Counterattack! "Me and My Hometown" is the first at the box office, and the main creative roadshow is much happier

1905 movie network news The national comedy has been officially released on the National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival. The cumulative box office for 4 days of the public screening exceeded 1.10 billion, and the attendance rate, average number of people per game, single-day box office and film placement all ranked first! The film is full of laughter and touching with tears, and has been praised by the audience. The audience rating of the cat’s eye and the double ticketing platform is as high as 9.3! On October 4th, the national roadshow of the film was joyous. Li Chen, the creator of the "Last Lesson" unit, came to Shanghai. Deng Chao, Yu Baimei, Wang Ziwen and Miao Fu, the creator of the "Road Home" unit, appeared in Xiamen to share behind-the-scenes stories with the audience and exchange viewing feelings.

Movie "me and my hometown" by the director Ning Hao, Xu Zheng, Chen Sicheng, Yan Fei & Peng Damo, Deng Chao & Yu Baimei respectively directed five stories, Zhang Yimou as the director system, Ning Hao as the director, the national hit!


The cumulative box office and single-day box office rank first

Popularity and word-of-mouth go hand in hand to raise the climax of movie viewing

As of the early morning of October 5th, the cumulative box office of the movie "My Hometown and Me" has broken through 1.10 billion, and the single-day box office 260 million on October 4th, with attendance, average attendance, single-day box office and film arrangement ranking first! At the same time, the film’s reputation continues to ferment, with both comedy joy and heart-piercing warmth. The hometown story has laughter and tears. You have me on and off the screen. The movie "My Hometown and Me" was rated by netizens as the most suitable National Day movie to watch with the whole family! The movie Cat’s Eye and Taotao Ticket Double Ticket Platform audience rating is as high as 9.3, and the popularity and word-of-mouth have made great progress all the way, leading the National Day file in an all-round way!

The movie "Me and My Hometown" is a must-see national comedy for the 2020 National Day. It was created by nine directors and nearly 100 actors to form a Chinese comedy dream team. Users commented that "I laughed 168 times throughout the movie viewing" and "laughed and cried". This warm comedy feast is the first choice to accompany the audience to enjoy the fun of watching the movie and celebrate the National Day holiday!


Shanghai roadshow 9-year-old audience choked up and shared to impress Li Chen

Deng Chao’s dialect was affirmed, and Wang Ziwen exposed the lipstick color number in the film

On October 4, the national roadshow of the movie "My Hometown and I" went to Shanghai and Xiamen to gather with more audiences in theaters. Li Chen, the creator of the "Last Lesson" unit, came to Shanghai to share the behind-the-scenes stories of the film shooting with the audience. Some viewers said that "every story is deeply touched. The actors are so good at acting that they are very tearful. Whether it is a moment of fear or a moment of laughter, it is very real. After watching it, I feel so lucky to see this movie." Li Chen also shared the feelings of participating in the movie with everyone. "It is an honor to be able to participate in this movie. This year’s National Day is very special. Everyone celebrates the Spring Festival. I feel very good to be able to have a movie released at this time. I also pay tribute to the medical workers!" There was also a 9-year-old girl who was deeply moved by the plot of Teacher Fan taking paint in the rain in the movie. She shared her viewing experience emotionally and couldn’t help but choke up tears, "Although I haven’t experienced that much, I’m really touched!" The children’s sincere speech deeply touched the audience. Li Chen said to the children, "We filmmakers must make more good movies for you to see!"

Deng Chao, Yu Baimei, Wang Ziwen, and Miao Fu, the creators of the "Road Back Home" unit, came to Xiamen to interact with the audience. Deng Chao shared the secret of learning dialects. "Dialects can represent the character of a local person. You must not only learn the language, but also learn the strength, bluntness and enthusiasm of northern Shaanxi." Deng Chao’s speech was affirmed by the girl from Shaanxi on the scene. "I can see that Brother Chao is working hard to learn, and you can pass the test! No problem! Very good!" A viewer who returned to his hometown on National Day said he was very moved after watching the movie. "A person who is wandering outside often thinks of his parents, grandparents, and the changes in his hometown are in his eyes. I am very moved to witness that his hometown is getting better and better." The lead actor Wang Ziwen also shared the behind-the-scenes story of the shooting. High heels were once caught in the desert, and the lipstick color number in the film was made public for the first time to satisfy the audience’s curiosity. Director Yu Baimei smiled and said, "I have made up lessons for straight men." The scene sounded one after another of laughter! The movie "My Hometown and I" is being screened nationwide, and I am proud of my hometown. It is the common feeling of the audience after watching the movie. Take the whole family to see my hometown and walk into the theater to enjoy the laughter and touch brought by the story of my hometown!

Triple board! "Huawei Auto Concept Stock" Sailis: There is a risk of overheating market sentiment

Sanlian Sailis (601127) issued a stock trading risk warning announcement on the evening of October 10. Since August 28, 2023, the company’s stock has risen by 110.42%, the Shenwan Auto Index has risen by 7.28% over the same period, and the Shanghai Composite Index has risen by 0.36% over the same period. The company’s stock short-term increase is higher than that of the industry and the Shanghai Composite Index over the same period, and there is a risk of overheating market sentiment.

Among them, the company’s stock price rose by the limit for three consecutive trading days from September 28, 2023 to October 10, 2023, but the company’s fundamentals have not changed significantly, and there is no major information that should be disclosed. As of the close on October 10, Sailis closed at 67.42 yuan/share, with a total market value of 101.60 billion yuan.

In the announcement, Sailis pointed out the risk of performance fluctuations. In the half year of 2023, the company realized operating income of 11.032 billion yuan, a decrease of 11.14% over the same period of the previous year, and realized net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies – 1.344 billion yuan. From January to September 2023, the company sold a total of 136,786 vehicles, a year-on-year decrease of 30.65%, of which 68,223 new energy vehicles were sold, a year-on-year decrease of 25.16%.

On the evening of the same day, Sailis issued an announcement on the early return of the proceeds raised by the temporary supplementary working capital.

According to the announcement, the company held the 33rd meeting of the 4th board of directors and the 27th meeting of the 4th board of supervisors on December 5, 2022, and considered and passed the "Proposal on the use of idle proceeds raised temporary supplementary working capital".

According to the capital use plan of the proceeds raised investment project and the construction progress of the project, the company will temporarily supplement the working capital of 2.50 billion yuan of idle proceeds raised in order to improve the efficiency of the use of proceeds raised and reduce the cost of company financing, and the use period shall not exceed 12 months from the date of consideration and approval by the board of directors of the company. After the idle proceeds raised is used to supplement the working capital expires, the company will return it in time. If the use progress of proceeds raised investment projects is required or the use progress of proceeds raised is accelerated, the company will return it in advance in time to ensure the normal operation of the proceeds raised investment project.

As of October 10, 2023, the company has returned the full amount of proceeds raised for temporary supplementary liquidity to the proceeds raised special project account in advance, and the use period has not exceeded 12 months. The company has notified the sponsor and the sponsor representative of the return of the above proceeds raised.

On the evening of October 9, Sailis announced that the stock transaction was abnormal, saying that after self-examination, the company’s current production and operation activities are normal and no major changes have occurred. AITO asked the new M7 was listed and delivered, which aroused attention and heated discussions. In addition, the company did not find media reports or market rumors that may have a significant impact on the company’s stock trading price.

Source: Read and create/Shenzhen Business Daily Comprehensive

Original title: "Triple Board!" Huawei Auto Concept Stock "Cyrus: Risk of Overheating Market Sentiment"

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Extreme krypton started a sideline: holding the vast -M architecture and building cars for autonomous driving companies.

Does the company have to build cars?

With the mature development of the industrial chain, autonomous driving companies can generally come up with autonomous driving sensor kits specially designed for Robotaxi scenes and in line with in-vehicle applications and standards.

In their view, building a car in the next stage is not only time-consuming and costly, but also has many technical barriers. It also needs to build its own factory and build an upstream and downstream industrial chain.

At the same time, there is another voice in the industry that adding sensor kits, technical units and software to the original vehicles is no longer in line with the next development goal of autonomous driving.

In other words, building a car will become the most critical step in promoting the commercialization of autonomous driving.

In July 2022, Baidu Apollo released the first unmanned vehicle RT6, which broke the dilemma that Robotaxi was mostly a modified car, and the cost of RT 6 was reduced to250 thousandYuan.

On November 17th, 2022, the M-Vision concept car jointly developed by Waymo and Krypton made its debut in Los Angeles. The new car was based on Krypton Vast-M.(SEA-M)The architecture will be mass-produced in 2024 and put into commercial operation in the United States.

In their view, autonomous driving wants to achieve large-scale mass production of technology, vehicle platforms need to be innovated, and software and hardware systems need to be more deeply integrated.

This means that the carrier of autonomous driving needs to draw a blueprint from a blank sheet of paper.

"It is an inevitable trend for unmanned vehicles to develop from refitting and installing finished vehicles to customizing and developing based on vehicle platforms. An industry person said.

01、I started a sideline and built a car for Waymo.

In December 2021, Waymo officially announced a cooperation with Krypton. The latter will provide exclusive vehicles for Waymo’s self-driving fleet and put it into commercial operation in the United States.

A year later, the M-Vision concept car, the result of cooperation between the two parties, made its debut in Los Angeles.

According to the heart of the car, Waymo is responsible for the automatic driving system and cockpit entertainment system, while the European Innovation Center is responsible for providing the core components of Robotaxi.Vast -M architecture.

In fact, Krypton was able to cooperate with Waymo without two acquisitions.

In July 2021, it was extremely embarrassing.1,057.8 millionkoruna(about 799 million yuan) Acquired CEVT in Gothenburg, Sweden(China-Europe Technology Research and Development Center)100% equityLater, it was renamed the European Innovation Center.

After the acquisition, CEVT can provide shared architecture, chassis, powertrain, transmission system, car body and vehicle design technology for future strategic products and R&D platforms.

CEVT is a gathering place of technical souls.

Since its completion and operation in 2013, CEVT has been Geely.1.3 millionThe production and sales of this car provide a complete and systematic technical system, and have trained thousands of global technical talents. The well-known CMA architecture and so on are all from this R&D center.

The second acquisition comes from the 30% equity acquisition of vast energy. This acquisition enables Krypton to redevelop the vast architecture of SEA.

In short, combined with the technical advantages of Krypton European Innovation Center, Krypton can develop the vast architecture again-this is also the origin of the vast -M architecture.

Vast -M is developed based on the vast architecture of Geely SEA, which took Geely five years to invest.20 billionThe pure electric architecture developed is also the killer of Geely in the field of new energy.

The characteristics of Geely’s vast architecture can be simply summarized into three key words:

According to Krypton, Haohan -M is the world’s first intelligent mobile travel platform specially developed for autonomous driving scenes, and it is the latest type of vast architecture facing the era of autonomous driving.

Among them, the m of vastness -M stands for Modular Mobility Architecture(Modular Travel Architecture).

On the basis of prototype architecture, Vast -M passedhardware layer+System layer+Ecological layerTo create a sustainable and extended self-driving vehicle.

To achieve this, we not only rely on the vast prototype architecture to cover the high application range of 1800-3300mm wheelbase of A-E class cars, but also need a native electric platform and flexible expansion ability to support L4 class automatic driving.

In this regard, it is almost impossible to achieve the traditional fuel vehicle platform, and related problems have been exposed in oil-to-electric vehicles before.

Constrained by a large number of complicated mechanical transmission structures, the expansion and layout adjustment capabilities of the traditional fuel vehicle platform are very limited, and the motors can only be installed in the space left after the fuel tanks are cancelled, so it is difficult to adjust the vehicle structure.

It can be said that holding the advanced vast -M architecture, he started a sideline business-helping autonomous driving companies build cars, which directly contributed to Waymo’s choice of cooperation.

Vast -M architecture, fully embedded with automatic driving interface, can be connected to the automatic driving system of L4 level and above, and can be compatible with different automatic driving schemes, from local control to full control of vehicles.

In addition, the vast -M architecture meets all technical requirements of autonomous vehicles and is compatible with all autonomous driving schemes.

"From Waymo’s point of view, it is extremely difficult for Krypton or Geely Group to find a second partner because of its ability to control costs under the same quality and its European R&D and innovation capabilities. 」

When talking about why Waymo chose to cooperate with Extreme Krypton to develop customized cars, Yang Dacheng, vice president of Extreme Krypton, said.

"The vast -M architecture is open to ecological partners around the world, not just Waymo, but also other global autonomous driving companies."

Through the cooperation case with Waymo, Yang Dacheng also threw an olive branch of "OEM" to other autonomous driving companies.

In the past, the threshold of "OEM" was not high, just providing enough assembly experience to achieve the production target.

Nowadays, due to the special products such as self-driving cars, the traditional cooperation mode is directly broken, and at the same time, the "OEM" needs to export certain research and development capabilities.

02、What’s different about Robotaxi, which Waymo cooperates with Krypton?

As a leader in the field of autonomous driving, Waymo has also tried to build his own car.

In May 2014, the autonomous driving team released a code-named ""fireflyThe unmanned car is planned to invest 100 vehicles in a small-scale trial operation in California in the early stage.

Due to the imperfection of the supply chain, the cost of Firefly is high, and the original 100 cars were finally cut down.50 vehiclesCar, coupled with the slow progress of the project, Google finally gave up its own car-making route.

In 2017, Google announced the retirement of Firefly.

In 2018, Waymo made an ambitious announcement to purchase from Land Rover and Fiat respectively. 20,000 vehiclesI-PACE and62,000 vehiclesDajielong is used to build a self-driving fleet.

In order to expand the operation scale of the fleet, in 2019, Waymo announced the establishment of the world’s first factory to produce L4 self-driving cars in Michigan, USA, which is mainly responsible for modifying the purchased existing production cars.

Up to now, there is no sign that Waymo has achieved his goal.

According to public data, Waymo’s current fleet size is only over 1,000 vehicles, and the current practice is still to install automatic driving kits on production vehicles.

This seems to be efficient, but it will bring many problems.

The first is the vehicle.Basic quality. The existing control system of mass production vehicles is built on the basis of human drivers, and the basic functions, including throttle, braking and steering, are all completed by traditional mechanical transmission, but this is completely different operation logic for the automatic driving system that relies on electronic signals to control vehicles.

Followed by the vehicle.Functional scene. Self-driving cars are essentially liberating drivers. Starting from the needs of passengers, we define what kind of functional scenes a self-driving car should achieve. However, most existing production cars are just a family car with comprehensive functions, and the layout of the cockpit cannot be changed, which cannot further expand the practicability of the vehicle.

Finally, the vehicle’scost. The needs of C-end users and B-end users are different. To build a self-driving car and a family car, the investment of BOM cost is completely different.

When refitting on the existing vehicle platform, it is necessary to bear all the BOM costs of the original private car, and it is also necessary to superimpose the cost of the autopilot kit, which is a great challenge to reduce the cost, which also leads to the large-scale investment of the refitted car and the cost of bicycles.

From the perspective of scale, Waymo urgently needs a mass-produced Robotaxi model.

In the negotiation with Krypton, Waymo once put forward requirements for vehicles-comfort comparable to S-class, chassis control comparable to e-tron, vehicle energy consumption comparable, and required the service life of operating trucks.

On the one hand, due to Waymo’s strong dominance, car companies can only play the role of engineering development and vehicle manufacturing.

On the other hand, based on Waymo’s personalized requirements for vehicles, car companies are reluctant to develop an exclusive self-driving car platform from scratch. After all, the current commercial feasibility is far lower than the research and development cost.

This is why Waymo’s previous cooperation model with car companies is relatively simple.

Waymo only purchases complete vehicles from Fiat Chrysler, Jaguar Land Rover and-,and deploys the sensor kits needed for autonomous driving on these vehicles through modification, and then carries out the real road test of autonomous driving or the self-driving taxi test.

Looking at the world, there are very few companies that can enable autonomous driving companies like Waymo to achieve mass production based on the vast -M architecture.

To put it another way, whether an autonomous driving company wants to build a car depends largely on whether it can find a useful carrier.

Based on this kind of thinking, a route that can not only be developed from zero to positive, but also hand over the burden of building cars to partners has become a new choice for autonomous driving companies such as Waymo.

The first is inProduct experienceOn the level, different from the traditional car model focusing on the driver’s thinking, the mobile travel vehicle built by the vast -M architecture is oriented to the automatic driving application scene, and the biggest highlight is reflected in the "user" experience:

The wheelbase of the vast -M architecture itself covers 2700mm-3300mm, and such a wide range of wheelbase makes the model extremely scalable-the front and rear suspension of the vehicle can be adjusted, and the distance between the seat and the rear axle can be stretched, finally providing a flexible layout of the cockpit space.

The second iscost. For self-driving cars, cost has always been the most sensitive issue.

A modified model with an automatic driving system, the price is500-1 millionRenminbi. In this cooperation with Krypton, Waymo’s demand is "to get the best things with the least money".

Yang Dacheng said, "Based on the efficient universality and scale of the vast architecture itself, the vast -M architecture can meet the needs of users with different budgets. 」

The third isquality. M-Vision meets the global five-star safety standards and conforms to the American Highway Safety Insurance Association.(IIHS)Maximum safety requirements. M-Vision can guarantee 500,000 kilometers in five years and meet the requirement of 16 hours of uninterrupted operation every day.

As early as the launch of the vast architecture, Geely said that the vast architecture will launch products with full open road autopilot function in 2025.

The debut of M-Vision also marks the further verification of the intelligent planning of the vast architecture.

03、Extreme krypton press the "fast forward key"

Waymo provides autonomous driving technology, and Krypton provides highly customized exclusive vehicles-this cooperation mode provides a new problem-solving idea for the landing of autonomous driving.

In addition to Waymo, other autonomous driving companies can also realize the landing of autonomous driving products based on the vast -M architecture.

As the most important smart electric vehicle brand under Geely Holding, through the commercial cooperation with Waymo, the vast -M architecture can also be fed back to the passenger car market in the future, thus enhancing the competitiveness of the brand.

Not long ago, Yang Xueliang, vice president of Geely, revealed on the social platform:

"M-Vision is a customized Robotaxi for Waymo in the United States, and M-Vision also has plans to promote To C products. 」

It is understood that the vast -M architecture will retain two versions of steering wheel, pedal/steering wheel and pedal at the same time.

According to informed sources, there are currently two products under development in the vast -M architecture:

With the continuous growth of the launch and delivery of the second new car 009, the product matrix of Krypton is accelerating.

According to the previous plan, Krypton will cover cars, SUVs and sub-categories around three product lines: Z, C and M in the next two years:

At the same time, Krypton will enter the global market, and Krypton 001 will enter the European market in 2023.

At the beginning of its development, Krypton fully considered the European standard and American standard, and certainly did not rule out a larger scale in the future. Extreme CEO An Conghui said.

Behind the market opportunity game, production capacity is the key to break through.

"Krypton currently has a production capacity of 300,000 vehicles, so it is no problem to ensure production and delivery, because we have other factories. In recent years, the new factories have also comprehensively considered the production needs of electric vehicles, and can realize the manufacturing of vast architecture products in the fastest time. At the press conference of Krypton 009 in November this year, An Conghui said.

Up to now, Extreme Krypton 001 has become the sales champion of China brand 300,000 luxury pure electric vehicles for three consecutive months-a total of 60,000 vehicles have been delivered, and the average order amount has exceeded.336 thousand.

Through the performance of krypton sales, An Conghui’s "internal letter" to internal employees shows that:

"The success of a single product cannot bring about the sustainable development of a brand. The diverse needs of users require us to complete the product layout from single product explosion to multi-product development as soon as possible. 」

Different from the cooperation mode of the new forces in the head and the internal incubation mode of traditional car companies, it relies on Geely+Volvo’s car-making experience and technical resources, but from decision-making to the accumulation of marketing experience, it has gone through a complete process from 0 to 1.

In other words, Krypton is exploring a route that combines the technical background of traditional car companies with the flexibility and efficiency of new cars.

As you can see, based on "Geely+Volvo technical resources are the underlying logic.",as well as the self-evolution of users’ travel needs, it is accelerating to prove the feasibility of building a third track.

Test drive | The new Volvo XC60T8: 5.5 seconds to break a hundred, the safest car is also a performance beast?

I just finished the test drive of the new Audi Q5L (parameter picture) in Nan ‘ao Island, and then I met the new Volvo XC60 in Chengdu, which undoubtedly made me have a more concrete comparison and understanding of these two luxury medium-sized SUVs with similar positioning but different styles.

The changes of the new Audi Q5L are not detailed here, and interested friends can jump to this content.

Today, I’m going to talk about the new Volvo XC60, which just came into the market in early June. The price of the new car is 373,900-603,900 yuan.

As a mid-term redesigned model, in terms of appearance, the new XC60 is equipped with a sports version for each version, including the T8 version; Secondly, the whole system is equipped with a hybrid system; Of course, there is also the native Android car system and the construction of software ecology, which makes this car better meet the growing scientific and technological needs of current users.

During the test drive, we drove a T8 version of the car, which is the official price of 603,900 yuan, with 5.5 seconds to break the hundred, and the top version of Baohua Weijian 15 speakers and air suspension. Although this version is not the main sales version, but looking at the attractive configuration list, what is the experience of these top luxury collocations? Let’s explore together.

The transition from "t" to "b"

Friends who are familiar with Volvo must be very familiar with the numbers T4, T5 and T8, because these characters represent the composition of power. For example, T4 is the ordinary version of the 2.0T engine, T5 is the high-power version of the 2.0T engine, and T8 is the plug-in version.

On the new XC60, you will notice that the former "T4 and T5" have become "B4 and B5", and the change from "T" to "B" actually means that the XC60 has officially opened the "mixed era".

Among them, B4 and B5 models adopt the power combination of 2.0T+8AT and are equipped with a 48V hybrid system. The B4 model, which focuses on energy saving, has a comprehensive maximum power of 145kW, an acceleration of 8.4 seconds per 100 km, and a comprehensive fuel consumption of only 7.0L per 100 km. The B5 model has a maximum output power of 184kW and a maximum torque of 350Nm, with an acceleration of only 7.1 seconds per 100 km and a comprehensive fuel consumption of 7.3L per 100 km.

With the addition of 48V hybrid system, the effect is still very obvious. Firstly, the energy consumption is reduced, and secondly, it can provide additional power supplement in the initial stage, so that the start is smoother and the control of start and stop is smoother, which provides a very good supplement for the luxurious driving feel.

The T8 version of our test drive, that is, the plug-in hybrid vehicle, is equipped with a 2.0T high-power dual-supercharged engine and the power configuration of the rear axle motor. The comprehensive maximum power of the system is 288kW(391 HP) and the maximum torque is 640 N m. At the same time, the new car has a battery pack of 11.6kWh and a pure electric cruising range of 50km, which means that the new car can be directly on the green card.

In the road experience, the biggest surprise of this set of power is "full explosion". The output of 391 horsepower can make the people in the car feel the pleasure of being backed up by the seat in 5.5 seconds. In terms of NVH quietness, it is also extremely quiet. Even if the battery is exhausted, it can be extremely quiet and full of advanced feeling.

While improving the power, the new XC60 adopts a brand-new sixth-generation Borgwarner four-wheel drive system, which can automatically judge the road conditions, reasonably distribute the power between the wheels, and control various road conditions and weather. At the same time, it is also equipped with an electronically controlled braking system, and the braking response speed of 0.15 seconds is twice as fast as before.

In terms of braking, the adjustment of the new XC60 can be said to be very heel-following. Even if kinetic energy recovery is started, there will be no particularly big drag on the whole, which can give drivers a reassuring braking performance. It is worth mentioning that the new car can "reduce the steering power" alone, which makes the steering wheel feel heavy and enhance the sense of movement.

Technological upgrading is surprising.

If BBA emphasizes some luxury attributes, such as Audi’s technological luxury and BMW’s sports luxury, then Volvo is practical luxury. This point is particularly obvious in the technological upgrade of this change.

Volvo finally figured it out. Instead of spending huge sums of money to build a car machine system to compete with hundreds of mobile phone stands, it is better to study why users don’t like to use the current car machine.

The native Google Android operating system is the best proof. Instead of taking the time to learn the car system, it is better to "carry" the familiar mobile phone system directly to the car in one step to achieve seamless connection.

And the system has built-in very rich application functions, such as car version of Gaode map, Tencent love listening (including QQ music, Himalayan, etc.). In addition, there are Tmall Elf, Huawei Smart Assistant and Huawei Application Market which can be interconnected with smart homes, and more applications can be expanded.

In the actual experience, you will find that our favorite voice control only needs a sentence "Hello, Xiaowo!" " The new XC60 can also respond intelligently.

And this voice control supports continuous dialogue, that is to say, turning on the air conditioner, checking the weather, asking for navigation, and playing music can all realize continuous operation after one wake-up. Although this is not a black technology, it is already a very big breakthrough for a luxury car that is slow in technology.

As for safety, this has always been Volvo’s label, so the new XC60 performs equally well in active/passive safety configuration!

The whole system comes standard with a new generation of CitySafety urban intelligent safety system. With the blessing of 20 hypersensitive sensors, the new car has practical functions such as preparing to leave the car, automatic braking backwards and emergency parking assistance, and active hedging intervention all the time. It can be said that in terms of safety, there is no most comprehensive, only more comprehensive.

Let’s talk about the luxury used.

After the test drive of the new Volvo XC60, I launched a survey in the circle of friends-how many people like Volvo because of the crystal gear?

As a result, I got a very positive response from my friends. In fact, everyone is very concerned about these inconspicuous details on luxury cars, because this is also the best way to distinguish Volvo from other brands, a difference in style.

Scandinavian style originated from northern Europe, its core is to pay attention to practical functions, exercise restraint in form and decoration, and use natural materials as much as possible, thus creating a harmonious aesthetic feeling.

The luxury version of the new XC60 comes standard with a crystal gear lever that was previously only available for T8 plug-in hybrids. It is made of crystal and metal, and its shape is elegant and delicate. The "orreforssweden" on it means that it is produced by the Swedish century-old crystal brand orrefors, and its "Black grouse" logo has become one of the most famous trademarks in the world today.

In addition, the material of the decorative board also caught my attention. I thought it was a solid wood decorative board, but it didn’t feel like it. Finally, I learned that it was a special "drifting wood" material. Applying this kind of material, which has always existed in nature but is not common, to the interior design of vehicles really makes people feel close to nature.

Besides, Baohua Weijian Bowers&Wilkins audio system, a hall-level audio system tailored for XC60 cockpit, not only has 15 speakers and a maximum power of 1100W, but also uses DiracHDSound? audio fidelity technology to support FLAC and WAV lossless formats.

When the music sounds, it’s like being in the Gothenburg Concert Hall. Of course, this standard is the top model, and the regular model is equipped with Harman Kardon audio, but it is optional, and the optional price is 25,800 yuan.

And the most practical air suspension. Not only does it improve the comfort of the whole vehicle, but in the scene of opening the trunk to place items, this air suspension system can also lower the buttons through the rear axle of the car body in the luggage compartment, so that the height of the rear of the car can be lowered by 50mm, which is more convenient for the loading and unloading of large luggage. The details reflect Volvo’s humanistic thinking everywhere.

Hong ping Dian che

I have to say that Volvo can always surprise people!

After all, from the modeling point of view, XC60 gives people the feeling of being steady and extremely low-key, but when you really walk into this car, understand and control this car, you will find that this car not only has top safety technology, but also is obsessed with providing top safety.

You will also find that the Nordic design, extreme performance, low-key luxury, etc., in fact, XC60 has also done a good job, including the polishing of luxury details, and there are also surprises, so people can’t help but follow the script, which also makes Volvo’s unique charm.


Actor wuyue: I’d rather live in a work than live in a hot search.

In the face of He Yun, a "cloudy character" in "Sweeping the Black Storm", wuyue said: "If you don’t dig out snacks, dig up some liver, you can’t do it."

Source: Wen Wei Po (abridged original)

Before "Sweeping the Black Storm", many people called actress wuyue "Lingling", which is the role she created in "My First Half". Wuyue was scolded by some viewers for shutting down Weibo’s comments because of her portrayal of this annoying role.

After Sweeping the Black Storm, many people began to call wuyue "He Ju" or "He Yun". This time, she didn’t play a positive role, but the public praised her rich performance.

The audience’s "no distinction between people and drama" has caused trouble to the actors, but from the perspective of performance, it is also an acting medal awarded to the actors.

She prefers to "live in a work" rather than "live in a hot search". In addition to participating in the voice charm competition variety "Coming to the Scene", she focused on acting: from the TV series "My First Half Life", "Elite Lawyer", "last romance" and "Sweeping the Black Storm" to the movie Better Days, and then to the drama "Dream Like a Dream" … Every role she played broke through the limitation of typology as much as possible.

Better Days

Ling Ling in My First Half Life is an anti-type and anti-routine role. Chen Nian’s mother in Better Days is also a three-dimensional image, and it is difficult to simply define it with the label of "good mother" or "bad mother"; Gu Xianglan in Dream as a Dream is a dusty woman. ……

When filming "Sweeping the Black Storm", wuyue has been immersed in the emotion of "He Yun". In the face of this "role with more cloudy days inside", wuyue bluntly said: "If you don’t dig snacks, dig some liver, you can’t make it."

As an actor, wuyue has proper limit.

At that time, he was admitted to Shanghai Theatre Academy with the first grade in professional courses, and he also won various awards after his debut. However, she admits that she has never really been confident in acting, and she can’t get rid of the sense of panic of newcomers.

Wuyue said frankly that she had been anxious and confused, and even felt that she was "very, very failed, and her life was very gloomy". What helped her in the end was learning and listening.

Once, at work, she took on an overloaded drama contract for fear of "losing". She played five or six plays in continuous shooting with high intensity in one year, which caused her body to "collapse" at the age of 35-thyroid inflammation and had to be nursed back to health.

She stopped filming for a year to recuperate her life. This year’s "stop" also made her discover that it was not so terrible to have no filming and no income for a year.

It is probably because of this experience that she realized: "You should have the ability to recognize something or a situation, which may be an ugly gift from life."

She said: "The profession of an actor is a profession of dealing with the heart. When your heart is out of order, you can see it in your eyes." Wuyue’s determination made her keep her original heart as an actress.

For an actor, most of the time, taking the road that few people walk and looks the most stupid and clumsy is the most competitive, longest and most stable road.

Editor | Sui Fangfang Rao Wenyuan

Shaanxi: There are fruits in four seasons.

This article is transferred from: Shaanxi Daily
Shaanxi, a major fruit province, has a good report card: the planting area and output of apples and kiwifruits rank first in the world, the cherry planting area ranks second in the country, and the grape planting area ranks third in the country.
Appropriate temperature and humidity, sufficient light and precipitation give Shaanxi fruit a unique flavor and taste. However, Shaanxi, where the planting area and output of fruits rank first in the country, is rich in fruit types, but most of the fresh fruits are harvested in summer and autumn. In winter and spring, the bulk fruits are mainly stored in cold storage, and the local seasonal fruits are not enough to compete with other provinces, which leads to the occupation of Shaanxi fruit market in winter and spring by a large number of foreign seasonal fruits.
How can we stay in the "C position" of the fruit market stage? In the past few days, reporters have visited the market and visited the producing areas, trying to find the "password" for Shaanxi to seize the highland of the fruit market.
1 spring fruit market rarely sees local goods.
On April 12, people came and went in the fruit sales area of Boxma Xiansheng on Jiefang Road in Xi ‘an. The shelves are filled with rows of fruits, such as red strawberries, orange oranges, yellow bananas and green avocados, which are dazzling and attractive. A closer look shows that there are not many local fruit varieties in Shaanxi.
"From February to April, local fruits in Shaanxi only accounted for about 10% of the total sales of fresh fruits in Boxma." Zhang Weibo, fruit purchasing manager of Xi ‘an Box Horse Network Technology Co., Ltd. said.
Zhang Weibo told reporters that the spring fruits sold by Boxma Xiansheng are mainly produced in Hainan, Yunnan, Guangxi, Sichuan, Chongqing and other places. The varieties mainly include mango, litchi, honeydew melon, banana, lotus fog, lemon and small green orange in Hainan, Chu orange, honey pomelo, wogan, grape, watermelon and blueberry in Yunnan, and loquat and navel orange in Sichuan and Chongqing. Shaanxi local fruits mainly include Luochuan Red Fuji Apple, Ruixue Apple, Shaanxi Cuixiang Kiwi, Yanliang Melon, strawberries, blueberries and other fruits. On the whole, among the spring fruits sold by Boxma Xiansheng, the most popular ones are early-maturing cherries, blueberries, orange pomelo, pineapples, honeydew melons and other varieties.
Zhang Weibo said that with the improvement of living standards in recent years, consumers have higher and higher requirements for the quality of fruits, and they have put forward higher requirements for the appearance, taste, nutrition and safety of fruits. Fruits in the province, outside the province and even abroad are seizing the market, and the competition is becoming more intense. In order to seize a place, fruits must be of good quality and distinctive.
As a typical representative of the new retail industry, Boxma Xiansheng can see the huge challenges faced by local fruits in Shaanxi from its fruit sales. Then, in the fruit wholesale market, will the sales of local fruits in Shaanxi be different?
On April 8, the reporter went to Suzaku Agricultural Products Wholesale Market in Chang ‘an District of Xi ‘an to find out. In a shop called Suzaku Xingmao Fruit Shop, there are all kinds of fruits. The owner, Ms. Liu, told the reporter that after the Spring Festival, there was a gap in local fruits in Shaanxi, and the main products on sale were apples, kiwis and other cold storage stocks. At present, among all the fruit varieties in the store, citrus fruits and apples sell a lot, among which Luochuan Red Fuji is the main apple, and Shaanxi apples are still very competitive.
Zhang Jian, deputy general manager of Suzaku Agricultural Products Wholesale Market, told the reporter that Suzaku Agricultural Products Wholesale Market is the distribution center of agricultural products retail and wholesale in the south of Xi ‘an. At present, affected by the epidemic, the market sells 30 to 40 tons of fruits every day, mainly apples, bananas, rakes, watermelons, strawberries and so on. Among them, the local fruits in Shaanxi mainly include apples, pears and strawberries.
In this market, the daily sales volume of apples is about 10 tons, mainly from Luochuan, and some from Gansu, Tongchuan, Baoji and other places. The price of "90 fruits" (apples with a diameter of 90 mm) ranges from 8 yuan to 9 yuan per kilogram. Mid-April is the peak period of strawberry sales, and about 5 tons can be sold every day. Strawberries are mainly produced in Huyi District of Xi ‘an, zhouzhi county, Lantian County, etc. According to different quality, the price ranges from 10 yuan to 16 yuan per kilogram. In addition, the price of Pucheng crisp pear ranges from 6 yuan to 6.5 yuan per kilogram. Kiwifruit stocks in zhouzhi county and Meixian are small, and they will be sold out soon after the year. This year’s cherry was listed a little later than in previous years, but the cherry output showed an upward trend year after year, becoming a major force for Shaanxi fruit to seize the market.
2 Chengcheng Cherry Breakthrough Against the Trend
Before the Spring Festival this year, merchants from other provinces booked all the cherries produced by Wupo Ecological Agriculture Development Co., Ltd., Wujiapo Village, Siqian Town, Chengcheng County, at the price of one kilogram of 800 yuan. This price, like a bomb, exploded among cherry farmers in Chengcheng County, making people marvel at the power of modern agricultural science and technology.
The company has built 12 intelligent greenhouses and planted cherry trees called "a stick". Through intelligent management and agricultural science and technology, the ripening time of cherries was advanced to the Spring Festival, thus selling them at a good price.
Qi Wugang, the manager of the company, is extremely happy. He plans to build at least 30 smart greenhouses with floor heating and air conditioning this year.
In recent years, the domestic big cherry has quickly become popular and become a "upstart" of fruit. Chengcheng County is located in the eastern part of Weibei Plateau, with thick land and large temperature difference, and is recognized as a high-quality cherry producing area in China. Chengcheng County, based on the county resource endowment, put forward the goal of "the first cherry county in China".
In 2018, Chengcheng County established the first national-level cherry experimental station in the province, and continued to promote variety improvement, planting experiments and technical training, which provided scientific and technological backing for the development of cherry industry. With the support of new technology, some fruit farmers tried to develop cherries in cold shed, which advanced the maturity of cherries by more than 20 days. These 20 days have increased the price of cherries by at least 50%. The fruit farmers who tasted the sweetness went on to develop cherries in greenhouses. Compared with the cold shed, although the investment in the greenhouse is much larger, the harvest time of the cherries produced is more than one month ahead of schedule, and the market time just coincides with the off-season of spring fruits, and the price is at least 10 times more expensive than that of ordinary cherries.
In order to further advance the time of cherry market and seize the Spring Festival market, Chengcheng County introduced a dwarf close planting mode to plant a "stick" cherry tree.
The tree shape of a "stick" cherry tree is very different from the traditional cherry tree. It has no crown and looks like a stick, which directly blooms and bears fruit on the "stick". Its characteristic is that it can be planted densely, at least 1000 plants can be planted per mu of land, and it can also be potted, which is convenient to move.
It is understood that compared with ordinary cherry trees, the planting management of "one stick" is relatively complicated and cumbersome. Plant it in a pot and cultivate it until August, then move the pot into a cold storage for forced dormancy. When winter comes, move it back to the greenhouse for "awakening" and let it grow leaves, blossom and bear fruit in an intelligent temperature-controlled environment. In this way, the cherries produced by it can just be mature and listed during the Spring Festival, grab the word "early" and sell at a good price. Fruit farmers in Chengcheng County affectionately call this potted cherry tree cultivated by hibernation temperature control technology "a stick".
With the planting and promotion of "one stick", Chengcheng cherry has changed from the initial harvest period to four harvest periods. At present, the planting area of cherries in Chengcheng County has reached 100,000 mu, with an annual output of 50,000 tons and an annual output value exceeding 1 billion yuan. Cherry industry has become a dominant industry in Chengcheng County to promote rural revitalization and help people increase their income and get rich.
The planting of "a stick" in Chengcheng is a bold attempt of Shaanxi fruit farmers, which has advanced the time of cherry market to around the Spring Festival. This means that even in the cold winter, Shaanxi has a real "seasonal" fruit.
3. Facility agriculture makes fruits appear on the market at the wrong peak
As early as the end of March, the cherry was not mature, and Fan Jianwu, secretary of the Party branch and director of the village committee of Fanjiachuan Village, Jiaodao Town, Chengcheng County, began to get busy. He was not only busy shooting videos and promoting cherries on Tik Tok, but also contacted old customers on WeChat to reserve cherries for them in advance.
Fanjiachuan Village is rich in fruits and has the reputation of "Huaguoshan". In spring, agricultural products such as cherry, golden birthday apricot and melon in greenhouse bring the villagers the joy of harvest. It is understood that there are more than 200 greenhouses in Fanjiachuan village, mainly planting peaches, apricots, cherries, winter dates and other fruits, which can increase the income of local people by more than 10 million yuan every year on average.
"At present, our village has planted 500 mu of cherries, including more than 100 mu of greenhouses, which can advance the time to market of cherries by at least half a month, laying a good foundation for seizing the market." Fan Jianwu told reporters that this year is a bumper harvest year. The quality and yield of cherry in greenhouse have been greatly improved compared with the previous year. The average yield per mu has reached more than 1,000 kilograms, and merchants are rushing to order, not worrying about selling at all.
The greenhouse gave the fruit farmers in Fanjiachuan village the confidence to get rich. With the help of facility agriculture, in spring, local fruits such as cherries, strawberries and tomatoes in Shaanxi are listed on the market, which gives them the capital to compete for the spring fruit market.
The reporter noticed that in many fruit shops in Xi ‘an, cherry tomatoes accounted for a large proportion and became the "master Hua Dan" in the spring fruit market.
In Suzaku Agricultural Products Wholesale Market, there are many fruit merchants selling fruit tomatoes, the colors of which are red, yellow and black and red, which are really attractive.
"Local fruit tomatoes also actively seize the spring fruit market. Provence tomatoes and cherry tomatoes from Yunyang Town, Jingyang County are the best sellers. At present, they can sell 4,000 kilograms a day. The wholesale price is about 9 yuan per kilogram, and the retail price ranges from 10 yuan to 12 yuan per kilogram. " Zhang Jian said.
On the evening of April 22, Wang Bo, chairman of Yunlong Vegetable Professional Cooperative in Jingyang County, was still processing commodity orders. "Because our fruit tomatoes are of good quality and popular with consumers, we don’t worry about selling them. Before fruit tomatoes are listed, many old customers place orders on WeChat. " Wang Bo told reporters that the cooperative has always carefully built fruit tomatoes as fist products. Fruit tomatoes are not only diverse in variety, excellent in taste, but also green and safe, and are favored by consumers.
It is understood that Yunlong Vegetable Professional Cooperative in Jingyang County has 30 facilities and greenhouses. Among them, the red cherry tomatoes are pink Beibei, Gege, Busan 88 and other varieties, the yellow cherry tomatoes are first love 3, Huang Luoman and other varieties, and the fruit tomatoes are Provence, delicious 610, fruit strawberry, tin and other varieties. The price of red cherry tomatoes is about 10 yuan per kilogram, the price of yellow cherry tomatoes is about 14 yuan per kilogram, and the purchase price of fruits, strawberries and tomatoes is about 14 yuan per kilogram. At present, cooperatives sell fruit tomatoes through e-commerce platforms and WeChat channels, with an average daily sales of about 10,000 kilograms and sales of more than 100,000 yuan.
In recent years, Jingyang County has made every effort to build "the first tomato county in Shaanxi". Under the guidance of government departments, many local tomato planting professional cooperatives have been constantly improving varieties, improving the sugar content and taste of tomatoes by changing sheds, water and soil, and improving the popularity and value of Jingyang tomatoes by extending sales time, listing at the wrong peak and ensuring supply. Every year from the beginning of February to the end of April is the decisive period of local water supply in Shaanxi, and fruit tomatoes are just on the market and can be sold continuously until July, which provides a good opportunity for fruit tomatoes to seize the market.
The adjustment of industrial structure makes Shaanxi bear fruit in four seasons.
Affected by natural conditions, there are not many kinds of fruits produced in Shaanxi in spring, and there are few high-end fruits and famous brands. In order to seize the market, Shaanxi fruit industry must work hard to improve quality and efficiency to meet consumers’ demand for fruits with good quality and high value. Only by planting high-quality fruits can fruit farmers win the market and increase their income.
The reporter learned from the Fruit Industry Department of the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs that in recent years, relying on the construction of "three products and one standard" in the fruit industry, our province has accelerated its efforts to seize the fruit market.
Shaanxi relies on varieties to stand on the market, actively conforms to the trend of diversification of market demand and consumption concepts, insists on the combination of introduction and breeding, accelerates the promotion of new and excellent fruit varieties, optimizes the variety structure, improves the proportion of early, middle and late ripening, promotes the differentiated development of fruit varieties with different colors and tastes, and firmly grasps the market initiative.
Shaanxi wins the market by quality. By establishing high-quality and high-efficiency orchards, integrating and popularizing green, high-quality and high-efficiency fruit production technologies, expanding the coverage area of green manure planting and organic fertilizer, the commodity rate of fruits is improved. Build a post-harvest processing center for fruits, promote the unified purchase and classification of producing areas and pre-cooling after harvest, extend the shelf life and establish a good market reputation.
Shaanxi relies on brands to explore the market, accelerate the construction of a three-dimensional brand system, and promote the standardized development of regional public brands, corporate brands and product brands; Establish Shaanxi fruit industry brand alliance to form a joint force for brand development; Strengthen brand promotion, promote the development of fruit e-commerce and continuously increase market share.
Shaanxi relies on standardization to consolidate the market, give full play to the leading role of leading enterprises, strengthen the certification of green fruits and the establishment of organic fruit production bases, and establish a standardized system for garden building, cultivation, management, storage, packaging, transportation and sales of high-quality fruits that adapt to the modern market.
The scale of production has gone up, and the promotion should also keep up. On May 18th, a special summer fruit "beauty contest" was held in Boxma Xiansheng. The Provincial Fruit Industry Center, together with representatives of nearly 30 fruit enterprises in the province, docked with Box Horse to help the special fruits in the province enter the fresh supply system of Box Horse. "We have initially reached cooperation intentions with seven or eight fruit companies." Ze Ting, general manager of Boxma Xiansheng Xi ‘an, said that since Boxma Xiansheng entered Xi ‘an, many Shaanxi fruits have gone to the whole country through the supply chain of Boxma Xiansheng.
On the same day, the third China Chengcheng Cherry Cloud Marketing Season and Shaanxi Fruit Network Characteristic Season Cherry Season opened. The holding of these activities has promoted the docking of production and marketing and expanded the sales circle of Shaanxi fruits.
Through a series of "combination boxing", in the main season of non-Shaanxi local fruits, Shaanxi is struggling to compete for the highland of fruit market by improving varieties, listing at the wrong peak, building brands and promoting sales, so that people can eat Shaanxi local fruits all year round, and truly realize that a big fruit province has fruits in all seasons.

Minority fruit becomes "noble": Myrica rubra 108 yuan/kg kiwifruit 13.9 yuan/piece.

  Eating river shrimp is just the time, and the price is cheaper than fruit! After qianjiang evening news reported this report yesterday, some friends expressed dissatisfaction: How is this possible?

  This question is not for shrimps, but for fruits. Can’t fruits be eaten? These two days, qianjiang evening news reporters visited a number of fruit shops and told you what the real situation was like.

  The same litchi, the price is two days.

  Yunnan Tanmei (Yangmei) is 108 yuan a catty.

  In the "Baiguoyuan" fruit shop on the edge of Jindu Hua Ting, Zhaohui Road, Hangzhou, the reporter saw that the nominal A-class nephew smiled lychee, with a retail price of 23.9 yuan a catty and a membership price of 19.9 yuan a catty; Domestic cherries (large) 99 yuan a catty; Grade B cherry (middle) 51.9 yuan a catty … …

  Also, small kiwifruit imported from New Zealand, 6.9 yuan/a; The big one is 13.9 yuan/piece. That’s right, 13.9 yuan each!

  "In the past, when the domestic kiwifruit in 3 yuan was one kilo more, New Zealand kiwifruit sold in 3 yuan. Now New Zealand kiwifruit is so expensive? How much does this big kiwi weigh? " At the reporter’s request, the salesperson took a large kiwi fruit and put it on the electronic scale: 150 grams, more than 3 kiwis per catty, equivalent to one catty of 46 yuan.

  In the nearby Ye Brothers Fruit Fruit Shop, Yunnan charcoal plum (Myrica rubra) is 108 yuan a catty; A basket of lychees is estimated to be about 3 kg, and the price is 198 yuan. "This is a grade litchi, 68 yuan a kilo. B-class litchi (nominally Hainan Xiaozixiao Special Grade) sells 27.8 yuan a catty, and the membership price is 25.8 yuan a catty. " The salesperson said.

  Fruit, is it really unbearable?

  Fortunately, there are fruits that can be eaten by biting your teeth. The reporter saw that in the Ye brothers fruit shop, the apples with a diameter of 80 (mm) were sold in 9.9 yuan at a membership price; In the Baiguoyuan store, the member price of Taiwan Province pineapple is 13.5 yuan a catty, and there are several yuan a catty of bananas … …

  A fruit shop located at the Jianguo intersection of Stadium Road, besides a catty of small cherries in 68 yuan, there are also a catty of apples in 8.8 yuan. Posters of "Oriental Honey 8.8 yuan/Jin" and "Crystal Sugar Kylin Melon 3.99 Yuan/Jin" were posted on the walls of the store, which were very eye-catching.

  Not far from the door of a specialty store next door, a lot of whole boxes of apples were stacked. Shopkeeper said that these apples are all "rock candy hearts" in Xinjiang, weighing 10 Jin per box and about a dozen in 88 yuan. "Now the apples are all frozen, but they are still very sweet!" The boss said.

  Why is fruit expensive now?

  The off-season of fruit and the disastrous weather caused a reduction in production.

  "It is true that fruit is expensive at present." Lu Chaofa, deputy general manager of Hangzhou Fruit Wholesale Market, has his own analysis — — There are two main reasons. First, it is the off-season of fruits, and summer fruits have not been listed on a large scale, so the market supply is a bit green and yellow. At present, the main products on the market are domestic small varieties of fruits, and the quantity is not large; Second, the impact of disastrous weather caused fruit production to decrease.

  Take litchi as an example. Last year was a big year, but this year is a small year. The output is small, and the price will definitely be higher. The purchase price of litchi in Hainan is estimated to increase by 10% to 15% compared with the same period last year. At present, the wholesale price in the market is around one catty in 9 yuan. However, from late May to June, with the listing of litchi in Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian and other places, the price will gradually fall back. In other words, if you want to try something fresh now, the price will definitely be high; If you want to eat cheaper litchi, you can wait.

  Lu Chaofa also reminded that the taste of litchi is not as good as in previous years because of the rainy weather and less light this year.

  Since the end of last year, popular fruits such as apples and pears have also been more expensive than in previous years. "Last year, due to the large-scale spring cold in the north, the output of apples dropped sharply, and the quality was not as good as in previous years. In places like Gansu and Shaanxi in the northwest, the yield of good apples is reduced by 40% to 50% or more, and that of Shandong apples is reduced by about 30%. As a result, the purchase price has risen sharply. " Lu Chaofa said.

  The price of bananas began to increase last year, mainly because of the large-scale yellow leaf disease in some producing areas the year before last. In order to control the disease, production was reduced. Last year, the wholesale price of bananas was about a kilo higher than that of 1 yuan. The market this year is similar to last year.

  Not all fruits are more expensive than in previous years. This year is a big year for pineapples. In April, the average wholesale price of Hangzhou fruit wholesale market was 5.7 yuan/kg, compared with 6.5 yuan/kg in the same period last year. The price of pineapple is similar to that of last year. At present, the market supply of pineapple and pineapple is coming to an end.

  Lu Chaofa said that at present, imported fruits have also entered the off-season. Among kiwifruit imported from New Zealand, yellow kiwifruit is twice as expensive as green kiwifruit. "Green-hearted kiwifruit in New Zealand, the normal wholesale price in the peak season is about one box (36 pieces) in 100 yuan, and now a box from 150 yuan to 170 yuan."

  Since the end of this month, Zhejiang local summer fruits such as peaches and bayberry have been listed one after another, and the supply of fruits is expected to improve. Lu Chaofa said that this year is a small year for Yangmei in Zhejiang, and the price will be slightly more expensive than last year. But at least, you don’t have to worry about not being able to afford it. (Reporter Wang Yanping Gao Jiachen Wen/photo)

@ Everyone! From New Year’s Day next year, these new regulations are closely related to you!

  Xinhuanet Beijing, December 27th (Reporter Lu Junyu) 2018 is the countdown, and in the coming year of 2019, a wave of heavy new regulations will be officially implemented.

  Taxpayers will get greater tax cuts when the new tax law is implemented!

  After several rounds of extensive consultation, on December 22nd, the State Council officially issued the Interim Measures for Special Additional Deduction of Individual Income Tax, which marked a key step for China’s individual tax reform to take comprehensive taxation, and taxpayers will receive greater tax reduction from next year.

  The interim measures will be implemented on January 1, 2019 with the newly revised tax law. In the future, taxpayers can calculate the taxable income of individual tax, and besides the basic deduction of 5,000 yuan and special deductions such as "three insurances and one gold", they can also enjoy six special additional deductions such as children’s education, continuing education, serious illness medical care, housing loan interest or housing rent, and supporting the elderly.

  E-commerce law governs online shopping chaos and treats online and offline fairly!

  The E-commerce Law, which consists of seven chapters and 89 articles, provides detailed provisions on e-commerce operators, the conclusion and performance of e-commerce contracts, the settlement of e-commerce disputes, the promotion of e-commerce, and legal liabilities, and will come into force on January 1, 2019.

  In order to protect consumers’ rights and respond to social hotspots, the E-commerce Law stipulates that for goods or services related to consumers’ lives and health, operators of e-commerce platforms fail to fulfill their obligation to review the qualifications of operators in the platform, or fail to fulfill their obligation to ensure safety for consumers, thus causing damage to consumers, they shall bear corresponding responsibilities according to law. If the operator of the e-commerce platform fails to take necessary measures against the behavior of the operator in the platform that infringes on the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, if the circumstances are serious, it shall be ordered to suspend business for rectification and be fined not less than 500,000 yuan but not more than 2 million yuan.

  In recent years, mobile social media has become an important part of people’s daily life, and Wechat business has sprung up and developed rapidly. In view of this new situation, the e-commerce law has expanded the definition of e-commerce operators, and included Wechat business and live broadcast platforms in the supervision. And refine the joint liability of the e-commerce platform and the operators in the platform, and increase the review obligation of the e-commerce platform. Standardize e-commerce enterprises and platforms, and put an end to the phenomenon of "big data killing", "store bullying" and "barbaric growth".

  The organic law of the "two houses" was overhauled for the first time in nearly 40 years, and the achievements of judicial reform were comprehensively confirmed and consolidated.

  The Organic Law of the People’s Court and the Organic Law of the People’s Procuratorate came into effect on January 1, 2019. This is the first major overhaul of the Organic Law of the "two houses" in the past 40 years, which comprehensively confirmed and consolidated the achievements of the judicial system reform in recent years.

  This revision has improved the organization and authority of courts and procuratorates. For example, according to the Law on the Organization of Courts, the Supreme People’s Court can set up circuit courts, intellectual property courts and financial courts, which are all important manifestations of judicial reform in court organization.

  In terms of improving the effectiveness of legal supervision, the Organic Law of the People’s Procuratorate stipulates that the People’s Procuratorate may, according to the needs of procuratorial work, set up procuratorial offices in prisons, detention centers and other places, exercise part of the functions and powers of the people’s procuratorate that dispatched it, or conduct patrol inspections in the above places.

  New version of birth certificate launched

  According to the announcement of the National Health and Wellness Committee in official website, the medical certificate of birth will be revised soon. Since January 1, 2019, the medical certificate of birth (the sixth edition) issued by the National Health and Wellness Committee will be activated.

  Social insurance premiums shall be uniformly collected by the tax authorities.

  The "Reform Plan for the Collection and Management System of National Taxation and Local Taxation" clarifies that from January 1, 2019, various social insurance premiums such as basic old-age insurance premiums, basic medical insurance premiums, unemployment insurance premiums, work injury insurance premiums and maternity insurance premiums will be uniformly collected by the tax authorities.

  This reform will have a series of important effects. Previously, five social insurances were collected by the social security handling department and the tax department in different regions, which was in a situation of "separate collection". After the introduction of this plan, they will be collected by the tax department in a unified way, thus improving the collection efforts and solving the once-existing problem of false fee base. Specific to the actual operation, the release of the "Reform Plan" means that the previous situation that some enterprises did not provide social security for their employees or did not provide full social security for their employees is expected to be changed, which is conducive to implementing the penalty for unpaid social security fees in Article 63 of the Social Insurance Law and standardizing the social security payment behavior of market participants.

  China adjusts some import and export tariffs

  From January 1, 2019, China will adjust the import and export tariffs of some commodities.

  In order to actively expand imports, cut down the institutional costs of import links and help supply-side structural reform, China will impose provisional import tax rates on more than 700 commodities, including adding zero tariffs on miscellaneous meals and some raw materials for pharmaceutical production, appropriately reducing the provisional import tax rates on cotton sliding duties and some furs, canceling the provisional import tax rates on four solid wastes such as manganese slag, canceling the provisional import tax rates on thionyl chloride and lithium-ion batteries for new energy vehicles, and resuming the MFN tariff rate. We will continue to impose a lower provisional import tax rate on advanced equipment such as aero-engines and welding robots in automobile production lines, natural forage and natural uranium, which are urgently needed for domestic development.

  In order to meet the needs of the reform of the export management system and promote the structural adjustment, quality improvement and efficiency improvement of the energy resources industry, since January 1, 2019, 94 commodities such as fertilizer, apatite, iron ore, slag, coal tar and wood pulp will no longer be subject to export tariffs.

  China adjusts cross-border e-commerce retail import policy

  From January 1, 2019, China will adjust the tax policy for cross-border e-commerce retail imports, raise the upper limit of commodity quotas enjoying preferential tax policies, and expand the scope of the list.

  The adjustment of tax policy will increase the annual transaction limit from 20,000 yuan per person per year to 26,000 yuan, and the camera will be raised with the increase of residents’ income in the future. Raise the limit of a single transaction to 5,000 yuan, and make it clear that the duty-paid price exceeds the limit of a single transaction but is lower than the annual transaction limit, and only one commodity can be imported from the cross-border e-commerce retail channel, and the customs duties, import value-added tax and consumption tax are fully levied according to the goods tax rate, and the transaction amount is included in the total annual transaction amount. It is clear that cross-border e-commerce retail imported goods that have been purchased shall not enter the domestic market for re-sale.

  In 2019, the national unified medical insurance system for urban and rural residents was fully implemented.

  It is understood that the National Medical Insurance Bureau recently jointly issued the Notice on Doing a Good Job in Basic Medical Insurance for Urban and Rural Residents in 2018 with the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the National Health and Wellness Committee. The notice is clear and promotes the establishment of a unified medical insurance system for urban and rural residents. All localities should pay close attention to promoting the integration of the basic medical insurance system for urban and rural residents. Areas that have not introduced the integration plan and have not yet started operation should pay close attention to the introduction of the plan and start implementation as soon as possible.

  According to the notice, in 2018, the financial subsidies for medical insurance for urban and rural residents and individual payment standards will increase simultaneously. 40 yuan will be added to the per capita subsidy standard of finance at all levels on the basis of 2017, reaching no less than 490 yuan per person per year. In 2018, 40 yuan will be added to the per capita personal payment standard of medical insurance for urban and rural residents, reaching 220 yuan per person per year.

  The implementation of the Law on the Prevention and Control of Soil Pollution has made people feel at ease in eating and living.

  The Law on Prevention and Control of Soil Pollution in People’s Republic of China (PRC) will be implemented on January 1, 2019, which is the first time that China has formulated a special law to regulate the prevention and control of soil pollution.

  The law on the prevention and control of soil pollution consists of seven chapters and ninety-nine articles. The law clarifies that the prevention and control of soil pollution should adhere to the principles of prevention first, protection first, classified management, risk control, pollution responsibility and public participation.

  According to the law, the state implements the list system of soil pollution risk control and remediation for construction land. The law stipulates the conditions, procedures, risk control and restoration measures to be taken for entering and leaving the land under the list management. If required by law, the land included in the list of soil pollution risk control and restoration of construction land shall not be used as residential, public management and public service land.

  In addition, the law has formulated detailed punishment measures for illegal acts.

  Implementation of the Regulations on the Administration of Administrative Divisions

  The Regulations on the Administration of Administrative Divisions shall come into force on January 1, 2019. Administrative division is an important content for the party to lead the people to promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity in accordance with the constitutional laws. On the basis of summarizing the implementation experience of the State Council’s Regulations on the Administration of Administrative Divisions for more than 30 years, the State Council formulated the Regulations. The promulgation and implementation of the "Regulations" is of great significance to the implementation of the major decision-making arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on optimizing the setting of administrative divisions and strengthening the management of administrative divisions.

  The official release of six national standards for electronic licenses has helped to realize the "one network management" nationwide.

  The State Administration of Market Supervision, the National Standardization Administration Committee and the National Inter-Ministerial Joint Conference Office of Electronic Document Management (National Cryptography Administration) have recently officially released six national standards, namely, the overall technical framework of electronic license, the information specification of electronic license catalogue, the metadata specification of electronic license, the identification specification of electronic license, the technical requirements of electronic license documents and the interface specification of electronic license sharing service.

  With the deepening of the reform of "Internet+Government Services", electronic license, as a professional and voucher electronic document with legal and administrative effects, has increasingly become the main electronic certificate for market participants and citizens’ activities, and is an important basic data to support the operation of government services. The formulation of national standards for issuing electronic licenses will provide standard support for the construction of national electronic license database and basic platform, the mutual recognition and sharing of electronic licenses across levels, departments and regions, and the integration and sharing of government information resources with licenses.

  According to reports, the series of standards for electronic licenses issued this time stipulate the overall technical framework, unified license classification rules and basic information of electronic licenses, which will help promote the realization of "one network to run" nationwide, make the sharing of government information resources and services smoother, and make people feel that it is more convenient to do things. This series of standards will be implemented on January 1, 2019.

The number of single women of school age in China has exceeded 100 million, and they have no "back road" after being killed.

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Marriage is the only way in life. Marriage can change a person’s life.

Can make a person’s life change dramatically.

In any country and culture, when an individual reaches marriageable age,You should leave family of origin, find your partner and start your own small family.

As the saying goes, men should marry when they are older, and women should marry when they are older, which is influenced by the traditional culture of China.

Marriage can be regarded as a top priority in one’s life.

For most young men and women of marriageable age,

Once the task of getting married and having children is not completed within a certain age, parents and relatives will urge them to get married.

If there is a large-scale phenomenon that men and women of marriageable age do not get married, it will gradually lead to social,

The imbalance between male and female population, the declining marriage rate, the declining birth rate and the aging population.

Take Japan, a developed country close to us, as an example, because there was a large-scale feminist movement,

The relationship between men and women in Japanese society has been greatly affected.

Nowadays, not only young women in Japan don’t want to get married, but men also reject marriage life.

For them, getting married is not as good as playing games at home.

Some people say that the Japanese government is facing a serious population problem, and the birth rate is declining.

The phenomenon of population aging is becoming more and more serious, and the ratio of male to female is seriously out of balance.

Many men began to commit selective crimes because they could not meet their inner sexual needs.

As a result, the crime rate in Japan has soared.

However, some women also have no enough ability to support their own life, and finally they can only choose the career of sex.

A similar phenomenon has appeared in our country now, and many women have begun to refuse to get married.

Men want to get married but can’t find a partner, and some of them are uncomfortable, because the huge economic pressure is also relatively exclusive to marriage.

With the gradual change of young people’s thoughts, their views on marriage have also changed dramatically.

If married life is bound to tie your hands and feet, it is better to live a single life freely.

Because of this, there are a large number of older unmarried young people in our society today.

According to the census data, since 2013, the marriage rate in China has been declining.

In 2014,Marriage in China is only9.9%By 2018, the marriage rate in China has dropped to7.2% 。

Nowadays, the number of unmarried young people of school age in China has reached 240 million, of which the number of unmarried women has exceeded 100 million.

People have long been familiar with the problem of single women in China, so what causes these problems?

Why is there such a state of imbalance in our congress?

The reasons leading to this phenomenon are complex and long-term, and Rome was not built in a day.

Influenced by economic globalization, the economies and cultures of various countries are deeply blended.

Many young people in our country have been influenced by western ideology and culture.

Westerners advocate liberalism and like to live freely.

Moreover, after the feminist movement, the per capita education level in China has gradually improved.

Women’s self-awareness began to grow, and they began to want to pursue their ideal life.

So they began to pursue their studies and careers, different from women in traditional society.

They can receive education equally, and they don’t need to be like women in the past.

Put all your time and energy into the family, become an accessory of men, and become a tool for giving birth to children.

At the same time, with the continuous development of society, people’s material living standards are getting higher and higher.

The cognitive level is constantly changing, and today’s women are more inclined to be themselves.

The continuous improvement of women’s social status also helps them to pursue the life they want.

The existence of this phenomenon has two sides, which not only represents the continuous progress of human society,

But it also makes many women fall into the trap of being "killed".

Influenced by traditional ideas, many people in today’s society still have the idea of favoring boys over girls.

Many imaginations in today’s society seem to be beneficial to women, but in fact they are killing women.

Nowadays, people’s material living standards have been greatly improved.

The improvement of women’s social status also leads them to live a princess-like life since childhood.

It is this kind of love that laid the groundwork for them to be "killed" in the future.

Many women can’t adapt themselves to all kinds of problems when they first enter the society.

In the face of all kinds of trivial matters, they always take care of themselves, not to mention taking care of their families and children.

This will cause many women to be immature when they reach marriageable age.

Because of this, many women now only meet their own needs, just be happy.

I can be my own queen.

Everyone has different attitudes towards life, and it is understandable that some women choose this lifestyle.

But most people can’t live alone without their families in the end.

Then maybe try to change your mind and find a suitable partner to make your life more substantial and rich.

The End –

Author | Tommy Da

Edit | Houhai

Reference: Jean Piaget Biography. (2020, January 29)

German media: "A big weakness" slows down the rise of China cars in Europe, and half of the brands will disappear.

# The headline of current events said # "Many European experts think that China cars have a bright future. They perform well in crash tests, are usually beautifully designed, and provide reasonable equipment even in the basic version-and the price is unparalleled. " However, the article titled "What May Stop the Rise of China Electric Vehicles in Germany" in German Economic Weekly on December 10th pointed out that the China brand still has a key weakness-China automobile manufacturers lack a service point network in Germany and Europe. Many China players also have weak financial resources.

Nearly 30 China brands have entered Europe.

At the end of November, BYD, a China automobile manufacturer, announced that it had reached a "historic milestone": the 6 millionth new energy vehicle rolled off the assembly line in Zhengzhou, China. In just three months, BYD’s car production has increased from 5 million to 6 million. BYD is a success story: it took 13 years to produce the millionth electric car. BYD currently has offices in 58 countries around the world, including Germany.

Like BYD, Aichi, MG, Geely and Weilai have mushroomed in Germany. Chery is also expected to start selling in Germany in the second quarter of 2024.

Economic Weekly article

Ergun Lumali, President of the General Union of Mercedes-Benz Group, recently visited China, where he was able to drive and inspect the cars of China automobile manufacturers. He said: "China manufacturers are ahead of us in the fields of digitalization, infotainment and autonomous driving, and the price makes it difficult for us to keep up. We are getting better, but we must hurry and act faster. "

In any case, people in China have ambitious sales plans: "At present, about 20 to 30 China brands are trying to gain a foothold in Europe," said benedikt Mayer of IfA. So far, China’s market share of new cars in Germany is about 1%. By 2025, this proportion is likely to reach 3%. The growth is enormous.

BYD dealers also sell Mercedes-Benz.

But the China brand still has a key weakness: "China manufacturers come to Europe with very strong products, but this is only one of the keys to success," said Peter Fintel, head of Capgemini’s technology and innovation. Sales and service are equally important.

Fabian Brandt, partner of Oliver Wyman Consulting and global consultant in charge of automobiles and industrial products, said that service plays an important role in the life cycle of automobiles. Service "determines whether customers are satisfied." Anyone who has just entered the European market must establish a good service network. If the player doesn’t do this, it will damage the brand. Lack of service may slow down the rise of China brands. "

China’s share of electric vehicles exported to Europe is increasing.

But what if the China car needs to go to a repair shop? Then sometimes there may be problems. Meyer said that in order to fully enter the German market, manufacturers need at least 100 auto repair service points.

Not all China automobile manufacturers have established a comprehensive service point network. For example, Weilai mainly passedmove""WeilaiService center ",to provide users with on-site service. In any case, there are not many users. From January to September, 2023, the newly registered number of Weilai Automobile was only 885. This is not enough to cover the high cost.

A China automobile brand store in Europe.

In contrast, taking MG as an example, it is estimated that there will be 20,000 newly registered cars in 2023. "This goal seems to be achievable at present," said MG. Polestar has set up more than 200 service points in Germany and cooperated with Volvo Car Germany. Polestar 2 has registered more than 15,000 vehicles in Germany. Aichi Auto relies on ATU auto repair service chain. Customers can go to any of about 500 ATU branches in Germany. Up to now, Aichi Automobile has sold about 3,000 U5 SUV models in Germany. BYD dealers also sell Mercedes-Benz in Germany.

The way to establish contact with large retail chain stores is particularly promising. They not only have dozens of car dealerships in the region, but also have affiliated repair shops. This is how sales and service are combined. For example, Great Wall Motor relies on Emile Frey Group, an importer in Germany. So far, the manufacturer has sold more than 4,000 Great Wall Euler 03 cars in Germany alone.

get ready for a journey or a march

There is another risk: according to consultant Brandt, many players from China also have "fragile financial resources". Therefore, he estimated that "half of the brands currently targeting the European market will disappear again". The risk faced by car owners in China is whether they will continue to get spare parts, especially software updates. If the manufacturer withdraws from the market again, in theory, it must abide by the law and continue to provide spare parts to existing customers.

Therefore, if China manufacturers want to gain a foothold in the European market, it is imperative to build a perfect service point network to give European drivers who have bought China cars and want to buy China cars a "reassurance".

# New energy vehicles #