Angelababy’s rapid return to "running man" after giving birth has attracted heated debate

  Zhejiang Satellite TV’s "Let’s Run" is currently recording a new issue in Dalian. What’s striking is that Angelababy quickly returned after giving birth and made her first appearance on the recording, forming a double female MC situation with Di Lizheba. The reporter was invited to visit the recording and the public welfare landing event. Angelababy is so debated, what is she trying to do? And there are many stars like her in the entertainment industry. In the fierce competition, they stand out with their dedication, emotional intelligence and ability.  

  Planner: Su Lei

  Written by: Guangzhou Daily All Media Reporter, Zeng Jun

  The scene: The new mother is full of effort

  The "Let’s Run" national public welfare activity came to Xingzhi Primary School in Ganjingzi District, Dalian to send care to the children. It is reported that some of the parents of these children are engaged in special occupations such as shipbuilding, the Ministry of Marine Industry, and liquefied petroleum gas. Some parents are maritime commissioners, and more parents are migrant workers in Dalian. Seeing the "brother group" who accompany them on the TV on weekends on weekdays come to the side, the children cheered and expressed their love excitedly.

  Afterwards, eight MC members and more than 160 teachers and students participated in the tug-of-war competition. The most surprising thing was that "new mother" Angelababy finally returned to "logging tired". As early as April 24, there were news on the Internet that the pictures of the Dalian recording scene were broken. Angelababy, who came back after giving birth, was wearing a pink gauze skirt and stepping on high heels, still feeling full of girls. Angelababy had just returned, but she still did not change her true nature as a woman, and she was still working hard on the task.


  The phone is full of photos and videos of small sponges

  At the event, a child saw Angelababy crying excitedly, and Angelababy immediately went over to comfort her and gave her his name tag. Speaking about the changes after becoming a mother, Angelababy revealed that there were no selfies of herself on her phone, but only photos and videos of the little sponge. "Every day, the latest photos and videos of the little sponge will be sent to me, and I will watch them at any time to pay attention to his daily activities." Not only that, but she also became a "marriage urge", telling Li Chen, Lu Han and others to complete their next major life events as soon as possible.

  When it comes to the experience of a new mother, she said that she is still learning, and Huang Xiaoming is a super dad. "Every day he opens his eyes, he learns to speak like a baby, and he is called’Dad ‘. The baby looks very similar to Mr. Huang, because he is relatively fat." Regarding the first recording after giving birth, she said that this time in Dalian, she did not exercise much, but she was still very excited to play games with her brothers.

  When asked about her first experience recording with Di Lizheba, Angelababy said that she had not yet had the opportunity to join forces with the other party to fight against other brothers, "but there is no gender difference in the running man family. Di Lizheba is her brother, and he is’I Magnetic ‘."

  Deng Chao is desperately brushing their sense of existence

  Deng Chao could be said to be the most diligent movie coffee in the variety show. As the captain of "Running Man", he worked very hard and dedicated to recording every episode of the show, and rarely let the outside world see his exhaustion. He was known as "perpetual motion machine".

  Huang Xiaoming, 40, has been in the industry for 20 years and is still a famous hard-working Saburo in the circle. He not only has many business investments, but also has many film appointments. He is also a frequent guest on variety shows. He has been resident in "All Staff Accelerating", "Come on Cinderella", "Come on Beautiful Girl", "Our Challenge" and so on. He is very active among the stars of the Mesozoic era. In addition, even in poor health, he does not care about playing, working, and eating strange food. He is very cooperative.

  Another hard-working artist is Huang Lei. Recently, the offline activities of the "Huang Xiaochu" APP he established have attracted controversy about creative plagiarism, but it can be seen from his commercial efforts. In addition, he not only produces his own TV series, but also partners with He Jiong and other friends in the circle to establish a film and television company, intending to make a difference in investment works. In terms of variety shows, he is also a familiar face.

  Song Xiaobao did not dare to retreat easily

  In the popular "Legend of Laughter" every Sunday night, Song Xiaobao is the "Legendary Comedian". Some people may wonder why Song Xiaobao joined the variety show again after saying at the end of last year that he would quit the variety show circle for a while due to physical and mental fatigue. In this regard, he explained that this time he came to give more support to comedy newcomers, and planned to give himself a real holiday in the future. He was steady on the road of art in order to go further. However, this statement was interpreted by the outside world as that he was nostalgic for the stage and could not easily give up.

  Last weekend, after a decade, Mr. Xue began singing again, and it is well known that he can continue his musical dream in large part because he relies on his true nature as a "joker" to play to the fullest in variety shows. In the meantime, he has appeared on dozens of variety shows. In this sense, Xue Zhiqian is very much in need of variety shows. He has joined "Golden Melody," "Mars Intelligence Bureau," "Tomorrow’s Son," and many other shows are hot and produced.

  Zhou Dongyu relies on strength to obtain high-quality resources

  The Mesozoic generation is so hard, and the new generation needs to rely on emotional intelligence and strength to gain recognition in the industry. In the variety show "Give Me Five", which ranks first in the ratings every Saturday, Liu Haoran and Wang Junkai both show a warm and considerate side, which has been praised by the audience. In a recent media interview, Liu Haoran also gave the impression of being polite and cordial. It is reported that he stood out among the new generation because of these, starring in "Langya List 2" is about to go LIVE, the main theme blockbuster "Army Founding" has attracted much attention, and he also starred in the fantasy film "The Legend of the Demon Cat" directed by Chen Kaige, with a promising future.

  Among the post-90s generation, Zhou Dongyu’s resources are quite good. The "scheming girl" aura that came with her debut attracted everyone’s attention. Since then, she has not appeared in good works. She "offended" Sun Honglei in variety shows for a time, and her poor performance in "Sparrow" has attracted even more criticism. However, she later won the Golden Horse Award for Best Actress for her performance in "July and Ansheng", which was appreciated by the director Chen Kexin; the upcoming new film "Like You" is a partner of Takeshi Kancheng, and she is on the big screen all the way.

  A few years ago, Huang Xuan proved his acting potential by relying on the literary films of directors such as Xu Anhua, and created the image of a weak and infatuated man in several popular TV dramas, which has greatly improved his popularity. In the past two years, he has frequently participated in commercial films, and he is the best among this group of actors with both good looks and strength. Although the box office of the new film "Extraordinary Mission" is not as good as expected, Huang Xuan has also taken the first step of transforming from a literary line to a tough man in action. Next, his leading film "Youth" is a collaboration with Feng Xiaogang. In addition, "The Great Wall" and "The Legend of the Demon Cat" are the works of the fifth generation of famous directors, which is very good for enhancing his recognition in the circle. In the upcoming TV drama "Entrepreneurial Era", Huang Xuan will partner with Angelababy, which also earns enough attention.

Summary of the reform effect of industrial and commercial registration system

The "blowout" growth of new enterprises stimulates market vitality —— A summary of the reform effect of industrial and commercial registration system

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 24th (Reporter Gao Jing, Tan Moxiao, Meng Hanqi) After the implementation of the reform of the registered capital registration system, from March to June, 4,400,600 new market entities were registered nationwide, a year-on-year increase of 20.48%. Among them, there were 1,269,300 newly registered enterprises, an increase of 66.85%. The number of enterprises has increased by spurt, and the market vitality has been further released, which has played an important role in stabilizing growth and promoting employment.

    The reform of registered capital registration system stimulates a new upsurge of entrepreneurship

"The reform of industrial and commercial registration has made my dream of starting a company come true." Chang Zhaosheng, a 70-year-old man from Jilin Province, said.

Before the reform, Chang Zhaosheng had patented technology in video recording equipment, but he was unable to apply for registration as a company due to lack of funds. The reform of the registered capital registration system canceled the minimum requirement of the registered capital of the company, and no longer restricted the initial investment amount, investment proportion and investment period of the company’s shareholders. Chang Zhaosheng successfully obtained the business license, and his registered capital was all composed of intangible assets.

The reform of the registered capital registration system, which was implemented on March 1st this year, has greatly reduced the entry threshold for registered capital and business premises of enterprises, and enabled more people with "entrepreneurial dreams" like Chang Zhaosheng to realize their dreams.

The new entrepreneurial upsurge has also brought vitality to economic development: the number of service enterprises in China has increased significantly; The number of market players in the central and western regions has increased significantly faster than that in the east; It has an obvious driving effect on emerging industries such as information transmission, software and information technology, culture, sports and entertainment.

A large number of new individual and private economies have also become the main channel to solve employment. By the end of June, the number of individual and private economic employees in China had increased by 13,034,600 compared with the end of last year, an increase of 3.88 times over the same period of last year.

    "Take a photo first, then prove it" to clear up the "obstacle" of entrepreneurship

"In the past, it took a lot of procedures to run a restaurant license. This time, it didn’t take me 30 days to officially open the restaurant." Feng Hongjun, owner of Dangjun Restaurant in Banan District, Chongqing, said.

Chongqing has fully implemented the industrial and commercial registration reform since January 28 this year, becoming one of the first provinces and cities in China to fully implement the industrial and commercial registration system reform. After hearing this information, Feng Hongjun, who has been drifting north for more than ten years, chose to return to his hometown to start a business. After obtaining the business license from the industrial and commercial department, he applied for a license from the food and drug supervision department while decorating, recruiting and purchasing equipment. When the renovation was completed, all the formalities were completed and the restaurant opened smoothly.

The the State Council executive meeting held on June 4th decided to continue to clean up and compress the existing pre-approval items, change most of them into post-approval, and change from "first license before photo" to "first license after photo", and implement a catalogued management system, which will be open to the public and subject to supervision.

Liu Junhai, director of the Institute of Commercial Law of Renmin University of China, pointed out that "taking photos first and then obtaining certificates" can improve the company’s survival rate and promote the company to carry out commercial activities as soon as possible. This reform is not a simple mechanical displacement of the examination and approval system and the registration system in the time dimension, but a major institutional innovation that comprehensively reduces and restricts the government’s examination and approval power, reconstructs public power and enhances the government’s credibility, and contains great positive energy for reform and innovation.

    "lenient entry and strict management", exploring the balance between management and release in practice

After lowering the entry threshold, corporate integrity has become one of the most concerned issues in society. This tests the management level of the government.

Wang Yukai, a professor at the National School of Administration, said that how to achieve the balance between management and release, not only to encourage entrepreneurship and stimulate market vitality, but also to maintain market order and avoid the strange circle of "management will die and release will be chaotic" is a difficult problem that the government must solve under the new situation.

The Provisional Regulations on Enterprise Information Publicity (Draft) adopted by the executive meeting in the State Council on July 23rd proposed to speed up the implementation of the enterprise information publicity system, rely more on establishing a transparent and honest market order to regulate enterprises, create a fair competitive market environment, and make credit the "foundation pile" of the socialist market economic system. Experts believe that this will help to further deepen the reform of the industrial and commercial registration system and straighten out the relationship between the government and the market.

According to the reporter’s investigation, Chongqing started to develop and build a joint credit information system for enterprises, and collected and integrated 26.773 million pieces of enterprise credit information. Through the application of enterprise credit information data in engineering construction, government procurement, land transaction, drug transaction, and approval of financial funds related to enterprise subsidies, the behavior of enterprise dishonesty is effectively restrained, and a strict management work pattern of "one place is untrustworthy and everywhere is limited" is initially formed.

Huawei has no parking service video exposure, and it is difficult to find a parking position.

Now, on weekends and holidays, it is even less difficult to drive to shopping malls and scenic spots, and sometimes it is no less difficult than finding a parking space in the city center. As the owner said, "Sometimes there are vacancies in the underground parking lots of shopping malls and hospitals, but the venues are large and there are no obvious signs. They can only search around several times like blind flies, and finally find a seat, and the result is" cut off "by the owner who is closer. When picking up the car, I often get’ lost’ and circle around in the parking lot to find a car. "

Picture 1

At this time, many people begin to regret driving to the mall. However, if you want to visit Sam and IKEA, which are generally remote supermarkets, public transportation is very inconvenient, and taking a taxi is expensive. After shopping, it is quite difficult to find a place to take a taxi. When I think about it carefully, it seems that driving has become the most worry-free and labor-saving way. It is nothing more than the psychological preparation for wasting an hour in the parking lot in advance.

In the field of intelligent driving, which has developed rapidly recently, there are brand-new solutions to the problems of difficult parking and parking. Zhijie S7, the first pure electric car of Huawei Intelligent Selection Car, which was pre-sold on November 9, is equipped with the industry’s first parking and driving function, once again showing the far-ahead intelligent driving strength to the industry and outside.

The problem of finding a parking space is solved by injecting driving into parking.

From a functional point of view, the parking and driving function allows the owner to open unmanned parking with one button. That is, when the owner gets off the bus, turn on this function with one key, and the vehicle can find a parking space to park itself. It sounds very sci-fi, and Huawei has successfully brought this unprecedented intelligent driving experience to users through the technological breakthrough of intelligent driving perception technology, algorithm iteration and scene strategy. In other words, with this function, users can go to Sam and IKEA, drive directly to the entrance of the shopping mall or the entrance of the parking lot, and then go shopping, and Zhijie S7 can start the journey of finding a parking space by itself.

It is worth noting that through the blessing of perceptual technology, the parking function of Zhijie S7 can also understand the command gestures of the mall security guards, just like an old driver, it is very easy to drive to the target parking area.

Mainframe computer

There are also hidden technical points here. As we all know, when we are looking for a parking space, we often can only rely on human eyes to lock it, and we often call the whole car to find a parking space together. The parking and driving function of Zhijie S7, through the perception of cameras and sensors, has a much larger detection range than the human eye, so it is naturally more effective to find a parking space. What’s more, Huawei’s intelligent driving system also has a huge amount of data to support, sometimes it is a strange parking lot for car owners, but for Zhijie S7, the parking lanes and empty parking spaces here are well known, and it is naturally easier to find a parking space.

Independent parking in the parking lot, the safety factor is also guaranteed.

For intelligent driving, safety has always been an important topic. The parking function of Zhijie S7 also fully considers the safety of driving in the parking area. First of all, when passing, if the lane is not enough to pass with the opposite vehicle, it will back up first, wait for the opposite vehicle to pass, and then pass, so as to avoid traffic jam or collision between the two vehicles. And if the lane can be used by two cars in parallel, it will also control to slow down and pass slowly.

The steering wheel of a car

If you encounter pedestrians and roadblocks, the parking and driving function also has a strong pedestrian avoidance ability, and will plan the route to take the initiative to avoid. Behind parking and driving, there is a set of safety technology blessing of Huawei ADS 2.0 advanced intelligent driving assistance system. There is no doubt about the safety in the process of intelligent driving, including responding to the ghost probe behavior that pedestrians suddenly jump out, and it can quickly rely on the powerful AEB function for emergency braking, coupled with the slow driving speed controlled by the system, which further guarantees the safety.

In addition, in detail, the parking and driving function can also realize roaming to find a place. After reaching the target parking space, if the target parking space is occupied, it will automatically control roaming to find other parking spaces and automatically park. In the process of parking, if the vehicle detects that the parking space is too narrow, the system will control the rearview mirror to be put away first, and then stop automatically.

At the same time, the owner can also check the situation in front of the vehicle (real scene) in real time on the mobile App, check the location, and stop/start parking to avoid the worries of the owner. When the owner has finished shopping in the mall, he can start the calling function with one key of the mobile phone, and the vehicle will automatically start and arrive at the designated place, so that the owner’s whole family can get on the bus and leave directly.

Write at the end:

For the matter of finding a car and parking in a shopping mall, the capabilities of the parking and driving function of Zhijie S7 are quite comprehensive. First of all, it directly arranged the most troublesome thing of finding a parking space, so that the owner can get off the bus directly after arriving at the destination. Moreover, in the whole process of intelligent driving and parking, the control fineness and safety guarantee of the system are remarkable, and even after parking is fruitless, it can continue to roam to find a car. Finally, when the car mainly leaves, there is no need to find a car, but it becomes a car to find someone, completely realizing the comprehensive closed loop of parking and driving.

With the parking function, we can go to shopping malls and scenic spots on weekends and holidays, and the parking troubles can really be "completely eliminated with one click". It is reported that Zhijie S7 will be officially launched on November 28th, and we are also looking forward to experiencing this advanced parking and driving function as soon as possible.

If you raise it in spring, you will be safe all year! Please keep this spring health strategy.

A year’s plan lies in spring, which is the beginning of Vientiane’s renewal. In spring, the body is well conditioned and the whole year is safe.

The reporter interviewed a number of old Chinese medicine practitioners in Guangming Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. They said that in spring, the yang of the human body should also follow the nature and spread outward. How to protect the body’s yang and avoid damaging it? The old Chinese doctor gave a general strategy for spring health preservation.

life daily life

1. Feel at ease, and experience the awaken of spring with five senses.

Spring is suitable for opening the five senses of the human body, experiencing the breath of spring, and enjoying flowers in the spring outing.

Step 2 get up early and stretch.

In spring, you should go to bed early and get up early, take appropriate activities after getting up, and take a walk in the courtyard to make the blood flow better.

3. Rub the liver meridian and knock the gallbladder meridian

In spring, to keep the liver and gallbladder channels unblocked, you can massage the liver channel of Foot Jueyin on the inner thigh and beat the gallbladder channel of Foot Shaoyang on the outer thigh.


In spring, the liver qi is strong, and the diet should be light, mainly to soothe the liver and strengthen the spleen.

Liver soothing food:Such as roses, green sepals, mushrooms, bamboo shoots, bergamot, bean sprouts, malt, dried tangerine peel and so on.

Spleen-invigorating food:Such as yam, poria cocos, white lentils, coix seed, gordon euryales, codonopsis pilosula, lotus seeds and the like.

Nourishing lung qi:The five colors corresponding to the lungs are "white". Recommended foods: pear, tremella, yam, lily, white radish, etc.

Traditional Chinese medicine characteristic therapy

1. moxibustion:Spring is the time for yang to grow hair, which is better than tonic. Moxibustion is a very quick way to restore yang, help yang and replenish yang.

2. Scraping:Spring has the characteristics of growth, growth and comfort. Scraping can bring forth the new and smooth the mechanism, protect the yang in the body, and scraping on the back is the best.

3. Chinese medicine foot massage:In spring, the five zang-organs should respond to the liver, and the kidney water should go up to nourish the liver. Foot massage with traditional Chinese medicine can help people with yang deficiency and kidney deficiency, and those with upper heat and lower cold to raise yang.

Common health-care acupoints

Yingxiang point (bilateral)-regulating lung qi and dredging nasal orifices

It is located near the midpoint of the outer edge of the human nose, in the middle of the nasolabial groove, and 1.5 cm away from both sides of the nose.

Health care method: often press vertically with the index finger and abdomen for 1-3 minutes each time, which can make the nose comfortable, have a good health care effect on the lungs and prevent lung disease.

Guanyuan point and Yongquan point (both sides)-tonifying kidney yang and kidney essence.

① Guanyuan point is located at the front midline of the abdomen, 3 inches below the umbilicus. Four fingers together, starting from the umbilical cord, with the middle finger horizontal stripes as the standard, the horizontal distance.

Health care method: Guanyuan point has the functions of strengthening the source, reinforcing the lower energizer, and can be used for any loss of vitality. Massage Guanyuan point with the palm root for 2 ~ 3 minutes.

② Yongquan point is located at the bottom of the foot, at the depression in the front of the foot when the foot is curled up, about at the intersection point between the head ends of the second and third plantar toe seams and the front 1/3 and the back 2/3 of the heel line.

Health care method: Insist on rubbing Yongquan point 50-100 times before going to bed every day, which can make people energetic, strengthen their physique and enhance their ability to prevent diseases.

Zhongwan Point and Zusanli (both sides)-strengthening spleen and regulating spleen and stomach.

① Zhongwan point has the effects of harmonizing stomach and strengthening spleen, lowering adverse qi and promoting diuresis.

Zhongwan point is located in the upper abdomen, on the anterior median line, and 4 inches above the umbilicus (the lateral distance of five fingers).

Health care method: Knead with palm root for 2 ~ 3 minutes, and operate once or twice a day.

② Zusanli is the key point of spleen and stomach health care, and it is the first point recognized by Chinese medicine for treating diseases, preserving health and protecting health.

Zusanli is located in the front and outside of the calf. The simple way to find a hole is to sit in a chair with the soles of your feet flat and 90 degrees, and surround your knees with your own jaws, that is, between your thumb and forefinger. Then put the index finger in front of the lower leg below the knee, and put the four fingers together. If the position pointed by the middle finger feels sore after pressing, it indicates that this part is Zusanli.

Health care method: press and rub this point with the ventral end of thumb or tap it with the interphalangeal joint with fists every day.

Shangguan author: Pudong observation

It’s snowing, and the circle of friends of the ancients is like this.

  Yuan an lies in snow

  The Snow Lion Map (partial) Yu Ming

  "Painting Emperor Gaozong’s Imperial Pen after Jiawu Snow" Qing Dong Gao

  Fish Selling in Snow River (Partial) Li Dong in Southern Song Dynasty

  Every winter, we will see many different forms of snow, especially this year’s Winter Olympics, and various competitive competitions have opened up our "new world of ice and snow". As a modern person, the process of enjoying the snow is naturally to take photos, shoot videos and send friends, so what will the ancients with big brains do in snowy days? We might as well travel through the circle of friends into ancient paintings and books, and enjoy the snow that has fallen for thousands of years with the ancients.

  "Ice mound" and "snow melting" … … Not enough, properly pile up a zoo.

  As the mascots of the Winter Olympics, the ice pier and the snow rongrong burst into red overnight, becoming a veritable top stream of the Beijing Winter Olympics, especially the ice pier, which can be described as "one pier is hard to find" whether online or offline. Coincidentally, at this time, there was heavy snow in many cities in China, so netizens who couldn’t buy ice piers built ice piers with snow. Many netizens shouted "creative" in the comment area.

  In fact, it is not an innovation for modern people to use snow mounds and ice mounds. On the contrary, it is a trend of "retro", because in ancient snowy days, ancient people will also play this kind of game full of childlike interest. But instead of building a snowman, they are mainly animals, such as lions. According to "Dream of Tokyo", "In a rich family, if it meets snow, it will have a feast, make snow lions and install snow lanterns to celebrate the old days." Yes, you are right. The ancients played with snow in such a grandiose way. Simple snowmen don’t pile up. If you want to pile up, pile up a snow lion and come out of town.

  Not only rich people like to pile snow lions, but even the palace in the Song Dynasty is full of interest in snow lions. In the Southern Song Dynasty, Zhou Mi recorded in detail the basic process of enjoying snow lions in the palace at that time: "In the back garden, large and small snow lions were brought in, decorated with golden bells, and made snowflakes, snow lanterns, snow-capped mountains and the like." In the imperial palace of the Song Dynasty, snow lions, large and small, should not only be piled up, but also be adorned with jewelry, such as hanging golden bells around their necks and wearing colorful silk threads. In order to meet the occasion, in addition to snow lions, the ancients also piled snow mountains, snowflakes, snow lanterns and so on. Among them, the "snow lamp" is reminiscent of the "snow melting" of the Beijing Winter Olympics. It is a kind of lamp made of snow, which has the same effect as the image of a red lantern with snow hanging on it, and looks like it is moving and moving.

  But then again, why did the ancients love lions so much? Is the snow lion piled by the ancients the same species as the lion that we modern people see in the zoo?

  As early as the Han Dynasty, in order to establish diplomatic relations with the Great Han Dynasty, the interest country paid tribute to the lion and Fu Ba, and called them "Swiss beasts". Gradually, the image of the lion has also penetrated into the daily folk life of the ancients. The most typical one is that a large number of "stone lions" appeared in ancient times, because the ancients thought that stone lions were spiritual and could guard all directions. Yu Shinan, a scholar in the Tang Dynasty, wrote a poem "Ode to the Lion", in which he mentioned that the lion was a sacred animal. Later, Li Shizhen, a medical scientist, called the lion "the leader of many animals". It can be seen that the lion has always been a symbol of good luck, and it is also a manifestation of identity in the palace. As for the snow lions piled up by the ancients in snowy days, they are generally like stone lions: first, stone lions are more common, and the ancients don’t have to open too many brain holes; Second, the image of the stone lion is relatively stable, and it is not easy to collapse after stacking!

  After the Qing Dynasty, the ancients no longer focused on piling snow lions, but began to pile elephants and horses. In the Qing Dynasty, wu zhen Machinery recorded in Volume 14 of the Collection of Keeping Ji Zhai: "Every time it snows in winter, it piles up into lions and elephants in hall of mental cultivation’s court, and Chen Yong is often invited to sing. Ganlong Renshen, Yiyou, combined with snow lion and snow elephant. Jiaqing Wuyin, another pile of lying horses, is divided into east and west, and there are poems linked with the Imperial Palace Hanlin. " When the snow lion, the snow elephant and the snow horse are piled up, the emperor and the Hanlin scholar in the palace will also use this as the theme to recite poems and compose poems. In the Ci of Bianjing Palace written by Yan Jizhou during Guangxu period, there are poems describing the snow appreciation and entertainment in the palace, such as: "Ruixue is colorful in the sky, and lions are piled up in front of the stage."

  It can be seen that in snowy days, the ancients also loved mascots to the extreme.

  Snowy days are still inseparable from the word "eat and drink", even Bunny Bunny.

  It’s enjoyable to use the snowmobile mascot, but it’s a little cold after all, and when it’s cold, you will be hungry, so the ancients’ favorite thing after playing with snow is to have dinner. On a snowy day, the most classic is the a suggestion to my friend liu written by Bai Juyi in the Tang Dynasty: "there’s a gleam of green in an old bottle, there’s a stir of red in the quiet stove. There’s a feeling of snow in the dusk outside, what about a cup of wine inside?? " On a snowy evening, the newly brewed rice wine at home has not been filtered, and there is a layer of green bubbles on the wine surface, and the small stove made of red mud is ready, just waiting for a good friend to drink!

  Some people have an appointment for dinner, and naturally some people will come to eat rice. The ancients who paid attention to etiquette can’t come to eat rice empty-handed, right? Under normal circumstances, the ancients would bring some good wine or some snacks to eat, but Lin Hong’s cookbook "Shan Jia Qing Gong" in the Southern Song Dynasty recorded one thing, and the gift he brought to visit was really special: "When you visit Wuyishan Six Songs, you will get a rabbit in snowy days, and no one can control it. Shi Yun: Only a thin batch is used in the mountains, and the wine, sauce and pepper are abundant. Use the air furnace to cook Azakami, use less water than half a cup, and after the soup rings, use chopsticks for each, so that the soup can be cooked and cooked, so that it can be served with juice as appropriate. "

  Lin Hong visited his friends on a snowy day, but he actually caught a rabbit on the way, so this rabbit was the gift of his visit. But there was no cook in the mountains, so Lin Hong’s friend thought of a way. He said to Lin Hong, "Everything can go into hot pot! I’ll prepare some dip, and today we’ll rinse the rabbit hot pot! " Sure enough, in the eyes of foodies, rabbits are not pets, but food.

  In addition to washing meat, the ancients especially liked to eat fish in snowy days. In the Palace Museum and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, there is a picture of a round fan, the former is called "Fish Selling in Snow River" and the latter is called "Fish Buying in Snow Bridge". In the snow landscape map, buying and selling live fish, which seems to be full of fireworks, brings interest to the picture. Although many scholars think it is used to reflect the ideal spiritual world of literati and fishermen, it also confirms the fact that the ancients like to eat live fish in snowy days. Not only the ancients in the Central Plains loved to eat live fish in snowy days, but also the nomadic people in the north. They would dig ice holes in the frozen rivers and lakes in winter to catch big fish. A kind of fish hook used by the Khitan people to hook fish was unearthed in Yemaotai Liao Tomb, Faku, Liaoning Province. It has a sharp hook tip, a long hook body and a wooden handle, which is an artifact used to "hook fish with ice".

  After eating meat and drinking wine, the ancients also drank some tea to scrape oil in snowy days. However, how can the ancients who have always had a big brain hole only cook tea so honestly? Yes, they’re up to something again. In the eyes of the ancients, normal mountain springs could no longer satisfy their pursuit of snow and elegance, so they targeted snow.

  In the Ming Dynasty, Gao Lian once said in "Sweeping Snow and brew tea Playing with Paintings": "Tea cooked with snow tastes clearer, and it is also a river for half a day. Free from dirt, it’s enough for you to sip it. " It seems that the ancients not only used snow brew tea in snowy days, but also took snow from plum blossoms, orchids and pines. It feels that as long as they drink this cup of snow-cooked tea, they can have the cleanliness of snow, the pride of plum blossoms, the elegance of orchids and the integrity of pines. This is clearly our modern popular "concept tea"!

  It is easy to get mad in snowy days. Zhang Dai collected wonderful jokes about snowy days.

  After playing with snow, eating rice and drinking tea, it is naturally necessary to "pretend". We modern people often get some gimmicks to make a circle of friends in the snowy days. Some people practice yoga in the snowy days, some people wear Hanfu to the Forbidden City, and some people lie in the snowy days and imitate idol films to take pictures … … The "artificial" in the snowy days of the ancients is naturally very special and can be called performance art.

  For example, in the Song Dynasty, there was a man named Wang Jiang who was wandering around Chen Zhou (now Huaiyang, Henan). Although he was a tramp, there were many fans at that time, and scholars like Su Dongpo and Su Zhe were his loyal fans. In addition to his bohemian love of freedom, this Wang Jiang has a special function, that is, in snowy days, he will bury himself with snow, and then melt it with a hot air. After the snow melted, Wang Jiang was fine and continued to wander while drinking. It is rumored that people who saw this scene at that time were greatly shocked.

  Perhaps this is not the most wonderful thing in a snowy day. In the snowy day, Zhang Dai, a scholar in the late Ming Dynasty, not only went to the pavilion in the middle of the lake to see the snow by himself, but also wrote a small composition. He also did a great thing, that is, in the first volume of the book "Sailing at Night", he opened a column called "Astronomy Department Snow Frost" to collect wonderful jokes about snowy days. Among them, we are familiar with "catkins due to the wind", "Xun Mei through the snow", "Reading in the snow" and "biting snow and swallowing blankets", which are quite normal. The rest of the jokes can only shock us modern people.

  For example, the joke "I want to go to the immortals" is said to be the yue people in Wang Mian. When it is snowy, they are not afraid of the cold and go barefoot to climb the furnace peak. After looking around, they shouted: "Heaven and earth are all made of white jade, which makes people feel clear and clear, so they want to go to the immortals!" Like Wang Mian, there is also a "fairy middleman" who likes to cultivate immortals. It is said in the article that Wang Gong of Jin once walked in the snow wearing a coat with crane hair. When Meng Xu saw it, he made a commercial compliment to him: "Oh! You are really a fairy! "

  There is also a road flyover named Tiejiao, who is neither afraid of cold nor diarrhea. On snowy days, he loves to walk barefoot in the snow. When he is happy, he will recite "South China Autumn Water" loudly, then pick some plum blossoms and put them in his mouth to chew. When he feels a little dry, he will get some snow to swallow together. In this regard, he explained: "I want to soak this cold fragrance into my heart!" In this way, I am as fragrant as plum blossoms and as clean as snow! "

  We don’t know whether these action art became immortals or not, but one action art got an offer on a snowy day. The name of this joke is very poetic, called "Lying Snow", and the protagonist is Yuan An, a famous minister in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

  It is said that it snowed heavily in Luoyang one year, and everyone else went out to beg for food, except for the snow in front of Yuan ‘an. When Luoyang made a door-to-door inspection, he thought that Yuan An had died of cold and hunger, so he asked people to sweep away the snow in front of his door and then go into the house to have a look. After entering the door, Luoyang Ling and his entourage found Yuan An lying upright as if he were not dead, so he asked Yuan An, "Why don’t you go out?" Yuan An replied, "In this snowy day, everyone is hungry. We shouldn’t disturb others. I’ll lie down for a while … …” As soon as this is said, the pattern is there: it is not easy for people to keep moral integrity when they are hungry and cold! Luoyang made Yuan An a virtuous man, so he named him filial piety.

  Since then, Yuan An’s story of sleeping in snow has actually become a Millennium super IP (intellectual property, which is extended to be a general term for famous cultural creation). Not only do poems like to use this story, but scholars also like to add this element to their snow landscape paintings. Perhaps Yuan An himself didn’t think that a heavy snow actually changed his life.

  After brushing the circle of friends of the ancients in the snowy days, I must give the ancients a compliment. They are really good at playing! However, for all kinds of "playing" of the ancients, we modern people should remain sober and rational, only taste the ancient meaning, and can’t blindly imitate it. After all, we don’t have super energy like the ice pier!

  Photo courtesy/Jinling Xiaodai


    The five years since the Seventh Congress of Literary and Art Circles have been five years in which the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles has focused on the center, served the overall situation, United the broad masses of literary and art workers, kept pace with the times, pioneered and innovated, and vigorously prospered and developed socialist literature and art.

    Over the past five years, the CPC Central Committee has attached great importance to cultural construction and literary and artistic work and made a series of important instructions and strategic arrangements. All these have greatly educated and inspired the vast number of literary and art workers and cadres of the Federation of Literary and Art Circles, firmly and consciously kept in line with the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Hu Jintao as the general secretary, adhered to the direction of literature and art serving the people and socialism, and the policy of letting a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend, emancipated their minds, kept pace with the times, cheered up their spirits, worked in unity, actively participated in fiery social practice, and were close to reality, life and the masses. In the past five years, the literary and art front has been prosperous in creation, active in criticism, growing in ranks and talented people, with colorful gardens of literature and art, rapid development of literary productivity, expansion of cultural market and cultural industry, and brilliant achievements in literature, drama, film, television, music, dance, art, folk art, photography, calligraphy and acrobatics.

    Send joy to the grassroots

    Since the Seventh Literary Congress, the members of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and various organizations have insisted on facing the grassroots, serving the society and returning to the people as the focus of their work, and actively organized the vast number of writers and artists to go deep into the grassroots to collect ideas and carry out public welfare literary and artistic activities, which were warmly welcomed by the people and fully affirmed by the central leadership.

    Since 2003-2005, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles has continuously organized artists to go to various parts of the motherland to collect folk songs, create works, exhibit and give condolence performances. These activities provide opportunities for artists to be close to reality, life and the masses, create conditions, enrich artists’ life accumulation and stimulate their creative enthusiasm.

    During the New Year’s Day and the Spring Festival in 2006, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and various literary and art associations organized more than 700 literary and art workers to hold the activity of "Sending Joy to the Grassroots" with the aim of "flowers to the fertile soil and art to the people", which directly benefited about 1 million grassroots people.

    Since the Spring Festival in 2003, the Spring Festival Gala of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles has become a popular holiday cultural brand in China, while the Weekend Crosstalk Club and the Hundred Flowers Theater in the National Palace, which aims at high-quality and low-priced cultural performances, have shifted their focus, popularized art, served the masses and promoted the construction of harmonious culture.

    Serving the overall situation around the center

    Since the Seventh Congress of Literary and Art Circles, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles has given full play to its own advantages and carried out a series of major theme literary and artistic activities around major festivals and revolutionary anniversaries, and achieved good results.

    In 2002, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles initiated and organized a series of activities such as art festivals, variety shows and exhibitions, which created a good atmosphere for welcoming and celebrating the 16th National Congress. In 2003, in order to solemnly commemorate the 60th anniversary of Comrade Mao Zedong’s Speech at the Yan ‘an Forum on Literature and Art, a commemorative forum was held in Yang Jialing, Yan ‘an, and literary and art workers were organized to go deep into factories, villages, troops and schools to give condolence performances, which further improved their consciousness of adhering to the "two for one" orientation and the "letting a hundred flowers blossom" policy under the new situation, and enhanced their sense of responsibility and mission in adhering to the direction of advanced socialist culture. In 2004, by holding activities such as "Hello Xiaoping", literary and art workers expressed their admiration and nostalgia for this great man of the century. This year, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles also organized or cooperated with other units to host a series of activities to commemorate the 55th anniversary of the founding of People’s Republic of China (PRC). In 2005, the activities of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles around the 60th anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War eulogized the heroism of the Chinese nation, carried forward the national spirit, and had a strong response in the whole society.

    In 2004, a series of activities were held, which expressed the admiration and nostalgia of literary and art workers for Comrade Deng Xiaoping.

    In 2006, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles seized the favorable opportunities of the 85th anniversary of the founding of the Party of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Long March of the Chinese Workers and Peasants Red Army, and carefully organized a series of activities such as art photography and calligraphy exhibitions, large-scale cultural evenings, youth Peking Opera and folk song elite concerts, which effectively cooperated with the overall arrangements of the central authorities and had a great impact. The Chinese Quyi Association, the Dramatists Association, the Photographers Association and the Calligraphers Association held a condolence performance of "Laughter on the Long March, a Journey to the Revolutionary Holy Land", a plum blossom award art troupe’s charity performance in the old district, a photo creation focusing on the Long March Road, and a national calligraphy exhibition to commemorate the 85th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC), all of which had their own characteristics and achieved remarkable results.

    Adhere to orientation and promote creation.

    There are 12 permanent national literary and art awards jointly sponsored by the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and various literary and art associations. In 2005, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and various literary and art associations resolutely implemented the "Administrative Measures for National Literary and Art Press and Publication Awards" and carried out a series of rectification, striving to better play the correct guiding role of awards. In the past five years, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles has made great efforts to strengthen the work of literary and art theory criticism in view of the relatively weak situation. The academic discussion activities have been deepened and the team of theoretical criticism has gradually grown. Up to now, five national literary criticism awards have been held, and nearly 400 excellent literary theory review articles have been published, which has a great social impact. Focusing on the role of literature and art in building a harmonious society, two contemporary literature and art forums with the themes of "literature and art and a harmonious society" and "what kind of literature and art do we need in this era" have been widely concerned by academic circles. In view of the vulgar, vulgar and kitsch tendencies of some works, as well as the bad creative tendencies of some film and television dramas that violate the historical materialism, a symposium of experts and scholars on the adaptation of "red classics" and the opposition to "three vulgarities" was held to carry out healthy literary criticism. The awards and discussion activities of these theoretical reviews pay attention to the close combination with the reality of literary and artistic creation, adhere to the correct orientation, enhance the sense of social responsibility and mission of literary and artistic critics, create conditions for promoting the development of theoretical reviews, and provide support for creating a good environment for literary and artistic appreciation and criticism.

    Chongde Shangyi Construction Team

    The China Federation of Literary and Art Circles will award and commend the activities of young and middle-aged literary and art workers all over the country and the activities of learning from Chang Xiangyu and Cong Fei. It will be closely integrated with the "three learning and education" and the socialist concept of honor and disgrace propaganda activities carried out by the literary and art circles, actively guide literary and art workers to consciously study and practice Theory of Three Represents, adhere to Marxist historical materialism and literary and art views, and abide by professional spirit and professional ethics, which has played a promoting role in promoting healthy trends and advocating the spirit of "morality and art" in the literary and art circles. Over the past five years, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and various writers and artists’ associations have conscientiously implemented the Party’s line, principles and policies, adopted various forms and measures, created a good atmosphere of respecting morality and art in the literary and art circles, and strived to cultivate and bring up a literary team with "both morality and art".

    In 2004, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles held an activity in the national literary and art circles to select and commend young and middle-aged literary and art workers. On July 19th of the same year, on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the founding of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the first national commendation meeting for young and middle-aged literary and art workers was held in the Great Hall of the People, and a proposal was issued to the national literary and art circles to "carry forward the spirit of" both morality and art and strive to be literary and art workers ".

    In March 2006, after Comrade Hu Jintao delivered an important speech on the socialist concept of honor and disgrace, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles held a forum in time, and a group of well-known artists issued the "Initiative on Establishing the Socialist Concept of Honor and Disgrace in the Literary and Art Circles" to the national literary and art circles. The China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and members of various organizations have also deepened the activities of studying and practicing the socialist concept of honor and disgrace through initiatives, lectures, training, exhibitions and performances.

  Expand communication and enhance friendship.

    Strengthening the exchange of folk culture with foreign countries has always been one of the important functions of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles. Over the past five years, under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and Theory of Three Represents, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and various writers and artists’ associations have actively "please come in and go out", carried out various cultural exchange activities with foreign countries, publicized China’s excellent culture and art, enhanced the friendship and understanding between Chinese and foreign writers and artists, and achieved remarkable results.

    In October 2001 and October 2004, the 5th and 6th China International Folk Art Festival was successfully held.

    In October 2001 and October 2004, the 5th and 6th China International Folk Art Festival were successfully held, which achieved satisfactory results in terms of specifications and level, scale and influence. "China Art Week" is a large-scale foreign cultural activity organized by China Federation of Literary and Art Circles abroad, which has established the brand of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles for foreign exchange and vigorously promoted the excellent traditional culture of China. In July 2006, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles sent an artist delegation to hold a "Happy Tonight" performance at the Palais des Nations in Geneva. The performance received rave reviews.

    The two Beijing International Fine Arts Biennale held in 2003 and 2005 were praised by public opinion at home and abroad. In September, 2005, at the 16th International Fine Arts Congress held in China, Liu Dawei, Party Secretary and Executive Vice President of China Artists Association, was successfully elected as the president of the new International Plastic Artists Association.

    Strengthening cultural exchanges with Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan is an important task of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles. Over the past five years, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and various literary and art associations have conscientiously implemented the central government’s general policy on Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and actively carried out a series of cultural exchange activities with Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. These activities have made positive contributions to strengthening the communication between the three sides of the Taiwan Straits, enhancing the Chinese cultural identity of compatriots in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and promoting the peaceful reunification of the motherland.

    Innovative ways to perform functions

    In 2004, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles held the first national commendation meeting for young and middle-aged literary and art workers in the Great Hall of the People, and issued a proposal to the national literary and art circles to "carry forward the spirit of" both morality and art "and strive to be literary and art workers".

    The times are progressing and the society is developing. Facing the new situation and new tasks, the work of the Federation of Literary and Art Circles is constantly deepening reform and pioneering and innovating. Over the past five years, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the local Federation of Literary and Art Circles have closely focused on the historical tasks of the Party in the new century and new stage, constantly enhanced their awareness of reform, innovation and development, and explored and practiced in a wider range and at a deeper level, thus making new achievements, creating new experiences and adding new vitality to the development of the Federation of Literary and Art Circles.

    Caring and respecting the older generation of artists and promoting and cultivating the younger generation of artists are important means for the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles to do a good job of "liaison, coordination and service". In the past five years, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles has successively held commemorative activities for artists and cultural celebrities of the older generation, such as Mei Lanfang, Zhou Xinfang, Jiang Zhaohe, Ou Yangyuqian, Zhao Dan, Xu Beihong, Shu Tong, Jiao Juyin, Cai Chusheng, Tian Han, Feng Xuefeng, Shakov, Luo Yusheng, Cheng Yanqiu, He Luting and Zhong Jingwen, published the Sunset Library and biographical series of the older generation of artists, and organized and implemented the sunset glow of Chinese Peking Opera. The implementation of these activities has further strengthened the close relationship between the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and artists, and highlighted the role of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles as a bridge between the party and the government.

Editor: He Wei

Beijing Three-Man Basketball Open Finals End

On the evening of September 17th, after two days of fierce competition, the FIBA Open 3×3 Yanjing Beer Cup Beijing Three-Man Basketball Open Finals ended successfully at the National Speed Skating Hall (Ice Ribbon). In the race for the first and second place, V10 Junda beat Beijing Jianyou in overtime to win the Beijing championship. In October, the two teams will join hands in the national finals held in Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, and compete with teams from other seven provinces (cities) for the national championship.

FIBA Open 3×3 Yanjing Beer Cup Beijing Three-Man Basketball Open was hosted by FIBA China District, hosted by Beijing Sports Industry Association and Beijing Basketball Association, and named Yanjing Beer. Since its launch on August 19th, the event has taken the form of "5+1", passing through five sub-races of Shougang Park, Olympic Sports Center, Yizhuang, Changying and Wukesong, and the Beijing Finals held at the National Speed Skating Hall (Ice Ribbon). The 20 teams in the finals are composed of the top four in each of the five sub-races.

The competition attracted nearly 100 teams and more than 500 players to sign up through FIBA Basketball’s official APP. Both the five-station race and the finals were broadcast live on the official short video platform, and netizens said that the competition was exciting and intense, with a strong impression.

It is worth mentioning that before the last day of the game, small players from Youken Basketball Club formed an orange team and a blue team, and played a juvenile version of 3×3 basketball showdown to warm up for the upcoming 8-in-4 knockout. Jiao Jian, president of the Youth Committee of the Beijing Basketball Association, said: "The popularization and promotion of youth basketball is very important. The 3×3 basketball is relatively simple to set up, and two teams and six people can play it, so that children can get started more easily and experience the joy of basketball more."

Text/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Song Xiang

Editor/Zhang Kunlong


The village "BA" national competition in Qiandongnan Prefecture started in Tianzhu.

According to the arrangement of the tournament, the second "beautiful countryside" and Tianzhu qualifier of the basketball league in Guizhou Province has ended. Next, the National and American Country Basketball Competition (Village BA) will continue to be held at Yangliu Village Kung Fu Stadium in Duma Town, and the Qiandongnan Division trials will be held. At that time, teams from 16 counties and cities in the whole state will compete and decide to participate in the Guizhou Division trials. (Yang Xiang)

5-0 to 0-1! The relegation team retaliated against Arsenal, Manchester City won the championship ahead of schedule, and the double blue battle against Chelsea lined up.

Arsenal, who led the Premier League standings for a long time this season, fell short in the final stage, and was overtaken by the Blue Moon Corps and lost the initiative to win the championship. In the last round, they lost to Brighton with three goals at home, which made the gunners only have the theoretical possibility of winning the championship. Arsenal, who had lost everything, went to the away game to challenge Nottingham Forest in the 37th round of the Premier League. In the first round of the confrontation between the two sides, Arsenal washed their opponents 5-0 at home and now returned to home. Nottingham Forest, which was still under relegation pressure, certainly hoped to be able to avenge itself, so as to grasp the initiative of relegation. After the game started, Arsenal firmly controlled the ball at their feet, but Nottingham Forest scored the only goal in the whole game by Avonii with a counterattack, and finally got revenge on Arsenal 1-0 at home!

Although Arteta knew that Arsenal’s chances of winning the championship were slim, he still sent his most commonly used 4-3-3 formation in this game, but he made some adjustments to the starting players. The goalkeeper still let Ramsdale start, with Thomas, Benwhite, Gabriel and Kiviol as the defenders, Odegard, jorginho and Zaka as the three midfielders, and the offensive trident was Jesus, Saka and Trossat.

After the start of the game, Arsenal kept the ball firmly under their feet, and conducted offensive and defensive drills in Nottingham Forest for a long time. The home team also accepted the reality and set up an iron bucket array, waiting for the opportunity to counterattack, giving the gunners a fatal blow.

In the 11th and 17th minutes, Jesus couldn’t knock Nottingham’s goal with his head kick in the penalty area, shouldering Arsenal’s home team, and finished the only shot in the first half in the 20th minute. Odegard made a return error in the midfield and was directly countered by Nottingham Forest. Avoniyi entered the penalty area after receiving a direct plug from his teammate. Facing attacking Ramsdale, he broke the deadlock on the field with a light volley.

Nottingham Forest, after the lead, reclaimed the space for the gunners to attack. This targeted defensive strategy also achieved obvious results. Before the end of the half-time, Arsenal, which was dominant in the scene, never created a threatening attack opportunity.

After the start of the second half, Nottingham Forest took the lead, and the free kick in the frontcourt went directly to the restricted area. After receiving a cross from a teammate, Felipe outflanked and shot in front of the door. Fortunately, Ramsdale focused enough and saved the opponent’s shot at close range, which did not make Arsenal’s situation more difficult.

In the 54th minute, Arsenal instigated the attack, and Jesus went forward into the penalty area without the ball, and was directly pulled down by the defender. The referee not only failed to give Arsenal a penalty, but also gave a yellow card to the complaining Jesus. Seven minutes later, Saka made a right shot into the penalty area, but was saved by navas.

Unwilling to lose, Arsenal also launched a crazy counterattack, but failed to score a goal to equalize the score, so they had to accept the result of losing in the away game. With the end of this game, the suspense of this season’s Premier League title competition officially ended, and Manchester City has locked in the league title in advance. In this round of double blue wars, Chelsea will also line up to welcome this season’s Premier League champion Manchester City! # Hundreds of teams #

Real Madrid legend was hit in the face! After the 4-0 victory, Mr. 100 million of Manchester City replied: Shut up.

The dialogue between Real Madrid and Manchester City ended in the victory of Manchester City. On May 20th, Spanish and British media broke the news that Manchester City winger Grali, worth 100 million pounds, avenged himself and "banned" Real Madrid star Guti on social platforms.

Goody and Grali, what’s wrong with you?

In the first leg of the Champions League semi-final, Real Madrid drew 1-1 with Manchester City. After the game, Real Madrid star Guti visited the El Chiringuito program of Spain Channel 6 and commented on Manchester City. The "Golden Wolf" cast three perspectives: Grali can’t do anything, B-seat kicks the wing=Manchester City is short of one person, and Guardiola dare not change tactics.

If we only watch the first 90 minutes of the game, Guti still knows a truth: Grali’s breakthrough performance was not excellent, and Block B was completely blocked by Benisius and Camavanga on the right. Awkward; Guardiola’s 0-0 game involved substitution, with Alvarez, Foden and Mahrez sitting on the bench.

However, Guti and Real Madrid fans didn’t expect Manchester City to have an advantage in the second round, sweeping Real Madrid 4-0. Gurish, Sheet B and Guardiola criticized by Guti are all protagonists-

Grali is good at passing and controlling the ball.

2 points for seat B. Grali threatened to pass the ball three times, succeeded four times and was violated five times. Real Madrid can’t block the ball from the right. He is proficient in all 18 weapons.

Mr. Guti expressed his views on the plan of El Chiringuito, saying that Mr. Goreli could "endure" a week. It wasn’t until Manchester City won the final that Grali hit back at Guti. Under the information of the program, Grealish responded with a "shut up" expression.

Good people pull a long face

Grealish’s expressive response instantly detonated the social platform. It got more than 2 million views and 40,000 likes in just 8 hours. Guti never imagined that Real Madrid, the love of his life, would lose so badly. After the 0-4 defeat in the Champions League, Guti was silent for three minutes in El Chiringuito’s program, with a sad face …