Huawei P7 is a hot seller, and Gentleman Rulan is well received


Huawei has no parking service video exposure, and it is difficult to find a parking position.

Now, on weekends and holidays, it is even less difficult to drive to shopping malls and scenic spots, and sometimes it is no less difficult than finding a parking space in the city center. As the owner said, "Sometimes there are vacancies in the underground parking lots of shopping malls and hospitals, but the venues are large and there are no obvious signs. They can only search around several times like blind flies, and finally find a seat, and the result is" cut off "by the owner who is closer. When picking up the car, I often get’ lost’ and circle around in the parking lot to find a car. "

Picture 1

At this time, many people begin to regret driving to the mall. However, if you want to visit Sam and IKEA, which are generally remote supermarkets, public transportation is very inconvenient, and taking a taxi is expensive. After shopping, it is quite difficult to find a place to take a taxi. When I think about it carefully, it seems that driving has become the most worry-free and labor-saving way. It is nothing more than the psychological preparation for wasting an hour in the parking lot in advance.

In the field of intelligent driving, which has developed rapidly recently, there are brand-new solutions to the problems of difficult parking and parking. Zhijie S7, the first pure electric car of Huawei Intelligent Selection Car, which was pre-sold on November 9, is equipped with the industry’s first parking and driving function, once again showing the far-ahead intelligent driving strength to the industry and outside.

The problem of finding a parking space is solved by injecting driving into parking.

From a functional point of view, the parking and driving function allows the owner to open unmanned parking with one button. That is, when the owner gets off the bus, turn on this function with one key, and the vehicle can find a parking space to park itself. It sounds very sci-fi, and Huawei has successfully brought this unprecedented intelligent driving experience to users through the technological breakthrough of intelligent driving perception technology, algorithm iteration and scene strategy. In other words, with this function, users can go to Sam and IKEA, drive directly to the entrance of the shopping mall or the entrance of the parking lot, and then go shopping, and Zhijie S7 can start the journey of finding a parking space by itself.

It is worth noting that through the blessing of perceptual technology, the parking function of Zhijie S7 can also understand the command gestures of the mall security guards, just like an old driver, it is very easy to drive to the target parking area.

Mainframe computer

There are also hidden technical points here. As we all know, when we are looking for a parking space, we often can only rely on human eyes to lock it, and we often call the whole car to find a parking space together. The parking and driving function of Zhijie S7, through the perception of cameras and sensors, has a much larger detection range than the human eye, so it is naturally more effective to find a parking space. What’s more, Huawei’s intelligent driving system also has a huge amount of data to support, sometimes it is a strange parking lot for car owners, but for Zhijie S7, the parking lanes and empty parking spaces here are well known, and it is naturally easier to find a parking space.

Independent parking in the parking lot, the safety factor is also guaranteed.

For intelligent driving, safety has always been an important topic. The parking function of Zhijie S7 also fully considers the safety of driving in the parking area. First of all, when passing, if the lane is not enough to pass with the opposite vehicle, it will back up first, wait for the opposite vehicle to pass, and then pass, so as to avoid traffic jam or collision between the two vehicles. And if the lane can be used by two cars in parallel, it will also control to slow down and pass slowly.

The steering wheel of a car

If you encounter pedestrians and roadblocks, the parking and driving function also has a strong pedestrian avoidance ability, and will plan the route to take the initiative to avoid. Behind parking and driving, there is a set of safety technology blessing of Huawei ADS 2.0 advanced intelligent driving assistance system. There is no doubt about the safety in the process of intelligent driving, including responding to the ghost probe behavior that pedestrians suddenly jump out, and it can quickly rely on the powerful AEB function for emergency braking, coupled with the slow driving speed controlled by the system, which further guarantees the safety.

In addition, in detail, the parking and driving function can also realize roaming to find a place. After reaching the target parking space, if the target parking space is occupied, it will automatically control roaming to find other parking spaces and automatically park. In the process of parking, if the vehicle detects that the parking space is too narrow, the system will control the rearview mirror to be put away first, and then stop automatically.

At the same time, the owner can also check the situation in front of the vehicle (real scene) in real time on the mobile App, check the location, and stop/start parking to avoid the worries of the owner. When the owner has finished shopping in the mall, he can start the calling function with one key of the mobile phone, and the vehicle will automatically start and arrive at the designated place, so that the owner’s whole family can get on the bus and leave directly.

Write at the end:

For the matter of finding a car and parking in a shopping mall, the capabilities of the parking and driving function of Zhijie S7 are quite comprehensive. First of all, it directly arranged the most troublesome thing of finding a parking space, so that the owner can get off the bus directly after arriving at the destination. Moreover, in the whole process of intelligent driving and parking, the control fineness and safety guarantee of the system are remarkable, and even after parking is fruitless, it can continue to roam to find a car. Finally, when the car mainly leaves, there is no need to find a car, but it becomes a car to find someone, completely realizing the comprehensive closed loop of parking and driving.

With the parking function, we can go to shopping malls and scenic spots on weekends and holidays, and the parking troubles can really be "completely eliminated with one click". It is reported that Zhijie S7 will be officially launched on November 28th, and we are also looking forward to experiencing this advanced parking and driving function as soon as possible.

The official listing order of M9 of "Two Rivers Building" has exceeded 50,000 vehicles.

On December 26th, the M9, which was jointly built by Celeste Automobile and Huawei, was officially listed. According to reports, the current booking of this model has reached 54,000 units and will be delivered in batches on February 26 next year.

Wenjie M9 locates a large SUV, based on a brand-new platform, which provides two power forms: extended range and pure electricity, and the acceleration time of 100 kilometers is 4.3 seconds and 4.9 seconds respectively.

In terms of battery life, the extended 52-degree battery version CLTC has a comprehensive battery life of 1402km and a pure battery life of 275km;. The pure electric version is equipped with Huawei’s "Whale" 800V high-voltage battery platform, which can last 150km after charging for 5 minutes and 630km under CLTC conditions.

As the most expensive flagship model of Huawei at present, Wenjie M9 is equipped with a number of Huawei’s latest technologies, such as Huawei’s Megapixel Smart Projection Headlights, Huawei Turing Chassis and Huawei’s AR-HUD system.

In terms of high-order intelligent driving, the whole vehicle is equipped with 27 sensors, including a newly designed 192-line laser radar, which can realize the high-order intelligent driving experience that can be opened with or without pictures in the country by the end of 2023.

It is reported that the Celeste Automobile Smart Factory, which produces M9, is located in Longsheng New Town, Liangjiang New District. It is built with super international leading standards, and integrates advanced technologies such as AI vision and big data to realize 100% automation of key processes, which can realize 0.05 mm blue light precision identification, more than 600 key points detection, 100% quality monitoring and traceability, and also realize the landing application of the world’s leading super-large 9000T die casting technology.

Cyrus is the first partner of Huawei HarmonyOS Zhixing. In 2022, the sales volume of the series of products created by both parties reached 75,000 units, which once became the fastest growing new energy brand in China.

The listing of the new M7 in Wenjie has achieved a success beyond expectations, with orders exceeding 100,000 vehicles in just over two months. According to the plan, 23,000 vehicles will be delivered in December this year and over 30,000 vehicles will be delivered monthly next year.

He Liyang, president of Celeste Automobile Co., Ltd. said that Celeste Automobile is rapidly increasing its production capacity, and will make every effort to let users experience the charm of AITO M9 as soon as possible, and have the confidence to create a new industry record.

Junior year married, senior year students, undergraduate students take baby to shoot graduation photo into online celebrity.

  Near the graduation season, a group of photos of "National People’s Congress graduates bring their babies to take photos of undergraduate graduation photo" set off a circle of friends. Compared with the combination of handsome men and beautiful women, the children under 2 years old in the photo obviously attracted more attention.

  Parent-child graduation photo Huobao Network

  Recently, Mao Yanzheng, a photographer who once became popular for shooting "Goddess of the National People’s Congress", posted a group of photos of this year’s graduates through his personal WeChat WeChat official account. Once the photos were sent out, they quickly attracted a lot of attention and forwarding. It’s just that this time it’s not a beautiful graduate who attracts everyone’s attention, but a young couple of undergraduate graduates.

  Photographer Mao Yanzheng said: "On campus, I have seen people wearing doctoral uniforms and occasionally met people wearing master’s uniforms, but this is the first time I have seen a child wearing a bachelor’s uniform to take pictures with his parents, and his parents are also wearing bachelor’s uniforms."

  In the photo, the young couple, like many campus couples, chose to record their graduation time in front of the school gate, playground, Wu Yuzhang sculpture and other representative buildings. What is different is that they have a "little model" around them, their son who is over one year old.

  Graduates of the same age threw up their graduation caps at the school gate to celebrate. The undergraduate couple have already thrown up their babies. Therefore, the couple are called "winners in life" by many friends. Some people envy their loving feelings and marvel at the speed of their lives. Of course, some people question whether it is appropriate to be a parent so young.

  According to a teacher of the National People’s Congress, the school has no special regulations for students to get married and have children. In previous years, master students and doctoral students took photos of graduation photo with their children from time to time, while those wearing bachelor’s uniforms took photos of their parents.

  Start a business while raising children

  Liao Siqi, a girl in the photo, is a 2012 student in the School of Journalism of Renmin University of China. She went to Columbia University for an exchange for half a year.

  According to the memories of their college friends, their love began in their sophomore year. "Not many students can achieve positive results during their undergraduate years. To be honest, they can see that they are doing well, which is a little unexpected, but reasonable, and the rest are blessings."

  When everyone’s impression of Liao Siqi still stays as the host of the 75th anniversary celebration party of Renmin University, she has upgraded her role and become a young mother.

  She shared on her WeChat WeChat official account: "Before he was born, I looked forward to the baby’s birth every day. But when I heard the baby’s first cry, an unprecedented pressure forced me to raise a new life. "

  Fortunately, unlike the TV series in which young parents are always dazzled by their children, the young post-90s couple soon found their own parenting methods. Make it cool and easy to take care of the baby. "Without the guidance of nurses, I downloaded a lot of maternal and child apps with my father, bought a lot of books to take care of children, paid attention to many maternal and child websites, and even searched various papers at home and abroad in the academic database." The child’s father said: "Without the guidance of the previous generation, we were like a blank sheet of paper at first, which made us willing to try and summarize all kinds of new knowledge and methods of parenting." A little practice and research made the young parents adapt to the new role quickly.

  In May of this year, they started their entrepreneurial career together when they were about to graduate. They hoped to pass on their special parenting experience and ideas, and new products would be launched later. Liao Siqi said: "I became a mother when I was very young. Although many people think that having children will be a burden in my life, in my heart, having a son is my most correct and happiest decision. At this age, there are the most youthful and beautiful us and the cutest little baby. My child’s father and I are not only accompanying but also growing up with him. "

  Parenting is an adventure, and she hopes to help more babies and parents with her parenting experience, "in this wonderful life journey, the harvest is happy and complete."

  The same university, different choices

  As an old friend, Lu Xingji from the School of Journalism of the National People’s Congress told the Beijing Youth Daily reporter: "When I learned that they had a baby during their undergraduate years, my first reaction was ‘ Not reliable ’ 。” But after witnessing with his own eyes how the young couple took care of their children over one year old without the help of their family elders, Lu Xingji said that he was really impressed by their experience. "I found that once I get started with this big event, people will become super reliable, which makes me realize that actually falling in love and getting married is a very important lesson for people at this stage of college, and it is also a kind of progress in life."

  Teacher Sun Jiazhou from the School of History of Renmin University also forwarded this group of graduation photo on social media. He said in his comments: "In ‘ Seeking truth from facts ’ I have seen a lot of photos taken in front of the school motto stone, but this photo shows the cheerful charm of life, which is unforgettable! "

  Of course, some students expressed different opinions. Several students said that although they wished the young parents well, they did not envy them. A student who is studying for a postgraduate degree told the reporter of Beiqing Daily that there are still many practical factors to consider when getting married early, but he obviously does not have it. Text/reporter Kong Lingqi

  Photography/Mao Yanzheng

How to choose Volvo S90 and XC60? Not just the difference between a car and an SUV

How to choose the same brand car and SUV? I believe that friends who are paying attention to Volvo are also struggling with how to choose S90 and XC60. On the surface, it seems to be the difference between medium and large cars and medium-sized SUVs, but what are the highlights and differences in various aspects? Let’s take a look at it next.

At present, the Volvo S90 (parameter picture) on sale is 2021 models, which provide five different configurations, and the manufacturer’s guide price range is: 406,900-505,900 yuan. Volvo XC60 has just completed the mid-term redesign. Currently, it sells 2022 models, offering 6 different configurations. The manufacturer’s guide price range is: 373,900-474,900 yuan.

Although the price of Volvo S90 is more expensive than XC60 at present, the S90 discount is not small. The discount range in Beijing is more than 80,000 yuan, and XC60 has just been listed, so there is no discount at present, but it is expected that it will start to offer in about half a year. Generally speaking, if you are not in a hurry to buy a car at present, the price of XC60 will be cheaper under the same preferential conditions.

The positioning of the two cars is completely different. Volvo S90 is a medium-sized car and Volvo XC60 is a medium-sized SUV, and the different positioning will also bring obvious differences in driving experience, riding experience and space.

At present, Volvo S90 and Volvo XC60 are both equipped with a 2.0T+48V light mixing combination, and their transmission systems are 8AT gearboxes, with a maximum power of 250 HP and a peak torque of 350 Nm. However, Volvo XC60 has a full-time four-wheel drive system, while S90 is driven by a front drive.

In terms of driving experience, although the two cars are equipped with the same powertrain, the height and center of gravity of the car and SUV are different, so the driving experience of S90 is better than that of XC60. The most obvious difference lies in the stability at high speed and the lateral supporting performance of the car body. The choice in this respect is also easy. I suggest you go to 4S to test drive the two cars yourself, and the difference is still obvious.

In terms of body size, the length/width/height of Volvo S90 are 5090/1879/1450mm and the wheelbase is 3061mm;; The length/width/height of Volvo XC60 are 4708/1902/1658mm and the wheelbase is 2865. Obviously S90 is longer in size, while Volvo XC60 is taller and wider.

In terms of seating space, the Volvo XC60 is more spacious and bright. After all, the height of the car body has an advantage, while the S90 gives people a sense of package, and the view is not as good as that of the XC60, but especially the comfort of the rear seats is better than that of the XC60.

There is no comparability in trunk storage, which is also the advantage of SUV models. The rear seats of Volvo XC60 support to be laid down in proportion to expand the space, which is more convenient and practical than the trunk of a car even if it is not expanded. Therefore, if friends who have higher requirements in this area choose XC60 directly, of course, it does not mean that S90 cannot meet the needs of long-distance travel, but it can be said that it is completely sufficient, mainly because of the storage capacity of large items.

In terms of configuration, Volvo S90 is also a mid-range model in its own car series. Compared with Volvo XC60, Volvo S90 has more configurations: the rear adjustment button of the co-pilot seat, CarPlay support, 16-speaker Harman Kardon stereo, adaptive far and near light, steering assist light, LED front fog light, 7-color interior atmosphere light, multi-layer sound insulation glass, rear sunshade, rear independent air conditioner, negative ion generator and so on.

The Volvo XC60 has more: full-speed adaptive cruise, steep descent, electric trunk, wireless charging of front mobile phones, and proportional seating. On the whole, S90 has achieved the level that this class of vehicles should have, and can provide excellent advanced feeling and comfort. The new XC60 has also been upgraded in terms of configuration, and its practical performance is not bad, but it is worse than S90 in terms of luxury.

Summary: After comparison, we can find that although the two models come from the same brand, the price is close and the power is exactly the same, there are still obvious differences because of the different positioning. Volvo S90 is more business-oriented, more suitable for commuting or business reception in the city, and the comfort and luxury in the back row are better than XC60. The XC60 is more suitable for family cars, and the SUV is more practical in terms of passability and versatility.

There are problems with the the State Council Grand Inspector’s action on harbin used car transaction, and relevant local departments have put forward rectification plans.

  Xinhua News Agency, Harbin, August 28th Question: There are problems in harbin used car trading, and relevant local departments have put forward rectification plans.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Ren Liying from Xinhua Viewpoint

  Foreign cars are forced to take the opportunity to collect money by measuring exhaust gas when they move in, and the formal invoices are "not mutually recognized", so it is difficult to do things without looking for an intermediary … … Recently, according to the clues reflected by the masses through the "internet plus Inspection" platform in the State Council, the third inspection team of the ninth inspection of the State Council found that there were multiple problems in the second-hand car trading in Harbin.

  It is difficult to do the final inspection "inside and outside are different", the invoices "don’t recognize each other" and it is difficult to find an intermediary.

  The masses reported that when the owners of second-hand cars went through the relevant formalities of moving from other places to Harbin, even if the environmental inspection and annual inspection of the vehicles were within the validity period, they were forced to carry out exhaust gas testing, otherwise they could not handle the transfer. However, the transfer of used cars in Harbin does not need to detect exhaust gas.

  The staff of the inspection team made unannounced visits, accompanied several car owners to several motor vehicle registration service stations in Daoli District and Songbei District of Harbin, and dmv, the traffic control department of the public security organ, and were all told that if vehicles outside Harbin move in, the vehicle exhaust must be tested, and the relevant test report should be issued by the testing agency, and the transfer registration can only be carried out if the test results are qualified. Members of the inspection team saw at the scene that a car owner had paid the 180 yuan inspection fee.

  Field vehicle exhaust detection site. Xinhua News Agency reporter Ren Liying photo

  According to the data provided by the Traffic Police Corps of Heilongjiang Provincial Public Security Department, the number of foreign cars transferred to Harbin in 2021 was 55,575. According to the inspection team, these vehicles are tested for exhaust gas in Harbin, and the charges for each vehicle range from 80 yuan to 240 yuan.

  In addition, some people reported to the inspection team that some motor vehicle registration service stations take advantage of the special advantages of issuing invoices for used car transactions and assisting in handling motor vehicle registration business, and only recognize the transaction invoices issued by their own markets, and refuse to handle business, which creates obstacles to the free trading of used cars.

  Members of the inspection team took the formal invoices issued by other used car markets and went to Harbin Hongda International Automobile City Motor Vehicle Registration Service Station and Guangquan Motor Vehicle Registration Service Station to handle the transfer business, but they were all rejected. Asked about the specific reasons, the staff said, "You paid the money elsewhere, printed the invoice, and then came to me to do business, but you didn’t give me the money. How can I recognize your invoice?"

  Used car inspection site. Xinhua News Agency reporter Ren Liying photo

  According to the service telephone provided on the "Traffic Management 12123”App, the inspection team randomly selected the Guancheng Motor Vehicle Registration Service Station and Yuanpeng Motor Vehicle Registration Service Station in Harbin for telephone consultation, and found that there was a widespread problem of mutual non-recognition of invoices among service stations.

  Under various obstacles, second-hand car trading can’t move without intermediary. A second-hand car buyer said that in Harbin, if the intermediary company is not paid a "service fee", it is very difficult for individuals to complete the transfer procedures.

  The inspection team found that many motor vehicle registration service stations and agency agencies often charge a package of "service fees" in the name of invoicing, exhaust gas detection, vehicle inspection, transfer, licensing, etc., with prices ranging from 100 yuan to 500 yuan.

  The implementation of policies and regulations is not in place, and the regulatory obligations are not fulfilled.

  The inspection team said that since the beginning of this year, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council have issued a series of documents, emphasizing that unreasonable and discriminatory access and exit conditions should not be set to restrict the free flow of goods, services and factor resources; It is clearly required to steadily increase mass consumption such as automobiles and completely cancel the policy of restricting the movement of used cars. Relevant departments in Harbin failed to update their service functions and norms in accordance with the new national policies, resulting in poor market circulation and a burden on the people.

  In view of the difficulty in mutual recognition of unified invoices, industry insiders said that some motor vehicle registration service stations in Harbin refused to recognize transaction invoices issued by other markets for their own profits for various reasons, reflecting that local authorities failed to effectively perform their supervision and management functions while delegating power, which disrupted the order of the used car trading market.

  In addition, the inspection team indicated that there were many problems in circulation management in harbin used car, involving a wide range, which troubled the people for many years, but the local commercial and public security departments involved turned a blind eye, reflecting to some extent that the relevant departments failed to keep up with the supervision while delegating power.

  Clean up and rectify arbitrary charges and simplify trading links

  The inspection team suggested that the relevant localities should improve their political positions, further improve the rules and regulations, strengthen the daily supervision and management of motor vehicle registration service stations, clean up and rectify the problems of adding restrictions on moving, non-mutual recognition of invoices and opaque fees in the field of second-hand car trading, simplify the second-hand car trading links, and enhance the convenience and sense of acquisition of people in handling related businesses.

  It is reported that at present, relevant departments in Harbin have put forward rectification plans for corresponding problems and standardized the used car trading market.

  The Harbin Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment issued a notice, requiring all motor vehicle exhaust testing institutions in the city to stop the inspection and testing of foreign used cars that meet the national emission standards of air pollutants for motor vehicles in use and are within the validity period of motor vehicle emission inspection.

  Harbin Municipal Bureau of Public Security and Traffic Management clarifies the requirements for the circulation of invoices for used car transactions to all motor vehicle registration service stations. After review, the relevant invoices issued by non-local markets will normally handle relevant business for motor vehicle owners, and they shall not shirk or refuse to handle them on the grounds of non-local market issuance; At the same time, Harbin Public Security Traffic Management Bureau also put forward relevant requirements for the standardized construction of motor vehicle registration service stations.

Rehabilitation experts suggest: go skiing in Harbin, safety first.

In this winter of 2024, the first online celebrity city is Harbin in the northeast. Ice and snow enthusiasts flocked to Harbin to experience the speed and passion in the ice and snow, which made the ski resort popular.

However, do you really understand the beautiful Harbin snow field? Harbin is located in the northeast of China, with persistent cold in winter, more smoke in the morning and short-term snowstorm. The average minimum temperature in January is -24.6℃. The freezing period is about 5 months. Wang Xi, the nurse in charge of ward 6 of Shanghai Ruijin Rehabilitation Hospital, told the reporter that such climatic conditions may be difficult for some people from the south or warmer regions to adapt to, which may easily lead to frostbite or hypothermia.

"Therefore, it is very important for tourists who are willing to go skiing in the Northeast to enhance their safety awareness." Wang Xi reminded that before enjoying the happiness brought by ice and snow sports, you must know the local weather conditions and snow trails, take precautions against cold, and don’t take risks blindly. At the same time, choosing regular ski resorts and qualified coaches is also a necessary condition to reduce risks.

Bao Yong, deputy director of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Shanghai Ruijin Rehabilitation Hospital, suggested that skiing is interesting. In skiing, due to the characteristics of fast speed, changeable movements and complex venues, there is a certain probability of various accidents and injuries, and we should face up to the risk factors. Common skiing injuries include fracture, joint dislocation and ligament tear.

For novices and people with insufficient experience, skiing may bring safety risks and physical challenges. The following people need to be more vigilant: 

Older people:

Due to the decline of physical function, the elderly have weak adaptability to the cold environment. In the northeast where the temperature is tens of degrees below zero, the elderly are prone to problems in the respiratory system and cardiovascular system. In addition, skiing is a high-intensity exercise, and the elderly may be unable to bear such physical exertion.

Children and adolescents:

Body organs such as bones, muscles and joints of children and adolescents are in the development stage and relatively fragile. Skiing is a high-intensity exercise, which easily leads to sports injuries such as fractures and joint dislocation, and affects the normal development of the body. At this stage, children have limited knowledge and judgment of danger and are prone to accidents.

If parents want to take children and teenagers skiing, it is suggested that they choose appropriate equipment, do adequate warm-up exercises, understand safety rules and basic skills, study under the guidance of experienced coaches, be familiar with ski resorts, arrange exercise time and intensity reasonably, pay attention to health conditions and do a good job in sun protection.

People with poor physical fitness or poor physical condition:

Skiing is a high-intensity sport, which needs good physical fitness and physical quality to support it. If you are in poor physical fitness or poor health, you may feel tired, weak or unable to keep your balance during skiing, which will increase the risk of falling or being injured. If you suffer from diseases such as heart disease, hypertension, glaucoma, osteoarthritis, asthma, etc., it is easier to aggravate your illness and have accidents.

In addition, when skiing, the temperature is low. In cold places, people with poor physical fitness may have colds, fever or other health problems because they can’t adapt to the cold environment. Especially in alpine skiing, the altitude is higher, the oxygen is thin, and the requirements for cardiopulmonary function are higher. People with poor health may have altitude sickness.

Pregnant women:

Skiing is a high-intensity sport, which requires fast movement and strong body control. Pregnant women have a special physical condition during pregnancy, and strenuous exercise may lead to fetal instability and increase the risk of premature delivery or miscarriage. In order to ensure the safety of mother and baby, it is best for pregnant women not to participate in high-risk sports such as skiing.

Lack of skiing experience:

For people with no skiing experience or low skills, it is easy to have accidents when they try skiing for the first time. On the steep snow slope in the northeast, it is difficult for inexperienced people to control the speed and direction, which increases the risk of falling and colliding. Therefore, it is suggested to study and train in other places first, or choose a relatively gentle ski trail to accumulate some skiing experience, and then go to the northeast to challenge the difficult ski trail.

In short, before planning to ski in Harbin, we should evaluate whether our physical condition and skill level are suitable for skiing. If you have any questions, it is recommended to carefully consider whether to go. When skiing, be sure to pay attention to safety, wear protective equipment and strictly abide by the rules and instructions of the ski resort to ensure the safety of yourself and others. Only by doing this can we fully enjoy the fun of skiing.

Reporter/Zhang Yi

Editor/Sun Chong

Correspondent/Wang Xi

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I heard that there are pesticide residues in tea? Tea lovers should not panic.

  It’s spring tea season again. The problem of pesticide residues in tea can be said to have never stopped, and there will be some very eye-catching posts from time to time. Let’s talk about whether the problem of pesticide residues in tea is serious today. Is drinking tea really equal to drinking pesticides?

  Why do you want to use pesticides in tea?

  Tea is widely loved because of its natural and healthy properties, and even a necessary drink for many people every day. Tea drinkers naturally hope that the tea they drink is green and pollution-free, without pesticides or other harmful substances, but this is unrealistic.

  Tea trees usually grow in a warm and humid environment, which is prone to pests and diseases, and the use of pesticides is inevitable in the process of large-scale planting. According to statistics, there are dozens of pesticides used on tea trees or tea leaves at present, mainly pesticides and herbicides.

  What pesticides are mainly used in tea?

  China began to use pesticides in tea production in the early 1950s, with a history of more than 60 years. In the first 20 years, DDT and HCH were mainly used in tea, so the level of pesticide residues in tea at that stage was the highest.

  Later, people gradually realized that these pesticides would remain in the environment for a long time and would not be degraded, so that they could be found in almost every corner of the earth, which brought lasting pain to our living environment, so countries banned their production and use one after another.

  With the development of society, more and more pesticides with high residue or high toxicity have been eliminated and replaced by some pesticides with high efficiency and low toxicity. Tea is no exception. The Food Safety Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC) stipulates that it is forbidden to use highly toxic and highly toxic pesticides in crops such as vegetables, fruits, tea and Chinese herbal medicines.

  Is the pesticide residue on tea harmful?

  Since pesticides are applied to tea, there will inevitably be some residues, but there are two different things: pesticide residues and pesticide residues exceeding the standard.

  All the pesticides allowed to be used in tea by the state are low toxic pesticides, and the Maximum Pesticide Residue Limit in Food of National Standard for Food Safety (GB2763-2016) stipulates the limit requirements of 48 pesticides in tea. These limit values are obtained according to scientific risk assessment. As long as the pesticide residue in tea does not exceed the standard, it is safe for consumers.

  Moreover, most of the fat-soluble pesticides used in tea are pyrethroids, and the amount that can be leached into tea is very limited in the process of making tea.

  In short, having pesticide residues does not mean harm. The human body is not so "incompetent", it can metabolize a small amount of pesticides or other harmful substances that enter the body, or it is a cliche: it is hooliganism to talk about toxicity without dosage! Not only tea, but also pesticide residues in other agricultural products.

  How to reduce pesticide residues in tea?

  Although the pesticide residues in qualified tea that meet the standards are safe for consumers’ health, everyone definitely wants to consume as little pesticides as possible. In order to reduce pesticide residues in tea, we can start from the following aspects:

  1. Tea farmers use pesticide varieties with low residue and easy degradation in accordance with state regulations, and strictly control the usage.

  2. Ensure the safe interval of tea picking. As a kind of plant, tea itself has a certain metabolic ability to pesticides. Picking tea after spraying pesticides for a period of time (ranging from 7 to 15 days) can significantly reduce the residual pesticides in tea.

  3. Using ecological control measures to control pests and reduce the use of pesticides will also greatly reduce pesticide residues in tea.

  Consumers should buy tea produced by regular manufacturers.

  Text/Dr. Wang Xiaodan

What is the game?

What’s the game? This is a question that has caused numerous discussions and controversies. For game lovers and game designers, it is very interesting and important to explore the nature of games. Games have undoubtedly become an inseparable part of our lives. Whether playing mini-games on mobile phones or enjoying masterpieces on computers or mainframes, games are affecting and changing our lifestyle.

For many people, games are a way of entertainment and relaxation. Games can bring us happiness and fun, and become a way to relieve stress. When we are immersed in the game world, we can temporarily put down all kinds of pressures and troubles in real life. Games can let us enter all kinds of virtual worlds, where we can experience adventures and experiences completely different from real life. Games can make us feel a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. By solving difficult problems or completing tasks, we can get an unparalleled sense of satisfaction. Games can also be a bond between friends. Through games, we can work as a team to overcome difficulties and enhance our friendship.

However, the essence of the game goes far beyond this. Games are also a way to learn and grow. Many educators and parents have realized the potential of games and incorporated them into education and training. Through games, we can learn a lot of knowledge and skills, such as teamwork, problem solving, creativity and innovation. Games can make us face challenges and failures, and through constant trial and practice, we can finally succeed. Games can also cultivate our observation, reaction and strategic thinking. Therefore, games have gradually become an important educational tool and are widely used in schools and training institutions.

There is another important essence of games, and that is socialization. With the development and popularization of the Internet, the game has evolved from a stand-alone game to an online game. Through games, we can interact and compete with players from all over the world. Whether working as a team or fighting against competition, games can bring us opportunities to interact with others. We can become friends with strangers or keep in touch with old friends. The social essence of the game is not only online, but also extends to offline. Many games will hold offline activities and competitions, and players can get together in person, exchange ideas and experience the real game atmosphere.

Besides, games are also a form of art and entertainment. The game has attracted the attention of countless players with its unique storyline, design style and musical sound effects. Games can create beautiful pictures and scenes that people can immerse themselves in. The flexible play and mechanism of the game often bring endless surprises and fun. Game designers use a variety of skills and creativity to create a variety of games to meet the interests and needs of different players.

To sum up, the nature of the game is diverse. It is not only a way of entertainment and relaxation, but also a way of learning and growth, a platform for social interaction and communication, and also a form of art and entertainment. By giving us fun and challenges, games allow us to enter the virtual world and gain satisfaction and growth from it. Whether we are players or designers, exploring and understanding the nature of the game will bring us a more in-depth and comprehensive game experience. Game has become a unique and important cultural phenomenon, which not only changes our way of life, but also has a far-reaching impact on our way of thinking and social interaction.

The great loss of China football: the Chinese Super League created 21 goals alone, or South Korean foreign aid or 0 yuan left the team!

In the course of football in China, foreign aid has always played a decisive role. Among them, the 33-year-old foreign aid Jin Yuyou from South Korea has become a leader in the Super League. According to the Korean media OSEN report, Jin Jianyou received quotations from many giants in Japan’s J League and South Korea’s K League when his contract was about to expire, and is expected to leave the Super League for free.

Jin Jianyou’s career began in 2010, and he started his own football tour in the J League team Bird Habitat Sandstone. He also played for South Shui Yuan’s Samsung and Jin Quan’s Shangwu, and has rich experience in Korean leagues. In 2022, Jin Jianyou joined Chengdu Rongcheng with his mentor Xu Zhengyuan and quickly became the backbone of the team. According to sources, even J-League teams qualified for the AFC Champions League have taken a keen interest in Jin Jianyou, taking a fancy to his advantages of being fluent in Japanese and competent in multiple positions.

This season, Jin Jianyou played 23 Super League games for Chengdu Rongcheng, contributing 6 goals and 4 assists. Last season, he also handed in four goals and seven assists. After two seasons, Jin Jianyou scored 21 goals in the Super League, showing his excellent offensive ability. It is worth mentioning that the new Football Association will soon follow up the AFC Champions League foreign aid policy, and the Super League is expected to restart Asian foreign aid. At this critical moment, it will undoubtedly be a great loss for China football to let Jin Guiyou go.

Jin Jianyou’s play in Chengdu Rongcheng can be described as incisive, and his departure will undoubtedly make the team and fans feel sorry. However, the vagaries of the football world make all this unpredictable. Jin Guiyou’s free departure may bring opportunities to other teams in the Super League, but for China football, it is undoubtedly a loss if he finally loses such a powerful player.

Among Jin Guiyou’s potential next home, teams from J League and K League have offered him olive branches. This Korean foreign aid who can speak fluent Japanese is likely to continue his brilliant career in Asia. While facing great competitive pressure, the Super League team also needs to constantly adjust its strategy and plan for the team’s future. Under the background of AFC Champions League policy adjustment, Chinese Super League teams need to increase the signing efforts and cultivate more powerful Asian foreign aid. Although it is a pity that Jin Guiyou will leave, it may inspire the team and the Football Association to change their signing strategies. Let’s look forward to the performance of China football in the future and see if Chengdu Rongcheng can make up for this vacancy and reproduce its glory. (Laoqiu Super Ball Review)