Expert advice on "difficult to implement" the new car-hailing policy: Stimulate market vitality

  The rapid changes brought by the new economy to society and the adjustment of the interest pattern are fully reflected in the field of online car-hailing. On the one hand, the platformization and networking characteristics of the new economy expand the scope and depth of contradictions. On the other hand, the new policy of online car-hailing involves a wide range, and the game of interests increases the difficulty of implementing the new policy.

  "Economic Information Daily" reporter learned that the "Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Business Services" has been implemented for more than half a year, and many local governments have not yet issued detailed implementation rules. Some cities that have issued detailed rules but have higher thresholds face "difficulties in landing".

  Many industry insiders and experts suggest that we should be fully aware of the role of the sharing economy represented by online car-hailing in promoting social employment and transforming social management models. It is recommended to use the "subtraction" of power in exchange for the "multiplication" of market vitality.

  The new policy of online car-hailing in some cities is "difficult to implement"

  The reporter learned that as of April 24, 2017, 85 cities had issued detailed rules for the implementation of online car-hailing, 115 cities had completed the consultation, and more than 100 cities had not yet completed the consultation.

  In some areas where new policies have been introduced, the implementation of policies still faces a game situation. The reporter learned that the main focus of the game between policy requirements and platform interests is twofold: first, whether to implement household registration, vehicle, wheelbase and other requirements; second, what degree of access to the operation data of the supervision platform needs to be reached and what content is included.

  In practice, some cities took into account the capacity of the local taxi market and the strategic needs of urban development, and imposed more restrictions on drivers’ household registration, vehicle price and wheelbase. Some platforms have calculated that the implementation of the new policy in cities with higher thresholds will reduce their online car-hailing capacity by more than 90%, which is a heavy blow to the platform.

  At the same time, the platform-based characteristics of online car-hailing break the tradition of "the company is local" in the past. If the online car-hailing platform does not set up a local subsidiary, the local management department may not find a communication partner during supervision, which exacerbates the difficulty of solving the problem.

  On the other hand, the new economy represented by online ride-hailing platforms quickly grabbed market share with the help of subsidies and financing, but this fast pace has had a great impact on the balance of the traditional taxi industry in a short period of time. At the same time, in some higher threshold areas, it has also caused a large "crowding out effect" for online ride-hailing drivers. These factors have led to constant friction between cruise car drivers and online ride-hailing drivers in some places.

  According to Didi Chuxing statistics, as of February 2017, the total number of registered drivers on the Didi platform reached more than 17.50 million. Active drivers on the Didi platform 2 million, with a per capita daily income of more than 160 yuan, and the total number of taxi drivers in various cities across the country has reached 2 million. At the same time, there are thousands of software and algorithm engineers behind Didi.

  All parties have mixed reactions to the new policy of online car-hailing

  The reporter learned that the implementation of the new policy varies widely across the country, and the views of all parties on the online car-hailing industry have also fluctuated.

  Some local new policies have passed the implementation deadline, but non-compliant online car-hailing is still in operation. Cruise car drivers do not know whether to stay in their jobs, and online car-hailing drivers do not know whether to change careers.

  According to statistics from the Beijing Municipal Transportation Commission, after the emergence of online car-hailing, the income of cruise car drivers fell from about 6,500 yuan in 2013 to about 4,500 yuan in the first half of 2016. From 2014 to 2016, the driver team lost nearly 10,000 people. However, taxi operations have recently improved.

  A Didi executive who did not want to be named said that after the introduction of the new policy, Didi’s online car-hailing business also experienced a sharp decline, and drivers were losing a lot.

  According to reports, before the Spring Festival in 2017, the average daily number of taxi calls by passengers in some big cities increased sharply from more than 300,000 to 900,000, and the response rate of taxis on the Didi platform was only 40%. In addition, after the new policy was gradually implemented, the transportation capacity of Didi Kuaidi special car decreased, and the response rate dropped from 90% in October 2016 to about 50% in March 2017, which greatly reduced the travel experience of passengers.

  Capital markets have also begun to hesitate, "unsure" of the market prospects of online car-hailing platforms. Due to the impact of the new policy on the market, the market valuation of many online car-hailing platform companies has declined, which has also affected the layout of enterprises at home and abroad. Some industry insiders said that the enthusiasm of domestic venture capital capital for the sharing economy such as online car-hailing has subsided.

  The implementation of the New Deal is difficult to reflect management anxiety

  The Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Booking Taxi Business Services have been in place for more than half a year, but the implementation details in many places have not yet been issued.

  The demand for online car-hailing varies from place to place. Some places believe that cities should give priority to the development of public transportation, and online car-hailing is only a supplement and should be more "high-end" than cruise taxis. Therefore, higher thresholds are set for online car-hailing models, prices, displacements, and wheelbases. There are also some places that want online car-hailing to take into account both high, medium and low-end needs. For example, Haikou has abolished the displacement limit of online car-hailing, while Lijiang and Hanzhong have chosen to connect cruise taxis to online car-hailing platforms as a whole.

  Shouqi car-hailing CEO Wei Dong said that road traffic congestion in first-tier cities in our country is serious, and it is reasonable for local management departments to choose to raise the threshold for online car-hailing, while the taxi market in second- and third-tier cities is not saturated, and the online car-hailing policy can be relaxed a little.

  As for whether the number of taxis should be controlled. A grassroots cadre said that the Ministry of Construction issued the "Urban Road Traffic Planning and Design Specifications" in 1995, which stipulated that the number of taxis in large cities should be 20 per 10,000 people and 15 in small and medium-sized cities. This became the standard for calculating and controlling the number of taxis in most cities.

  However, there are also opinions that this standard has not changed for many years, and that online car-hailing is not the main cause of road traffic congestion, so quantitative control should be liberalized in a timely manner. The "Analysis Report on Beijing Road Traffic Operation Based on Didi Big Data" released by Professor Yan Xuedong’s research group at Beijing Jiaotong University in October 2016 believes that online car-hailing uses economic laws as a lever to adjust the supply and demand of the traffic market, and uses information symmetry as the core to match the supply and demand, which helps to reduce the rate of empty vehicles.

  In many places, the development of online car-hailing has led to a shrinkage in the price of taxi licenses, and some taxi drivers and license-speculating intermediaries have been seriously damaged. For example, some urban taxi licenses have increased from 200,000 yuan in the past to 800,000 yuan, due to online car-hailing competition and reduced to 400,000 yuan.

  Some industry insiders say that the formulation of the local version of the new car-hailing policy faces multiple interests. Before the reform of the taxi industry, drivers had lifetime licenses, which made them lack the incentive to improve their services. If the depreciation of the license is used to redeem and other means to accelerate the withdrawal of local taxi companies, these companies may find it difficult to accept.

  The law enforcement of online car-hailing has also caused administrative reconsideration in various places. An executive of a car rental company in Nanjing said that private cars in Nanjing were converted to operating vehicles. When they were connected to the platform, the passenger management office of the traffic bureau allowed them, but the vehicle management office of the public security bureau failed the annual inspection. Many private cars have been difficult to access the online car-hailing platform.

  An official from the Kunshan Municipal Transportation Bureau said that some platforms have openly resisted the law, not only encouraging vehicles punished in Kunshan to file for administrative reconsideration, but also reimbursing fines. Some local transportation management departments have frequently received administrative reconsideration for online car-hailing, and they are basically unable to do other things.

  Xu Kangming, a taxi reform expert, believes that after the release of the local new policy, measures should be taken to allow illegal people and vehicles to withdraw, otherwise it will destroy the fair market environment. On the one hand, cruise taxi companies cannot expand their scale, and on the other hand, law-abiding online car-hailing companies will pay a high price.

  Safeguarding the "source of vitality" of the sharing economy

  Some experts interviewed believe that they should be fully aware of the role of the sharing economy represented by ride-hailing in promoting social employment and transforming social management models, and suggest "subtraction" of power in exchange for "multiplication" of market vitality.

  In-depth research on ride-hailing companies and conduct scientific assessments. The sharing economy represented by ride-hailing poses new challenges to the urban traffic management model. Behind the transformation of the momentum of the old and new economies is the differentiation of the beneficiary groups of the old and new economies. Industry insiders believe that the beneficiary groups of the old economy are more concentrated and highly organized, but the beneficiary groups of the new economy are more extensive and the voice is more scattered. Therefore, in policy formulation, the affordability of the beneficiary groups of the old economy should be considered, as well as the breadth of the beneficiary groups of the new economy.

  The rise of platform economies such as Didi, Alibaba, and Tencent is supported by strong capital, which has also benefited many people. And the credit economy, platformization, and big data management may give birth to new technologies such as smart transportation, driverless driving, and vehicle to everything. These are the trends of future economic and social development. They are also an important support for the government to build new management functions. It should be treated with a more open mind.

  A Didi executive said that although the "zombie cars" of Didi’s platform are not easy to manage, it said that the surplus capacity of social vehicles can be fully released when the urban capacity is tight. Cheng Wei, founder and CEO of Didi Chuxing, said that if China is to achieve the corner overtaking the western industrial powers, it is a big opportunity to transform the traditional industrial industry with the Internet thinking.

  On the one hand, formulate a relatively scientific withdrawal and compensation mechanism to reduce the anxiety of social group transformation. During the transition period of the New Deal, many full-time online car-hailing drivers may lose their jobs. It is recommended to carry out relevant policy explanation and guidance work to attract them to work part-time on platforms such as car rental companies.

  On the other hand, science foresees the challenges that taxi part-time may bring. The sharing economy model may lead to a wider range of part-time jobs for drivers, which will increase the difficulty of management and may also impact the average income level of the taxi industry. Car rental companies can be encouraged to increase their own vehicles to cope with the ebb and flow of Internet supply, and the average income of the taxi industry can be monitored and evaluated to guide the development of the industry scientifically.

Revisiting Red Star: Watch "Break the Cocoon and Become a Butterfly" Unleash the Rise of Xingtai Manufacturing

The newly launched Red Star Automobile new energy city logistics vehicle. Photo by Su Linhao

Recently, the production workshop of Hebei Red Star Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. was a busy scene: the robotic arm flew up and down, the AGV trolley shuttled back and forth, the data on the screen jumped, and the technical workers were busy working… A brand new energy city logistics vehicle drove out of the production line in an orderly manner.

Back in time, back in the 20th century, Red Star Motor carried the pride of the people of Xingtai: China’s first station wagon was produced here; the country’s first highly automated automobile production line was established; in 1976, it was honored as "Oriental Beauty" at the Paris Auto Expo; it was awarded honorary titles such as "Top 500 Domestic Enterprises" and "Top Ten Stars in Hebei". However, due to various factors, Red Star Motor once fell into silence.

In recent years, in order to realize the dream of revitalizing the automobile industry, the whole city has overcome various difficulties, seized the opportunities of the times, and promoted Red Star Automobile to regain its new life. Not long ago, Red Star Automobile’s first batch of new energy urban logistics vehicles BOX1 was mass-produced and delivered to customers. With the completion of the four major workshop technical transformation projects, Red Star has fully entered the state of automated production in the new era, becoming an important engine to promote the transformation and upgrading of Xingtai’s automobile industry.

■ Products have gone global and won the reputation of "Oriental Beauty"

"Red Star cars have been continuously driven from Xingtai to the national market, and have also become designated vehicles for state organs." Recalling the glory of the 1970s and 1980s, Zhang Hongge, the former chief engineer of Red Star Automobile, is still excited.

As one of the earliest state-owned automobile manufacturers after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, Red Star Automobile was established in Beijing in 1960 and moved to Xingtai in 1970. The year of the relocation, the new factory began construction and was completed and put into operation, producing the first Red Star brand 620 station wagon.

Liu Minghai, chairperson of Red Star Automobile, introduced that at that time, Red Star Automobile also encountered some difficult technical problems. While studying relevant literature and analyzing advanced automobile samples at home and abroad, the staff proposed plans and conducted tests to overcome one difficulty after another.

Soon, Red Star Motor was favored by the market with its excellent products and quality, and the HX6400 station wagon became a leading product in the domestic industry. With its special chassis design, Red Star Motor was very popular in the market, and the "Red Star Technology" was promoted all over the country.

The appearance of Red Star Automobile has brought unprecedented pride to the people of Xingtai. Red Star Automobile became the designated car of the original CCTV "China Quality Miles" program team. During the national border visit, it drove 50,000 kilometers continuously without any failure, and won the China Consumers Association "Consumers Trust Domestic Car Gold Award"; represented China in the Paris Automobile Expo, and was praised as "Oriental Beauty" by the world’s auto authorities. The product has also been foreign aid to Tanzania, Zambia and other 23 countries.

■ All the way ups and downs, persevering to usher in new opportunities

Entering the late 1990s, Red Star Motor encountered development difficulties in the face of changes in the global automotive manufacturing landscape and other factors.

It has four complete manufacturing processes of stamping, welding, painting and final assembly, and has the qualification of "dual production" of fuel vehicles and new energy electric vehicles. How can Red Star Automobile be reborn and regain its former glory? Xingtai people have poured a lot of effort into this.

"We have been confused and confused, but our determination to save Red Star Automobile and expand and strengthen the new energy automobile industry has never wavered; we have been anxious and tired, but our belief in reviving the’two steam and one drag ‘and rejuvenating the’car dream’ of Xingtai people has never changed." Wang Yinming, secretary of the Xindu District Party Committee, said that in the face of the dual pressure of ensuring qualification and development, when the epidemic was serious last year, the district party committee and district government research team drove north to Changchun to seek cooperation and went south to Ningbo to negotiate docking.

With the strong leadership of the municipal party committee and municipal government and the efforts of cadres at all levels, Red Star Automobile has ushered in new hope: in April this year, Know New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. deepened cooperation with Xindu District, fully launched the research and development and production of Red Star new energy vehicles, and worked together to create a new variety of new energy urban logistics vehicles.

With a goal, there is a direction to work towards. Produce a prototype car, get an announcement, focus on technical improvement, and fast mass production… More than 200 days and nights, more than 1,000 staff, turned Red Star Automobile from an old factory with a strong historical imprint into a vibrant new enterprise.

In May this year, Red Star Automobile launched a technical transformation upgrade, which integrated domestic advanced automobile production equipment and stable and reliable manufacturing processes, realized digital control and management, and greatly improved the production accuracy and production efficiency of vehicle manufacturing. Red Star Automobile’s automation process level has reached the industry’s leading level.

Subsequently, Red Star Motors’ HX5030X pure electric van transporter and HX1030 pure electric truck chassis were approved by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology for the production of road motor vehicle products, meeting the conditions for mass marketing.

Competing for a new energy track to rejuvenate the dream of Xingtai people

The return of "Red Star" is no longer what it used to be.

On December 9th, the Xingtai New Energy Logistics Vehicle Industry Development Conference was held at the Red Star Automobile Factory. At the meeting, the first domestic all-positive R & D and design new energy urban logistics vehicle BOX1 developed by Red Star Automobile was rolled off the production line and delivered to customers on site, marking the full resumption of production of the "two cars and one drag" that carried the dream of Xingtai people to revive the automobile industry, and opened a new chapter in our city to build a new energy city and reshape a strong manufacturing city.

"This car is bold and avant-garde, with a Cyber Mecha style design, high shape recognition, and both quality and cost. It has the advantage of’Dora Run ‘and is specially developed for the urban logistics and transportation industry." Liu Minghai said that it is expected to achieve an annual output of 30,000 vehicles next year, with an output value of more than 3 billion yuan.

At present, Red Star Automobile is upgrading its automobile production, R & D and manufacturing bases, and is committed to building a full ecological chain of the new energy vehicle industry. The company has clarified the development strategy of domestic new energy logistics vehicle operation and international vehicle sales "flying on both wings", and plans to quickly open up the international market through export distribution.

The "Red Star" brand effect continues to be released, and Xingtai’s automobile industry has accelerated its recovery. At present, our city has formed a multi-point linkage characteristic automobile industry cluster, with the coordinated development of vehicles and parts, the near-ground supporting capacity has been significantly enhanced, and the agglomeration effect has gradually emerged.

"In accordance with the plan of the Seventh Plenary Session of the Tenth Municipal Party Committee, we will continue to do a good job of extending the chain and strengthening the chain, continue to promote the expansion and upgrading of the new energy automobile industry, accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system, and be the vanguard, leader and leader in reshaping Xingtai’s manufacturing industry." Wang Yinming said.

Xingtai Daily reporter Ji Mingquan, correspondent Tan Xue Zhang Xin

The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a foggy yellow warning at 6: 00 on January 6.

  CCTV News:The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a yellow fog warning at 06: 00 on January 6. It is estimated that there will be heavy fog in parts of Jiangsu, Shanghai, northern Anhui, southeastern Henan and central Sichuan Basin from the morning of the 6 th, including strong fog with visibility less than 200 meters in parts of central Jiangsu, central Anhui and central Sichuan Basin, and extremely strong fog with visibility less than 50 meters in local areas.

  Defense guide:

  1. Due to the low visibility on land, drivers should control their speed to ensure safety.

  2, airports, highways, ferry terminals to take measures to ensure traffic safety.

I heard that there are pesticide residues in tea? Tea lovers should not panic.

  It’s spring tea season again. The problem of pesticide residues in tea can be said to have never stopped, and there will be some very eye-catching posts from time to time. Let’s talk about whether the problem of pesticide residues in tea is serious today. Is drinking tea really equal to drinking pesticides?

  Why do you want to use pesticides in tea?

  Tea is widely loved because of its natural and healthy properties, and even a necessary drink for many people every day. Tea drinkers naturally hope that the tea they drink is green and pollution-free, without pesticides or other harmful substances, but this is unrealistic.

  Tea trees usually grow in a warm and humid environment, which is prone to pests and diseases, and the use of pesticides is inevitable in the process of large-scale planting. According to statistics, there are dozens of pesticides used on tea trees or tea leaves at present, mainly pesticides and herbicides.

  What pesticides are mainly used in tea?

  China began to use pesticides in tea production in the early 1950s, with a history of more than 60 years. In the first 20 years, DDT and HCH were mainly used in tea, so the level of pesticide residues in tea at that stage was the highest.

  Later, people gradually realized that these pesticides would remain in the environment for a long time and would not be degraded, so that they could be found in almost every corner of the earth, which brought lasting pain to our living environment, so countries banned their production and use one after another.

  With the development of society, more and more pesticides with high residue or high toxicity have been eliminated and replaced by some pesticides with high efficiency and low toxicity. Tea is no exception. The Food Safety Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC) stipulates that it is forbidden to use highly toxic and highly toxic pesticides in crops such as vegetables, fruits, tea and Chinese herbal medicines.

  Is the pesticide residue on tea harmful?

  Since pesticides are applied to tea, there will inevitably be some residues, but there are two different things: pesticide residues and pesticide residues exceeding the standard.

  All the pesticides allowed to be used in tea by the state are low toxic pesticides, and the Maximum Pesticide Residue Limit in Food of National Standard for Food Safety (GB2763-2016) stipulates the limit requirements of 48 pesticides in tea. These limit values are obtained according to scientific risk assessment. As long as the pesticide residue in tea does not exceed the standard, it is safe for consumers.

  Moreover, most of the fat-soluble pesticides used in tea are pyrethroids, and the amount that can be leached into tea is very limited in the process of making tea.

  In short, having pesticide residues does not mean harm. The human body is not so "incompetent", it can metabolize a small amount of pesticides or other harmful substances that enter the body, or it is a cliche: it is hooliganism to talk about toxicity without dosage! Not only tea, but also pesticide residues in other agricultural products.

  How to reduce pesticide residues in tea?

  Although the pesticide residues in qualified tea that meet the standards are safe for consumers’ health, everyone definitely wants to consume as little pesticides as possible. In order to reduce pesticide residues in tea, we can start from the following aspects:

  1. Tea farmers use pesticide varieties with low residue and easy degradation in accordance with state regulations, and strictly control the usage.

  2. Ensure the safe interval of tea picking. As a kind of plant, tea itself has a certain metabolic ability to pesticides. Picking tea after spraying pesticides for a period of time (ranging from 7 to 15 days) can significantly reduce the residual pesticides in tea.

  3. Using ecological control measures to control pests and reduce the use of pesticides will also greatly reduce pesticide residues in tea.

  Consumers should buy tea produced by regular manufacturers.

  Text/Dr. Wang Xiaodan

The specific meaning of the culture of "Oriental Sinology Originality"

The word "culture" is familiar to everyone, and everyone likes to label something as "culture", ranging from classical culture, modern culture, western culture and Asian culture to chopsticks culture, toilet culture and costume culture in daily life. So what is "culture"?

According to the search results displayed by Baidu Encyclopedia, the meaning of "culture" can be explained from at least three levels. First, from the perspective of western philosophy, culture is the expression of philosophical thoughts. Second, from the perspective of China’s philosophy, "Wen" and "Hua" first appeared together in the Book of Changes, Ben Gua and Bi Zhuan-"Rigid and flexible, astronomical; Civilization stops, so does humanity. It’s about astronomy to observe the changes of time, and it’s about humanities to turn into the world. " In this sentence, there is a clear distinction between "astronomy" and "humanism", in which "astronomy" refers to nature, while "humanism" refers to the spirit related to human life. In China’s traditional discourse system, the meaning of "culture" is mostly derived from it.

Third, on the level of social anthropology, culture in a broad sense is the sum of material wealth and spiritual wealth created by human beings in the process of social and historical practice; The narrow sense of culture is the explanation put forward by British culturist Taylor in his book Primitive Culture, that is, culture is a complex whole including knowledge, belief, art, morality, law, customs and the abilities and habits acquired by anyone as a member of society.

However, on the whole, I personally think that "culture" is a comprehensive summary of all beings with beautiful characteristics. Because judging from the emergence of "culture" and its relationship with human social life, the greatest influence of "culture" on people lies in letting people know beauty, know beauty and inherit beauty. Throughout ancient and modern China and foreign countries, the existence that can be called "culture" can basically give people beautiful impressions or feelings, such as poetry culture, from which readers can feel the beauty of language and rhythm, while clothing culture can make people feel the beauty of design and human body. At the same time, "beauty" is actually the dominant factor in the integration, guidance, order maintenance and inheritance of "culture". In addition, in a narrow sense, "culture" ultimately leads to "beauty of human nature". Why do we often refer to a person as a "literate person" instead of others? In essence, it is because this person gives others the impression that they understand beauty, kindness and elegance. We often say that we should inherit the traditional culture of China, but what we inherit is the beauty of China tradition. Where is the beauty? Beauty lies in the life of mutual respect, love for life and free choice among people.

Author: Shi Ying

How many swimming positions are there in swimming?

Everyone knows that swimming is very good for people’s health, and many people are keen on swimming now, so in this case, everyone has done some research on swimming. Many people are looking for their favorite postures when swimming in school, but they don’t know much about the specific and separable postures. Here are some specific introductions about swimming.


One of the swimming events. In 1896, the first Olympic Games began to be listed as an official event. Freestyle is not limited by any posture, crawl is the fastest, and crawl has become the only posture of freestyle. Crawling is like crawling, that is, paddling with both arms alternately and kicking with both legs alternately. This kind of swimming posture has reasonable structure, small resistance and even speed, and it is the fastest and most labor-saving swimming posture in the world at present.

The basic technical characteristics of freestyle are that the human body is prone in the water, with its head and shoulders slightly higher than the water surface. When swimming in, the trunk rolls around the longitudinal axis of the body appropriately, and the arms take turns paddling to push the body forward. After the hand enters the water, the paddling route is S-shaped, and the breathing and paddling movements are coordinated. When the arm paddles hard, use the water flow to inhale in the valleys formed on both sides of the head.


Breaststroke is an ancient swimming style. According to records, as early as 2000 ~ 4000 years ago, China, Rome and ancient Egypt had similar swimming styles. On August 24th, 1875, the famous swimmer M Webb swam across the English Channel in breaststroke, which lasted for 21 hours and 45 minutes. In the early 19th century, breaststroke was the first position adopted in swimming competitions. However, due to the slow speed of breaststroke, there are fewer and fewer people who swim sideways, crawl and use breaststroke in the competition. It was not until the third Olympic Games in 1904 that breaststroke was separated from other postures.

butterfly stroke

During the period from 1924 to 1936, the biggest innovation of breaststroke was that after the stroke, the arms were no longer moved forward from the water, but the arms were moved from the air but the legs were still clamped by breaststroke, and the deformation of breaststroke-butterfly stroke appeared. In butterfly swimming, the body lies prone in the water, and relies on the powerful strokes of the arms and the wavy strokes of the legs to push the body forward. There is no fixed body posture.


One of the swimming events. In 1900, the 2nd Olympic Games began to be listed as an official event. Backstroke includes backstroke and crawl backstroke. Reverse breaststroke is the earliest backstroke, which is similar to breaststroke in action and opposite in body posture. That is, the human body lies on its back on the water, and its arms paddle backwards from the head to the side. In the first few Olympic Games, the backstroke was held in an anti-breaststroke position. When backstroke, the body lies almost horizontally in the water, the chest naturally stretches in line with the abdomen, the head is submerged in the water, and the face is exposed to the water. When swimming in, the head always maintains an upright posture, and the trunk naturally rotates around the longitudinal axis due to the alternate paddling action of the two arms.

How many swimming positions are there in swimming? Different postures in swimming bring different exercises to different parts of people’s bodies, because everyone knows that swimming can exercise all parts of people’s bodies, so swimming is very good for everyone to exercise healthily.

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Double happiness! The top foreign aid announced his return to the Liao basket, and Cousins was close to joining forces with Guo Ailun.

Their tactics on the court are always confusing, and they have never played cards according to the routine. They have not changed much in the team lineup next season. There is no doubt that if there is no accident, it will reach the finals. Yang Ming, the head coach of the team, praised his players in front of the media many times and said that their efforts behind the scenes will never be seen by you. Recently, there is good news for the Liaoning basketball team. According to relevant insiders, the Liaoning men’s basketball team is in contact with Cousins, the first center of the NBA. The Liaoning team will probably sign Cousins. Once Cousins joins the Liaoning men’s basketball team, he will dominate the inside of the CBA, and no team can stop the Liaoning men’s basketball team from winning the championship.

Reporter: Real Madrid’s number one goal in 2024 is Mbappé, and the team is waiting for his contract to expire.

Live on May 20th, recently, the Spanish website remontadablanca interviewed Carlos Carpio, deputy editor-in-chief of Marca. In this conversation, the latter said that the number one target of Real Madrid next season is Mbappé, and the possibility of players transferring this summer is almost zero.

The website wrote: "Mbappé will be the number one target of Real Madrid next season. In fact, according to Carlos Carpio, Mbappé’s team is still in regular contact with Real Madrid. However, the possibility of his transfer in the summer window of 2023 has almost been ruled out. “

"Real Madrid executives are not considering taking any action for Mbappé this season. Besides, they don’t think Paris will agree to sell Mbappé, so they have to wait until Mbappé’s contract expires soon. “

Mbappé renewed his contract with Paris in May, 2022. Earlier, L ‘Equipe and Marca reported that his renewal period with Paris was 2+1. In the third year, he had the right to decide whether to renew his contract for one year, so now Mbappé’s contract will expire on June 30, 2024, which allows him to start negotiations with other clubs in early 2024.

Regarding the transfer of Bellingham, the reporter said that the players are very eager to play in Real Madrid. At the same time, Real Madrid executives have told modric that Bellingham will join next season, so Magic Flute should realize that his playing time may be gradually reduced.

Oladipo fell down again because of injury. What is the geometry of the wound on the former "Panther"?

Today, the Heat beat the Bucks again, and the total score of the series was 2-1. It was originally a great happy event, but it was not so happy to put it on the Heat’s head. The reason is that Oladipo was injured again, and the injury worried them. A simple layup in the fourth quarter, but Oladipo sat on the floor and couldn’t move. When he was carried off the field by his teammates, the Heat bowed their heads and prayed for him. The injury has knocked Oladipo down, and he is no longer brave.

Oladipo slipped during the layup and hurt his left knee. It’s really a bad year for the Heat. After two victories, two generals were injured, and the G1 victory was directly reimbursed by Hiro due to injury season. There is also no letter brother in the other team for two consecutive games, but he can still come back. After the injury, Oladipo retained his last stubbornness. He waved the stretcher away and limped off the field with the help of his teammates.

Heat coach Spoelstra said after the game: "We still don’t know his specific situation. We will have a specific examination tomorrow. I feel the same with everyone. This is a great victory, especially when you see a player fall like this, especially a player who has experienced a lot like Oladipo. I don’t know the specific situation now. " Adebayor released a piece of good news: "We haven’t got the latest information about Oladipo, but I think he will be fine because he can still walk."

Oladipo once brought beautiful enjoyment to the fans. In his early years in Magic and Thunder, his performance was very good. In the second season, he had already secured his starting position, but people were waiting for his carp yue longmen’s jump. Joining the Pacers in the 2017-18 season, he finally ushered in a leap season, averaging 23.1 points, 5.2 rebounds, 4.3 assists and 2.4 steals in the league. He was selected as the All-Star, the best team and the best defensive team for the first time and was elected as the player with the fastest progress.

In the 2018-19 season, he almost copied everything from last season, except for injuries. He has rested for 11 games at the beginning of the season, but the watershed of his career still appeared on January 24 at home against the Raptors. In this game, he accidentally tore the tendon of his right knee during a defense. The team doctor immediately covered his knee with a towel, and the Pacers later announced that Oladipo would be reimbursed for the injury season.

A rising star of the League in Ran Ran has been interacting with his sickbed all the year round. After a long period of recovery, Oladipo spent the second half of the season, the playoffs, the offseason and the initial stage of the new season, and only announced his comeback at the end of January 2020, and soon participated in the playoffs with the team.

Over time, Oladipo became interested in the South Coast Heat, which was reflected in the playoffs of the previous season. He will talk to Butler, Adebayor and others in the game. So, the Pacers took part in the Harden trade and sent Oladipo to the Rockets. The Rockets didn’t force anyone to stay, and sent Oladipo, who played for the team for 20 games, to the Heat.

But the fresh energy of coming to the Heat hasn’t passed yet, and Oladipo has to give in to injuries. The day before, he was injured in the game against the Lakers. The next day, the bad news came. Oladipo underwent quadriceps tendon repair surgery and was reimbursed for the season. This is the second season reimbursement of Oladipo’s career.

This time, Oladipo took a longer rest, and it didn’t arrive until March of the following year. Oladipo, who played eight games without stopping in the regular season, became a new force on the bench after the playoffs. After three games at the beginning of the playoffs, Oladipo didn’t fall down from the first round G4, and he met the Celtics all the way to Dongjue healthily, which is rare for him to linger on his deathbed all the year round.

In the 24 games before this season, Oladipo took a leave of absence, and it was not until December 2022 that he went into battle again. I didn’t expect to be hit by an injury today. Since the 2018-19 season, Oladipo’s attendance rate is only 35.3%, which is relatively low.

Low attendance sometimes makes players have a wrong self-perception. Oladipo’s current contract is 8.75 million yuan, and 9.45 million yuan in the last year needs him to implement the player option to get it. So far, he has no reason not to fulfill it. In his early years, when his four-year contract of $84 million expired, the Pacers offered him four years of 80 million and four years of 130 million, both of which were rejected by him. Later, the Rockets also offered him a two-year contract extension of $45 million, which of course was rejected by him. Today, I wonder if he will regret signing a basic salary with the Heat for one year.

In the NBA, there are many stars who linger on the sickbed prematurely because of injuries and have lost their prestige in the past. Oladipo will not be the last one. In his early years, he fell at the peak of his career, which was linked with endless rehabilitation, slowly melting away the last glimmer of glory and the last trace of disobedience. Unfortunately, Oladipo’s peak years had already ended in a hurry, leaving a lonely figure for later generations to comment on.

Tenghage needs 300 million to fully upgrade Manchester United’s lineup! Buy at least five people, and Degea Maguire will go one of them.

Tenghage is well aware of his Manchester United squad, however, once one of these players is absent, the standard will plummet. In particular, midfield starters bruno fernandez, casemiro and Eriksson, who started the team together, remained unbeaten, but only seven times this year, Manchester United won 6 wins and 1 draw.

However, Tenghage did not dare to rotate. Manchester United lacked the thickness of the squad and could not have two reliable players in every position. Especially key players like Rachford and B Fei can’t rotate, so their chances of fatigue, injury or suspension are naturally higher. Rachford recently missed three games due to groin injury. His goal count (28 goals) is nearly three times that of any teammate, and only B Fei scored in double figures.

In Seville’s Europa League, Manchester United was out of the game, Vallanet, lisandro Martí nez and Garnacho were injured and missed, B fee was suspended, Rachford and Luke Shaw served as substitutes, and the team fell behind in all aspects.

Tenghage said: "We have to admit that we have problems and don’t have enough manpower, especially in the front line. Sometimes you have to make some decisions to win the next game. For example, using the same starter, which helps to get into the rhythm of the game. But after playing too many games and the load is getting higher and higher, you need to take turns. 」

If the conditions are right, Manchester United hope to carry out a major cleaning this summer and introduce high-level new aid. However, this requires funds. The Glazer family has not sold the club yet, and whether the Qatari financier can become the new owner is in doubt. The reconstruction of Tenghage needs a lot of money, reaching the astronomical level.

Who was most responsible for Manchester United’s first goal against Seville? Degea and Maguire fans have their own opinions. From the normal analysis, the responsibility of the English centre-back is even greater, because Degea’s passing has full space for him to handle the ball well.

A video of lisandro Martinez answering Degea’s similar pass shows everything. Under almost identical circumstances, the Argentine iron guard controlled the ball and successfully passed it to his teammates. And if a team wants to pass and control the organization in the backcourt and want to meet the players without any opponents, it is impossible to achieve it.

Of course, based on Degea’s knowledge of Maguire, he should probably play it safe. He would rather kick the ball out of the sideline than pass it to the 80 million-pound iron guard, as he did with Norwich. Of course, if the Spanish goalkeeper does this, then Tenghage and the fans will definitely point at him. "A goalkeeper who can’t pass the ball. "You can imagine people would say this about Degea," Maguire’s position is so empty that he dare not pass it on? 」

To be sure, Degea and Maguire are out of character. Maguire’s turning speed is slow, and his chasing ability is poor, so he needs the goalkeeper to dare to attack and help him out. Unfortunately, this happens to be Degea’s shortcoming. Therefore, since their cooperation, problems have emerged one after another, and it was not until Lima and Vallanet took the place of the big head that things changed.

Ideally, if Manchester United want to really rise, they need to replace both and introduce a new goalkeeper and a substitute central defender. There are quite a few similar rumors, and the leading role candidates mainly include four: brentford’s Spanish goalkeeper David Laya, Porto’s Portuguese No.1 diogo Costa, Napoli’s Korean international Min Kim Zai and Ajax’s Dutch central defender Timber.

Because of financial constraints, if only one of these two positions can be reinforced, then Maguire is the one who should be cleaned. He has no worries about finding a next home, and the price of the replacement is cheaper. Tenghage can further raise funds by selling central defenders such as Eric Baye.

In defence, Manchester United also need a main right-back. Frimpong, the Dutch international of Leverkusen, is a favorite candidate of Tenghage, and his price is 44 million pounds. By selling one of the existing right-backs, Diogu Dallo or Wanbisaka, plus two other redundant full-backs, Brandon Williams and Tres, about 30 million pounds can be raised.

The above positions belong to the lower-ranking areas in Tenghage’s signing plan. The two positions he must buy in the summer transfer window are midfield and center.

The rumored candidates are already fixed, including Frankie De Jong of Barcelona, Jude Bellingham of Dortmund, harry kane of Tottenham and Osman of Naples. Among them, Deong and Kane are the first choice of Tenghage.

Manchester United’s main lineup after the update: Raya/Frimpong, Vallanet (Min Kim), Lima, Luke Shaw/bruno fernandez, casemiro, De Jong (Eriksson)/Anthony, Kane and Rachford.

Manchester United signing candidate list:

Goalkeeper: Raya (40 million pounds) or Costa (70 million pounds);

Central defender: Min Kim (40 million pounds) or Timber (50 million pounds);

Right back: Frimpong (44 million pounds);

Midfielder: De Jong (80 million), Bellingham (130 million), mcallister (70 million) or caycedo (100 million);

Forward: Kane (100 million pounds) or Osman (130 million pounds);

Total cost: 300 million to 400 million pounds.

These five positions in one step, at the same time, is undoubtedly the best choice. However, due to UEFA’s new financial fair competition rules, it is difficult for Manchester United to spend more than 300 million pounds in a transfer window. Therefore, Tenghage had to make a trade-off. In the eyes of British media, his ranking may be: center, midfielder, right back, central defender and goalkeeper.