Seven departments jointly issued a document: putting forward all-round requirements for protecting the legitimate rights and interests of takeaway food deliverymen

  CCTV NewsAccording to the website of the State Administration for Market Regulation, recently, the State Administration for Market Regulation, the Cyberspace Administration of China, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the Ministry of Commerce, and the All-China Federation of Trade Unions jointly issued the "Guiding Opinions on Implementing the Responsibilities of Online Catering Platforms and Effectively Safeguarding the Rights and Interests of Takeaway Deliverymen" (hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions"), putting forward all-round requirements for protecting the legitimate rights

  In terms of ensuring labor income, the platform is required to establish an income distribution mechanism that matches the work tasks and labor intensity, and ensure that the normal labor income of takeaway delivery staff is not lower than the local minimum wage standard. The "strictest algorithm" shall not be used as the assessment requirement, and the assessment factors such as the number of orders, on-time rate, and online rate shall be reasonably determined through "algorithm selection" and other methods, and the delivery time limit shall be appropriately relaxed.

  In terms of ensuring labor safety, improve the platform order dispatch mechanism, optimize the delivery route, reasonably determine the order saturation, and reduce labor intensity. Strengthen traffic safety education and training, and guide and supervise takeaway delivery staff to strictly abide by traffic laws and regulations.

  In terms of maintaining food safety, we shall implement the main responsibility for the safety of food distribution in platform enterprises, formulate management standards for takeaway food delivery services, and strengthen food safety knowledge training to ensure that the food delivery process is free from contamination.

  In terms of improving social security, urge the platform and third-party cooperation units to participate in social insurance for takeaway food delivery workers who have established labor relations, support other takeaway food delivery workers to participate in social insurance, and participate in the platform’s pilot occupational injury protection for flexible employees in accordance with national regulations. Encourage exploration and provision of diverse commercial insurance protection plans to improve multi-level protection levels.

  In terms of optimizing the working environment, we will encourage and support the development of new business models, promote the establishment of temporary residency points for takeaway food delivery staff, promote the installation of smart dining cabinets, and encourage the development of smart helmets and other wearable devices to create a good working environment and actively play a role in stabilizing and expanding employment.

  In terms of strengthening organizational construction, we will promote the establishment of trade union organizations that adapt to new employment patterns, actively recruit takeaway food delivery staff, participate in the negotiation and coordination of important matters involving workers’ rights and interests, improve the support and security system, and carry out in-depth and meticulous assistance work.

  In terms of the conflict resolution mechanism, the platform is urged to establish a direct channel for the appeal of takeaway delivery staff to reflect, clarify the appeal handling procedures and time limits, strengthen democratic consultation and equal communication, and generally resolve routine problems such as overtime delivery due to objective factors within 24 hours.

  The Opinions require all localities to implement territorial responsibilities, establish and improve a coordination mechanism for the protection of the rights and interests of food delivery staff, strengthen organizational implementation, strengthen threat and risk assessment, effectively resolve contradictions, implement the main responsibility and social responsibility of online catering platforms, protect the legitimate rights and interests of food delivery staff, and resolutely maintain social stability.

Like a dream! Luoyang Baiyun Mountain starry sky is beautiful, the Milky Way spans the sky

Like a dream! Luoyang Baiyun Mountain starry sky is beautiful, the Milky Way spans the sky

The beautiful starry sky of Luoyang Baiyun Mountain, the Milky Way spans the sky, like a falling dream. Photo by Cui Shengjie

  People’s Daily Online, Zhengzhou, September 12 (Hou Linlin) In the early autumn night of Baiyun Mountain in Luoyang, the sky is full of stars, like a falling dream. At present, the local area has entered the best viewing time of the Milky Way. From 8:00 pm to 2:00 am, photography enthusiasts recorded the process of the Milky Way rising and falling through time-lapse photography, which is bright and dreamy. According to reports, Baiyun Mountain is located in the hinterland of Funiu Mountain, with little light pollution, making it an ideal location for shooting the Milky Way in Henan Province.

Like a dream! Luoyang Baiyun Mountain starry sky is beautiful, the Milky Way spans the sky

Luoyang Baiyun Mountain starry sky. Photo by Xu Heyuan

Like a dream! Luoyang Baiyun Mountain starry sky is beautiful, the Milky Way spans the sky

The beautiful starry sky of Luoyang Baiyun Mountain, the Milky Way spans the sky, like a falling dream. Photo by Cui Shengjie

Like a dream! Luoyang Baiyun Mountain starry sky is beautiful, the Milky Way spans the sky

Luoyang Baiyun Mountain is full of stars. Photo by Huang Ming

Like a dream! Luoyang Baiyun Mountain starry sky is beautiful, the Milky Way spans the sky

Luoyang Baiyun Mountain starry sky. Photo by Xu Heyuan

Like a dream! Luoyang Baiyun Mountain starry sky is beautiful, the Milky Way spans the sky

Luoyang Baiyun Mountain is full of stars. Photo by Huang Ming

Hengda responded to the rumors of Hengchi Automobile being acquired: it is actively introducing strategic investors, and there is no merger and acquisition

  According to the coupon news agency, there is news today that Hengda Automobile may be acquired by another automobile, and the lead party may be the local government. In response, Liu Yongzhuo, president of Hengchi Automobile, said that the company has been actively introducing strategic investors. So far, both local governments and a number of powerful enterprises have expressed investment intentions in Hengchi Automobile, and there is no merger and acquisition. At the same time, Liu Yongzhuo said that the shutdown of the Tianjin factory is a rumor. At present, the production of the Tianjin factory is normal, and the mass production of Hengchi 5 is being advanced in an orderly manner. Our more than 1,800 employees are working hard on the front line of the Tianjin factory to ensure mass production in September and delivery in October.

  Previously reported

  Hengda Automobile may be acquired? Informed sources say the parties are still deadlocked

  According to the Securities Times, a few days ago, there were media reports that Hengda Automobile may be acquired by another car company. According to people familiar with the matter, the lead party may be the local government, and the parties are still deadlocked. In addition, the person familiar with the matter also revealed that last week, the purchase of Hengda financial management, real estate and Hengchi suppliers entered the general assembly workshop of Hengchi Tianjin factory to protect their rights, resulting in production shutdowns. In addition, due to insufficient stocking, the Tianjin factory will also be shut down on August 18. As of press time, Hengda has not responded.

  Hua’an Fund cuts the valuation of China Evergrande and Evergrande properties to HK $0.01

  Hua’an Fund announced on August 17 that in order to objectively reflect the fair value of the fund, Hua’an Fund adjusted the valuation of suspended stocks in accordance with the relevant regulations of the China Securities Supervision Commission. Since August 15, Hua’an Fund has valued Shimao Group, Sunac China, China Evergrande and Evergrande Properties held by its "Hua’an CES Hong Kong Stock Connect ETF" at HK $1.33/share, HK $1.37/share, HK $0.01/share and HK $0.01/share respectively. Before the suspension, the share prices of Shimao Group, Sunac China, China Evergrande and Evergrande Properties were HK $4.42/share, HK $4.58/share, HK $1.65/share and HK $2.3/share respectively. Compared with the share price before the suspension, the valuation of Huaan Fund has been reduced by 69.9%, 70.09%, 99.39% and 99.57% respectively.

  Hengda Automobile may be acquired? It is rumored that the Tianjin factory produces only 200 vehicles in half a year, and Hengchi 5 is produced here. The mass production plan has been delayed many times

  A few days ago, there are media reports that Hengda Automobile may be acquired by another car company. People familiar with the matter said that the lead party may be the local government, and the parties are still deadlocked.

  According to reports, only Hengda’s Tianjin factory has production qualifications, and only about 200 of the Hengchi 5 are being produced in the past six months. "Now all the suppliers are unwilling to cooperate with Hengda. Now Hengda talks to anyone and pays the full amount first."

  In addition, the person familiar with the matter also revealed that last week, personnel related to the purchase of Hengda Wealth Management, real estate and Hengchi suppliers entered the final assembly workshop of Hengchi Tianjin factory to protect their rights, resulting in production shutdowns. In addition, due to insufficient stocking materials, the Tianjin factory will also be shut down on August 18.

  In this regard, as of press time, Evergrande has not yet responded.

  It is understood that due to the group’s funding problems and Hengda’s continued losses, Evergrande announced in August last year that it was "in contact with several potential independent third-party investors to discuss the sale of some of the company’s assets", including Hengda Automobile. But the discussion did not yield substantive results. Then in October last year, Hengda shouted the slogan: After three months of hard work, the first car of Tianjin factory Hengchi rolled off the assembly line.

  On January 12 this year, Hengda official announced that the first car of Hengchi 5 officially rolled off the assembly line, and said that it was 12 days earlier than the original schedule.

  It can be seen that Evergrande Group has high hopes for Hengchi 5. In July, Evergrande Group held an internal meeting, asking Evergrande to increase the promotion of new energy vehicles and encourage employees to actively participate in sales. At the same time, for Evergrande properties that deal closely with first-line owners, Evergrande Group also hopes to strengthen internal communication and coordination to further contribute to the promotion of automobile sales.

  On July 6, Hengda Automobile announced that its Hengchi 5 was officially on pre-sale. On July 20, Hengchi Automobile held the first "720 Hengchi Festival" and announced the pre-sale of Hengchi 5: As of 19:00 on the same day, the pre-sale order of Hengchi 5 was 37296. Hengchi 5 is finally on pre-sale! Priced at 179,000 yuan, refundable within 15 days after pickup, claiming to be "the best pure electric SUV in 300,000"

  On August 6, Chi Auto’s official WeChat account released a tweet entitled "Dealers are super empowered, Hengchi marketing has entered the’fast lane ‘", announcing that the first batch of 30 authorized agent stores in 19 cities will open one after another from August 6. Yuantong, Litai, Jianguo, Sanhuan, Huasheng and other leading dealer groups have joined, and sales channels have begun to settle in Beijing, Foshan, Chengdu, Wuhan and other places.

  But in terms of mass production of new cars, the production plan of Hengchi 5 has been delayed many times. In May this year, Hengchi Automobile said that due to the impact of the epidemic, the original production time of Hengchi 5 was adjusted from June 22 to September 20. After the pre-sale finally started, Hengchi Automobile announced that it would start delivery in October.

  However, in August, Hengchi Automobile made another bad news. On August 2, Hengchi Automobile’s affiliated company Hengda New Energy Vehicle Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd. added information on the person to be executed, and the execution target was about 9.26 million yuan. At present, the total amount of the company’s execution has exceeded 100 million yuan.

  For the first blockbuster production car, Hengchi Automobile also announced that it had cancelled the listing conference of Hengchi 5 and listed it in a "low-key" manner. The final listing price of the new car continued the previously announced pre-sale price, that is, 179,000 yuan.

  How is the market reacting to Hengchi 5?

  It is understood that August 1st is Hengchi customer small (1000 yuan) to large (10000 yuan) opening time, the first 10,000 booking customers can enjoy the car within 15 days after the car refund, deposit 10,000 yuan to 20,000 yuan and a series of discounts.

  Previously, the Securities Times e company reporter real exploration of Guangzhou Hengchi store, sales staff said that the company has not notified the 10,000 places have been booked, so the booking can also enjoy discounts. For more content, please see "real exploration of Guangzhou Hengchi experience center, the first 10,000 the big quota to grab it?"

  Hengchi 5 officially started pre-sale on the evening of July 6, priced at 179,000 yuan. On July 20, the official data released showed that the number of pre-sale orders exceeded 37,000. If the number of orders transferred to Dading is less than 10,000 units, it means that some customers in the early stage may still be hesitating or have been lost.

  "On the day of the pre-sale, more than 10,000 suppliers came to buy cars, and Evergrande’s sales staff also accounted for part of the order," a person close to Evergrande told Securities Times.e. However, employees in the store said that the company did not issue a mandate to force car purchases, and there will be some discounts for internal purchases, "but not much."

Don’t be fooled by folk names, take stock of mobile phones with many nicknames

introductionIn today’s complex model world, mobile phone models, R & D codes, folk nicknames, and other names make many users feel overwhelmed. In fact, the folk names of many mobile phones make editors very confused, making it even more confusing for users who go to the mobile phone market to buy a phone. Many friends are also fooled by folk names, and they don’t know which mobile phone they want to buy. ZO Channel is sharing with you today the various names of the hottest mobile phones. Friends who plan to buy a phone can understand at a glance, and will never be fooled by folk names again.

Don't be fooled by folk names, take stock of mobile phones with many nicknames

Big Bad = HD = Desire HD = G10

HTC Desire HD is actually the domestic licensed product of the international version of HTC, and it is also HTC’s tenth smartphone (actually not the tenth strictly speaking), so it is also called G10, and an unknown model is HTC A9191. The abbreviation of this machine is DHD, which is also known as the big bad guy. The powerful performance is still very friendly with this funny nickname (the bad guy dare not say it, but it is indeed big enough). Now the machine is selling hot, and there are various names on the market. Friends who are ready to buy it should not be confused.

4.3-Inch metal flagship HTC Desire HD is on sale
The picture shows the HTC HD.

HTC Desire HD uses a straight board full touch design, and the all-metal integrated body feels very good, especially suitable for men. The 4.3-inch screen is quite domineering, with a resolution of 480 * 800 pixels, the details and visual experience are eye-catching, and it also supports multi-touch. The 1GHz Qualcomm second-generation Snapdragon MSM8255 has powerful computing power, and the 45nm process power consumption is lower. RAM has reached the level of 786MB, running multi-tasking more smoothly, the 3D graphics acceleration performance of the Adreno 205 is also extremely sturdy, and the multimedia and gaming experience is even better. The camera is eye-catching, supports autofocus and dual LED support, and can record 720P video. On the network, it supports WIFI and navigation.

4.3-Inch metal flagship HTC Desire HD is on sale 4.3-Inch metal flagship HTC Desire HD is on sale
The picture shows HTC Desire HD

4.3-Inch metal flagship HTC Desire HD is on sale 4.3-Inch metal flagship HTC Desire HD is on sale
The picture shows HTC Desire HD

Editor’s comment:

Big Bad uses Qualcomm’s top-of-the-line core solo 1GHz processor, RAM has reached an unprecedented 768MB, which is really powerful in games and multimedia. The 4.3-inch large screen has many advantages when browsing a web and playing games, but it is also relatively strong. Friends who like this machine can refer to it.

HTC Desire HD (Modifier)
[ReferencePrice] 3150 yuan
[SalesMerchant] Bright Mobile Network
[Business phone] 13141221273
[Store address] 1706A, 17th Floor, Zhongguancun Science and Trade Office Building

1. Are you satisfied with the performance and functionality of your existing mobile phone? Very satisfied Not very satisfied 2. Are you happy to use a phone supported by Qualcomm Snapdragon chips for stronger performance and more features? I would love to. Let’s see

Stone = Milestone 2 = Milestone 2 = MS2

The Chinese name of the Motorola Milestone 2 is Milestone II. Because there is a Stone after the name, it is also affectionately referred to as a stone (metal stone, ORZ) by netizens. It is also directly referred to as MS2 in forums and other areas (it seems different from the Internet language). The Motorola Milestone 2 uses the 1GHz TI OMAP 3630, which has strong performance. The new 2.2 system is even more desirable, and it is quite popular among netizens.

Excitingly, the Motorola Milestone 2 drops to freezing point
Pictured here, Motorola

The Motorola Milestone 2 adopts the classic side-sliding QWERTY full design, and the metal body is very textured. The screen is a 3.7-inch capacitive touch screen, the resolution reaches the level of FWVGA, the display effect is clear, and it supports multi-touch operation. The Android 2.2 version of the system is very powerful, supports Flash video and wireless AP functions, and has excellent expansion capabilities. The 1GHz processor is powerful, and the 512MB RAM is also very mainstream, supporting 3D graphics acceleration. The Motorola Milestone 2 has a camera on the rear, and the imaging effect is mainstream, fully capable of meeting the needs of mainstream users. Network and WIFI are also supported, and navigation is quite practical.

Surprisingly, Motorola Milestone 2 is less than 2700 Surprisingly, Motorola Milestone 2 is less than 2700
Pictured, Motorola Milestone2

Surprisingly, Motorola Milestone 2 is less than 2700 Surprisingly, Motorola Milestone 2 is less than 2700
Pictured, Motorola Milestone2

Editor’s comment:

Motorola Milestone 2 is a very popular Android 2.2 system with rich applications and no worries about resources. The 1GHz main frequency processor is quite eye-catching in multi-tasking and multimedia, and friends with higher performance requirements can consider it.

Motorola Milestone 2 (remodel)
[Reference] 2680 yuan
[SalesMerchant] Ruifeng Telecom
[Business phone] 010-82667058 075583639058
[Store address] Room 1080, 10th Floor, Block C, E World, Zhongguancun, Beijing, Shenzhen Huaqiang South Petroleum Building

Princess Diana === Xiao Wu

    Needless to say, it is one of the most popular at present, and has a very high status in the system camp. The English translation of Defy into Princess Diana is relatively easy to understand. The licensed model is Motorola ME515, so it is also directly called Xiao Wu by the people, so it is not easy to confuse.

Hot three-proof intelligence, Motorola Defy stable price reproduction
Pictured, Motorola Defy

    Motorola Defy is a three-proof, stylish and compact body design, delicate feel. The 3.7-inch screen definition reaches 480 * 854 pixels, the display effect is delicate, and multi-touch is not a problem. Motorola Defy uses TI OMAP 3610, running speed is good, RAM is 512MB level, running speed is very fast, 3D graphics acceleration is also supported, and the performance on the game is quite strong. The configuration is the current mainstream configuration, which can meet the needs of users. Upgrade to Android 2.2 version can use a lot of functions, especially autofocus and Flash and wireless AP functions are also available.

Hot three-proof intelligence, Motorola Defy stable price reproduction Hot three-proof intelligence, Motorola Defy stable price reproduction
Pictured, Motorola Defy

Hot three-proof intelligence, Motorola Defy stable price reproduction Hot three-proof intelligence, Motorola Defy stable price reproduction
Pictured, Motorola Defy

Editor’s comment:

    Motorola Defy is a very popular Android system smartphone. The new 45nm TI OMAP3610 processor is based on the Cortex A8 core, and Motorola has added 3D graphics acceleration to it, which is more powerful overall. But as a three-proof phone, Motorola Defy’s more charm is reflected in its strong adaptability. Recently, the price of the machine has fallen again, which is still worth considering.

Motorola Defy (Modifier)
[Reference] 2150 yuan
[SalesBusiness] Beijing Aolong Xinchuang Technology Development Co., Ltd.
[Merchant phone] 010-82535031
[Store Address] 1506A, 15th Floor, Zhongguancun Science and Trade, Haidian District, Beijing

=== G8

    The HTC A3366 is HTC’s eighth Android smartphone, also known as the G8 (the author’s female colleagues have also been asked if they have used the G8, embarrassing). It has to be said that this HTC A3366 is quite popular in the low-end market.

HTC A3366
The picture shows the HTC A3366.

    HTC A3366 adopts a straight board full touch design, the specially coated body has an excellent feel, and the body is small and round. The screen is a 3.2-inch capacitive touch screen, but the resolution is only the level of QVGA, and the display effect is average, but multi-touch is still supported. Android 2.2 version of the smart, has a strong expansion ability, Flash playback and wireless AP support. Qualcomm 528MHz performance is average, but basically enough. In terms of network, HTC A3366 supports network, WIFI and navigation are also supported, and the comprehensive quality is comprehensive.

HTC A3366 HTC A3366
The picture shows the HTC A3366.

HTC A3366 HTC A3366
The picture shows the HTC A3366.

Editor’s comment:

    HTC A3366 is a cost-effective Android system smartphone with a stylish and exquisite design. It is also equipped with the latest Android 2.2 version of the smart operating system, which is very playable. In terms of network, HTC A3366’s configuration is also excellent, and it also has a rear camera, which is comprehensive in quality.

HTC A3366 (licensed)
[Reference] 2639 yuan (with ticket)
[SalesMerchant] Gaohong Mall
[Related Links] Click to buy

Love Crazy == IP4

    4 According to its English translation, it is directly called "Love Crazy Death" by many netizens (there are many fruit fans who are crazy about 4 looking for death and life), and of course there are also directly referred to as IP4. This one has been on the market for almost a year and is still hot and very strong. It is a fashion masterpiece worth buying. Friends who like this one generally will not be confused.

Apple iPhone 4
Picture 4

    Apple iPhone 4 has a desirable stylish appearance, and a large number of applications of straight lines make the fuselage more sharp than Apple iPhone 3GS and other models. The 3.5-inch screen is still the old size, but the resolution is very high, reaching 640 * 960 pixels, and the display effect is very clear. The i OS system is still upgraded to version 4.3, which can provide a large number of software on the App Store, and the entertainment effect is eye-catching. The 1GHz Apple A4 is very efficient, with 512MB of RAM space, and supports the function of 3D graphics acceleration. The rear camera has a good imaging effect, and supports 720P video recording. Network is supported on the network, WIFI and navigation are supported.

Apple iPhone 4 Apple iPhone 4
Pictured, Apple iPhone 4

Apple iPhone 4 Apple iPhone 4
Pictured, Apple iPhone 4

Editor’s comment:

    Apple iPhone 4 is a very popular mobile phone with high attention. Although the price has been firm and there is no sign of decline, it is still worth buying. Today’s licensed price is 5550 yuan, which is cost-effective. Friends who like it may wish to pay more attention.

16GB Apple iPhone 4 (licensed)
[ReferencePrice] 5550 yuan (with ticket)
[SalesMerchant] Hongda Mobile Network
[Business phone] 13910686395
[Store address] Room 1516A, 15th Floor, Office Building, Zhongguancun Science and Trade Electronic City, Haidian District, Beijing

Meijiu == Jiumei

    The 9 was extremely popular among many domestic players. Although it was the second smartphone, its performance and overall quality were quite outstanding. The 1GHz and ultra-high resolution display screens were all major features.

The chip flash memory battery is in a hurry, and the mobile phone is out of stock after the earthquake in Japan
Pictured, Meizu M9

    The Meizu M9 adopts a straight board full-touch design, and the plastic body still feels outstanding. The screen of the Meizu M9 is a 3.5-inch ASV screen with a resolution of 640 * 960 pixels. The display effect is very clear and supports multi-touch. The performance of the Meizu M9 is also very strong. The 1GHz processor performance is sturdy, and it also supports 3D acceleration. It can smoothly play 1080P movies, which is eye-catching. The camera effect is average, and daily photography is enough. The Meizu M9 supports WIFI and navigation perfectly, and can be used under China Unicom’s network.

The chip flash memory battery is in a hurry, and the mobile phone is out of stock after the earthquake in Japan  The chip flash memory battery is in a hurry, and the mobile phone is out of stock after the earthquake in Japan
Pictured, Meizu M9

The chip flash memory battery is in a hurry, and the mobile phone is out of stock after the earthquake in Japan  The chip flash memory battery is in a hurry, and the mobile phone is out of stock after the earthquake in Japan
Pictured, Meizu M9

Editor’s comment:

    The appearance of the Meizu M9 is relatively fashionable, and it is a high-quality work among domestic mobile phones. The 1GHz processor has strong performance and 512MB of RAM support. The 3D accelerator is more convenient for games and video playback (multiple videos are played directly), and it is more cost-effective for domestic users.

8GB Meizu M9:2499 yuan
16GB Meizu M9:2699 yuan
[Purchase address] Meizu stores around the world

Wife Demon == Xiao Qi

    As a revival masterpiece of the Nokia E series, the third edition of Nokia has become popular again. The 1 is also affectionately called Wife Demon (71, such a quirky and fantastical name) by users. The design of the full keyboard of this machine is very intimate, the functions are practical, and the battery life is also quite excellent. It is a very classic S60.

Nokia E71
Pictured, Nokia E71

    The Nokia E71 was launched in 2008 and still has a large number of users today, which shows the popularity of the machine. The Nokia E71 is made of metal body, and the input of the QWERTY full keyboard is excellent. On the screen, the Nokia E71 has a 2.4-inch resolution of 240 × 320 pixels TFT screen. On the system, it is still equipped with Symbian S60, which has a comprehensive expansion capability. The Nokia E71 has a built-in 369MHz, which runs very fast. The rear 3.20 million pixel camera works well and has a certain entertainment. As for applications such as Bluetooth, it also has excellent battery life with a 1500mAh battery.

Nokia E71 Nokia E71
Pictured, Nokia E71

Nokia E71 Nokia E71
Pictured, Nokia E71

Editor’s comment:

    Nokia E71 is a very classic. The S60 intelligent operating system is very user-friendly, convenient to use, and rich in software resources. However, the Nokia E71 has been on the market for too long, and the author does not recommend that you buy a version modifier. Licensed is the best choice, and it is cost-effective.

Nokia E71 (licensed)
[Reference] 1640 yuan (with ticket)
[SalesMerchant] Beijing Shengtong Innovation Technology Co., Ltd.
[Business phone] 400-810-7771 01062680686
[Store Address] Room 718, Building 1 + 1, No. 10 Caihefang Road, Zhongguancun West District, Haidian District, Beijing

Happy Crazy == Xiaole

    Le Phone uses 1GHz, and the Lenovo Le OS 2.0 system based on the 2.2 system has strong expansion capabilities, especially in multimedia. It has comprehensive support for videos in formats such as RMVB, highlighting multimedia performance. There are also many users who directly call Lenovo Le Phone Le Crazy and Xiaole, which are very popular among domestic smart players.

Lenovo Phone
Pictured, Lenovo Le Phone

    Lenovo Le Phone adopts an all-metal design, the body is very heavy, the feel is more comfortable, and it has a bright red color. The 3.7-inch capacitive touch screen has a resolution of 480 * 800 pixels, and the display effect is clear. Lenovo Le OS system version 2.0 has strong expansion capabilities and rich software resources. The 1GHz processor has good performance, supports 3D graphics accelerator, and multimedia performance is excellent. The rear camera supports video recording. The network fully supports WIFI wireless Internet access, and the network also has it.

Lenovo Phone Lenovo Phone
Pictured, Lenovo Le Phone

Lenovo Phone Lenovo Phone
Pictured, Lenovo Le Phone

Editor’s comment:

    The Lenovo Le Phone uses a lot of metal craftsmanship, and the performance of the whole machine is also very powerful. In particular, the Lenovo Le Phone has made a lot of local optimizations for domestic users. The 1GHz processor performance is good, especially in the playback of RMVB format movies. The advantages of multimedia are obvious. The price of the Lenovo Le Phone is very cost-effective, and friends who like it can consider it.

Lenovo Phone (licensed)
[Reference] 2058 yuan (with ticket)
[Merchant phone] 010-87875610
[Store Address] Shanghai Address: Room 808, No. 80, Fuling Road, Zhabei District, Shanghai
Beijing Address: Room 1201, Block A, Nanxi Building, No. 70, South Third Ring Middle Road, Fengtai District, Beijing
Guangzhou Address: Room 2509, Block A, Longjin Building, No. 528 Longjin Middle Road, Liwan District (Kangwangzhong intersection)

1. Are you satisfied with your existing performance and functionality?
Very satisfied Not very satisfied
2. Are you happy to use a phone supported by Qualcomm Snapdragon chips for stronger performance and more features?
I would love to. Let’s see

Conclusion: The above is an inventory of the eight very popular models at present. They are very popular and have many nicknames due to the attention and use of many netizens. However, the many folk names also make many netizens feel very distressed, and there are many inconveniences when choosing. The above are the various names of these 8 very popular models, including both modified and licensed models. At the same time, we also try to list the names of different users for this machine, hoping to provide some reference for everyone to choose a machine.

Experts, media, and netizens have something to say when the new rules for online car rental are introduced.

  News background:

  On the afternoon of July 28th, the State Council issued the Guiding Opinions on Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of Taxi Industry. The "Guidance Opinion" divides taxis into two categories: cruise taxis and reserved taxis. It is the first time that Internet cars are included in the management of reserved taxis, which clarifies the positioning of the taxi industry; At the same time, clarify the legal status of the network car, and support the continuous innovation and standardized development of the network car platform company; Encourage the transformation of traditional taxi companies to provide online car service.

  【Experts talk]

  Zhu Xi: "Network car" is the first in the world in China.

  "The promulgation of the Interim Measures has made China the first country in the world to officially recognize the legalization of Internet private cars." Zhu Wei, deputy director of Communication Law Research Center of China University of Political Science and Law and expert member of internet society of china Sharing Economic Work Committee, said: Great progress has been made.

  Zhu Wei said: "On a global scale, this is the first ‘ Internet plus & rsquo; It is a good law with epoch-making significance to share economic legislation and laws and regulations to correct the name. " He also specifically mentioned that the New Deal has brought "internet plus Travel" back to the market-oriented mode, such as the market-adjusted price of the network car fare; "Market reward and promotion" is a normal market behavior. Except for being bound by competition law and advertising law, there is no additional requirement, but it cannot disrupt the normal market order by operating at a price below cost. For another example, hitchhiking is a magic weapon to solve urban congestion and reduce the number of vehicles on the road in cities, and there are many mature cases in judicial practice at home and abroad. "The ride is essentially different from the commercial profit of the online car, so it is correct for the New Deal to exclude it." He said.

  Su Kui: The new rules of online car-sharing are a consensus reached in difficult trade-offs and games.

  How to balance the development of network car and fair competition is the most difficult part of the new regulations. How to standardize and not restrict the development of network car? How to develop online car rental and ensure a level playing field for online car rental and taxis.

  For example, 8-year scrapping is to consider that it is unfair to use the network car with less intensity if it is scrapped according to the rental operation for 8 years. It may also push a large number of online car drivers out of the platform.

  Another example is to define the nature of the platform as a transportation service, not an information matchmaker. This is the same as the taxi at a starting line, and the passengers feel the same. In case of safety problems, the platform, as a transportation service provider, needs to bear the responsibility.

  Whether it is the draft for comments issued last year or the new regulations that are finally difficult to introduce, the game and trade-off have always been the most difficult things. "The good news is that we have basically reached a relatively rational consensus." Su Kui said.  

  【Media discussion]

  Taxi and online car will be in their proper places.

  The Guiding Opinions made it clear that the original taxis and online car-rides will achieve "dislocation development" and give full play to their advantages, not only "sitting up" but also "sitting up", so that different travel needs of people at different levels can be met.

  It can be expected that with the implementation and effectiveness of the new policy of online car-sharing, the online car-sharing market will usher in another round of adjustment, the number of online car-sharing and employees will change, the market positioning of online car-sharing will be further revised, and the platform’s management of online car-sharing will also be strengthened. At the same time, bringing online car rental into the taxi industry, setting necessary thresholds, supporting reasonable tax and fee policies, and maintaining market fairness will also effectively promote the balanced development of different levels of taxi services and achieve a win-win situation among online car rental, platforms and consumers. 

  From "incompatible" to "in their proper place", online car-hailing and taxis contain the spirit of reform and innovation, which is representative and typical in the era of "internet plus". Broadly speaking, when we enter the Internet age, the new forms and new formats will pose "conflicts and threats" to traditional related industries, which itself contains the opportunities and challenges of "internet plus". Accelerating the pace of reform and innovation, advancing laws and regulations with the times, and advancing the rule of law in an all-round way are the key to solving problems, and are also the reliable guarantee and core driving force to better adapt to the Internet era.

  The New Deal of Online Car Rental is an example of dealing with the relationship between the market and the government.

  How to define and manage the network car has been tangled in China for several years, which vividly presents the landscape of the deep-water period of reform. In the meantime, the strategy of treating private cars as black cars in local actual management and the tight management signals revealed by relevant central ministries and commissions once made the development of this new format of online car-sharing pessimistic. Now, the promulgation of Guiding Opinions on Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of Taxi Industry and Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Service clearly gives the online car a legal status, makes it clear that private cars can engage in online car operation, and requires reducing the taxi "money", which highlights the victory of the market, reaffirms the reform logic of "letting the market play a decisive role in resource allocation" and expresses the value direction of decentralization and sharing the economy.

  The new policy of network car is a model of opening the door legislation

  The formulation process of the new policy of network car is also a model of opening the door legislation. From the beginning of 2014, the online car platform launched a large-scale subsidy, and by 2015, the online car was promoted and operated nationwide, and then by the beginning of 2016, the multi-party game network car new deal. The introduction of a new policy will inevitably involve the interests of many parties. How to balance reform, stability and development has become a subject that policy makers must weigh. In the process of the introduction of the new policy of network car, not only the relevant ministries and commissions have repeatedly investigated, but also Shanghai, Yiwu and other places have actively explored, and various provinces and cities have fully discussed, and the network car platform and taxi companies have their own opinions. The final New Deal has basically become the greatest common denominator of the interests of all parties.

  The network car is just a representative of many new things, but the experience of network car governance has a wide range of demonstration significance. It is not advisable to build a car behind closed doors, and legislation should open the door. Regulators need more keen observation, more extensive research and more calm thinking, and emerging enterprises need more full expression, more careful development and more rational self-discipline. The practice of online car-sharing proves that the government and the market can realize clear boundaries and benign interaction, and both existing and emerging formats can also coordinate development and healthy metabolism.

  Legalization of the network car, good governance needs more good deeds.

  The formulation of documents is only the first step, and the next step is to do a good job in the industry and territorial rules and implement the reform. One of the highlights of this reform is that it is not necessary to "measure the whole country with one ruler". Metropolis has the practice of metropolis, and small counties have small counties. According to the principle of territorial management, all localities are given full autonomy. If the design reform needs the overall epistemological wisdom, then the implementation of the reform needs to reconcile Ding Ding’s methodological art.. The process of document formulation has been discussed by more than 10 departments and more than 100 meetings, taking into account the interests of all parties to the maximum extent. In implementing the reform, all parties should also be carefully deployed and coordinated. It is necessary to have a sense of urgency to get rid of indulging, boldly promote management innovation, and also to have a step-by-step methodology to firmly guard the bottom line of safety and stability. Reform depends not only on the original intention, but also on the effect test.

  【Netizen said]

  @ 軉枹: I haven’t taken a taxi for a long time. I use the internet to get a car. This is the result of market competition. I believe many people are like me. Everything must conform to the laws of the market.

  @ Li Ermao 46054: Making the best use of everything and people’s talents is a necessary condition for social development.

  @ 京京京京: Breaking the monopoly of taxi management and reasonable competition will definitely benefit the people.

  @ Xuanzi 23386: The purpose of the new regulations is to standardize the network car, ensure the rights and interests of passengers and the safety of riding, and also effectively guarantee the quality of service.

The regulations on handling special circumstances of physical education examinations in primary and secondary schools in Beijing have come.

  Physical education and health assessment of compulsory education in Beijing includes process assessment and on-site examination, with a total score of 70 points, which is included in the total score of senior high school entrance examination. Among them, 40 points for process assessment and 30 points for on-site examination.

  What are the special candidates in the process assessment? What kinds of candidates can be exempted or postponed during the on-site examination? Let’s take a look!

  Appraisal object

  Students in grades four, six and eight.

  On the basis of carrying out the national students’ physical health test for all students in primary and secondary schools every year, the test results of grades 4, 6 and 8 are included in the senior high school entrance examination.

  Process assessment of special candidates

  1. Disabled candidates

  Candidates who lose their athletic ability due to disability shall go through the relevant formalities with the People’s Republic of China (PRC) Disabled Persons’ Card (and keep it in the student file). Those who have not applied for disability certificates shall be evaluated according to the assessment requirements of normal candidates; After the disability certificate is provided, the students’ physical health test will be recorded according to full marks from the school year in which the certificate is provided. Physical education and health knowledge assessment shall be carried out in accordance with the policy requirements of ordinary students.

  Students who have no disability certificate and apply for exemption from physical education are treated according to the regulations of exemption from physical education due to injury and illness.

  Encourage disabled students to carry out daily physical exercise under professional guidance.

  2. Injured and sick pupils

  Students who can’t take the physical fitness test due to injury or illness must apply for make-up test and go through the formalities within the prescribed time in each district. After the completion of the make-up test, score according to the results of the make-up test. For those who have gone through the relevant procedures, but can’t complete the make-up test within the time specified by each district, the scores of students’ physical health test in that year are 0-mdash; 59.9 Score according to the grading standard (5.5 points); If you don’t go through the formalities, your score will be 0. Physical education and health knowledge assessment shall be carried out in accordance with the policy requirements of ordinary students.

  3. Students from other cities returning to Beijing

  From the date of returning to Beijing to study (after completing the transfer of student status), it will be implemented in accordance with the Beijing compulsory education sports and health assessment policy. Those who did not participate in the process assessment before this will not be retaken, and their missing process assessment results will be identified in the following ways:

  First, the education administrative department at or above the prefecture level where the original school is located has organized the students’ physical health test and physical education and health knowledge test in a unified way, and the education administrative department at the prefecture level has issued a test report card with official seal, and after returning to Beijing, it will identify the missing process assessment results of the candidates with reference to the corresponding standards;

  Second, the education administrative department at or above the prefecture level where the original school is located has not organized relevant tests in a unified way, and its missing process assessment results are converted in proportion to the results of the ninth grade on-site physical education examination.

  4. Other circumstances

  If the process assessment results are incomplete at the time of graduation, the missing process assessment results will be converted in proportion through the results of the ninth grade on-site physical education examination.

  Appraisal object

  Ninth grade students.

  Special candidates for on-site examination

  1. Candidates who are exempt from the exam

  The first category:Candidates who are unable to take the physical examination due to disability and loss of athletic ability shall, with the People’s Republic of China (PRC) Disabled Persons’ Card, go through the relevant formalities as required, and the on-site examination shall be recorded with full marks.

  The second category:Candidates who are not suitable for strenuous exercise due to illness and are exempted from studying in physical education class for a long time cannot take the on-site examination, and the results of the on-site examination shall be recorded according to 60% of the total score (30 points).

  The third category:Candidates who are unable to take the on-site examination due to temporary injury or illness will be recorded with 60% of the total score (30 points).

  Candidates who are exempt from the examination are required to fill out the Application Form for Exemption from the Beijing Junior High School Academic Level Examination of Physical Education and Health Discipline. After being signed by parents, the medical staff of the school and the person in charge of the school conduct a preliminary examination, they shall be submitted to the district sports examination leading group for examination and approval.

  2. Deferred examination

  If you can’t take the on-site exam at the specified time, you can apply for a postponement. Candidates who have postponed the exam should go through the formalities before entering the examination room; After the candidates enter the examination room, they are generally not allowed to apply for deferred examination. The requirements for deferred examination procedures are as follows:

  First, the special physiological period of girls.Candidates who have postponed the examination fill out the Application Form for Beijing Junior Middle School Academic Level Examination of Physical Education and Health Discipline, and after being signed by parents, the medical staff of the school and the person in charge of the school make a preliminary examination, they will be reported to the district sports examination leading group for examination and approval.

  Second, candidates are temporarily injured.Candidates who have postponed the examination must issue a diagnosis certificate from the medical department of Grade II A or above, fill in the Application Form for Deferred Examination of Physical Education and Health in Beijing Junior High School Level Examination, and report it to the district sports examination leading group for examination and approval after being signed by parents, the medical staff of the school and the person in charge of the school for preliminary examination.

  All districts should focus on organizing the delayed examination within 7 days after the end of the unified examination in this district, and implement it in strict accordance with the relevant requirements of the unified examination. Candidates who can’t take the delayed exam within the specified time shall be treated as class III candidates who are exempt from the exam.

  All districts should strictly implement the provisions on exemption from and deferment of exams.

  3. Other circumstances

  Candidates who have only participated in some items of the on-site examination will have valid scores in the items they have already participated in, and the scores of the items they have not participated in will be recorded according to 60% of the full score of the item.

  On September 1, 2021, students in different grades had different total scores in the physical education examination when they graduated from the ninth grade. Therefore, the conversion formula of candidates’ missing grades was uniformly announced when students attended the ninth grade.

  Note: This program will be implemented from the students who entered the ninth grade on September 1, 2023.

  (CCTV reporter Pan Hongxu)

Mei Lanfang was exposed by the explosion of fashion and rare swimsuit photos.

    Mei Lanfang’s swimsuit photos taken during her stay in the United States.

    Mei Lanfang improved the hairstyle and clothing of the new fashion drama, and added fashion elements to the Beijing drama.

    For the modern young audience, Mei Lanfang is just a symbol. From the textbook, we know that he is the first of the four famous artists and represents the culture of Peking Opera. Perhaps many people can’t tell the difference between Mei Lanfang and Anita Mui. In fact, Mei Lanfang is not only a master of art, but also the most popular fashion star of the year. Recently, some netizens exposed a group of unknown old photos of the Peking Opera master in real life in the forum. In this group of photos, a rare photo of Mei Lanfang wearing a swimsuit is particularly eye-catching.

  Mei Lanfang loves fashion to take swimsuit photos.

    The netizen said that this swimsuit photo was taken in Shanghai in the 1930s, when the social atmosphere was not so open. On the other hand, the shooting background seemed to be out of place with the word swimsuit. However, some netizens said that in Shanghai in the 1930s, fashionable people would take a few swimsuit photos. At that time, people often saw the appearance of swimsuits from those fashionable cigarette cases and moon cards. As a well-known Peking Opera actor at that time, Mei Lanfang was naturally unwilling to lag behind, and generously took such a swimsuit photo by the swimming pool.

    According to the historical records of that year, in 1926, the public swimming pool in Hongkou, Shanghai was opened to the public, and men and women traveled together in Shanghai. By 1930, Gao Qiao Beach had been built, and swimsuits had long been the equipment of Shanghai-style figures. At that time, almost all the stars and celebrities-Shang Guanyunzhu, Ruan Lingyu, etc.-had fashionable styles in swimsuits. Mei Lanfang’s swimsuit photo was produced under such an "open" historical background, even though it was not taken in Shanghai but in the United States on the other side of the ocean. In 1946, when Drama Illustrated published this swimsuit photo of Mei Lanfang during her stay in the United States, it also caused quite a stir.

  Love to take pictures, generous show camera

    Mei Lanfang’s hobby of spare time also keeps ahead of the trend. In old Shanghai, it was fashionable to take photos in a photo studio, not to mention owning a camera. Cameras were a luxury at that time, and families who could buy them must be rich and fashionable enough. Mr. Mei Lanfang’s camera, which seems to be inadvertently painted, is also put into the photo to some extent as an ornament that embodies a kind of taste and shows off.

  Singing Beijing Opera in Modern Costume

    Besides taking photos, Mr Mei Lanfang used fashionable elements in Beijing Opera, and he was once called the "originator of fashion dramas in Beijing Opera". At that time, he personally created a new play "The Waves of the Evil Sea", and at the same time he created his own hairstyle and clothes for the new fashion play, which was true to others. It is understood that Mei Lanfang rehearsed three new fashion plays, among which "Deng Xiagu" and "A wisp of hemp" received great response. For a time, Peking Opera dressed in modern clothes became fashionable, and it did not lag behind the vernacular drama at that time.

Editor: Sun Jie

How is the first New Year’s Day in New China celebrated?

The Origin of New Year’s Day in New China
September 27, 1949
Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference
The first plenary session
Decided to adopt the universal method of AD chronology.
That is what we call the solar calendar.
In order to distinguish between the lunar calendar and the solar calendar.
Considering also that
"beginning of spring" in the 24 solar terms of the lunar calendar
Just before and after the Lunar New Year
January 1st of the lunar calendar.
Renamed "Spring Festival"
January 1st in the solar calendar.
Set as the beginning of the new year "New Year’s Day"
December 23, 1949
National festivals and anniversaries
The holiday measures stipulate the release.
New Year’s Day, one day off.
from this time on
New Year’s Day is listed as a statutory holiday.
Become a national holiday.
Celebrate with joy.
To celebrate the founding of New China
The first new year’s day
Liberated cities, villages and schools
Institutions, organizations and people from all walks of life
By holding parties and giving speeches
A theatrical performance, movie, exhibition, etc.
Colorful celebrations
Welcome the new year.
On the morning of New Year’s Day in 1950.
People turn on the radio.
I heard march of the volunteers.
Just three months after birth
People’s Republic of China (PRC)
Ushered in the first new year.
For the 541 million people of China,
This new year
It is really "removing the old and replacing the new"
This day
More than 50,000 people from all walks of life in the capital.
Attended the New Year’s Gala
Students and workers in the capital
Gather together on the skating rink in Beihai Park.
Performing all kinds of wonderful programs
On the morning of New Year’s Day in 1950.
Yangzhou avenue
People’s Pictorial, which was printed the night before.
Circulate among the masses.
Right in the middle of the pictorial
It is a picture of Yangzhou people celebrating the New Year.
Paintings of street parades
Walking in the team in the picture
Holding high the national flag and the portrait of Chairman Mao.
Follow closely behind
A team beating gongs and drums
And the Dragon Dance Team and Waist Drum Team.
The whole picture is bright in color
Take Yangzhou soldiers and civilians to the streets
Celebrating the first new year after liberation
Be lively and vivid
There are couplets on both sides of the picture.
It says"Wan Li Jiangshan Qing liberation.
People all over the country are jubilant. "
Below the screen is
"Celebrate the whole world.
Everyone laughs.
Celebrate the first New Year in New China. "
Military and civilian fish and water, support the army in the New Year.
The people ushered in a new life.
Thank you, of course
The China People’s Liberation Army, which is brave and good at fighting.
This day
The whole country has launched
Various activities of supporting the army.
From the masses to the troops
Pay New Year greetings to the officers and men.
Condolences to the wounded and the families of martyrs.
The students also carefully produced
New year card sent it to the People’s Liberation Army at the front.
Each district in Beijing was held separately.
Comfort the mass meeting of military families
Party and government organs, schools and factories
And mass organizations
Rehearsed a literary program.
Pay New Year greetings to the officers and men in the army.
Condolences to the wounded and the families of martyrs.
Beijing citizens also wrote a song "A Tribute from the Labor Army".
In poetic language
Expressed the people’s state of mind:
"the people’s liberation army.
Hear the encouraging songs everywhere.
You Shi NV Hu Jiang greeted you.
A few warm times
Rain washes smoke and dust thousands of miles away.
Night Yan Diao Dou Zhongtian Yue
My hero serves the people.
What is the feeling?
Old shame, snow from the beginning
Reactionaries, from now on.
See gan Kun rectify
gold goblet remaining intact―unimpaired territorial integrity
Independent flag floating democratic country
Free flowers send heroic blood
Celebrating peace at the beginning of the year.
Zhanjing Que "
Double happiness, literary and artistic gifts
in Shanghai
Students from all schools held cultural celebrations.
Shanghai Theatre Academy and Fudan Art Troupe
Since New Year’s Day
Tour schools in the city.
How steel was tempered
And the March of Democratic Youth.
Shanghai Gold, Empress, Dahua, Paris, International
Eight cinemas, including Yong ‘an, Jincheng and Jindu.
And eight major cities in China.
At the same time, the documentary film "The Birth of a New China" was presented.
The content of the film includes
Meetings of the People’s Political Consultative Conference
Chairman Mao’s speech, delegates’ speeches
And the pomp of founding ceremony.
Embark on the "road" of revival
New Year’s Day, 1950
There is another great event.
Beijing-Han Railway and Guangdong-Han Railway
super band
from then on
China is from Manchuria in the north.
To Guangzhou in the south
Can be reached directly by railway traffic.
Northeast China, North China, East China, Central South China and Northwest China
Railway lines in these areas
Also connected as one.
Beijing-Han Railway and Guangdong-Han Railway
To strengthen the exchange of materials between North and South
And political, military
And cultural undertakings.
Overcome the country’s post-war difficulties
Promote economic recovery and construction.
Are of great significance.
These two railways
For the brand-new China.
Bring revival and hope.

In People’s Republic of China (PRC).
The first new year after its establishment.
People’s Central Government
Minister of Interior Xie Juezai
In his New Year’s message, he wrote:
"The people of the whole country rejoiced.
Celebrate this new year.
Because it brings infinite light and hope. "
In 2022
We are entrusted with the hope of our ancestors.
Welcome the sunrise and move on.
Running on the road of chasing light!
Compilation of Yuan Xi
Proofreading Wei Kairui
Proofreading Sun Xiaoqian
On-duty Editorial Board Member Zhang Yu
Light up "watching" and have a happy New Year’s Day in 2022!

Who do you choose, the domestic beauty that is hanging all the way VS the international big name that won by lying down?

Text/A Jiu

2019 is definitely a year of domestic beauty.

At one time, Japanese brands represented by Shiseido and SK-II, Korean brands represented by Snow Show and whoo, and European and American brands represented by Lancome and Estee Lauder were attacked on three sides, and domestic brands were suppressed to have no sense of existence and could only be "poor" who were rubbed on the ground.

In 2019, domestic beauty was unprecedentedly hot: domestic beauty brands occupied half of the market, the brand growth rate exceeded 1000%, and brands were favored by capital. The public and the media described it as "counterattack".

However, is the domestic beauty brand really a comprehensive counterattack?

In the era of low prices, it is not easy to say goodbye.

In 2019, Tencent released the "Domestic Beauty Report", and the relevant person in charge said that "in the new market environment, national cosmetics have bid farewell to the era of low prices", and the media have also echoed it. Is it true?/You don’t say. We speak with data.

First of all, let’s look at the unit price:Take THE COLORIST and WOW COLOUR, which are positioned as the national fashion beauty collection stores, for example, the current customer price of the two brands is between 100 and 300 yuan; Sephora, which has gathered many international brands, surpassed 400 yuan in the unit price as early as 2010. The comparison between domestic beauty cosmetics and international brands is a bit tragic.

Then, let’s look at market share:According to the first financial data, in 2019, in the domestic beauty market in China, the mass brands accounted for over 50%, while the sum of high-end and mid-end brands with high premium did not exceed 50%. At the same time, the Japanese local brand market is evenly distributed with high, medium and mass brands, accounting for 30.15%, 29.94% and 39.91% respectively.

At the same time, there is no "talker" who can shoulder foreign brands and lead the industry in the domestic beauty and skin care market:Such as Baiqueling, shanghai jahwa, Shanghai Shangmei and other large enterprises, the domestic market share is only 2%~2.5%. In contrast, Senior Hall has won more than 13% market share in the Japanese market, while Amore has won a high share of 18.8% in the Korean market.

The unit price of customers is not high, the products are concentrated in the mass market with small profits, and there is no "talker" brand that can lead the industry … In short, it is not easy for domestic beauty cosmetics to say "goodbye" to the era of low prices.

You work hard, but others are "winning"

"Foreign goods go down, domestic products go up" is a trend, but does it mean that domestic beauty and skin care brands can compete with foreign rivals?

Although the products sell well, there are some embarrassment when it comes to high loyalty and high brand premium.Baidu’s search for "big-name replacement" keywords has over 29 million search results.In order to open up the market, some brands simply take the initiative to be small and low, and directly mark "big brand replacement" in their own propaganda content. In the impression of a large number of users, the consciousness of "domestic beauty = parity" is still deeply rooted.

Do I work hard for so long, but I can only be a big spare tire?

Domestic brands that don’t want to "turn positive" are not good brands, but they also have troubles trying to make their own domestic beauty. Simply put:We spend more money and do more marketing actions, but we can only watch foreign big brands "lie down and win".

According to the person in charge of the new domestic beauty brand in the industry, he spoke to the media: "Usually, the rebate given by overseas brands to KOL is about 20 points, and domestic brands can reach 50 points. It is not surprising that online celebrity brands can give 100 points in order to quickly open up sales. Some even give 120 points, which is completely losing money."

We have to face up to it: all roads lead to Rome, but the other side was born in Rome. Before we arrived in Rome, we were still at a disadvantage in this competition.

In the future, how to go?

At present, the movement of new domestic products is in the ascendant. Generation Z, which is composed of post-90s and post-90s, has become the main force of beauty consumption. The beauty supply chain is becoming more and more mature, and the marketing methods are constantly innovating … These are all good for domestic beauty and skin care brands.

Under these favorable conditions, what should we do to bid farewell to the era of low prices and get rid of the "flat replacement" spare tire hat? From the development of domestic high-end skin care brand Lin Qingxuan, we can learn some useful experiences.

◆ Speak with strength and improve yourself in all directions.

In the domestic beauty industry, there are old brands rejuvenating, new brands exerting their strength, and online celebrity brands rising, but the product strength is the key to gain user recognition.

From raw material planting and extraction, scientific research and production to sales and service, Lin Qingxuan has established an industry-leading whole industry chain model. Its self-developed main active ingredient "Qingxuancui" has the same significance to Lin Qingxuan as pitera; of SK-II; The supercritical extraction technology adopted is also comparable to the international famous brands. With its hard strength in product composition and technology, the brand has won 35 beauty and skin care awards at home and abroad, and has become the only "annual focus enterprise award" in WWD China.

◆ Break into the high end and bid farewell to the "price butcher"

With the confidence of high-end quality, shaping high-end brands and grasping high-consumption people is the only way for domestic beauty and skin care brands to rise.

Teacher Wu mentioned in the article Farewell to the Price Butcher that "the 30% line of life and death has always been the only way for China brands to compete with international brands". At present, this line of life and death is failing. Domestic beauty and skin care brands are not absolutely competitive in the field of high-end products. Whoever can seize the high-consumption crowd and realize the brand premium may become a new generation leader.

Through brand differentiation positioning, innovative digital marketing reform and other multi-dimensional brand strategy upgrades, Lin Qingxuan successfully transformed from a small fresh brand into a mid-to high-end skin care brand. In double 11 in 2019, the unit price of online customers reached 624 yuan, a year-on-year increase of 27%, and the unit price of offline customers reached more than 1,000 yuan, which did not lose any international first-line brands.

Teacher Wu believes that "new domestic products = (quality+core technology) × circle consumption" will be the new formula made in China at present.Only by reading and practicing it can domestic beauty and skin care brands bid farewell to the "price butcher" and conquer more consumers.

Exploring new retail: reconstructing people’s goods yard and building new consumption scenes.

At present, the domestic beauty and skin care brands are mainly online, but the offline channel has always been the killing place for beauty and skin care brands. Digital transformation, embracing new retail and reconstructing people’s goods yard have become a new battlefield for domestic beauty.

To the left, it is the accelerated offline layout of the national tide beauty collection stores such as THE COLORIST and WOW COLOUR; To the right, it is a direct store that insists on deepening the brand for a long time like Lin Qingxuan. Sun Laichun, founder of Lin Qingxuan, described it as:"Whether a cat can walk in a straight line depends on a mouse. Why do enterprises have to go digital? Because customers have been digitized. "

The rise of sales volume is only the starting point. It is the new pursuit of domestic beauty brands to build China brand and realize high brand premium and brand cultural identity.

In the new decade, we are happy to see more "Lin Qingxuan" break through the fierce competition and achieve the real light of domestic products.

Reference article:

"No more" big-name replacement ",how to counterattack domestic beauty? 》

"Is domestic beauty really rising? 》

Tony Leung Chiu Wai wants fireworks, maybe only Carina Lau can fulfill a lot …

Tony Leung Chiu Wai wants fireworks, maybe only Carina Lau can fulfill it.

Many people say that Carina Lau, an "accident", is not worthy of Tony Leung Chiu Wai, a "literary artist", but if you are given a Tony Leung Chiu Wai, you may not be able to stand it. After all, no matter how old a man is, he is always a child at heart, especially a gifted scholar like Tony Leung Chiu Wai.

Therefore, it is depressing to fall in love with a natural artist. Didn’t Carina Lau silently undertake a lot? In 2008, "Weiling" held a low-key wedding in Bhutan. On that day, Carina Lau wore a diamond ring worth 25 million yuan, and under the watchful eyes of Faye Wong, Wong Kar-wai, Brigitte Lin and other famous ladies, she officially married Tony Leung Chiu Wai.

Many people only saw that the total cost of the wedding was as high as 35 million yuan, but they didn’t know that it was Carina Lau’s request. At that time, the two had been working hand in hand for 20 years, but Tony Leung Chiu Wai never proposed. After Carina Lau put forward the idea of getting married, Tony Leung Chiu Wai even retorted that "we have to do these things", but Carina Lau insisted on a wedding and prepared to let his family witness his happiness.

After that, Carina Lau was in charge of the whole process. Because Tony Leung Chiu Wai was quiet and quiet, Carina Lau didn’t choose those romantic places like other stars, but chose quiet and peaceful Bhutan, just to stay away from the hustle and bustle of the city. It can be seen that she was thinking about her husband everywhere.

However, it’s not just that Tony Leung Chiu Wai doesn’t want to hold a wedding. She never cares about family affairs at home. When Carina Lau wanted to decorate the house, Tony Leung Chiu Wai left with a suitcase. After the decoration was over and Carina Lau put all the ornaments, Tony Leung Chiu Wai moved back to live.

When Carina Lau dragged him to a friend’s wedding, he was even more reluctant. Even when others came to propose a toast, Tony Leung Chiu Wai just left a sentence: Why should I drink with you? Compared with warm and smooth Carina Lau, Tony Leung Chiu Wai can be said to be ignorant of the world to the extreme.

He is indeed a good actor, but he is not a competent husband. Some time ago, after Tony Leung Chiu Wai’s personal documentary "Life is broadcast halfway up the mountain", he vividly showed his literary side in front of the audience. On weekdays, Tony Leung Chiu Wai laughed and liked tea, red wine and reading and watching the sea. His eyes could only accommodate poetry and distance.

I can’t see any daily necessities, even Carina Lau, and Tony Leung Chiu Wai’s hobbies may be charming in the eyes of literary girls, but in marriage, few people may be able to stand them.

Most women need to be cared for and want to be spoiled as little girls by the other half, but where can there be room for two children in one family? If Tony Leung Chiu Wai kept his boyish nature. Then Carina Lau is undoubtedly the adult who protects her.

Carina Lau once spoke at the Voucher Conference, and Tony Leung Chiu Wai looked miserable every day, pretending to be miserable outside. Whoever is unreasonable has the upper hand. The unreasonable one in our family has reached the highest level, and he doesn’t even speak. He just looks at you with a pair of sad eyes until you cook a bowl of noodles for him.

It can be said that Carina Lau can not only tolerate the edges and corners of Tony Leung Chiu Wai, but also give him a hand when the other party has a free accident, and pull Tony Leung Chiu Wai back to the lively world. In the past, Tony Leung Chiu Wai wanted fireworks, and only Carina Lau could fulfill it.

However, in Carina Lau’s trough, he protected her, married her, and gave her the care of the property. Now, he still lets her be a broker, accepting that Sister Ling Chia can’t have children. In fact, this is a couple who pay for each other and live in business, and no one owes anyone.