China Star | Shenzhou 16 enhances the reliability of Beidou navigation signals

  CCTV News:The Shenzhou-16 manned spacecraft is the first manned spacecraft in the new stage of application and development of China’s space station, and it is also the 11th manned mission carried out by China. What are the new changes of Shenzhou-16? What are the differences between it and previous spacecraft?

  Shenzhou 16: Enhancing the Reliability of Beidou Navigation Signals

  The Shenzhou 16 manned spaceship had fully inherited the technical status of the Shenzhou 15 spaceship, and its main functions and technical indicators remained unchanged. The difference was that the Shenzhou 16 was a new batch of spaceships, which was of great significance for verifying the technical status of this batch of spaceships.

  Gao Xu, Chief Designer of the Manned Spaceship System of the Fifth Academy of Aerospace Science and Technology Group:Compared with the previous batch, we have done a lot of work on autonomous control. For example, we have enhanced the reliability of the Beidou navigation signal. We have done a lot of work on the localization of components to improve the level of autonomous control of the spacecraft itself.

  Mass production multi-line parallel, Shen 17 completes final assembly test

  Gao Xu introduced that the batch development of Shenzhou spacecraft is very stressful for the team. In the past, the development team only needed to develop one spacecraft at a time, but now the development team needs to complete the development, launch, flight control and return of several spacecraft in parallel, with multiple fronts highly overlapping.

  It is understood that at present, Shenzhou 17 has completed the final assembly test at Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center and has the ability to stand by for emergency rescue. Shenzhou 18 and Shenzhou 19 are undergoing the final assembly and testing of the whole ship before leaving the factory, and other spacecraft in this batch have entered the stage of single-machine development.

Why is Together, the controversial anti-epidemic drama, uniquely praised?

Author/Yali Wang Banxian Editor/Guo Ji ‘an

This year’s National Day seems like the Spring Festival.

Not only the high-speed traffic jams and the crowds of scenic spots make people feel this way, but Together, which ended on the last day of the holiday, also brings people back to the scene of the epidemic raging during the Spring Festival in the form of images.

From "The Turning Point of Life" to "Wuhan People", ten units show the familiar or unfamiliar anti-epidemic stories of the public, and also break all kinds of doubts about "Together".

Are we going to sing a hymn again?

In the broadcast story, "Together" did not avoid the shortage of medical materials and the lack of timely disclosure of government information during the outbreak. The unit of "Turning Point of Life" spoke the line that "it will be too late to wait for the release of CDC" with the mouth of the protagonist Zhang Hanqing, and there were fragments of nurses crying about "rotten masks" and "garbage bags" in "Ferry Man".

Why not make a documentary and restore it?

In fact, almost all the protagonists in the ten units of Together have real prototypes. The prototype of Zhang Hanqing played by Zhang Jiayi is Zhang Dingyu, the director of gradual freezing disease, and the prototype of Li Jianhui played by Zhu Yawen is Zhong Ming, the first aid doctor in Hubei. The bridge section in the play, which was questioned by some viewers because of riding a bicycle back to Wuhan, is actually the true story of the prototype doctor Gan Ruyi.

Are you going to tear up again?

Different from what the audience thought, "Together" is extremely restrained, even diluting the sad mood to some extent. When Zhang Hanqing, the old dean, learned that his friend Liu Yiming, who was also the dean of the hospital, was infected and died, the camera only gave a short silence and a distant view. When the takeaway Gu Yong decided to go to the hospital to deliver food, there was only one sentence, "Isn’t it necessary to deliver food now?"

In order to restore the true, restrained and unavoidable birth process of Together, Entertainment Capital exclusively interviewed Sun Hao, the producer of this drama, and Echo Gao, the screenwriter of The Ferry Man, Liu Liu, the screenwriter of Fangcang and Yang Yang, the director of Wuhan Man, to connect the twists and turns behind the filming.


Shoot unit dramas, write little people, and don’t just sing hymns.

On February 16th, just three days after taking office, Gao Changli, the current director of the TV drama department of the State Administration of Radio and Television, came up with the idea of making a drama to record the epidemic. He found Gao Yunfei, then director of Shanghai Radio and Television (now deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China), and prepared to start the later Together. When Gao Yunfei gave a speech at the Shanghai TV Festival Forum, he specifically mentioned "the urgency of creation" and hoped that the series could be broadcast in October this year. It was Yaoke Media, which had made great achievements in realistic dramas, that took over the tasks from SARFT and Shanghai Radio and Television Station.

However, according to the production process of traditional long drama series, even a 20-episode script needs several months of polishing, plus the shooting cycle, time is simply not enough. So the producer thought of My People,My Country, a tribute film composed of seven short films. "We thought it was quite suitable for this task, so we put forward the idea of unit drama to the General Administration and Shanghai Radio and Television Station. Each unit has two episodes, focusing on a special group and telling a relatively independent story." After getting the approval of the leader, the production team began to plan in detail. Generally speaking, the creation principle of Together follows three points: true restoration, writing little people, and not blindly singing hymns. Gao Changli, director of the TV drama department, is a documentary, and "truthfulness" is his basic requirement for TV dramas. Chen Yuren, the current vice president of Shanghai Culture, Radio, Film and Television Group Co., Ltd., also said in an interview that he was in charge of documentary work in SMG and could understand the concept of "Time Report Drama" proposed by Gao Changli. "Together" takes "truth" as the bottom line from the competent unit to the production team, unifies the documentary style and implements the concept of "Time Report Drama". So on the basis of giving consideration to the coverage of the industry, the film chose the most representative news figures or groups. For example, the first unit "The Turning Point of Life" shows the deeds of local doctors in Wuhan, while the unit "Rescuers" tells the story of the medical team assisting Hubei.

Unit stills of "Rescuers"

At that time, there was a rumor on the Internet that there would be a story about Zhong Nanshan, which was played by Chen Daoming, and the film side quickly refuted it. Sun Hao explained the theory of entertainment capital. "When we communicated with the General Administration and Shanghai Radio and Television Station, the consensus was to write stories about little people. Academician Zhong Nanshan made great contributions, but we chose ordinary people and groups." After the master plan was submitted, SARFT and Shanghai TV Station selected nine stories and returned an opinion, hoping to join the unit of "Wuhan people". Although the stories reported by the film reflect people from all walks of life who went to rescue, the local residents in Wuhan who really bear the greatest pressure in the epidemic need to be seen. Ten stories were settled, and the film began to form a team and invited writers, directors and actors. According to the theory of entertainment capital, when choosing a screenwriter, the film will give priority to the scriptwriters who have cooperated. Screenwriters who have not cooperated with each other will hope to be first-line screenwriters and be good at creating realistic themes.

But Together is a task drama, not only the audience will have a lot of speculation, but also the screenwriter will hesitate. "Some screenwriter teachers may worry that this will be too main theme. But we will all emphasize to the screenwriter that this is not just singing hymns. " Sun Hao said. Liu Liu was reluctant to take this project at first. "I was in Singapore at that time, and I had to fly back with my family." And according to the creative principle of June 6th, she never writes stories without personal feelings and observation. In order to invite her to join, the producer promised her to go to Wuhan for field research in person. In contrast, the invitation of Echo Gao, the screenwriter of The Ferry Man, went smoothly. "I have been paying attention to the situation of the epidemic, and I have also paid attention to the group of sellers and couriers in the morning. Even if we didn’t take "Together", the takeaway brother who was driving alone in the city of Wuhan under the epidemic and maintained the life of this city was also a story we wanted to write. " Echo Gao said. The two sides hit it off. As a director, Shen Yan was moved by the little perspective and real texture of The Ferry Man and wanted to join. However, when he received the invitation, another play directed by him was about to start in Shanghai. If he went to Wuhan to shoot, he had to be isolated for 14 days when he returned to Shanghai, which would inevitably delay the start of this play. Just as he was worried about the schedule, the filming location of "The Ferry Man" was set in Shanghai under the coordination of all parties, and director Shen Yan joined smoothly.

So "The Ferry Man" became the earliest finalized, filmed and completed crew, and the film side also set up the creative team of 10 stories. Finally, in order to ensure the unity of the stories, ten stories were edited by one editor, and the soundtrack was also produced by one person. The attentive audience may find that Lei Jiayin, the protagonist of another unit, The Ferry Man, appeared in the unit "The Turning Point of Life". This is also the intention of the creative team. "We have linked the plots of some units and hope to have a more overall presentation." From an idea of Gao Changli to the upcoming production of a whole drama, Together is indeed an exaggeration to call it "a great gathering of China film and television circles". The overall operation is not easy, and the creation and shooting process of individual projects also have their own difficulties.


Online meetings, real records, and no deliberate pursuit of conflict.

The problem faced by screenwriter Liu Liu is that he is a practical school and must experience it personally before he can write. However, coming to Wuhan in March when the epidemic situation has not been completely controlled is bound to face certain risks and many inconveniences. At first, Liu Liu just planned to look at it before deciding whether to write or not. However, after staying in Wuhan for a few days, Liu Liu’s feelings are getting deeper and deeper. Wearing suffocating protective clothing, nurses dragging dozens of kilograms of oxygen bottles, doctors lifting weights in dignified atmosphere … As time went on, her feelings became deeper and deeper. Twenty days later, she left Wuhan and began to write the first edition of the script.

Holding a huge amount of material, which ones are suitable for the script? The standard of "June 6th" is that the material obtained through interviews can be precipitated and recalled repeatedly. "There is no need to compile, and the real picture will always hover in my mind." It only took her a week to produce two episodes of the script. Echo Gao, a screenwriter, also collected a lot of materials and felt that it was unnecessary to compile them. Everything is true. Weibo, who comes from news reports and front-line delivery staff, is an ordinary drop in life. "Long before receiving this project, many on-the-spot reports about the delivery staff were engraved in her mind. In her opinion, this kind of creation without fabrication is the most consistent with the law of creation. After receiving the creative task of Together, screenwriters Echo Gao and Ren Baoru conducted an in-depth interview with the Wuhan takeaway. During the epidemic, many Wuhan takeout workers insisted on sharing their stories about the city closure on Weibo: some mothers with children at home asked them to buy thermometers, some medical staff who worked overtime in the hospital asked the takeout workers to deliver food, and more ordinary people who were grounded at home asked them to buy vegetables. In the end, Echo Gao "pinched" these delivery couriers into one person-Gu Yong, a takeaway brother played by Lei Jiayin in The Ferry Man. "He is the most common takeaway brother, who can only bring little help to others, such as sending a meal, bringing a mask and a bottle of alcohol, and that’s all. They are the most ordinary heroes in this city. " Echo Gao said.

Unit stills of The Ferry Man

Traditional TV drama creation pursues dramatic conflict, but The Ferry Man also selects many subtle and moving points of life. These details, which do not constitute the ultimate dramatic conflict, also have the power to touch people’s hearts. Echo Gao still remembers a real detail: a delivery clerk went to deliver the food. On the empty Wuhan street, he saw an old couple helping each other across the street. The old couple were very surprised to see the takeaway brother. They asked him from a distance: "Is there any takeaway now?" The little brother replied: "Yes! Always! " After receiving a positive reply, the two old people were very happy, as if their lives were dependent. Echo Gao wrote this real life detail into The Ferry Man.

Yang Yang is the most close relationship between the creative team and Wuhan. She was supposed to come to Wuhan in January this year to collect materials for another play. But because of the epidemic, she finally diverted to other cities and interviewed other people related to the story of the play. In the blink of an eye, in late February, the producer called and asked her to join the project Together. Because the epidemic situation in Wuhan is still serious, the unit of "Wuhan People" was finally selected to shoot in Tianjin. Yang Yang and screenwriters Zhou Meng and Wang Yingfei can only interview community workers in Wuhan online.

During the preparatory period, almost every creative meeting was held online. The relevant leaders of TV drama department, SMG, Dragon TV, and all the creators’ teams, totaling 30 to 40 people, reported the progress one by one in the afternoon, and got suggestions on the scale control and the revision of the story content. It was not until May that the whole creative team had the first offline class visit and exchange. In order to create a sense of reality, the crew of "Wuhan People" did not use a shed or a tripod, and used a hand-held lens throughout. "Have that kind of unstable breathing." Yang Yang said. Actor Liu Mintao recorded the Wuhan dialect and studied it every day. Buying food, walking the dog, buying medicine … It is these trivial things that make up Wuhan People.

Screenshot of unit preview of Wuhan People


There are many co-shooting departments, tight schedule of actors and off-season shooting.

Among the 10 units, except for the unit "The Final Battle of Vulcan Mountain", the other 9 units have entered the later stage. The reason for the late start-up is that the content of "Battle of Vulcan Mountain" involves troops, and not only the script needs the cooperation of troops, but also the coordination of troops when shooting. Sun Hao, the producer of Together, told Entertainment Capital that there are three main difficulties in the filming process: first, there are many departments that need coordination; second, it is difficult to coordinate the schedule of actors; and third, anti-season filming. Take coordinating screenwriter Liu Liu to go to Wuhan on March 8 as an example. In order to ensure Liuliu can go to Wuhan, the production team coordinated National Health Commission, Shanghai Propaganda Department, Hubei Radio and Television Bureau and other departments. Finally, Shanghai Anti-epidemic Command and Wuhan Anti-epidemic Command joined in, and the joint efforts of many parties finally contributed to the trip to Wuhan in June.

Image from WeChat official account Yaoke Media

And the coordination of medical equipment. Ten crews are scattered all over the country, and some of them shoot real scenes, such as the hospital in The Turning Point of Life, and some can only set the scene because of the shooting conditions, such as The Rescuers, which started in Xiangshan. Not only does the ward need to be built, but also manufacturers of medical devices need to be contacted through National Health Commission and transported to Xiangshan from all over the country. Song Jiong-ming, director of Shanghai Radio and Television Station, mentioned in a speech: "In order to strive for the ultimate scene restoration, the ICU wards in the" Rescuers "unit were all built in Xiangshan, Zhejiang Province. We also invited seven first-line medical staff to participate in the guidance and participation at the scene, and put limited costs on production."

Screenshot of unit preview of "Rescuers"

As for the schedule of actors, The Ferry Man started in early April, when most of the actors had not returned to work, and Lei Jiayin happened to be filming Extreme Challenge in Shanghai. When he received the invitation, he joined the crew of Together without hesitation. This time, some coincidental casting has created a very good effect. The delivery clerk played by Lei Jiayin has a messy hair, which has brought a strong sense of substitution to the audience both in image and performance.

However, it is also difficult to start early. At that time, the epidemic was still serious. Even in Shanghai, where the epidemic was well controlled, the choice of scenes was restricted everywhere. By June and July, it will be difficult to knock the actors again when the big plays are started one after another. Everyone can only work overtime. Take Wuhan Man directed by Yang Yang as an example. The crew started shooting in early July, and the longest time was 22 hours in continuous shooting. "It was the scene of moving vegetables in the rain in the middle of the night. Jerry almost flashed his waist when moving vegetables. Liu Mintao was so thin that he had to take such a big bag of potatoes." The only thing that is fortunate is that the epidemic situation in Xinfadi, Beijing broke out again in June. Although all the scenes that the crew found in Tianjin in advance were shot, the actors were just not in Beijing and were not isolated. As a result, the crew temporarily re-searched the scenery in Tianjin and finally found a community that did not exclude Beijingers from filming. Off-season shooting is a problem that most crews will encounter. It is normal to wear down jackets in the hot sun, and the protective clothing is hot and airtight, but in order to save time, many actors don’t take it off when they rest. In order to cover up the scorching sun in July, the crew of Wuhan People changed most of the exterior scenes into night scenes. In order to restore the rainy weather in Wuhan in January and February, sprinklers should sprinkle water at any time. In some places, sprinklers could not get in, so the crew simply splashed water on the washbasin.

Screenshot of unit preview of Wuhan People

Sometimes, the crew will receive "complaints" from community residents. July is the key period for students to prepare for the college entrance examination this year, and the crew often shoot big night plays, which will inevitably make a noise. In order to reduce the decibel, the crew changed the "action" shouted during shooting to gestures, trying to identify each other’s body language in the dark.

Less than a month after the filming of Wuhan People, Yang Yang really went to Wuhan to prepare another play. Taking a taxi from the airport to the hotel, she passed the Yangtze River Bridge and the Yellow Crane Tower … and passed many Wuhan landmarks she mentioned in Wuhan People. She looked at these scenes seriously, as if she had been here many times. When I came to the hotel where I stayed and lay in bed, Yang Yang was deeply moved. She didn’t come to Wuhan in January because of the epidemic, but she met many experts and scholars who had contacted Wuhan people. During the Spring Festival, Yang Yang’s mother suddenly coughed and had a fever. She quickly took her mother to the Union Medical College Hospital, but she didn’t queue for four hours. "At that time, I was particularly worried that I was infected with her." Until now, when she was really lying on the bed in Wuhan Hotel, she suddenly felt a specious feeling. The experience of the past six months flashed through her mind like a movie. The story of Wuhan people is also the story of me and many people, and what they have experienced is also the experience of many of us. "Yang Yang said. This may also be the reason why everyone is scrambling to participate in the "Together" project. Not because of the task, nor to sing a hymn, but to leave a collective memory of China people.

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Take a bath for the viscera before winter, and keep in good health in winter from "no"

  Editor’s note:"The autumn wind is bleak and the weather is cool, and the vegetation is shaken and exposed to frost." In late autumn, most parts of the country have ushered in an obvious cooling process. After the sultry weather at the turn of summer and autumn, our bodies usually accumulate a lot of damp-heat evils. These "toxins" hidden in the body will lay a curse and make winter easy to get sick. Therefore, before winter, give your body a big cleaning, expel toxins from your body, keep healthy qi and reserve energy for winter.

  Take a bath for the viscera before winter.

  Clearing lung. In the late autumn, the smog weather is "reloaded", and the lungs bear the brunt of the test. Taking more deep breaths in the crisp autumn season can not only increase vital capacity, enhance lung function, but also discharge dirty air from the lungs. Every time a person breathes, there will be residual waste gas in the lungs that cannot be discharged, and these waste gas "toxins" can be discharged from the body only after a few deep breaths. 3~5 am every day is the time to detoxify the lungs, and diseases such as asthma and cough are easy to attack or aggravate at this time. In order to prevent the situation of "closing the door and staying behind", we should not take cough medicine as soon as we cough, so as not to inhibit the rapid discharge of turbid air in the lungs. The correct way is to expel "toxins" by actively coughing and expectoration, but patients with hypertension, pulmonary bullae and serious heart diseases should not cough actively to avoid accidents. At the same time, in order to make our lungs more refreshing, everyone should exercise moderately at ordinary times and let sweat take away the toxins in the lungs. Taking a hot bath and soaking in hot springs can also have the effect of sweating. Before bathing, you can add some ginger and mint essential oil to the water, which will make the sweat secrete more freely. Older people who are not suitable for the above activities can press Hegu point with their thumb and forefinger to help the lungs detoxify.

  Clear the stomach. The dry weather in autumn, coupled with modern people’s addiction to alcohol and spicy food, is easy to form stomach fire, which is manifested by dry mouth, bad breath, swollen gums and constipation. Clearing stomach fire provides a simple and easy method for everyone — — Drink radish juice. Chinese medicine believes that radish is pungent, sweet and cool, and belongs to the lung and stomach meridian. Those with stomach fire can be juiced for drinking. In addition, the weather is getting colder, people’s exercise is reduced, intestinal peristalsis is slowed down, and constipation is prone to occur. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that stool can not be discharged in time, and toxins accumulated in the intestine will enter the human body through the intestinal mucosa, which will bring health risks. It is suggested that people with constipation can eat more laxative fruits such as kiwi fruit, pitaya fruit and banana, as well as vegetables and staple foods containing high cellulose, such as spinach, pumpkin, rape and sweet potato, or cook whole grain porridge at home and take it warm in the morning and evening.

  Clearing liver. In autumn, dryness and evil are on the high side, and people often show symptoms such as irritability, oral ulcer, dry mouth and yellow urine, which is the manifestation of liver fire. Clearing liver fire in autumn, it is recommended to take tea instead of tea. On weekdays, honeysuckle, acacia flowers, chrysanthemums and roses can be soaked in water. At the same time, we should pay attention to control our emotions and clear our anger through self-regulation: we should maintain a peaceful attitude and treat people with tolerance; Form good living habits. The working hours of the liver are from 11: 00 pm to 1: 00 am. It is best to go to bed before 11: 00, and don’t stay up late. Eat a balanced diet, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, and eat less spicy foods that are easy to get angry; Outdoor sports, Tai Chi, Baduanjin and other traditional sports have a good effect on soothing the mood and clearing away the liver fire. In addition, the hepatotoxicity can also be eliminated by "scraping the liver meridian". The specific method is: push the palm root from the root of the inner thigh to the knee, or push the fist down with the joints of four fingers, pushing 300 times each time. If you feel pain in your skin, you can apply some moisturizing oil before rubbing.

  Clearing kidney. Damp-heat evil in autumn is easy to hurt kidney yin, which makes kidney transpiration and gasification function fail, and damp evil can not be eliminated, resulting in water accumulation, which is manifested as edema of eyelids and limbs, especially lower limbs. Nourishing the kidney in autumn should start from the foot, because the kidney meridian starts from the sole of the foot, and the foot is vulnerable to cold. Therefore, in late autumn, we should pay attention to keeping our feet warm, don’t expose our feet when sleeping, and don’t walk barefoot on the cold floor or in wet places. There are many acupoints on the sole of the foot, such as Yongquan point, which can be rubbed several times before going to bed. In addition, because the kidney and bladder are exterior and interior, the evil of damp-heat will pour into the bladder through the kidney, resulting in "stranguria" (that is, urinary tract infection in western medicine), which is characterized by frequent urination, urgency and pain. Therefore, this season, it is recommended that you drink more water and urinate frequently to promote the discharge of damp heat. If the evil of damp-heat has injured the kidney yin, Chinese medicines such as Poria, Atractylodes macrocephala and Phaseolus vulgaris can be added to the diet to promote diuresis and reduce swelling.

  Winter health care starts with "no"

  Do not make up falsely.

  Many people think that winter is a golden season for tonic. When winter comes, all kinds of tonics are eaten in large quantities, and many businesses have launched various "packages" and "partners" to meet the needs of consumers. In fact, it is enough to make up for it properly in winter. In winter, it is mainly closed, not leaked. Excessive tonic will lead to the disorder of body balance, especially the excessive use of products that tonify yang and qi will lead to the leakage of essence in the body, resulting in "no essence in winter". Therefore, in winter, it should be properly supplemented, and it is not possible to make up for it. In particular, ginseng, velvet antler and other "sharp tools" for invigorating qi and tonifying yang should be more cautious.

  Don’t eat in vain

  It’s freezing in winter, eating a spicy hot pot and sweating all over, and many people will feel very comfortable, but they don’t know that this is dissipating the yang of the human body. In winter, we should give priority to nourishing yin essence, and we must not use hot products indiscriminately. Of course, you can’t eat some cold products in winter, so as not to damage spleen yang, affect spleen and stomach transport and destroy digestive system. In short, in winter, we should give priority to a peaceful and moist diet, such as drinking more porridge, putting some jujube, medlar, longan, tremella and lily appropriately, and adding a small amount of ginger as appropriate, which can be tonic but not greasy, moist and not dry, and is a good tonic for winter. Taboo a large number of hot products such as mutton, pepper, etc., and a large number of cold products such as fruits and ice cream.

  Don’t drink in vain

  In winter, many people like to drink some white wine to warm themselves up. In fact, moderate drinking is beneficial to health, which can warm the blood vessels, dispel the wind and dispel the cold. The common recipe for postpartum biochemical soup is to take it with white wine. However, liquor is a warm product after all. Excessive drinking will dissipate human yang, and excessive drinking will also cause dampness and phlegm, which will make people feel dizzy and depressed. Nowadays, many young people like to drink drinks. These drinks contain a lot of sugar, which can easily lead to obesity. In winter, drinking too much drinks will damage spleen yang and lead to indigestion. At the same time, some drinks also contain a lot of gas, which can easily lead to bloating after drinking. Therefore, you should not drink too much white wine or drink too many cold drinks in winter. In fact, red wine, as the most natural healthy drink, has the merit of beauty beauty and can be used as a good health product in winter. In addition, black tea is sweet in taste, warm in nature, good at storing yang, generating heat and warming the abdomen, which can enhance the human body’s resistance to cold, and also has the functions of removing greasy food, appetizing and refreshing, so it is very suitable for drinking in winter.

  Don’t work in vain

  You shouldn’t stay up late in winter, you should go to bed early and get up late to ensure enough sleep time, so as to facilitate the hidden yang and the accumulation of yin essence. In winter, it should be appropriate to exercise in winter, instead of sweating like rain in other seasons. In winter, we should appropriately reduce the number of baths, not to take a hot bath for a long time, and often take a sauna to avoid dissipating the human yang; At the same time, in winter, we should pay attention to control sexual intercourse, recuperate and live, so that the essence can be stored.

  In short, winter health care should follow the word "hiding", save your strength and make adequate preparations for the "spring life" in the coming spring.

  Keep healthy in winter, hide kidney, protect yang and spend the winter safely.

  Go to bed early and get up late, storing kidney and strengthening yang.

  Traditional Chinese medicine health care experts believe that the kidney belongs to water, which is enlightened by the ear and the second yin. "Its taste is salty, its flower is in the hair, and its liquid is saliva." Its function is to store essence and control the growth, development, reproduction and water-liquid metabolism of the human body.

  In winter, the kidneys begin to hide and stagnate like water, and the human body’s yang is adduced and the essence is stored, so the hair is dark and moist, the teeth are firm, the waist and back are straight, the reaction is quick, and the ears are bright. If the seal is not firm, the essence will be lost, resulting in such undesirable phenomena as toothache, deafness, wheezing and coughing, soreness of the waist and knees, and dysdefecation.

  Only by obeying the laws of nature can people not interfere with their latent yang. In winter, when it gets dark early and it gets bright late, you should go to bed early and get up when the sun is more abundant. Young people can start from late autumn and insist on washing their faces with cold water to enhance their cold resistance. The elderly should avoid exercising in the cold, strong wind and fog, avoid catching cold and beware of cardiovascular diseases.

  Winter tonic varies from person to person.

  After the winter solstice, the yin qi began to fade, and the yang qi began to rise, which contained lively vitality in the enclosure. Taking advantage of this time to make up, the drug is easy to accumulate and play its role, which is the best time to recuperate weak diseases.

  There are two kinds of tonic methods in winter: one is food tonic and the other is medicine tonic. Old people with weak yang and insufficient qi and blood and patients with weak health are recommended to use food for tonic, such as mutton, which can warm and strengthen; Chicken is sweet and warm, which can warm the middle warmer, replenish qi, replenish essence and marrow; Cattle bone marrow, oviductus ranae (also known as snow cream), etc., have an aphrodisiac effect.

  People with yin deficiency are often manifested as dry throat and tongue, upset and irritable, insomnia and dreaminess, dizziness and tinnitus, etc. You can eat goose and duck for tonic. Goose meat is sweet, tender and soft, and its fragrance is not greasy. It has the function of "benefiting the five internal organs, relieving the heat of the five internal organs and quenching thirst". Stewed radish with goose meat can greatly smooth lung qi, relieve cough, eliminate phlegm and relieve asthma, so the proverb "drink goose soup and eat goose meat, and don’t cough all year round" has been circulating since ancient times. Duck meat is sweet and cold, which is beneficial to nourishing the stomach, tonifying the kidney, relieving swelling, relieving cough and resolving phlegm. Stewing with kelp can soften blood vessels and lower blood pressure. And can be used for adjuvant treatment of hemorrhoids of the elderly. In addition, soft-shelled turtle, turtle, lotus root, fungus, etc. are also beneficial foods for the elderly with yin deficiency in winter.

  Generally, people who are weak can take some lean pork, beef, milk, eggs, soybean milk, red dates, etc. if conditions permit, which has the function of strengthening the body resistance and eliminating evil spirits. However, supplements such as shark’s fin, sea cucumber and bird’s nest are expensive and may not be commensurate with their value from a nutritional point of view, so don’t blindly take supplements.

  Diligent practice of tonifying kidney and qi

  Regular exercise and more exercises can help nourish yang and strengthen kidney qi. Huang Zhengde recommended some exercises to keep fit with seasons and seasons, such as solar terms guidance and the following three exercises.

  1. Treating kidney with six qi.

  Exercises: After washing every morning, close your eyes and sit quietly in a quiet room. First knock your teeth 36 times, then stir with your tongue in your mouth. When your mouth is full of body fluid, rinse it several times, swallow it three times and send it to Dantian. Pause for a moment, inhale slowly through your nose and lick your palate with your tongue; Then the mouth is slightly open, slowly exhale, and there is a "blowing" sound, which is not audible to the ear. Repeat this for 30 times.

  Efficacy: Prevent, relieve and treat lumbago, cold knees, tinnitus, sores on mouth and tongue, numbness and numbness of skin and limbs caused by kidney deficiency.

  2. Kidney guidance.

  Exercises: sit in a dish, lift your hands from the chest to the top of your head, palms up, fingers back, first turn left and waist 45 degrees, and wait a few seconds for your body to recover; Then, the left hand descends on the left knee, and the right hand holds the elbow joint of the left hand. Do this about 10 times each. Get up again, lean forward slightly, with your left foot as the center of gravity, and step on your right foot for dozens of times; Then take the right foot as the center of gravity, and the left foot steps forward and backward dozens of times.

  Efficacy: It can dispel and prevent the accumulation of pathogenic wind in the waist and kidney, and is effective in treating waist pain and mobility inconvenience.

  3. Massage and tonify the kidney.

  Exercises: after waking up in the morning, sit on the bed with a clothes tray, put your hands on the left and right waist and kidney areas and massage for 36 times; Massage Yongquan point on the left and right soles for 36 times; Then rub your palms together, massage your face 36 times and gently rub your eyes 36 times.

  Efficacy: It can prevent and treat dizziness, soreness of waist and knees, lumbago, edema of lower limbs and other diseases, and has the functions of caring skin and improving eyesight. (People’s Health Network is integrated from China Chinese Medicine News and Life Times)

Crane to send New Year’s greetings!

Crane to send New Year’s greetings! ###

  Yuan Dynasty (1206-1368)





  Our five bases are located in the southeast and northwest of China.

  In this beautiful 2024,

  I wish you all your wishes,

  The whole family is happy and healthy,

  My career is soaring like a dragon flying.

  May your boat of life,

  Sail to a more brilliant tomorrow in the sunshine of the Year of the Dragon!

  Happy New Year

  Pay attention to Xianhe shares


Aunt Guangdong plays mahjong ten times and nine times to win! Won more than 70 thousand in six months. How did she do it?

Recently, a woman in Guangdong was playing.mahjongI won nine out of ten and won more than 70,000 yuan in six months. This news has aroused the attention and discussion of many people, and everyone is concerned about this kind of "mahjongHow did "Talent" do it is full of curiosity and speculation. In fact, I want to be inmahjongWinning is not just about luck andnatural endowmentsInstead, it is necessary to accumulate and improve the comprehensive quality in many aspects.

First of all, if you want to be inmahjongTo win, one must have certain technical ability.

He needs to have a certainmahjongBasic knowledge, such as card type, rules, licensing principles, and the practical application of different ways of playing, needs in-depth study, such as understanding skills such as drifting and breaking.

Not only that,mahjongYou need to rely on your insight, analysis, memory and calm response ability in tense moments, which are all necessary.

Secondly, a person also needs iron willpower and patience. He must be able to keep a clear head at any time and give full play to his best level. Can’t be influenced by others, becausemahjongThe turning point of every card, even every time you play a card, will affect 3.gameThe trend.

Keep calm and learn to understand and control.gameCommunication, especially in the face of a pit that cannot be resolved in a short time.

Some successful experiences mainly focus on how to deal with the accumulated cards and the cards you get, and how to make good decisions by using your own experience and knowledge. If there is no good judgment and decision-making, inmahjongOften fail in haste.

Third, the quality of the winner also includes the ability of communication and coordination.mahjongNeed to communicate and cooperate closely with other players, team spirit wins.keyOne.

Some more advanced skills also require teamwork, such as associative memory and truth (a strategy to increase speculation).

participate inmahjongIt is necessary to have good interaction and response, and to be good at dealing with communication and exchanges with people, not the epitome of going it alone.

Even inmahjongDuring the rest period, we should also maintain a high reputation and the way of getting along with the team, especially the winner is not arrogant, and his words and deeds consciously safeguard his own virtue and value system.

Finally, it is the mentality of winning. A glance shows that a positive mentality is to win.mahjongWinning the gamekey.

Winning or losing is a matter for military strategists. The so-called Chuangguan Avenue must face the strange spicy taste and rhythm, not try to keep calm and calm.

After experiencing victory and failure, we should not only see the victory side, but also regard failure as an integral part of success, and sum up experiences and lessons from it, so as to keep unchanged and cope with all changes.

People are not immortals. It is a natural phenomenon to lose and win, so don’t take the outcome too seriously. If you win, you will be happy. If you lose, you will have some self-esteem for temporary failure.

Based on the above contents, we can draw the conclusion thatmahjongWinning requires the improvement and tempering of comprehensive quality, not only the mastery of technical ability, but also the ability of communication and coordination, patience, willpower, emotional restraint and so on.

"Guangdong a woman to play.mahjongAlthough the news "Ten Beats and Nine Wins" has attracted a lot of attention, I believe that the efforts and efforts behind it have not been accumulated in the past few months.

Behind the glamorous appearance of any successful person, there is pay, tears and sweat. We don’t know whether this woman will continue to win next, but the saying that’ the winner is king’ can be described asmahjongIt has been fully interpreted in.

After seeing these cards, are you ready to move? But watching others play cards and playing cards by yourself are definitely two completely different things. If you want to get started as soon as possible, I recommend a mahjong textbook "Illustrated Mahjong+Super Memory" for you.

This book is divided into two volumes. The first volume, Illustrated Mahjong, mainly explains in detail the design rules of mahjong tiles and several common ways of playing them. After you get to know them from the shallow to the deep, I will teach you some common routines of playing cards and some tips of card line analysis.

If you want to master a skill, then it is essential to have a theoretical foundation. Why do some people play mahjong all their lives, or are they said to play cards at random? It is because in the early theoretical study, I didn’t lay the foundation, set up the correct thinking of playing cards, and didn’t have a correct understanding of mahjong tiles.

If you want to play mahjong well, instead of simply joining in the fun, then I strongly recommend this book, which not only explains how to play mahjong for you. At the same time, it also straightened out your thinking of playing cards in the future, that is, helped you lay a solid foundation in the early stage.

Compared with many online gossips, this book is more authoritative, systematic and comprehensive. And summed up the playing methods of most kinds of mahjong cards in China, whether you want to learn southern mahjong or northern mahjong? The tutorials in it are all available.

WL picture shows mahjong winning skills, super mnemonics, practical practical skills guide for playing mahjong.

Pawar has scored 6 goals in various competitions this season, setting a new career high.

Live broadcast: On March 11th, the game between Bayern and augsburg is underway. Bayern is currently leading 3-1, and pawar scored twice, scoring a goal to overtake the score and expanding the lead.

Statistics show that pawar has scored 6 goals for Bayern in various competitions this season, setting a new record for his single-season goals.

Malouda: "I hope Chelsea sign Mbappé"

Malouda: "I hope Chelsea sign Mbappé"

Former Chelsea striker Florent Malouda says he would like to see Paris Saint-Germain striker Kylian Mbappé move to London.

"I hope Chelsea sign Mbappé, and I think the club should choose the best player like him. Especially when I see how much money Chelsea has spent on others. It all depends on his desire to come to the club, but we must choose such a top player and build a team around him. My dream is to build a team with young players around Mbappé. He has won many trophies and is eager for more, so Chelsea should look for such players. Will Mbappé agree to move to Chelsea? Anything is possible! "It’s not just about preparing an offer with a lot of money," Goal quoted Malouda as saying.

Mbappé has been playing for Paris Saint-Germain since 2018. The 24-year-old Frenchman’s contract will last until the summer of 2025.

This season, Mbappé made 30 appearances in various competitions on behalf of the club, scored 7 goals and sent 31 assists.

From 1 win in 12 games to 18 unbeaten games! They have not only British Mbappé, but also Japanese Neymar.

In Ligue 1, if you only focus on Paris Saint-Germain, Messi, Neymar and Mbappé, you will obviously miss too many beautiful scenery.

Lance, who won only one victory in 12 Ligue 1 games at the beginning of the season, came to the eighth place in the standings with 18 unbeaten matches. Here, there are not only "English Mbappé" Balogun, but also "Japanese Neymar" Ito Junya who sent five goals and five assists in 23 matches in Ligue 1.

A. This Kanagawa boy: grew up in a non-profit football organization.

Born on March 9, 1993, Itochun is also a native of Kanagawa Prefecture and comes from Yokosuka City. This once small fishing village has gradually developed into a military port and a maritime gateway to Tokyo.

His parents, both workers, left their hometown early to work, leaving Ito Chun in Yokosuga. There are many non-profit football training institutions there, so from the age of 6, he can get in touch with professional football training as long as he pays a small basic fee.

Because he hated the "dormitory, the relationship between the superior and the subordinate", he chose Toyo High School in Kanagawa Prefecture (which sounds a bit like Rukawa Kaede) where he could go to school from home.

By virtue of his outstanding performance in the youth invitational tournament in Kanagawa Prefecture at the age of 16, Itongchun also received an olive branch from a professional team.

From the football team of Kanagawa University, the wind forest of Jiafu to the cypress sun god, Itochun also put on the jersey of the Japanese national team for the first time at the age of 25.

B. choose Belgium as the first stop to study abroad! At the age of 29, I set foot on the Ligue 1 competition.

In 2018, Yi Dongchun also handed over a report card with 9 goals and 17 assists in the J League’s Cypress Sun God, so in the winter window of January 2019, he joined the Genk Club in Belgium on loan.

Bought out a year and a half later, he spent three and a half years in Bijia.Especially in the 2020-21 season and 2021-22 season, Yi Dongchun actually handed over a perfect report card with 12 goals, 16 assists and 8 goals and 21 assists.

In the Asian Top 12 World Cup preliminaries, Itongchun, who has secured the main position of the Japanese national team, also scored four consecutive goals, especially against the national football team, leaving a deep impression on countless China fans.

The 29-year-old is eager for new challenges. Last summer, he transferred to Lance, who joined Ligue 1 for 10 million euros: "I don’t prefer any country or league. I believe I can stand on my feet wherever I go."

So far this season, Yi Dongchun, who has played 23 matches in Ligue 1, has also handed in an answer sheet with 5 goals and 5 assists, and directly participated in the data of 10 goals, which also made him surpass his predecessor Daisuke Matsui and become the first Japanese player to score goals in Ligue 1 in a single season (Daisuke Matsui contributed 5 goals and 4 assists in 2007-08 season).

A. fast speed+good movement without the ball

Although he plays more as a right winger on the court, Ito Chun also has a little Neymar style in some ball handling styles.

Fast speed, strong up-and-down ability, combination of ball and no ball, and good performance in passing and shooting.

This time, in the position of the wing, Ito Chun also scored the ball and immediately inserted it without the ball. The second catch directly crossed the ball to find the back point, but unfortunately the teammate was too slow to outflank in place.

Let’s take a look at the offensive and defensive conversion this time. Yi Dongchun also directly broke the ball after the opponent threw the sideline ball and launched a counterattack on the spot.

The key is that it is beautiful to pass the ball in this step, and then Phillips on the flank of the ball is divided. The latter’s wonderful pass directly brought Balogun into the penalty area and scored a goal.

B: 10 times in a single game: 1 goal and 2 assists.

In the 25th round of Ligue 1, Yi Dongchun not only contributed 1 goal and 2 assists in a single game, but also helped Lance beat Toulouse 3-0. He became the best player in Ligue 1 in a single round and was selected as the 11 best players of the week.

You know, in the Ligue 1 dialogue with Montpellier, Ito Chun also had 10 successful feats in a single game.

The first goal in the match with Toulouse was that Yi Dongchun also used his own speed to flexibly turn around and get rid of the first defender, then crossed the second defender, and finally faced the goalkeeper with a single knife and calmly pushed the score.

Let’s take a look at this ball-breaking counterattack. Ito Chun also used the speed change to pass the first person, and then passed the second Toulouse player again.

It’s a pity that the last kick was a beautiful straight plug, but teammate Mathus Wa didn’t hit the goalkeeper’s shot well, which made Ito Chun miss an assist.

A. Both feet can handle the ball: as a winger, they can cut the attack.

Ito Junya, who just celebrated his 30th birthday, can play the left and right wingers on the court.

The dominant foot is the right foot, but the left foot also has a certain ability to handle the ball, so in the game, he can attack internally.

As can be seen from the lens, after getting the ball on the flank this time, Ito Chun also made a strong cut, and then sent an imaginative pass with his heel.

Teammate Ka Giust took the ball and shot it with a blast, sending it to the bottom of the opponent’s net.

Let’s take a look at this attack. Ito Chun also completed continuous dribbling and dodging on the flank, and he had a good sense of rhythm in the process of cutting into the middle.

Use continuous setbacks to confuse opponents, and finally send a simple cross, but unfortunately teammates with more space in the front of the penalty area didn’t shoot well at last.

B.1.9 key passes per game.

Compared with contributing 5 goals and 5 assists and averaging 1.7 successes per game,Yi Dongchun’s most surprising data is his key pass averaging 1.9 times in Ligue 1.This kind of passing performance is still quite outstanding.

Generally speaking, Ito Junya’s passing is not very creative, but it always gives a good opportunity. This time, Mooney West scored an assist goal, which is an example.

After getting the ball in the middle, Yi Dongchun also had a long-range shot. When he saw his teammate’s flank sleeve, he sent a scoring ball to the short pass of the empty space, allowing Mooney West to score directly.

In the match with ajaccio, Ito Chun also assisted Ka Giust to finish the lore in the 95th minute.

At first, Yi Dongchun also had a good sense of dividing the ball, but he gave a little more strength. In the ensuing chaos, it was very important for him to calmly pass back, which brought the final word from his teammates.

Celebrating his 30th birthday, before you know it, Ito Chun has also played in European football for almost four and a half years.

Perhaps at the age of 30, it’s hard for him to enter a big team, but the most dazzling Japanese international in the top 12 is still trying to write his own football chapter.