Fan Bingbing was beaten by his mother when he was young and rebellious, and only took a bath once a week (Photo)

Fan Bingbing childhood

Fan Bingbing and mother

  Fan Bingbing, who frequently attended charity dinners with his mother and appeared in the media, revealed in an interview with host Li Jing recently that he was often beaten by his mother as a child due to his stubborn temper.

  Two or three years old can recite children’s songs

  Although Fan Bingbing has now joined the ranks of domestic first-line actresses, in an interview, Fan Bingbing revealed that he used to be a Cinderella who lived in a bungalow and could only take a bath once a week.

  Speaking of his rebellious time when he did not listen to discipline, Fan Bingbing lamented "poor parents’ hearts": "I have been learning piano under the guidance of my parents since I was a child, and I have a strong desire to express myself. When I was two or three years old, I begged my mother to tell stories every night, and the next day I repeated the story to my mother again. I think this is my mother’s deliberate attempt to cultivate my language expression ability. When I was two or three years old, I could recite a lot of children’s songs."

  Disobedient and beaten by mother

  Since she was a child, she has practiced piano and cultivated her body and mind. Fan Bingbing revealed that her parents had long been conscious of cultivating her into a lady of temperament, but because of her stubborn personality, her mother has also strengthened her discipline. "My mother hit me because she really did it. First, because I have a very skinny personality, and second, because she is more irritable, she picks up whatever she picks up. Five or six clothes racks are stacked together, and they will break when they are smoked. I don’t know if it is inferior or too ruthless, and every time I leave a scar on my body."

Editor in charge: Fan Jing

Why is Together, the controversial anti-epidemic drama, uniquely praised?

Author/Yali Wang Banxian Editor/Guo Ji ‘an

This year’s National Day seems like the Spring Festival.

Not only the high-speed traffic jams and the crowds of scenic spots make people feel this way, but Together, which ended on the last day of the holiday, also brings people back to the scene of the epidemic raging during the Spring Festival in the form of images.

From "The Turning Point of Life" to "Wuhan People", ten units show the familiar or unfamiliar anti-epidemic stories of the public, and also break all kinds of doubts about "Together".

Are we going to sing a hymn again?

In the broadcast story, "Together" did not avoid the shortage of medical materials and the lack of timely disclosure of government information during the outbreak. The unit of "Turning Point of Life" spoke the line that "it will be too late to wait for the release of CDC" with the mouth of the protagonist Zhang Hanqing, and there were fragments of nurses crying about "rotten masks" and "garbage bags" in "Ferry Man".

Why not make a documentary and restore it?

In fact, almost all the protagonists in the ten units of Together have real prototypes. The prototype of Zhang Hanqing played by Zhang Jiayi is Zhang Dingyu, the director of gradual freezing disease, and the prototype of Li Jianhui played by Zhu Yawen is Zhong Ming, the first aid doctor in Hubei. The bridge section in the play, which was questioned by some viewers because of riding a bicycle back to Wuhan, is actually the true story of the prototype doctor Gan Ruyi.

Are you going to tear up again?

Different from what the audience thought, "Together" is extremely restrained, even diluting the sad mood to some extent. When Zhang Hanqing, the old dean, learned that his friend Liu Yiming, who was also the dean of the hospital, was infected and died, the camera only gave a short silence and a distant view. When the takeaway Gu Yong decided to go to the hospital to deliver food, there was only one sentence, "Isn’t it necessary to deliver food now?"

In order to restore the true, restrained and unavoidable birth process of Together, Entertainment Capital exclusively interviewed Sun Hao, the producer of this drama, and Echo Gao, the screenwriter of The Ferry Man, Liu Liu, the screenwriter of Fangcang and Yang Yang, the director of Wuhan Man, to connect the twists and turns behind the filming.


Shoot unit dramas, write little people, and don’t just sing hymns.

On February 16th, just three days after taking office, Gao Changli, the current director of the TV drama department of the State Administration of Radio and Television, came up with the idea of making a drama to record the epidemic. He found Gao Yunfei, then director of Shanghai Radio and Television (now deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China), and prepared to start the later Together. When Gao Yunfei gave a speech at the Shanghai TV Festival Forum, he specifically mentioned "the urgency of creation" and hoped that the series could be broadcast in October this year. It was Yaoke Media, which had made great achievements in realistic dramas, that took over the tasks from SARFT and Shanghai Radio and Television Station.

However, according to the production process of traditional long drama series, even a 20-episode script needs several months of polishing, plus the shooting cycle, time is simply not enough. So the producer thought of My People,My Country, a tribute film composed of seven short films. "We thought it was quite suitable for this task, so we put forward the idea of unit drama to the General Administration and Shanghai Radio and Television Station. Each unit has two episodes, focusing on a special group and telling a relatively independent story." After getting the approval of the leader, the production team began to plan in detail. Generally speaking, the creation principle of Together follows three points: true restoration, writing little people, and not blindly singing hymns. Gao Changli, director of the TV drama department, is a documentary, and "truthfulness" is his basic requirement for TV dramas. Chen Yuren, the current vice president of Shanghai Culture, Radio, Film and Television Group Co., Ltd., also said in an interview that he was in charge of documentary work in SMG and could understand the concept of "Time Report Drama" proposed by Gao Changli. "Together" takes "truth" as the bottom line from the competent unit to the production team, unifies the documentary style and implements the concept of "Time Report Drama". So on the basis of giving consideration to the coverage of the industry, the film chose the most representative news figures or groups. For example, the first unit "The Turning Point of Life" shows the deeds of local doctors in Wuhan, while the unit "Rescuers" tells the story of the medical team assisting Hubei.

Unit stills of "Rescuers"

At that time, there was a rumor on the Internet that there would be a story about Zhong Nanshan, which was played by Chen Daoming, and the film side quickly refuted it. Sun Hao explained the theory of entertainment capital. "When we communicated with the General Administration and Shanghai Radio and Television Station, the consensus was to write stories about little people. Academician Zhong Nanshan made great contributions, but we chose ordinary people and groups." After the master plan was submitted, SARFT and Shanghai TV Station selected nine stories and returned an opinion, hoping to join the unit of "Wuhan people". Although the stories reported by the film reflect people from all walks of life who went to rescue, the local residents in Wuhan who really bear the greatest pressure in the epidemic need to be seen. Ten stories were settled, and the film began to form a team and invited writers, directors and actors. According to the theory of entertainment capital, when choosing a screenwriter, the film will give priority to the scriptwriters who have cooperated. Screenwriters who have not cooperated with each other will hope to be first-line screenwriters and be good at creating realistic themes.

But Together is a task drama, not only the audience will have a lot of speculation, but also the screenwriter will hesitate. "Some screenwriter teachers may worry that this will be too main theme. But we will all emphasize to the screenwriter that this is not just singing hymns. " Sun Hao said. Liu Liu was reluctant to take this project at first. "I was in Singapore at that time, and I had to fly back with my family." And according to the creative principle of June 6th, she never writes stories without personal feelings and observation. In order to invite her to join, the producer promised her to go to Wuhan for field research in person. In contrast, the invitation of Echo Gao, the screenwriter of The Ferry Man, went smoothly. "I have been paying attention to the situation of the epidemic, and I have also paid attention to the group of sellers and couriers in the morning. Even if we didn’t take "Together", the takeaway brother who was driving alone in the city of Wuhan under the epidemic and maintained the life of this city was also a story we wanted to write. " Echo Gao said. The two sides hit it off. As a director, Shen Yan was moved by the little perspective and real texture of The Ferry Man and wanted to join. However, when he received the invitation, another play directed by him was about to start in Shanghai. If he went to Wuhan to shoot, he had to be isolated for 14 days when he returned to Shanghai, which would inevitably delay the start of this play. Just as he was worried about the schedule, the filming location of "The Ferry Man" was set in Shanghai under the coordination of all parties, and director Shen Yan joined smoothly.

So "The Ferry Man" became the earliest finalized, filmed and completed crew, and the film side also set up the creative team of 10 stories. Finally, in order to ensure the unity of the stories, ten stories were edited by one editor, and the soundtrack was also produced by one person. The attentive audience may find that Lei Jiayin, the protagonist of another unit, The Ferry Man, appeared in the unit "The Turning Point of Life". This is also the intention of the creative team. "We have linked the plots of some units and hope to have a more overall presentation." From an idea of Gao Changli to the upcoming production of a whole drama, Together is indeed an exaggeration to call it "a great gathering of China film and television circles". The overall operation is not easy, and the creation and shooting process of individual projects also have their own difficulties.


Online meetings, real records, and no deliberate pursuit of conflict.

The problem faced by screenwriter Liu Liu is that he is a practical school and must experience it personally before he can write. However, coming to Wuhan in March when the epidemic situation has not been completely controlled is bound to face certain risks and many inconveniences. At first, Liu Liu just planned to look at it before deciding whether to write or not. However, after staying in Wuhan for a few days, Liu Liu’s feelings are getting deeper and deeper. Wearing suffocating protective clothing, nurses dragging dozens of kilograms of oxygen bottles, doctors lifting weights in dignified atmosphere … As time went on, her feelings became deeper and deeper. Twenty days later, she left Wuhan and began to write the first edition of the script.

Holding a huge amount of material, which ones are suitable for the script? The standard of "June 6th" is that the material obtained through interviews can be precipitated and recalled repeatedly. "There is no need to compile, and the real picture will always hover in my mind." It only took her a week to produce two episodes of the script. Echo Gao, a screenwriter, also collected a lot of materials and felt that it was unnecessary to compile them. Everything is true. Weibo, who comes from news reports and front-line delivery staff, is an ordinary drop in life. "Long before receiving this project, many on-the-spot reports about the delivery staff were engraved in her mind. In her opinion, this kind of creation without fabrication is the most consistent with the law of creation. After receiving the creative task of Together, screenwriters Echo Gao and Ren Baoru conducted an in-depth interview with the Wuhan takeaway. During the epidemic, many Wuhan takeout workers insisted on sharing their stories about the city closure on Weibo: some mothers with children at home asked them to buy thermometers, some medical staff who worked overtime in the hospital asked the takeout workers to deliver food, and more ordinary people who were grounded at home asked them to buy vegetables. In the end, Echo Gao "pinched" these delivery couriers into one person-Gu Yong, a takeaway brother played by Lei Jiayin in The Ferry Man. "He is the most common takeaway brother, who can only bring little help to others, such as sending a meal, bringing a mask and a bottle of alcohol, and that’s all. They are the most ordinary heroes in this city. " Echo Gao said.

Unit stills of The Ferry Man

Traditional TV drama creation pursues dramatic conflict, but The Ferry Man also selects many subtle and moving points of life. These details, which do not constitute the ultimate dramatic conflict, also have the power to touch people’s hearts. Echo Gao still remembers a real detail: a delivery clerk went to deliver the food. On the empty Wuhan street, he saw an old couple helping each other across the street. The old couple were very surprised to see the takeaway brother. They asked him from a distance: "Is there any takeaway now?" The little brother replied: "Yes! Always! " After receiving a positive reply, the two old people were very happy, as if their lives were dependent. Echo Gao wrote this real life detail into The Ferry Man.

Yang Yang is the most close relationship between the creative team and Wuhan. She was supposed to come to Wuhan in January this year to collect materials for another play. But because of the epidemic, she finally diverted to other cities and interviewed other people related to the story of the play. In the blink of an eye, in late February, the producer called and asked her to join the project Together. Because the epidemic situation in Wuhan is still serious, the unit of "Wuhan People" was finally selected to shoot in Tianjin. Yang Yang and screenwriters Zhou Meng and Wang Yingfei can only interview community workers in Wuhan online.

During the preparatory period, almost every creative meeting was held online. The relevant leaders of TV drama department, SMG, Dragon TV, and all the creators’ teams, totaling 30 to 40 people, reported the progress one by one in the afternoon, and got suggestions on the scale control and the revision of the story content. It was not until May that the whole creative team had the first offline class visit and exchange. In order to create a sense of reality, the crew of "Wuhan People" did not use a shed or a tripod, and used a hand-held lens throughout. "Have that kind of unstable breathing." Yang Yang said. Actor Liu Mintao recorded the Wuhan dialect and studied it every day. Buying food, walking the dog, buying medicine … It is these trivial things that make up Wuhan People.

Screenshot of unit preview of Wuhan People


There are many co-shooting departments, tight schedule of actors and off-season shooting.

Among the 10 units, except for the unit "The Final Battle of Vulcan Mountain", the other 9 units have entered the later stage. The reason for the late start-up is that the content of "Battle of Vulcan Mountain" involves troops, and not only the script needs the cooperation of troops, but also the coordination of troops when shooting. Sun Hao, the producer of Together, told Entertainment Capital that there are three main difficulties in the filming process: first, there are many departments that need coordination; second, it is difficult to coordinate the schedule of actors; and third, anti-season filming. Take coordinating screenwriter Liu Liu to go to Wuhan on March 8 as an example. In order to ensure Liuliu can go to Wuhan, the production team coordinated National Health Commission, Shanghai Propaganda Department, Hubei Radio and Television Bureau and other departments. Finally, Shanghai Anti-epidemic Command and Wuhan Anti-epidemic Command joined in, and the joint efforts of many parties finally contributed to the trip to Wuhan in June.

Image from WeChat official account Yaoke Media

And the coordination of medical equipment. Ten crews are scattered all over the country, and some of them shoot real scenes, such as the hospital in The Turning Point of Life, and some can only set the scene because of the shooting conditions, such as The Rescuers, which started in Xiangshan. Not only does the ward need to be built, but also manufacturers of medical devices need to be contacted through National Health Commission and transported to Xiangshan from all over the country. Song Jiong-ming, director of Shanghai Radio and Television Station, mentioned in a speech: "In order to strive for the ultimate scene restoration, the ICU wards in the" Rescuers "unit were all built in Xiangshan, Zhejiang Province. We also invited seven first-line medical staff to participate in the guidance and participation at the scene, and put limited costs on production."

Screenshot of unit preview of "Rescuers"

As for the schedule of actors, The Ferry Man started in early April, when most of the actors had not returned to work, and Lei Jiayin happened to be filming Extreme Challenge in Shanghai. When he received the invitation, he joined the crew of Together without hesitation. This time, some coincidental casting has created a very good effect. The delivery clerk played by Lei Jiayin has a messy hair, which has brought a strong sense of substitution to the audience both in image and performance.

However, it is also difficult to start early. At that time, the epidemic was still serious. Even in Shanghai, where the epidemic was well controlled, the choice of scenes was restricted everywhere. By June and July, it will be difficult to knock the actors again when the big plays are started one after another. Everyone can only work overtime. Take Wuhan Man directed by Yang Yang as an example. The crew started shooting in early July, and the longest time was 22 hours in continuous shooting. "It was the scene of moving vegetables in the rain in the middle of the night. Jerry almost flashed his waist when moving vegetables. Liu Mintao was so thin that he had to take such a big bag of potatoes." The only thing that is fortunate is that the epidemic situation in Xinfadi, Beijing broke out again in June. Although all the scenes that the crew found in Tianjin in advance were shot, the actors were just not in Beijing and were not isolated. As a result, the crew temporarily re-searched the scenery in Tianjin and finally found a community that did not exclude Beijingers from filming. Off-season shooting is a problem that most crews will encounter. It is normal to wear down jackets in the hot sun, and the protective clothing is hot and airtight, but in order to save time, many actors don’t take it off when they rest. In order to cover up the scorching sun in July, the crew of Wuhan People changed most of the exterior scenes into night scenes. In order to restore the rainy weather in Wuhan in January and February, sprinklers should sprinkle water at any time. In some places, sprinklers could not get in, so the crew simply splashed water on the washbasin.

Screenshot of unit preview of Wuhan People

Sometimes, the crew will receive "complaints" from community residents. July is the key period for students to prepare for the college entrance examination this year, and the crew often shoot big night plays, which will inevitably make a noise. In order to reduce the decibel, the crew changed the "action" shouted during shooting to gestures, trying to identify each other’s body language in the dark.

Less than a month after the filming of Wuhan People, Yang Yang really went to Wuhan to prepare another play. Taking a taxi from the airport to the hotel, she passed the Yangtze River Bridge and the Yellow Crane Tower … and passed many Wuhan landmarks she mentioned in Wuhan People. She looked at these scenes seriously, as if she had been here many times. When I came to the hotel where I stayed and lay in bed, Yang Yang was deeply moved. She didn’t come to Wuhan in January because of the epidemic, but she met many experts and scholars who had contacted Wuhan people. During the Spring Festival, Yang Yang’s mother suddenly coughed and had a fever. She quickly took her mother to the Union Medical College Hospital, but she didn’t queue for four hours. "At that time, I was particularly worried that I was infected with her." Until now, when she was really lying on the bed in Wuhan Hotel, she suddenly felt a specious feeling. The experience of the past six months flashed through her mind like a movie. The story of Wuhan people is also the story of me and many people, and what they have experienced is also the experience of many of us. "Yang Yang said. This may also be the reason why everyone is scrambling to participate in the "Together" project. Not because of the task, nor to sing a hymn, but to leave a collective memory of China people.

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Unforgettable Yunnan, 5 days and 4 nights treasure-like travel strategy to share with you.

Unforgettable Yunnan, 5 days and 4 nights treasure-like travel strategy to share with you.

Day 1: Arriving in Kunming

Our journey begins in Kunming, a city known as "Spring City" with a pleasant climate and rich natural landscape. After we arrived in Kunming, we had a short rest and went to Dianchi Lake to enjoy the lakes and mountains. In the evening, we tasted authentic Yunnan cuisine and felt the unique flavor of Yunnan. Please consult Xiaoqin at 18687981908.

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The second day: exploring Dali

The next day, we took the high-speed train to Dali. Dali, located on the shore of Erhai Lake, is a romantic city. We visited the ancient city of Dali and enjoyed the Bai folk houses and beautiful street scenes. In the afternoon, we went to the Three Pagodas of Chongsheng Temple and felt the charm of the Millennium Temple. In the evening, we drank in the bar street beside Erhai Lake and enjoyed the nightlife in Dali.

Day 3: Old Town of Lijiang and Yulong Snow Mountain

On the third day, we went to Old Town of Lijiang. Known as "Venice of the East", this ancient city is a place full of historical charm. We strolled on the stone streets of the ancient city and felt the charm of Naxi culture. In the afternoon, we went to Yulong Snow Mountain and took a cableway to enjoy the spectacular scenery of the snow mountain. In the evening, we watched a wonderful bonfire performance in Old Town of Lijiang and felt a strong national atmosphere.

Day 4: Shangri-La and Tiger Leaping Gorge

On the fourth day, we went to Shangri-La. This is a mysterious place, known as "fairyland on earth". We visited Pudacuo National Park and enjoyed the beautiful scenery of virgin forests and lakes. In the afternoon, we went to Tiger Leaping Gorge and felt the grandeur of Jinsha River Grand Canyon. In the evening, we relaxed in Shangri-La hotel and prepared for the next day’s return trip.

Day 5: Return to Kunming and leave Yunnan.

On the last day, we returned to Kunming, ending this unforgettable trip to Yunnan. At Kunming airport, we reluctantly bid farewell to this beautiful land. This trip to Yunnan has given us precious memories and wonderful experiences, and we will cherish the memories of this trip forever.

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The above is the travel guide for our five-day and four-night trip to Yunnan. I hope this strategy can help you plan your own travel route and itinerary. The significance of traveling is to broaden your horizons, increase your knowledge, relax and enjoy a good time. I hope you can fully experience and feel the culture, customs and lifestyle of each city during your trip. Please consult Xiaoqin at 18687981908.

Fight to the last 3 seconds! Henan’s campus basketball league played "NBA flavor"

Who said that "decisive battle to the final countdown stage" is exclusive to NBA or adult basketball games? On the afternoon of May 13th, the gymnasium in zhengzhou institute of aeronautical industry management (Longzihu Campus) was packed with people, and the 2022-23 Jr. NBA Campus Basketball League Henan Station Men’s Team Final was staged here with passion. In the last 3 seconds of the game, Zhengzhou No.2 Middle School men’s basketball team was only 61:60 ahead of Zhengzhou No.11 Middle School men’s basketball team. The latter held the ball and still had a chance to win the game, but the ball passed to the basket was intercepted by the other side, which made Zhengzhou No.2 Middle School men’s basketball team win the championship!

This breathtaking game with "NBA flavor" also came to a successful conclusion for Henan Station of 2022-23 Jr. NBA Campus Basketball League. Although they failed to win the championship, the boys of Zhengzhou No.11 Middle School men’s basketball team fought to the last minute. Although they were defeated, they won applause and applause from the audience just like the champion.

"That’s great! This reminds me of my own game. " Xue Yuyang, a Henan basketball legend and CBA star who has been watching the game on the sidelines, sighed.

More than 3 minutes before the end, Zhengzhou No.11 Middle School men’s basketball team was still behind by 53:57, but the team took the lead to 60:57 with a wave of 7:0 climax. Subsequently, Zhengzhou No.2 Middle School men’s basketball team began to launch a counterattack, scoring 4 points in a row to overtake the score, and the scene was stifling. In the last 3 seconds, Zhengzhou No.11 Middle School men’s basketball team held the ball and still had a chance to win, but the ball passed to the basket was intercepted by the other side and eventually regretted losing.

Yu Bocheng, No.21, the core of Zhengzhou No.2 Middle School Men’s Basketball Team, performed well throughout the game, scoring 12 points, 8 rebounds and 3 assists, which helped the team win the championship, and at the same time won the most outstanding player (MOP) award, which was a prize envied by friends-Adidas Harden 7th generation boots. "Not only is the atmosphere hot, but it is also broadcast live on the whole network. It is a great improvement for me to experience such a competition. This victory cannot be attributed to myself, it is the result of the hard work of the whole team and the hard work of the coach. " Yu Bocheng said after the game. Ding Shaoxiang, the head coach of Zhengzhou No.2 Middle School Men’s Basketball Team, talked about the feeling of leading the team to win the championship, and also wetted his eyes with excitement: "It’s very hard to prepare for the battle in recent days. The children of the whole team are very tough both on and off the court, and the victory belongs to them."

Not only for the sake of winning or losing on the field, but also for more teenagers to feel the fun of basketball, so this season’s Jr. NBA put forward the core concept of "not just winning". While congratulating the champion team, Xue Yuyang specially came to the bench of Zhengzhou No.11 Middle School Men’s Basketball Team to give them hugs and encouragement, so as to interpret "not just to win". "Both teams have excellent performances and are very respectable. There are no losers on the scene today." Xue Yuyang said.

Being in the lively campus basketball game, Xue Yuyang was infected by the passion of the players and the enthusiasm of the audience. "I was deeply attracted when I arrived at the scene today. Such a good atmosphere and such professional hardware facilities made me find the feeling when I played ball. Today’s children are really happy, they can learn and play, and the environment for playing and learning is so good. With the participation of more and more enterprises and professionals, the development of campus basketball will surely get better and better. "

2022-23 Jr. NBA Campus Basketball League in Henan Station, a total of 16 teams from male and female groups participated in the competition, starting from May 8 in Henan Experimental Middle School. On May 11th, the women’s team final was held between two women’s basketball teams from Henan Experimental Middle School and Jiyuan No.1 Middle School, both of which are strong teams in the whole country. In the end, the former won by 4 points and won the women’s team championship trophy in Henan Station.

It is understood that Jr. NBA, whose full name is Junior NBA, is an NBA global youth basketball development project that has covered 75 countries and regions before the project, aiming at improving the participation of basketball among teenagers and improving the basketball level and coaching ability of teenagers and coaches through grassroots basketball activities.

(Zhengguan journalist Chen Kaiwen Photo courtesy of the organizing Committee of the event)


1:0,5:1! Sad night in football: Gunner Bayern Barcelona lost, Milan won, and Manchester City won.

From the evening of May 20th to the early morning of 21st, Beijing time, the five major leagues in Europe launched the latest round of competition. Manchester United, Liverpool, Arsenal, Bayern Barcelona and Milan joined forces to attack, and the result was naturally mixed. Arsenal upset Manchester City to defend the Premier League title ahead of schedule; Liverpool struggled to get 1 point and basically bid farewell to the Champions League; Bayern lost the first place in the league.

Liverpool 1: 1 Villa

Recently, Liverpool has won seven consecutive victories in the league and continued to retain the hope of competing for the Champions League seat. However, in this round, Liverpool was stubbornly attacked by Villa who also competed for the European seat. Konate sent a penalty in the first half, but Watkins missed the penalty directly, but in the 27th minute, Liverpool still lost the ball, Douglas-Lewis crossed the right rib, and Ramsey pushed the ball from the back of the penalty area to break the deadlock. The backward Liverpool immediately counterattacked, but there was no bright spot on the offensive end. In the second half, klopp directly changed into jota and firmino, thus changing into four strikers.

In the 89th minute, Uncle Zha’s change of array finally paid off. Elliot divided the ball to the right, Salah crossed the outside instep, and firmino hit the front point successfully, 1: 1! It is worth mentioning that this is firmino’s farewell game at Anfield, and he will officially leave Liverpool at the end of the season. The Red Army, which scored only one point, has a high probability of missing the Champions League next season, and Manchester United and Newcastle only need one point to completely lock in the top four.

Bournemouth 0-1 Manchester United

Liverpool struggled to draw with Villa, which made Manchester United see the opportunity. Against Bournemouth, who had already relegated ahead of schedule, the Red Devils successfully scored 3 points. In the 9th minute of the first half, Eriksson picked the ball from the left to the restricted area, and Seneximen’s error in clearance turned into an own goal. casemiro then inserted a golden hook that turned around at close range to meet the ball and scored the only goal in the whole game. Manchester United, which has scored 3 points, has tied the third Newcastle, and at the same time, it is one more round than Liverpool. As long as the remaining two rounds score 1 point, Manchester United can return to the Champions League.

Nottingham Forest 1: 0 Arsenal

After losing to Brighton in the last round, it is difficult for Arsenal to continue to pose a threat to Manchester City. Even if they lose to Nottingham Forest in this round, Manchester City will win the championship three rounds ahead of schedule. As the saying goes, when facing the forest, the gunman was in no state in the whole game. Arteta changed into three defenders, which directly led to no threat on the offensive end, and the defense was also full of loopholes. In the 19th minute, Odegard made a mistake in the frontcourt return, Gibbs White successfully broke the ball and pushed forward the counter-attack direct pass on the spot. Avonii grabbed the shot into the net before Ramsdale attacked and scored the only goal in the whole game.

Due to the failure to score 3 points, the Gunners were still 4 points behind Manchester City in two rounds. For this reason, the Blue Moon locked the Premier League title three rounds ahead of schedule before playing this round. This is Guardiola’s third consecutive championship in the Premier League and the fifth time that the Blue Moon won the championship in six years.

Bayern 1: 3 Leipzig Red Bull

As the defending champions of the League, Bayern’s situation is much worse than that of Manchester City. In the past, the Bundesliga champion in every year was basically Bayern’s bag. However, Nandawang’s state fluctuated this season, and the introduction of new aid such as Mane failed to integrate into the team. It was even more controversial to dismiss nagel Mann, and tuchel failed to improve Bayern’s state in time after taking office. In this round, against Red Bull Leipzig, which is aiming for the Champions League seat, Bayern took the lead in the first half by Gnabry, and the situation changed suddenly in the second half. Bayern lost three goals in a bizarre crash in 20 minutes. First, Lemor pushed and shot to equalize the score, pawar and Mazravi sent out penalty gifts one after another, Nkunku and Szoboszlai took penalty kicks respectively, and Bayern suffered a 1-3 reversal and lost. As long as Dortmund takes all 3 points in this round, Bayern will hand over the first position in the league.

AC Milan 5:1 Sampdoria

Bayern still has a glimmer of hope for the title. Milan, as the defending champion of Serie A, withdrew from the title race early, and may not even participate in the Champions League next season. The Rossoneri recently suffered a four-game losing streak and suffered a direct double-line rout. They not only handed over the initiative to compete for the title, but also were eliminated by Inter Milan in the semi-final of the Champions League. In this round, facing the demoted Sampdoria, the Mariners unfortunately became the vent. In the first half, Leo took the lead in breaking the deadlock and Quagliarella equalized the score. In the 23rd minute, Diaz sent an assist again, and Gill headed the ball beyond the score again. Six minutes later, Leo made another penalty, and Gill scored twice.

In the second half, Tonali assisted Diaz to add icing on the cake, and Leo sent an assist to help Gill complete a hat trick. This is the first time in Milan’s two seasons that a player has scored three goals in a single game. Milando, which scored 3 points, was 1 point behind Lazio, which ranked fourth in the first round. If you want to be in the top four, you need the Biancocelesti to continue to lose points.

Barcelona 1:2 Royal Society

Barcelona, who just won the championship in the last round, returned to the home court to face the Royal Society. Unexpectedly, it was smashed by the "social brother". Only 5 minutes after the opening, Comte was accidentally intercepted with the ball in the backcourt. Sollott stole the ball and then pushed back and made a selfless cross into the restricted area. merino pushed and broke the deadlock without being watched. In the 72nd minute of the second half, De Jong’s frontcourt holding organization was also intercepted. Kubo Jianying held the ball on the spot to push the counter-attack, Su Weimendi hit the middle, and Sollott faced the attacking Ter stegen with one hand and easily pushed to expand his advantage. In the 90th minute, Phelan Torres got rid of the right and sent a cross. Levan headed back a city, but it could not save Barcelona’s defeat. In the end, Barcelona lost 1-2 at home, and the unbeaten gold body of the season league was broken.

World Cup changes fate! The winner’s worth has increased by 40 million yuan, and he will switch to Liverpool to become the summer window champion.

This season is indeed a bumper year for Argentina’s national team. After Argentina won the World Cup, the team also ushered in a happy moment when its value soared. First of all, in the winter window, Enzo Fernandez became the king of the winter window of Chelsea at the price of 120 million euros, and he is also the core player of the team in the future.

On the other hand, Alvarez also grasped the ability with his excellent opportunity. With the salary increase and contract renewal from Manchester City, players who will become the core of the team in the future are focused on training, and it is the summer window. Mcallister, another player who won the World Cup with outstanding performance, will also be one of the high-priced players in the summer window. At present, the British media also reported that mcallister will sign a contract with Liverpool for many years.

This time, mcallister will give Brighton a transfer fee of 80 million euros as a key player in Brighton’s rise this season. Mcallister contributed 12 goals and 2 assists this season and played a decisive role in the team. And Liverpool are also very optimistic about mcallister, and will directly give him a generous salary and long-term contract. And mcallister is also one of the players who won the World Cup and changed their fate.

After winning the World Cup, the value soared from 40 million euros to 80 million euros. Directly rose by 40 million euros and became a member of the giant team. The fact that Liverpool won mcallister was to replace Bellingham, who had always wanted to be optimistic. This talented England midfielder was originally a target that Liverpool wanted to win. But considering that the price of this star is as high as 120 million euros, it is really impossible to win him.

Therefore, mcallister has also become a substitute for parity, and Fenway, the Liverpool owner, has actually invested reasonably. After buying mcallister, there should be no big investment in this summer window, and mcallister will become the Liverpool summer window champion.

Tottenham’s 3-goal striker joined Real Madrid, and Ancelotti personally named him, rejecting Mbappé for the reunion of mentoring.

This season’s Real Madrid failed to achieve the desired results, and Benzema failed to continue the excellent performance of last season. Although Real Madrid will still renew the contract with Benzema, it may even let Benzema end his career at Real Madrid. However, Real Madrid still have to prepare for Benzema’s decline. They can’t put all the pressure on a 35-year-old veteran, even if the veteran’s name is Benzema. Therefore, Real Madrid has also started the plan to find a successor, but the plan is not going so smoothly.

At present, there are many excellent center players in the world football, from Lu Kaku and lautaro of Inter Milan to Osman of Naples, Harland of Manchester City and Kane of Tottenham Hotspur, all of them are hot players in the transfer market. However, judging from the current news, except Harland, all these players are disdained by Real Madrid, including Kane. Of course, Kane is too old, and his 30-year-old age will make him unable to guarantee his state in the next few seasons. Real Madrid is not willing to take such risks, while Osmain is because of his injury.

Harland and Mbappé were the best targets for Real Madrid, but the relationship between Mbappé and Real Madrid broke down because of the transfer failure last season, and it was difficult for Harland to succeed when he was at home in Manchester City. Therefore, although Real Madrid has enough transfer fee budget and its players are attractive enough, it is still very difficult to get a top center to join in the summer transfer period. And it should be noted that it is difficult for both Benzema and the top center they want to accept the arrangement of substitutes.

Since it is impossible to get a top center, Real Madrid will change its signing strategy and focus on other strikers. Rishalison from Tottenham has become one of their choice targets. The Brazilian striker, who just joined Tottenham this season, is not happy in Tottenham. He scored only three goals for the team in 33 games, which completely failed to play his own value, which also made his worth decline. If Real Madrid wants to find Benzema’s successor, Rishalisson is definitely not the right candidate. If it is just to find a substitute player, it may be considered.

The reason why Rishalison’s name will appear in Real Madrid’s selection list is because of Ancelotti’s relationship. They once cooperated at Everton, and Rishalison played very well, so it is possible to reunite this time. However, it is still very difficult to join a top team like Real Madrid with its past signing strategy and Rishalisson’s performance on the court. If Real Madrid really want to make signings, they can find a more suitable target.