The original Di Lizheba studio fell! Pregnancy rumors are rampant, fans swipe the screen to ask for the release of the schedule map

Recently, the pregnancy rumors of Daily Reba were rampant, and it was not very convincing to rely on the abdominal muscle rumors without a "specific time", and the studio did not clarify the rumors directly, which made the fans excited and sensitive.

On January 3rd, Reba Studio continued to shoot photos of the New Year’s birthday-the-scene. The comment area was completely submerged, and no one cared about beauty. There is only one appeal. Send schedule map.

Hot wine is the flower of popularity, and it is a day full of arrangements to say goodbye to the old and welcome the new. However, it is rare that she will not be seen at the major festivals and evenings, and the studio does not announce the New Year’s schedule. No wonder fans will swipe the screen and leave messages in the comment area of the studio. I want to resume the announcement and whistleblowing of the schedule, so that the studio will not get up to work and rot again.

The fans were looking for an itinerary for two purposes. One was to clarify the work plan of the idol and determine the time of the star chasing in advance. The other was for the idol to go out more activities, meet real people, and use a good figure to create rumors of "pregnancy". Obviously, Reba Studio was not satisfied, and wanted to send pictures to appease, fans could only swipe the screen roughly.

There is no official schedule for Reba’s studio, but there is a celebrity calendar in Reba’s over-the-top column, which predicts Reba’s activities in the next few days. It’s all about the warm-up and publication of magazine covers. This kind of work is usually arranged months in advance, and it’s not a new job, and it can’t be seen what’s going on in the next month.

There are also magazine-like work schedules and advertising endorsements, but generally undisclosed schedules. The watch brands endorsed by Hot Bar also released fresh advertising videos while they were hot. The hot rod in the camera is still slim, with a flat waist and abdomen, and a perfect curve. It may have been shot in advance.

Since the rumors of pregnancy spread, Reba’s schedule for the past few months has been under study. Examining the itinerary from June to December, it was found that Reba’s work plan has gradually decreased. Before October, he participated in online activities frequently, and his clothing is also the sexy and mature style that everyone is familiar with. After November, the clothing is loose, and the close-up waist and abdomen look is unbearable

She attended the event in November and wore a blouse dress, but did not notice any change in body shape. Women’s blouse skirts, also known as "maternity dresses," are very popular with pregnant women and women with fat waists. Reba’s flat boots and shirt configuration are very different from her daily attendance style.

Of course, the most pregnancy-smelling clothing is Reba’s recent airport form. The silhouette fluff coat makes Reba’s body very fat, and there is no effect of blackening and slimming. When walking, the posture is abnormal, and the feet are bulky.

The best way to cover up the pregnancy of a female artist is to hide abroad, such as Zhang Bichen going abroad for a five-month vacation to give birth. Coincidentally, the hot bar has just been revealed to plan to work abroad, which makes the pregnancy rumors even more true. It’s normal for a girl in her peak period to go all the way to see a performance without joining for 7 months and not participating in the Chinese New Year, right?

In fact, whether it was the spectators or the fans of the hot bar, the doubts about the whole incident were "clearly not pregnant, why didn’t you go to work", which angered the studio, especially Huang Jingyu, and the scandal boiled for three years. Unclear, no response, no rumors.

More and more questions from fans, the docking staff directly withdrew from the group and became silent. Under the latest Weibo of Reba Studio, fans can still be seen mocking the incompetence of the studio.

I still hope that the hot bar will tell the truth sooner, so as not to let the fans’ psychological collapse, and not to clarify the emptiness.

In addition, getting married and having children is a good thing, and being in love is also a good thing. Reba himself said that he will get married around the age of 30. In addition, I also yearn for family life. If there is really something happy, please bless it, and even if not, you can spread rumors immediately. Sure enough, it is not good for female stars to be told such things. The studio should deal with it well.

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