After he lost the case, he refused to apologize and was forcibly executed by the court

Dawan News On December 25, the big Anhui news reporter saw from the People’s Court Announcement Network that recently, because Jiang Moumou failed to fulfill his obligation to apologize, Di Lizheba applied to the court for enforcement, and the Beijing Internet Court announced the main content of the court verdict in the case of Di Lizheba and Jiang Moumou’s reputation dispute on December 23.

Screenshot of the People’s Court Announcement Network

According to the announcement, the Beijing Internet Court issued a civil court verdict in the case of a dispute over reputation rights between the plaintiff Dilizheba Dilimurati and the defendant Jiang Moumou. In this case, according to the evidence in the case, the Weibo account involved in the case was registered and used by the defendant; the defendant used the account to post comments, using "Middle East 48…" "… donkey" and other descriptions of the plaintiff. The use of vulgar language, the intention of vilifying and belittling the plaintiff is obvious, and it is full of abuse and personal attacks. It has exceeded the reasonable boundaries of freedom of speech and normal comments, and constitutes an infringement of the plaintiff Dilizheba Dilimurati’s right to reputation. The corresponding tort liability shall be borne according to law.

Therefore, the defendant Jiang Moumou posted an apology statement at the top of his Sina Weibo account for ten consecutive days, and compensated the plaintiff Dilizheba Dilimurati 150 yuan for economic losses and 8,000 yuan for mental damage.

After the above judgment took effect, Jiang Moumou failed to fulfill his obligation to apologize, and Dilizheba Dilimurati applied for compulsory execution. The main content of the above judgment is hereby announced.

Zhu Qingling, news reporter from Dawan

Chery Tiggo 8 PRO was exposed to a large area of high-frequency brake buzzing, and hundreds of car owners defended their rights.

  China Auto August 22 Recently, China Auto Quality Complaint Platform ( received a large number of complaints from owners of Chery Tiggo 8 PRO, saying that there was a high-frequency brake buzz in the vehicle, which was a common problem. To this end, hundreds of car owners spontaneously organized rights protection, hoping to promote Chery manufacturers to solve complaints. As a mid-level SUV model that just went on the market in May this year, the Tiggo 8 PRO was troubled by the buzz of the brakes when the new car was just bought back.  

  A car owner described to reporters that there was a brake buzz the next day after picking up the car, which could not be covered with music when driving. The most irritating thing was that there was still a high-frequency buzz after the flameout, and the buzz was in my ears after driving for a long time. I have been to the local service shop for inspection, but I have no results after many complaints. Later, I found that most cars have high-frequency beeps.


  Another car owner, Mr. Gao, also told the column "Pony Says Car" in auto channel, China Net that more than 200 riders have beeps. When driving, the sound is very noisy, which is a high-frequency sound, and there are also beeps in the test drive. The 4S shop said that if you buy a domestic car, you should be psychologically prepared to accept these small problems, and you can only wait for the manufacturer to give a solution. After the interview, the reporter also learned that the owners all pointed the root of the buzzing sound problem to Chery’s "Onebox Brake by Wire". In fact, since Chery used the brake-by-wire in the Tiggo 8 series, owners of the Tiggo series have been complaining that the brake-by-wire has jitter and abnormal sound, until this time it broke out in the Tiggo 8 PRO. It is reported that the Onebox brake-by-wire system of the Tiggo series is independently developed by Chery, which is composed of vacuum booster pump, master cylinder, electronic vacuum pump, EPB and ESC. Although the manufacturer claims that the brake-by-wire system has higher braking efficiency, it seems that this system is not perfect and mature enough at present. 

  The reporter then gave feedback to Chery about relevant complaints. The official said that he would contact the owner as soon as possible to invite him to enter the station for treatment, carry out detailed inspection on the vehicle and provide specific solutions, and then he would do a good job in tracking the vehicle to provide customers with satisfactory after-sales and guarantee services. In addition, Chery will also arrange engineers and technicians to carry out detailed inspection and investigation on the causes of the above problems, and comprehensively verify and qualitatively analyze them from the aspects of quality and design, so as to determine whether the above problems are sporadic cases or multiple occurrences. 

  At the same time, the column "Pony Talking about Cars" is also further following up the latest development of the incident. Chery has also provided a solution of "installing sound insulation cotton" for some car owners, but the car owners think that this move is "stealing the bell" and has no real effect and does not solve the substantive problem. 

  In fact, it is not only the brake buzz of the Tiggo 8 PRO, but also some car owners report that the vehicle has encountered a safety hazard of brake hardening. A Tiggo 8 PRO owner said that on the one hand, when the car brakes, there will be a buzz, and the sound will be harsh. Secondly, when the car brakes suddenly harden twice during driving, it is necessary to step on the brakes twice and intervene in the backup brake. The backup brake has a slow response and poor braking ability. Coincidentally, another car owner told reporters that the vehicle suddenly braked hard and could not step on it during normal driving, and reported various fault codes. 

  According to the relevant provisions of the Provisions on Responsibility for Repair, Replacement and Return of Household Automobile Products, if the household automobile products have steering system failure, brake system failure, body crack or fuel leakage within 60 days from the date when the seller issues the purchase invoice or within 3000 kilometers (whichever comes first), and consumers choose to replace or return the household automobile products, the seller shall be responsible for free replacement or return. Therefore, some car owners require manufacturers to return cars, and car owners are actively communicating with Chery through various channels to solve related problems. 

Hot spots? A mobile phone "plays" Kunming Sports, and you can make an appointment online.

Kunming citizens can book stadiums online for fitness exercises ~

A few days ago, the digital platform of "Kunming Sports" WeChat WeChat official account was upgraded, and the functions of sports venue reservation, sports map and scientific sports guidance were launched. The citizens can check the sports venues in various counties (cities) of Kunming online and reserve suitable venues.

How to make a reservation? Click on the video to see the raiders ~

In recent years, Kunming Education and Sports Bureau has continuously optimized and improved the public sports service system. In October 2021, it began to build a Kunming smart sports platform and put it into trial operation in March 2023.

The WeChat official account is mainly divided into three plates.

The first plate

The first section is "comprehensive information", which realizes the function of window publicity, integrates and publishes the policy information related to sports development and the achievements of sports development in Kunming, and provides dynamic information on sports development for the masses.

The second plate

The second section is "Sports Together", which provides people with convenient channels such as sports map inquiry, venue reservation, event inquiry and registration, and scientific fitness guidance through online applet functions. A mobile phone "plays" Kunming Sports.

Among them, according to the requirements of "enriching public sports facilities" in 10 practical projects of benefiting the people in Kunming in 2024, no less than 30 primary and secondary schools will be selected to open sports venues to the public in the summer vacation, and citizens can make reservations through the "Kunming Sports" and "WeChat official account Sports Together" applet.

The third plate

The third section is "micro-interaction", which realizes the functions of collecting opinions and suggestions, providing government information services, inquiring about athletes’ registration, and inquiring about the contact information of sports-related departments, so as to collect opinions and suggestions from the public on the development of Kunming sports and jointly tell the story of Kunming sports.

In the next step, Kunming will continue to integrate the information of sports development in Kunming and the information of sports events, so as to provide the masses with more comprehensive sports development trends in Kunming and more convenient channels for participation.

Further strengthen the digital sports platform to upgrade and transform, input the data of sports venues and facilities of primary and secondary schools in Kunming into the digital sports platform, realize online registration, face recognition, identity authentication and other functions, and implement the opening of school sports venues to the society.

We also encourage social sports venues to carry out intelligent transformation, upload information such as people flow, personnel information and venue use to the intelligent platform in real time, realize real-time monitoring and sharing of national fitness data, realize big data analysis of mass sports regionality and sports needs of different groups, and timely adjust short-term sports work plans and project layouts in combination with medium and long-term development plans to meet the different fitness needs of the masses.

Reporter Yu Suyan

Photo: Kunming Sports

Editor Yu Suyan

Audit Zhang Liya

Take a look at these contents, which may be of interest to you.

In 2024, a model of examination papers and answers in Yunnan Province came to the attention. Since 2025, the college entrance examination in Yunnan Province has paid attention to the examination of English listening and speaking. In Tsinghua University, civil engineering majors have stopped recruiting, and they have paid attention to it. For more high school students’ must-see content, click here for the Kunming-Yunnan Education New Media Matrix.

Today’s headline, Weibo, Xinhua and Renmin.

Original title: "Hot spots, a mobile phone" playing "Kunming Sports, online can make an appointment"

Read the original text

What should some operators do if they start to reduce the frequency of 2G networks and still use 2G mobile phones?

  BEIJING, April 18 (Reporter Wu Tao) Recently, it was reported that China Unicom would close its 2G network. China Unicom issued an announcement in response, and is promoting the frequency reduction of 2G networks in an orderly manner. What is frequency reduction in 2G networks? Will it affect consumers and why?

  Multi-operators start network frequency reduction

  For the frequency reduction of 2G networks, the reporter consulted the three major operators respectively. China Unicom said,The frequency reduction of 2G network can’t be called closing 2G network, because users are still on 2G network, but there is a process of frequency reduction and slimming step by step..

  Some insiders who don’t want to be named said that the gradual frequency reduction of 2G is actually the gradual withdrawal of 2G from the network, and the complete disappearance of 2G base stations means that 2G is completely withdrawn from the network; At present, the three major operators are still in a state where 2G, 3G and 4G networks coexist.

  According to an insider of China Mobile,China Mobile has no plans to quit the network for 2G at present.. As of press time, China Telecom has no reply.

  However, Fu Liang, an independent telecom analyst, revealed in an interview with that in fact, all three major operators are doing network frequency reduction work, and China Unicom is still the latest; Among them, China Mobile is doing 3G network frequency reduction.

  Will consumers be affected?

  According to the data released by China Unicom, by the end of February, there were 289 million users in China Unicom, including 187 million 4G users. It is reported that China Unicom’s 2G users account for about 2% of its total users, which means that China Unicom has more than 500 million 2G users.

  Will these users be affected by the frequency reduction of 2G networks? China Unicom said that it willTake various preferential measures, such as replacing mobile phone cards for free, giving away experience traffic, and offering preferential purchase, to assist existing 2G customers to upgrade to 4G networks.In this process, the existing 2G customer service will not be affected.

  Xiang Ligang, an expert in communication industry, believes that the frequency reduction of the 2G network of China Unicom is not affected by the vast majority of consumers.

  Fu Liang believes that it is impossible for 2G users to have no impact at all. It can only be said that it is less affected. After frequency reduction, 2G network coverage may be insufficient in some places, "butFrequency reduction does not mean that the 2G network cannot be used, because there are still 2G base stations.. "

  The reporter noted that, despite the current 4G era, 2G or 3G networks still play a role. Some users said in an interview with, "I still feel that the existence of 2G networks is better becauseIn some places, there is no 4G network coverage. When passing through these places, the mobile phone will automatically switch to 3G or 2G networks, and there is still a process of connecting when using it, or it will be disconnected."

  Data Map: There are more and more 4G users. The picture shows Shenyang citizens using the 4G network to surf the Internet for free on the bus. China News Agency issued by Haiyang Photo

  Why do you want network frequency reduction?

  Since there are still users, why do you want to reduce the frequency of 2G networks?

  Fu Liang said that it turned out that2G network occupies some frequency bands, and some frequency bands are scarce, which can be said to be valuable resources. After reuse, it can be used in 4G network construction., which is conducive to improving network quality and network wide-area coverage.

  China Unicom also indicated that the bandwidth resources will be used for higher 4G networks and deployment.

  "In addition, with the decrease of 2G and 3G users, its network capacity is more and more surplus, and its base station and other facilities are increasingly uneconomical to invest in operation and maintenance, which is another reason." Fu Liang said.

  This is true. According to the latest data from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, as of the end of February, the number of mobile phone users of the three major operators reached 1.44 billion, of which the total number of 4G users reached 1.03 billion, and 4G users accounted for 71.6% of mobile phone users.

  However, the data of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology also showed that as of the end of February,The total number of mobile broadband users (namely 3G and 4G users) reached 1.17 billion. This means that there are still 270 million 2G users, which is still a huge number..

  In view of this, Fu Liang believes that it is impossible for the three major operators to shut down the 2G network at once. Network frequency reduction is a gradual process, and 2G users do not have to worry too much.

  "It should also be pointed out that if the equipment used by 2G users supports WCDMA, even if China Unicom shuts down the 2G network, it will still have no impact on them." Fu Liang said. (End)

Set out and take the high-speed train to enjoy the flowers in the spring and the Qingming Festival.

red peach blossoms and green willows—beautiful spring scene

sunlit and enchanting scene of spring

On such a day,

Bring your good mood.

Take the high-speed train and set out to enjoy the flowers in the spring.

Xiaobian has done a good job for you.


Thousands of peaks are stacked, and azaleas are like the sea.

Flowering: March to May

Coordinates: Liuyang, Hunan, Nanning, Guangxi

Hu’ nan Liuyang

Dawei Mountain National Forest Park is located in the northeast of Liuyang City, Hunan Province, 148 kilometers away from Changsha. Mid-April to mid-May is the best viewing season for rhododendrons in Dawei Mountain, with 10,000 mu of alpine rhododendrons at an altitude of 1,607.9 meters competing to bloom.

Standing on the top of the mountain and looking around, the azaleas all over the mountains are quietly surrounded by green hills, which is very spectacular. A beautiful picture of "thousands of peaks are stacked, azaleas are like the sea, and the mountains are full of exotic fragrance".



From Guangzhou, you can take the high-speed train to Changsha and then transfer to the bus to Liuyang. At present, there are many choices of high-speed trains, the fastest is 2 hours and 17 minutes.

Guangxi Nanning

Daming Mountain is 76 kilometers away from Nanning, with an average elevation of 1,200 meters. The main peak, Longtou Mountain, is 1,760 meters above sea level, making it the first peak in central and southern Guangxi. Rhododendron is one of the four famous flowers in Daming Mountain. Every flowering period, it will turn into a sea of flowers.

There are more than 30 species of wild rhododendron in Daming Mountain, among which the color-changing rhododendron is the most peculiar, and its color can change with the change of climate and light, from pink to white.



Guangzhou South Railway Station has EMU trains to Nanning and Nanning East Railway Station respectively, with the fastest journey of 2 hours and 47 minutes. The fastest journey from Changsha South Station to Nanning East Station is 5 hours and 4 minutes.

rape flower

Yellow calyx and green leaves are thick, and thousands of villages are pressing new oil.

Flowering: March to April

Coordinates: Yichun and Wuyuan, Jiangxi

Jiangxi Yichun

Mingyue Mountain is located in the southwest of Yichun City, Jiangxi Province, only 15 kilometers away from the central city, with a total area of 389.6 square kilometers. Shebu Village and Changkeng Village in Mingyue Mountain Tourist Resort have their own characteristics, which are great punching points for rape flowers.

The flowering period of rape flowers is generally from March to April, and the rape field in Changkeng Village covers an area of 200 mu. When rape blossoms are in full bloom, the sea of rape blossoms swaying with the wind in the field, and the breeze blows, turning up layers of golden waves and adding infinite poetic meaning.



There are many high-speed trains from Guangzhou to Yichun, and the fastest journey is 3 hours and 11 minutes. It takes only 40 minutes for the high-speed train to depart from Changsha.

Jiangxi Wuyuan

Jiangxi is a big province for planting rape. The rape flower in Wuyuan, Jiangxi Province, first became famous in the 10,000-acre terraced flower sea in Qiling and Jiangling. Qiling is known as "one of the four major flower seas in China" and the most visually impactful flower viewing place in East China. Entering Wuyuan, every village is a scene.

Wuyuan rape blossoms usually bloom from March to April every year, and sometimes the time is half a month in different years.



There is a direct high-speed train from Guangzhou South Railway Station to Wuyuan, which takes 6 hours and 22 minutes. Starting from Guangzhou, you can also choose to transfer to high-speed trains in Shangrao, Wuhan and Nanchang. The fastest journey is 6 hours and 15 minutes. The fastest time from Changsha to Wuyuan high-speed railway is 3 hours and 31 minutes.

Late cherry blossom

Pink clouds are better than brocade, and falling English is like velvet.

Flowering: March to April

Coordinates: Pingba, Guizhou, Wuhan, Hubei and Wuxi, Jiangsu.

Guizhou pingba

Pingba 10,000 mu cherry blossom garden is the largest cherry blossom base in China, with more than 700,000 cherry blossoms.

Surrounded by mountains and rivers, clusters of cherry blossoms on the peninsula are beautiful from a distance.

Cherry blossoms in the cherry blossom garden are mainly early cherry blossoms and late cherry blossoms. Early cherry blossoms account for the majority, which are pink and white. They bloom in early March every year and last until the end of the month.

In the evening of mid-March, cherry blossoms began to bloom most beautifully in their lives, pink and delicate. The flowering period is expected to be from early March to early April.



From Guangzhou South Railway Station to Pingba, you need to change at Guiyang North Railway Station, and the fastest journey is 6 hours and 56 minutes. Changsha South Railway Station departs directly to Pingba South, with the fastest time of 3 hours and 39 minutes.

Hubei Wuhan

Wuhan East Lake Moshan Cherry Blossom Garden is located at the southern foot of East Lake Moshan Scenic Area, a national 5A scenic spot near East Lake Meiyuan. It covers an area of 260 mu and has 10,000 cherry trees.

The Cherry Blossom Festival is held in late March every year. Due to the urban heat island effect, the cherry blossoms in East Lake generally bloom for a few days later. The flowering period is generally from mid-March to early April, from early cherry blossoms to late cherry blossoms, and the flowering period adds up to more than 20 days.



There are a variety of high-speed trains from Guangzhou to Wuhan, with the fastest time of 3 hours and 38 minutes. It takes only 1 hour and 17 minutes from Changsha to Wuhan at the earliest.

Jiangsu Wuxi

Yuantouzhu is known as "the first scenic spot in Taihu Lake and the cherry blossom viewing resort in China". As one of the "three major cherry blossom viewing resorts in the world", there are more than 30,000 cherry trees with 100 varieties in the cherry blossom valley in Yuantouzhu.

During the Cherry Blossom Festival, the cherry blossoms are like clouds, full of trees, and the spring breeze blows and the cherry blossoms fly, which is beautiful.

Early cherry blossoms in Yuantouzhu usually bloom from mid-March to early April, mostly single or semi-double. The late cherry blossom period lasts for 7 to 10 days. Due to the warming speed, there is an interval of 5 to 12 days between morning and evening flowering, during which some hybrid cherry blossoms are in bloom.



Starting from Guangzhou, you can take the high-speed train and transfer in Shanghai, Nanjing, Hefei and Hangzhou. The fastest journey takes 8 hours and 7 minutes. It takes 6 hours and 10 minutes to leave Changsha for the high-speed train.

Tread in spring.

Let’s go

Produced by China Railway Guangzhou Bureau Group Co., Ltd. Rong Media Center

Planning and writing: Hu Qi Zhao Yue

Photo: Zhou Wen, Li Yong, Zn, Yang Anyong.

Original title: "Depart, take the high-speed train to enjoy the flowers in the spring."

Read the original text

Today, let’s understand what is "culture" from the etymological point of view.

In the long history of China, every major social change is preceded by "cultural" change. The sacrificial culture of Shang Dynasty laid the foundation for the ritual and music civilization of Zhou Dynasty. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, a hundred flowers blossomed and a hundred schools of thought contended for cultural opening and innovation, which ushered in Qiang Qin’s Han nationality, the Han nationality was formally formed, and the Confucianism of Confucianism also promoted the unification of China. The New Culture Movement during the May 4th Movement created a new culture in China, which was a fusion of Chinese and Western cultures and ancient and modern cultures, and provided a cultural foundation for today’s national independence and national prosperity. Today, we propose the creative inheritance and innovative development of China’s traditional culture, which is bound to provide the strongest cultural support for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Culture is resources, culture is power, and culture is spirit. This is true for the nation, the country and the individual.

However, what is "culture" is still one of the problems that need to be discussed.

From the etymology, what is China’s so-called "culture"? Why does it have such great power? The analysis of culture from this angle can refresh us and help us understand the essence of China culture, as well as where and why it is different from western culture.

Let’s talk about the "text" of culture first.

Oracle Bone Inscriptions’s "Wen" is a hieroglyph, and the glyph is a pattern formed by many lines and interlaces, which represents a pictorial symbol carved on rocks or animal bones to convey consciousness. It is an ancient hieroglyph. Therefore, the original meaning of the word "Wen" is a pictographic ideographic symbol carved on rock walls and Oracle bones in ancient times. To put it bluntly, it is an image and a symbol carrier carrying meaning. Therefore, speaking words is a symbol used to express events, facts and information. This is one.

Second, writing is aesthetics. It is said that one of our ancestors looked up at the sky at the beginning of the humanities, and there were beautiful clouds in the sky, as the saying goes, the wind came and the rain went, and the clouds rolled and the clouds were comfortable; Looking down at the ground, it is precisely the beautiful mountains and rivers and the beautiful land. When observing natural humanities, historical geography, personnel stories, as well as architectural costumes, body shapes and even the spirit of consciousness, he found that these things have a very interesting thing in common. Those various patterns are beautiful things in the form of beautiful lines, and their forms can bring people beautiful enjoyment. "Wen" can not only express things, but also express spirit. All kinds of expressions make us feel both practical and enjoyable. So, he drew a "text". This is the origin of writing and the beginning of culture.

Therefore, the original meaning of the word "Wen" expresses beauty, mainly the kind of beauty that brings beauty to people in form. Therefore, we say that "Wen" is a pattern. Later, the poems and paintings we wrote, including our words, calligraphy, music and dance, were all patterns, and they all expressed a kind of aesthetic and formal "Wen".

If we grasp the original meaning of the beautiful pattern of the word "Wen", we can understand the characteristics of China culture. China culture pays special attention to poetry, aesthetic feeling and the comfort and comfort of secular life. China people pay attention to "life", that is, "to be born and live", and to live beautifully, healthily, abundantly, comfortably and poetically. For the beauty of life, because of the beauty of life, people in China often write poems about life.

China is a country that attaches importance to life, aesthetics and poetry. It emphasizes the free and easy mind, the cultivation of mind, the vibration of soul and the enjoyment of emotion on the basis of the unity of nature, mind and matter, and the unity of inside and outside, and pursues the aesthetic feeling in life.

There is a saying in the ancients that "poetry expresses ambition". "ambition" is "the heart of intellectuals" Poetry, as a "text" to express the feelings and emotions of the heart, is the most appropriate carrier and the best expression of beautiful "text".

Therefore, from patterns to words to poems, paintings, music, architecture and clothing, "Wen" has become an aesthetic activity for objects, a sense of beauty and beauty of people, and then it is derived from aesthetics. "Wen" is a phenomenon form, a subjective feeling, an aesthetic relationship between subject and object, an attitude of observing life and existence, and a poetic mode of life, culture and poetry.

Look at "Hua" again.

"Hua" is two people in Oracle Bone Inscriptions. On the left is a man standing head-up, and on the right is a man falling head-down into the ground. From left to right, it is a change from birth to death, which is also a natural life process. Oracle Bone Inscriptions’s man on the right is written as a dagger in the bronze inscription, so the word "Hua" is horrible: a man on the left and a knife on the right-killing people, which means revolution, innovation, innovation and metabolism. Therefore, "transformation" is a movement, a law of nature, progress and change, that is, the old dies and the new is created, that is, "dialectics". This is the first meaning of "Hua".

It is said in the Book of History that "every day is new, every day is new, and every day is new", which expresses this law of nature. This "new" is "pro" on the left and "Jin" on the right. "Dear", the top is a metal drill, which is inserted into the stake below, and then the axe on the right is used to cut the stake, and the stake is decomposed and split for firewood. Therefore, "new" is broken down, turning the whole into parts and the big into small ones. As far as philosophical methodology and behavioral practice are concerned, we usually call it "analysis" and "decomposition", or philosophically, "deconstruction". This is the second meaning of "Hua".

On the whole, "transformation" is a process of change, change or elimination, and it is also an action and a process before reorganization and innovation.

Why should people be "modern" and "new"? Whether it is new or new, it is to find out the essence and law of the object world through research, anatomy and observation of parts and small parts, and apply it to production and life to create new things and new values. By turning the big into the small and turning the whole into parts, we can grasp the essence and law of the object more conveniently, have a more accurate understanding, have a more successful guarantee and get more achievements when we act. This is research, a process of academic activities, scientific exploration and philosophical thinking. Its purpose is to analyze, dissect and then "construct", that is, to reassemble concrete, phenomenal and fragmentary things with their own thinking, express them in the form of abstract thinking and present them as theories. A whole, an abstract meaning and a universally applicable law are constructed, from which "logic" or "metaphysics" is formed, which is a "Tao" based on the study of phenomena, that is, the source of the world, the essence of the world and the law of the world, so that we can use it and serve the survival and development.

The development of philosophy led to the development of natural science, which brought about the industrial revolution, and then there was a historic translocation of eastern and western countries in the world. "Culture" is the wheel and engine of world historical progress.

[This article comes from "33 Keywords of China Traditional Culture" published by People’s Publishing House]

FISU Football World Cup, Beijing Normal University women’s team won the championship.

According to Xinhua News Agency, the 2023 FISU Football World Cup closed in Jinjiang, Fujian on October 31, and the men’s team of paulista University in Brazil and the women’s team of Beijing Normal University won the men’s team and the women’s team respectively.

In the first women’s final, the women’s team of Beijing Normal University played against the women’s team of paulista University in Brazil. After the two sides scored twice in the regular time, they failed to make any achievements, and the game entered a penalty shootout. In the end, the women’s team of Beijing Normal University scored five penalties, defeating their opponents with a total score of 7-6 and winning the championship.

Another China team, Hohai University Men’s Team, finished eighth in the men’s team, up five places from the last competition.

The FISU Football World Cup is held every two years, and this year is the second.

Editor Wang Chunqiu

Director Leipzig talks about winning Bayern: If the team has no injury problems, the Bundesliga will be a triangle competition this year.

Live on May 21st, this morning, Leipzig Red Bull beat Bayern Munich. After the game, Leipzig captain Alban said that he had not received congratulations from Dortmund, while Leipzig director Herbor praised the team.

Because Leipzig won, Bayern now leads Dortmund by only one point in one more round, and Bumblebee still has two rounds of league matches to play, so the initiative to win the championship has fallen into its own hands.

When asked if he had received Dortmund’s congratulations after beating Bayern, Alban said: "Personally, not yet, but I don’t know. Of course, it is good for Dortmund that we win, but this is not our first goal. We want to win this game for ourselves, and we did it. "

Herbor, director of Leipzig, said: "Many things are related to us before the game, and we will decide the trend of the league championship, but the most important thing is about ourselves and the qualification for the Champions League. We want to ensure the qualification for the Champions League. Now we have done it, which is great."

"The fierce competition in the Bundesliga is good for the whole league and people’s awareness of the Bundesliga. In recent years, Bayern has always determined the league title relatively early, and now it is an exciting championship battle."

"Our team is excellent. If important players such as Nkunku, Lemmer, olmo and Shi Lage can stay healthy all the time, then this year’s Bundesliga champion is not a duet, but a triangle competition. Therefore, I think that in the past few years, our club has done a good job, and we hope to continue to do so in the future, so that the competition for the Bundesliga championship will become a triangle competition. "

Great 2-3! Although Zhang Linyan was defeated, she scored three consecutive goals, which was praised by China fans: Messi Corridor.

A great score of 2-3 was born in the first leg of the semi-final of the Swiss Women’s Super Playoff which ended on the 21st. China teenager Zhang Linyan’s Cao Meng women’s football team narrowly lost to the defending champion Zurich women’s football team. In this campaign, although Zhang Linyan, a teenager from China, suffered a glorious defeat, she started to play and scored a full moon machete goal, and scored three consecutive goals. In this regard, China fans praised and commented: Messi Corridor!

When it comes to talented teenager Zhang Linyan, it can be described as a blockbuster. In the women’s Asian Cup final at the beginning of last year, Zhang Linyan came off the bench in the second half like a god. At that time, the China women’s football team was 0-2 behind the South Korean women’s football team and was in a dilemma. With the help of Zhang Linyan’s miraculous feat of making a point and scoring a header, the China women’s football team finally achieved a 3-2 turnaround and won the championship!

Since then, Zhang Linyan has continued to climb to the peak of her career and joined the Swiss giant Grasshopper Football Club on loan. Seeing that a season is coming, Zhang Linyan’s overseas performance is too amazing, and her goals and assists in various events have been in double figures or close to double figures. This is undoubtedly a mythical existence for a rookie studying abroad!

What’s more, at the previous overseas awards ceremony, Zhang Linyan, as a China player, won the Swiss Super Golden Globe Award and the Golden 11 Best Team Award, which is really a envy of others.

In the two key rounds of the Swiss women’s super-playoff final, Zhang Linyan continued to break out, and scored twice in a row, bypassing the goalkeeper and pushing the empty goal, and finally successfully helped the Cao Meng women’s football team win 3-0 and 1-0 in a row, and advanced to the semi-finals with a total score of 4-0.

Zhang Linyan’s performance in Switzerland is like an elf, especially her erratic dribbling skills at her feet, which is unpredictable and often makes her opponents unpredictable. Even in the face of burly Swiss defenders, Zhang Linyan can still find ways to get out of the way and score long-range shots. In addition to using the technical dribbling at the foot to score, Zhang Linyan scored two world waves in the Swiss Women’s Super League before, and was also successfully elected as the best goal in two rounds of the league.

Cao Meng’s women’s soccer team lost 2-3 at home to defending champion Zurich in the first leg of the Swiss women’s super playoff semi-final in the early morning of 21st. In this campaign, although Zhang Linyan, a teenager from China, was defeated, she made her debut and played the whole game. In the 67th minute of the second half, she made a long-range arc with the lateral cut of the dribble under her feet. It’s amazing!

After this campaign, Zhang Linyan created another miracle, and made her debut in three consecutive Swiss women’s super playoffs+played the whole game+scored goals, which was incredible! It can also be explained that the Swiss Women’s Super Golden Globe Award previously awarded is not a talented teenager Zhang Linyan!

After the game, Swiss Grasshopper Football Club issued a document praising Zhang Lin Yan, saying: Zhang Linyan scored again! In the first leg of the semi-final of the league playoffs on Saturday night, Zhang Linyan scored a wonderful long-range shot with her left foot in the second half. Unfortunately, Cao Meng women’s football team lost 2-3 to Zurich women’s football team. Come on in the second round next weekend!

The comment area below also attracted many comments from China fans. One fan from Zhejiang praised Zhang Lin, saying: Wonderful, this is Messi Corridor, and I would like to call it Pippi Corridor in the future!

How do you evaluate Zhang Linyan’s crazy and amazing performance overseas?

Future Technology: What will happen to our life?

Nowadays, technology is developing at an unprecedented speed. New technologies such as artificial intelligence, drones and virtual reality are subverting our way of life and making our life more convenient and efficient. In the future, the development of science and technology may be more rapid, and the changes will be more profound and extensive. In this brand-new world, we may face many new challenges and opportunities.

Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the computer system to achieve a certain degree of autonomous decision-making and task execution by simulating human intelligence and learning ability. In recent years, artificial intelligence has been widely used in various fields, including natural language processing, image recognition, speech recognition and so on.

With the continuous progress of artificial intelligence technology, its impact on society and employment has attracted more and more attention. The following are some possible impacts:

  1. Automation replaces some jobs: Artificial intelligence can perform some jobs that require manpower through machine learning and independent decision-making, such as data processing and customer service, which may lead to some traditional jobs being replaced by automation.
  2. Create new employment opportunities: Although automation may replace some traditional jobs, the development of artificial intelligence will also create new employment opportunities, such as data analysis and machine learning engineers.
  3. Improve production efficiency: artificial intelligence technology can help enterprises optimize processes, improve production efficiency and reduce costs, thus improving the competitiveness of enterprises.
  4. Personal privacy and security issues: Artificial intelligence can collect and analyze a large amount of personal data, which may cause personal privacy and security issues.

Generally speaking, the development of artificial intelligence has brought many opportunities and challenges to society. In the process of dealing with its influence, we need to pay attention to human welfare and moral issues, and at the same time, we need to constantly improve our technical level and adaptability.

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) is an unmanned aerial vehicle, which can be operated by remote control or preset program. In recent years, with the continuous development of technology, drones have been widely used in various fields, including transportation, military, security and so on.

In the field of transportation, drones can be used for logistics distribution and traffic monitoring. For example, drones can deliver express parcels to your doorstep without manual delivery; At the same time, drones can also monitor traffic conditions in cities with traffic jams in order to make timely adjustments and optimizations.

In the military field, drones are also widely used. UAV can be used for reconnaissance, strike, aerial refueling and other tasks, and its maneuverability and concealment are incomparable with traditional military equipment. Moreover, with the continuous improvement of technology, the weapons and equipment of drones are becoming more and more advanced.

In the field of security, drones can also be used for monitoring and support. For example, drones can be used to monitor borders and coastlines to prevent illegal entry and drug trafficking; At the same time, drones can also be used for firefighting, rescue and other tasks to improve efficiency and safety.

Of course, with the increasing application of drones, it also brings some problems and challenges. For example, the privacy and security issues of drones require the joint efforts of the government and enterprises. At the same time, the regulation and management of drones also need to be strengthened to ensure their normal and legal use.

Generally speaking, the application prospect of UAV is very broad, which can bring many benefits and conveniences, but also requires us to pay attention to and solve related problems and challenges.

The development of virtual reality technology has attracted people’s extensive attention. With the continuous development of technology, virtual reality technology has been gradually applied to entertainment, education, medical care and other fields, and has played an important role in these fields.

In the entertainment field, virtual reality technology is widely used in the production of entertainment content such as games and movies. Virtual reality technology can provide users with more realistic game experience and movie-watching experience, thus increasing users’ immersion. In addition, virtual reality technology can also be used for live broadcast of concerts, exhibitions and other activities, so that the audience can feel the atmosphere of the event site personally.

In the field of education, virtual reality technology has been widely used in learning and training. Virtual reality technology can provide students with richer learning experiences, such as simulation experiments and virtual field trips. Through virtual reality technology, students can have a deeper understanding of the learning content and learn and explore in practice.

In the medical field, virtual reality technology is also widely used in surgical simulation, rehabilitation and other aspects. Virtual reality technology can help doctors to operate and treat more accurately, thus improving the success rate of surgery and rehabilitation effect. In addition, virtual reality technology can also be used in psychotherapy and anti-pain therapy to help patients relieve pain and discomfort.

The development of science and technology in the future will bring great influence and change, involving all aspects, including society, economy, education, medical care, security and so on. The emergence of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, unmanned aerial vehicles and virtual reality will greatly change our way of life and work. In this era of rapid development, how to deal with future changes has become an important issue.

First of all, we need to strengthen the research and development of new technologies. Governments, enterprises, academic institutions and other aspects need to increase investment and support in science and technology to promote the development and application of science and technology and better meet people’s needs.

Secondly, we need to adapt to the development and application of new technologies. In the process of the emergence and popularization of new technologies, we need to constantly learn and adapt to make better use of them, so as to better adapt to the changes in society and life.

In addition, we need to pay attention to the risks and challenges that new technologies may bring. In the application of new technology, some security and privacy issues may be brought, which need our attention and solution. At the same time, the development of new technologies may also have an impact on some traditional industries and employment, and we need to pay attention to and help the affected people.

Finally, we need to build a healthy, fair and sustainable development environment. The development of science and technology needs to be carried out under the legal and ethical framework to ensure that the development of science and technology is in line with human interests and values. We need to establish and maintain this environment by various means to ensure that the development of science and technology is sustainable and beneficial.

In a word, the development of science and technology in the future will bring great influence and change to our life and society. Faced with these changes, we need to strengthen the research and development of new technologies, adapt to the application of new technologies, pay attention to the risks and challenges that new technologies may bring, and establish a healthy, fair and sustainable development environment. Only in this way can we better cope with future changes and achieve the goal of sustainable development.