Chen He’s ex-wife responded to the divorce: He is my relative, don’t attack him

Old photos of Chen He and his wife’s love

The divorce statement issued by Chen He

Xu Jing sent Weibo to speak for Chen He

    1905 movie network news On the evening of January 22, Chen Hefa admitted that he had been divorced from his ex-wife for half a year, claiming in Weibo that "I was wrong", and denied the rumors of his affair, saying that the divorce was because the distance between the two parties was getting farther and farther, which immediately caused an uproar. At 0:20 am on the 23rd, Chen He’s ex-wife Xu Jingfa spoke for Chen He on Weibo, hoping that netizens would not attack Chen He and call him his own family. Weibo original: "Fourteen years can make you know more about a person? Understand that you have to persevere when you are wronged, understand that you have to let go when you endure heartache, and understand that you still can’t see him helpless when you are separated. He is just a fragile child, but he is my relative. Please don’t attack him."

    It is reported that Chen He knew Xu Jing when he was in junior high school, and they officially married in January 2013 after 13 years of long-distance love. Last year, Chen He and Xu Jing also joined the "Love on the Road" husband and wife reality show with a high profile. In the show, the two were very affectionate and were called "a true model couple" by the circle. Since Chen He participated in the recording of the show, his popularity has risen again, and his career love has been so smooth that netizens have praised him as a "winner in life". But recently, there have been rumors of divorce between the two, and even news that Chen He cheated. After three days of fermentation, Chen He finally issued a statement late at night, publicly admitting that he had divorced his wife Xu Jing half a year ago. In the statement, Mr. Chen acknowledged that he had withheld the news of the divorce, but that the two had broken up peacefully, "without anything else."

    After Chen He publicly admitted his divorce, it caused a shock again, and even paralyzed Weibo for a time. In just 20 minutes, Chen He’s divorce statement received 300,000 likes from netizens. Friends in "Love Apartment" also stood up for "Zeng Xiaoxian" Chen He, Sun Yizhou said "he was wrong, please let it go", Li Jinming: "Dear everyone, please give him more tolerance and understanding. Also give him the right to deal with his private life. It was the first time I heard Chen He’s choking voice on the phone. As a friend, I am also very heartbroken. At a critical moment, I asked everyone to extend their hands to pull him instead of pushing him. Thank you, thank you very much!" Deng Jiajia retweeted Chen He’s Weibo and commented: "The best is like water, and the virtuous are loaded. Please compare your hearts to your hearts." The comment has received more than 15,000 likes.


    Oolong is that a Weibo user named "Chen He" was mistaken for Chen He himself because his avatar was exactly the same as Chen He’s own Weibo. The user also left a message under Xu Jing’s Weibo: "Since you love, why separate!", which made many netizens mistakenly believe that Chen He was saving his ex-wife. At present, the reply has received more than 2,000 likes.

Expert advice on "difficult to implement" the new car-hailing policy: Stimulate market vitality

  The rapid changes brought by the new economy to society and the adjustment of the interest pattern are fully reflected in the field of online car-hailing. On the one hand, the platformization and networking characteristics of the new economy expand the scope and depth of contradictions. On the other hand, the new policy of online car-hailing involves a wide range, and the game of interests increases the difficulty of implementing the new policy.

  "Economic Information Daily" reporter learned that the "Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Business Services" has been implemented for more than half a year, and many local governments have not yet issued detailed implementation rules. Some cities that have issued detailed rules but have higher thresholds face "difficulties in landing".

  Many industry insiders and experts suggest that we should be fully aware of the role of the sharing economy represented by online car-hailing in promoting social employment and transforming social management models. It is recommended to use the "subtraction" of power in exchange for the "multiplication" of market vitality.

  The new policy of online car-hailing in some cities is "difficult to implement"

  The reporter learned that as of April 24, 2017, 85 cities had issued detailed rules for the implementation of online car-hailing, 115 cities had completed the consultation, and more than 100 cities had not yet completed the consultation.

  In some areas where new policies have been introduced, the implementation of policies still faces a game situation. The reporter learned that the main focus of the game between policy requirements and platform interests is twofold: first, whether to implement household registration, vehicle, wheelbase and other requirements; second, what degree of access to the operation data of the supervision platform needs to be reached and what content is included.

  In practice, some cities took into account the capacity of the local taxi market and the strategic needs of urban development, and imposed more restrictions on drivers’ household registration, vehicle price and wheelbase. Some platforms have calculated that the implementation of the new policy in cities with higher thresholds will reduce their online car-hailing capacity by more than 90%, which is a heavy blow to the platform.

  At the same time, the platform-based characteristics of online car-hailing break the tradition of "the company is local" in the past. If the online car-hailing platform does not set up a local subsidiary, the local management department may not find a communication partner during supervision, which exacerbates the difficulty of solving the problem.

  On the other hand, the new economy represented by online ride-hailing platforms quickly grabbed market share with the help of subsidies and financing, but this fast pace has had a great impact on the balance of the traditional taxi industry in a short period of time. At the same time, in some higher threshold areas, it has also caused a large "crowding out effect" for online ride-hailing drivers. These factors have led to constant friction between cruise car drivers and online ride-hailing drivers in some places.

  According to Didi Chuxing statistics, as of February 2017, the total number of registered drivers on the Didi platform reached more than 17.50 million. Active drivers on the Didi platform 2 million, with a per capita daily income of more than 160 yuan, and the total number of taxi drivers in various cities across the country has reached 2 million. At the same time, there are thousands of software and algorithm engineers behind Didi.

  All parties have mixed reactions to the new policy of online car-hailing

  The reporter learned that the implementation of the new policy varies widely across the country, and the views of all parties on the online car-hailing industry have also fluctuated.

  Some local new policies have passed the implementation deadline, but non-compliant online car-hailing is still in operation. Cruise car drivers do not know whether to stay in their jobs, and online car-hailing drivers do not know whether to change careers.

  According to statistics from the Beijing Municipal Transportation Commission, after the emergence of online car-hailing, the income of cruise car drivers fell from about 6,500 yuan in 2013 to about 4,500 yuan in the first half of 2016. From 2014 to 2016, the driver team lost nearly 10,000 people. However, taxi operations have recently improved.

  A Didi executive who did not want to be named said that after the introduction of the new policy, Didi’s online car-hailing business also experienced a sharp decline, and drivers were losing a lot.

  According to reports, before the Spring Festival in 2017, the average daily number of taxi calls by passengers in some big cities increased sharply from more than 300,000 to 900,000, and the response rate of taxis on the Didi platform was only 40%. In addition, after the new policy was gradually implemented, the transportation capacity of Didi Kuaidi special car decreased, and the response rate dropped from 90% in October 2016 to about 50% in March 2017, which greatly reduced the travel experience of passengers.

  Capital markets have also begun to hesitate, "unsure" of the market prospects of online car-hailing platforms. Due to the impact of the new policy on the market, the market valuation of many online car-hailing platform companies has declined, which has also affected the layout of enterprises at home and abroad. Some industry insiders said that the enthusiasm of domestic venture capital capital for the sharing economy such as online car-hailing has subsided.

  The implementation of the New Deal is difficult to reflect management anxiety

  The Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Booking Taxi Business Services have been in place for more than half a year, but the implementation details in many places have not yet been issued.

  The demand for online car-hailing varies from place to place. Some places believe that cities should give priority to the development of public transportation, and online car-hailing is only a supplement and should be more "high-end" than cruise taxis. Therefore, higher thresholds are set for online car-hailing models, prices, displacements, and wheelbases. There are also some places that want online car-hailing to take into account both high, medium and low-end needs. For example, Haikou has abolished the displacement limit of online car-hailing, while Lijiang and Hanzhong have chosen to connect cruise taxis to online car-hailing platforms as a whole.

  Shouqi car-hailing CEO Wei Dong said that road traffic congestion in first-tier cities in our country is serious, and it is reasonable for local management departments to choose to raise the threshold for online car-hailing, while the taxi market in second- and third-tier cities is not saturated, and the online car-hailing policy can be relaxed a little.

  As for whether the number of taxis should be controlled. A grassroots cadre said that the Ministry of Construction issued the "Urban Road Traffic Planning and Design Specifications" in 1995, which stipulated that the number of taxis in large cities should be 20 per 10,000 people and 15 in small and medium-sized cities. This became the standard for calculating and controlling the number of taxis in most cities.

  However, there are also opinions that this standard has not changed for many years, and that online car-hailing is not the main cause of road traffic congestion, so quantitative control should be liberalized in a timely manner. The "Analysis Report on Beijing Road Traffic Operation Based on Didi Big Data" released by Professor Yan Xuedong’s research group at Beijing Jiaotong University in October 2016 believes that online car-hailing uses economic laws as a lever to adjust the supply and demand of the traffic market, and uses information symmetry as the core to match the supply and demand, which helps to reduce the rate of empty vehicles.

  In many places, the development of online car-hailing has led to a shrinkage in the price of taxi licenses, and some taxi drivers and license-speculating intermediaries have been seriously damaged. For example, some urban taxi licenses have increased from 200,000 yuan in the past to 800,000 yuan, due to online car-hailing competition and reduced to 400,000 yuan.

  Some industry insiders say that the formulation of the local version of the new car-hailing policy faces multiple interests. Before the reform of the taxi industry, drivers had lifetime licenses, which made them lack the incentive to improve their services. If the depreciation of the license is used to redeem and other means to accelerate the withdrawal of local taxi companies, these companies may find it difficult to accept.

  The law enforcement of online car-hailing has also caused administrative reconsideration in various places. An executive of a car rental company in Nanjing said that private cars in Nanjing were converted to operating vehicles. When they were connected to the platform, the passenger management office of the traffic bureau allowed them, but the vehicle management office of the public security bureau failed the annual inspection. Many private cars have been difficult to access the online car-hailing platform.

  An official from the Kunshan Municipal Transportation Bureau said that some platforms have openly resisted the law, not only encouraging vehicles punished in Kunshan to file for administrative reconsideration, but also reimbursing fines. Some local transportation management departments have frequently received administrative reconsideration for online car-hailing, and they are basically unable to do other things.

  Xu Kangming, a taxi reform expert, believes that after the release of the local new policy, measures should be taken to allow illegal people and vehicles to withdraw, otherwise it will destroy the fair market environment. On the one hand, cruise taxi companies cannot expand their scale, and on the other hand, law-abiding online car-hailing companies will pay a high price.

  Safeguarding the "source of vitality" of the sharing economy

  Some experts interviewed believe that they should be fully aware of the role of the sharing economy represented by ride-hailing in promoting social employment and transforming social management models, and suggest "subtraction" of power in exchange for "multiplication" of market vitality.

  In-depth research on ride-hailing companies and conduct scientific assessments. The sharing economy represented by ride-hailing poses new challenges to the urban traffic management model. Behind the transformation of the momentum of the old and new economies is the differentiation of the beneficiary groups of the old and new economies. Industry insiders believe that the beneficiary groups of the old economy are more concentrated and highly organized, but the beneficiary groups of the new economy are more extensive and the voice is more scattered. Therefore, in policy formulation, the affordability of the beneficiary groups of the old economy should be considered, as well as the breadth of the beneficiary groups of the new economy.

  The rise of platform economies such as Didi, Alibaba, and Tencent is supported by strong capital, which has also benefited many people. And the credit economy, platformization, and big data management may give birth to new technologies such as smart transportation, driverless driving, and vehicle to everything. These are the trends of future economic and social development. They are also an important support for the government to build new management functions. It should be treated with a more open mind.

  A Didi executive said that although the "zombie cars" of Didi’s platform are not easy to manage, it said that the surplus capacity of social vehicles can be fully released when the urban capacity is tight. Cheng Wei, founder and CEO of Didi Chuxing, said that if China is to achieve the corner overtaking the western industrial powers, it is a big opportunity to transform the traditional industrial industry with the Internet thinking.

  On the one hand, formulate a relatively scientific withdrawal and compensation mechanism to reduce the anxiety of social group transformation. During the transition period of the New Deal, many full-time online car-hailing drivers may lose their jobs. It is recommended to carry out relevant policy explanation and guidance work to attract them to work part-time on platforms such as car rental companies.

  On the other hand, science foresees the challenges that taxi part-time may bring. The sharing economy model may lead to a wider range of part-time jobs for drivers, which will increase the difficulty of management and may also impact the average income level of the taxi industry. Car rental companies can be encouraged to increase their own vehicles to cope with the ebb and flow of Internet supply, and the average income of the taxi industry can be monitored and evaluated to guide the development of the industry scientifically.

Chen Linong said that he cooperated with Jackie Chan on the same stage to realize his dream of the Spring Festival Gala. Unfortunately, he did not meet Yin Zheng in the background.

On January 21, Chen Linong, who was on the Spring Festival Gala for the second time, came to the interview room of the Spring Festival Gala. He said that this is the second time to participate in the Spring Festival Gala, and he will still be nervous and excited, but he will have more confidence and confidence.

Chen Linong said that he cooperated with Jackie Chan on the same stage to realize his dream of the Spring Festival Gala. Unfortunately, he did not meet Yin Zheng in the background.

This Spring Festival Gala, Chen Linong and Jackie Chan, Peng Yuchang, Jiang Yiyi, Guo Junchen, etc. sang a song full of positive energy and youthful "Youth to the Sun". He said that he is a fan of Jackie Chan and often watches his movies. This time, eating with Jackie Chan, rehearsing for the Spring Festival Gala, etc., has a feeling of realizing a dream. Other partners are also very youthful and energetic, and everyone is like him as Jackie Chan’s big brother’s fan brother and fan girl.

Last year, Chen Linong participated in many programs and met many new friends. When he asked whether he had met any friends who had worked together last year in the background of the Spring Festival Gala, he said that he was "angry about this." He mentioned that he was going to see Yin Zheng this time, but because the other party participated in a sketch program, he would keep rehearsing and striving for excellence. As a result, Yin Zheng left after rehearsal, and the two could not meet, so it was a pity.

Regarding the work plan for the new year, he revealed: "If there is no accident, there will be music, there will be film and television, there will be variety shows, and there will be many." Speaking of film and television dramas, he said, "Now any role is a new challenge for me, because I am too new and too white, so I also hope that many seniors, friends, directors, and teachers can teach me, and there will be some guidance to make me progress faster."

Chen Linong said that he cooperated with Jackie Chan on the same stage to realize his dream of the Spring Festival Gala. Unfortunately, he did not meet Yin Zheng in the background.

When it comes to the customs of his hometown, he finds the most impressive thing is the red envelope. In the past, the elders gave him red envelopes, but now he sends them to the elders. He said that "when I grow up, I think it is appropriate".

Finally, he mentioned "China Red", which he said was a warm, festive, very homey, and a sense of belonging. He also sent blessings to everyone in his hometown dialect, "I wish you all a happy new year and all the best."

Junior year married, senior year students, undergraduate students take baby to shoot graduation photo into online celebrity.

  Near the graduation season, a group of photos of "National People’s Congress graduates bring their babies to take photos of undergraduate graduation photo" set off a circle of friends. Compared with the combination of handsome men and beautiful women, the children under 2 years old in the photo obviously attracted more attention.

  Parent-child graduation photo Huobao Network

  Recently, Mao Yanzheng, a photographer who once became popular for shooting "Goddess of the National People’s Congress", posted a group of photos of this year’s graduates through his personal WeChat WeChat official account. Once the photos were sent out, they quickly attracted a lot of attention and forwarding. It’s just that this time it’s not a beautiful graduate who attracts everyone’s attention, but a young couple of undergraduate graduates.

  Photographer Mao Yanzheng said: "On campus, I have seen people wearing doctoral uniforms and occasionally met people wearing master’s uniforms, but this is the first time I have seen a child wearing a bachelor’s uniform to take pictures with his parents, and his parents are also wearing bachelor’s uniforms."

  In the photo, the young couple, like many campus couples, chose to record their graduation time in front of the school gate, playground, Wu Yuzhang sculpture and other representative buildings. What is different is that they have a "little model" around them, their son who is over one year old.

  Graduates of the same age threw up their graduation caps at the school gate to celebrate. The undergraduate couple have already thrown up their babies. Therefore, the couple are called "winners in life" by many friends. Some people envy their loving feelings and marvel at the speed of their lives. Of course, some people question whether it is appropriate to be a parent so young.

  According to a teacher of the National People’s Congress, the school has no special regulations for students to get married and have children. In previous years, master students and doctoral students took photos of graduation photo with their children from time to time, while those wearing bachelor’s uniforms took photos of their parents.

  Start a business while raising children

  Liao Siqi, a girl in the photo, is a 2012 student in the School of Journalism of Renmin University of China. She went to Columbia University for an exchange for half a year.

  According to the memories of their college friends, their love began in their sophomore year. "Not many students can achieve positive results during their undergraduate years. To be honest, they can see that they are doing well, which is a little unexpected, but reasonable, and the rest are blessings."

  When everyone’s impression of Liao Siqi still stays as the host of the 75th anniversary celebration party of Renmin University, she has upgraded her role and become a young mother.

  She shared on her WeChat WeChat official account: "Before he was born, I looked forward to the baby’s birth every day. But when I heard the baby’s first cry, an unprecedented pressure forced me to raise a new life. "

  Fortunately, unlike the TV series in which young parents are always dazzled by their children, the young post-90s couple soon found their own parenting methods. Make it cool and easy to take care of the baby. "Without the guidance of nurses, I downloaded a lot of maternal and child apps with my father, bought a lot of books to take care of children, paid attention to many maternal and child websites, and even searched various papers at home and abroad in the academic database." The child’s father said: "Without the guidance of the previous generation, we were like a blank sheet of paper at first, which made us willing to try and summarize all kinds of new knowledge and methods of parenting." A little practice and research made the young parents adapt to the new role quickly.

  In May of this year, they started their entrepreneurial career together when they were about to graduate. They hoped to pass on their special parenting experience and ideas, and new products would be launched later. Liao Siqi said: "I became a mother when I was very young. Although many people think that having children will be a burden in my life, in my heart, having a son is my most correct and happiest decision. At this age, there are the most youthful and beautiful us and the cutest little baby. My child’s father and I are not only accompanying but also growing up with him. "

  Parenting is an adventure, and she hopes to help more babies and parents with her parenting experience, "in this wonderful life journey, the harvest is happy and complete."

  The same university, different choices

  As an old friend, Lu Xingji from the School of Journalism of the National People’s Congress told the Beijing Youth Daily reporter: "When I learned that they had a baby during their undergraduate years, my first reaction was ‘ Not reliable ’ 。” But after witnessing with his own eyes how the young couple took care of their children over one year old without the help of their family elders, Lu Xingji said that he was really impressed by their experience. "I found that once I get started with this big event, people will become super reliable, which makes me realize that actually falling in love and getting married is a very important lesson for people at this stage of college, and it is also a kind of progress in life."

  Teacher Sun Jiazhou from the School of History of Renmin University also forwarded this group of graduation photo on social media. He said in his comments: "In ‘ Seeking truth from facts ’ I have seen a lot of photos taken in front of the school motto stone, but this photo shows the cheerful charm of life, which is unforgettable! "

  Of course, some students expressed different opinions. Several students said that although they wished the young parents well, they did not envy them. A student who is studying for a postgraduate degree told the reporter of Beiqing Daily that there are still many practical factors to consider when getting married early, but he obviously does not have it. Text/reporter Kong Lingqi

  Photography/Mao Yanzheng

How to pay for the insurance when the car is flooded in a rainstorm? Don’t do it!

BEIJING, Beijing, August 2 (Reporter Zuo Yukun, Zhang Ni) Recently, under the influence of Typhoon Du Surui, extreme rainfall occurred in many areas. Under the heavy rain, many vehicles were trapped in the water, flooded or even washed away directly.

  According to the Beijing Supervision Bureau of the State Financial Supervision Administration, as of 8: 00 a.m. on July 31, the property insurance industry in Beijing had received 978 related insurance reports and rescued 65 vehicles and personnel in distress, and the follow-up insurance reporting and handling work was still in progress.

  For car owners, can their vehicles be compensated if they are flooded? How to protect personal and property safety to the greatest extent?

  If the vehicle is soaked in water, will the insurance pay?

  Regarding the question of whether the flooded car can get compensation, the owner who bought the car damage insurance can rest assured.

  According to the relevant provisions of motor vehicle loss insurance (hereinafter referred to as motor vehicle damage insurance), if the direct loss of motor vehicles caused by natural disasters and accidents is not within the scope of compensation exemption, compensation can be made in accordance with the agreement. Among them, in terms of natural disasters, the scope of compensation includes hail, lightning strikes, storms, rainstorms, floods and many other common natural disasters.

  Many old drivers may claim "water-related insurance" when their cars are flooded. Wang Guojun, a professor at university of international business and economics Institute of Insurance, told the reporter of Sino-Singapore Finance and Economics: "Now there is no water-related insurance, and it is all in the car damage insurance. Whether the engine of a traditional car is flooded or the battery of a new energy vehicle is damaged, it is counted in the car damage insurance. "

  Specifically, the Guiding Opinions on Implementing Comprehensive Auto Insurance Reform, which was officially implemented on September 19, 2020, has carried out major reforms in China’s auto insurance. As long as the new insurance users and renewal insurance users after the above time point have included additional risks such as water-related insurance in the car damage insurance, they do not need to be insured separately. Insurance can pay for vehicles wading and soaking in water.

  The Beijing Supervision Bureau of the State Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau also issued a reminder on July 31: After the comprehensive reform of auto insurance started, the coverage of vehicle loss insurance has covered the losses caused by natural disasters such as rainstorm and typhoon. If the vehicle suffers related losses, please call the insurance company to report the case in time to confirm whether the relevant insurance is insured, and go through the follow-up claim settlement procedures under the guidance of the staff.

  Will the claim be affected if the car is washed away?

  Heavy rains lead to flooding, and sometimes the vehicles are directly washed away. If the car search is unsuccessful, can I pay for it?

  Wang Guojun believes that there is no need to worry at all: "First of all, where the car was rushed can basically be judged by positioning; If it is true that the vehicle is completely washed away and cannot be recovered, the insurance company will generally presume a total loss to make a claim. "

  From the specific operation point of view, the settlement of claims for lost vehicles requires the intervention and assistance of public security organs. After the car can’t be recovered eventually, the owner of the motor vehicle needs to issue a certificate of loss to the local public security organ, then go to the vehicle management office to cancel the vehicle, and finally go to the insurance company to make claims.

  However, it should be noted that the engine is turned off after the vehicle is flooded, and the engine must not be started again, otherwise it will cause engine damage. If the engine is damaged by "secondary ignition" in the water, the insurance company generally thinks that it belongs to the "loss expansion" exemption situation and will not claim compensation.

  What should I do after the vehicle is flooded?

  What should the owner do if the vehicle is flooded? Zhongxin Finance consulted the customer service staff of several property insurance companies.

  The customer service staff of PICC P&C said: If the vehicle is flooded, you should apply for compensation as soon as possible, but the specific amount of compensation is subject to the opinions of the adjuster, and it should be accounted according to the actual value of the vehicle and relevant circumstances.

  Sunshine Insurance staff said: If the vehicle is soaked, it is necessary to contact the insurance company as soon as possible, and the staff should investigate the site, otherwise the site will be difficult to identify after the water recedes.

  It is worth noting that in principle, insurance companies have a time limit for reporting claims. However, Wang Guojun pointed out that in the face of special circumstances such as rainstorm, insurance companies will also handle it as appropriate. The staff of the insurance company also said that the actual situation does not necessarily have to be applied on the same day, but it should be applied as soon as possible.

  "In case of special circumstances, the owner and the personnel on board must first ensure personal safety, and the car should be abandoned; In the case of purchasing car damage insurance, report the case to the insurance company in time, and then handle it according to the insurance company’s process. " Wang Guojun emphasized that insurance companies may now release reminders such as moving cars to customers according to big data before risks, and pay attention to this.

  Will it trigger the overall premium increase?

  Property losses caused by extreme weather will naturally bring some pressure to insurance companies’ claims. According to the data previously disclosed by the government, in 2021, the rainstorm disaster in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, it is estimated that the final amount of auto insurance claims in the entire insurance industry may reach 7 billion yuan.

  Recently, some people in the insurance industry said that the recent heavy rain has caused the claims rate of various insurance companies to rise linearly, and the subsequent insurance prices are likely to increase. After the rainstorm, can cars that are not out of danger also usher in an increase in premiums?

  A senior insurance practitioner told Zhongxin Finance: Usually, the increase in claim rate will lead to an increase in premium, but this should have been taken into account when designing insurance products.

  "In recent years, several rainstorm disasters have also reported the loss of many vehicles. It is impossible for insurance companies to issue existing bubble cars this year to apply for claims due to meteorological disasters. When designing products, these car damages will be taken into account in the calculation model. The premium of general auto insurance is comprehensively calculated based on factors such as the service life of the vehicle, the number of accidents, and the age of the insured. " The above practitioners believe that.

  In addition, the reporter consulted a number of insurance company staff and got a reply saying that if the vehicle is really out of danger, the subsequent premium increase is normal; For vehicles that are not in danger, we have not received the notice of adjusting the premium yet. However, some insurance company sales staff said that if the flood is serious, the premium may be fine-tuned, but there is no precedent for a big increase before.

  Wang Guojun also said that there is indeed the possibility of premium increase in the future. "This rainstorm has increased the overall risk, and insurance companies will increase the proportion of catastrophe risk in actuarial terms in the future, otherwise they may lose money when they encounter the same disaster in the future." However, he believes that the overall premium should not rise too much.

  Wang Guojun also reminded that because the car damage insurance is purchased voluntarily by the owner, some people will feel that their daily car damage is not big, instead of buying car damage insurance, they only take three liability insurance. "Considering the special circumstances such as wading and spontaneous combustion, car damage insurance is still necessary, especially for relatively new and high-value cars."

Crane to send New Year’s greetings!

Crane to send New Year’s greetings! ###

  Yuan Dynasty (1206-1368)





  Our five bases are located in the southeast and northwest of China.

  In this beautiful 2024,

  I wish you all your wishes,

  The whole family is happy and healthy,

  My career is soaring like a dragon flying.

  May your boat of life,

  Sail to a more brilliant tomorrow in the sunshine of the Year of the Dragon!

  Happy New Year

  Pay attention to Xianhe shares


The latest news of table tennis World Cup! Guoping is far ahead, and Fan Zhendong is the finale 2.

On December 5th, Beijing time, the ITTF Chengdu Mixed Team World Cup was in full swing. In a just-concluded men’s singles contest, Fan Zhendong, the world champion of table tennis, made his debut against Huang Zhen Ting of Hongkong team in China. As a result, Xiao Pang withstood the impact and finally defeated his opponent 2-0, scoring 2 points for table tennis.

Earlier, Wang Chuqin/Sun Yingsha defeated He Junjie/Du Kaiyu 3-0, and Chen Meng swept Zhu Chengzhu 3-0. Together with the icing on the cake of Fan Zhendong, the China team has achieved a proud record of 8-0. After zero opponents won on the first match day, Guoping continued to play the victory song on the second match day, well done!

Fan Zhendong’s game against Huang Zhen Ting also attracted much attention. In the first game, Fan Zhendong played a bit dull at the beginning, and the score could not be opened in the first half of the game. However, Fan Zhendong played well in the second half, winning the game with 10-7, and then Fan Zhendong scored. At the same time, Xiao Pang scored a point for Guoping.

In the second game, Huang Zhen Ting gave it a shot, but Fan Zhendong fought back against the impact, leading the opponent 4-2, and Huang Zhen Ting used a timeout. After coming back, Huang Zhen Ting scored 2 points and tied the score to 4-4. Then, Fan Zhendong stabilized the situation and finally sealed the victory with 11-4.

In this way, as of now, Guoping has not lost a game, and has won 16 consecutive games. No one can shake its strength. Congratulations to Guoping and China. Later (tonight at 19:00), Guoping will once again go out to compete for the third round of the group round robin, expecting good news from the soldiers.

Title: fierce confrontation! Table tennis mixed team world cup report

On December 7, 2023, the top table tennis event, the table tennis mixed team World Cup, kicked off in XX National Gymnasium. This year’s competition gathered the most powerful table tennis players from all over the world, presenting a high-level and fierce confrontation for fans.

In the first round, China played a fascinating contest with the German team. The China team is composed of world champions Li Hua and Wang Ming, while the German team sent Schmidt and Bauer with extraordinary strength. The two sides showed super skills and tacit cooperation on the court, which made the game once in a stalemate.

In the first singles match, Li Hua played against Schmidt. Two players on the table, you come and go, wonderful. After several rounds of fierce confrontation, Li Hua narrowly beat Schmidt with five sets of scores of 11-9, 8-11, 11-7, 9-11 and 11-9, and scored a valuable point for the China team.

Then, Wang Ming faced Bauer of the German team. Wang Ming’s decisive and neat serve and quick and accurate hitting caught his opponent off guard. He showed excellent control and stability in the game, easily defeated Bauer in straight sets of 11-6, 11-4 and 11-7, and made another contribution to the China team.

In the mixed doubles match that followed, Li Hua of China teamed up with Wang Ming to face the combination of Schmidt and Bauer. The two sides cooperated tacitly, and the balls on the court were staggered rapidly and brilliantly. After five sets of fierce battles, China narrowly defeated their opponents with 11-9, 11-8, 9-11, 10-12 and 11-7, and won the next round with a total score of 3-0.

Another focus battle was also carried out in a passion. The contest between Japan and South Korea, two Asian powerhouses, has attracted much attention. The Japanese team sent the world’s number one female player, Mi Yamada, and the powerful male player, Yang Sato, while the South Korean team was composed of Zhao Mei and Park Seung-woo.

First of all, the women’s singles competition, Yamada Mei against Zhao Mei. Zhao Mei showed a strong defensive strength in the game, while Yamada Mei won points for the Japanese team with excellent attack skills. After five sets of fierce battles, Yamada Mei narrowly defeated Zhao Mei with 11-9, 9-11, 11-13, 11-7 and 11-8, and won the first victory for the Japanese team.

In the men’s singles match that followed, Sato Yang played against Park Seung-woo. Sato Yang quickly gained the upper hand with excellent attack and flexible posture. He showed excellent sense of the ball and technical application ability, and defeated Park Seung-woo 11-6, 11-9 and 11-7 in the third game, adding another point to the Japanese team.

In the final mixed doubles competition, Yamada Mei and Sato Yang partnered against Zhao Mei and Park Seung-woo. In the competition, the four players showed superb cooperation and flexible tactical adjustment ability. After five wonderful games, Japan narrowly beat South Korea 11-7, 9-11, 11-8, 9-11, and 11-9, and beat their opponents 3-0 with a total score, and successfully advanced to the next round.

The wonderful match of the table tennis mixed team World Cup will continue, and players from all over the world will surely ignite the passion of the stadium again. Let’s look forward to more exciting games and unforgettable moments!

Finally! Qiao Shuai revealed that Li Kaier’s first show time was officially released.

On August 5th, Beijing time, after the men’s basketball team in China finished the Cape Verde match, they entered the final of the Trentino Cup, and the opponents were the winners of Italy and Turkey. With reference to the strong comprehensive strength of the two teams, they must be very valuable warm-up opponents for the men’s basketball team in China.

Not long ago, the reporter in front of the sports world "Jiang Cheng Gui Zhou" broke the news. He learned from an interview with Jorjevich that in 23 hours, Li Kaier will make his debut in the final of the Trentino Cup.

Cape Verde, the first opponent of the Trentino Cup, may be Qiao Shuai. For various reasons, let Li Kaier observe the tactics of the men’s basketball team and the requirements of the competition field as much as possible, so as to better integrate into the China men’s basketball team. Compared with the other two teams, the strength of the opponents is indeed different. Zhang Zhenlin, Cui Yongxi, Zhu Junlong and others are enough to meet the needs of strikers, so Li Kaier has the possibility of winning opponents even if he doesn’t play.

However, after entering the finals, these two teams are well-known in Europe. According to the lineup configuration of this set of men’s basketball teams, they are actually completely at a disadvantage. After China’s men’s basketball team joined Li Kai, it may be difficult to reach a competitive state, but what kind of height and combat effectiveness can be achieved is believed to be the focus of attention of countless fans. After all, as an active NBA striker, Li Kaier must be a leading domestic striker in all aspects.

Like some key ball handling, or the time when someone needs to score, Li Kaier needs to play the role of a core player and lead the prospect of China men’s basketball team through personal ability, while qi zhou, Zhang Zhenlin, Cui Yongxi and others are all excellent local players to some extent. Can Li Kaier reach a more competitive state after joining?

With Li Kaier’s entry into the men’s basketball 12-man list, Qiao Shuai’s complete lineup for preparing for the men’s basketball World Cup has been officially released. The main force of the back line is Zhao Jiwei, Zhao Rui, striker Zhou Peng, Zhang Zhenlin, Cui Yongxi, Li Kaier, inside Wang Zhelin, qi zhou and Hu Jinqiu. Players in other positions will see who has more characteristics and play in a more consistent way with the core players of the men’s basketball team, otherwise they may miss the opportunity to enter the men’s basketball 12-man list.

Is it worth it? After Guashuai took over, Manchester City’s net transfer expenditure was 478 million pounds, and it won five Premier League titles in seven years.

Arsenal lost to Nottingham Forest and Manchester City locked in the Premier League title ahead of schedule. This is the fifth Premier League champion of Manchester City since Guardiola took the helm.

Guardiola officially became the coach of Manchester City in 2016. In the past seven years, Manchester City spent 1.074 billion pounds on transfer, 596 million pounds on transfer income and 478 million pounds on net expenditure, with an average net expenditure of about 68 million pounds per season.

In the past seven years, Gua-style Manchester City has won 12 championships (5 Premiership, 4 League Cups, 1 FA Cup and 2 Community Shield Cups), but it has not won the Champions League yet.