The top 100 Chinese Internet companies in 2019 were announced, and Alibaba Tencent Baidu ranked among the top three

  On August 14, the Internet Society of China and the MIIT Information Center jointly released the 2019 list of China’s top 100 Internet companies, the list of the top 20 Internet growth companies, and the 2019 China Top 100 Internet Companies Development Report.

  Alibaba (China) Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co., Ltd., Baidu, Group, Zhejiang Ant Small and Micro Financial Services Group joint stock company, NetEase Group, Meituan Dianping, Beijing ByteDance Technology Co. Ltd., 360 Security Technology joint stock company, Sina Company ranked among the top ten.

  MIIT said that this year’s top 100 Internet companies focus on innovation leadership, industrial integration, industrial Internet, etc., and mainly exhibit six characteristics:

  First, the overall scale has been leapfrogged to become a new engine of the digital economy.In 2019, the Internet business income of the top 100 Internet enterprises reached 2.75 trillion yuan, which was more than 1 trillion yuan compared with the Internet business income of the top 100 Internet enterprises in 2018, accounting for 8.8% of our country’s digital economy, and the contribution rate to the digital economy reached 14%. Driving the growth of the digital economy by nearly 2 percentage points has become an important support for the development of the Internet industry in our country. From the distribution of the growth rate of Internet business income, 86 enterprises have achieved growth in Internet business income.

  The second is to break through 10% in R & D investment to build China’s core technologies.In 2019, the R & D investment of the top 100 Internet enterprises reached 153.87 billion yuan, an increase of 45.1% year-on-year, and the average R & D intensity exceeded 10%, which was nearly 8 percentage points higher than the R & D investment intensity of our country. From the distribution of R & D intensity, there are 40 enterprises with R & D intensity above 10%, and 4 enterprises with R & D intensity between 30% and 35%. The top 100 Internet enterprises continue to break through core technologies. The top 100 Internet enterprises continue to improve their original innovation capabilities, and accelerate the breakthrough of key core technologies such as 5G, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and big data. Some technologies are at the international leading level. In 2019, the top 100 Internet enterprises have nearly 80,000 patents, including nearly 60,000 invention patents. In 2019, there were 29 big data companies, 28 cloud computing companies, 24 artificial intelligence-related companies, and 3 companies related to the use of Internet of Things technology among the top 100 Internet companies.

  The third is the diversification of application scenarios, and smart + creates a new model of life consumption.The top 100 Internet enterprises have deepened the development of consumer Internet, and have carried out full-scene coverage of clothing, food, housing, transportation and other aspects. Their business covers 17 fields such as Internet public services, online media, music and video, social network, scientific and technological innovation and intellectual property rights, and has comprehensively improved the quality of life of the people in terms of life, work, culture, entertainment, education and other aspects. In 2019, a total of 18 Internet top 100 enterprises engaged in e-commerce; a total of 41 involved in Internet public services, mainly providing convenient services such as information inquiry, education and medical care, government affairs management, and public travel, so that ordinary people can enjoy the convenient life brought by "Internet +"; 21 enterprises are involved in music and video business. At the same time, the top 100 Internet companies are actively developing smart industries, continuously expanding "smart +", creating a wealth of new consumer formats and scenarios such as smart stores, VR/AR fitting, and non-sensory payment, creating a new model of smart life consumption in the future.

  Fourth, the industrial Internet is deeply cultivated into practice and empowers the high-quality development of traditional industries.By continuously "infiltrating" and "empowering" all walks of life, the top 100 Internet enterprises promote the in-depth integration of Cloud Computing, Big Data, Internet of Things and other Information Communication Technologies with the real economy, cultivate new industries, new business formats and new models, and support the high-quality development of the real economy. In 2019, the number of industrial Internet enterprises in the top 100 Internet enterprises reached a new high, and the number of industrial Internet enterprises mainly serving real economy customers reached 60, and the cumulative service was nearly 40 million enterprises. Among them, 41 involved Internet data services, 13 manufacturing services, 24 technological innovation and intellectual property rights, 11 B2B e-commerce, and 10 Internet basic services.

  Fifth, "unicorn" enterprises have grown rapidly, and their international industry status has reached a new high.In 2019, 25 unicorn companies such as Ant Financial, ByteDance,, Mangbang Group, Youkede, and Wansteel emerged among the top 100 Internet companies and their subsidiaries, an increase of 38.9% year-on-year. Their business involves financial technology, smart logistics, e-commerce, new entertainment and other fields. From the perspective of the market value ranking of global companies, in 2018, the top 30 Internet companies in the global market value accounted for 10 Internet companies. Among them, Tencent Group and Alibaba firmly ranked among the top ten global Internet companies in market value.

  Sixth, the coverage area has been newly expanded, and online poverty alleviation has achieved new results.In 2019, the number of provinces with top 100 Internet enterprises reached 18. On the basis of 2018, two new provinces, Jiangxi and Shandong, were added, and the geographical coverage continued to increase. In terms of regional distribution, the number of top 100 Internet enterprises in the eastern region totaled 86, the number of top 100 Internet enterprises in the central and western regions totaled 12, and the number of top 100 Internet enterprises in the Northeast region remained 2. Among them, the number of top 100 Internet enterprises in Anhui, Guizhou, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Chongqing, and Sichuan in 8 central and western regions continued to increase, an increase of 1 over last year. The top 100 Internet companies actively practice corporate social responsibility, give play to the role of the Internet in boosting poverty reduction, explore new poverty alleviation models such as "live broadcast + e-commerce", and promote targeted poverty alleviation and targeted poverty reduction. According to statistics, more than half of the top 100 Internet companies participate in online poverty alleviation.

  The following is the complete list of the top 100 Internet companies:


  In addition, this year’s top 20 Internet growth enterprises focus on high growth, active investment and financing, and diverse business formats, mainly presenting three major characteristics:

  First, the revenue growth of Internet companies is strong.In 2019, China’s top 20 Internet growth enterprises grew rapidly, and their operating income reached 12.887 billion yuan, an increase of 435.44% year-on-year, which is 7.2 times the growth rate of China’s top 100 Internet enterprises. Among them, 85% of the enterprises’ operating income growth rate exceeded 100%. Growth enterprises 20 attach great importance to innovation and development, and continue to increase R & D investment to achieve accelerated iterative updates of industrial products or services. The total number of R & D personnel reached 3,819, accounting for nearly 40% of the total number of employees of the enterprise, an increase of 46.83% year-on-year. The R & D intensity was 16.2%, which was nearly 6 percentage points higher than that of China’s top 100 Internet enterprises.

  Second, investment and financing activities are highly active.As a representative of our country’s growth enterprises, the top 20 growth enterprises have been established for a short time, with an average establishment time of only 7 years, which is 6.3 years less than the top 100 Internet enterprises. The huge investment and financing provides a guarantee for the rapid development of enterprises. In 2019, 9 of the top 20 growth enterprises completed financing activities, with a total financing amount of 11.319 billion yuan.

  The third is the emergence of diverse business models.China’s top 20 Internet growth enterprises have dug deep into consumer Internet demand, followed the development trend of industrial Internet, and produced many new industries, new products and new services that can meet the needs of the people, which has contributed a lot to the development of our country’s digital economy. In 2019, the top 20 growth enterprises covered 12 industries such as Internet public services, Internet data services, network marketing and e-commerce, and a number of new business forms and new models such as agricultural Internet and intellectual property services have emerged in the top 20 growth enterprises, which have become an important support for promoting the development of digital economy.

  Here is the complete list of the top 20 Internet growth companies:

Hot spots of the week | China will completely cancel the restrictions on foreign investment access in manufacturing; Jianghuai intends to transfer the assets of Weilai Factory; Expose Wang Sicong to o

1. In the first three quarters of this year, China’s GDP increased by 5.2% year on year.

According to the data released by the National Bureau of Statistics on October 18th, the gross domestic product (GDP) of China in the first three quarters of this year was 91,302.7 billion yuan, an increase of 5.2% at constant prices. Among them, GDP in the third quarter increased by 4.9% year-on-year. In the first three quarters, the national economy continued to recover, production and supply increased steadily, market demand continued to expand, and the quality of development improved steadily. (Xinhua News Agency)

2. China will completely cancel the restrictions on foreign investment access in manufacturing.

China announced eight actions to support the high-quality construction of the Belt and Road Initiative. In the action of "supporting the construction of an open world economy", it was mentioned that the restrictions on foreign investment access in the manufacturing sector would be completely lifted. This is a further step on the basis that China’s manufacturing industry has basically opened up and the negative list manufacturing industry in the free trade pilot zone has been cleared. (China News Network)

3. The Ministry of Commerce responded to the US semiconductor export control to China.

Ministry of Commerce: China has noticed that on October 17th, the United States issued the final rules on the export control of semiconductors to China. On the basis of the provisional rules issued on October 7 last year, the final rules further tightened the export restrictions on artificial intelligence-related chips and semiconductor manufacturing equipment to China, and added a number of China entities to the "list of entities" for export control. The United States continues to generalize the concept of national security, abuse export control measures and implement unilateral bullying. China is strongly dissatisfied with this and resolutely opposes it. (Ministry of Commerce)

4、The Ministry of Natural Resources issued a document proposing to cancel the land price ceiling.

At the end of September, the Ministry of Natural Resources has issued documents to the natural resources authorities of various provinces and cities, including: it is suggested to cancel the land price limit in land auction, and it is suggested to cancel the plot ratio limit of 1.0 in the outer suburbs. According to several sources, Jinan, Nanjing, Hefei, Ningbo, Suzhou, Chengdu, Xi ‘an and other cities have taken the action of "canceling the land price ceiling", and most cities will delete the land price ceiling in the next batch of land transfer documents. Core cities such as Beijing and Shanghai are still studying how to adjust the bidding rules. (Economic Observer Network)

Last year, the number of children born in China was less than 4.5 million.

The Statistical Bulletin on the Development of China’s Health Care in 2022 recently published by the National Health and Wellness Commission shows that in 2022, the number of births of one child in China was 4.41 million, the number of births of two children was 3.72 million, and the number of births of three children and above was 1.43 million (rounded to the nearest whole number). (National Health Commission)

17c2fb612a7dc4f8a1ec09ac199118d8.jpegIn June and September, China did not import any aquatic products from Japan.

According to data released by the General Administration of Customs on the 18th, in September, China’s aquatic products imported from Japan were "zero". In the monthly report of China’s import and export statistics just released by the General Administration of Customs today, there is no record of "fish and other aquatic invertebrates" imported by China from some countries (regions) in September. (Global Times)

7. Shanghai became the first first-tier city to implement the provident fund "recognizing housing but not loans"

Shanghai announced the optimization of housing provident fund individual housing loan number identification standard. If it is clear that the employee’s family has no housing in this city, has not used the housing provident fund personal housing loan in the country or the first housing provident fund personal housing loan has been settled, it will be recognized as the first set of housing. (21st century business herald)

8. The price of Grade-8 lithium carbonate "rose three times in a row"

Recently, the price of battery-grade lithium carbonate, the core raw material of lithium batteries, has risen. As of October 16th, the price of battery-grade lithium carbonate has maintained an upward trend for three consecutive trading days. From the perspective of downstream demand, industry insiders said that local policies to promote automobile consumption continued to exert their strength, and new products of superimposed automobile enterprises were listed on the market to stimulate the release of demand. It is expected that the sales of new energy vehicles will continue to rise in the fourth quarter. (china securities journal)

9. TSMC is expected to mass-produce 2nm process chips in 2025.

Wei Zhejia, president of TSMC, disclosed at the legal person briefing that TSMC is expected to mass-produce 2nm process chips in 2025. It is said that the OEM price of TSMC’s 2nm wafer is as high as $25,000, while that of 3nm wafer is $20,000. TSMC’s plant in Arizona, USA, plans to start mass production in the first half of 2025, and the plant in Japan is expected to start mass production by the end of 2024. (First Electric)

390e48069a10565e54475f9826e1f8fe.png10. Weilai responded to the proposed transfer of factory assets.

On the evening of October 19th, Jianghuai Automobile announced that the company intends to transfer some assets through public listing, which is actually two factories jointly operated by Jianghuai and Weilai-Weilai F1 Factory and Weilai F2 Factory. "The company has learned about the partners and confirmed that this action will not affect the company’s next production and operation activities." The relevant person in charge of Weilai responded that the company will address relevant issues at an appropriate time.Communicate, and will not comment on this matter before. (national business daily)

11. Q3 net profit decreased month on month.

Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited (300750) disclosed that the third quarter report showed that the company achieved revenue of 294.677 billion yuan in the first three quarters, a year-on-year increase of 40.10%; The net profit of returning to the mother was 31.145 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 77.05%. The company’s provision for asset impairment in the first three quarters totaled 3.097 billion yuan, which will reduce the company’s net profit for the first three quarters by 2.629 billion yuan. Among them, Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited Q3 achieved revenue of 105.431 billion yuan, an increase of 8.28% year-on-year; The net profit of returning to the mother was 10.428 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 10.66%. According to the previous financial report, the company’s Q2 net profit was 10.895 billion yuan, and the Q3 net profit decreased by 4% from the previous month. (First Electric)

12. Xiaomi discussed vehicle OEM with BAIC and Brilliance.

It was learned from people close to Xiaomi that at the end of August this year, Xiaomi Automobile was in contact with Jianghuai Automobile to discuss matters related to OEM of new energy vehicles, but the two sides did not reach a final cooperation. In October, Xiaomi Automobile began to contact Beiqi Blue Valley and Brilliance Automobile to conduct cooperation negotiations on production and other matters. According to the person familiar with the matter, the cooperation between Xiaomi Automobile and BAIC has been further promoted, and both parties intend to enter deeper negotiations. However, the specific form of cooperation is still unknown. Informed sources said that after the first sedan, Xiaomi also plans to produce an SUV model on the line, but Xiaomi does not consider rebuilding the production line for the time being. (Interface)

13. Xiaomi will launch a new operating system.

Lei Jun announced in his personal Weibo that Xiaomi will launch a brand-new operating system, Xiaomi HyperOS. This is an epoch-making milestone for Xiaomi, and it is a key leap towards "the whole ecology of people, cars and homes". (First Electric)

14. The gross profit margin of automobiles turned positive for the first time.

Zero-run cars were announced on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. The announcement showed that during the period, the company’s gross profit margin turned positive for the first time to 1.2%, achieving the goal of turning gross profit into positive ahead of schedule; The single-season sales revenue was 5.656 billion, up 31.9% year-on-year, and the sales volume reached 44,325 units, up 24.5% year-on-year, reaching a new high in the double-creation quarter. The net cash generated from operating activities continues to flow in. (First Electric)

15. Officially enter the Hungarian passenger car market.

A few days ago, BYD officially announced its official entry into the Hungarian passenger car market. BYD ATTO 3 (Yuan PLUS) and three pure electric models made their debut in Hungary. Since it was announced to enter the European passenger car market at the Paris Motor Show in 2022, BYD has entered 19 European countries. Hungary is BYD’s first Central and Eastern European market, which marks another important milestone for BYD to expand its global layout. (First Electric)

681538e1gy1hizpmjcnnij218y0u0aix.jpg16. Deny that the founder ran overseas.

Weimar Automobile issued an announcement in Weibo, clarifying some recent remarks, saying that it did not file for bankruptcy, and the pre-reorganization was to avoid bankruptcy self-help. At present, the company’s core positions are operating normally, and it is also said that the information uploaded by the current network, such as the founder running overseas and Weimar financing of 40 billion, is false information. (First Electric)

17. Exposed Didi Travel plans to be listed in Hong Kong next year.

According to insiders, Didi Chuxing plans to be listed on the China Hong Kong Stock Exchange next year, and the current employees have been informed to allow them to sell their shares back to the company according to the employee stock ownership plan. Didi Chuxing was listed on the New York Stock Exchange on June 30, 2021, but only every two days, the National Network Information Office issued a notice to conduct a network security review. On June 2, 2022, Didi submitted an application for delisting. (First Electric)

image.png18. Chen Siying, CEO of Auto Wei Brand, left his post.

Chen Siying, CEO of Great Wall Great Wall Motor Weipai, announced his departure from Weipai on his personal social account. Wei Pai was born in 2016, with the goal of becoming a world-class luxury SUV brand and a benchmark brand of China Automotive Intelligence. In 2018, it sold 140,000 vehicles. However, since then, the lack of explosions has started to decline year by year. In 2022, the annual sales volume was only 36,400 units. The overall management of the brand is also chaotic. According to public information, Wei Pai has replaced six CEOs since its establishment. (First Electric)

19. The new version of Model 3 Huan officially opened for sale.

On October 19th, the new version of Tesla Model 3 Huan was officially launched for sale, and the first delivery will be started at the end of October. The car was pre-sold in Chinese mainland on September 1st, and the price has not changed since it was officially sold. The new version of the rear-wheel drive is priced at 259,900 yuan, and the new version of the long-life all-wheel drive is priced at 295,900 yuan. Previously, First Electric had learned from Tesla sales staff that the other party claimed that if the price of 259,900 yuan was sold well, there would be a high probability that the price would not be reduced, and if it was not sold well, it might fall. (First Electric)

WechatIMG274.jpg20. Tesla Cybertruck will be officially delivered on November 30th.

Tesla officially announced that the world’s first delivery will be carried out at the Texas Super Factory on November 30, but the specific configuration and price of Cybertruck have not been announced. It is worth noting that Cybertruck has not opened the reservation channel on Tesla’s China official website. Cybertruck is an all-electric pickup truck launched by Tesla. Since the release of Cybertruck in November 2019, this model, which is full of cyber style and futuristic design, has been receiving much attention. (First Electric)

001Ve2Mhly1hj0d727rlzj60ty1k0gqg02.jpg21, ask M9 has officially offline.

Recently, Yuan Jiajun, secretary of Chongqing Municipal Party Committee, went to the intelligent production workshop of Sailis No.3 Factory, and it can be seen that the M9 has been officially off the assembly line, and Sailis also showed off this new car. This time, the white model M9 was unveiled. On the picture, the front of the car is rounder, and it is designed with penetrating daytime running lights. The lidar on the roof is very eye-catching. Wenjie M9 is positioned as a large SUV, and the new car will be launched in December, with a pre-sale price range of 500,000-600,000 yuan. Yu Chengdong called it "the best SUV in 10 million". (First Electric)

WX20231019-154647@2x.png22, the ideal MEGA pure electric MPV official map

The CEO released two real car maps of the ideal MEGA in Weibo with the caption "Guess the drag coefficient directly". According to the plan, the new car will be officially released in December, and will be delivered in February next year, equipped with Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited Kirin battery, which is expected to be more than 500,000 yuan. (First Electric)

4a23d069gy1hiy0mwyv11j21t90zpnjj.jpg23, Tucki X9 boarding vehicle purchase tax exemption directory.

On October 19th, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced today the Catalogue of New Energy Vehicles Exempted from Vehicle Purchase Tax (the seventieth batch), including 46 passenger cars, 17 pure electric buses, 13 passenger cars and 1 plug-in hybrid bus. Including Tucki X9: cruising range 640/702/610km(CLTC). (First Electric)

iShot_2023-10-19_23.00.48.png24. Delivery of the 100,000th vehicle of D9

Zhao Changjiang, general manager of Tengshi Sales Division, issued a document in Weibo, saying that the 100,000th car owner should go hand in hand to witness Tengshi speed! Cao Huicheng, the son of Cao Dewang, the "King of Glass", the vice chairman of Fuyao Group, became the 100,000 th owner of Tengshi D9. (First Electric)

722e3693gy1hix6173837j23h02bcqv6.jpg25. Zhijie S7 went offline in batches and was officially listed in November.

The length, width and height of Zhijie S7 are 4971*1963*1474mm and the wheelbase is 2950mm, respectively. It locates a large-space smart coupe. In addition to the first 4(HarmonyOS 4 intelligent cockpit and Huawei’s advanced intelligent driving system ADS 2.0, the new car looks very unique, and there is also a "big" driving space. Yu Chengdong even said without stint that its positioning specifications will surpass Tesla Model S.. (First Electric)

a2c3a443gy1hivwfvxywoj20zj0qojxt.jpg26. BYD Song L’s interior map was released, with an estimated price of 250,000 yuan.

After several warm-ups, BYD finally released the interior photos of the new SUV model Song L, which will be officially launched in the fourth quarter. Generally speaking, BYD Song L gives people a brand-new feeling, which can meet the needs of aesthetics, technology and comfort at the same time, and it can be said that it has broken the inherent impression of its "cheap feeling". (First Electric)

Wechat screenshot _20231014150015.png27. The 50th Galaxy L7 officially rolled off the assembly line.

Since the listing of Geely Yinhe L7 on May 31st, it took 33 days to quickly open the market. On July 3rd, it was announced that the first intelligent hybrid product of "Geely Yinhe" series, Geely Yinhe L7, was officially rolled off the assembly line in Baoji factory. From 10,000 to 50,000 vehicles, it took less than four months.

5582a3cfgy1 HIV P1 umpboj21900u0wo1 _ copy. jpg28. Wang Sicong was exposed to order one.

Wang Sicong was exposed to have ordered an ideal L9. He himself appeared in the ideal store, and a suspected ideal staff member took a photo with him and sent out a screenshot of the order. The netizen said: "I believe that consumption has been downgraded, and Wang Sicong has started to buy 400,000-class cars …" "Unexpectedly, one day, I will become a car friend with Wang Sicong." "Times have changed, and President Wang has returned to his family." "It turns out that Wang Sicong didn’t buy it until the discount was big." (First Electric)

29. The time limit for listing of Nezha X is 108,800.

Nezha X, a brand-new pure electric SUV model in Nezha, has been officially launched. It has launched four models, with the price range of 126,800-146,800 yuan, and can enjoy the interest of 2,000 yuan deposit to 20,000 yuan within a limited time (ending on November 30), that is, only 10.88-128,800 yuan. After the launch, the car will compete with BYD Yuan PLUS, GAC Ai ‘an Y PLUS and other models.

007QtMdagy1hiznfk532jj31td10onk6.jpg30. The listing price of Wei brand Gaoshan is 335,800-405,800 yuan.

Gaoshan, the first luxury MPV model of Wei Brand, was officially launched. The new car was launched in two versions, of which the regular version for the travel market was priced at 335,800-375,800 yuan, and the customized four-wheel drive executive extended version for business reception was priced at 405,800 yuan. The exclusive rights of up to 36,000 yuan were launched together, and the two were matched with each other to jointly attack the luxury MPV market. (First Electric)

WechatIMG464.jpg31. The new long wheelbase E-Class was officially released.

The new car is developed based on MRA platform and will be officially launched this year. The length of the car is 5092 mm, the width is 1880 mm, the height is 1493 mm and the wheelbase is 3094 mm. Equipped with 8295 intelligent cockpit chip, China’s exclusive L2+ navigation assisted driving (high-order intelligent driving), China’s exclusive over 10 luxury and comfortable rear seats, China’s exclusive "meteor-catching" light carpet, and China’s exclusive 360-degree ambient light. (First Electric)

006 of 1xily1hixd9ldwc0j32bc1jlu0y _ copy. jpg32. The blind subscription price of Star Age ES is 260,000-360,000 yuan.

Star Road Star Era ES officially opened blind booking, and the price range of new car blind booking is 260,000-360,000 yuan. In terms of new car size, the new car is 4945mm long, 1978mm wide, 1489/1480/1467mm high and 3000mm wheelbase. The comprehensive battery life is 720km, the power consumption under CLTC condition is 11.7kWh/100km, the battery life can be 150km after charging for 5 minutes, and the energy can be replenished by 30% to 80% after 15 minutes. (First Electric)

00828kInly1hixact28tyj30u60k4gp1.jpg33. Starlight made its official debut and went on the market in late November.

Wuling Xingguang debuted and will be listed in late November. It will be equipped with two latest technological achievements: Wuling Lingxi hybrid system and Shenlian battery. According to the official, Shenlian battery can be called a "pentagonal warrior", in which it can achieve no fire and zero spontaneous combustion in terms of high safety! (First Electric)

0069HxL1ly1hixfpkr3dkj31u00uok01.jpg34. The listing guide price of Nexo China Edition is 800,000 yuan.

The new car is positioned as a battery SUV with a length, width and height of 4680/1860/1640mm and a wheelbase of 2790mm. In terms of power, the maximum power of the driving motor is 120 kW, the maximum torque is 395 Nm, and the maximum speed is 179 km/h. Adopt front wheel drive. The hydrogen fuel filling time of the new car is about 5 minutes, and the endurance under CLTC condition is 550 kilometers. (First Electric)

iShot_2023-10-16_22.22.37.png35. Lumin 301km fast charging model was officially launched.

On October 18th, Changan Lumin 301km Honey Qin (Fast Charge) was officially listed, with an official guide price of 61,900 yuan. Thanks to its leading 300V voltage battery platform, it can complete 30% to 80% power replenishment in 35 minutes. The combination of fast charging and +301km battery life can realize inter-provincial travel while walking and charging.

36. Canon introduced nano-imprint semiconductor manufacturing equipment.

On October 13th, Canon Corporation of Japan announced the launch of FPA-1200NZ2C nano-imprint semiconductor manufacturing equipment, which performs circuit pattern transfer, which is the most important semiconductor manufacturing process. Nano-imprint lithography is to coat photoresist (PR) on the wafer, and then press a stamp with a specific pattern to form a circuit. Because it does not use a lens, it can realize a fine process at a lower cost than the existing exposure process. (First Electric)

37, 300mm SOI wafer manufacturing technology to achieve a major breakthrough.

Recently, the team of Wei Xing, a researcher from Shanghai Institute of Microsystems, made a breakthrough in the manufacturing technology of 300mm SOI wafer, and produced the first 300mm RF)SOI wafer in China. Based on the 300mm SOI R&D platform of the National Key Laboratory of Integrated Circuit Materials, the team successively solved many core technical problems such as preparation of low-oxygen and high-resistance crystals, deposition of low-stress and high-resistivity polysilicon thin films, and non-contact planarization required for 300mm RF-SOI wafers, and achieved a major breakthrough in the domestic 300mm SOI manufacturing technology from scratch. The independent preparation of 300mm RF-SOI wafers will strongly promote the coordinated and rapid development of the whole industrial chain of domestic RF-SOI chip design, OEM and packaging, and provide a solid guarantee for the supply security of domestic SOI wafers. (China Academy of Sciences Shanghai Microsystems Institute WeChat WeChat official account)

2024 Xuanyuan Award Announces First Vacancy of Annual Automobile Award

  On December 16th, 2024, the 11th China Automobile Industry Annual Contribution Award — — Xuanyuan Award Ceremony was held in China Chegu International Sports and Cultural Exchange Center in Wuhan Economic and Technological Development Zone.

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  Xuanyuan Award was jointly sponsored by auto business review and Austrian EFS in 2013, adhering to the "three independences" award criteria, which are independent of business, power and relationship. Experts from all over the world selected China’s automobile of the year, looking for the contribution samples of China’s automobile industry, thus pushing the new automobile forward.

  75 models were declared. After the initial evaluation, 40 finalists gathered in Wuhan Intelligent Networked Vehicle Test Site. After four rigorous tests and tests of static and dynamic, cockpit ecology and intelligent interaction, intelligent driving experience and scene experience, a total of 25 models entered the final evaluation.

  On December 15th, members of the jury of Xuanyuan Award made a final evaluation on 25 models, and the whole selection process was very heated.

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  Dr. Jia Ke, director of Xuanyuan Award Executive Committee, editor-in-chief of auto business review and director of Xuanyuan School, said: "The judges can abstain from voting against all the winning models. As long as one judge votes against it, we will continue to discuss it until we come up with a list that everyone agrees on. Our review process is also a discussion process. In this discussion process, our understanding of the industry can be further deepened. "

  In the end, the winners of the 2024 Xuanyuan Award were grandly released.

  TOP10 models of Xuanyuan Award Year: Ideal L7, Weilai ES6, Jetway Traveler, Tucki G6, MG Cyberster, Warrior 917, Lectra 08 EM-P, Deep Blue S7i, Lantu Zhuiguang PHEV, SAIC-GM-Wuling Bingo; Xuanyuan Award Special Award: Excellent Iteration Award — — New Lantu Dreamer, Brand Promotion Award — — Nezha S, Rookie Award — — Extreme Leap 01, Scene Innovation Award — — Polar fox car koala; Nominated models of Xuanyuan Award for the year: Zhiji LS7, Gaohe HiPhi Y, Extreme Krypton X, GAC Chuanqi New Energy E9, Weipai Gaoshan DHT-PHEV, Haobo GT, Haval Raptors, SAIC-GM-Wuling Baojun Yunyun, Geely Yinhe L7, Wenjie New M7 and Feifan F7.

  Unexpectedly, the 2024 Xuanyuan Award for Automobile of the Year was vacant. This is the first time that the annual award has been vacant since the Xuanyuan Award was awarded in 11 years. Why did this happen? The answer will be revealed later.

  This year’s Xuanyuan Award ceremony added a new link, which is to share the highlights and trends of Xuanyuan Award products found in the annual evaluation with the industry.

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  Professor Ma Jun, the judge of Xuanyuan Prize, School of Automobile and School of Design and Creativity of Tongji University, shared the "Development Trend of Intelligent Cockpit and New Method of Product Development". He believes that next year, the big model will be a battleground for military strategists, and car companies must do it. Focusing on the evaluation of user experience, human-computer interaction risk and security of large models, they are building an evaluation system for large models.

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  Ni Kai, the judge of Xuanyuan Award, founder and CEO of Heduo Technology, published the Xuanyuan Award Intelligent Driving Test Report. This intelligent driving evaluation is divided into four categories: basic driving, advanced driving, basic parking and advanced parking. In terms of driving, the scores of new power brands, independent new brands and traditional independent brands are equal; In terms of parking, the new power brands and independent new brands have not shown their advantages. On the contrary, many traditional independent brands have achieved good results.

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  Zhang Xiaoliang, the judge of Xuanyuan Award, founder and CEO of SoCar product strategy consulting, brought the trend sharing of Xuanyuan Award annual evaluation scene experience. He said, "From this year’s review, we have seen many things that we have never seen before. These things mean that we are making a new round of innovation in another direction. Whether these innovations must be logical or not will certainly stand the long-term test of the market. This will take some time to sort out and may bring more input to our core scenes and killer scenes in the next stage. "

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  Du Fang, the representative of Xuanyuan Award test partner and director of Botai products, shared the Xuanyuan Award annual test of intelligent cockpit. This year’s overall trend is to face a more hard-core, more delicate and more interconnected scene experience, with enhanced scene capabilities and more technological and intelligent blessings. She also made some predictions about the future trend: the application of large-scale models in the automotive field will become a new trend next year, whether the multi-modal cockpit natural interaction will surpass the mobile phone-like interaction and become a better way of interaction, and the global integration of cockpit, intelligent driving and vehicle capabilities will bring great challenges.

  In 2024, the list of intelligent driving in the 11th Xuanyuan Awards was released simultaneously. At the same time, excellent cases of intelligent driving, intelligent cockpit and scene experience were also revealed.

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  There is also a very interesting link at the scene. According to the design characteristics of the TOP10 model of the 2024 Xuanyuan Award, EFS AI expert Minh Cao used AIGC to generate a set of concept car design drawings. In this regard, Wang Xuanzheng, a judge of the Xuanyuan Prize and a professor at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, asked: "If all our designs are exactly the same as expected, what is the role of users in the whole system? Where should our emotions and personalities be placed? "

  Finally, he commented: "AI today, no matter what, we always firmly believe that it is a tool, not a complete solution. Of course, behind deciding whether it is a tool or a plan, it must be our interesting thoughts and souls. "

  The only annual vehicle vacancy in the history of Xuanyuan Award was the unanimous decision of the Xuanyuan Award Executive Committee and the members of the jury.

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  Truls Thorstensen, chairman of the Xuanyuan Prize jury and president and CEO of Austrian EFS arc advisory group, said: "If we put these models tested this year in previous years, each model has the ability to win the final prize."

  But at the same time, he pointed out: this year’s automobile products have a homogenization trend; Compared with last year’s products, this year’s automobile products are not so daring to try new things; Compared with previous years, we haven’t seen some excellent product performance this year.

  Vacancy does not mean the retrogression of products and automobile industry, but it is gestating more energy, more potential innovations and better products in the future.

  On the basis of not having the 11th Xuanyuan Award model of the year, we put forward the "Xuanyuan Ten Questions":

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  Jia Ke said that the "Ten Questions of Xuanyuan" has put forward a big "question mark" for China automobile industry, which is a question mark at the peak.

  "On the new track of new energy intelligent networked cars, we are the vanguard in the world. In a sense, we still pursued Tesla, followed the opportunity very closely, and made many innovations in application. Today, many of our cars have far exceeded the previous standards. We climbed from the bottom of the mountain to the mountainside. Can we climb the peak again? We may need to answer ‘ Xuanyuan Ten Questions ’ . This is also an inspiration left to us by the car vacancy in the 11th Xuanyuan Award. "

  In essence, the "Xuanyuan Ten Questions" is exactly what China automobile industry needs to think calmly in the fierce competition and high involution.

  This year is the 11th Xuanyuan Award and the beginning of a new decade. Jia Ke said: "I hope that in the new decade, the Xuanyuan Award will accompany China’s automobile industry not only to change lanes and overtake, but also to better promote the development of the world’s automobile industry on the new car track."

  The new decade of Xuanyuan Award also needs the continued support of partners.

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  Xuanyuan Award has been attached to Wuhan Economic Development Zone for three years, which also witnessed the extraordinary development of Wuhan Economic Development Zone for three years. In his speech, Liu Maohua, member of the Working Committee of Wuhan Economic Development Zone and deputy director of the Management Committee, sincerely invited entrepreneurs to build a new highland of the automobile industry with Chegu of China. "We will provide the best policy, the best service and the best environment to support enterprises to grow and develop in Chegu, China, and create brilliance together."

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  Xuanyuan Award and Daan Center have been cooperating since 2015. The location of this Xuanyuan Award evaluation activity is the intelligent networked automobile test plant of Daan Center, which provides a solid foundation for the evaluation of Xuanyuan Award. Wang Jin, general manager of Daan Center, said in his speech: "Daan and Xuanyuan Prize have witnessed the decade of intelligent development of new energy in China, and hope to jointly open a new decade of intelligent networking to the third space."

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  Xuanyuan Award has an independent observer, which is a unique feature that distinguishes Xuanyuan Award from other awards. Since the sixth Xuanyuan Award, Xuanyuan Award has introduced an independent observer mechanism to further increase the transparency of the selection and ensure the fairness and justice of the award. At the awarding ceremony, Li Jingwen, the manager of Ernst & Young Huaming Certified Public Accountants (special general partnership), read the notarized words and opened the password box for storing the award list on the spot. (Source: China Automobile Industry Annual Contribution Award — — Xuanyuan Award)

  The following is the list of winners of the 11th Xuanyuan Award in 2024:

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  Nominated model of the year

  Zhiji LS7

  Reason for winning: With elegant interior and exterior design and the perceived quality of luxury materials, a high-end new energy SUV with interior and exterior features has been built.

  Gaohe HiPhi Y

  Reason for winning the prize: It not only integrates the excellent genes of family products, but also shows good maneuverability, so that the brand provides consumers with a unique product experience in the new price range.

  Extreme krypton x

  Reason for winning: Following the brand’s car-making quality and driving pleasure, and creating a boutique small SUV with exquisite interior space.

  Guangzhou Automobile Chuanqi New Energy E9

  Reasons for winning the prize: It not only realized the overall transformation of corporate brand to new energy, but also promoted the development of PHEV technology in MPV market with independent innovation technology.

  Weipai Gaoshan DHT-PHEV

  Reason for winning: With its original flat floor design, it provides consumers with a high-end new energy MPV with comfortable driving and large space experience.

  Haobo GT

  Award-winning reason: It provides a cool and fun electric car for young elite consumers with the shape of a sports car with scissors doors.

  Haval Raptors

  Award-winning reason: In view of the strong demand change of market consumers for personalized products, a "square shell" light off-road product was built with solid technology.

  SAIC-GM-Wuling Baojun Yunduo

  Reasons for winning the prize: unique shape, emphasizing space and comfort, and achieving high-level intelligent driving assistance within 150,000 yuan.

  Geely Yinhe L7

  Reason for winning the prize: As a work of Geely’s transformation into a new energy source, it not only has distinctive family product characteristics, but also has a high price-performance ratio.

  Wen Jie Xin M7

  Reason for winning the prize: deeply binding Huawei’s ability and reputation, it has achieved a substantial increase in sales in the market through the annual change.

  Feifan F7

  Reason for winning the prize: It provides exquisite value choices for consumers in terms of design, quality, control and comfort.

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  Second, the special prize

  Excellent iteration award — — Xinlantu dreamer

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  Reason for winning: This year’s product insists on continuous improvement in terms of chassis adjustment, interior perceived quality, and cockpit experience, which not only greatly improves the product experience compared with the previous year’s model, but also makes people feel refreshed, and drives the brand sales to rise with new product strength.

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  Brand promotion award — — Nezha s

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  Reasons for winning the prize: The product concept of equal rights in science and technology not only provides a value choice for more young people to realize their dream of sports cars, but also successfully helps the brand to break the inherent cognition of consumers and create a brand-new corporate brand image with brand-new products.

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  Rookie Award — — Jiyue 01

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  Reason for winning: This brand-new brand-new product shows its edge in the aspects of intelligent cockpit, intelligent driving and dynamic performance. At the same time, it still has more room for expansion and imagination in the Internet ecology and future product form, which deserves more expectations.

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  Scene Innovation Award — — Jihu automobile koala

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  Reasons for winning the prize: I really practiced the concept of defining a car in a scene, thought deeply in many sub-scenes such as maternal and child, parent-child and female, and carefully explored the user experience and functional demands, which provided a good reference sample for the diversification and customization of the market.

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  Third, the Top10 model

  Ideality L7

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  Award-winning reason: deeply inherited the characteristics of brand family products and the concept of user scenario definition, successfully met the needs of brand-new markets and brand-new consumers with unique product development concepts, and achieved market sales success.

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  Weilai ES6

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  Reasons for winning the prize: the technology is solid, restrained and convergent, but it continues to improve and improve rhythmically. In the fierce market competition, it always maintains its own brand style, luxurious style and accurate crowd positioning, showing the uniqueness of products and brands.

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  Jietu traveler

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  Reason for winning: As an attempt to break into a new category, the brand not only has a high degree of product definition and design completion, but also creates a unique experience for light off-road, travel+and other sub-scenes, such as supporting external expansion of hardware and in-vehicle health inspection.

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  Tucki G6

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  Reason for winning the prize: Taking intelligent driving as the core breakthrough point, on the basis of ensuring the user experience and perceived value, the successful subtraction provided consumers and the market with a smart new energy vehicle with better quality-price ratio, and achieved good market sales.

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  MG Cyberster

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  Reason for winning the prize: This product pays tribute to the classics, and in the new era of intelligent, electric and new energy, it faces the domestic and international markets with its unique product definition, product design and atmosphere creation, showing the confidence and ability of China car enterprises to build a good sports car.

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  Warrior 917

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  Reasons for winning the prize: The combination of off-road, intelligence, new energy, customized modification and other elements has redefined the new luxury off-road category and new species, and demonstrated solid technical strength and product performance in two different scenes of daily driving and hard-core off-road.

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  Lingke 08 EM-P

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  Reason for winning the prize: Based on the original product style, the brand-new power form and original vehicle-machine interconnection ecology not only realized the brand’s transformation to the era of intelligent new energy, but also won the recognition of consumers with excellent product experience.

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  Deep blue S7i

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  Award-winning reason: With youthful interior and exterior styling design, good perceived quality, human-computer interaction and the third space design of the new power of building cars on a par, a high-end new energy vehicle with high price-performance ratio has been created again.

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  Lan tu Zhu guang PHEV

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  Reasons for winning the prize: positioning the executive car in the new energy era, and fully meeting the needs of market segments and unique scene definitions with good design, perceived quality of materials, space and ride comfort, and making positive attempts in the field of independent new energy executive cars.

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  SAIC-GM-Wuling Binguo

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  Reason for winning the prize: With a very cost-effective price and good product modeling and perceived quality of interior and exterior decoration, it not only provides consumers with a fashionable and convenient electric scooter, but also promotes the brand image of enterprises in the small electric vehicle market segment.

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Today’s beginning of spring | Fu Yang protects the liver, and everything is reborn! Beginning of spring health customs raiders, worth collecting ~

Beginning of spring today.

Beginning of spring, standing is to see, spring is stupid, which means that plants are beginning to come alive.

"twenty-four solar term" said: "The first month festival, the establishment, the beginning is also the same as autumn and winter in long summer." That is to say, it means that winter is coming to an end, symbolizing the beginning of spring. It can be said that "there is little frost at the end of the year, and spring is known to the world."

After beginning of spring, the weather turned warmer, everything revived, and everything was full of vitality.

In the spring, it is not too late to compete for the sun.

When keeping in good health, stay healthy for one year and get sick less!

Beginning of spring custom

Beginning of spring is one of the important traditional festivals of the Han people. On this day, there will be many folk customs and activities.

1. Spring Festival

Spring Festival is an important activity in beginning of spring, and preparations must be made in advance and previewed, commonly known as spring performance. Then, we can officially welcome the spring, with the purpose of bringing back the spring and the sentence (G not u).

2. ancestor worship

In many areas, beginning of spring offered sacrifices to his ancestors. For example, Guangdong’s "Xin’ an County Records" contains: "The people have something to do with the ancestral temple."

The food offered to ancestors in beginning of spring was also special. Henan’s Ruyang County Records says: "Have a spring banquet, spit spring cakes, recommend divination and pears."

3. Bite spring

Beginning of spring also has its own food, mainly spring cakes, radishes, five-spice plates (mixed with five spicy foods such as onion, garlic, pepper, ginger and mustard), etc. Spring rolls are popular in the south.

Eating spring rolls pays attention to wrapping the dishes and eating them from beginning to end, which is called "having a head and a tail" and means auspicious.

4. spring outing

After beginning of spring, people like to go out for a spring outing in the spring, which is also the main form of spring outing.

5, playing spring

Playing spring, also known as "whipping the spring ox", originated earlier and prevailed in the Tang and Song Dynasties, especially after Song Renzong promulgated "Tu Niu Jing", the custom of whipping the local ox spread more widely.

People want to break the local cattle, and people compete for the soil of spring cattle, which is called grabbing the spring and taking the cow’s head as luck.

Beginning of spring Sanhou

Beginning of spring is a time point or a time period. China tradition divides beginning of spring’s fifteen days into three periods:

When the east wind thaws.

On the day of beginning of spring, the east wind warmed up and the earth began to thaw;

Second-time sting insect begins to vibrate.

Five days after beginning of spring,

The dormant insects slowly wake up in the cave;

Three-time fish are frozen

In five days, the ice in the river began to melt.

The fish began to swim on the water,

There are still broken borneol that is not completely dissolved on the water.

Floating on the water like a fish.

Beginning of spring health guide

After beginning of spring, the yin cold in winter has not dissipated, and there will be natural phenomena such as late spring cold; At this time, from winter to spring, people’s ability to resist diseases and adapt to the climate is extremely weak, and they are prone to illness.

Therefore, beginning of spring’s health care becomes particularly important, and only by grasping the key points can we get twice the result with half the effort.

Give priority to nourishing liver

According to the nature, the five elements in spring belong to wood, corresponding to the liver. Chinese medicine believes that the liver governs emotions and "anger hurts the liver". Beginning of spring’s health care should focus on regulating emotions, nourishing and protecting the liver, and preventing "hyperactivity of liver fire".

Maintain a happy mood and avoid rage or depression; Through proper outdoor activities, more sunshine and other methods to recuperate emotions, the qi of spring yang can be declared, so as to achieve the purpose of normal operation of human viscera function.

Beginning of spring should pay attention to drinking plenty of water when nourishing the liver. Drinking plenty of water can also promote the secretion of glands, especially digestive glands, pancreatic juice and bile, so as to facilitate digestion, absorption and waste elimination, and reduce the damage of metabolites and toxins to the liver.

In terms of diet nursing, considering the characteristics of protecting the liver and promoting the growth of yang in spring, we should eat more pungent and sweet foods, such as rape, coriander, leek, onion, white radish, chrysanthemum, kohlrabi, Chinese cabbage, celery, spinach and other vegetables.

Beginning of spring nourishing liver and dietotherapy: For people with liver stagnation and qi stagnation, focus on soothing the liver. You can use 10 grams of dried albizzia flowers, 20 grams of fresh products, 150 grams of fresh pig liver, a little salt and soup to drink; Patients with liver disease, such as patients with liver cirrhosis and hepatitis B, should maintain a happy mood, and can adopt dietotherapy to soothe the liver and strengthen the spleen, such as chicken bone grass and crucian carp soup, and avoid fried, hot, fat and indigestible foods.

Pay attention to keep warm and should be "covered in spring"

Chinese medicine believes that spring belongs to wood and corresponds to liver. Therefore, beginning of spring’s health preservation is mainly based on nourishing the liver, and the theory of traditional Chinese medicine holds that "the liver governs emotions" and "anger hurts the liver".

Therefore, the key to nourishing the liver is to keep a good mood and avoid rage or depression. You can recuperate your mood by going out and sunbathing more, so that the qi of spring yang can be declared, so as to achieve the purpose of normal operation of human viscera function.

Proper exercise helps yang qi.

In spring, when the nature is "old", the yang is rising, and everything is sprouting. Just like nature, human qi and blood need to be stretched freely, which requires people to "stay up late and get up early, and be happy with the day". They can take appropriate outdoor sports at the right time of sunshine, breathe fresh air and exercise their bones and muscles. Through proper adjustment, the qi of spring yang can be announced, the metabolic function can operate normally, and the cardiopulmonary function and the human body can be improved. But be careful not to exercise too early or too late, and not to sweat to avoid hurting the yang.

Diet should be sweet and sour.

On Su Wen’s Method of Storing Qi: "The liver governs the spring, … the liver is bitter and anxious, and it is slow to eat urgently, … the liver wants to disperse, and the acute food is pungent to disperse."

After beginning of spring, you can choose some foods that nourish and soften the liver, soothe the liver and regulate qi, such as leek, lobster sauce and coriander. Sweet foods such as jujube and honey water can also be appropriately added, which is beneficial to tonify the spleen and avoid damaging the spleen due to hyperactivity of the liver.

We should pay attention to eating less sour food to prevent excessive liver qi, and the physical properties of the food we eat should be cold. We should use or fast hot food with caution, so as to avoid the occurrence of warm diseases caused by diet promoting internal heat. Drink plenty of water on weekdays, and make tea with chrysanthemum and honeysuckle to clear away heat and dispel wind.

Open the window to breathe and prevent epidemic

After beginning of spring, the weather changed from cold to warm, everything began to recover, and all kinds of pathogenic bacteria and viruses began to grow and reproduce, which was a season with frequent epidemics. As the old saying goes, "A hundred herbs sprout, and an old disease sprouts." In terms of preventive measures, we must first eliminate the source of infection; Second, it is necessary to properly open the door and open the window for ventilation to ensure fresh indoor air circulation, which can also play the role of indoor dust removal and ventilation and reduce the survival of indoor bacteria; The third is to strengthen exercise and improve the body’s defense ability; In addition, wash your hands frequently every day, and pay attention to wearing masks in crowded places.

Original title: "Today’s beginning of spring | Fuyang protects the liver, and everything is reborn! Beginning of spring health customs raiders, worth collecting ~ "

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The 3 rd line battle field shines! The throne of football in China will give way! Wuhan soil cannon rises!

China football has been looking for new players to provoke the offensive banner, and now we have one person, who is Wei Shihao, the local cannon of Wuhan Sanzhen Team, the defending champion of Chinese Super League. This season, Wuhan Sanzhen team experienced serious difficulties. The investors of the team suddenly withdrew their funds, and the team became an empty shell team before the AFC Champions League started. The rise of Wei Shihao propped up the team and made it get good results. Since Lei Wu played in the Super League, his goals have been among the best.

But in the sixth season, Wu Lei won the top scorer in the Super League with 27 goals, but lost the opportunity to compete in Europe. In the end, he chose to return to China, but his competitive state declined. No matter in the club or the national team, he no longer had the feeling of being unique. Now, the national football team needs a new person to carry the banner of attack, and this person is Wei Shihao.

Wei Shihao’s performance in Wuhan Sanzhen Team is remarkable, and his rise made the team maintain its fighting capacity after experiencing serious difficulties. In the 29th round of the Super League, Wuhan Sanzhen team played against Shenzhen team at home. Wei Shihao’s form is obviously good. He created many opportunities for the team. Although the team was exhausted, he still played well.

Wei Shihao’s strength cannot be ignored. He entered the national team in 2015 and became the youngest scorer in the Asian Cup. His performance has also been recognized by the head coach of the national team and has been selected for the national team many times. In the national football team’s away game against South Korea in January this year, Wei Shihao scored a goal to help the national football team draw with South Korea, showing his own strength. The rise of Wei Shihao also attracted the attention of fans, and his performance made people look forward to the future of China football.

Although he is still young, he has shown his strength and potential. China football needs such young players with strength and potential to achieve better results in the future. Generally speaking, Wei Shihao is a new star in China football, and his performance has attracted the attention of fans and the media. Although he still needs to constantly hone himself in actual combat, his strength and potential have made people look forward to his future. Can he become the next Lei Wu of China football?

This is an interesting question, which deserves our expectation and discussion. Wei Shihao, he is the player that the Chinese Super League or China football needs at present. Whether in the national team, AFC Champions League or Super League, he can carry the team’s banner, score key goals and win for the team. His strong performance also makes people have to look forward to his future.

In a recent game, Wei Shihao scored a goal at the end of the game, helping the three towns of Wuhan beat Shenzhen 1-0. This ball is also considered as the winner of the game. And he also scored a goal in the last AFC Champions League, which helped the team win the first victory in AFC Champions League history. His goal also helped the national team to see hope when the national team was once in a desperate situation against Uzbekistan.

It can be said that Wei Shihao has an excellent performance in the third-line arena and has become the backbone of the team. Wei Shihao’s strength and performance also make people have to compare him with Lei Wu. It can be said that Wei Shihao has already taken over the banner of Lei Wu. His strength is comparable to that of Wu Lei, and his performance is not lost to Lei Wu. China football in the future needs such players, such backbone and such leaders.

Of course, Wei Shihao’s strong performance is also inseparable from his efforts and dedication. In his training, he always takes every detail seriously and devotes himself to it. His efforts and dedication have also enabled him to play more confidently and excellently in the competition. Generally speaking, Wei Shihao has become the focus of domestic fans.

His strength and performance make people full of expectations, expecting him to carry the banner of China football in the future and make greater contributions to the development of China football.

@ Everyone! From New Year’s Day next year, these new regulations are closely related to you!

  Xinhuanet Beijing, December 27th (Reporter Lu Junyu) 2018 is the countdown, and in the coming year of 2019, a wave of heavy new regulations will be officially implemented.

  Taxpayers will get greater tax cuts when the new tax law is implemented!

  After several rounds of extensive consultation, on December 22nd, the State Council officially issued the Interim Measures for Special Additional Deduction of Individual Income Tax, which marked a key step for China’s individual tax reform to take comprehensive taxation, and taxpayers will receive greater tax reduction from next year.

  The interim measures will be implemented on January 1, 2019 with the newly revised tax law. In the future, taxpayers can calculate the taxable income of individual tax, and besides the basic deduction of 5,000 yuan and special deductions such as "three insurances and one gold", they can also enjoy six special additional deductions such as children’s education, continuing education, serious illness medical care, housing loan interest or housing rent, and supporting the elderly.

  E-commerce law governs online shopping chaos and treats online and offline fairly!

  The E-commerce Law, which consists of seven chapters and 89 articles, provides detailed provisions on e-commerce operators, the conclusion and performance of e-commerce contracts, the settlement of e-commerce disputes, the promotion of e-commerce, and legal liabilities, and will come into force on January 1, 2019.

  In order to protect consumers’ rights and respond to social hotspots, the E-commerce Law stipulates that for goods or services related to consumers’ lives and health, operators of e-commerce platforms fail to fulfill their obligation to review the qualifications of operators in the platform, or fail to fulfill their obligation to ensure safety for consumers, thus causing damage to consumers, they shall bear corresponding responsibilities according to law. If the operator of the e-commerce platform fails to take necessary measures against the behavior of the operator in the platform that infringes on the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, if the circumstances are serious, it shall be ordered to suspend business for rectification and be fined not less than 500,000 yuan but not more than 2 million yuan.

  In recent years, mobile social media has become an important part of people’s daily life, and Wechat business has sprung up and developed rapidly. In view of this new situation, the e-commerce law has expanded the definition of e-commerce operators, and included Wechat business and live broadcast platforms in the supervision. And refine the joint liability of the e-commerce platform and the operators in the platform, and increase the review obligation of the e-commerce platform. Standardize e-commerce enterprises and platforms, and put an end to the phenomenon of "big data killing", "store bullying" and "barbaric growth".

  The organic law of the "two houses" was overhauled for the first time in nearly 40 years, and the achievements of judicial reform were comprehensively confirmed and consolidated.

  The Organic Law of the People’s Court and the Organic Law of the People’s Procuratorate came into effect on January 1, 2019. This is the first major overhaul of the Organic Law of the "two houses" in the past 40 years, which comprehensively confirmed and consolidated the achievements of the judicial system reform in recent years.

  This revision has improved the organization and authority of courts and procuratorates. For example, according to the Law on the Organization of Courts, the Supreme People’s Court can set up circuit courts, intellectual property courts and financial courts, which are all important manifestations of judicial reform in court organization.

  In terms of improving the effectiveness of legal supervision, the Organic Law of the People’s Procuratorate stipulates that the People’s Procuratorate may, according to the needs of procuratorial work, set up procuratorial offices in prisons, detention centers and other places, exercise part of the functions and powers of the people’s procuratorate that dispatched it, or conduct patrol inspections in the above places.

  New version of birth certificate launched

  According to the announcement of the National Health and Wellness Committee in official website, the medical certificate of birth will be revised soon. Since January 1, 2019, the medical certificate of birth (the sixth edition) issued by the National Health and Wellness Committee will be activated.

  Social insurance premiums shall be uniformly collected by the tax authorities.

  The "Reform Plan for the Collection and Management System of National Taxation and Local Taxation" clarifies that from January 1, 2019, various social insurance premiums such as basic old-age insurance premiums, basic medical insurance premiums, unemployment insurance premiums, work injury insurance premiums and maternity insurance premiums will be uniformly collected by the tax authorities.

  This reform will have a series of important effects. Previously, five social insurances were collected by the social security handling department and the tax department in different regions, which was in a situation of "separate collection". After the introduction of this plan, they will be collected by the tax department in a unified way, thus improving the collection efforts and solving the once-existing problem of false fee base. Specific to the actual operation, the release of the "Reform Plan" means that the previous situation that some enterprises did not provide social security for their employees or did not provide full social security for their employees is expected to be changed, which is conducive to implementing the penalty for unpaid social security fees in Article 63 of the Social Insurance Law and standardizing the social security payment behavior of market participants.

  China adjusts some import and export tariffs

  From January 1, 2019, China will adjust the import and export tariffs of some commodities.

  In order to actively expand imports, cut down the institutional costs of import links and help supply-side structural reform, China will impose provisional import tax rates on more than 700 commodities, including adding zero tariffs on miscellaneous meals and some raw materials for pharmaceutical production, appropriately reducing the provisional import tax rates on cotton sliding duties and some furs, canceling the provisional import tax rates on four solid wastes such as manganese slag, canceling the provisional import tax rates on thionyl chloride and lithium-ion batteries for new energy vehicles, and resuming the MFN tariff rate. We will continue to impose a lower provisional import tax rate on advanced equipment such as aero-engines and welding robots in automobile production lines, natural forage and natural uranium, which are urgently needed for domestic development.

  In order to meet the needs of the reform of the export management system and promote the structural adjustment, quality improvement and efficiency improvement of the energy resources industry, since January 1, 2019, 94 commodities such as fertilizer, apatite, iron ore, slag, coal tar and wood pulp will no longer be subject to export tariffs.

  China adjusts cross-border e-commerce retail import policy

  From January 1, 2019, China will adjust the tax policy for cross-border e-commerce retail imports, raise the upper limit of commodity quotas enjoying preferential tax policies, and expand the scope of the list.

  The adjustment of tax policy will increase the annual transaction limit from 20,000 yuan per person per year to 26,000 yuan, and the camera will be raised with the increase of residents’ income in the future. Raise the limit of a single transaction to 5,000 yuan, and make it clear that the duty-paid price exceeds the limit of a single transaction but is lower than the annual transaction limit, and only one commodity can be imported from the cross-border e-commerce retail channel, and the customs duties, import value-added tax and consumption tax are fully levied according to the goods tax rate, and the transaction amount is included in the total annual transaction amount. It is clear that cross-border e-commerce retail imported goods that have been purchased shall not enter the domestic market for re-sale.

  In 2019, the national unified medical insurance system for urban and rural residents was fully implemented.

  It is understood that the National Medical Insurance Bureau recently jointly issued the Notice on Doing a Good Job in Basic Medical Insurance for Urban and Rural Residents in 2018 with the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the National Health and Wellness Committee. The notice is clear and promotes the establishment of a unified medical insurance system for urban and rural residents. All localities should pay close attention to promoting the integration of the basic medical insurance system for urban and rural residents. Areas that have not introduced the integration plan and have not yet started operation should pay close attention to the introduction of the plan and start implementation as soon as possible.

  According to the notice, in 2018, the financial subsidies for medical insurance for urban and rural residents and individual payment standards will increase simultaneously. 40 yuan will be added to the per capita subsidy standard of finance at all levels on the basis of 2017, reaching no less than 490 yuan per person per year. In 2018, 40 yuan will be added to the per capita personal payment standard of medical insurance for urban and rural residents, reaching 220 yuan per person per year.

  The implementation of the Law on the Prevention and Control of Soil Pollution has made people feel at ease in eating and living.

  The Law on Prevention and Control of Soil Pollution in People’s Republic of China (PRC) will be implemented on January 1, 2019, which is the first time that China has formulated a special law to regulate the prevention and control of soil pollution.

  The law on the prevention and control of soil pollution consists of seven chapters and ninety-nine articles. The law clarifies that the prevention and control of soil pollution should adhere to the principles of prevention first, protection first, classified management, risk control, pollution responsibility and public participation.

  According to the law, the state implements the list system of soil pollution risk control and remediation for construction land. The law stipulates the conditions, procedures, risk control and restoration measures to be taken for entering and leaving the land under the list management. If required by law, the land included in the list of soil pollution risk control and restoration of construction land shall not be used as residential, public management and public service land.

  In addition, the law has formulated detailed punishment measures for illegal acts.

  Implementation of the Regulations on the Administration of Administrative Divisions

  The Regulations on the Administration of Administrative Divisions shall come into force on January 1, 2019. Administrative division is an important content for the party to lead the people to promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity in accordance with the constitutional laws. On the basis of summarizing the implementation experience of the State Council’s Regulations on the Administration of Administrative Divisions for more than 30 years, the State Council formulated the Regulations. The promulgation and implementation of the "Regulations" is of great significance to the implementation of the major decision-making arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on optimizing the setting of administrative divisions and strengthening the management of administrative divisions.

  The official release of six national standards for electronic licenses has helped to realize the "one network management" nationwide.

  The State Administration of Market Supervision, the National Standardization Administration Committee and the National Inter-Ministerial Joint Conference Office of Electronic Document Management (National Cryptography Administration) have recently officially released six national standards, namely, the overall technical framework of electronic license, the information specification of electronic license catalogue, the metadata specification of electronic license, the identification specification of electronic license, the technical requirements of electronic license documents and the interface specification of electronic license sharing service.

  With the deepening of the reform of "Internet+Government Services", electronic license, as a professional and voucher electronic document with legal and administrative effects, has increasingly become the main electronic certificate for market participants and citizens’ activities, and is an important basic data to support the operation of government services. The formulation of national standards for issuing electronic licenses will provide standard support for the construction of national electronic license database and basic platform, the mutual recognition and sharing of electronic licenses across levels, departments and regions, and the integration and sharing of government information resources with licenses.

  According to reports, the series of standards for electronic licenses issued this time stipulate the overall technical framework, unified license classification rules and basic information of electronic licenses, which will help promote the realization of "one network to run" nationwide, make the sharing of government information resources and services smoother, and make people feel that it is more convenient to do things. This series of standards will be implemented on January 1, 2019.

Summary and commendation of "Singing the Motherland, One Song, One City" and IPTV publicity exchange meeting were held in Chengdu.

  Cctv news On the afternoon of October 14th, a large-scale all-media activity "Singing the Motherland, One Song, One City" and an IPTV publicity exchange meeting jointly sponsored by the State Administration of Radio and Television and the Central Radio and Television Station were held in Chengdu. Wei Dangjun, Director of the Network Department of the State Administration of Radio and Television, Chung Chi Li, Deputy Director of the Network Department of the State Administration of Radio and Television, Zheng Zhi, Deputy Convenor of the General Manager’s Office of the Central Radio and Television General Station, and representatives of China IPTV main distribution platform and telecom operators attended the forum. At the meeting, IPTV industry reports were released and in-depth exchanges were conducted on IPTV publicity.

  Adhere to multi-party efforts to consolidate the mainstream public opinion position of IPTV

  In his speech, Wei Dangjun, director of the Network Department of the State Administration of Radio and Television, fully affirmed the construction and development of IPTV and its important role in propaganda work. He pointed out that IPTV has now become an important platform for propaganda and ideological culture and an ideological position, playing an increasingly important role in spreading the voice of the party, promoting mainstream values, and giving play to the guiding role of public opinion.

  He said that to promote the healthy and orderly development of IPTV industry, we must adhere to the following points: First, to effectively improve our political position, we must take a clear-cut stand on politics. Guided by Socialism with Chinese characteristics Thought in the new era, we should strengthen the four consciousnesses, strengthen the four self-confidences, consciously undertake the mission of raising flags, gathering people’s hearts, educating new people, promoting culture and developing image, sing the main theme, spread positive energy, and make the party’s voice spread wider, wider and deeper, which is the fundamental follow-up and guiding ideology of IPTV work. The second is to innovate the way of public opinion guidance. New technology promotes the rapid development of information dissemination mode and constant reform and innovation, and the people’s cultural level and ideological taste are also constantly improving, which requires continuous innovation of public opinion guidance mode, improvement of publicity and marketing level, maximization of publicity effect, and improvement of cultural products, which should be practical and meet people’s needs. Third, it is necessary to further standardize management, adhere to safety as the most important, manage and control, and improve the ability to check. In the key links such as the entry of program sources, the standard management level should be improved to ensure the content security, transmission security and broadcast security of IPTV.

  Strengthen brand building and enrich content resources by multiple measures.

  Zheng Zhi, deputy convener of the General Manager’s Office of the Central Radio and Television General Station, pointed out in his speech that IPTV is not only a communication platform, but also a platform with strong IP creation ability. In the process of building the industry ecology in the future, relying on the high-quality resources of the General Station and the provincial stations, the general station platform can make good use of the successful experience of the "Song City" project, give full play to their respective advantages, dig deep into the production of original content, and create more programs that people like and strengthen the IPTV industry.

  First, the general platform will continuously enrich and expand the content resources of IPTV in TV series, variety shows, documentaries and sports events, and further enhance the people’s sense of acquisition and happiness with high-quality and high-quality cultural supply.

  Second, we will further give full play to the obvious advantages of the general platform in news and public opinion topic reporting, constantly consolidate the construction of the main line of IPTV theme propaganda, strengthen the means of communication and discourse, and strive to make IPTV the main force, main channel and main position of the party’s news and public opinion work, and make greater contributions to consolidating and expanding the party’s ideological and political work.

  Third, combined with the general platform, it has accumulated experience in the strategic implementation of 5G+4K/8K+AI, and will provide more technical support for the development of IPTV smart media ecological construction in the future.

  Focus on the difficulties and pain points of the industry and discuss the solutions in depth.

  Where is the IPTV propaganda work going? How to adapt to the development needs of the new era, in the guest dialogue session, more than a dozen industry guests conducted in-depth exchanges and discussions on three topics, namely, "Keeping Honesty: Integrated Development of Network and Network", "Cohesion: Characteristic Operation and Integrated Development" and "Win-win Cooperation of IPTV in New Industry Ecology".

  Dai Zhuo, deputy general manager of Hubei Changjiang Yunxin Media Group Co., Ltd. believes that the boundaries of many channels will gradually weaken whether it is IPTV or future technological development. What we need to do is to cut into this vertical field of localization as soon as possible and consolidate the functions of our own platform.

  Qi Ruofan, director of operations of Beijing New Media Group Co., Ltd. also believes that IPTV should not compete with Internet giants with pan-entertainment content, but should give full play to its own advantages, including local information capabilities, social service capabilities, community service capabilities and government service capabilities, and use products to retain users, attract users and satisfy users.

  In terms of exploring the potential of IPTV, Zhang Xiaogang, general manager of Haikan Network Technology (Shandong) Co., Ltd., revealed that they are trying the "Thousands of Villages and Thousands of Houses" project, that is, extending IPTV services to the countryside, because there is a lot of information in the countryside that needs to be displayed through channels and platforms, such as agricultural products and tourism. After this attempt, the number of their users has actually increased during the epidemic.

  Zhai Yingbin, chairman of Anhui Dolphin New Media Industry Development Co., Ltd. believes that no matter how it develops in the future, we must first maintain and consolidate the big-screen position, and then consider how to enrich the content and production mode, which needs to be considered.

  5G is both an opportunity and a challenge. With high bandwidth and low delay, 5G has broken away from the limitation of cable and bandwidth for video production, and has also broken away from the original bondage in video production and video interaction. Wang Minjuan, general manager of the Big Video Division of Tianyi Smart Home Technology Co., Ltd. believes that this year’s live broadcast of Raytheon Mountain and Vulcan Mountain and even the live broadcast of Sansha turtle eggs are all new attempts, and the IPTV platform should also be changed. She believes that 5G is full of imagination for IPTV platform, and it is necessary to continue to innovate, expand more cooperation and serve users on the platform.

  Dong Dawu, deputy general manager of China Unicom Video Company, also believes that 5G will bring many changes to video production. How to seize this opportunity for IPTV platform is something we need to think about. For example, operators need to consider how to give full play to the platform attributes and expand business development for government and enterprise customers.

  As the mainstream media communication position in China, IPTV will also undertake the new mission and journey of media integration and industrial innovation in the future.

  Participants generally agreed that according to the past development experience and future development trend, development still needs content to be king and content to be supreme, while innovating communication methods to retain users. In the future development, it is even more necessary to give play to the advantages and specialties of IPTV and activate its potential value.

award ceremony

award ceremony

  At the event site, Fang Min, deputy general manager of CCTV Market Research Media Convergence, released the IPTV industry report. According to the report, by the end of August 2020, IPTV users had exceeded 307 million, making it the largest TV transmission channel in China. User satisfaction and trust are more than 90%, and the main reasons for IPTV to attract users are the choice of functions and high cost performance. Users are sticky, and the viewing increment is huge in the afternoon and evening; Users are willing to pay to watch the popular content, and the content consumption potential is great.

  In addition, the organizers commended the outstanding teams and individuals of the project "Singing the Motherland, One Song, One City". It is reported that at the 8th China Network Audiovisual Conference, the list of outstanding works in the 2019 Excellent Network Audiovisual Works Selection Campaign organized by the State Administration of Radio and Television was officially announced, and the large-scale all-media activity "Singing the Motherland, One Song, One City" jointly implemented by CCTV and IPTV General Station was selected as the annual special event.

Ministry of Culture and Tourism: Adhere to tourism for the people, and tourism will drive to better meet people’s new expectations for a better life.

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On December 14th, the Press Office of the State Council held a series of press conferences on the theme of "Opening by Authorities" to introduce the situation of accelerating the construction of a strong cultural country and promoting the high-quality development of culture and tourism. Lu Yingchuan, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, said that tourism should serve the people and be driven by tourism to better meet people’s new expectations for a better life.

Editor: Liu Yanxia

Produced by Audio and Video Department of Xinhua News Agency

Ministry of Culture and Tourism: Innovating the supply of tourism products and creating tourism demand with new supply.

Ministry of Culture and Tourism: Continue to promote the integration of urban and rural public cultural service system.

"Hot"! The Vice Minister of Culture and Tourism described this year’s tourism market in two words.

Tottenham’s 3-goal striker joined Real Madrid, and Ancelotti personally named him, rejecting Mbappé for the reunion of mentoring.

This season’s Real Madrid failed to achieve the desired results, and Benzema failed to continue the excellent performance of last season. Although Real Madrid will still renew the contract with Benzema, it may even let Benzema end his career at Real Madrid. However, Real Madrid still have to prepare for Benzema’s decline. They can’t put all the pressure on a 35-year-old veteran, even if the veteran’s name is Benzema. Therefore, Real Madrid has also started the plan to find a successor, but the plan is not going so smoothly.

At present, there are many excellent center players in the world football, from Lu Kaku and lautaro of Inter Milan to Osman of Naples, Harland of Manchester City and Kane of Tottenham Hotspur, all of them are hot players in the transfer market. However, judging from the current news, except Harland, all these players are disdained by Real Madrid, including Kane. Of course, Kane is too old, and his 30-year-old age will make him unable to guarantee his state in the next few seasons. Real Madrid is not willing to take such risks, while Osmain is because of his injury.

Harland and Mbappé were the best targets for Real Madrid, but the relationship between Mbappé and Real Madrid broke down because of the transfer failure last season, and it was difficult for Harland to succeed when he was at home in Manchester City. Therefore, although Real Madrid has enough transfer fee budget and its players are attractive enough, it is still very difficult to get a top center to join in the summer transfer period. And it should be noted that it is difficult for both Benzema and the top center they want to accept the arrangement of substitutes.

Since it is impossible to get a top center, Real Madrid will change its signing strategy and focus on other strikers. Rishalison from Tottenham has become one of their choice targets. The Brazilian striker, who just joined Tottenham this season, is not happy in Tottenham. He scored only three goals for the team in 33 games, which completely failed to play his own value, which also made his worth decline. If Real Madrid wants to find Benzema’s successor, Rishalisson is definitely not the right candidate. If it is just to find a substitute player, it may be considered.

The reason why Rishalison’s name will appear in Real Madrid’s selection list is because of Ancelotti’s relationship. They once cooperated at Everton, and Rishalison played very well, so it is possible to reunite this time. However, it is still very difficult to join a top team like Real Madrid with its past signing strategy and Rishalisson’s performance on the court. If Real Madrid really want to make signings, they can find a more suitable target.