a brand of new energy vehicles with frequent vehicle spontaneous combustion. 

From the comparison of the above figure, the brand-new battery has higher energy density and can store more electricity per unit volume, so its comprehensive endurance is stronger, and at the same time it can have more room for lightweight.

While continuously improving the energy density, a 7-dimensional and 4-layer safety matrix has been built for brand-new power batteries, which "comprehensively tests the safety of single batteries, modules, battery packs and systems from the aspects of reliable connection, high-voltage protection, collision, overcharge, internal and external short circuit and thermal runaway; The high-voltage system has undergone five tests: leakage detection, power-off protection, misoperation protection, active discharge and passive discharge, and the whole vehicle has undergone extreme cold and heat tests, which fully guarantees the safety of the battery. "

If these terms seem hard to you, then the accident in 16 years will definitely make you easily realize the reliability of the battery.The accident in 16 years first benefited from BYD’s technical advantages in battery safety design.In order to avoid the thermal runaway of the battery caused by the short circuit in the battery caused by the contraction of the diaphragm at high temperature, a ceramic diaphragm with more high temperature resistance was developed. In order to cope with high and low temperature environment, prevent overcharging, improve fast charging safety and flame retardant, etc., many special additives are added to the electrolyte solution of the battery cell on the basis of the original solute and solvent to ensure the stability under various complex conditions; In addition, in order to protect the safety of the battery cell, a mechanical device, including a CID device and an explosion-proof valve, is arranged on the shell of the single battery cell to prevent overcharging. These technical advantages are integrated into the battery intelligent temperature control management system, which is not only smarter, but also greatly improves the consistency and stability of products.The new Qin EV is equipped with BYD’s third-generation battery intelligent temperature control management system, which can make the battery in the most efficient working range at various ambient temperatures, greatly improving the battery life cycle performance, life span and safety.

Secondly, the accident in 16 years can be achieved thanks to all the self-research and self-production of the three power systems. Compared with peers, it has higher integration, more advanced consistency and integrity, and a stronger degree of systematization.BYD’s brand-new Qin EV efficiently integrates the motor, electronic control and transmission, which reduces the volume by 30% and the weight by 25%, while increasing the power density by 20%.

EU5 and Ei5 are made in Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited, and although they have passed the battery safety test, the integration is not enough, and the consistency and integrity of products are different, so the stability performance in practical use is relatively average. For example, the dry-wet separation thermal management technology of batteries carried by EU5 is said to be effective in preventing combustion and explosion, but an EU5 exploded in Zhenjiang last September. At the same time, there are also car owners who feedback Ei5 battery failure on the car quality network.

In addition, the brand new has a stronger fan base. As of now,Qin series models have accumulated more than 200,000 fans, and have made remarkable achievements in sales volume, quality and word of mouth.,At this point, the brand-new performance is more ahead of. As a model, last year, some car owners reported on the Internet that it had a nominal battery life of 410 kilometers and actually traveled at full power for 210-220 kilometers. Therefore, in terms of endurance authenticity, brand-new is more reliable.

From the above comparison, we can see that a truly safe new energy vehicle is armed from the inside out to the "teeth", and the basis of this "armed" is the comprehensive technical strength, and the brand-new safety is based on this. It is this technical strength that has been recognized by more peers. It is said that the new factory invested 8.5 billion yuan will be used to produce and cooperate with products under the e platform.


Changes in consumer demand after the epidemic will require higher safety, health and intelligence. Choosing a healthier and safer car will become one of the core needs of consumers around the world. At the same time, a truly leading new energy vehicle is that it understands the needs of consumers enough, and the leading comprehensive strength and proper configuration are the real masters. In the field of new energy compact family car, brand-new has really set a benchmark!

Education is a huge ship, bearing the future of the nation.

# The developmental significance of education #

Education is an important driving force for the development of human society. It is not only an important way for personal growth and development, but also a necessary condition for the progress of the country and the nation.

The developmental significance of education

The development of education has many meanings, which are embodied in the following aspects:

  • boost the economic developmentEducation can cultivate high-quality talents and provide intellectual support for economic development. Education can improve workers’ skill level and labor productivity. Education can promote scientific and technological innovation and inject new impetus into economic development.
  • Maintain social stabilityEducation can cultivate citizens with awareness of the rule of law and civilized accomplishment, and provide guarantee for social stability. Education can promote social fairness and justice and reduce social contradictions. Education can strengthen national unity and maintain social harmony.
  • Enhance cultural soft powerEducation can inherit excellent traditional culture and carry forward national spirit. Education can cultivate talents with international vision and innovative spirit and enhance the soft power of national culture.

Challenges of educational development

With the development of society, education is facing more and more challenges. These challenges are mainly reflected in the following aspects:

  • Contradiction between supply and demand of educational resourcesWith the population growth and economic development, the demand for educational resources is increasing. However, the supply of educational resources has some problems, such as insufficient quantity and unreasonable structure.
  • Educational equityEducation equity is an important part of social equity. But at present, education equity still faces the gap between urban and rural areas, regions and families.
  • Education reform lags behind.Education reform is a complicated systematic project. However, at present, there are still some problems in education reform, such as not being deep enough and not being systematic enough.

Countermeasures of educational development

In order to meet the challenge of educational development, we need to take the following countermeasures:

  • Increase investment in educationIt is necessary to increase financial investment in education and expand the supply of educational resources. We should optimize the allocation of educational resources and improve the utilization efficiency of educational resources.
  • Deepen educational reformIt is necessary to deepen the reform of the education system and build a fairer and more efficient education system. We should innovate teaching methods and improve the quality of education.
  • Strengthen education and publicityIt is necessary to strengthen educational propaganda and raise the whole society’s awareness of the importance of education. It is necessary to create a good educational atmosphere and promote the development of education.

Personal point of view

Education is a huge ship, bearing the future of the nation. Only by continuously developing education can we provide a strong impetus for the development of the country and the nation.

I believe that the development of education should adhere to the following principles:

  • Adhere to the socialist direction of running schools.Education must serve socialism and the cause of Socialism with Chinese characteristics.
  • Adhere to the people-orientedEducation should be people-oriented and cultivate socialist builders and successors with all-round development in morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor.
  • Insist on reform and innovationEducation should be constantly reformed and innovated to meet the needs of social development.

I hope that through our efforts, we can make more brilliant achievements in education and make greater contributions to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Is Red Desert really coming? Take stock of the open world multiplayer game that will be launched in 2023.

The most popular label in today’s game world is "open world". As long as a game is labeled with the open world, the level of the whole game can be improved a lot. Of course, there are also many players who are very fond of open-world games. In 2023, there will also be many open-world games online. In this article, we will take stock of those open-world multiplayer games that will be launched in 2023.

Red desert

When it comes to PearlAbyss, a Korean game company, some players may be a little strange. If you mention the action tour "Black Desert" developed by PearlAbyss, I believe many people have heard of it. After the success of Black Desert, PearlAbyss started the development of new games, and the most anticipated one was Red Desert.

"Red Desert" is an epic fantasy MMORPG, which describes the vast mercenaries who fought for survival in the mainland. The game has realistic game characters, and it was developed by Zheng Huanqing, the development director, and the Li Chengyu action designer who was in charge of the action of C9. The game has been developed since the second half of 2018 and is the next generation flagship MMORPG of PearlAbyss.

"Red Desert" combines narrative-driven single-player game and multiplayer game factors, and describes the vast battle waged by mercenaries in Paiyue mainland for survival. Using the new next-generation engine launched by the studio, this game will provide high-fidelity image quality and game functions, as well as an immersive game experience.

More interestingly, the game positioning of "Red Desert" was MMO online game at first, and then changed to a mode similar to "GTA5" at the end of 2020. The ontology is a stand-alone game. After customs clearance, you can choose to play online mode, and you want to speed up the game online in this way. In the latest financial report, PearlAbyss said that "Red Desert" aims to be developed within 2023. At the same time, it also said that the multiplayer game version of Red Desert will be imported after the plan.

In a sense, the behavior of skipping tickets makes the game keep its original taste. Players can also play MMORPG’s "Red Desert", which is a mistake.

Dune: Awakening

There should be many players who still remember the previously released sci-fi blockbuster "Dune". Now the Dune IP game Dune: Awakening will be launched in 2023 to meet with the majority of players.

Dune: Awakening combines the courage and creativity of survival games with the social interaction of large-scale persistent multiplayer games, creating a unique and ambitious online game for survival in the open world. The player’s journey begins on the planet Ares, alone on the most deadly planet in the universe. Follow the story in the game through the whole sand dune, and you will meet people in movies and books.

Dune: Awakening vividly reproduces the epic scenery of Alex. Explore deep canyons full of caves, ancient underground ecological laboratories, endless undulating dunes, and other places. Stroll in the bustling village, and then bravely enter the lawless and ever-changing desert, where robbers can easily find their prey.

Players can create their own bases and choose each one from a series of different styles of buildings. Look for hard rocks away from roaming sand worms and set up temporary outposts for your interests outside the shield wall. You can also build weapons, armor, vehicles, accessories, modified parts, etc., hone your own production skills and get the rarest schematic diagram.

《Once Human》

"Once Human" is an MMO game with the theme of open world and new tales of mystery survival sandbox developed by Starry Studio and Netease. The game is expected to be in the fourth quarter of 2023.

Once Human’s story is set in a post-apocalyptic world with the collapse of human civilization. The world suddenly opened the door of silver one day, and then disaster came to the world. The "stardust" from the universe has polluted the creatures on the earth and the vast majority of land, and countless creatures have become distorted bodies. At the same time, the power of the Silver Gate also attracted the existence of "superiors" from the ectopic surface to the planet …

In the game, the developer highly purifies his understanding of the new tales of mystery, and embeds it as a visual symbol in every corner of Once Human-frightening Cthulhu-style monsters, big world scenes full of strangeness, and those supernatural and indescribable game atmospheres and designs, thus deducing a post-apocalyptic world that combines supernatural, futuristic science fiction and bizarre horror, and deepening the grotesque but beautiful artistic expression core of the game.

In addition to stunning artistic images, the plot of the game also plays an important role in shaping the "New tales of mystery". The original doomsday background story will be decrypted continuously during the player’s journey. With the plot eggs hidden by the development team in all parts of the world, players can feel those carefully thought-out stories in this strange doomsday world.

Hongxia Island

Hongxia Island is an open-world first-person cooperative shooting game, developed by Arkane Austin, the award-winning team that created Predation and Shame. "Hongxia Island" still brings Arkane’s well-crafted game world and immersive simulation game experience, bringing the studio’s signature gameplay to this plot-led action shooting game.

The game stage of "Hongxia Island" is an island town in Massachusetts. It was created by mistakes in scientific experiments, and the blood clan of Hongxia Island, who was born with psychic ability, blocked the sun and cut off the island from the outside world. Players and a few survivors are trapped on this island, and players need to face the evil vampire enemies who are trying to drain the town. You will be able to choose all kinds of heroes-each hero has the unique skills of the role to defeat the Blood Legion and their fanatical followers.

"Hongxia Island" perfectly combines single-player and multiplayer game options, supporting players to fight alone in the dark world, or to take risks in teams of up to four people. Teammates can try different hero configurations and combine their respective advantages to find innovative solutions to the blood clan catastrophe. You will collect a large number of special weapons and customize your characters with unique upgrades and skills to play a game style that suits you-whether it is a fierce gunfight, a stealth battle, or any other style that mixes the two.

Son of the forest

Players who like open-world survival games are certainly familiar with Forest. Of course, The Forest released in 2014 is an antique game. The sequel to the game "Son of the Forest" is also eagerly awaited by many players. Unfortunately, since its release in 2019, "Son of the Forest" has been bounced several times.

Now, after years of waiting, Son of the Forest has also announced that it will be released in February 2023, and the long-awaited players can finally continue their survival adventure.

In Son of the Forest, players are sent to an isolated island to find a missing billionaire, only to find themselves trapped in a purgatory occupied by cannibals. Players need to make tools and weapons, build houses and try their best to survive, whether alone or with friends.

In the game, players will be able to experience complete freedom, and players can explore the world in their own way. Decide for yourself what to do, where to go, and how to live best. No NPC will order you or assign you tasks that you don’t want to accomplish at all. You are the one who gives the orders, and your fate is up to you.

At the same time, on this isolated island, players need to fight against all kinds of mutant creatures. Some look just like human beings, while others are not from the mortal world. You need to bring pistols, axes, electric batons and other weapons to protect yourself and the people you care about.

Ark 2

Ark 2 is a sequel to the well-known open-world survival game Ark: Survival and Evolution. The game was officially released on TGA in 2020, and the first trailer of the game was released. In the trailer, Santiago, the game character played by Vin Diesel, took his daughter and took an adventure on the brand-new Alat planet (Arat).

Santiago, the legendary ARK hero, is played by Vindiesel ("Riddick"). When he seeks to protect his daughter Meeka (voiced by Auli ‘i Cravalo ("Moana")) from the ghosts of ancient times, he experiences an adventure that spans the times and longs for a new future.

Ark 2 tells the story that players suddenly wake up in a strange primitive world full of dinosaurs and humans vying for dominance. They must piece together the history of how you got there, team up with legendary heroes, and fight against the powerful dark forces trying to control the fate of all lives. Sit on the saddle and join ARK2′ s ultimate next-generation survival experience! In this sequel, every aspect of the Ark series has been rethought and redesigned.

In Ark 2, players will be able to experience revolutionary cross-platform modification. Fully stackable, user-created MODs for new creatures, items, game functions and maps are now distributed on all platforms and support modified unofficial servers!

Players can build their own weapons and tools from a series of different modules to customize their appearance and functions. Millions of possible combinations enable players to make their own unique equipment, and the selected specific materials will further affect the appearance of the goods. There are many resources to choose from in unique areas of the world.

Royalty and Freedom

For South Korea’s Ncsoft, domestic players are certainly no strangers. Although the glory of Ncsoft has disappeared in recent years, many new games will still be launched every year. Of course, Ncsoft will not give up trying to open the world. The previously released "Royalty and Freedom" has attracted the attention of many players.

The game "kingship and freedom" was originally named "Project TL". At first, Project TL was speculated by industry insiders and players as a next-generation IP game, and even guessed that the game name should be The Lineage.

But then, in February of this year, Ncsoft officially stated that the full name of Project TL was Royalty and Freedom, not The Lineage, and declared that Royalty and Freedom was not an IP work of Paradise, but a brand-new IP work.

According to the current public news, the professional system of "Kings and Freedoms" may be more like "Sword Spirit 2", and the professional system of players will be different according to the weapons used in their hands, and players can switch careers at any time by switching weapons in battle. In addition, the combat system in the game organically combines the map with the environment and the player. For example, the magic of lightning series becomes a range attack on rainy days. Therefore, from the copy to PVP, players need to constantly change their strategies.

Chronicle of Asda

As the first cooperation project between Netstone and Dragon Studio, The Chronicle of Asda will have a world view associated with the TV series The Chronicle of Asda. It is an MMORPG with various exploration elements such as changing clothes and eating according to day and night, weather and climate, and exploring new areas by building bridges with players.

At the same time, the Chronicle of Asda also has the action realized by various occupations, the team copy that needs strategy, and the political content among the three major forces.

It is reported that Netstone and Dragon Studio jointly hatched the IP of Asda Chronicle. Among them, Dragon Studio produced a TV series with the same name with related IP, while Netstone produced MMORPG with the same name with related IP. From the second season of Asda Chronicle, Netstone participated in the development of IP together with Fang Long Studio, the producer of TV series, and developed games based on an expanded world view together with the writers of TV series.

"Asda Chronicle" plans to launch a mobile game and PC platform in 2023 together with the second season of the TV series "Asda Chronicle".

The Battle of Plasia

The Battle of Prasia is a multi-platform (PC/ mobile game) large MMORPG developed by NEXON. In the Battle of Plasia, all players occupy camps or strongholds in "associations" (similar to guilds). However, there are dozens of strongholds in the Battle of Prasia with the same server, single channel and seamless map, and players can launch fierce battles for the purpose of occupying strongholds.

If the player leaves the stronghold occupied by the association, the war will start, and there is no time limit. Even in the space of buying and selling potions, there will be battles, and players can experience the war system with high freedom in the game. After the war breaks out, there will be a totem, the patron saint of "association", and the guardian and the attacker need to launch various strategies for victory.

"The Battle of Prasia" will be registered in advance on February 16th, and it is expected that Hanbok will be released in the first quarter.


Players who like to develop doomsday survival games should have many people looking forward to the game "Doomsday Catastrophe". This open-world survival game has attracted a lot of players’ attention since it was first made public. After all, this game combines many elements that can excite players, such as opening the world, survival, killing zombies, PVP confrontation and so on.

Unfortunately, this game has also bounced many times. Now the official has announced that the game will be released on March 2, 2023, and also disclosed the configuration requirements of the game. It should not bounce tickets again.

Armageddon is an open-world survival online game, set in the United States, which is full of pitfalls after the epidemic, where cannibal infected people are rampant and survivors kill them for food, weapons and vehicles. You wake up alone in an unrecognizable world and set out to find answers and resources for survival.

In The Day Before, infected people who become zombies and a few survivors will fight to the death for food, weapons and cars. The game is set in the United States, which is abandoned because of infectious diseases. In the game, players have to fight for survival. In the game, players can search abandoned cars, houses and high-rise buildings to find useful resources. However, in this process, we must not only defeat the infected people who hinder the search, but also defeat other players who are also looking for limited resources.

Blue Sea black sails

Ubisoft’s old players will definitely be familiar with Blue Sea black sails, a lifetime game. As early as 2018, Ubisoft released the game "Blue Sea black sails" and announced that it would be released in 2019. Then the game began to skip tickets, and even the online transmission project was cancelled.

I can’t remember the number of jumps in this game. This is not on January 29, 2023, and it was announced that the jump ticket will be launched in the next fiscal year (April this year-March next year).

Blue Sea black sails is a new game based on the naval battle of Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag. It is a pirate MMORPG game led by Singapore Studio and assisted by Chengdu Studio and German Studio. The game is set in the second golden age of pirates, and the player will be the captain to drive his own pirate ship. Accept contracts, collect resources, sail on the high seas and attack merchant ships to plunder property.

Every journey in the world of Blue Sea black sails is unique. Players can expand their empire by joining hands with other friends or players (up to 2 players) they meet at sea. In terms of additional challenges, players can enable PVP and try to challenge various leaders, powerful organizations, local forces and even hostile pirates in the game.

The same choice will affect the player’s journey, and the rise of pirate level will unlock new customization for the ship. There are many factions, pirate dens and hidden treasures in Blue Sea black sails for players to explore. When this work is launched, it will include 12 unique ships in 3 categories, and in the future, free activities, ships and weapons will be launched one after another.

There was civil strife in the Celtics? Brogden refused to attend the team activities, and Tatum also expressed dissatisfaction.

In the offseason, the Boston Celtics were relatively successful. They supplemented the weak link inside the team and got Porzingis, which made the Celtics’ lineup more complete. Recently, however, some internal problems broke out in the Celtics. Brogden and the Celtics have been at loggerheads and refused to participate in team activities. Tatum, the star of the team, is somewhat dissatisfied with the Celtics.

At present, the overall level of Celtic lineup is ok, including Tatum, Brown, Porzingis, Brogden, White, prichard, Hauser, Konerth, Horford, Lowe, Keta, Banton, Brissett, Kabengele and Mihajljuk.

Under the condition that the Celtics’ lineup is complete, there are some problems inside the team. It is reported that Brogden has been in trouble with the Celtics and refused to attend the activities organized by the Celtics.

When Brogden joined the Green Army, he actually came for the championship. However, after coming to the Green Army, there was always a big gap between reality and ideal.

Celtic didn’t give Brogden enough respect, they trusted the original players more. Brogden has been put on the bench since he came to Celtic. Although the Green Army verbally said that he would be given more scenes, in fact, at many critical moments, Brogden was not even qualified to play.

Brogden, who had some dissatisfaction with the Celtics, reached its peak this summer. The Celtics tried to trade Brogden with the Clippers for the sake of the team lineup. Although the three-way deal was finally terminated because the Clippers were worried about Brogden’s injury, the Celtics’ behavior has completely angered him and has not responded to any news from the Celtics so far.

This situation is not difficult to understand. Brogden came to the Green Army with hope, but now he has been put on the shelf, which is a disrespectful behavior for Brogden.

As far as the news is concerned, the only way for the two sides to reconcile is for Celtic to apologize to Brogden and promise not to trade him, and this matter will be solved.

Not only the problem of Brogden, but also the Celtics star Tatum has some dissatisfaction with the Green Army. This dissatisfaction is not because the team renewed the contract with Brown for as much as $300 million, but because of the team lineup.

Regarding Brown’s contract renewal, Tatum has already expressed his position in an interview with The Messenger Sports, which Brown deserves. More importantly, Tatum will have a contract renewal year next season. Brown has already got an annual salary contract of 60 million dollars. Imagine that Tatum should be higher than this, so he will not care about Brown’s big contract, but will be happy, so he can negotiate with the team.

Tatum was dissatisfied because he hoped the Celtics could find a point guard player to help him and Brown share some pressure in the regular season. At the beginning, the Green Army was a little reluctant to send Smart Tatum away. But the Green Army didn’t listen to Tatum’s advice. Let’s take a look at which players the Celtics have saved.

Konerth is 2.18 meters, the center position, the center position of Porzingis, the center position of Kabengele, the center position of Lowe, Horford can also play the center position, and there is a newly signed Keta, which is also the center position.

As many as six Celtic players are center positions, so they can send a center team directly. No wonder Tatum is dissatisfied with the team.

Looking at the current lineup of the Green Army, even if the two-tower lineup is used, it is more than enough. From this point of view, the starting lineup of the Green Army is likely to be Tatum, Brown, White, Horford and Porzingis. These five people have full offensive space and have the ability to shoot from the outside. They can also let Porzingis play the fourth position, Lowe start and Horford go to the rotation lineup, which has become an important coping point for the team. Rotate Brogden, prichard, Brissett, Lowe (or Horford) and Mihajljuk (or a center player).

From this point of view, the overall level of the lineup of the Green Army is also strong enough. However, as Tatum mentioned, the team actually lacks a real point guard. Tatum and Brown are prone to make mistakes when faced with high double-teaming. This is the consensus of the league. In the past, Smart helped to share some organizational tasks. No wonder Tatum was reluctant to leave Smart. If this problem is not solved, it will still be a big weakness in the playoffs in the future.

5-0 to 0-1! The relegation team retaliated against Arsenal, Manchester City won the championship ahead of schedule, and the double blue battle against Chelsea lined up.

Arsenal, who led the Premier League standings for a long time this season, fell short in the final stage, and was overtaken by the Blue Moon Corps and lost the initiative to win the championship. In the last round, they lost to Brighton with three goals at home, which made the gunners only have the theoretical possibility of winning the championship. Arsenal, who had lost everything, went to the away game to challenge Nottingham Forest in the 37th round of the Premier League. In the first round of the confrontation between the two sides, Arsenal washed their opponents 5-0 at home and now returned to home. Nottingham Forest, which was still under relegation pressure, certainly hoped to be able to avenge itself, so as to grasp the initiative of relegation. After the game started, Arsenal firmly controlled the ball at their feet, but Nottingham Forest scored the only goal in the whole game by Avonii with a counterattack, and finally got revenge on Arsenal 1-0 at home!

Although Arteta knew that Arsenal’s chances of winning the championship were slim, he still sent his most commonly used 4-3-3 formation in this game, but he made some adjustments to the starting players. The goalkeeper still let Ramsdale start, with Thomas, Benwhite, Gabriel and Kiviol as the defenders, Odegard, jorginho and Zaka as the three midfielders, and the offensive trident was Jesus, Saka and Trossat.

After the start of the game, Arsenal kept the ball firmly under their feet, and conducted offensive and defensive drills in Nottingham Forest for a long time. The home team also accepted the reality and set up an iron bucket array, waiting for the opportunity to counterattack, giving the gunners a fatal blow.

In the 11th and 17th minutes, Jesus couldn’t knock Nottingham’s goal with his head kick in the penalty area, shouldering Arsenal’s home team, and finished the only shot in the first half in the 20th minute. Odegard made a return error in the midfield and was directly countered by Nottingham Forest. Avoniyi entered the penalty area after receiving a direct plug from his teammate. Facing attacking Ramsdale, he broke the deadlock on the field with a light volley.

Nottingham Forest, after the lead, reclaimed the space for the gunners to attack. This targeted defensive strategy also achieved obvious results. Before the end of the half-time, Arsenal, which was dominant in the scene, never created a threatening attack opportunity.

After the start of the second half, Nottingham Forest took the lead, and the free kick in the frontcourt went directly to the restricted area. After receiving a cross from a teammate, Felipe outflanked and shot in front of the door. Fortunately, Ramsdale focused enough and saved the opponent’s shot at close range, which did not make Arsenal’s situation more difficult.

In the 54th minute, Arsenal instigated the attack, and Jesus went forward into the penalty area without the ball, and was directly pulled down by the defender. The referee not only failed to give Arsenal a penalty, but also gave a yellow card to the complaining Jesus. Seven minutes later, Saka made a right shot into the penalty area, but was saved by navas.

Unwilling to lose, Arsenal also launched a crazy counterattack, but failed to score a goal to equalize the score, so they had to accept the result of losing in the away game. With the end of this game, the suspense of this season’s Premier League title competition officially ended, and Manchester City has locked in the league title in advance. In this round of double blue wars, Chelsea will also line up to welcome this season’s Premier League champion Manchester City! # Hundreds of teams #